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The Daughter of the Demon Arrives Empty The Daughter of the Demon Arrives

Mon Aug 03, 2015 6:33 pm

Her frame landed in the area, glancing around he looked at her report smiling. Oh well this place was a marvel, it was really hidden well she had to admit. If papa hadn't told her where the place was she'd of gotten lost so easy. She took a bite of the doughnut she had bought before coming, it was still warm. She smiled wider as she laughed happily, it was so tasty. She skipped towards the destination in question, she was rather pleased with the elaborate set up everything had, she couldn't hide that smile. It was a new experience and her big yellow eyes took it all in. Her father was called so many nasty little names, they were very mean. Hardly took into account how it made a person felt, her papa was a good man and only did the best he could. She pouted a bit at the thought of people who treated him like some monster. It was enough to make her wanna freeze them solid, but she sighed softly. Still it was nice to stretch and enjoy the fresh air, out of that dusty old Soul Society. They were allied with the people known as Vanguard even as members of the Unabara. So she wanted to see the organization, she was gonna be fighting more along with her brother. Her father was gonna be recovering for a while from things. Grant it she supposed she would come across strange to these systems, she spun a doughnut on her index finger. She pondered who would be coming to see her first, she'd not thought about it. She had a belly full of reishi before coming to this place as well. She didn't intend to make trouble really, that wasn't her way after all. That and a lecture or stress on papa wasn't worth the trouble they could be. But for now she rubbed the back of her head, standing right on the doorstep. They really did hide this thing exceptionally well. She stared at the building in question, she smiled softly deciding maybe that direction would do. She wore a dress like shinigami outfit and looked a bit odd for one, things like her eyes stood out. The race she came from was rather new after all, she couldn't see it being too much a deal.

She took a bite and spoke outloud now. "Helloooo, Vanguardies come out come out where ever you ares.." She smiled somewhat looking at the place, it was rather impressive though. She didn't really see a need to be hostile, she hummed a little song as she waited smiling and happy. Her father sent a message ahead but she wondered if it got here in time, he was so sleep and sick these days. She shrugged her shoulders, she was much like her father. Her father's letter must of gotten to someone because no mean galaxy destroying fart canon blew her into the next generation. So she had to assume some sort of detection thing or something figured out who's child she was. She wasn't exactly alone entirely, the Stealth Force wasn't far behind her. They were merely coming to let Vanguard know they were training people in the art of stealth. Being a super ninja and all wasn't easy, you needed doughnuts faith and some sneaky sneaky pants.

She decided to wait as she still had papa's mindset on handling things. The Stealth Force was both with the Unabara and loyal to her alone. She wanted her people to get used to moving around and such. They needed to get used to different places and environments. "Chocolate with sprinkles did you tell them we were coming?" She said innocently as she looked to a man in a ninja attire next to her. He sighed almost depressed as she called him the name of the doughnut she spun on her finger. She heard the male say yes and let her know that everything was in order, these people were shy was all. She smiled amused as she merely waited for the situation to continue. She left her Captain a box of doughnuts and said nothing, she wondered how that would go over truthfully. He didn't share her passion for the finer things like doughnuts, doughnuts, or peanut butter. Now wasn't the time for pleasantries, they came here for a reason and that reason was. To see the allies they had to work with and what their overall skill level was. She knew some here were stronger then her, but her education was a bit further in the training arts then their's was all.

Graphics by: Forsaken Crow
Coding by: [THEFROST]
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The Daughter of the Demon Arrives Empty Re: The Daughter of the Demon Arrives

Mon Aug 03, 2015 7:26 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: -

Izanagi had sat in his grand office, his were focused on the letter that had been delivered to their Head Quarters. Carbon copies of the aforementioned letter were forwarded to all influential members of the Vanguard. His eyes slowly scanned across the letter while his right hand slowly shifted across the desk toward a phone that laid in the far right corner. He slowly collected it off the mantel and went onto speak “Sierra Hotel India November Sierra Uniform India Sierra Sierra One.” The operator, the automated system generated by the Yuudeshi Network accepted the credentials while Izanagi went onto speak specific criteria with regards to the new arrival. This was an essential precaution that ensured the arrivals weren’t blown to shreds upon arrival.

The Unabara family have given a lot to the Vanguard. Tsubasa Unabara served as the Head of the Boros Guard while his brother still serves as the warden of the north east. This was simply an extension of courtesy, nothing more nor less. His sight shifted back to the signature while he lowered the phone back to the mantle. At that point, he folded the letter and pushed it to one side of the table. He glanced up toward the clock while slowly closing his eyes, reclining into his seat in the process.

Within an instant his sight extended out across the whole city, it didn’t last long as Izanagi was having a rather long night. Within a few seconds of scouting Sukai Karakura, his sensory ability subsided and he went onto fall to sleep within his chair. Izanagi wasn’t one to sleep deep, it was primarily because a lot of information had to be filtered out through the REM cycle which would naturally take far too long and as a result he has experienced shallow sleep for the past few years. The old fashioned clock that was stationed in the room ticked as he slept while a knocking sound slowly echoed into the room. Izanagi had slept for a few hours at the time but he opened his eyes as the door crept open. With his left hand, he motioned the man inside who announced the arrival of the guests.

“Ten men to collapse on me” Izanagi pushed himself out of his chair while giving the order to the man who promptly left the room. His heavy crimson armour rose with his body as he went onto walk through the frame of the door, into the number of different hallways that had separated the different areas of the Vanguard. Ten men promptly turned to corner, jogging toward Izanagi while he shifted his body, turning to his left prior to casually marching toward the entrance. The old building typically resembled the Gotei 13 barracks, but the resemblance wasn’t really intentional.

He heavy body marched toward the entrance as the his sensory abilities expanded out across Sukai Karakura. As he arrived at the gates, they began to part and Izanagi slowly crossed his arms, setting his warm gaze upon the women that had arrived. He flashed a quick smile and went onto talk. “Care to explain why I’m picking up numerous shinigami signatures around Sukai Karakura?” he’d slowly close his left eye, projecting his vision to the areas where he had felt he energy “They’re Unabara men no doubt.” he’d open his eye while his facial expression appeared somewhat stern.

His eyes shifted around the girl’s body in an attempt to discern any psychological traits that would expose her intentions. In the meantime, the ten guards that had followed Izanagi spread out, five on either side of Izanagis boy while Izanagi stood prepared for the worst. His sight would focus on the girl once more as he’d whisper into her very mind “What is it that you plan, girl?” . The message would resonate through the Tenteikura Kido, however she would be the only one to hear this specific message.

Template By: [THEFROST]


The Daughter of the Demon Arrives Empty Re: The Daughter of the Demon Arrives

Mon Aug 03, 2015 8:52 pm

She smiled as the male appeared, she recognized him from her brother's description. Her smile grew wide as she looked him over. "Not exactly, they work for us but not all of them are relatives." She said smiling not being rude as she politely pointed it out. "It's the Stealth Force." She said softly, the reports hadn't gotten here yet likely. The Unabara were nobles and given charge of the rebuilding of the military organization known as the Stealth Force. She was in the process of doing so, she came here though to see how the strong the Vanguard people were and if training was needed. She noticed the kido with little trouble, it was fairly obvious she smiled. Standing still as she spoke, she wasn't sure if it was gonna go well. She couldn't help a certain excitement at all of the principal's involved here. She wasn't like her brother's calm charisma, her's was more energetic and happy. "Well, we are concerned about training and wanted to see if anyone from the Vanguard wanted to learn some assassin stuff..Or those who wish to learn the sword can study under papa." She added the last bit, a lesson from her papa wasn't like anything people could fathom. He had such experience and knew how to make the most out of the situations left to him. He was able to improve so many, she smiled and spoke some more. "For us we want to help everyone not just the Gotei 13, so we are extending the offer of training for those who want it.." Her smile finally faded for a mere second as she spoke once more."Be careful though, it's not easy.." Unabara training had a reputation a couple of the Stealth Force people chuckled at her comment, they knew from experience it was hellish. But that was beside the point, teaching people to fight and find their own methods. Was a specialty from Zeda Yuudeshi to Iriko Crow, all had training from the Unabara in some light or another. But that wasn't the point her eyes looked Izanagi, he had untapped potential, though she couldn't tap into it herself.

"You've got a lot of power wanting out mister, I see why papa is offering to teach you and Azure." She said softly as she looked him with what most considered her scary eyes. Yet the girl was smiling and happy, she could see that much from a glance herself. But she didn't have the skill nor power to draw out that sleeping beast in Inzanagi, that was likely her father's skill alone. Some thought of this the wrong way, but those who trained with her noticed she was a warm and loving person. She smiled softly as she looked at the male again before eating her doughnut. She smiled and held one out for him, she had brought more to be polite. "It's really good, I'm happy I learned about doughnuts and sweet's..They make life really fun, I love the living world people make such cool things" She was young that much was obvious but she had enthusiasm that made her popular.

She was enjoying everything about this place, one of her friend's from the Zero Division was a boy named Kurai they both loved seeing the new worlds. Though Kurai was hiding a bad thing, she was different in that regard. "Oh sorry I didn't introduce myself, I'm Tsubaki Unabara, Tsubasa Unabara's daughter. My papa sent me here to offer this stuff to everyone..We like living up to our obligations, more then that we want too." She said smiling as she didn't feel anything wrong with being honest, she was excited and happy about all of it. She didn't mind losing track of things for a moment, she wasn't an enemy nor did she have hostile intent and they would know if she did. Tsubaki was able to shut her emotions off when she had to do things that required such. But normally this was her bubbly and happy personality that always enjoyed the world.

Graphics by: Forsaken Crow
Coding by: [THEFROST]
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The Daughter of the Demon Arrives Empty Re: The Daughter of the Demon Arrives

Mon Aug 03, 2015 9:17 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: -

“Stealth Force? I don’t know what sort of a stealth force gets caught before reaching the objective.” His gaze would shift from the girl to the man, two of whom would chuckle at the remark while no reaction was seen from Izanagi. It appeared that the Gotei 13 intended to use the Vanguard as some form of training ground; she even went as far as to offer to train the Vanguard personal. For a brief moment, Izanagi focused on the girls words, standing with his arms crossed while the breeze blew the dust from the ground.

“You’re allowed to visit out of extended courtesy to your fellow clansmen. The Vanguard isn’t the Goteis personal training ground. ” his voice would sound sharp and to the point while his tone came across as somewhat deep, relative to his age of course. His sight would be set on the girl as he awaited a response, but what he picked up on was an offer to train Izanagi and Azure… he chuckled briefly, rubbing his right bicep with his left thumb. “With all due respect, I don’t believe your father is in any condition to be training either of us. ”

He’d nod, the ten men that were positioned around him would lower their palms down toward their blades. Some of these individuals were shinigami, others humans while one of the ten was a demon, a unique combination of course. Izanagi raised his left palm, exposing the base of his palm to the girl for a brief moment. “I presume that your men have undergone the training in question. Deploy them… if they show promise I won’t object to the mutual training that you propose. However if they don’t… then I suggest you navigate to Karakura… You’ll find some of the best donuts in the city in a small store just east of the Yuudeshi Settlement, then you can be on your way.” Izanagi wanted to view first-hand the training that this girl was proposing. Considering the racial diversity within the Vanguard, the training might either be helpful or detrimental to our progress.

Considering the current state of the Gotei 13, a time may come when the organizations of the free world aid in bringing a stop to the fiasco started by the current serving Captain Commander. This training would give the Gotei an opportunity to get great insight into the Vanguards tactics, strengths and weaknesses. Although this situation brought some positives with it, there was also a risk. All factors had to be considered in such situations, but if the so called Assassins showed skill that the men and women of the Vanguard were accustomed to then they had no purpose here.

Template By: [THEFROST]


The Daughter of the Demon Arrives Empty Re: The Daughter of the Demon Arrives

Mon Aug 03, 2015 10:05 pm

She kept her smile listening, the Vanguard lot put on a brave face. "Not to worry, even papa when sick can teach you two..." It wasn't really all that dangerous, he was in recovery from something but his medicine was working well and it would be good to see them. She shrugged her shoulders and spoke once again as she smiled."We reached our objective long before you came out....But if it's what you want...Pride..come out.." She said softly a presence would appear beside her his entire existence was missing, it was as though just a moment ago he didn't exist there. No smell, no reiatsu, no trace of his existence was on this plane for that moment. She patted Pride's shoulder softly and spoke to him for a moment whispering for him to go grab some stuff. He vanished and appeared again bringing out something like wooden dummies, she cross her arms. "Deploy them, they are set to fight at about a Shadow Fall or K-World solider level you've been warned.." She felt like her brother talking that way as she watched more of the dolls as they were known come to life, she could control them mostly. She closed her eyes and pointed to one that was being set up. "This is the tech papa invented to train people, these can be set to fight at any level..Allowing most to train and unlock the thing trapped, like you for example..Your power is trapped looking for ways out.." She said it rather calmly as she looked over, her Stealth force began training here. Right here the first stage could be shown easy, the dolls were activated. These lesser forms were like a downgraded version of her by one hundred. "Pride when the result is concluded let my papa know whatever the result is..." With that the man phased out again, she wasn't left unprotected or any such thing as she was a vital member of her family as much as Tetsuya. She watched as one of the recruits got cut by an attack because he messed up his attack. "These are set with a reflector which sends your spells and physical attacks at you if they aren't done good...

Someone show an assassination, another a duel, and the last one show a spell..proper execution these may be practice but the real thing won't be so forgiving."
She said as her smile didn't return, her frozen calm was rather odd. She was normally happy, but she was ok explaining things to them. One person jumped finding distance he walked towards the creature, his footsteps became quiet. He was demonstrating a proper approach, the creature swung at him as he baited the swing. A second later the doll fell over dead it's head falling off. The creature rebuilt for the next person to begin practicing, she glanced over towards the duelist. He drew two kodachi's and began dueling his doll, the fight was fairly even. But his movements were subtle and getting faster, he was changing pace till finally he cut the creature in half. She looked toward's the last the female moved forward chanting under her breath as she dodged a couple strikes and placed her hand. Byakurai shot from the hand going through the dummy, she exhaled softly."Alright nice work, they need to see what the result of training will look like in the advanced stages..I'll do the rest, thank you all get some water." The Stealth Force leaped back a bit as she walked towards the area the training had been set up. It was a safe place, grant it nothing was damaged and Tsubaki had no plans to change that fact. She walked forward calmly as she stood, she didn't think her Zanpakutō would be used much here. She calculated everything in need as she had the three dummies rush her. She would use only her basically skills for now to eliminate the dolls in question. She watched them, they were coming from three angle's to increase the chance of a killing blow. She exhaled softly watching as she tapped her toe on the ground. She was tempted to make use of the God Step that was taught.

But she needed to show them the state they'd likely get, she side stepped a sword strike and fired a byakurai instantly into the dummy's head sending it flying away. No chant was used but the spell was cast almost instantly without pause. She turned her attention over to the next enemy coming from her back. Spear type enemy as it slashed down she sent her hand in an outward thrust, extending her fingers making sure they were flat. A blow hit the neck and the creature crumbled to the ground. She had just enough time to execute her final move, an assassination. She vanished during combat much like Pride had previously, reappearing behind the dummy she chopped it's neck making no noise as she walked away. This was stage one, their were more this was just for the beginners though. She walked towards Izanagi and spoke again, her eyes and smile returning now slowly."This is the first stage of Unabara training, it's got seven levels for multiple people to train with it.."

She stopped standing in front of the man again as she spoke once more smiling. "My father doesn't fight people unless they can pass all eight stages, so unless you and Azure can do that you won't be facing him anyways..You would be set to the seventh level on those dolls, the stages are designed to bring peace and closer to life and help people find their way and develop who they are..Everyone's got a story, this just helps them find the way they want to tell it mister.." She said softly, she liked training as did most of her family. It was something they liked putting lots of time into, she looked at him waiting, if they went home it was no big deal to her. She looked towards the sky, if they didn't desire the Unabara's help making them stronger it was fine, but in her mind their was a right way and the fast way. Most people took the fast and their bodies couldn't contain the power properly. It was like watching a bomb go off within a body at times.

Graphics by: Forsaken Crow
Coding by: [THEFROST]
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The Daughter of the Demon Arrives Empty Re: The Daughter of the Demon Arrives

Sun Jul 17, 2016 3:20 pm


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