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Lord of the Understream
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Calling Earth's Heroes [Hayden/Private] Empty Calling Earth's Heroes [Hayden/Private]

Wed Jul 15, 2015 9:43 pm

Yuel is on the run, frantically sprinting through a rubbled road when she gazes to the left and finds an incredibly dense forest. Realises this is the well known "karakura forest", which has a surprisingly high amount hollows despite how close it is to the barrier of Karakura. It's known for hosting countless fights between varying levels of people. Scared to enter, she thinks it the only place available to go into, to lose the thing chasing her, or maybe even let it collide into other hollows and demons to slow down its chase. Yuel turns around only to see the massive gillian face to face, horror filling her eyes. Jump to twelve minutes back

Flash Back:

Yuel is on her way back to visit her family, partially to notify them that she's now a girl and get their consolation, also just to visit them and possibly even get some materials from her village so that she can continue her hobby of building shizzles in the city, assuming it's allowed. Describes her current wear, which is a new white gown, since she can't very well always walk out with such scandalous wear on, exposing her skin and breasts. Instead, she wears modest apparel that brings out a light fade to her hair. With surprising length, she ties her hair into two side tails. While she can't actually sense beings, the badge and proof of being a Karakura High Student shows a subtle glow and the ground slightly rustles. Despite her lack of spiritual awareness, an intuitive feeling creeps on her neck with hairs standing, and she cautiously looks around for the source of her feeling of suspense. Without warning, a massive black body with a hole in what may or may not be the torso, and a white mask that only screams out "hollow" practically stares down at her, albeit lacking clear eyes to stare into one's soul. Which is what it seemed like it was doing, given the imagined slurping sound it made as it bore hunger for spiritual energy. What? Why was it here? It didn't matter; what mattered was OMG THERE'S A FREAKING HOLLOW AM I GONNA DIE NOW PLS NO HAAALP" Yuel panickingly runs away, dropping whatever was on her in a frantic dash.

Back to the Future:

Yuel runs into the forest, and the sounds of critters, which doesn't really sound sensible given the activity of quite literal monsters, scuttling across the shrubbery and trees frightens the bones within her. A life or death situation wasn't a completely foreign setting to Yuel, but she was far from being accustomed to it. And even then, the closest she usually got to death was starvation. With a continuous run, her expectations betrayed her as not only was there a gillian before her, now closer than ever, but surrounding hollows came to witness the horror that was bound to follow. Yuel, unknown as to how to escape the situation, tries to calm down before tripping on a rock while a shadow creeps upon her.

Calling Earth's Heroes [Hayden/Private] 8Bvy1N8


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Calling Earth's Heroes [Hayden/Private] Empty Re: Calling Earth's Heroes [Hayden/Private]

Wed Jul 15, 2015 10:18 pm

Artist: Dead Man Walkn Song: Pull the Trigger Word Count:

Desmond was perched up in a tree overlook the Karakura Forest idly, his body feeling a abnormally large reiatsu source coming from the outskirts. His eyes brows furrowed slightly before he stood up on the branch resting his arm on the trunk of the tree. Whatever was coming from their was easily stronger then him but it was his duty to stop any threats to his post or the people under his watch, if it was this strong he needed to get to it and quickly. His lips turned into a smile knowing that a battle was coming and quickly at that. 'It seems that life is never dull in this area.' He thought calmly before pushing off the branch beginning his mad dash to the strong source of power, his blade at the ready. There was no guessing how strong this monster may be.

As he began his dash after the power source he began to feel the power increase along with a straight path as if it was following something, which only increased his frenzy to get there. He sighed as he pushed from branch to branch his thoughts taking over his mind for a second, this was obviously no common hollow he might have to call in backup if he found this was to strong for him. Yet, he would fight like hell to bring it down- no damn hollow despite how strong would end him. Not yet, not till he succeeded in his goals- there was also to many unanswered questions in his life to die now. In short he had to survive but not at the cost of innocent lives it's what drew him to the vanguard- in his past life he protected people. He was a shield for those who were weak and a sword for those that couldn't attack those who wrong them. As his thoughts swirled in his head he let out a low chuckle, today he had to focus this may be one of his toughest battles yet.

Finally, through effort and a mad sprint, he had began to see the source of the immense reiatsu (at least to him). The large glooming shadow confirmed his fear of what it could have been, looming ahead of him barely above the trees was a Gillian on the prowl. He cursed under his breath as he began to near closer to what was going on, that Gillian was chasing what seemed to be a- human? Well that wasn’t new but he was surprised the girl had lasted this long she sure knew when to run to say the very least. But just as he arrived on the scene he saw the poor girl trip over her dress mostly due to a rock- something out of those old cheesy horror movies. He had to repress a chuckle reminding himself that this girl life was on the line, his face immediately hardening as he readied his Zanpakutō. As he neared he saw that the Gillian was getting ready to attack the defenseless girl, he began to growl before letting out a yell using a last burst of speed to get in front of her and the Hollow becoming her shield to protect her.

The Hollow loomed over both of them but as he bent down making a attack with it’s mouth he roared back at the beast, his blade crackling to life as a lightning bolt from the heavens struck his blade empowering it- igniting his lightning blade. The blade usually had the effect to taze or paralyze his enemies but with the difference in power he foresaw the blade numbing the Gillian or atleast causing a seizure hopefully- it would be biting a blade. This counter was all done in the span of a few seconds as he fully tanked the blow of the Gillian, the pressure would easily push his feet into the ground causing him to even crouch a bit but holding his own. He couldn’t afford to lose this clashing of titans least he want the little girl consumed.

“Run.” He warned her through grit teeth as he yelled feeling that familiar rage fill him, swiping his blade upwards intending to push the Gillian back as the Lightning arced. This was usually good enough to instantly vaporize hollows on his level but he doubt that would happen to his monstrosity.

Template By: [THEFROST]

Calling Earth's Heroes [Hayden/Private] JfH75kA
Calling Earth's Heroes [Hayden/Private] H8Tyk70
Lord of the Understream
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Calling Earth's Heroes [Hayden/Private] Empty Re: Calling Earth's Heroes [Hayden/Private]

Fri Jul 17, 2015 8:59 pm
The first thought that popped into Yuel's head at the moment of folly: AARRGGH!!! THIS ISN'T A HORROR MOVIE, WHY IS THERE A TRIP-ENABLING ROCK?!! It was like the seriousness of the situation didn't even come to mind. Just moments ago she was desperately running for her life in an attempt to escape the undoubtedly inevitable conclusion of death. Considering this wasn't her first time facing such a possibility, one might expect her to express some level of level-headedness. Truth be told, under normal circumstances the girl wouldn't have been nearly as affected by the situation as she was now; reason being, the thought of dying didn't necessarily connect to the notion of "the end". Yuel was aware of Soul Society and the reincarnation cycle taken that spiritually manifested and enabled progression of the psyche. In short, a plus soul. The difference this time? She was facing a hollow.

With someone as well-educated as herself, facing an actual hollow completely dispelled the notion of reincarnation. At best, if her willpower could outmatch the several souls and consciences that made up a gillian, maybe she could retain herself. But who wants to be an ugly hollow?! It was bad enough as is that Yuel underwent a drastic physical transformation already; becoming a hollow was entirely unnecessary. There was enough trouble to be had as is concerning adapting to unfamiliar terrain; up until this point, Yuel truly couldn't fathom the vast physiological differences between males and females. In fact, one of the changes she had yet to adapt was occurring at this moment! With a trip of the rock in the most cliche of fashions, hovering above her was the menacing presence of a Gillian, and the pointed nose of the mask before her could probably be touched if she just reached out. Given the circumstances, the swollen eyes on her face that incessantly produced tears was presumably just one of the many instances of fearful reaction; that being said, there were other motions underway. For the time being, Yuel assumed she just pissed herself.

Before the Gillian came any closer to taking a delectable bite off her sweet little neck, a robust body placed itself between the two. What changed Yuel's eyes from teary to wide and confused wasn't so much the act just now taken, but the action that followed afterwards. For a reason she couldn't make sense of the figure that appreciably stuck himself between the two roared with visible power as a random bolt of lightning traveled from the heavens to empower this blade in his arms. Though the attire worn wasn't really in uniform, the girl's perceptive nature already connected the dots as her mind was made; this person was a shinigami. The notions given weren't as obvious as the time she met her Shishou, but they were enough. In truth, a large portion of this conclusion was simply intuition, but the power displayed and sudden grasp of attributing lightning and the generated heroic ambiance? Somehow, that pointed to Shinigami. If Yuel was perhaps spiritually aware, she might have been able to properly discern this fact; for the time being, it had yet to be blatant fact. In spite of all these thoughts ran through within the span of a second, instantly her thoughts turned to the previous spectacle as she verbally spoke her mind.

"Ehh....? Why the... roar?"

Clearly, she wasn't taking this situation very seriously at the moment. After all, apparently she had the time of day to comment on the oddity of his empowering roar, that to her didn't really seem necessary. Unless, of course, it was needed to bring about the lightning that ran through his blade currently lodged between what was presumably the teeth of the gillian's mask. But with his subsequent comment urging her to run--with such brevity that it actually sounded cool--Yuel gathered about her wits once more and complied. Running away, she tried not to let the dripping substance falling from her crotch and wetting the floor noticeable , but given the colour of her dress it wasn't very effective. Nevertheless, her focus geared towards escape held true... for about ten seconds. Thinking back on it, there weren't many people that helped her. The few exceptions included the villagers of her hometown, her parents, her beloved shishou, and Touma who took her in when she had no shelter. All of these people held a very special place in her heart since they did what others could not. Now, what she felt for the mysterious man that saved her life just now couldn't really be described as affection; at most, she deeply appreciated the act. Besides, her stuff lied on the other side of the forest, her path blocked by the gillian. The alternative of making it all the way to the other side of the massive forest and retracing her steps back to Karakura was ridiculous; even if there was a foreboding presence behind her, Karakura Forest was still known to be riddled with the presence of hollows. Under no circumstances could she forage onward with the intention to live.

"So, then... what do I do?

The thought crossed her mind and sounded out from her mouth; as usual, Yuel spoke her mind without much reservation, especially in the event that she was alone. For the time being, she distanced herself from the gillian by about 40 metres ran over the course of some ten seconds. With the density of the trees, she couldn't even see the two spiritual beings from where she stood. But the noises that resounded easily told the situation. Meaning? It wasn't so simple for the man to hold off or kill the gillian. Unaware of the level of power he held, Yuel only found solace in an outlandish idea, produced from the gears in her mind running at overdrive as a result of panic. For her own sake and his, there had to be some way for her to contribute to the situation and alleviate the stress of combat. Yet, she was powerless, to the point of being the everso rare "spiritual inept". So, how could she help? What could she possibly do to contribute? Rummaging through the vast library of knowledge housed inside her mind, the girl sifted through memories searching for a solution. What were the spiritual inept? Humans who couldn't see--and under most circumstances interact--with spiritual beings. But, were they lacking in spiritual energy completely? Based on the fact that they could still be eaten by hollows, that didn't seem to be the case. Otherwise, her fear induced by the gillian would be entirely baseless, and such a concept only bred a bit of embarrassment. So in short, no; even the spiritual inept had some level of spiritual energy. Just not an amount significant enough to do anything. But what good did this information do?

"Aah... that's right.. Quincies?"

Speaking aloud only as these thoughts transpired in the span of only two seconds, now nearing 13 seconds after running away, Yuel connected some loose thoughts. The Quincies could often fight on par with shinigami or other beings, but the basic premise of their original abilities was not to use their own reiatsu as it typically couldn't compare with beings such as hollows or shinigami. Instead, they relied on the spiritual energy in their surroundings, drawn in by their own inherit abilities. Now, how could Yuel do that? As far as she was aware, Yuel wasn't a quincy.

"Uun... I don't... have to be?"

Now 14 seconds since she ran from the scene, Yuel connected further thoughts. In accordance with some of her research, demons were sometimes capable of using Demon Magic without actually using their own energies, but instead the energies collected by the seals riddled throughout their bodies. Their intentions only acted as a conduit of activation. Was that possible? For a human to use demon seals? Unless they had explicit knowledge of what these demon seals were, and probably access to demonic energy, it didn't seem so feasible; especially in her current place. But it didn't necessarily have to be demon seals, did it? Shinigami have something not so dissimilar; instead of seals, they used words. So basically, some intricate system simply had to be manipulated that could generate some effect. If anything, these systems could manifest something drawing power from pure spiritual energy. That seemed to be the basis of most techniques? Now the only thing left to do was actually drawing up her own system that could possibly manipulate. Unfortunately, even for someone as smart as her this would take some time. For the time being, the best course of action was to at least warn the man helping her from earlier. Assuming he was a spiritual being and her earlier deduction of him being a shinigami was correct, he had to be at least nearing a century old. That's usually how old even the younger spiritual beings were. And with that, Yuel took a deep breath and yelled out with all her heart, hoping that her words reached the man in combat with the gillian.


Calling Earth's Heroes [Hayden/Private] 8Bvy1N8


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Calling Earth's Heroes [Hayden/Private] Empty Re: Calling Earth's Heroes [Hayden/Private]

Fri Jul 17, 2015 9:55 pm

Artist: Dead Man Walkn | Song: My turn| Word Count: 851

As the hollow head came forward Hayden was able to block with his blade to protect himself and the girl, feeling some blood splatter on him as he looked up at the massive creature. He has thankfully caught the blade in between it’s demonic teeth but Hayden was able with quite some force trip his blade upwards cutting into it slightly as he jumped back and the Gillian pulled back itself clearly upset that it was interrupted. This Shinigami was keeping it between a tasty meal and had just harmed him so it was becoming pretty pissed off, meanwhile the Shinigami eye’d the monster with a slight glare holding his clamore with his two handed style energy crackling and wiping on and off the blade. His hand tightened on the handle as he prepared for the next assault to most likely be coming soon, his eyes briefly flashing around to see if the environment could give him a advantage but it seemed the dense forest area was just that- a forested area.

Hayden began to replay his encounter and brief clash with the Gillian in his head, if he was able to some how figure out it’s strength or weaknesses this would be useful. It seemed to be pretty strong for it’s level but then again most Gillians proved to be difficult opponents. He let out s sigh slightly as his fingers relaxed around his blade before snapping tightly on the blade, it was time to forget his thoughts and simply focus on the battle. He felt the presence of the girl waning slightly as he chuckled from her comment of him to hold on. It was sweet to say the least, but it wasn’t going to help him defend her- it was time to give into the beast slightly to embrace his inner nature of destruction. He let a small smirk begin to form on his lips as he looked at the Gillian his eyes steady as he truly initiated the challenge between them.

“Show me something to Fear or I will show you something to fear.”

The hollow gazed down at the shinigami with that void look most Gillians pertained it’s long black shadowy robes flowing slightly. It held nothing but pure hate, greed, and contempt for the Shinigami that was currently block it’s path to it’s meal and had just harmed him. The shinigami had roared something at it akin to a challenge, even with it’s basic intelligence it understood what sounded like a challenge to be frank. If it wanted to die so badly then it would have to oblige the shinigami wishes and end him justly. As it opened it’s mouth a gather of dark black and red energy began to swirl indicating it was about to perform a Cero. The shinigami eyes narrowed at it from what it could see at least from behind the large Cero.

Hayden watched as the Hollow began to charge what looked to be a Cero, so this would be the challenge the beast would offer him well he gladly accepted it. As he began to slide his foot back he placed his blade to his right him slightly, his right hand holding the blade so his fingers were showing and his left hand holding it to where his knuckles were showing. He began to close his eyes as his Reiatsu began to focus into his blade, the crackling becoming more erratic and powerful as it struck the ground every now and again leaving holes where the arcs once was. Hw began to feel a cloud form above him as suddenly a large boom was heard as a magnificent arc of lightning struck his body beginning to empower him as he yelled;

“The first release of the Lightning Dragoneer!”

The Hollow Cero had just finished charging before it launched it at the Shinigami, the force intending to vaporize the shinigami on the spot rather than dealing with the pesky death god. The air pressure become heavier as it flew through the air downwards at high speeds soon to be clashing with the Shinigami. However, it seemed that the Shinigami had just finished it’s small buff as his body was literally radiating lightning something akin to a storm. His maroon eyes had a small tint of blue to them now as he watched the Cero his grip on his blade tightening as he began to haul the power induced blade upwards at the blade feeling them collide at just the right moment. He began to dig his feet into the ground as his muscles began to pulse, letting out a yell as he managed to keep swinging his blade almost like he was hitting a baseball with his Zanpakutō. Soon enough to much of both their surprises he manage to shoot the Cero back at the Hollow his own lightning like energy had transferred into the cero- the hollow was feeling slightly queasy from the first lightning attack and with both their energy combined this might just cause the Hollow to have a spasm- if they can have them.

Template By: [THEFROST]

Calling Earth's Heroes [Hayden/Private] JfH75kA
Calling Earth's Heroes [Hayden/Private] H8Tyk70
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Calling Earth's Heroes [Hayden/Private] Empty Re: Calling Earth's Heroes [Hayden/Private]

Sun Jul 19, 2015 1:03 am

"Okay! So, first is... first is..."

In an attempt to comfort herself in the solace of loud-thought, Yuel put her ideas into words in a dual attempt to visualise these concepts as well. In terms of efficiency and logical output? So long as you had access to the confines of her mind, sure; it'd be pretty fair in terms of visual representation. If not? Anyone would have a hard time understanding her words.

"Layout the variables? Yeah, decide the representative characters of the system before inputting them; define the system first..."

A chilling sweat ran down her nape; as far as she was concerned, two lives were on the line at the moment. For that reason an enviable state of calm ran through her despite the anxiety, forced by a zen-level focus usually only attained when she immersed herself in study or creation. As for her words, they referred to establishing what sort of symbols or writing could actually take spiritual energy, and in converse, absorb spiritual energy from the air. Solving this seal was the first step in creating this new system.

"Does... this work?"

As she went along, characters and symbols that seemed to have numerical meaning came into her head, though their origins weren't very clear. It seemed inherit, at most, but what did it really mean? Even to her, at most Yuel could only discern their inherit meaning intuitively; to anyone else they would just look like random lines drawn into the dirt.



While her thoughts and time writing into the dirt took only 4 seconds, the battle against the gillian was progressing. To its surprise, the burst of energy released from its pseudo-mouth did not result in the target's demise, but instead came spiraling back towards itself with a foreign entity crackling within. As a creature of pure instinctive action, it lacked any sort of intellectual capacity to perceive and deduce the foreign entity discerned within its deflected hollow. Instead, also out of instinctive nature it felt the need to dissipate the oncoming torrential cero, not out of fear, but intuitive need to rid the source of malice that would possibly be induced subsequently.

In reaction, it charged another cero, this one more powerful than the last, and shot it out into a collision with the former. The result wasn't the expected nullification of both energies, but instead a frightening explosion of a nature even moreso chaotic. The spiritual energy consumed the surroundings; fortunately, it did not reach the girl already far off and mulling over the lines in the dirt. But the trees nearby and the ground below all felt the brunt force, enveloped in nothingness. Within a 20 metre radius within the origin of the blast being five metres between both the gillian and shinigami as a result of the gillian taking a retreating stride by a few metres, therefore 15 metres past both the gillian and shinigami, there wasn't even a single stump left. Now, the "battlefield" was spacious.

Calling Earth's Heroes [Hayden/Private] 8Bvy1N8


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Calling Earth's Heroes [Hayden/Private] Empty Re: Calling Earth's Heroes [Hayden/Private]

Sun Jul 19, 2015 2:40 am

Artist: Fairy Tail OST |Song: Main Theme |Word Count:501

Hayden was blown back by the massive wave of energy released during the clashing Ceros, only stopping himself with his reiatsu. This would prove to be a battle that he would certainly test his wits and strength to say the least, the Gillian before him seemed to be a instinctual creature so he could use that to his advantage. As he floated in the air upwards to be at Face level with the Gillian he eyed it slowly before readying his blade to attack the monstrosity. He would definitely be needing his buff to take on this thing, at the very least going up a few levels in power to end this battle quickly without destroying the surrounding forest around them. Overall he had his work cut out for him today.

He began to feel the swirling of clouds around him slowly as thunder began to sound in the distance before sounding closer with each passing ring. He felt the energy swirling and thrashing around him as the arcs and bolts began to strike the ground leaving small craters in their wake obviously acting on behalf of the floating shinigami. Suddenly the thunder rang one loud ear piercing time as the arcs all converged on the Shinigami his body beginning to glow and shoot of their own arcs before the strikes stopped, the shinigami looked up at the Gillian his once maroon eyes now having a tilt of electric blue to them. He certainly felt impowered to say the least and with this new found energy he felt his chances of ending the Gillian had far increased. Resuming his offensive slayer stand, his weapon in the near ward position he locked eyes at the Gillian mask as his blade began to charge with lightning. The crackling of the energy proving to be just as loud as the thunder from earlier.

Hayden shifted his feet in the air as he took off flying towards the Gillian, literally. He knew his speed could beat the slowness of the giant thankfully so he flew straight towards it’s face to fake it into an attack. However, he would quickly flash step in an instant to it’s left side floating to the left as he readied his blade for the large swipe he was about to perform. The Lightning on the blade arced upwards and around them as he stepped forward sending a wave of Lightning towards it’s head as his sword followed behind it. He intended to decapitated the Hollow head or at least slice it’s mask to untether it from this world. After his attack finished he would flash step backwards away from the most likely dying Hollow at this point. If by some Miracle it was alive he would be beginning to charge his Resound Lance attack opting to move directly behind it to have the upper hand in speed and reacting. He could never be to careful when dealing with these Hollows one wrong move and he could be hollow bait.

Template By: [THEFROST]

Calling Earth's Heroes [Hayden/Private] JfH75kA
Calling Earth's Heroes [Hayden/Private] H8Tyk70
Lord of the Understream
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Calling Earth's Heroes [Hayden/Private] Empty Re: Calling Earth's Heroes [Hayden/Private]

Sun Jul 19, 2015 3:48 am

"This is it! It should be!"

With an ecstatic expression Yuel finished off the first seal. Akin to the creation of the characters which filled the seals, it was purely intuitive that she recognised its completion, but the impulsive nature behind her logical actions generally worked out and propelled success; it's not as if it didn't bear any fruit up until now, so Yuel found no necessity in changing such a broken way of thinking in the eyes of others. Instead, she continued onward and pressed both her hands into the dirt, using all her fingers on both her hands to start drawing characters.

In truth, the girl wasn't aware whether or not she was ambidextrous, let alone ambiphilangic, but the fact was now determined. There were slight flaws in the overall circles she drew on the left and right side of the seal--a shape found necessary based on the concept of circulating spiritual energy to replicate a conversion process and amplification as the energies occupied the same space, overlapped and eventually condensed for the sake of potency. Conveniently, the laws of physics yet to be understood that applied to this specific action didn't actually prevent it after applying 25th century mathematics.

With this, there were three seals forming a line, with slight imperfections in their geometric alignment, but not to the point that it would seemingly fail. Now all she needed was the final piece of the puzzle; a direct source of spiritual energy. As assumed before, some blood seemed sufficient. At the very least, she needed an amount adequate to power the first seal, that in due time would power the second seal. For the time being, the desired effect would be to engulf the surroundings in flames. With disregard to public safety, a fire forest could be started and actually serve to put down additional hollows populating an area so uncomfortably close to Karakura's barrier.

All this in mind, first Yuel needed to find something to cut herself with and let blood flow into the seal. Fully aware of her ability to tolerate pain, or rather the lack thereof, she desperately needed to find something extremely sharp so as to now expose herself to a needlessly difficult time and by extension, duration of pain that could have been avoided with careful consideration. Standing up to look for one, Yuel searched the ground nearest to the seals first for something akin to a sharp rock that at least looked clean; after all, she really didn't need to experience any infections. Her luck was bad enough already, and it wasn't mountains better to not allow for God of Misfortune to strike. Yet, to her gratitude and dismay, both deities of luck, misfortune and fortune, looked down upon her.

"Wha.... WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!!?!!?"

Staring down, what attracted her attention were not rocks nearby the seals, but her white dress. Rather, what was once her white dress. Although forgotten, at some point in time the nether regions leaked, and presumably what was urine. That being said, it could be understandable that would dripped from between her legs and expectantly sullied her pure white dress was that very same urine, turning it grey or at least a pale yellow. Instead, what struck her wasn't the repercussions of fear, but biology. Instead, pure red stained her dress. And continuously the floor beneath her spread into a puddle.

"Th... th-this convenience isn't a convenience!! Mou!!!!!"

With a deep level of reluctance and internal curses sent towards the heavens Yuel removed her panties and drew the ends of her dress up to her hips before squatting directly over the seals. There was no time to be embarrassed considering death was literally a few dozen metres away. Nevertheless, her face was almost redder than the liquids that filled the seals.


Before the storms, the gillian stayed put unsure of what to do. The shinigami before him wasn't simply attacking with a power a level greater than the previous electrically charged cero, but moving at speeds its large body can't follow. As a result, it simply stood there awaiting a time to strike; unfortunately, it wasn't let even that. With unpredictable movements the shinigami went about with feints until he appeared at its side, bringing down the blade of a reaper at a line just beneath its mask. Fortunately for the hollow, it wasn't fatal. As the shinigami retreated back, evidently awaiting for another strike, a cleaved indent left in the hollow showed clearly, as if it was just short of decapitation. Turning around to face the shinigami, its eyes practically gleamed as a torrent of energy was once more drawn in and focused on its mask, indicating another cero.

Calling Earth's Heroes [Hayden/Private] 8Bvy1N8


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Calling Earth's Heroes [Hayden/Private] Empty Re: Calling Earth's Heroes [Hayden/Private]

Wed Jul 22, 2015 3:40 pm

Artist: Naruto OST |Song: The Raising Fighting Spirit |Word Count:588

Hayden arm was rippling with an electric effect as a large javelin like construct formed around it, pulsing and rippling with energy as it was nearing completion. The power behind the javelin was being overcharged from the large amount of high moving particles around them causing the thunder and lightning the shinigami had first summoned at the beginning of this encounter. Truth be told his fierce manipulation of lightning had given him a fierce home team advantage whenever faced with opposition that would normally overpower him in any other given scenario, but then again even that wouldn’t stop the bull headed man. Finally as it ripple at full capacity he began to notice the Hollow turning around, thankfully since he had began to charge his attack so much later than the shinigami he would be able to simple out maneuver out the way of the Cero. His eyes shifted to the left and right trying to decide where he wanted to go before opting for the location he last cleaved into the hollow. Best to keep opening those wounds up.

As he flash over that way his body becoming a blur for the big Gillian in the midst of it charging it’s Cero, he cocked his elbow backwards slightly similar to the priming of a revolver. Just like a fire arm his arm shot forward like a hammer igniting the explosive to shoot of it’s deadly projectile. The flying projectile flew through the air at supersonic speeds whistling as it bursted through the air rotating aiming straight for the indenture he had caused on the Hollow earlier. As it would fly through the air Hayden eye’s would be looked around as if for his next option or escape route, he needed to get the drop on this beast again so as he flashed away again entering the thickness of the trees he would just barely catch the sight of what happened as his lance struck the Hollow. As it entered and embedded itself into the wound it let out a small explosion lightning encasing the area as it attempted to shock and simply bring pain to the lumbering Gillian. With that being done Hayden eyes would look around as he began to catch the faint whiffs of the girl spiritual energy from earlier deciding to follow the faint trail back to her.
Hayden kept close to the trees while in the forest knowing sooner or later the Gillian would be able to track him down, for now he needed to make sure the girl was completely alright before that happened. Their was after all still Hollows in the surrounding area which may think of her as easy bait- while the Gillian was important the safety of the girl was also very vital in the situation. So with ease he began to go after her making sure to keep an ear out for the roar of any hollows or that gillian from before. He would surely need to contact someone about some reforms in this area, this whole place was simply under policed and despite how he hated to admit it one man couldn’t do it by himself. Yet onward he pressed looking for the girl before finally coming into a clearing to see her- well to see… the hell was she doing.

“The hell are you doing!?” He commented slightly flustered as he caught the scene of what looked like… blood flowing out of her.. nether region into the ground. Jesus what type of job did he sign up for.

Template By: [THEFROST]

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