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Circa Monstrua
Circa Monstrua
Benevolent Dischord
Joined : 2014-02-06
Posts : 224
Age : 30

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Sidera Cruor: The Tempted Protector {Approved Upgrade 1-2-} Left_bar_bleue37300/50000Sidera Cruor: The Tempted Protector {Approved Upgrade 1-2-} Empty_bar_bleue  (37300/50000)

Sidera Cruor: The Tempted Protector {Approved Upgrade 1-2-} Empty Sidera Cruor: The Tempted Protector {Approved Upgrade 1-2-}

Mon Aug 03, 2015 7:50 pm

╔ Massive ╬ Update ╗

Natural Abilities

[Passive]Prolicio Prolixi: With her constant desire to protect and feed her loved ones, Sidera quickly began developing her unique abilities. Most effectively passed through liquids [including blood, tears, saliva, sweat, et-cetera] Sidera passes on small particles, almost naked to the natural human eye, which slowly enters the pores of a being. Unfortunately, these small particles do not live long outside of the human body and thus transfer best in liquid for the sake of protection. As the particles enter the target's being, they will aim to reach the blood stream and travel peacefully through the blood stream.

As these particles travel through the blood stream, being recognized by the body as a type of lymphocyte or white blood cell, like t-cells. With the more contact an individual makes with Sidera, the more Prolicio Prolix will enter their form and slowly begin entering their mind. Once there, the Prolicio Prolix begins doing what it does best, continues to protect the body at which it is originally from. With such, the person who is infected will begin wishing to do the same as the particle increases adrenaline and slowly begins fluctuating the emotions of the individual which is infected. This will slowly bring the individual to wish to protect Sidera and soon, even her desires with the more powerful she becomes.

The more individuals which are near Sidera who are infected, of course, add to her strength, due to making it easier for her to continue entering the Prolici Prolixi into their beings. Soon may become either mindless puppets or conscious protectors, depending on the level of infection. With the more beings under this control, there are more bodies which she can use to fight for her. Prolicio Prolixi will not completely force someone into submission, especially if it is weakened by other sources of viruses which eat away at them or extreme levels of heat, like any other bodily virus.

Different actions which Sidera does will have different levels of potency which enter the body.
At base:
Holding hands is 5 > 8% per 20 seconds (2 posts)
Kissing is 5 > 10% per 10 seconds (1 post)
Strings are 10 > 15% potency upon causing blood to spill and entering the blood stream. (2 Posts)

Anyone who reaches 100% Potency level of Prolicio Prolixi in their being reaches a state of obedience to their new master, Sidera. Those of a higher will/tier than her will remain in the thread to fight along side her until 7 posts have passed. Those of lower will/tier will remain by SIdera's side until the end of the thread/topic.

Added Dietary Recall: After the combining of Sidera and Saderi [Deri], Sidera gained partial control of all those who have been eaten by her counterpart. However, Deri herself is the one who can actually use these individuals to their full potential. Sidera can only use 1 out of the 7 at a time. Deri may use 3/7 at a time. Deri has eaten many a creature in her life, but not all creatures are created equally. Some of the things she has eaten in her life carry with them an unusually high spiritual presence and have, in some part, stayed with her. Deri is able to recall the energy retained within her body to manifest a version of the digested at her whim, effectively allowing her to conjure her own ensemble of bodyguards at any given time. As her power grows and her cadre of consumed souls grows, the amount of bodyguards she can have outside of her body will increase, but for the time being she is restricted to having 2 out simultaneously at any given time. Her cadre of bodyguards currently owned is listed below.

In the event of eating another player character, Deri is not able to completely conjure the person entirely as they were. Instead, their powers will manifest as a combination of their previous powers, Deri's energy, and Deri's mental image of her food. This in turn creates an entirely new creature based on what she ate without technically being the person she consumed. If one of these bodyguards is destroyed, it will be unable to be re-summoned for the remainder of the thread, requiring significant time to reform.


It should be of no surprise that someone with Deri's abilities would find someone like the incarnate of lust itself. Her name long since forgotten, not like it was of any importance as Deri and Helia took it upon themselves to 'save her from herself.' and soon, took her under their wing as a new vessel.

Charming Gaze:
With the familiar feeling of Lust's power emitting from Deri's gaze can cause the same charming effect as Lust's when she was once alive. Making eye contact when such is active [one post] causes the individual to become more attracted and likely to drop their guard and step closer to Deri. Normally allowing her to get close enough to touch or even hold the individual. Of course this is if the person's will is lower than her own.

Alluring Kiss:
With a more understood connection to Lust's old abilities, Deri is able to amplify the power of her prolixi through lip contact and through the caress and touch of her hands. This will temporarily boost her prolixi to being at the following rates:

Holding hands is 10% per 20 seconds (2 Posts)
Kissing is 12% per 10 seconds (1 Post)
Strings are 17% potency upon causing blood to spill and entering the blood stream. (1 Post)


Two young twins which reminded Deri of her younger sister and herself when they were younger and had nothing but the flesh of others as their meals for the sake of mere survival. She took pity on them and instead of slaughtering them like monsters, she promised a life eternal where they'd never go hungry again. The two agreed eagerly and stared at her with bright eyes before she told them to close their eyes and killed them both quickly and painlessly before beginning to eat away at their remains to keep her promise.

Glutton's Plate:
Their acts were not to cause harm but to survive and that is how the twins will forever remain in Deri's mind. When remembering such a thing like surviving the two twins manifest themselves before their new caller and will act as the little survivalists they are, rushing to devour what is before them and making sure there is nothing left of their victim's remains. Their meal will be devoured entirely if in a weakened enough state or dead, leaving no traces of their being. This includes licking up every drop of blood.

Peaceful Ending:
Once offered their salvation, the twins had nothing more to worry for and thus they will always wish the same for their victims. They were careful and safe with their victim's death but always ripped them apart for devouring. However, once they became part of Deri, they took on anew approach. When it came to killing their victim or attacking, they took it upon themselves to aim for the puncturing of major arteries and deadly but much less painful deaths. Aggressive and furious attackers but exact to the end.


During Deri's 'human' years and going to college, the woman tended to visit the gentlemen's dorms more often than one would expect. Midnight snacks weren't frowned upon, however her snacks weren't the most appealing. Since coming in sync with the twins her appetite for human flesh spiked upwards and one man who seemed completely too lazy to run away from such became one of Deri's most gruesome victims.

Sleep Like the Dead:
Channeling Sloth in any way causes Deri's figure to come to a complete stop. Soon her body will drop to the ground and be unmoved. Her skin pales and her heart beat slows tot eh point of seemingly stopping. Her pulse almost ending completely. In this state, Sidera feigns death and will remain such until needing otherwise or being harmed in an extreme way.

Unshaken, absolutely still, and fulling accepting. Sloth's most nurturing trait was his lack of desire to move, ever. Tapping into her summoning of Sloth, the man's being appears and will just remain still, frozen in place. He'll move and talk and respond but the position he is place in, will never be moved. Mostly, he is used as mere distractions for Deri and the twins.

Pride and Envy

Quite the couple of class and destruction. Upon taking note of the two within her college, the Deri quickly grew sick of them as they made the lives of others miserable. The apparent 'Queen' of her campus and her lustful right-hand man. Both showing high signs of Pride and Envy. The girl, who could only be remembered as Pride, was a creature that did not allow anything to harm her reputation, image or self respect. Anything which tried was destroyed. Same with the young man of Envy. Anyone which gained what he believed was deserved quickly found themselves destroyed and killed, then promptly disposed of. The only reason Deri knew of it all was her own personal involvement.

World Class:
Channeling Pride's power has caused a slight infatuation to other individuals. Those who touch Deri find her to be one of the most important people in their life. This is majorly connected to the prolixi and needs at least 40% infection before it could work. This goes across the board to any individual which is infected at 40% but it is possible to be shaken off. The effect only lasting 2 posts.

Utmost Importance:
An order given by Pride is something one should never take lightly. Those at 35% become intensely more inclined to listen to the words of the Prideful diva and do as she says to the letter as though it was the most important task of their life. This effect lasts longer according to the infection rate and can easily be defeated or passed upon if someone's will is much stronger. In such a case, it would come to the point of Roleplay.

35%: - 2 posts
50% - 3 posts
75% - 5 posts
100% - Until end of thread

Not Mine, Not Anyone's:
Channeling Envy's most dangerous of emotions, his jealousy, causes spikes in Deri's own. However, this with Deri's berserk instinct makes things more dangerous than most would expect. It is to the point where sacrifice becomes more likely and Deri will act on such. If she can't have it, no one will. And with such she will summon Envy, with the influence of her own intentions, causing him to act as he would to destroy what Deri cannot have so no one could have it, be it objects or people.

Those infected with 75% Prolixi enter a state of entrancement, allowing them to be quickly swayed by Deri and agreeing to what she says she "Deserves" anything which she tells them to fetch out of it being "Deserved" will combine with the power of Pride's Utmost Importance and lock them in a trance to get the task done before they break free. This cannot be used on anyone below 75% infection and lasts for 4 posts.


He always knew his greed would be the death of him, and he was absolutely right. A man who fell absolutely infatuated with Deri and found what she could to be be extraordinary. Her life was tragic but blessing to him and he quickly found the he needed to keep her and her alone along with the wealth he had accumulated in his years and from the death of his family. Little did he realize he was under the affects of Prolixi and was only wanted for his wealth.

Though his love was genuine and Prolixi mixed, his intentions always remained the same, to take what was his and claim it indefinitely. This was true for his intent with Deri and all she wished for as well. Thus, when it comes to the things which Deri wishes for the most, his being is summoned and calculates the easiest way to obtain an objective. Including Deri's protection and keeping her alive. Quickly, Greed will sacrifice his life for the sake of protecting Deri's, normally using himself as a human shield.

All things which are kept by Greed were normally locked away in his manor where others are not able to go into. However, upon his claiming after death, Deri shifted his collecting into being a stashing tool. Practically an infinite bag of holding, Deri channels her connection to Greed and connects it with an item which she uses to carry other things. This then transforms the item internally into a larger space, more well packed rather than an alternate dimension like most would expect.

Gaki: Wrath

A being almost as destructive as Deri and a man who she quickly fell taken by. Wrath, also known as Geki, was a man who wanted nothing more than to destroy his enemies and anyone who dared tried to harm the ones he cared for. His intent was like that of Deri's and in the end, he died trying to kill her once he found about the blood upon her hands from so many 'innocents'.

Summoning Geki strikes a strong chord within Sedari and thus causes the creation of two berserking individuals. Fearsome and strong attacks striking from them both as they attack head on. Senses of pain dulling for more and more until falling into a state of possibly defeat. There is no turning back once this ability is activated.

With each strike that Deri makes into someone as they fight, her strings will appear and attempt to slip into each and every cut. This will continue until the individual is at 100% and even then, might not stop, depending on the level of Berserk which is within the woman. However, if the person proves to be stronger than she expected, she will rip the strings out of the individual, aiming to do internal damage and possibly mangling them internally. This is only possible when she has Destroy activated.

Magic: Deri grew up, like Sidera, without the connection to other Sugiura. However, after the two combined, Sidera gained the dormant powers of her parents to Manipulate Ice and Fire magic.

Burning Flower: An attacking magic that channels the users Reiatsu into flower-petal like objects and vibrates them until they burst into flames, and then sending them out in a circular storm-like fashion. Depending on the user, these can look like rose petals, lotus petals, or any other flower imaginable. Some are even able to shape them like thorns.

Frozen Flower: An attacking magic that channels the users Reiatsu into flower-petal like objects and condenses them until they the molecules slow down, freezing over. Once put back into motion,they are released into a storm-like fashion of ice. Depending on the user, these can look like rose petals, lotus petals, or any other flower imaginable. Some are even able to shape them like thorns.

Ice Manipulation: Simply put and described, Sidera is able to shift and manipulate Ice based structures and objects to other locations or in other directions.

Fire Manipulation: Simply put and described, Sidera is able to shift and manipulate Fire based structures and objects to other locations or in other directions.

Added Guardian Beast

Guardian Beast: Helia, Age Unknown, is Deri's Guardian Beast. Her normal personality tends to be the energetic yet talkative type. Around most individuals she remains quiet and will just watch other individuals until finally finding a someone who needs saving from their inner corruptions. Her only desire is to adjust, help and save as many people from themselves and possibly even from Deri.

Origin: Helia's origin comes from the internal instinct to protect what she can and bring absolute salvation to the best of her capabilities. However, after the fight between Sidera and Deri, Helia became connected to Sidera as a secondary Guardian beast, still connected to Deri who became Sidera's Alter Form.

Guardian Beast's World: A world of peace and tranquility, harmony and purity. Anything one could consider as purity or charity can be found within this world of kindness and warmth. Night never comes to such a land, as the sun remains forever in the view of the minds and the sky of its inhabiting individuals. Currently, the number of individuals which inhabit this realm is a total of 7. One for each carnal sin which has been triumphed over by Deri and Helia.


Joushou Appearance: There are no physical changes to Sidera, herself, during this upgrade and due to it not taking her much energy to keep up at a constant it remains. The only appearance change is in that of her strings which seem to have a deeper shade of red due to the potency of the Prolicio Prolixi being increased.

Joushou: Sidera's Joushou isn't anything too spectacular. The only change in power at which she gains is the ability to send out and control 3 of her creatures from her dietary recall with much more ease, as well as the increased potency of her Prolicio Prolixi goes from being only 5% upon entering an individual to being 20% thus causing the individual to have much higher will to fight it off than originally.
In This Stage:
Holding hands is 7.5% > 14% per 20 seconds (2 Posts)
Kissing is 7.5% > 15% per 10 seconds (2 Posts)
Strings are 20% > 30% potency upon causing blood to spill and entering the blood stream. (3 Posts)


Zenou Appearance: Upon entering her Zenou state, there isn't much of an appearance change besides Sidera's face and her nails. Upon closer inspection, one would see that her hands seem to take more of the shape of claws or talons as her nails seem to form into her hands themselves causing the tips of her fingers to be more lethal if she were to come in to strike. As for her face, Sidera gain a smooth, downward pointed mask which slowly blends into her face itself. The mask has four eye holes which quickly filled with her bright magenta hues.

Zenou Abilities: In this state, the potency of Prolicio Prolixi more than doubles, reaching approximately 50% when on the strings themselves. While it is much stronger of a dosage, the same weaknesses still apply. Nothing of the Prolicio Prolixi changes.
In This Stage:
Holding hands is 10% > 20% per 20 seconds (2 posts)
Kissing is 10% > 25% per 10 seconds (3 Post)
Strings are 50% > 60% potency upon causing blood to spill and entering the blood stream (5 Posts).

Along with such, Sidera is able to control 5 > 8 of her dietary recalled creatures to come forth in her battle.

Kyuu Kyou

Kyuu Kyou Appearance:
Mystic Eyes: Upon gazing at her target, Sidera is capable of seeing what her target holds closests and cherishes. What they desire and love more than anything. In doing so, she reaches a state where she is able to better understand and reason with her target. The only guaranteed way for her to be able to gain this information from the mere gaze of her target is if she has a higher Mental Deduction than them.
Kyuu Kyou Abilities: In this state, the Sacred Weapon proves itself to be truly more powerful than most would have expected. In order to do such, the threads have blended themselves together and molded to form wings upon Sidera's back as well as hidden bits of itself within her hair. The thin materials of the string using lighting and shadow to change the apparent hue of them to best fit the situation and can even harden to form physical items or even minor beings based on the will of Sidera.

Each individual thread, if it enters and individual who has fallen victim to Sidera's Mystic Eyes, will be hit with a 80% Potency from her strings if it enters their bloodstream and thus bringing them to be highly compelled by the young woman and her desires unless having a High Will, this being anyone Equal or Higher to Sidera's Will Power.

Sewn Construct: When summoning one of her multiple dietary summons, Sidera is able to blend their creation with her strings, forming them a complete and functional body based around the known powers they hold. This can make each of them much stronger but only if they are blended and sewn into a physical being. This means, if someone is willing [or at 100% of the prolixi within them] they can be blended with one of Sidera's Dietary Recall Summons and become that summon in a physical body. This will give them the emotions, powers and thoughts of the creature which is back and loyal to Sidera.

To Come In The Future

Alternate Being

Remember that Saderi was another being entirely! Thus she is a whole other mind and soul than Sidera now sharing Sidera's body.
Alter 's Name: Saderi "Bloodied Queen" Cruor AKA Deri
Alter Appearance:
Alter Personality: The Berserker. Unlike the 'Original' Sidera Cruor, this young creature does not aim to protect but instead destroy. Though she may say it's 'for the good of others', it's actually for the sake of her own skin. She doesn't care to truly protect anyone but herself and destroy everyone standing in her way. However, her destructive nature is quelled by her Guardian Beast, Helia.
Alter Powers:
[Passive]Prolicio Prolixi: Same As Sidera's.
Dietary Recall: Same As Sidera's.

Magic: Deri grew up, like Sidera, without the connection to other Sugiura. However, after the two combined, Sidera gained the dormant powers of her parents to Manipulate Ice and Fire magic.

Jenshou: Exact same as Sidera's.
Zenou: Exact same as Sidera's.

Kyuu Kyou

Kyuu Kyou Appearance:
Mystic Eyes: Locking a darkened gaze upon her target, Deri digs deep within the mind of her target to find something they hate more than anything. An idea, creation, person or realm which horrifies and angers them to a whole new level of darkness. One's deepest fear is not enough for this dastardly woman. She wants to know only what they have the strongest anger for, what will they fight to destroy no matter the situation. However, unlike Sidera, they must have a higher or equal Will Power to her Mental Deduction.

Kyuu Kyou Abilities: Within this form, Deri uses her wires as they are meant to be, slicing machines and heartstrings. Tugging at the anger of her enemy once she finds what they hate most, she uses them to create and form what it is that they hate and lets them fight it. Aiming to either make them fail or conquer is entirely up to the aggressive creature. However, the main source of the entire experience is wrath, so the game is possibly never ending.

Shattered Desire: Tapping into Sidera's ability to see someone's most loved creation, if she has seen the most hates then Deri is able to create it and have it destroyed before her opponent's gaze, hopefully forming a state of peace and joy. Once the creation is shattered, however, thing fibers of the Sacred Strings will dance into the air in microscopic forms to be breathed in by the target. Each individual thin fiber is at 2% potency and can cause a quick infection into the bloodstream of the prolixi.

Visioned Destruction: The strings quickly spreading around the area form their own arena and build complete structures, people and forming a knew land around the target. Here, the target can interact and mingle with others but most constructs are hostile, violent and destructive, bringing forth much more danger to the one trapped in the threaded battlefield.

General Skills

Durability: Adept
General Speed: Advanced
Strength: Adept
Weapon Skill: Advanced

Racial Skills

Sugiura Magic: Adept
Animal Instincts: Master
Martial Arts: Adept
Alter Control: Advanced

Last edited by Circa Monstrua on Sat Sep 05, 2015 11:24 pm; edited 6 times in total
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Sidera Cruor: The Tempted Protector {Approved Upgrade 1-2-} Empty Re: Sidera Cruor: The Tempted Protector {Approved Upgrade 1-2-}

Wed Aug 05, 2015 9:01 am
First things first, I'm the realest
Holding hands is 5 > 8% per 20 seconds
Kissing is 5 > 10% per 10 seconds
We don't use seconds as a unit of measure, could you convert that to a number of posts, please. I think the ability will naturally have to be dependant on the Will Skills.

Added Dietary Recall: Will he individuals created to act as body guards have NPC profiles? Because if not it would be rather hard to gauge their power.

Charming Gaze: Like I mentioned with the first ability, this will have to be dependant on Will Skills of the opponent.

Alluring Kiss:
Holding hands is 7% per 20 seconds
Kissing is 9% per 10 seconds
Strings are 12% potency upon causing blood to spill and entering the blood stream.
Posts not seconds.

[mod] Having read through the upgrade, I believe that these upgardes should be created through NPC profiles as they're best served to be created through that method as the upgrades infer the manifestations of Lust and the other characters and for them to be gauged effectively you should make them as individual NPCs who are affiliated with your character.

I will leave this open, in case you happen to disagree. [/mod]
Nise no Eiyū
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Sidera Cruor: The Tempted Protector {Approved Upgrade 1-2-} Empty Re: Sidera Cruor: The Tempted Protector {Approved Upgrade 1-2-}

Wed Aug 05, 2015 9:23 am
Sidera Cruor: The Tempted Protector {Approved Upgrade 1-2-} Kisaragi.Jin.600.1616508

Wooboy, Huge check incoming. Uluqi I was going to address it, but thank you.

Okay, I feel like I probably caused a huge miscommunication here. So Allow me to clear things up a bit. This means there are going to have to be some shifting of stuff, and probably some changes, but this is the way it has to be so your character is coherent as possible, and also give a very satisfying tie in for your character be balanced. So I'll apologize and say Sorry I misunderstood your intent, and for that this is a longer check than expected, I'm very much willing to work with you to help make this work, but it also means you'll have to work with me, Therefore, this check is commencing.

First major issue is that an Alter shouldn't have a second set of releases like Joushou, Zenou, and Kyuu Kyou. They are already on par with a Kyuu Kyou in power, so you need to fix that, they don't gain a set of releases that are joushou and Zenou, Kakeru's alter doesn't even have that, and his alter is pretty freakin' strong. Secondly, I feel like the Seven deadly sins should be exclusive to the alter because it's her thing. The Bestial Queen thing is fine in my opinion, I guess the issue is that the placements are weird, as in if you look at Kakeru's App, the Alter is well defined as a scary thing, or his corrupt form, so on and so forth. Her Alter... seems more like a minor release when you place those there, and when you fused with your true alter, and gained the second GB, Which I'm going to allow, but will monitor, I feel like that would be more used in the alter than with her normal forms.

[Passive]Prolicio Prolixi: and her Dietary Recall things I'm honestly VERY iffy about, I mean they are cool concepts, but at the same time I would need to see them in actual threads. I feel like that if she went into combat with people she would be very fragile, and yet I feel like for her stuff to be useful she would have to be very strong, and able to actually reach the person, because in a fight, a normal person isn't going to honestly let her touch them or even get close enough with her strings, I feel like there's a better way to do this, and I'm not sure how to say this isn't an effective means, without being blunt, so It's not really an effective way, basically Sidera for her to be extremely useful would have to be basically talking people out of fights, and the like, which for someone that's not combat ready, would work, but for those who have a ton of battle experience, would probably kill her for the sheer fact she's not a fighter, she's more behind the scenes, and being a queen, means you need presence, outside of your familiars.

Now Familiars are the issues i'm having with, is that Sidera has already four of them and to inherit the other 7 makes her have like... 11 okay. That's a lot of things to control, and even then like I Said before I think the 7 deadly sin ones should just stay with Sideri. That should honestly be her shtick only because it would make sense for Sideri once brought back into Sidera would work in that manner, that what would happen is that the natual boost of her Prolixi would be stronger due to her and her origin being balanced out now. So these are my suggestions. I'll recap in an Tl;Dr

First: is to place the Seven deadly sins as their own thing within Sideri only.
Second: is to probably redo the alter set up to controlling the forms, the Alter is supposed to be one super powered release, think like your Bestial Queen.
Third: I would consider the Second GB being weaker than her original once since the GB was more focused on Sideri, so she would be used more to keep Sideri in check.
Fourth: I'm inclined to agree about the Seven deadly sins as NPC summons than just lol Summons on profile it makes sense, because they aren't GB's these are souls that are created from Dietary Recall, that work like the Summons from FFX Where they are literally NPC's that are called upon by Sideri only. Because they don't really honestly fit with Sidera I'm sorry to be blunt, but they honestly don't.
Fifth: So what Uluqi means is:
Holding hands is 5 > 8% per 20 seconds (Or 2 posts.)
Kissing is 5 > 10% per 10 seconds (post)
Strings are 10 > 15% potency upon causing blood to spill and entering the blood stream. (Post)
Alluring Kiss:
Holding hands is 7% per 20 seconds (Per 2 posts)
Kissing is 9% per 10 seconds (Per post.)
Strings are 12% potency upon causing blood to spill and entering the blood stream.
Posts not seconds. (Per post.)
Finally: I'm sorry this took a long time, but I had to take my time with it, because Sidera is important character, and I want her development to make sense.

Sidera Cruor: The Tempted Protector {Approved Upgrade 1-2-} GFHHFG_zpsj1vrrfxz
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Sidera Cruor: The Tempted Protector {Approved Upgrade 1-2-} Empty Re: Sidera Cruor: The Tempted Protector {Approved Upgrade 1-2-}

Tue Aug 11, 2015 3:49 pm
[adm]Moving this to WIP upgrades until it is fixed.[/adm]

Sidera Cruor: The Tempted Protector {Approved Upgrade 1-2-} WVMWLOu
Circa Monstrua
Circa Monstrua
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Sidera Cruor: The Tempted Protector {Approved Upgrade 1-2-} Empty Re: Sidera Cruor: The Tempted Protector {Approved Upgrade 1-2-}

Fri Aug 14, 2015 3:06 am
Typing out my response to Kakeru mainly on this so he has something to view when checking and goes through everything remembering the RP aspects of the character as she is.

Sidera and Deri were Blended as one individual. Deri becoming the Alter due to being an Alternate personality and perspective almost entirely from Sidera herself. Remember that these two individuals were both Separate and Complete Sugiura before they blended through acceptance and Sidera's overpowering of Deri in their fight, thus Sidera won as the dominant being.

So now moving down the list.

First: Sidera would not just LOSE her "summons" mainly because they are part of her and are impacts from her life. Major example of this is Flynn, her final and strongest of her original "Summon" list. Her original 5 have their own skills and moves however the added Sins have some sort of Buff to Sidera or Deri rather than doing damage unless it's the Twins. Some of them have their own particular ability but they chanel it through Sidera or Deri.

Second: The Alter form, as explain on the Sugiuran page: "An Alter is the existence that exists parallel to a Sugiura. It is not an alternate existence like some may think the name implies. Rather, it is an "Alternate Vision." This is, essentially, an inversion of the character. However, that is too simple of a definition for it. It's closer to anything about a character that could have been changed to have been changed. Such as if a character had brown hair, his Alter could have blond hair. However, it's not just appearance. Personality also changes. If someone fought with honor, then her Alter could fight like a beast. Powers are also included, though they have a special case. Alters on their own have their own powers, to an extent." However, this is for standard Sugiura, not after the fusion of two Sugiura thus why in this case, the Alter is it's on being with her own Kyuu Kyou.

Third: Helia. She is neither Stronger nor Weaker than Solomon due to neither of them showing any signs of having any actual powers. However, I have no problem saying Helia is weaker than Solomon. She isn't the original so this is correct.

Fourth: The Whole SUmmoning Thing. They aren't normal "Summons". Their existances cause a buff to Sidera or Deri. The reason they work with Sidera is multiple aspects.

1. Lust. She hunted using the lust of others for the longest and thus why she and Acel were able to eat humans.
2. Gluttony. The twins are EXACTLY how Sidera and Aceldama were as children. Not meaning to kill but aiming to survive through their gluttonous and "cannibalistic" lifestyle.
3. Sloth. Have you seen Solomon? He's incredibly lazy on having to do anything unless it bring shim personal sexual or mental satisfaction. No more, no less.
4. Pride. The Pride of a Queen is Known. She works hard for her people because she prides herself on being their ruler. She loved her people for loving her.
5. Envy. Who doesn't get jealous? Let alone someone who finally has back someone she's been missing for generations. Sidera has Acel back now and gets jealous when Acel runs off to do other things without her all the time.
6. Greed. What is hers, she keeps. Sidera has no problem in sharing as long as it is known what is hers. This includes individuals under her control or dear to her. Example: "Acel is dating Sagumi? She's still MY sister."
7. Wrath. I dare anyone to attack Acel. You'll learn why Sidera has much more suppressed wrath than one would expect. From her anger at her parents from running away to her anger at humans for what they brought to her and her sister.

Fifth: Already fixed it~! ♥

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Fri Aug 28, 2015 9:52 am
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Alright, since Kakeru hasn't gotten to this yet, I'm going to go ahead and move this to unchecked to make sure staff knows it is reviewable. After I'm done with another character, I'll probably just review this myself.

Sidera Cruor: The Tempted Protector {Approved Upgrade 1-2-} WVMWLOu
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Sat Aug 29, 2015 2:18 am
[adm]Alright. Because I'm not going to be torn a new one because of checking this, I'd like this to be discussed between myself and Cici together when the chance occurs, whether another staff member is there or not is dependent on who will be on. Kake was given enough time to check the upgrade and given that I've seen Cici login, I, and Frost, think it needs to be done. Circa, whenever you have the chance to PM me or message me on Skype, please do so. If you happen to not get back to me relatively soon given this has sat for too long, I'll check it upon my own opinion and consider what Kake and Ulqui have commented on. Hope this is alright.[/adm]

Sidera Cruor: The Tempted Protector {Approved Upgrade 1-2-} FXpoQxJ
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Thu Sep 03, 2015 9:28 pm
Alright, after talking with Cici, things have been altered here and there and with the trust we have as a staff in her, I have no issues with what she has. I dont see the need for NPCs and I know that she won't be using these powers in correctly. With that being a given, I'll also state here she'll be bumped up to 1-2- and I will be watching any threads she uses the powers within in order to make sure they're rightfully used. If anyone has an issue, talk to me. We have a lot worse and regulate it far less.

Sidera Cruor: The Tempted Protector {Approved Upgrade 1-2-} FXpoQxJ
Sidera Cruor: The Tempted Protector {Approved Upgrade 1-2-} 2Y9rqGk

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