Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Joined : 2010-11-25
Posts : 1317
Age : 36
Location : New England, United States

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[Shinigami, 5-5-] Andrew Spoon Left_bar_bleue5/100[Shinigami, 5-5-] Andrew Spoon Empty_bar_bleue  (5/100)

[Shinigami, 5-5-] Andrew Spoon Empty [Shinigami, 5-5-] Andrew Spoon

Sun Jun 28, 2015 6:52 pm
[Shinigami, 5-5-] Andrew Spoon Image4034
[Shinigami, 5-5-] Andrew Spoon Image4035-1

• Name: Andrew Spoon
• Titles: Raw Recruit Guy
• Gender: Male
• Appearance Age: 20
• Age: 28
• Ethnicity: Western European Descent
• Orientation: Straight
• Affiliation/Rank: Gotei 13/Raw Recruit
• Appearance Description: He stands at six-two in height with a fit structure and a stoic posture of a trained soldier. His dark, pale red hairstyle is short and naturally appears brushed back to compliment his trimmed facial shadow; when light is shined on his hair, it will appear pale red, but in the shade, it would look like it is dark red. His eyes are a shade of hazel, but would be easily mistaken for gold due to the similarity to their dullness. Due to how often he is outside, his skin is darker than most of his comrades. His uniform is standard for the organization, the Gotei 13 as a nodachi was usually slung over his shoulder by his right side, despite he is left-handed when wielding the nodachi.
[Shinigami, 5-5-] Andrew Spoon Image4036-1

• Professional: He was trained to be a shinigami and a soldier for the Soul King and he might as well be just that. He keeps things clean and straight, even his quarters and clothing are in orderly fashion and he would straighten himself before he would enter the office of his superiors. When he fights, he would be shown to be straight and simple with his techniques and he would advise others to skip the bravado and the flashy moves whenever they are truly able to be (which is most of the time.) He is the one to get things done and he will admit that some of the times, he would prefer to end the conflict as soon as possible. Though he holds up a high standard for himself, he is still new and prone to be making amateur mistakes and he will learn from them.

He is in the force to fight against the threats that lies beyond and he is not out there to make friends. His focus would often off-put some individuals who were trying to be his friend, but his discipline and stoicism would sometime inspire others to work with him (or so as his instructors expected him to.) He would wield his nodachi to exploit its reach, but when using Kido, he would be the offensive type as he prefers to hit hard and fast. When he has a technique to learn, he will be training hard for it and it is either alone or with another person who has it. Like a dragon, he has a strong sense of self-value and is usually a good judge of character and his loyalty stems from the values he could determine.

• Likes to Unwind at Off-Days: When given a day to relax, he is always quick with prepared plans to make the most out of his off-day before coming back into work. Usually, he planned it before the end of his previous off-days to save time and thought before going back to work. When recovering at the hospital or the Fourth Division Infirmary, he is unusually content because it is a chance to unwind as a relaxed soul heals faster. During off-days, he is never eager to get back on the field, but he would request to forgo his off-day when his comrades are currently at a perilous situation that requires him to take part in rescuing them. His favorite drink is usually lemon tea sprinkled with sugar and chilled for the bite (figuratively to the taste); in short, he likes lemonade.

• Dislikes Internal Conflicts: He would not get angry over it, but he would find displeasure in seeing his comrades trying to tear each other’s butthole to get their point across. His method of stopping it consists of the three warning rule; first warning is spoken, second warning is threatening, and then third warning is when he starts enacting his plan to stop the conflict. That was his final warning and when that final warning is ignored, he will see it as pointless and forcibly either report it to the superiors or enter the fray to beat the offenders into submission because insubordination and great misconduct are punishable by a drastic degree. Like his enemies, he gives no quarters to those who are actively trying to tear the force apart with trivial acts of unprofessionalism. Jokes and horseplay are okay, but when damages and injuries are involved, he will be too.
[Shinigami, 5-5-] Andrew Spoon Image4038-1

• Human: In his human life, he used to have a wife and lives somewhere in the United Kingdom, but a tragedy parts him from the world and his wife. It was on a honeymoon to London and then to Paris as a newly-wed. While at the Elizabeth Tower of London, he and his wife were going to be mugged at knife-point, but he manages to fend off the mugger, though he suffers from a deep wound from being stabbed twice during the scuffle. At Paris, he was shot underneath the Eiffel Tower in an effort to protect his wife from a stalker in the middle of the night. While he could recover from the stabbing at the hospital, he died instantaneously with a bullet to the throat, severing his spinal cord.

• Civilian: After being sent to the Soul Society, he starts off with working as a laborer in one of the districts closer to the Seireitei before he moved on to be a supervisor. Despite the nights bother him, he continues to work with and facilitate for his fellowmen. Not only he garnered respect from his workers, but also from those whom he served as their packaging and distribution facilitator. One night, he was on guard duty as the night guard was out sick of a very bad food poisoning and he realized that his warehouse is being trespassed by a small group of thieves. Despite that they are armed with proper weapons, Supervisor Spoon armed himself with a six-foot two-by-four and a shinai given to him by the night guard and fended them off with little of the inventory being stolen; he later on was founded by the Shinigami as he was tossing thieves out of their hideout and was carrying the stolen goods back to his warehouse.

• Training: After being discovered by the Shinigami, he was regrettably told that he will effectively resigned from his supervision in order to become a soldier of the king; he accepted the terms and was enrolled into the Shino Academy for an expected term of six years of training. Over the time spent in it, he was drilled in and out of classes either by himself or by his instructors. He never wasted a moment in “softening up” as doing so will dull his ability and that will be costly in the future. It was dedicated enough that the instructors have to tell him that every Sunday will be his off-day so he will not “over-cook” himself with the training and get injured in the process. Though still a beginner and has no real significant talents in the four disciplines, he made it up with the discipline and tenacity that rivals his more accomplished peers. After graduation, he was mentioned in high regards as an accomplished raw recruit by his instructors and peers not because he is outstanding in Kido or in Zanjutsu, but because he can get the job done and be willing to take almost anything thrown at him and he would ask for more.
[Shinigami, 5-5-] Andrew Spoon Image4039-1

• Reiatsu Color: Yellow
• Zanpakutô Spirit Name: Unknown
• Zanpakutô Spirit Appearance: Unknown
• Inner World: Unknown
• Sealed Zanpakutô Appearance : The Zanpakutō takes form of a nodachi with brown leather wrapping, a handle that bends forward for leverage, and a steel rectangular tsuba with rounded edges. The blade is straightened instead of curved, suggesting some western inspiration. Though the tip is beveled, the slope is shallower for stabbing as Andrew can use it like a short spear if he has to. The sheath is made out of wood with a steel spine that leads into a shallow blade that trails back up close to the mouth. The blade on the scabbard is likely made to allow Andrew to adopt a secondary style or backup weapon for a circumstantial reason.
• Sealed Zanpakutô Abilities: Unknown

• Release Phrase: Unknown
• Shikai Description: Unknown
• Shikai Abilities: Unknown

• Bankai Description: Unknown
• Bankai Abilities: Unknown
[Shinigami, 5-5-] Andrew Spoon Image4041-1

• PhatomTech: Not Acquired
• Phantom Tech Abilities: Not Acquired
• Phantom Tech Powers: Not Acquired
[Shinigami, 5-5-] Andrew Spoon Image4037-1
General Skills
  • Durability: Beginner
  • General Speed: Beginner
  • Strength: Beginner
  • Weapon Skill: Beginner

Racial Skills
  • Hoho: Beginner
  • Kidō: Beginner
  • Zanjutsu: Beginner
  • Hakuda: Beginner
Nise no Eiyū
Joined : 2012-05-31
Posts : 1343
Age : 33
Location : Kagatsuchi

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Platinum Points:
[Shinigami, 5-5-] Andrew Spoon Left_bar_bleue8700/99999[Shinigami, 5-5-] Andrew Spoon Empty_bar_bleue  (8700/99999)

[Shinigami, 5-5-] Andrew Spoon Empty Re: [Shinigami, 5-5-] Andrew Spoon

Sun Jun 28, 2015 7:07 pm
Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Beginner.
  • Mental Deduction: Beginner.
  • Pain Endurance: Beginner.
  • Focus: Beginner

Comments/Notes:.. why so basic?
Tier: 5-5-

[Shinigami, 5-5-] Andrew Spoon GFHHFG_zpsj1vrrfxz
Sᵃ ᶥ ᶦ ˣ ♚
Sᵃ ᶥ ᶦ ˣ ♚
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Platinum Points:
[Shinigami, 5-5-] Andrew Spoon Left_bar_bleue134700/60000[Shinigami, 5-5-] Andrew Spoon Empty_bar_bleue  (134700/60000)

[Shinigami, 5-5-] Andrew Spoon Empty Re: [Shinigami, 5-5-] Andrew Spoon

Thu Nov 05, 2015 11:03 pm

✖| Kuma Shock! |✚
┣▇▇▇═─          ☠          ─═▇▇▇┥

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[Shinigami, 5-5-] Andrew Spoon Image
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