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Sun May 03, 2015 2:22 pm
[Play Posting Music]


Artist: Gazelle Twin - Song: When I Was Otherwise - Word Count: 1435


A jangling noise filled the air and the insight into death and decay began.

The world was losing it color in the out lands of The Nation of Thoughts. Black and white, just endless shades of black and white filled its landscape. The grass was black, the sky was black with shades of white, the water was black and filled with more variants of white and the people themselves -- were consumed by blackness. Like an infection, these blobs of darkness consumed demons whole and left them as nothing more than rotting black carcasses left to die. Much of the same could be said for many of the plant life, the oceans, villages and anything that harbored -- life and energy.

And like the roots of trees, it all had a source to be found. Following the path of silent devastation, an opening in the lands could be found near the edge of the country. One that was filled with silence; but not a welcomed one. There was not a living soul for miles on end and it reflected the isolation, loneliness and emptiness of being but one spirit in the vast nothingness of space. There was absolutely nothing here, yet, beyond the veil of the abyss, there was everything.

Once consumed by the void, more jangles of death resonated in the depths of this sacred nation. Falling into this void nothingness brought with it a tunnel of endless darkness. It felt like an eternity to bypass, yet, it passed anyway. And with it? The shackles of chains brought with it the echoing bells of death in the subterranean lands of the Vicara Nation.

Rows and rows of endless chains filled the depths of the Underworld of Demon World and they were the vessels of death for those whom were touched by them. The rotting smell of flesh filled the air like a foul stench that smothered the nostrils. Numerous piles of decomposed and decomposing bodies filled the endless piles of chains, while skeletons hung from the atmosphere in the hundreds of thousands.

Yet, what stuck out to the auditory senses were the screams of agony from those still living. They bounced against the walls of the mammoth sized caverns for miles on end as the spirits of those clinging to life were being devoured right from out of their shells.







Mountain View
No mercy. No salivation. No escape.

So the cavern of torment, hopelessness and abandon spiraled down. Further and further down until nothing was left but -- blackness.

Black.Everything was black. Darkness filled this void and became so intensive that one may not even see their own flesh. It coated everything, it consumed all and sucked the light and life from the realm it infected. Energy was fading fast, but from where?

The core, but of course. The core to this universe, the nexus of life and the embodiment of decay. Yes, this is where the Goddess of Demon Kind lay behind the veil of darkness. Bare as the day she was born, the skin on the deity's flesh seemed dulled, grayed and fading to black. While the eyes....the eyes were filled with a shadow much dimmer than any blackhole known to existence. Yet, even so, in the center of them laid an ominous red glow; one that could ever-so lightly pierce this thick layer of darkness.

And, from this very same void, a black colored garment bled on to the godling to otherwise make her decent. The color of azure soon trickled out of her hair following that and nothing but a pale shade of white remained of her hair. When that moment came, a spherical piece of flesh extended from the demon's chest and it had numerous hooks attaching itself to the demoness.

After a few seconds, a screeching sound scratched into the quietness of the night and a white and crimson colored eye could be seen tearing open from the circular organ.

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A heaven shaking rumble crashed into Demon World and its Goddess awakened. But -- she was not the same person. No. This infection, this blackness, had consumed her. Minds merging, bodies twisting and spirits becoming whole; the corruption of The Godlings consciousness began and the reflection of her true self rotted her out. Thus, in turn with the Heart Of The Demon God becoming inversed, the realm of Demon World soon followed suit and the inverse of life into death could be felt as this deity consumed all within her grasp.

But was there malicious intent? Perhaps. Perhaps not.

Her eyes were made open and the barrenness of this whole existence came to her perception. Suppressing it and suppressing it, The Demon God tried her best to contain this horrid nature, but to no avail. Not did becoming one with it quell it, nor did failing to acknowledge it work. No. This hole within herself and the universe itself was too big for that. Everything and everyone was hollow. Their bodies reflected one person, but the eyes into the soul showed the true self.

Yes. The subconscious mind was it. This is what the Reflective Eclipse was doing. Bringing out the true mirror of a persons self to once again cling to life. Much in the way the world has been taken over by its shaded image, as to would the repressed nature of The Demon God come out in this time of summoning. And, in its wake, the intent of this creature intended to bring all which it is connected to towards this oblivion of self.

Did this world need to be purged? Who knows. This Imperfect God never knew the answer to that question, but its deitic instincts were kicking and her primal hand was moving through the universe. The conscious mind of The Demon God did not wish for this pain to become so widespread, but the inverse self did not care. It only wanted to show what a sham this world, bring everyone to their senses and cover this existence in its proper reality: one of death, despair, negativity, savagery and the utmost realization that life was hell and living was to be in pain and suffer.

Was that not what the Captain Commander preached? Or did his words even matter at this point? They were like long distant echoes of a world long since passed.

Mountain View

It hurts

That pain. That pain was too much. Like a burning wound, everything hurt in that instant. Flashes of red lit up the shadow-filled skies and blood started to ooze over the landscape.

It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, It hurts, it hurts, it hurts.

It hurt. Everything hurt. To breathe hurt. To think hurt. To so much as utter a single whisper: hurt.

Yet -- this unconscious pull of the universe demanded more from her heart and energy to make the Kora Aina's of the known realms of existence tick and bled to life. This conflicted sorrow of The Demon God's heart fueled the gems. In turn, this imbalance reflected itself upon hell and its damning miasma further the spread. While, the mystic rivers of the Nation of Thoughts made it all the more potent and spread this suffering far and wide.

Did she want this? Yes...but no. That damn self. That damn darker self just kept moving and moving and consuming everything until it was all but futile to stop it. It demands TOO much -- but it will get what it wants no matter the cost.

Thus, the fist of the anguished Demon God tightened and this infection spread.

To her dimmed eyes?

There was not a way out for herself -- or anyone else.

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Tue May 05, 2015 3:36 pm

A Goddess Fails,
A Man Prevails.
His Wish was Grant.
Her Death was Chant.
His Eyes, now White
Her Heart, now Fright.
Without Love, without Fear,
Without Law, single Tear.
Two Bound... By the Soul.

I... Will Intervene.... Slow footsteps…

Just as a being of darkness descended into the deepest pit of Hell, so far away, so his Father began to move. However, it was not his true progenitor. This man was as real as the real article, however, as neither of them were the one who had given Sunshine the seed that would fertilize the spirit that would result in the Archbishop….

This man was called Okiri. But to those who he believed truly knew him, he was 'The Truth '. The Truth, which maintained all of the 'forces' within his realm. This divine being, for he was well aware of the nature of The Black World, nevertheless realized just as his predecessor had that this was a time when he was needed. In that case, The Truth had been destroyed, annihilated. This Truth understood well, for it was writ, that this was the place for him to be, the place for him to go. Noiselessly, he caused himself to appear within the deep space of Demon World, his body walking among the terrified faces of the adherents of Khalaism….

He could understand their pain, perfectly, for he had seen it. He could understand their fear, perfectly, because he had felt it. He could feel it, he could see it, simultaneously, from the same viewpoint as all those who walked among him. He was Omnipresent, and he was Divine. He was Light, and yet he was Not. He simply Was. That was what his Divinity meant. And he also knew one other thing; it had meant that he had truly failed. The memories that were contained within his mind… he knew perfectly well that these were not truly his own. He knew perfectly well that they were not real, not a single one of them. Not a single fact of their existence was 'The Truth'. They were lies. They were all lies.

And this was known to him, The Truth.

So… the silent male had decided on what must be done. Having examined each location in finite detail, he had selected the one place that he decided that he had no choice but to be present in. Unlike the true Truth, this Fake Truth could not know what was going to happen. Its knowledge as perfect, and yet imperfect, due to its nature as a spawn of the Dark World.

He appeared as a normal man, and yet to the woman raging in the distance of this sacred nation, he would be clear as day. One part of her would recognize him as her greatest failure. After all, had she not been captured, had she been victorious, he would not be in his current position. The Soul Society of their own would not have been… lost the way it had. The Truth knew that the entirety of their existence had been created, had been fabricated, had come into existence all at once, and that not a single one of them really 'existed'. And yet… The Truth did not know his own feelings on the matter. His concept of feeling, of sensory, of intelligence… those things, according to his knowledge, had faded long ago in a time that had never truly existed, but which he remembered clearly. It was peculiar, he thought.

Presently, his mind came back to the scene before him. He was walking silently towards a field of devastation, the silence was approaching as intense as the one which trailed gently around him. Deep within the caverns, he heard the pain, the suffering, and in response he rose up a single hand. Gripping down, with all of its force, the silence was resumed once more. The Truth had silenced them, temporarily dulling their very feeling of existence, replacing it with only pacifism. This was the first sign of his presence. The second was the light..

The gentle light, which emanated from across his being. His appearance was that of the man known as Iriko Crow, and yet he was unmistakably different. His hair was clear from his eyes, brought back in a small pony tail on the back of his head. His robes, normally such a dark blue, were white and glowing, very simplistic, though as revealing of his chest as his 'Normal' counterpart. In his eyes, there was the lack of that fire, that anger, that emotion, that hesitation. It was replaced with a solid white, as if blind, and yet those were the eyes that The Truth maintained. No other garment was present on his body, except for a small red string, attached to a small bubble blower on his hip. Other than this single personal affect and his white robe, he was completely bare. And yet he shone, as if he were an angel, as he continued to march silently towards the source of this pain and suffering…

He could feel the earthquaking, the shaking as a being entered into this world. The Truth knew. It knew what was happening. And it was disturbed, in a manner that it had not been, according to its memories, since it had made that decision to pursue this goal. Slowly, his arms raised on either side as he felt the very dimension being changed, his eyes opening wide as a pair of wings slowly unfolded from his back, ethereal in their appearance as a white expanse began to pulsate outwards from his body. The earth around him began to calm, the Demon World beginning to fall to rest once more as this passive wave gently coursed in every direction, finally creating the Artificial Status that The Truth had sought to impose, in order to halt the unforgivable distortion of life and death.

So, as that Primal Nature reached out, it was met with a wall of pure light. This light did not harm that nature, merely stopping it, halting its influence as if caged. And he knew. He knew her thoughts. He could feel them being thought. Was that not what the Captain Commander preached? With some curiosity, he noted the actions of himself within this moment… as time around him ground to halt. Without much thought, he 'acquired' the knowledge of his actions in this plane. He noted the relationship that he maintained with this dimension's Demon Goddess. He noted their unique bond. It was similar to how The Truth could remember his relationship with the Khala of his realm.

At last, his footsteps came at last to a stop. To have followed the trail he had been making would be difficult for most other beings to comprehend, much less enact upon. He had been moving throughout the 'space' itself, re-imagining himself within the different forces that constructed this great hole, before having finally appeared before the demon Goddess, his eyes looking down at her as a memory came back to his mind, a memory of a thought that his other self had once had. She's like a scared child…

His right hand slowly extended, creating no disturbance in the air around them. In deed, without using her actual eyes, she would be unable to tell he was there at all due to his existence joining place with the forces all around him. The hand reached out, before at last he broke the façade as his right hand met with her shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. Waves of pity, of sadness, of rage, of pain… all of these emotions bled throughout the being known as The Truth. However, unlike the Demon God and Goddess… they did not affect him in any way. He could see them. He could feel them. However, he could not be affected by them. Whereas Deveta had been overwhelmed by those emotions, the Truth had accepted them. And that was what had made him The Truth. That was why he carried the Index Librorom Prohibitorum.

His hand remained on her shoulder as he looked down at her, adopting the features of pity into his eyes. If there were ever a more pitiable, tragic creature, The Truth had not known it. His lips gently parted, allowing for the concept of words to be summoned to his lips, recalling the aspect of Communication within this realm as his words reverberated down to Khala's very soul.

"Little girl… why are you crying? Where is the other You? She and I have to talk. Please, grant me this wish…"

And along with that voice, Khala, down to her very being, would understand the one speaking as being two separate people, that were yet one. There was The Truth, and there was Iriko Crow. Both of them were present within the man speaking to her simultaneously, and that was the primary reason that The Truth had come to this place. He was needed. He was necessary. He was the only one, according to his knowledge, who could perform what needed to be done.

"Cry. But should you flail, realize; you damage and destroy that which you love. And that damage shall never cease. Your flailing shall only grow larger and larger, until the entire universe is consumed. Do you wish to repeat the tragedy of our Son?"

The Truth knew of Sunshine. Within their own realm, he did not exist due to the fact that The Truth had. However, The Truth was aware of his possibility of existence, and yet was surprised to having seen him in this dimension. He was able to understand where that Sunshine had emerged from… but he was one of the only beings in this dimension which The Truth could not understand. He understood the facts about the man, his relationships, his mannerisms, who he was… and yet the Truth could not comprehend his mind. It was similar to the case he was currently in… however, these two beings shared a bond which transcended time or space, a bond of the rarest variety.

And it was for the sake of that bond that The Truth had decided to appear to Khala, to ensure that this universe's Khala would not destroy more than she could handle. To him… she had already suffered enough. So.. He would calm her. He was aware that his existence was a lie. He knew that he was False. And yet… the part of him that had once been different, the part that could still feel, a part that was within him and yet could not be…. That part would not be silenced. It was his Heart. And…

...He could not ignore it.

Credits to Dai for this template. Am borrowing it and will remove upon request.
Text in white cannot be understood by anyone but Truth and in this case, Khala.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Mon Jun 15, 2015 9:29 am
[adm]Ho'kay, since I've had enough time to post, I'm giving to give myself a warning. If I do not post in the next four days, then you can go ahead and just go with an alternative outcome. In the event I do not make my deadline? Truth can otherwise dismantle the Kora A'ina of this realm and bring about an end to this event by awakening Khala from her nightmare and taking away the power of the core. [/adm]

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Fri Jul 03, 2015 6:16 pm
[Please Play The Posting Music For This Post]

Artist: Mogeko Castle - Song: MaouDamashii Town10 - Word Count: 1500

Light. That is all Khala Asthavon could sense. Light. So much light and warmth. Even in this sphere of darkness and self-imposed isolation, there was the sensation of the rays of sunlight washing against her skin. It felt -- right. It felt -- whole. It felt -- loving. It is in that moment that the darkness within her heart stilled and came to acknowledge whom these forces were. It was quite simple to deduce , as there were few beings in this existence that radiate such an emotion, sensation and thought: Truth -- and Iriko Crow.

Even in her deluded state, the likes of this demonic goddess could sense her sibling and admired interest coming forth for her. So, in a sense, it was fruitless to continue this sham. Many of the Kora A'ina's were weakened across each of the known realms and it was only a matter time before the champions of those realms awaken to the reality of the situation. Which, in turn, is all the Kora A'ina desired as she mused over flowing thoughts of those who embraced it.

Greater than all of that, it seemed that even her other half appeared to have overcame his own hardships and awakened to what he was. That is, Deveta, The Demon God, had ascended from his frigid pit of apathy to once again take the fiery throne of his divine status. And, with him, she could sense her beloved son assisting all the way and helping to make both his father and Khala herself whole again.

For, with the awakening of Deveta, and the weakening of the Kora A'ina, Khala was becoming further unbound by the darkness within her heart and allowed for the light of her divinity to resurface once again. Therefore, for her will, and no other, did the toxins, weaponry or forces of the Inverse Realm touch a single hair on this blessed being. It was hard -- it was so very hard to summon up the strength to purify these otherworldly poisons. Yet, even in her sickened and worn down state, The Godling felt she had a duty once more.

And that sense of duty came from the very people that she led within her own religion. Yes, as the depths of their beliefs came to overflow within The Goddess, her life could not end here just yet. The struggle, pleasures and challenges of her life were yet to be complete; even if she were as old as the universe itself. To end it here would be akin to sin and she could not forsake her own beliefs even as this rot tainted and gutted her very spirit.

It is for those reasons that she would have to send further thanks to her divine child, Neoveta Asthavon, for transferring these notions back into her mind with the bond they shared. All of the pieces were coming together one by one and it seemed that this family was becoming whole again. So, the last person in line to make this whole would have to be Khala herself.

Thus, as Truth called out for The Goddess, the darkness around him eased and turned into a shade of melancholy grey. There was still a sense of heavy sadness in the atmosphere, but -- that absolute darkness could not be felt. The original essence of The Godling was coming forth and crawling her way back to consciousness and easing this void essence to the side. Hence, she could muster these drained and weakened words to her fellow sibling:

"I was lost, but I've been found. I had never left, but I was gone. I've granted this wish, and yet I still have many more to bestow."

Eyes becoming dulled, as if the color had vanished from them, Khala was weary, but still very much sentient. Her strength needed to return to her, and the only way that could fully happen was to push this darkness out, but not tether its connection to her. For in the end, she embraces this negativity which brews within herself, as to erase that would mean to erase the balance between yin and yang.

So, as Khala accessed the resolution by the Sugiruan people, The Godling believed the best solution was to simply let this be. That is, to not eradicate this other half, but to allow to exist and acknowledge it. For without pain, one cannot know joy. And without joy, one cannot know the challenges it took to attain that happiness. And without challenges, one cannot grow and materialize their eternal life within Nirvana. Which meant, by her own practices, would Khala allow herself to be saved and her inverse half to live on.

Consequently, streams of thick black ink and crimson red blood began to ooze off of The Godling's body until she was reverted back to her original form. The liquid which flowed away from her then materialized into a small eye; much like the one which was infused into Khala's chest. This, in actuality, was their heart and the core of the inverse turned inward on itself. In it, the tears, sorrow and heartache of The Goddess was infused and it allowed itself to be reduced to such a miniscule form because it's desire had been realized.

Because of this, Khala could then stand to look Truth in the eye as the world around them turned into an endless grey void. In this gaze, she could see both Iriko and Truth speaking to her. However, they were not the only ones acknowledged. For, behind these two loving beings were more members of her family: Deveta and Neoveta Asthavon. They came in rays of black light for The Demon God and illuminations of crimson, silver and black glows for The Princess.

And, in seeing these two figures in the distance, the eyes of Khala closed and she let out a soft sigh as Truth began stating words which allowed her to cry. However, these tears were not physical. They were already all around them. The entire Reflective Eclipse unveiled the sorrow of her heart and it influenced the whole spectrum of the universe as we knew it. As a result, there was no need for further tears as it would further erode herself and the world which allowed for great growth and potential to be birthed.

"I've wept quite enough for one eternity, brother. These tears that break bone have reached the soul and found what it was in search for. There is no need for further action...."

As her aqua hair flowed against the slow winds of this shapeless world, Khala began to arise from her flat position and arose to her two feet to hover in this endless space. It is then she began to levitate towards Truth before falling into his arms and closing her eyes.

"...I've already assembled the ones I love. Let us just end this and go home. My here."

In spite of these pleas to cease with the events and return home, there was a strong pulsation from Deveta himself to speak with Truth. It had been many years since he seen high or low of his fellow Godling, and he had more than a few matters to speak with his sibling. However, this was not the place or time to do so. Therefore, he'd send a telepathic wave of emotion, thought and feeling into Truth to meet him in The Castle of Causality within the embers of Hell after this.

In the meantime, Neoveta was seen sealing the last of the Inverse Khala within a divine barrier. It was white in color and yielded many different streaks of scarlet light around it. These served as the blood of Deveta and influence of Neoveta to keep this creature encased for the time being. And, in return, the Kora A'ina saw no purpose in pursuing this any further as its task had been fulfilled. There was another entity which would carry out its task and it would leave its ambition in that creature's hands.

So, all that was left to do was leave this realm and Khala pleaded once more:

"Take me my people, brother."

And with that, the heart of Khala pointed towards The Nation Of Khalaism and sought to be taken there to her fellow followers. There was no concern for the currently active Kora A'ina's because most of these champions were capable of dismantling it. Furthermore, within the context of her religion, their spirits could seek a good challenge and progress further towards finding themselves in the darkness of this event. They'd face reality and come stronger for it.

Furthermore, those inverse half's who still existed at this point would retain their chance to exist -- if they so desired. For as long as Khala's Inverse Core would still active, those reflective selves who desired to stay would have a home to find in the Sugiura Realms inverse world.

Thus -- this nightmare could end for her finally....

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Mon Jul 13, 2015 8:37 pm

Without Power
Man Will Cower.
Without Force
Lost, his Course.
Without Love
No Faith Above.
Without Hate
Dirtied Slate.
Without Strife
Lacking Life.
Without Death
Men Forget.

Deveta had been calmed. The Child that had been borne of Iriko Crow and Khala Asthavon had managed to stop him. The Truth observed this, just as he observed the darkness that was receding from around his body. The atmosphere changed around them as well, his eyes looking to Khala as he awaited the return that he knew to be inevitable. And at last, she emerged. Khala slowly re-emerged as herself as he looked down into her eyes, listening to her words.

"You have been found, but not from the one who truly seeks for you. You did not leave, but you were gone. And no matter how many wishes come before you, simply remember that if your own are not satisfied, you will be unable to help anyone, as disabled as a cripple."

The Truth explained to her, holding out his right hand, before placing it gently on top of her head. Her choice, however, surprised him. He had not expected her to leave them as they were. He did not know where he was tethered, but he believed that it was with the very existence of the Black World. As he could feel more and more of the cores being destroyed, he could feel himself weakening. Depending on how many remained, he likely would not even be able to keep himself in a physical form. And that… reminded him of what he would need to do, if it became possible for him to become a part of this reality.

She morphed back to her state of normalcy, and looked up into his eyes. His own white pupils looked down into hers, observing her. He stood stoic before her as the Reflective Eclipse shimmered and shone, displaying her sorrow to the world. "Regardless, sorrow is a sentient emotion. It is impossible to spend all of it. To isolate yourself during it… that was your only sin which should not be repeated in an eternity." He told her in response as he moved back, giving her space to levitate upwards as he looked at her, spreading his arms wide for her to fall into his white grasp.

"Yes, within this dream… for that is the nature of where we are… I should not exist, and you know this." Truth told her, his face pointed towards hers, noting her relaxed expression. "...And that is not quite, true. You know what shall happen with the child, the child that you shall bare. You have seen within the mind of the Sun's Shine. You know what he shall do. And you know that it is only because of him that we stand here. Use him to keep that nature of yours suppressed, but keep in mind… you will be the one to kill him."

Truth's soft, genderless tone informed her, before turning towards the direction of Deveta's summon. The Truth did not believe that Deveta exactly understood who, or what, he was. He was The Truth, but he was still false. He did not know if he could properly speak as The Truth, but he believed that he knew everything that was required. He looked out, observing Neoveta, his eyes slightly widening as the appearance of the child entered into his mind.

"...Child… Forgive your Father. Please." The Truth asked Neoveta, though not even Khala would hear those words. They were for Neoveta, and Neoveta alone. What she did with them, or how she reacted, he did not know. But he did know that that plea was something that was a part of The Truth which had been, not a part of The Truth that was speaking to her.

He looked back down at her, before solemnly nodding, turning his body once more, before the two of them became consumed in a beauteous shining light, pale and bright blue that covered around them, consuming their forms as they left this plane, going towards the Nation of Khalaism, and in time, towards his inevitable meeting with the God of Demons, Deveta.

The brother that was his, and yet not.

For he was The Truth, he was Iriko Crow…

But he was nothing.

Credits to Dai for this template. Am borrowing it and will remove upon request.
Text in white cannot be understood by anyone but Truth and in this case, Khala. (And in one case, only The Truth and Neoveta.)

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Mon Jul 20, 2015 2:52 am
[adm]I'm going to lock out this thread and we can continue this in another thread. For now, both of the Kora A'inas in Demon World have been dealt with and we can lock this.[/adm]

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