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Desmond Hayden [Slayer Magic Kido] Empty Desmond Hayden [Slayer Magic Kido]

Sat Jul 11, 2015 1:08 am
Custom Kidou

  • Name: Slayer Magic: Raging Burst
  • Type: Offensive
  • Number: N/A Personal Kido (Equivalent of Hadō 5 in terms of power)
  • Effects: The user raises his hand up with a open palm channeling their kido into an explosive orb of lightning, forming in into a rotating and rapidly pulsing ball. The user then grabs onto the bowling ball size up before pulling their arm back and sending it towards their enemy. Upon contact the ball explodes with lightning consuming the opponent attempting to daze or stun them. Typically would be used to stun due to the quick nature, choosing speed over power. The caster of this thrust far must be someone that has a natural affinity to lightning, this would in theory be a fast attack with medium strain on a beginner caster.
  • Incantation: “Hear the first roar of the dragon!”
  • Notes:
I’m making this to be solely used and taught by my character Desmond Hayden.

Custom Kidou

  • Name: Slayer Magic: Resounding Dragon Lance
  • Type: Offensive
  • Number: N/A (Equivalent of Hadō 7)
  • Effects: The caster begins to tuck their elbow back slightly as their fist closes tightly, they would channel their kido from their fist to elbow as what looks to be a large javelin forms over it. It would sizzle with energy as lightning like kido buzzed around it before finally finished. Once it finished they would thrust their hand out like a punch sending the large javelin from their arm buzzing at high speeds to their opponent. Unlike it’s predecessor ‘Raging burst’ this Kido focuses on hitting their target with alot of force, opting for physical damage rather then stunning them. Once someone practices this they would form two with each arm to send two of these javelin like projections. The effect on a minor hollow could likely pierce it’s Heirro although perhaps not a instant killing blow, against other hollows it would most likely break upon contact dealing a small explosion of lightning.

    The strain on a beginner caster would be medium to hard depending on how much the beginner uses it. Someone at adept may be able to launch multiple before feeling enough strain where they have to stop. This move would likely be used to buy time or set up for some other type of strike.
  • Incantation: “The dragon’s first slash!”
  • Notes:
Again a Kido meant to only be taught or utlize by Desmond Hayden

Custom Kidou

  • Name: Slayer Magic: Raging Lightning Dragon
  • Type: Buff/ Powerup
  • Number: N/A
  • Effects: The caster would can activate this two ways both requiring them to be taught basic or inherit it Lightning Slayer Magic. The first more likely way is they summon their kido into a lightning like bolt to strike them. This can be done by focusing their Kido above their head forming what looks like fog above their head, then having a bolt strike them. The second way would be consume elemental lightning.

    The buff this has on them is an increase in muscle leading to a increase in general speed, strength, and Lightning Slayer magic. For tjree posts they will find they have a double increase in these three sections. However, when this buff activates they will find themselves both extremely tired and extremely hungry. It would be hard to keep on fighting past this but through will power they could but at a extreme debuff for inexperienced users. Once they gain mastery over their Slayer magic and this ability they will find it to be less taxing on themselves, however the buffs stay the same.
  • Incantation: “The first release of the Lightning Dragoneer!”
  • Notes:
Again the final (for now) Slayer magic for Desmond Hayden to for now only be used and performed by him.
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Desmond Hayden [Slayer Magic Kido] Empty Re: Desmond Hayden [Slayer Magic Kido]

Mon Jul 13, 2015 11:45 pm
Desmond Hayden [Slayer Magic Kido] Image8718_zpsckue0dxk


Everything looks pretty solid to me. I'll go ahead and accept it and toss into accepted kido.

Desmond Hayden [Slayer Magic Kido] WVMWLOu
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