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The Nameless [APPROVED  VASTO LORDE; 0-3 ]  Left_bar_bleue56000/40000The Nameless [APPROVED  VASTO LORDE; 0-3 ]  Empty_bar_bleue  (56000/40000)

The Nameless [APPROVED  VASTO LORDE; 0-3 ]  Empty The Nameless [APPROVED VASTO LORDE; 0-3 ]

Sun Jul 26, 2015 8:42 pm
The Nameless [APPROVED  VASTO LORDE; 0-3 ]  Image3705

The Nameless [APPROVED  VASTO LORDE; 0-3 ]  Image3706-1

- Name: Dead before birth and never finding a fitting name on its own accord, the parasite has no proper name. It had come to use multiple fake names over the years, mostly for long-term guises in the grand scheme of its life-long quest for damnation. The most common of them has been Ruvik, Malvrick, Aiden, and Amelia..
- Titles: Ruvik, Malvrick, Aiden, and Amelia.
- Gender: The creature has no absolute gender, but has come to take on traits more assosiated with a male and a sexual preference toward women, despite changing physical genders frequently through its parasitic nature.
- Age Of Death:
- Appearance Age: No longer having characteristis of a Human entity, it is impossible to define its looks. There is nothing to compare it to in order to establish a defined age. Psychologically it has developed at an impossible level, gaining the experience and foresight of a soul in existence for over a million years in the short time it has roamed the Earrth.
- Age: 20
- Affiliation/Rank: The nameless fiend is affiliated only with itself and those that follow it. Not just a rogue, it considers itself an entire force of its own to bend the fate of this world in the right direction to ensure chaos reigns in eternity.

- Appearance Description: The Parasite is difficult to depict, as it seldom exists without a host body. Many features of what it is can be seen when the power it bends becomes active. The essence of the beast is first noted through the change in the aura of whoever it resides in. Whatever power they had before shifts into an evil and vile presence with a touch of Hollow energy. A veil of darkness builds up in the air around them and the visuals of their body become distorted. They undertake a change in color palate, the skin becoming an extremely pale shade of white, the hair a void of black, and the eyes a deathly crimson. This will occur to any and any creature it resides in, giving off its identity to those familiar with these traits.

The real body of the Parasite doesn't manifest for a few moments. it takes the form of a collection of snake-like creatures that cut through the flesh of the host and surround them. This is commonly done in a set of four snakes, each sharing the same design. They have long forms that can retract and stretch anywhere from 0.01 inches in length, up to thirty feet long. While only eight-to-twelve inches thick, the rate they can extend their length is worthy of marvel. The skin of each creäture is black, like osmium metal. Sharp spikes rise up from the top of each vector. Each piece has a set of crimson-red or golden-yellow eyes that differ on each occasion, sometimes sharing both colors in one eye each.The underside of each serpent has a set of scales ,like mask-fragments, unlike the rest of the body that stretch from just under the head to about mid-way to the host. They glow is a bright white color, the shine intensifying at times when their power is exerted.

The mouth carries a set of razor-sharp teeth that look different from your average maw. As many as a hundred teeth are stuck together as very thin, but sharp crimson bones that resemble long, piercing needles. Inside the beast when it's mouth opens, the only thing seen behind the blades; coating the inside is a mass of endless darkness with no visible internal body. On top of that, if the serpents become damaged, their "blood" takes the form of a gas-like black energy and not normal blood. Additionally, each serpent is accompanied by multiple tendrils, or tentacles. They take on a much smoother black texture, but are otherwise composed the same way as the snakes; save for the lack of a head. Their reach is between zero and fifteen feet, coming to a close as a thinner line of flesh used to grab smaller objects while the majority of the tendril is used to operate, dismantle, and block weapons and manipulated energy. In total there will always be six or less of the smaller appendages along the serpents.

- Appearance Picture:


The Nameless [APPROVED  VASTO LORDE; 0-3 ]  Image3709-1

- Personality:
The Light and the Darkness:
As something born to bring only chaos and dismay and developing into a creature of the utmost vile intent, there are very few good things about the Nameless.

"I've seen the world through every set of eyes. I've experienced the very Hell I intend to bring."
Due to gaining the memory of every person it inhabits, the creäture knows very well the feelings of pain and suffering. It can relate to those things and understand where people come from on many subjects due to the countless lives it has stolen and experienced. More-often than not it uses this to its advantage to manipulate people though. WHether it be kind words or insults to strike the nerves it also felt, it will do as needed to get what it wants.

"Oh, sorry were you saying something? Please go on."
As part of the most recent addition to the mind, the parasite has become somewhat polite in how it speaks and responds to others. This does little to change how it actually acts and can make it seem the all the more infuriating to people. After something causes such destruction, then speaks in such a way? It almost seems to be mocking them..And perhaps it is. It is a trait unfitting of their design and goals, giving off the impression they are someone entirely different sometimes when first speaking to someone.

"Don't get the wrong idea."
Yes, it is an extremely odd trait to have for something like itself, but the creäture is protective, in a sense. Those special people cast out by society that devote their lives toward revenge and bringing about the end of order, those are the people it cares about. They have much of the same ambition as itself in one way or the other, and keeping those people alive ,and in some cases content, will call for allies in the future for the larger plans in life. While it considers itself perfect, perfection can't defeat the world by itself. It is for that reason it will reach out to the outcasts and neighbor evils to create a force worthy of the universe's fear and terror.

"I may be young, but I have the power and knowledge of having lived ten thousands years."
Through the multiple people it has infected, the parasite has gained knowledge and adjusted to battle as if they existed as long as the most ancient warrior. The primal nature of Hollows and their common sense to survive, the grasp of the universe and Hell from the Shinigami Hollow and now the knowledge of technology and the Human world from the mother and other Human hosts. Yes, for one so young the creäture has lived more time than most other spirits, and in time it would experience more than anything else possibly could. All of these ideas, lives, tragedies and battles taken from the fallen make the parasite knowing of many things and a foe to be cautious of in the grounds of battle.

Corrupt Will
"My soul will never rest until you have been cast to oblibion!"
The fiend has a powerful centered on accomplishing its malevolent goals. Despite its own pride and other limitations, it will push forward with the tenacity of someone that is putting their very existence on the line for what they believe in. This goes for both ioits endless quest to plunge the world into chaos and malice, and avoiding an inevitable demise by any means possible. This willpower has enabled the beast to live on through situations where others would have met their oblivion and ascend to a plane of power matched only by a hand full of others destined to influence the world for better or worse.

The Darkness consuming the light:

"No one is superior to what I have become. I am an incarnation of power far beyond your understanding!"
The parasite is very confident in itself; going above and beyond the essence of Pride. It considers itself to be the greatest life-form, and if that is proven false, it will resort to speaking that it has the unlimited potential to -become- the greatest being. In some way or another, it is above you, better, stronger, faster, smarter. This does lead to a downfall for it as well. Usually the Nameless may avoid certain hosts who have a very good set of things to offer it if pride gets in the way. Not just any body is worthy of the power tis creature holds, nor theirs worth consuming and adding to that pool.

"My desires are an unorthodox thing forged from a past that isn't my own, but it still brings me great pleasure to indulge, and I will."
The creäture has attained many odd desires from the lives it absorbed, and it will take them at any time without pause if there is no good reason to prevent him from doing so. These things range widely, the most common expectation of Lust included. Despite being a genderless creature, the parasites experiences and longs for sex through the host it inhabits, draining any feeling the body would show into itself. This goes above simple sexual wants and in fact can mix into several other sins that compose it. The lust for power, one of, if not the most present need for the creäture. Anyone worthy of consuming for their strength that are not useful enough to be a pawn will be taken and devoured.

"You have no right to have such a thing when I do not."
Nameless is easily bothered when someone has power greater than his own, or some unique possession it also desires. Though this trait is pushed back by pride, it still manifests itself in the proper times. In any situation where this desire surfaces, the parasite will not rest until it has claimed the source of this envy for itself, less the source be unreachable. Anything anyone else has, it deserves and will have...Even if that includes their very body, soul, and experience.

"I'll tell you when I've had enough!"
Excessive indulgence, another deadly sin that plagues the creatures mind. Whether it be food that is enjoyed by the body now inhabited, sex, power, or even battle, it will seek to continue for an extended period. Nothing is ever enough for it. No chaos is truly good enough to sedate his need for it, and nothing is too much for it to manage. At times this can even lead to purposely drawing out a battle to feed a growing adrenaline rush it has the urge to experience in full.

"I have had enough of your insolence!!"
The most active and obvious of the sins that attribute to what the parasite is. It's entire goal through instinct since it was created is to bring chaos, and wrath is the definition of bringing about that chaos. Not only in the sense of being very destructive of things and people, but in terms of fury. The Nameless is easily agitated, and then from there it is only a stones throw away from a pure, unrestrained rage. At times this anger can even be called upon by the actions it brings upon itself or by inheriting the memory of someone with good reason to despise and feel anger toward the world around them. In any case, once it begins, it remains for a long time. When wrath is incurred, destruction soon follows for everything around the creäture and it's host, be they people, buildings, innocent or damned, none are free of it's wrath!

"Only the strong have a right to own this world, and as the strongest I will claim it."
Though not one of the main aspects, the parasite can be very greedy. It doesn't just want possessions, it wants people, the world..It is a painful sin to endure, as to claim everything as its own would destroy the very goal of its existence. Chaos can only come when there are multiple sides warring for control, and to ever achieve complete domination ruins that point. For this reason, it is a restrained evil, but one that shows non-the-less. It's especially prominent when it comes to bringing people under him as allies to plunge the world into chaos. Most are viewed, to it, as property that can be done with as it desires and aren't to be tarnished by others. Destroying those it believes it belongs are one of the top ways to infuriate the creäture and incur the almighty Wrath that surpasses any other cardinal sin when active.

"I need not raise my hand to fufill my purpose. Come along now, I don't feel like dealing with any stubbornness now."
Again, not a very present aspect, but it is still part of what the Paraiste is. It will avoid excessive effort toward simple tasks, often sending lesser allies to take care of things not worthy of time. The Nameless spends much longer sleeping than most, both due to a lack of want to get up when it finally awakens and an adjustment to sleeping for extended periods of time as it lived only as a fetus. This is most seen on Sunday of each week, where at times it may become completely immobile and not interact with the world around it in the slightest unless absolutely needed.

"I'll show you the way."
The parasite very commonly uses manipulation tactics to get what it wants. This may be changing the way it acts, lying, undertaking actions it normally wouldn't to gain trust, or any number of blackmail and dirty tactics. It has no issue doing so, the moral sensor never developed in its soul. This allows it to lie and convince people of the wrong path with somewhat ease. Words come off as truthful despite their false and nefarious nature and there are no signs on the body of ill will. The normal small twitch, change in body temperature, or electric signals that give off clues to a falsehood do not apply to it, though some hosts may differ. This ability is often used when controlling a host that hasn't been discovered to get close to people and make a surprise attack toward a target, or get to places it normally couldn't go.

Lack of self-
"I am a collection of the most vile parts of many souls put together."
The parasite has no self. All that it is, has been, and will be was made from those it has infested. Even the core nature of its instinct for chaos stems from the mother that started it all. Because of this, certain hosts may lead to a drastic change in what the parasite is like and its primary branch of sin. There is no base to maintain that this creature is the same one from before. Over time, the goals and ideals of the monster may become entirely subjected to greed, abandoning chaos and wanting only to control the world...Or Lust and look out only for its personal desires above all else. At the moment a mix of Pride, Wrath, and Lust dictates it's course of action, but that is always subject to change,

Lack of Morals-
"Most people have a thing in their very soul that tells them what is right and wrong. I have no such trigger."
The parasite is completely devoid of a moral compass. Anything they want to do. they will do. The life of others means absolutely nothing to it, nor the devastation and suffering it has caused despite having experienced the loss of entire lifetimes first hand. The creäture minds these displays humorous, sometimes even laughing at the sorrow and frustration of the world toward its vile acts. The only reason it isn't more common an act is due to keeping up a guise under the many hosts it switches between.

Habit- While acting as the role of one of its hosts, the parasite can sometimes become a bit too in character. All of the memory and aspects of who that person is remain in the creäture, and as such, acting as them is extremely easy, so much that it can forget for a short time that it actually is playing the role for some darker purpose. This doesn't go on for very long, maybe a few days at most before something reminds it of what it is doing. It isn't a frequent event either, but at the wrong time it can be an issue. On the other hand, it's a confirmation that the Nameless is doing a good job to act well enough to convince itself it wasn't a monster sneaking up on people to tear their lives to shreds and cast their blood over the landscape like crimson rain.

Short-term Goals:
The short-term is exactly that. Anything and everything the parasite desires at a moment is a short-term goal. To bring chaos with every step, to sedate its desires and grow in power. These all dictate every day actions. It seeks to bring the outcasts and evils of the world under its grasp to ensure the future of its ambitions. Progression, constantly evolving and making the world a little more chaotic every day. These things constitute the short-term goals of the Nameless.

Long-term Goals:
But in the long term...There are things much more grand than the simple. The parasite seeks the end of the Soul King and the death of the royal guard, following or preceding the fall of the Gotei and those Shinigami that support the peace. The purpose is to bring absolute chaos, to disband any form of order and let the worlds come together, shattering the possibility of ever restoring peace..However, at the same time it desires a way to make sure combining the worlds through this broken balance leaves them in tact. Complete destruction leaves no room left for chaos. There must be a piece left to grow back, to shatter, to repair, and repeat over and over endlessly. That is only way chaos can thrive, and it is the future the Nameless intends to bring. An apocalypse where only a shard of hope remains, constantly growing brighter only to be smothered by the shadows time and time again.

Instinct. Instinct is a guiding feeling all Hollows exhibit, but it is no stronger than in the Nameless. It is a creäture that never developed Humanity, living early on purely through natural will and a drive it couldn't explain. It is that trait that made it this way, easily absorbing the darker feelings of those it consumed in order to better fit a piece able to break down the puzzle. It is the design of the parasite to bring Chaos, the purpose of its creation. That is what guides it.

The Fear of a Reaper:
With these things together, very few things pose a threat to the Nameless, but it is a creäture born from instinct, and an emotion that works in tune with that enigma is fear. No single entity frightens the creation. Rather, a concept is what strikes the monster with terror. True Death, it is a thing all mortals also fear for it is their final end. Even if the soul moves on the essence of what that person was no longer exists. Despite dying once already, it hasn't lessened this terror in the slightest in the mind of the damned fiend.

- Likes:
♦ chaos- the purpose of its existence. there is no greater joy that causing and partaking in the making of chaos. the disarray of people, the violence, the destruction, the confusion, it is the best form of live television and a thing that the creature represents in every fiber of their being.
♦ the collection- the collection is a term the parasite gives to the list of people it considers to belong to it. though it is never told to others or the group themselves they are recognized in such a way, it can be indicated by them getting special treatment in certain decisions it makes. these people are prime targets to take for infestation should it find a need to grow stronger than it now is by a large margin, but will usually be avoided in favor of keeping the group numerous,l
♦ suffering- specifically those of its enemies. pain and sorrow brings a smile to the creature's face. every shed tear a mark of how well it had done in ruining them and bringing about the chaos it desires,

- Dislikes:
♦peacekeepers- those that serve to enforce peace are a sworn enemy of the parasite for obvious reasons. they stand to prevent the goal of the monster and keep things in order for the souls of the world. not only do they get in the way, but they're extremely annoying, often shouting nonsense about justice or something along those lines!
♦ the soul king- they are a natural keeper of the greatest form of order, and as such are one of the things the parasite detests most. the entire royal guard fall here, as well as the gotei thirteen. they all serve against chaos, and it can not be allowed to continue for longer. it looks upon them with scorn.
♦quincy- even more than shinigami, the parasite has a great dislike of the arrow-aligned warriors. they not only wish to hunt the creature's kind, but they have the intellect and tools to do it efficiently and are the leading cause of true death. on top of that these people can't even be infested! their very nature is unstable, burning away and breaking down in minutes after the nameless enters their body. that makes them useless in every regard and nothing but a pest to be exterminated. it dislikes, hates, fears, abhors, and intends to crush them like the insects they are!


Last edited by Zane on Sun Dec 06, 2015 4:21 am; edited 3 times in total
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The Nameless [APPROVED  VASTO LORDE; 0-3 ]  Empty Re: The Nameless [APPROVED VASTO LORDE; 0-3 ]

Sun Jul 26, 2015 8:43 pm
The Nameless [APPROVED  VASTO LORDE; 0-3 ]  Image3707-1

[Click here for information about Xeno Hollow]

- Hollow type: Vasto Lordes (Prefferably. If not permitted, I'll modify some things back to Adju)

- Hollow Power:

Not just as a parasite, but a spiritual parasite, the creation functions much differently than normal life. This even includes common things of spiritual and living beings alike. It is a creature that never developed a living body and broke from the stable of the physical realm very quickly as it adapted the life of a parasite. Because of this, its entire form is made of energy and has no physical parts. However, the energy that forms from it can interact with the world as if it were physical. This is because the dark essence that composes the fiend emits force against everything it comes in contact with much like physical matter, with the exception of the host body. Due to being raw energy, the shape it takes is also easily changed. The parasite can change the tentacles or other constructs of its base state and shift them into any shape. It can even amplify attacks by splitting the energy that composes one construct in two when a block attempt is made and move around it to continue to their target. This does make it immune to most normal forms of death, such as decapitations and excessive wounds. Things like disease, decay,. and so on are also completely ineffective or weaker against it. The rule is that if it can't apply against a form of raw energy, it won't be able to harm the creature either. However, unique powers that can decay or destroy raw energy are effective, if not even more so than against normal people. That leads into the means to kill the fiend.

The most obvious way to kill the parasite is to eradicate its spiritual form entirely. Unique powers that can destroy energy or a blast of enough raw power to surpass the strength of the fiend itself can do this on a direct hit. However, they will only fully do so if the creature is vaporized entirely with no trace of its essence left. Doing less can easily take it out of commission, in fact even removing half of its body through those methods will make it unable to continue fighting or remain conscious. This can often be confused for demise due to the nature of the beast and the result leading to what remains of its form falling back into the host. As well as brunt force listed above, two special means are extra effective. The first is holy objects and powers affiliated with the concept of such divinity. The cross, angelic power, even a church all cause immensely greater damage against the Hollow than normal. Just standing in a church will slightly weaken it and cause a sensation of burning. Attacks centered on this attribute are like an allergy to the parasite, quickly breaking down its body and destroying it, depending on the power of the opposition. Any powers of that nature will be twice as effective against it and any attack it can conjure. Fortunately, these effects do not occur when combating a host's powers or .hitting their original body. The second weakness that is a constant threat is sunlight and powerful light in general. Natural sunlight will vastly weaken the creature while it inhabits the space, cutting all of its powers down to half effectiveness. Intense light-oriented effects will also, like before have double effectiveness against all powers and quickly break down the energy that makes its body. This can even apply to a mix of the two, making a divine and holy concentrated beam of light quite fatal if it were to strike directly. Not to be confused for cero or other energy beams. only attacks that are purely light and not spiritual energy or some other form that creates it will gain this bonus. Like before, this downside does not hinder the host's own powers and body.

Lastly, the creature needs a host to remain alive. It, as said, does not have the means to sustain itself normally. Sure, this means it does not need to breath and can't be critically wounded by means of precision. but it does make it dependent on the form of others. If one were to destroy the host body or inflict extreme amounts of damage to it, this could force the creature out and make it quite vulnerable. Not only would the full extent of it be in one state to attack, but it will be weaker -and- slowly die until a new host is inhabited. If it does not take a new body in 24 hours, it will cease to be. Each hour it will also lose 5% of it's power until powerless at the 20th hour. This effect is very slow, so it won't be present any time in a thread if it is forced out. However, the initial debuff and vulnerability is more than enough to ensure a difficult time fighting back and will more-likely-than-not lead to an escape attempt, rather than continued battle.

The matter of hosts is both simple and complex. While it can be done without the target's consent, doing so under an agreement is much more favorable. If a host is unwillingly taken over, it can -only- be done if they are drastically damaged or immensely weaker than the parasite itself. (They must also give OOC consent to the event.) Not only is it extremely painful for the submissive party, but uncomfortable for the parasite. It takes time, at least three posts if anyone else is present in the area. It leaves the Hollow vulnerable while switching from one host to another. The highest form of benefit from the bonding will not manifest initially either and maintaining control with souls of a stronger willpower is a constant struggle. Memory will not absorbed and powers are not obtained until ten posts have passed. This occurs by the body of the parasite flooding into the host and fusing together with their soul. The entirety of what the parasite is and its power is hidden at that point until its ability manifests outside the hosts soul. Even advanced sensory techniques of the highest level will only sense the host directly and not the demon inside their spirit. When even the slightest power of the creature is used though, the guise is eradicated and the true nature and location of the beast is easily detected.

Now, if the person in question -is- willing to the arrangement, things go by a lot smoother. The event is painless with the creature entering their body and happens instantaneously. It becomes a lot more symbiotic as the two can cooperate and share control as needed for the best optimization. At this time, the highest power of the two will immediately become their overall power. This means that if the host is 3-1 and the Parasite is 0-3, the host could now operate at the level of a 0-3. When both the parasite and host and substantially powerful, something more deadly occurs. An overall bonus is gained above what either were individually! Say the host was a 1-1 and the parasite a 1-2, the combined strength of the pair would ascend to the text echelon of might at a full 0-5! When the tier gap is greater than 3 sub-levels. ( Such as 1-1 and 1-4) the increase will only be a minor move up. ( 1-1 --> 1-1+ or 1-1+ --> 0-5) Once the gap is equal to an entire level, no increase is gained at all. That does make the combination worthless though.

The parasite will immediately gain access to all of the host's natural , racial, and unique powers and forms. Even more deadly is access and permanent addition, all of the host's memory. Over the years, this ability has given the creature a wealth of knowledge equal to a thousand life times from the minds of others. This is so advanced that it can even surpass the hosts's own recollection by tapping into forgotten, brainwashed, or otherwise changed and blocked out memories locked in the back of the mind. This allows it to utilize the powers of the host just as well, if not better than they can! All skills, bar mental ones (WIllpower, focus, etc) and all general skills except weapon skill, will be raised to the level of the host when using their body. This goes on to improve future hosts by giving the parasite a better grasp on racial techniques than the body itself if a former host had such talents! ( For example, if a host with a master in kido is taken over, then the parasite moves to a shinigami with an adept in kido, the parasite can use the body to perform kido at master-level like the former host. For starting purposes, no such effect will occur until obtained via PC) This extends to unique racial techniques as well. Like the former example, if the parasite were to inhabit a host that can use customized kido especially for their own cause, those same kido could be used in the body of any other shinigami the creature inhabits due to fully understanding everything the original host did during the union. Lastly, the union enables a form of heightened combat effectiveness through the parasites influence. When effects are used to influence the host, such as stuns, mental freezing, or other effects that will hinder them or stop them in their tracks; the parasite can force control over the body to move through what the mind won't allow! This is vital, as it can be used to overcome fatal situations caused by pain, mental regression, and even illusions.

But why agree to such a union? On top of the potential bonus in power and an additional mental aid in battle, the parasite can offer the host access to the few of its own unique powers at any time to aid them in their own personal quests. Any ability the parasite has can be permitted for the host to access as if they were the owner. The parasite can even force unique effects on the host for their survival if need be. This includes causing the body to regenerate and infusing their natural powers with malevolent energy to augment them, which will be gone into further at a later section. In a manner unique to the fiend, it can even prevent the host body from dying to fatal wounds! If the host body were to suffer something such as decapitation or having important organs removed or damaged, it can use its own essence to force the body sustained until the lost material can be re-attached or regenerated respectively. Unfortunately this process is very draining and can't be done if the parasite is also exhausted. Doing so multiple times will lead to the body breaking down and eventual death. Lastly, the host will gain access to an overall increase in their strength, speed, and durability along with connections to a potential string of other allies in the web of the parasite, making for benefits even after the parasite has left the body, if it does. The parasite can even partially manifest itself through tendrils and the four serpents that represent it to aid the host in battle and bring even more terrifying power to the equation!

Perks are not without downsides. In this union the creature is still a parasite. It feeds off the host and their power. Over the long term this can cause the host to become more easily exhausted and ill more frequently. Around that time is when the parasite is most dangerous. These effects can be warded off by souls of exceptional willpower or strength, but in most cases the most deadly power of the creature to the host comes out more often. It can be done at any point, but when weakened is when it is the easiest. The parasite can fully take control of the hosts body and deny them completely access, or allow some minor amount of it depending on its will. The forceful push of the parasite can be done in order to survive, or just enact its malevolent will. This feat is based on a battle of willpower. The stronger force will win in the end and gain control. If the host is defeated in this manner multiple times, it becomes possible for the creature to gain -complete and unrestricted control- of their body and power. (This also requires OOC permission and can be negated at any point if an agreement is reached for a certain time.) Additional spirits can help prevent this of the host is unwilling. Shinigami are difficult to fully control because of this, and Vizards are an even more challenging soul to dominated. It isn't impossible, but require more time, a larger point of weakness, and more effort to maintain full control. During this state, it is also possible to consume the host entirely from the inside out. (Again, only with ooc consent, especially since it is an actual kill.) When this occurs, the body of the host rapidly breaks down and decays, the fiend consuming their soul in a much more efficient way than a normal Hollow. This is the main contribution to a ridiculous level of growth in power in such a short amount of time. When successful,. the creature will gain all of the hosts raw power and access to their powers. This includes the ascended levels of them through forms, but does not grant the form itself. Natural and racial powers are not gained via this method. Characters that already have an odd relationship with another creature, such as a symbiotic or parasitic life-form offering them strength to sustain them, Quincy, or pure/mostly machines are completely immune to any form of influence, control, or even bonding to the nameless fiend.

Upon attaining enough power and essence through these mediums, the parasite will eventually develop a full body of its own, and at that time transform into an Arrancar. The time of that is unknown, as will be the effects of the change. Due to the parasitic nature it has had for its entire existence, the effects couldn't be predicted as easily as the average Arrancar. When that time finally comes, it believes it will gain a new power entirely; one that is perfect to fit a perfect body it would make for itself. This is all speculation though.


The Darkness Cloak: The parasite often creates a dense cloak of energy around the host and its own body if outside of a host. The energy, like itself is pitch black and composed of the same material as its own body. The difference is that it is highly compacted to act more like an unique armor. It appears more like an aura than a barrier though, flowing around the protected like a distorting whirlpool. It can expand to cover as many as five people, but usually stays around the size of a single person. This barrier leaves many openings to gain the aura-like effect. These openings appear randomly, most often near the face to leave vision undisturbed. However, in the event of an attack the cloak can easily close up instantaneously or cover the body entirely. The defense of the cloak is slightly inferior to the average hierro of their level unless stacked. Most powerful bladed attacks will pass through it on the first or second strike, but be vastly reduced, if not entirely void of power. Energy-oriented skills will do the same. The main benefit this cloak offers over normal barriers is that once broken or damaged, it can and will quickly repair itself.. The cloak will never remain destroyed for even a single post! Some damages may even be repaired as soon as the attack is out of direct contact. This makes most, if not all but the strongest of attacks reduced in power when coming into contact with the cloak. and lessening damages done to the host or parasite substantially. Additionally, due to the versatile form of the cloak, it can be used in unique ways unlike traditional armor abilities.

The cloak can be bent to the will of the parasite to cover wounds and protect vital spots. It can be molded around weapons to bolster their durability and grant immunity to certain effects that would be troublesome. such as decay or metal control. The cloak can even layer on top of itself multiple times to reduce attack strength even further, if not fully negate it! Putting multiple layers of the cloak in a single area will shrink it from a full-body armor, but make better use for stronger attacks coming from a single direction. The last, and perhaps most useful bonus of the darkness cloak is the ability to negate signals. All signals that would normally allow a person to control something, such as bending metal or blood are negated if they are encased or behind the darkness cloak! It negates the ability from reaching them and protects material from being manipulated. This can even effect material created by the very soul intending to manipulate it, providing the cloak is above their grade in power. This does not effect the parasite or the host, but can prevent things from being controlled inside the body to hinder them. For example, if a wound were to open and a blood bender would have an ability to manipulate the hosts own blood, they would not be able to while the cloak is manifested. It even keeps most effects at bay if they cover a wide area. If a poison gas filled the air, then the cloak could keep it from entering the confines of the interior and allow continued battle; providing it isn't broken down from its full body formation. Effects that cause widespread decay or otherwise also follow that guideline unless the resonated effect can overpower the cloak. The primary downside to this is that it isn't an ultimate armor as many others have come to acquire. Breaking it down to inflict heavy wounds isn't too difficult, and attacks too powerful may barely be effected at all by even multiple layers of the cloak. It is a versatile tool to be used in the long run, rather than a means to act recklessly in battle like the stronger armors the world presents can allow. It is more a means to take on foes with access to unique and complex powers, rather than the many power-house type monsters that smash the world to rubble.

There are additional flaws from the complexity of the energy compared to traditional armor. Like the parasite itself, the barrier is extremely weak to pure light. When exposed to sunlight or techniques associated with bending concentrated light or photons, all unique effects bar the regeneration are nullified. Additionally the rate of repair will be reduced t the point where repairing lost energy will take three times as long, a full three posts before the damages are repaired. Lastly, due to the composition of the cloak being of the very material that composes the parasite's body, extensive damage done to the barrier multiple times can lead to severe damage to the creature's body. . If entire layers of the cloak were cast to oblivion in a short period of time, the parasite will quickly begin to weaken, the damage done contributing to the amount of material needed to subdue, or even obliterate it entirely. Fortunately this is at a slower pace due to being fused with additional energy sources, rather than a pure incarnation of its own essence as a shield. Allowing too much damage to be absorbed by the cloak is risky in any light and limits how long it can be sustained, less the fiend risk doing extensive damage to itself just to protect a body that can be easily replaced.

Darkness Armor: The Darkness Armor is the next evolution of the Darkness Cloak attuned to a more offensive purpose. Where the Cloak offered a versatile defense that flowed freely, the Armor is more compact with benefits toward a more aggressive and offensive styles. The Armor, like the cloak is a manifestation of the Parasite's will mixed with the spiritual power of a Hollow and the host's own power. This forms from the host's skin. Liquid will rapidly pour out from the body flesh, coating the subject almost entirely in a green material. This materials quickly fuses together with the subject's flesh, then hardens back into a solid piece of material. It has a very stretchy and light-weight make up that ensures it doesn't reduce maneuverability, while also being very dense. The material gives the user a very unique look a kin to mutated dark-green flesh with bits of orange muscle scattered throughout the armor.It covers them entirely and fits perfectly to the curvature of their body, only leaving the hair and eyes uncovered. Over the lower-haf of the face a mask will form with the same greyish green texture as the rest of the body will now take.

The Darkness Armor can not be molded, changed, or manipulated like the cloak. It can't be condensed to an extremely defensive point, but makes up for that by being far stronger overall. The armor has durability equal to a master-level hierro, protecting the wearer from any attack be it minor or large-scale. The material has great resistance against things that center on piercing and against blunt force. When struck, the armor will absorb the force of an attack and disperse the energy over a large portion of its entirety, making it difficult to severely damage. It also offers great resistance to less mundane forms of attack like poison. Liquids, gases, and most spiritual powers will find it nearly impossible to reach the subject without breaking through the armor first. Though it is fused with the skin, it will not absorb chemicals or toxins on contact.

That rounds out the defensive properties of the armor, but its true use comes from its offensive. The Armor does not just fuse with the skin, but digs deeper into the body and strengthens the muscles and spiritual construction of the one effected by it. This drastically increases physical output. In Ruvik's case, it combines with the normal physical augmentation to give an even greater boost in raw might. Strength is increased to be three times as effective as it normally is by this method, where as a host's speed is .quadrupled! This will often make the host appear to blur from how fast they are and even contend with soul-dash level speeds for short bursts of time while active. For one exceptionally fast already, after-images may even form as they move. Lastly, it even has an effect on energy projection while this suit is in effect. When releasing energy from the body such as a cero, kido, or personal techniques, the armor infuses bits of dark power into the projection and increases their potency by 25%. This makes any form of energy used by the subject 1.25x as effective. It isn't as drastic as some things centered on that goal, but can still turn the tide of battle over time or be the deciding factor in close confrontations.

Additionally, like the cloak, this can be created through anyone that is linked with a Soul Contract. However, the effectiveness is reduced compared to one directly inhabited by the parasite. Th defensive coating will only be on par with advanced-level hierro. The physical enhancements are drastically decreased, though still effective. Instead, the effected will have one and a half times their normal strength, as well as twice their normal speed. It is no where near enough to operate at the same pace as the normal armor however. The increase to overall effectiveness with energy is also lowered to toughly ten percent. Along with effectiveness, the armor of contracted souls can vary cosmetically. Whether it be color distinction or slight changes in the texture, most souls will have a slightly different look to the ability. However, they will retain a likeness to one another and have the presence of muscle-like protrusions from their flesh. The armor is attuned to the flesh of the one effected by it, so it does not repair itself. However, if one can regenerate their own flesh, the armor will also be restored along with it.

Since the armor is composed of the same material as the Darkness Cloak, the two can never be used at the same time. In Ruvik's case, his normal ability to physically augment the host is also restricted. The armor is potent in many ways, but also taxing for those reasons. Any form of regeneration accessed with this ability in play will cost 1.5x as much energy as normal to restore the material along with their own being. This is not optional once they have been damaged with the armor in place. It must be restored before it can be deactivated unless the one inside it is knocked out ot killed. Energy is also drained from any kind of technique effected by the armor's augmentations equal to the amount of power they gained from its influence. Most notably is the effect it has with sunlight and holy energy. Like the Darkness Cloak, this is very vulnerable to the sun and divinity. Its effectiveness isn't as compromised, only being reduced by 25% while in direct sunlight or being struck by holy affinity, and as low as fifty percent when being assaulted by sunlight and holy energy together. It also comes with immense pain though. As the armor is directly linked tio the host body these two flaws will directly burn the subject. This burning, while not fatal without excessive exposure, is exceedingly painful. Flesh melts away over time and even the core of their being will feel pained unless the Darkness Armor is dispelled. The rate these damages occur depends on the power and scale of the source in question. Concentrations of photons or immense amounts of holy energy will be more effective than rays of standard sunlight.

Monstrous strength: The primary physical characteristic the parasite offers through the energy constructs it creates is monstrous power. The tendrils alone can easily lift large vehicles and cut through steel, titanium and other dense metal with ease. The main body composed of four serpents is even more ridiculously powerful. Their bite has more than 1'000'000 PSI!! Even lashing out at objects with the spines aligned on their back can tear a body in half like a piece of paper. If the teeth of the deathly snake were to bite into an Arrancar's hierro at the same level of power as the beast itself, they could easily push through the defense and still tear off a large chunk of flesh in the blink of an eye. When combined with the tendrils and other three serpents that work together in battle, there is few, if any armor that can keep them at bay for long. They crush, relentlessly stab and impale anything in their way. What makes this even more deadly is how it can be combined with the natural powers of the host and strike from an extremely long range for traditional melee. The serpents can even wrap around a foe multiple times to constrict and choke the life out of them, or just keep them bound. The crushing power of that form is nearly as deadly as the bite itself over a much larger area. Most will find it impossible to breath even in the slightest and the parts of the body split from the heart will turn blue from an inability for oxygen to flow. It can cause a person to go unconscious in only two posts if the grip is not broken. On top of that, the strength only continues to rise from the other powers that compliment it in the beast's arsenal. Trying to contend with the fiend in close combat is severely discouraged. Using this power, the Hollow has a particular fondness for piercing an adversary in their heart and consuming it whole. Lastly, since it is composed of energy, these strikes can clash directlhy with energy-oriented powers and break them down if it can overpower them. On the flip side, due that composition energy-oriented powers can cause more serious harm than any physical one, making a clash possible and effective, but risky.

Striking Speed: The parasite may not move around on its own power very much due to being chained to a body of the host, but its speed when striking is nearly as fearsome as its strength! Each tendril, vector, and construct of the parrasite can lash out at speeds multiples times faster than sound without any time to build up momentum. Simply willing it can cause an appendage to lash out and brutally wound an opponent before they even realize they had been attacked! It could even fully capture someone under the binds of tendrils wrapping around their flesh and keeping them pinned in the blink of an eye. The downside to this is that, while the creature can move at such speeds, the host body is limited to an impressive, but less-so level of motion in most cases. This limits just how far away this speed can be utilized due to the inability of the parasite to move its body more than thirty feet away from the point they spawn. Regardless, combined with the strength it holds, the creature isn't something one easily contends with in close quarters and recklessness can easily lead to one's extermination before they can even comprehend the events that transpired.

Regeneration: The fiend has no purpose for regeneration outside of restoring the energy that constructs its body when enough force is present, but what does require it is the host. That is the main purpose of this developed talent. A normal host will attain vast regeneration upon becoming one with the parasite. This can easily be compared to that of a Hollow, and fits in the spectrum of the peak of their ability. Minor wounds heal just as their inflicted and require no conscious application. This appears as a black essence quickly forming over wounds and sealing them shut, or a mass of black energy building up and turning into the lost organic/spiritual material. Larger-scale injuries are even patched in a short amount of time. Lost limbs can be forged a new in one and a half posts, and even vital organs can be restored by a post's conclusion.

However, the weakness to this is the head can not be grown back. It can only be reattached. Though the brain can be healed like the rest of the body, complete decapitation will require the head be captured and put back in place. Complete destruction of the head is an unfortunate case that can not be mended. However, any other part of the body is free of this weakness. Should the host already have a regeneration of their own, this will bolster their natural ability multiple times over! At the least it will perform slightly above what is already present in the healing factor given. In peak conditions, the ultimate form of regeneration may be developed between the two of them that permits healing at a rate science and spiritual law abhors. It all depends how effective their natural healing factor is. While it is draining, the effect, in the former case is fully derived from the parasites own energy pool and will not have visible indications of fatigue by the host unless the parasite is in full control. Even then, that will allow the Hollow to use the host's energy as well to reduce the burden vastly..

Malevolence: Malevolence is the term used by the Hollow for its second most potent power. The creatures gains strength from the vile and malevolent emotions in the world. The killing intent of others and the hatred people have for one another. These emotions, thoughts, and actions all fuel the creature with greater strength and power than it already has! The darker a dimension it inhabits is, the more powerful it becomes because of the average intent of the realms people. This increases the fiends already monstrous strength, its speed, ability, and energy vastly by unknown intervals that constantly shift. This augmentation is influence by the entire world on a small scale, but people directly in interaction with the parasite influence it much more. It can draw power from the hatred and killing intent of the very foes it fights! Even the malice of the host can be drawn in to increase its overall ability. It is even worse when the source of their hatred and malice is the Hollow itself. That directed evil, a feeling of spite that can only be sedated by the creature's death offers the most power of all! Though these buffs are all undefined due to how radically they change and differ, the bonus is immense , and make the parasite one of the most deadly threats to those that oppose it and desire its end. It can range anywhere from a a minor increase of 1.1x to as large as multiplying the fiend's overall ability five fold in peak conditions!

Malevolence can be used for diverse purposes. It isn't just a raw power upgrade, but an energy that can be forged from the world around it. It takes the form of crimson sparks. It will mix together with the darkness cloak as an aura during battle in especially vile areas or against opposition desiring the creatures death. These sparks can be infused into any technique the parasite is associated with, such as the host's powers and any other the fiend can come across. These sparks bolster the offensive power of any skill. Minor changes often occur due to the corrupt energy. These things are minor, but showcase a shift in desire for something more destructive. A barrier may grow spikes that cut open any that touch it, or a blast of energy will become more explosive and have a minor change in color. Nothing too substantial, but the will of damnation is showcased in every ability altered by the crimson sparks. This electric energy can be unleashed on its own as a form of offensive. It can be shot into someone through contact, or release in a bolt of lightning that moves at incredible speed. The range is roughly half a mile, intended to strike a target at a large distance and moves at speed ten times greater than an actual strike of lightning, making evasion extremely difficult. When struck by either method, the electricity will burn the victim internally at a fast pace and even start to cook them! The pain is immense, and given prolonged contact or a continuous stream of lightning, the eyes will begin to boil and the lungs will cease to function. mIt takes only a post of continuous contact for the effect to reach that state, and given time could cook someone to death if they can't escape the effect. The unique thing about this lightning is that while harming a target, regeneration will be completely negated. Additionally the effected won't be able to use any healing effects for the duration of the post they are struck. This only lasts for the post itself, but given continuous strikes can seriously hinder those that overly rely in healing factors.

The last effect of malevolence is a form of sixth sense based on the concept. Whenever someone has vile intent toward the parasite or host, the parasite can sense it and feel through it with ease. This can even sense people that it doesn't even know exist if they are near and have this intent. It is an ultimate sense that can see through any disguise, acting, or illusion so long as the subject in question has that dark intent present. It helps see through surprise attacks and works in an instant. Sudden changes from a lack there of, to being effected by this can predict and help evade sudden assaults before the muscles in the body even move to act out their new malevolent will. It puts the subject in question on an invisible radar, allowing perfect tracking. Clones can be distinguished due to a lack of free will of their own in most cases to feel malice. The range of the ability is roughly two miles around the parasite and is very precise. Unfortunately it can not sense out raw attacks like beams or underground surges of stone rising up to strike. It can only sense the person directly and how intense their will for deception, destruction, and harm is.

Those free of ill intent are entirely immune to every aspect of this sensor, and should their intent be pure; can bypass most things related to malevolence entirely. Though the evil of the world will still fuel it to some degree, the opposition is the primary factor and heavily influences the effects in play.

Malefic Cero: The Malefic Cero is a custom variation of the technique designed as the parasite's response to combating more potent forms of energy, It takes heavy inspirations from the formidable Gran Rey Cero, but altered to be even more lethal and destructive. The Malefic cero, like the Gran Rey is forged through sacrifice of blood during the short time of its charge. However unlike the original, this does not require a cut to be made on the body. Instead, it will burn away at blood directly inside the flesh, or even near the caster if possible. Any source of uncovered blood within a fifty foot radius of the caster can be used as a source. Upon the material being burned away, a large, crimson blast will manifest at any focal point. It is here where the larger changes between the two techniques becomes apparent.

The very nature of the cero isn't definite. Instead of being a raw destructive force, it adds to it properties of the blood it burned for its inception. This can give it any number of drastic improvements, even multiple at once if under the correct circumstances. These changes will match the primary ability of the blood's owner, each change becoming more potent with more blood being used as sacrifice. A shinigami centered on bending ice could cause the blast to gain the effect of freezing anything it touched and the world around it, while also burning them from the normal properties of the blast. A kinetic user would increase the direct impact force exceptionally. Ruvik's direct essence will cause induce the nature of Malevolence to drastically increase every other properties potency and the general destructive and explosive potential of the blast itself. Additionally the normal factors of Malevolence will also apply, making the cero a true force to be reckoned with.

The Malefic Cero puts those properties on the same level as itself, making it a very versatile and frightening thing to come across. It is released with more than enough power to distort time and space itself around it and even cause distortions in time/space oriented abilities that are close to it. Its raw power alone can even be said to surpass multiple traditional gran rey or cero oscuras. The blast can easily stretch as far as three miles with a height of roughly four hundred meters. The explosive impact is where it iss peak though. On impact with an appropriate stopping force, all the properties it absorbed will be released at their strongest level, as well as the immense destructive force of the cero itself.

This is not all without a price though. Not only does the Malefic Cero require much more blood than normal, but it takes a vast sum of energy and control to manage. The techniques can only be done by a master in the form of Cero and will leave the caster fatigued if done more than once. This technique is advised to only be used once in a fight due to its exertion, but can be used up to as much as three times throughout the entirety of a battle if need be. However each blast after the first will be exceedingly tiring and put the caster in consecutively worse shape. On top of that the blast can not be used until as long as four posts after it was last cast. Even after the energy cost of the technique itself, if the caster is to use all of their own blood, additional energy will be needed to regenerate what was lost. The immense power of the blast is even enough to cause harm to the one firing it to a small degree, such as tearing off flesh, fracturing bones near the point the blast is fired, and generally being difficult to control or change direction once launched. Despite those shortcomings, the Malefic Cero is a trump card all its own that can easily change the tides of battle.

Shadow Division: The parasite can split up its body into multiple segments at any time it desires. This is done by dividing the four heads that construct it and putting them in charge of their own mass of energy. Each form has all of the powers of the original and can each operate in tune with their own host. The downside to this is that doing so lowers the creature's power substantially. While at full strength or having three heads in place, no decrease in power is present. While two heads are linked together , the creature will function at 1 sub-tier lower than normal. ( 1-1 would be 1-2.) and while only a single head controls the body, it will be reduced by two sub-tiers. (1-1 to 1-3). While useful in many situations, it is dangerous to do so. Should any of the split forms be eradicated, they will not be able to join back together and instead the remaining body must regrow the lost material. This takes time, nearly 24 hours per lost body. This can nit be healed in the duration of a thread and may even last to threads that follow for a short time, especially if two or more parts of its being are damage during the split. Though they are separate, the constructs of the parasite can communicate at light speed through telepathy, practically sharing a hive-mind that can work in a synergistic manner.

Superhuman Modifications: While residing in a host, the body of the person inhabited will function leagues above how it normally would. The dark energy of the parasite flows through their nervous system, their muscles, and even organs and bolsters every physical characteristic about them to a new league even above average for the creature's standards. Any body that was petty and frail to begin with would now have the speed to keep pace with a bullet train, strike with enough force to crush a tank in a single strike , and endure a direct hit from attacks as strong as Hadō 90 without substantial injury or pause. Take for account that is only while using the body of someone who was already exceedingly weak before hand! The immune system is even drastically improved, making the subject less vulnerable to poisons of a spiritual or physical nature. When applied to someone not on the weaker end of the spectrum, these modifications become enormous bolsters to their already impressive physical ability, doubling the effectiveness of raw strength, speed, and durability at the least. Like everything else, this is a perk that can be easily taken away from the host if the creature desires it. But should the parasite take control, it can utilize this ungodly physical ability to overwhelm most any adversary! Unfortunately for the subject, if the parasite leaves their body, the energy withdraw causes negative effects to their flesh and function. A normal person would die out entirely, while any more durable and spiritually augmented individual would function at half their normal physical ability for ten posts.

Soul Contract: Perhaps the second most potent ability at the parasite's disposal. The Soul Contract is the second best thing to fully infesting a person's body and claiming their strength as its own. The process is a simple one, but very effective and diverse in what occurs. To incur a soul contract, the creature simply need ask them if they accept a contract that will be told at the time of through any medium. The terms are usually vague, promising power and aid in fulfilling some kind of vendetta or revenge against another in return for a favor or two in the future. If they accept, then the creature can make the deal official by any means it desires. There isn't a specific ritual to it and could be made painfully over-the-top, or as simple as a touch on the forehead. They need not even be close to one another for this to take effect. However, there is a way to force the contract on to another, but it is much harder to do. The first is that the subject in question be drastically weakened. If they are near the creature's level or even decently powerful, they would need to be in a state of great emotional distress or decreased willpower. The second medium is if they simply are drastically weaker than the parasite. In which case the contract can be forced upon them.

Now, what does this contract do exactly? As in the name, it is a contract of the soul. Unlike traditional demon cliches, this isn't an ownership of the one in question, but a deep link put in place between the soul of the parasite and the subject in question. There is no limit to how many people can be linked this way, but it can also be broken should the subject desire it and have the willpower to do so. Power isn't even needed to break the bind, only willpower. The contract has benefits for both parties that make it a less-than-easy choice to simply request the contract be removed or force it off themselves. Starting with immediate effects. The contract will put a seal somewhere on the subjects body. This seal will be pitch black in color and has the mold of a serpent's head.. While this is in place, the effected will gain an enormous rush of energy and even the parasite's regeneration immediately after the contract begins. This only lasts for the thread in question, but is still useful. The second and more long-lasting change is in the subject's intent. The seal brings out the darkest parts of who they are, be it greed, lust, or just wrath and hatred. These aspects are amplified multiple times over, turning minor flaws into the biggest parts of who a person is so long as the contract is in place.

This seal will allow the parasite to give the subject in question immense power, No matter how weak they were before, this can raise them up to a level just one tier lower than the parasite itself. If someone is already at that level or above, a bonus is still obtained. The limt will change to instead offering only a half-tier bonus ( 1-1 -> 1-1+ etc). Like all other things, the parasite controls how much power it offers and can alter the tier anywhere from their base level to the maximum on a thought. Additionally as a bonus, the creature can allow someone access to the darkness cloak ability with the same benefit it has while using it. However, unlike the host, that is the only ability it can offer through this medium, and a seldom one. Only the most useful of contracted combatants will be allowed to use it. A bonus of such power is life changing for some, but it isn't without flaws. Naturally the parasite has benefits from the ordeal as well.

The first is an always active effect that slowly drains the soul of the one effected. This is so ridiculously slow that it can't be noticed for an exceedingly long amount of time. This is a medium for the creature to gain energy from other creatures aside the host and even gain the essence of races it can't normally infest, such as Quincy. The process is very slow though, not having much effect until weeks have passed with the seal active. At that point the subject may begin to feel minor illness that fades away in a few hours, only coming back every few weeks for short bursts of time. Only after multiple months does it become worse and last for longer periods. This can never kill someone, but eventually can build to serious migraines and other pains. The more power they gain compared to their original tier, the more these effects manifest and plague them throughout a month.

The creature also has extensive control over the contracted subjects. A number of simple powers can be accessed relating to those in question. The first is summoning, a basic technique that can take away someone under the conscription from the area they are in and bring the person directly before the parasite and their current host. This takes the form of a mass of dark energy manifesting around the target and consuming them to nothingness; rebuilding their body under the guise of another energy mass directly before the creature. The opposite can also be done. Through the contracted, the parasite can warp its own body to the same location as any that are linked to its soul. At the time the host will also be brought along by the extension of the parasite's will. These methods both take a full post to complete, making it unwise during battle where a distraction isn't available.

The second means of control is sensory. At any time the parasite can telepathically communicate with any contracted soul whether they want to or not. At this time the creature can read their thoughts and project its own at light speed. Aside being nifty communication, this telepathy has controlling properties. The words and commands spoken over this medium have an alluring effect that makes the subject desire to follow them. This is not control, but an extremely effective passive suggestion, One can easily ignore, or alter the orders given enough willpower, but since most subjects are treated as friends and associates, it isn't as easy as disregarding an enemy. It has the same effect as a request being given by a close friend. Sure, anyone could turn it down. They're not being forced to obey. They just want to. The second effect is sensory intake. At any time the parasite can tap into the senses of those affiliated with the contract and hear what they hear, see what they see, so on and so forth. It is like looking at a video through the eyes and ears of the subject and makes for useful tactical application. That is as far as it goes

The last effect of the contract is the most useful for the parasite,. While in place, the creature can use any powers that the contracted can utilize in all but their peak state, unless the person only has one state; in which case all powers will be available. This will only apply to personal ability, not racial skills or natural talents. For example, if a fire bender were to be contracted under this ability and they had access to their bankai, the parasite, and thus the host could utilize all powers and techniques available to the subject from their base form and shikai. The techniques follow the same guidelines and barriers as the original user, but do not require the same medium. Rather than a sword, the parasite could bend flames through its body, or the host's physical appendages. Any power generated via this medium is composed of malevolent energy and altered so that it can not harm the parasite or its host. This, combined with the initial benefits of its parasitic nature give it one of the widest potential arsenal of techniques in existence! Due to this, it hasn't come to develop many skills of its own, leading to a fatal issue down the road. Should all the contracted subjects break free or die off, or even the host killed, the parasite has extreme difficulty managing on its own accord alone. This dependency keeps it in check, needing to keep some subjects appeased to stay in power.

These contracts can be broken in three ways. The first is to overcome the will of the parasite and free yourself through excessive effort and energy expenditure. The second is if the terms of the contract are violated. The contract, though often vague is important. The terms must be fulfilled on the Hollow's end to remain active. Once those terms are shattered, the contract is removed. However the rules toward it are very literal, so if a technicality permits something, there are no drawbacks to it. the last medium is to kill the parasite itself, which will remove all influence it has on the world and the souls that reside in it.

Last edited by Zane on Sun Dec 06, 2015 4:31 am; edited 12 times in total
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The Nameless [APPROVED  VASTO LORDE; 0-3 ]  Empty Re: The Nameless [APPROVED VASTO LORDE; 0-3 ]

Sun Jul 26, 2015 8:44 pm
Advocates of Corruption: Corruption's Advocates is a very special ability only recently developed by the unknown fiend. It is one of the many solutions to the creature's need to gather loyal allies and push them toward its own malefic will. In most situations it is difficult to sway people to the side of the Hollow, its promise of power having few ways of proving itself factual until one has already committed themselves to its cause. The Advocates are objects bent by the will of the parasite, contorted with immense amounts of corrupt power and made into individual super weapons. These weapons are called Advocates and each will develop their own unique techniques or powers after inception. Why create these weapons? Well it allows the parasite's will to effect people on a larger scale without them being aware of it. The Advocates resonate with immense dark power, depending on each individual case. They do not retain the Hollow nature of the creator though.

Each Advocate adjusts to the one holding it. It syncs with their soul, creating a tight bond immediately in a matter of moments. However, this bond can be severed just as quickly should the holder choose to resent its power. This bond creates a half-built contract between the one using it and Ruvik. This half-established deal only allows three things. Firstly, Ruvik can telepathically communicate with anyone in contact with the Advocates. Secondly, he can see through their senses, allowing him to watch over them to a degree like his normal subjects. And lastly, it can instantly create a full Soul Contract with the agreement of the one using the Advocate. There are multiple reasons to agree to it. The pseudo-hypnotic effect present in the creature's voice remains active in this event, making it more likely for it to be trusted. Additionally, the unique power and benefit of the Advocate will be restricted to roughly fifty percent its full potential until a Soul Contract is fully established. On top of making more aware of the offering and spreading the creature's influence, it even empowers the soldier that serve under it in this manner.

Advocates are created through Ruvik's soul. He removes a small fragment of his own being and forges it into powerful weapons. There are many flaws to this however that make it short of an emperor-making ability. Firstly, this is -extremely- draining, nearly impossible to do in battle, especially when creating stronger weapons. He loses part of his very being with each creation, taking time to restore himself in wait or gaining the essence of new subjects in exchange. Secondly, no matter what Ruvik can never use these advocates himself. He can control them in a way, but can never access the unique power they developed after creation. This is due to a sort of automatic bonding that occurs when he interacts with these weapons. As they are parts of his soul, they automatically start to break down and return to their origin when his direct power attempts to manipulate their power.However, this also serves as another source of fuel for the creature's existence. Advocates that it consumes will return their part of his being back to the source and strengthen it, as well as give him all the power they acquired while in use from causing chaos and bringing despair to others. As for what control the Hollow can administer to the Advocates; he can shut off their power at any time, regardless of where it is or how far away. Additionally, he can summon these unique weapons to him at any time, as well as those using them if they are together at the time.

Advocates have power based on a class system. The higher the lass of an Advocate, the stronger it will be in durability, potency, and the general magnitude of their power. The system has six ranks, each representing a caliber equal to certain tiers of people. Higher-class Advocates are much more difficult to create and can leave the parasite exhausted for extended periods of time after creation. This is why it seldom forges those weapons directly. Advocates are rated from the lowest possible class of D usually up to the high class of S. Though it is possible to create immensely powerful weapons that follow the highest class of Advocate possible, their creation is difficult. Advocates have the unique ability to also evolve on their own. They draw power from the deaths of others and the chaos itself. Over time when used in enough chaotic situations, or taking enough lives, one can progress up to the next class. How difficult this is depends on what class they currently are. Higher-classed Advocates take more chaotic energy to evolve than their weaker counterparts. Though their quality depends on class, any Advocate's power will depend on the one using it. Even D-class versions of these can be deadly when in the hands of someone strong enough to use them.

D-class Advocates are the weakest of their kind. They often have one basic ability or technique that, while useful, is far from its maximum potential. These can be made in bulk for little energy individually, often being given to fodder or common soldiers to give them an edge. These Advocates induce minor amounts of corruption on the one using it, requiring adept willpower to utilize without giving in to ones most malicious instincts. A soul must also be at least 4-5 to use these weapons effectively. They are are as durble as sealed zanpakto.

C-class Advocates are where things start to become more dangerous. They still often center on one power or technique, but are much more powerful in how they use them. They can be more complex, cover a wider range of concepts and turn the tide of a close battle. These creations are fairly easy to make individually and usually are reserved for officers and decently-ranked soldiers. They force a standard amount of corrupting energy into the body and are more difficult to control than their underling. A soul still only needs Adept Willpower to keep their malicious feelings in check, but now require their overall strength to surpass 3-5 at the least. They aren't that much more durable, just being slightly stronger than the average sealed zanpakto.

B-Class Advocates take things another step further. They now can access more than one technique, but no more than three. Generally Advocates will never bypass more than 2 overall themes as they focus on single effects at their utmost quality. This is where they become more useful in even large-scale battles between reputable forces. Their power can be a game changed in battle and put someone that had a disadvantage in a place above their adversary. These tools are somewhat difficult to make, usually being made in pairs of two or three at the most. Their corrupting power is substantially above their predecessor, taking at least Advanced Willpower to brush aside the nefarious intent it sends through its owner. Only those in the class of 2-5 or above can successfully use these These creations generally match up to a shikai in durability and effectiveness. Thy are valuable side-arms to any that is fortunate enough to come across them.

A-class Advocates are the strongest most will be able to use. They are on an entire new league than the ones below them and perfect their purpose. This level has been noted to even change the tides of entire skirmishes, giving one the power to defeat multiple opponent with the weapon's aid. There is no clear limit to what they can become, potentially even messing with the space time continuum on the higher end of these tools. Like the B-class, they require Advanced Willpower to control entirely without succumbing to an outburst of malice. They also demand one be of at least 1-5 to use them at their fullest. They are the most draining weapons Ruvik usually creates, taking all of his energy for an entire day just to forge two of these monstrosities. They can match up with weaker unmastered Bankai in terms of durability and overall energy expenditure. They are lethal weapons none should underestimate, less they wish for a quick demise.

S-Class Advocates are the strongest most will think of as the strongest if they come to be public knowledge. They are demanding, both on the parasite to create them and the weilder to control them. These weapons of mass destruction can completely shift the nature of a conflict from one-sided in one direction to the other. Though still focusing on a few abilities, they are as powerful as they could ever be. The corrupting power of the Advocate is immense, requiring at least Master level willpower to use them without succumbing to malefic madness. They release pillars of distorting reishi, enough to even physical harm anyone that attempts to use it without having the appropriate power. Only those in the 0-tier bracket can attempt to use S-Class Advocates and even then, the weaker of that branch may have trouble. to create one would drain Ruvik entirely for at least a few days. They are the epitome of what an Advocate can become. Their power and durability can be compared to the average bankai, putting the holder on an entire new level multiple times over.

X͈͕̞̯̺̱̀ͪ͊ͮͮ͆̚-̶̹̥̘͈̳̥̻̄̿ͬ̋̓̀̚͜Cͤͥͫ͐͏̜̥̳̞̬̻l̵̸͚̣̦̞̫̩ͩ́a͈̫̐͊̏͆̈́̂ͧͪ̕s̬͓̜̳̦͚̩̄̆͛ͭ̐s̥̠̠͔̰͊̾̌ͣ̏́̆̀ ̧͑ͨ̉ͤ̿͂͝҉͉̯̺͖Ä̭̩͖̹̞̰̲́̌͊̒̉͞ḋ̈̓̊͗̃̔ͪ҉̣̮̱̲̪̬̲͖v̴̨̹̈̓͌͊̓͂͗̑͊o̪̯͚̫̱̼ͪ̏ͪ̈́̆͊̐c̘̩ͧ̈̆ͨͫ͘͠á̲̞̬̤ͧ́͝t̟̮̱̪̤̫͍͊̌̆̅̏́͡ͅe̶̵̱̪̬͈̺̗ͩ͌̽ͨ̊̓̈̚͜s̝͉̮͓͈̠̔̎͑̂ͭ̀ are weapons that can change the tides of entire wars. They are the only type of Advocate even Ruvik can not create normally using all of the power at his disposal. Instead, these rare, possibly even non-existent objects can only be forged through two methods. the first is to evolve from an S-class Advocate after bringing about excessive chaos and destruction many, many times, eventually ascending to this final stage. The other method is to capture the soul of someone exceedingly powerful. If one can manage to steal the soul of a zero tier PC or validated NPC(Ones that specifically have an app), it can be used as sacrifice to forge one of these monsters. By either having an S-class Advocate or giving the soul to Ruvik himself, the destructive final form of all advocates can be forged. These weapons can be even more corrupt than Ruvik himself, releasing endless amounts of dark energy. They require grand-master willpower to use without succumbing to madness, and even those near it will feel themselves being corrupted and becoming malicious if they have Willpower below Advanced. Only a 0-3 or higher can use this type of Advocate, and its immense power is exceedingly draining. These weapons can even match up to the might of forms such as Segunda Etapa, proving enough destructive influence to wipe out entire towns and cities off the face of the Earth.

Advocates, unlike most other weapons can not be repaired upon being destroyed. If they are simply broken in half or shattered, mending them may be possible. However if obliterated, they will be gone for good unlike zanpakto or most personal weapons some come to use. They act individual to the one holding them as well. This means something effecting them may not weaken or effect the power of the equipment unless the energy used to power it was altered. These tools respond exceedingly poorly to attempts of alteration of study. Being a production of the soul, any effort to copy them through study will be difficult and likely yield a vastly weaker product in the end result. These tools can not be cloned, and they reject tampering. Any effort to alter the nature of an Advocate will result in the object in turn trying to corrupt the very thing trying to change it and either succeed, or waste away until it ceases to exist.

Advocates also follow a few rules. Firstly, no one can ever use more than one Advocate unless specifically mentioned in their depictions. They also can't be drastically strengthened or weakened by personal ability. Ones natural energy will change the power of the objects, but doing anything other than supplying it with more raw power will do nothing to them. Unique techniques that increase the power of the owner will not effect the Advocates unless it gives them more overall energy. The Advocates use an extremely unstable form of .energy to function, so its power can not be combined with other unstable energy sources, less the two conflict and cause explosions of enormous scale in the caster's face. Since these objects work through corrupting power, no one with a high amount of holy energy can use them, and instead they will actually burn such subjects on contact. And lastly, anyone that does not meet the requirements of using a class will be subject to an endless fit of rage, killing intent and other dark emotions that make their character. This only ends if the weapon is removed from their possession or they run out of energy.

Growth: Due to the unique nature of feeding on a host's full power and drawing bits of energy from contracted subjects, the parasite's power has the ability to grow at an alarmingly ridiculous rate. Already evolved to a Vasto Lorrdes at such a young age, it wonders just when it will finally gather enough essence to fully develop a physical body and ascend to an Arrancar. Though the time is unknown, the level its power increases is undeniable. In just days it can reach a new level through simply attaining a new host, and millennium of new memory and experience flood its mind in only a second compared to others. One day it may even acquire more experience through this medium than there is time itself in the universe since its inception. It is a scary thought to imagine the end result when the creature finally becomes a hundred, or even fifty. Only time will tell whether such potential can fully manifest before the parasite's own demise.

Acting: As a being that has no self, but is rather a culmination of the darker desires of those it consumed, the parasite is an exceptional actor. It has experience as every type of person there is and without any morals to hold it back, it can pull off imitation flawlessly. This guise is so perfect that there is no trace of who the creature really is when undertaking a different role. Even its own psyche can be confused for short periods of time when going too far in character. There is not a single trace on the host's body to indicate falsehood in the personality they pick up for the afternoon. This contributes to why the creature takes up multiple false names for different "characters" it pretends to be in the world of the living and dead. It can ignore every aspect about itself, replace it with something the opposite, and return to normal at a moment's notice. This, combined with the perfect disguise of a parasite makes it a truly deceiving figure to be feared. Maybe it has taken the form of your own kin without your knowledge. Taking in the memory of those it infests certainly makes it possible. One never knows just how close it may be to your door step.


The Nameless [APPROVED  VASTO LORDE; 0-3 ]  Pbucket

- Background:

In the mind of most people there is a bind. Morality guides our actions, a sense of innate and nearly instinctual sense of right and wrong that strings us along our path in life. Even to those that strive for the latter of the two, there is often a sense of disdain in their being over their own choices and place in the world...But there are a select few that are created without this sense of morals. Those lucky few may forge their life without any regrets, doing things without any distractions in the form of a conscience...Monsters...Demons. There are many names for these kinds of people. This is the story of one very such entity, torn from life before it even began and rising in an environment of turmoil the living live ignorant to.

The Earth was consumed by the storm's grasp. Rain and hail fell to the ground violently;striking the land and flooding it. Ice cracked windows, damaging property and leading to widespread unrest to those unfortunate enough to be outdoors at this time. Lightning cracked in the sky like an ominous omen.

A woman laid down in the hospital, coughing excessively in the operating room. Bright light shined over her and several tables stocked with medical equipment were lined up along here. Two doctors stood there as well, holding the instruments in their gloved fingers. The woman had been sick for a very long time. It is unknown what plagued her, but it had only evolved to a worse, near-fatal state over the recent year. That wasn't entirely contributed to the illness though. Through the past the diseased figure had become pregnant, now not only losing what little nutrients could be taken in, but potentially feeding the disease to the child as well. Raised by a Christian family, abortion was heavily frowned upon and an option she couldn't take. Now with the moment upon them, they waited for the coming of the child. Little did they know, the fetus barely remained alive; destined to die in any moment. Over the next ten minutes they deduced something had gone wrong and moved on to a c-section to extract the child to prevent their inevitable demise. The surgery was not only a failure, but was the last straw in the struggling life of the woman strapped to the operating table. The corpse of the infant was pulled free from her body, and upon seeing the bloody remains of the diseased body, the sickness, injury, and shock lead to her death...

Thus ends a sad story about a cursed life coming to a cursed end.

What happened to the souls of the two of them though?

The infant, despite being unborn had accumulated a form of soul, and even while being in such a young state; failed to pass on to the next life.They were bound to the table of the room by a chain where the umbilical cord would have been earlier. The woman remained unconscious for longer in her own chained state; locked on the other side of the table by their own chains. The infantile soul looked...Disturbed. Their transparent flesh lacked any color and their eyes had no iris. The body was far from properly developed; the illness made sure this creation was disfigured physically and in the very essence of the soul. The deceased tried to move, the small chain keeping them in place and giving off aloud rattle. The sounds of the motion awoke the soul of the mother, eyes still filled with tears of agony from the recent ordeal. Her gaze turned to the soul of the child, stricken by confusion, the only thing she recognized was her child sitting across from her and trying to move. Everything else cleared from her mind. She reached for the soul, aiming to embrace it like she failed to do in their last moments alive. Things took a turn for the malefic upon this act. She grabbed him, the chain holding the soul firmly in place and shaking wildly. The act of pulling the attachment caused an odd reaction to begin taking place. The short length of the spiritual metal along with the unusual conditions of the soul lead the chain to wear down very quickly. It broke from the table; allowing g the mother to embrace her child for the first, and last time.

It all happened in an instant. The chain burned down to the center of the infant's chest; then tore a hole straight through their body. The sound of an explosion ripped through the room and the two corpses still there, as well as the remaining equipment were tossed about the room. The doctors immediately returned, assuming there had been a terrorist attack or something nefarious of that nature. They found nothing, nor did the investigation that eventually followed. The soul of the fetus transcended into a unique breed of Hollow in seconds. Due to being improperly nourished through development and never exercising life outside of the womb, it sought to return until it was ready to leave. The monster stabbed its miniature claws into the soul of the mother, digging into her and tearing her open once again! It forced its way inside her, the body deconstructing into the form of a strange energy that entered the wound and consumed her soul from the inside out. It didn't take very long at all before the act was done; the woman's body now a puppet to the very child it gave birth to in life. Her skin turned a sickly white and the brown of her eyes a deathly crimson.

The parasite stood there for many moments, frozen as information flooded their head. In only a few minutes the creature had gone from an infant living off of instinct alone from a forsaken life and a hollow death to gaining a plethora of knowledge and maturity. The entire life of the mother flashed through his eyes, and everything she knew had now become known by it. Despite knowing her life and experiences, the creäture didn't become like her..No, rather what it was presented with allowed it to forge its own personality in a short time. The monster stumbled from the hospital, walking past the living that had no idea what wandered past them. A grave and dreadful feeling filled the establishment though. It went beyond the haunting of death, as if the Devil had descended upon them and watched each person in the vicinity.

The parasite continued to run through the city, the mass of new information and the sudden change so rapidly causing an unstable and even painful reaction. Its perception of the world twisted and contorted, a painful sensation running through the soul from the life of the mother and its own fate realized. The unfairness of the world struck it in bulk, an entire lifetime's suffering forced through it in seconds as it continued to run...But As this experience occurred, the mind twisted even further. The suffering and pain flowing through him becoming enjoyable. The creature knew that this wasn't his pain. He hadn't failed. No, what this is a story of another's failure. Terror and confusion transformed into a psychotic laughter, the last of memory flowing into the parasite..Right up until his end..

The creature smiled using its former mother's body as a catalyst. Regaining its composure, the creature walked forward in the night, rain and hail pelting down upon it.

The parasite took time to adjust to this new world. Even with the memory of someone that lived in it for years. It learned quickly, much like a child. The power it had exceeded any normal person's, and not only that, but it didn't look normal either...People Couldn't see it and the minor devastation it caused by breaking windows and other minor constructs was taken as paranormal activity. This was death? A lone existence that watches the world and can do nothing but destroy things in small amounts? That was,..boring..Unfufilling. No, that wasn't going to stand. The creature desired to know more, experience more, inflict the pain it saw from its mother shroud the lives of others...It was an instinct that sought chaos

The creature called upon its power; the area around it gaining an air of wickedness that sent chills down the spine of Humans and even made the weaker of the souls cower sickly. It will make itself known! Walking around aimlessly is not how it would spend its new existence! This had the fortunate effect of calling upon a friend. The woman's eyes opened widely as a rift built up in the very space before her. An abomination much different, yet somewhat like itself crawled out from the rift, before closing behind it. Eyes of confusion, but an odd joy crossed the beast, gazing upon it's more powerful and well-built form..With a power like that, it could finally cause the devastation it desired to amuse itself.

The two had a very short battle, the normal Hollow easily crushing the woman's body like a rag doll. Despite being defeated, it didn't know fear or any negative emotions yet. A feeling in its soul told it that this was supposed to happen. The beast raised the beaten soul, thinking it no different from any other. It's teeth bit down, severing the body in half; then swallowing both pieces whole. While lethal to any normal person, this act didn't destroy the parasite that stationed in the woman's womb..And when the soul began to dissipate inside the beast, the parasite sprung to life and attached itself to the beast inside, claiming it as his new body and gaining all of their experiences, much like the earlier takeover. This one occurred much more naturally, the existence of the Hollow snuffed out to serve as the power for the parasitic creature now inside it. However, unlike the mother, this new body was of another Hollow! Their knowledge of the skills of their people flowed into him and the vast array of Hollow techniques that allowed them to bend the world around them manifested at its fingertips. Using the new-found power at their disposal, the creature left the world of the living. It would return though, that was certain.

Hueco Mundo is where it made it's mark. It was a place where all Hollows were at both the most risk. and had the greatest chance to evolve..In this case? The parasite had a little of an unfair advantage given that it had the chance to infest prey even in defeat should it be consumed in a certain way. Others had no idea of this unorthodox nature infesting the gilian hollow. Fueled by instinct and a need for the pain and anguish of others, the creature began it's assault on the forest of Menos. The puppet it controlled fought and devoured dozens day by day, using the power f two beasts to overcome the others. However, the only one between them gaining the power of the consumed was the parasite itself! It grew...becoming stronger each day. However, the creature had a much different evolution than most Hollows. Being that it already had a very unusual design, progressing in power did nothing to alter the nature of his parasitic bind or give the beast a form of its own.

Until the fifth year. The Parasite began to notice the Hollow he infested dying. It couldn't keep up longer. Should it die, would he as well!? The creäture, despite having vast knowledge of two souls knew not the answer, and that worried it. It refused to be extinguished. There had to be a way to get a new body! Looking around the forest, it found the perfect target. An adjuhas walked a-midst the forest, green blood splattered across it from it's most recent meal. It took the shape of a lion with a thick mane covered in bone. A power like that could certainly sustain him. Out of panic, the creäture darted toward the higher-level Hollow. Even though the two of them joined had greater power than the average gilian, an Adjuhas was just above their level. The ascended beast responded violently as any of their kind would and a great battle ensued. It was no longer the one-sided mess of long ago. It adapted, becoming stronger and more agile than ever. In the end it still lost, wounding the adjuhas gravely, but failing to finish them. The lion's jaws parted..This was it. It will be just like before! The parasite could live on by infesting the beast-

A red light shined over the fallen gillian. Its fear returned, and reflexively out of a need to survive, it evolved. A black serpent shot out from the gillian's maw, impaling the adjuhas and ceasing their attack. From the defeated Hollow's body poured out an enormous amount of darkness and tendrils that enveloped the higher-class fiend. In seconds it was over, new memory and power surging into the parasite as it rested in a new body. The power was like ecstasy. Nor only had the parasite undergone a personal transformation, but its new body had far greater power as well! It was a sensation unlike any other, as if they were unbeatable..The time had come. The strength to bring about the chaos it yearned for had been attained, or so it thought.

After a year's time of absorbing the power of the new body and the Hollows it consumed, the parasite made its move that will seal its fate to one even more sinister than the one it had already taken. A creature once devoted only to bringing pain, evolving, and surviving began to turn more...Human? A very malevolent Human, perhaps.. The emotions of darkness crept up; anger, pride, and greed. The power was their namesake, and continued to reach for more..Greed; the world, all of it that was deprived of him as a child now his for the taking, and anger...A scorn toward those that had the audacity to deny it what it deserved or even best it in battle. The primal nature of its instincts remained. Using the garganta, it returned to the living.

The Adjuhas spared little time in unleashing its power. A cero pierced the sky, tearing through buildings and rendering the lives of countless Humans and souls void! It was wondrous to end them so swiftly when they couldn't even see the cause of their end. A laugh escaped the pair. It went on an unrestrained rampage throughout the land, taking down anyone and anything it could see. Then everything changed.A group of spiritual warriors carrying blades, bows, and other weapons appeared before it, launching at the Hollow with the full intent to eradicate it. It simply laughed, striking back at them without restraint and the intention to bring only ruin! It no longer acted on just nature, but a cold desire and bloodlust to conjure chaos. Energy ripped through their ranks, bringing an end to several souls that fateful evening, but eventually their numbers and joined power were too much! The parasite fell, surprised that it could be beaten with all of this power. How?!

Injured and unable to continue on, the fiend made a quick escape. Fortunately, the opposing side had been just as damaged as itself, a few of them even dead by the battles end. Still, to be bested even after all the power it worked to amass on its first venture to the world of the living..It was -infuriating-! Barely alive, the creature returned, even slightly fearful at how close it had returned to death. Just what would happen when it did fall? That possibility wasn't out of the question yet either.With how much damage it had taken, getting consumed in the forest was very likely, if not a death-sentence! There wasn't anywhere else to go though..

Unfortunately, it was at this same time period that the organization that composed most of Hollow kind finally met up with him. It was lucky enough that it managed to avoid the larger collection of the new society until this point, but now, to be found at its lowest and in hardly a state to fight back. When given the options, the only thing it had left to do was surrender. As a rogue Hollow, it had been locked away; likely to be fed to one of the reigning powers that now controlled this land. Rage boiled in its blood. How dare these fools treat it like some petty criminal. It was above them, the epitome of what a monster could be. News of the attack on the living world hadn't caught much positive feedback in a professional eye either. However, there was one edge to this..The parasite had some time to recover, and as far as the commoners here knew, it was just a feeble Adjuchas that got in over its head. The puppeteer inside the puppet remained hidden, unknown to even the guards at its cell.

The creature stayed there in wait, day after night passing until someone finally arrived to collect. It appeared the thoughts were true. It had been selected to serve as a meal for another Adjuchas to aid in their evolution to the fabled Vasto Lorde. The host body had weakened over the time in the cell, leading people to believe it was far from suitable to fight back, and that is the ploy the parasite pulled. It was brought to a dark room,, the door shut behind it and locked with reinforced material. A single light turned on that blinded the eyes of the host until they adjusted. A male adjuchas approached, its claws extended and a sickly haze of toxin pouring from its mouth. This was the overlord that intended to consume it.

They were alone, the only exit blocked. The thing they had wrong is that it wasn't locked in here with their master. Their master was locked in here with it! Just as the Hollow got close enough to attempt to consume the beaten down parasite, a thick darkness began to surround it. There was a pause, then a scream. Dozens of tendrils burst from the body of the adjuhas, stabbing into the flesh and holding down the high-class Hollow before it. A surprise cry echoed throughout the room, then silence. Four serpents cut open the royal Hollow's chest cavity, their mouth masked and any effort at escape void. It was already too late to counter their fate.

The parasite left its defeated body, taking with all the energy it had left and entering the new flesh of the higher-class Hollow. Society had prevented them from adjusting to these situations, and it cost them. The locks quickly unhinged after the shallow scream, several Hollows bursting in to see their master standing tall, the bloody corpse of the prisoner resting at its feet. Thus began a new opportunity.

The parasite adapted very quickly, using the memory and power it accumulated from the Hollow, even abusing their position in power to get further info from other leading names. Most importantly though, the small faction working under the former lord now belonged to the parasite. It wasted no time in applying its new power, the developed seal, on each of them. They in turn became even more powerful, each a weapon to be feared that quickly made a name for themselves. The small house of a minor lord quickly transcended in name to that of a home to one of the strongest families. The change was night and day, taking place only over a week and spiraling the community into confusion as to what changed. Had their leader evolved? In some ways, yes. The combined body vastly outclassed the former strength either soul carried, and the influence, the power constantly flowing into their veins from the marked servants...

It didn''t take long until the nameless creature, no older than fifty had gained enough energy to make the final leap. From a growing number of followers due to promise of power, the adjuchas host body as well as the parasite locked away inside it transcended to the highest level of power. Not only were they both now a single man that could tear down entire hoards of fodder, but their soldiers all gained an even larger amalgamation of strength. There was much speculation about how this happened. Some suspected a forbidden artifact had been uncovered by the family; or someone new had joined the organization to lead them to a place of god-hood a-midst Hollow society..All of them remained ignorant to the true nature of the new overlord.

...At the same time, the parasite quickly got bored of this. It had evolved, raised a family of Hollows to the epitome of power and now stood as one of the strongest Hollows in the spiritual realm..But things were too orderly. It couldn't stand for that. On a whim, the creature ordered one of the rogue hollows be brought to it much in the same way their former master had done that lead all of them to this point. It was during this meeting intended for consumption that the Hollow picked this new host on a whim. The overlord Vasto Lordes it inhabited had bee drained dry of their power and soul. Even with a new, weaker host, the power from the former carried with it, making the feeble Hollow a new monster to be feared.

The corpse of the noble turned to dust, the power of the new family it had built fading away into nothingness. The parasite broke open the door, a demented smile on its maw, The guards were nothing more than fodder once again! In peak condition, the creature exercised its new strength to crush those before it with little effort. The entire organization cast into chaos from these events, many feuding over who would now lead them and where their power had diminished to. The parasite escaped the city, breaking down anything and anyone that got in its way. Surely someone of decent strength would be called to rise in time, but by then it had already vanished.

It filled the fiend with joy. To build something up, just to crush it and maim it, then leave them in the dust in a chaotic spiral with no understanding of what happened. It laughed as it darted through the remaining un-colonized section of the Menos Forest, plotting just where and how it would make its next move. These recent hosts had made the creature smarter with how to apply itself and given it new means to flood the world with absolute chaos.

Perhaps a return to Earth was in order.


The Nameless [APPROVED  VASTO LORDE; 0-3 ]  Pbucket

General Skills
  • Durability: Master
  • General Speed: Master
  • Strength: Master
  • Weapon Skill: Adept

Racial Skills
  • Acid Skill: Advanced
  • Garganta : Adept
  • Cero/Bala: Master
  • Regeneration: Advanced

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Master
  • Mental Deduction : Advanced
  • Pain Endurance: Advanced
  • Focus: Advanced


The Nameless [APPROVED  VASTO LORDE; 0-3 ]  Pbucket

[b]- Roleplay Sample:[/b) In this world there are civilians, monsters, leaders, and soldiers. Everyone falls into one of these four categories. The meaning of each is far from literal, for even the most regarded soldiers could be fiends of the shadows under a puppet's guise.

Blood dripped over the white sands of Hueco Mundo, a malefic power seldom seem in even a realm as barbaric as this surging for a brief moment. The eternal moon of night faded for a moment's flicker and the path of an unfortunate met a terrible fate. Their destiny was cut short, serving only as a new vessel for the great terrors that stalked the Darkness. Just as the malevolent power built in a moment, so too did it fade; leaving behind nothing but the corpse of a man. The body decayed rapidly, turning to a stream of dust that fed the endless desert the man's remains.

The darkness was a home to all sorts of monsters most never thought could exist, but they did. Eventually the evils many remained ignorant to will rise and unveil the truth of the people's fate. They are out there, and they will come to tear asunder even the mightiest warriors and beasts that claim to own the earth.

Footsteps crossed the black stone of lands uncharted, rumors of powers far greater than the known empire catching the interest of a single soul. A near-by rush of spiritual power cast the line and it was all too willing to follow it, even if it were not the target of the call. As quickly as the power could be sensed, it faded away to the void. Either they had been swiftly snuffed out, or a realization had been made about the error in their act. In any case, the direction had been found and the Hollow walked onward.

It stood nearly seven feet tall, sporting a physical form clearly of an Adjuchas. The flesh painted black and took on the shape of a very tall, but slim Human. The proportions of the body were very off, the limbs almost looking like black twigs with five branching fingers attached to the end of them. The body carried few differences, having the compressed shape of a small tree trunk. A hole filled the creature's chest and a white mask covered its face. There were no eye-sockets visible for the Hollow to see through, yet it moved onward without being hindered in the slightest. A small mouth with an unorthodox Human shape and composure was the only section of the white husk not having a smooth, flat surface. The steps it made were quiet, the black shade of flesh blending in with the shade of the Black Lands.

However, the indication of this soul's arrival rested not with their sound or ever-closer form, but the resonance of a dark power drawing closer. It neared three others, all of significant role in their personal stories with one particularly carrying a very important place in the grand book of the future design. The twig creature walked slowly, a very potent Hollow presence surrounding the cave. It had no fear of the creatures this unknown land had locked away in the shadows. They had no reason to bother it, and even if so...There might have just been something worth gaining from an alien arrival.

The unorthodox Hollow stepped before the cave's entrance, looking toward the three nestled away inside. The Hollow did little to disguise the power it had at its disposal, but the true malefic nature of that powers origin remained concealed. The all-so-common feeling of blood-lust spilled into the stone cavern. It stepped forward, entering just slightly, but keeping a fair distance from the others gathered about. The skinny Hollow smiled, the unusually human grin foreshadowed all the more of the foreign design of this creature. Perhaps it was one of the Black Land's kind that they so whispered about?

The Hollow parted its jaws, speaking out politely to the three souls it came across in a deceitfully calm and slowly-spoken tone. " My, I hope I'm not intruding on anything. I have grown quite bored of walking about the endless stone and sand, and a certain flare finally gave me an indicator to locate others of merit..All of you have some delicious power." The Hollow turned its head to face the King of Las Nochas himself, the smile on the creature's face growing ever wider. "Especially you. I can feel it in the very presence you carry. The power to dominate, not just in raw might, but the will and drive to rule and command..By any chance, would you be the new King I've heard about? If so, it is a pleasure to come across one of such standing so suddenly like this. " The Hollow stepped forward once more, drawing closer to the unique trio before it. The lack of eye-sockets only made it feel the creature's gaze feel all the more present upon each and every one of them.

"Where are my manners...I'm Ruvik. May I ask, why have you all gathered here today in these uncharted lands of black stone?"

(Always prefer using actual posts for samples since pure samples are more often over or under done, but I don't have many posts of this character yet. Part of why I'm moving it here) [/color][/font]

Last edited by Zane on Sat Aug 12, 2017 4:44 pm; edited 6 times in total
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The Nameless [APPROVED  VASTO LORDE; 0-3 ]  Left_bar_bleue99999/99999The Nameless [APPROVED  VASTO LORDE; 0-3 ]  Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

The Nameless [APPROVED  VASTO LORDE; 0-3 ]  Empty Re: The Nameless [APPROVED VASTO LORDE; 0-3 ]

Mon Jul 27, 2015 4:55 pm


« Application Checklist »

• Let's Get Down To Business •

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  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [O]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

« The Willsheet Checklist »

• And Comments/Fixes •

  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced
  • Pain Endurance: Advanced
  • Focus: Advanced

  • Comments/Notes: Good application. I will allow you a trial period. If you are able to maintain a decent activity over the next few weeks, then I will allow the effects of his Vasto Lorde to ease on to his character and steadily raise his tier the more active you become. You can think of his powers as being hindered and he needs to keep his activity up for it to become whole again.

    With that said, there is one thing I want change

    The Darkness Cloak: The parasite often creates a dense cloak of energy around the host and its own body if outside of a host. The energy, like itself is pitch black and composed of the same material as its own body. The difference is that it is highly compacted to act more like an unique armor. It appears more like an aura than a barrier though, flowing around the protected like a distorting whirlpool. It can expand to cover as many people, but usually stays around the size of a single person. This barrier leaves many openings to gain the aura-like effect. These openings appear randomly, most often near the face to leave vision undisturbed. However, in the event of an attack the cloak can easily close up instantaneously or cover the body entirely. The defense of the cloak is slightly superior to the average hierro of their level. Most powerful bladed attacks will pass through it on the first or second strike, but be vastly reduced, if not entirely void of power. Energy-oriented skills will do the same. The main benefit this cloak offers over normal barriers is that once broken or damaged, ioit can and will instantly repair itself.. The cloak will never remain destroyed for even a single post! Some damages may even be repaired as soon as the attack is out of direct contact. This makes most, if not all but the strongest of attacks reduced in power when coming into contact with the cloak. and lessening damages done to the host or parasite substantially. Additionally, due to the versatile form of the cloak, it can be used in unique ways unlike traditional armor abilities.

    The cloak can be bent to the will of the parasite to cover wounds and protect vital spots. It can be molded around weapons to bolster their durability and grant immunity to certain effects that would be troublesome. such as decay or metal control. The cloak can even layer on top of itself multiple times to reduce attack strength even further, if not fully negate it! Putting multiple layers of the cloak in a single area will shrink it from a full-body armor, but make better use for stronger attacks coming from a single direction. The last, and perhaps most useful bonus of the darkness cloak is the ability to negate signals. All signals that would normally allow a person to control something, such as bending metal or blood are negated if they are encased or behind the darkness cloak! It negates the ability from reaching them and protects material from being manipulated. This can even effect material created by the very soul intending to manipulate it, providing the cloak is above their grade in power. This does not effect the parasite or the host, but can prevent things from being controlled inside the body to hinder them. For example, if a wound were to open and a blood bender would have an ability to manipulate the hosts own blood, they would not be able to while the cloak is manifested. It even keeps most effects at bay if they cover a wide area. If a poison gas filled the air, then the cloak could keep it from entering the confines of the interior and allow continued battle; providing it isn't broken down from its full body formation. Effects that cause widespread decay or otherwise also follow that guideline unless the resonated effect can overpower the cloak. The primary downside to this is that it isn't an ultimate armor as many others have come to acquire. Breaking it down to inflict heavy wounds isn't too difficult, and attacks too powerful may barely be effected at all by even multiple layers of the cloak. It is a versatile tool to be used in the long run, rather than a means to act recklessly in battle like the stronger armors the world presents can allow. It is more a means to take on foes with access to unique and complex powers, rather than the many power-house type monsters that smash the world to rubble.

    The only thing I want is more drawbacks and limitations to that as that is a pretty heft barrier. The reason I say that is because it instantly returns, it negates a lot of attacks and something this strong needs more things to balance it out. When that is fixed, you'll get the tier below.

  • Tier: 2-1 [Base], 1-5 [powered up], 1-3 [Full Power] The reason I am giving this tier out is because the app is sufficently detailed, it is being done on a trial bases (which means he may lose it if he isn't active enough or fills the role in) and due to the fact that we need more generated interest in hollow and he seems committed to the role.

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The Nameless [APPROVED  VASTO LORDE; 0-3 ]  Left_bar_bleue56000/40000The Nameless [APPROVED  VASTO LORDE; 0-3 ]  Empty_bar_bleue  (56000/40000)

The Nameless [APPROVED  VASTO LORDE; 0-3 ]  Empty Re: The Nameless [APPROVED VASTO LORDE; 0-3 ]

Mon Jul 27, 2015 9:10 pm
Modified the durability of the cloak to be weaker than average opposed to stronger. Also added a new paragraph of flaws to the technique at the end. Skills added in.

??? wrote:'

However, the weakness to this is the head can not be grown back. It can only be reattached. Though the brain can be healed like the rest of the body, complete decapitation will require the head be captured and put back in place. Complete destruction of the head is an unfortunate case that can not be mended. However, any other part of the body is free of this weakness. Should the host already have a regeneration of their own, this will bolster their natural ability multiple times over! At the least it will  perform slightly above what is already present in the healing factor given. In peak conditions, the ultimate form of regeneration may be developed between the two of them that permits healing at a rate science and spiritual law abhors. It all depends how effective their natural healing factor is.  While it is draining, the effect, in the former case is fully derived from the parasites own energy pool and will not have visible indications of fatigue by the host unless the parasite is in full control. Even then, that will allow the Hollow to use the host's energy as well to reduce the burden vastly.. 

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The Nameless [APPROVED  VASTO LORDE; 0-3 ]  Left_bar_bleue99999/99999The Nameless [APPROVED  VASTO LORDE; 0-3 ]  Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

The Nameless [APPROVED  VASTO LORDE; 0-3 ]  Empty Re: The Nameless [APPROVED VASTO LORDE; 0-3 ]

Mon Jul 27, 2015 9:20 pm


« Application Checklist »

• Let's Get Down To Business •

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  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

« The Willsheet Checklist »

• And Comments/Fixes •

  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced
  • Pain Endurance: Advanced
  • Focus: Advanced

  • Comments/Notes: GG. Stamping my approval with Vasto.

  • Tier: -1 [Base], 1-5 [powered up], 1-3 [Full Power] The reason I am giving this tier out is because the app is sufficently detailed, it is being done on a trial bases (which means he may lose it if he isn't active enough or fills the role in) and due to the fact that we need more generated interest in hollow and he seems committed to the role.

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The Nameless [APPROVED  VASTO LORDE; 0-3 ]  Left_bar_bleue99999/99999The Nameless [APPROVED  VASTO LORDE; 0-3 ]  Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

The Nameless [APPROVED  VASTO LORDE; 0-3 ]  Empty Re: The Nameless [APPROVED VASTO LORDE; 0-3 ]

Sun Sep 06, 2015 11:17 pm


« Application Checklist »

• Let's Get Down To Business •

  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
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  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

« The Willsheet Checklist »

• And Comments/Fixes •

  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced
  • Pain Endurance: Advanced
  • Focus: Advanced

  • Comments/Notes: Alright, now that you've been active for awhile, I'm going to go ahead and get you closer to the proper tier for Vasto Lorde. It's been over a month and you are still here actively posting and growing your character, so I'll reward you with this upgrade.

  • Tier: 1-3 Base
    1-1 Powered Up
    0-5 Full Power

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Joined : 2010-08-30
Posts : 308

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The Nameless [APPROVED  VASTO LORDE; 0-3 ]  Left_bar_bleue56000/40000The Nameless [APPROVED  VASTO LORDE; 0-3 ]  Empty_bar_bleue  (56000/40000)

The Nameless [APPROVED  VASTO LORDE; 0-3 ]  Empty Re: The Nameless [APPROVED VASTO LORDE; 0-3 ]

Fri Nov 06, 2015 4:30 am
New techniques edited in. Skills updated. Tier raised to a constant 0-3. All changes from and approved in
Ye Olde Guarde
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The Nameless [APPROVED  VASTO LORDE; 0-3 ]  Left_bar_bleue7380/100The Nameless [APPROVED  VASTO LORDE; 0-3 ]  Empty_bar_bleue  (7380/100)

The Nameless [APPROVED  VASTO LORDE; 0-3 ]  Empty Re: The Nameless [APPROVED VASTO LORDE; 0-3 ]

Mon Jul 10, 2017 6:50 pm
[mod]This is being moved to inactive. If you wish to see it moved to active, please contact a staff member.[/mod]

Tsubine's Character List
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The Nameless [APPROVED  VASTO LORDE; 0-3 ]  Empty Re: The Nameless [APPROVED VASTO LORDE; 0-3 ]

Sun Jul 23, 2017 7:52 am
[adm]Moving back to approved.[/adm]
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