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Finding Shikai Empty Finding Shikai

Thu Apr 30, 2015 1:55 pm
He had started to hear it. It had taken a while but he knew what that whispering sound was. Others might think they were simply hearing things or that it was the wind blowing around or something but he knew what it was. His goal was to become stronger and he knew the steps that he would have to take along the way in order to get there. He knew what would show that he was ready to take those steps. Each one would have its own difficulties but he would face them as they came sure of his ability to make it through. He would never give up until he had become of of the best. This would be only the start of his progression. His raise through the ranks of the shinigami. He could hear the whispering in his mind and knew what it meant. He had spent long enough waiting for it after all.

There were few shinigami that actually started off with their Zanpakutō. That would require somebody like Ichigo so long ago who had shinigami abilities latent within them. Upon the awakening of that power they would actually create their own Zanpakutō from within themselves. People like that their Zanpakutō would already have formed and be unique to them. Others like himself, however, were different. They would not start off with a unique Zanpakutō. Many shinigami entered the academy without any abilities as a shinigami. They learned and trained in order to gain these abilities. Upon graduation each of them received a blank Zanpakutō. These would slowly absorb the reiatsu of the shinigami wielding it. It would slowly change as it absorbed their powers until it became their unique Zanpakutō. This always held Steven's interest. No matter how one gained a Zanpakutō it would become unique to them. They could gain one through the academy, have one through their own powers, steal one, pick one up off the body of a fallen shinigami and no matter what it would still absorb their reiatsu and become their blade.

He had heard quite clearly the whispering sound. He had watched his blade noticing little differences. The hilt wrapping changed slowly from black to a brown color. The blade slowly grew from the solid gray of steel to a sleek silver. The curve of the blade became slightly less refined while the weight increased slightly. The had guard changed from round to become more rectangular. These changes all happened slowly over time but he knew that it meant his sword was changing to fit him. He smiled every time he noticed a change. Then finally he heard that whispering sound and knew it was his Zanpakutō. It meant that his blade had absorped enough and had finally created its own personality. Its own world within him with its very own name. His blade was now uniquely his. He had only to learn its name and the powers of his shikai would become unlocked. That, however, was one thing that he wasn't exactly sure how to do. Books didn't go into very much detail on that part probably because each shinigami did it their own unique way. Or it was such a personal experience that they didn't feel like writing it down. He wasn't sure about t hat but he would find out.

He headed to a small out of the way place. He didn't want to be disturbed while he tried to do this after all. He wasn't sure what he was doing and didn't exactly want to feel foolish while doing it. He pulled his sword out of the scabbard and looked at it. He wondered what it looked like within him. What is inner world was like. He couldn't picture it at all. He wasn't sure how his Zanpakutō would fit itself to his fighting style since he like to use so many different styles. He tried to picture himself going into his own world. Finding his Zanpakutō and asking its name. He wasn't sure how to get there. He closed his eyes and tried to force himself to go there. He opened his eyes and..........nothing. He was still in the seireitei holding his Zanpakutō in front of him. He really was feeling foolish now. "Could it be as simply as asking out right?" he asked looking at his blade. "If I asked would you let me know? Or are you still to young to speak it to me?" he would inquire. He had only started to hear the whispering a few days ago after all. "Please would you tell me. What is your name?" he asked off his sword. He had named weapons before when he was in the world of the living but he had never had to ask the weapon what its name was. As he looked at his blade he hoped the whispering would go from a quite murmur to a distinct word. He listened for a long while but that murmur never changed. "I suppose not yet then." he would say. He put the sword back into its scabbard and left to go about his day. He would try again later.
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Finding Shikai Empty Re: Finding Shikai

Mon May 04, 2015 4:51 am
His failure wasn't going to stop him. Not that easily. He tried again multiple times. Whenever he had a free moment he would pull out his Zanpakutō and try to learn its name. He wasn't sure exactly what he was supposed to do in order to learn it. He knew that he had to ask his Zanpakutō for it and he had several times in fact. He listened to that faint whisper sound hoping for it to make sense but it simply stayed the same that it always was. If he was being honest with himself he was growing just a little bit annoyed at the fact that nothing changed. He had tried to figure this out but he was going absolutely nowhere. He knew he had to get this right in order to get stronger. He would have to get shikai so that someday he could get bankai as well. He had to get stronger so that he could protect people. It wasn't a choice for him, not really.

He was sitting there one time like all the others. He had been listening to his Zanpakutō trying to figure out how to make sense of its words. He couldn't seem to get the hang of going into his inner world but he knew that some few people manage to bypass that step. At least he had herd that some shinigami had. He wasn't sure if it was true or not. He was sitting cross legged with his sword in his lap asking for its name. Maybe that whisper was its name but he just couldn't make it out. He never could figure it out no matter how hard he concentrated. He looked at himself feeling stupid for sitting there talking to a sword. He suddenly stood up throwing his Zanpakutō at the wall in anger. "Why won't you just tell me." he screamed at it. He tried to calm himself down listening to the vibration of the sword after it had stuck into the wall of his room. "Damn it all." He walked over to his sword and grabbed its hilt pulling it out of the wall.

When he had the thing free he walked back to his position in the middle of the room and sat back down. It was then that he noticed something was different. It took him a little while to pinpoint exactly what it was. The whispering he had heard lately had vanished. His Zanpakutō was no longer whispering to him. He looked at his sword pulling it up from his lap inspecting it. He hadn't broken it or chipped it. Certainly it couldn't have regressed to a stage where it couldn't talk. Had he made his Zanpakutō mad at him or something. He had screwed something up certainly. He was freaking out again trying to figure out what had changed. Suddenly he heard it just for a moment. He quieted himself and listened. He found that when the tried to hear it the whispering was still there just now in the background and easily drowned out by all other sounds. That was still something new for him to consider.

He realized that he would probably have to end up getting into his inner world. It seemed that would be the key to it. Maybe a Zanpakutō could not actually talk in the normal world. Maybe they could only be understood from inside of it. He knew that most shinigami saw their inner world before they gained shikai. He let out a sigh. He knew what he had to do but he had no luck trying to get into his inner world so far. He had tried a few times only to find himself still sitting in his room doing nothing. He wasn't sure what the trick to going to it was. He had tried this before and failed every time. He closed his eyes and tried to picture himself going into his inner world. He thought he could almost feel it but when he opened his eyes he was still in his room. How did you do it? He closed his eyes again. Maybe the key wasn't picturing it. His world was a part of him created by his reiatsu. It was possible that the key to going to his own world lay in his reiatsu as well. He searched his soul exploring his own reiatsu finding how it flowed and shifted through his body. He wasn't sure what he was looking for but then he found.....something. It was something weird. He tried to look into it wondering what it could be. He heard something strange like the wind moving. But he was in his room so the wind couldn't be moving could it? He opened his eyes and found himself on a large plain a fair breeze blowing across it. He was so startled by this fact that suddenly he found himself back in his room. That must have been his inner world.
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Finding Shikai Empty Re: Finding Shikai

Fri May 15, 2015 1:42 pm
He had found his inner world. He had been inside of it once. He wasn't sure if he had discovered it like others did but it worked for him. He took a little while to try and figure things out. Where did he go from there? He knew that he had to find his Zanpakutō in that world and from the glance he had gotten it looked like a pretty big place. How would he find his Zanpakutō in there? What would it even look like. He knew that it would be the only thing living in there. He sat down knowing that he had time to try again. He repeated the process that had led him to his world that last time. He searched through his himself finding that place inside of him. It was in the same location. Only a small thing but solid and immense. He pushed himself inside of it once more and opened his eyes upon that vast plain of his inner world.

He stood up and started to look around fully seeing his world for the first time. He was right that it was a vast place and he there wasn't anything off in the distance. He took a step and felt something hard under his foot when he put it down. He lifted it up and looked down. It was a piece of armor lying in the grass. Near by was a rusted weapon clearly no good for fighting with. He started walking looking down at the ground now. He saw tons of things like that lying around. A breast plate here, and axe there, then a sword, an arm guard. All of it was old and rusted some of it literally falling to pieces. then he stumbled into a some rocks. He looked at them closely seeing that it wasn't a random collection of nature. Something had stood here and had since either been torn down or had fallen over. His inner world as a vast plain littered with old weapons, armor, and ruins? What the hell did that say about him?

He still had no idea where his Zanpakutō could possibly be at. There wasn't really anything blocking his view so why couldn't he see where his Zanpakutō was at. He simply continued to explore his world finding much of the same over and over again. It looked almost as if there had been a huge battle here at some point but he knew that was ridiculous because this was his own world and he was sure there had never been such a battle in himself. After what felt like forever he stopped. Everything around here looked exactly the same. Endless stretches of ruins and rusted equipment. He was about to give up when he heard a voice from almost directly behind him. "Are you done sight seeing yet?" The voice was deep, hard, and strong. He wasn't scared because he knew who it must be. He turned to see a tall figure cloaked in a black robe from head to foot. Even his face was hidden. The strange part though was all of the weapons that seemed to be stuck in his back.

He was getting more confused every second. His inner world and his Zanpakutō were supposed to be a reflection of himself wasn't it? But this place didn't make any sense. He didn't understand how this person was supposed to represent himself. Still this guy must be his Zanpakutō. At least he looked like he was strong. He wanted to be on good terms with his Zanpakutō so he didn't wan't to appear rude or pushy. "Hey there. My name is....." he said before this robed figure interrupted. "I know who you are." Steven took a step back at how forceful this guys seemed to be. He could appreciate directness but this guy sounded angry about something. "Alright that makes sense I guess. So whats your name then?" His Zanpakutō looked at him without speaking. "Why do you wish to know." Steven didn't understand that. He thought he would just walk up ask his Zanpakutō its name and he would get his answer. He wasn't ready for this. "Because your my Zanpakutō. I need to know your name so I can use shikai and become stronger." He said it as straight up as he could since this guy seemed to like that. He was surprised by the response. "You are not ready. Go home." The robed figured turned and started to walk away. This of course made Steven angry. His own Zanpakutō was saying no. What the hell was with that. "Why won't you tell me? Your my Zanpakutō your supposed to tell me you know." He grabbed the robed figure. When he turned around its eyes were literally glowing under the hood with anger. It pushed Steven back knocking him not only over but out of his own inner world. That wasn't supposed to happen was it?
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Finding Shikai Empty Re: Finding Shikai

Fri May 22, 2015 3:27 am
He hadn't gone back yet. He was trying to figure out just what to make of the last encounter. Every time he drew his Zanpakutō thinking about going into that endless plain filled with rested metal and collapsed ruins he just got annoyed. What the hell was with that guy in there. That had to be his Zanpakutō so why did it refuse to give its name. It had actually seemed mad when Steven had out right demanded to know his name. What was he supposed to do to get it? He wasn't sure and he thought about asking others about it but that felt almost like it would be cheating. It was his Zanpakutō, his power, so it should be him who figured it out. He still wasn't sure what he was going to do. He thought about throwing it against the wall again, he was frustrated enough, but knew that would get him no where. He sat down and prepared himself. He needed to do this sooner or later.

He went back into his world. That endless plain. Once again there was tons of rusted armor and weapons lying in the grass with ruins here and there. He had already seen his world and last time he was explored his Zanpakutō had gotten angry with him so this time he just sat there. He waited for his Zanpakutō to come to him since he was sure it would come out eventually. He still didn't know exactly what he was going to do yet. He was still thinking as he waited. He was sure that something would come to mind eventually. "What no sight seeing this time?" he heard that voice coming from right behind him. He stood up and turned looking his Zanpakutō over a bit more trying to figure him out. "Why are you here again?" It asked him. "I have come to get your name. You are my Zanpakutō and I will know it." Despite his hood being up he could see the glare his Zanpakutō gave him.

"You are the shinigami that holds me. This I cannot believe. I am the weapon of a warrior not some scrawny sight seer." his Zanpakutō started thought at least this time he didn't turn and start to walk away. Steven looked at him considering something. He felt his sword at his side and drew it pointing it at his Zanpakutō. "You want a warrior, I will show you that I am one." He didn't think that most people had to fight to get their Zanpakutō to give them shikai but everybody was different after all. He didn't get any type of reaction from his Zanpakutō. He just stood there watching him. Steven lunged forward striking at his Zanpakutō, and he missed as his Zanpakutō moved back and to the left. He made a swing toward where his Zanpakutō had dodged to only to see his blade miss by mere inches. His strikes looked close but he could tell that neither strike had been closer then allowed. "There is more to being a warrior then battle." his Zanpakutō said. Then it rushed forward with incredible speed and punched Steven in the middle of his chest driving out his air. He felt himself being pushed out of his world again but he heard his Zanpakutō say one last thing. "Face me with the heart of a warrior. Only then will you hear my name."
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Finding Shikai Empty Re: Finding Shikai

Thu May 28, 2015 1:54 am
His name was Oruzje. He hadn't existed for very long but he still knew everything there was to know about this world. It was a vast open world perfect for battle. The ruins spread around were clearly once great fortresses. It all showed long ago battles that had taken place even though this place was new. He knew that his owner had to be a warrior and have been one for quite some time to produce a world like this one. He knew his owners name and even what he looked like instinctively. He was eager to meet this great warrior. He knew that all he had to do was wait for him and he would eventually come.

The wait was much longer then he had ever thought it would be but eventually the day did arrive when his owner finally showed up in his world. He was excited to meet him and figured that his owner would quickly notice him there. He didn't exactly try to hide or anything and a true warrior would be able to pick up on his presence quickly. He was surprised when his owner started to wonder around his world looking over everything. He was looking at everything and not seeing his surroundings at all. There was no way that this guy could be a great enough warrior to create this world. To create him. But maybe he was wrong. Everybody wasn't different. Still his words came out a little sharper then intended.

He wanted to make sure that this guy had the right heart in order to wield him properly. He decided not to give his name until he did something that showed him that his owner was in fact a warrior inside. When his owner demanded his name to become strong he wondered if perhaps he was a warrior but he hadn't said why he wanted to become so strong. Anybody could get stronger. It was the reason behind strength that determined the difference between a warrior and a fighter. He pushed his owner away knowing he would come back. Hopefully next time he would be ready. When his owner came back he had a serious look in his eyes. He liked that look and hoped to get a proper response this time. When he pulled his weapon and attacked he was a little surprised. He knew his owners fighting styles well. He had been created to match it. That made it easy to dodge out of the way. He still wasn't ready.

His owner was skilled in battled and strong he knew both of these things. He wanted to know the reason. Why did he fight not just how? What did he use his strength for? He knew that Steven had to have a good reason for these things. He gave his owner that final message as he pushed him out again. He truly wanted Steven to succeed. "I know that you can figure it out." he said to the sky. "I need you to be strong to."
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Finding Shikai Empty Re: Finding Shikai

Thu Jun 18, 2015 1:55 pm
He couldn't figure out what he needed to do.  He was frustrated that he couldn't seem to figure out what needed to do in order for his Zanpakutō to tell him its name.  He was ready for it he knew that he was yet every time he was denied.  What did his Zanpakutō mean by him needed to be a warrior.  He was so confused.  It didn't make any sense to him at all right now.  But he knew that he couldn't give up that easily.  He needed to claim his shikai in order to advance his himself.  He needed to be stronger in this world.  This world had filled with those that had such terrifying power.  He was so far below them.  This was the first step to him climbing to join their ranks.

He went back into his world hoping that it would be the last time. When he entered he kept his calm and listened. This time he went straight to his Zanpakutō rather then have it come to him. He didn't really have any plan this time but he hoped that this would be the last time he had to come in here. He simply stood and looked his Zanpakutō over seeing the weapons in its back, the hood that hid his face, the cloak that hid his body. It was intimidating to be sure and he wasn't sure what to think of it. He was sure there was a point to it all but in the end that didn't really matter. This was somehow a reflection of him and he wasn't sure what it meant but he was comfortable with himself so he didn't care.

He wasn't sure how he knew but he could tell that his Zanpakutō was studying him as well. He was intimidating but it was still just a part of him. "So what is your plan to force my name this time?" his Zanpakutō asked. He didn't lie or delay in his response. "I really don't have one." He sat down not sure what to do. He just spoke what came to his mind. "I thought I would come in here get your name and get stronger. I didn't really think it through. I need your power though, that is one thing that I know. There are so many people that are so strong. If I don't get stronger I will end up relying on everybody else. How can I protect anyone if I always need protecting." he said dropping his head. He could feel his Zanpakutō looking him over judging him. "Oruzje" Steven looked up wondering if he had just heard that right. "Anybody can fight. Warriors know what they fight for. You fight to protect others. That shows the heart of a warrior. My name is Oruzje. I have done what I can. It will be up to you to get stronger from here."

Steven stood up looking at him. He wasn't sure but he felt as if his Zanpakutō was smiling. He nodded at him. "Right. Don't worry I will keep getting stronger. Until I am strong enough to need you again." he said getting ready to leave his world. He heard his Zanpakutō saying to him "Don't get ahead of yourself." He knew that his Zanpakutō was telling him not to try for his bankai before he was ready since that was the next time he have to face his Zanpakutō again. Once he was back he pulled out his Zanpakutō wanting to see what Oruzje could do. He called it out "Take form Oruzje." his katana would shift into a longsword. He recognized from Oruzje's back. He remembered all the ways he had learned to use such a weapon. Why was it the sword though there were many other weapons there as well. "What is your power Oruzje?" he said and as he said its name the sword would change, shift, into a heavy axe. He could feel its weight but his muscles rippled with a strange strength that allowed him to wield it with ease. The axe had also been in Oruzje's back. "I can use them all can't I. That is your power. You can become what I want you to." He hadn't heard of a Zanpakutō that could change its own shape after it was released. But it would allow him to change his fighting style on the fly and that fit his style perfectly and that was exactly like every Zanpakutō.
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