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[Black World Arc] The Heart of Flame ☢NUCLEAR FALLOUT WARNING☢ Empty [Black World Arc] The Heart of Flame ☢NUCLEAR FALLOUT WARNING☢

Fri Apr 17, 2015 10:05 pm
How many moons had passed since he sought the answer at his long waited post. How many decades had it been since he was the guardian of Hueco Mundo. This would not do someone seemed to think because he left they could do as they pleased. The future wasn't quite ready to deal with this problem, last time he went to visit that place. He got something in return, the gift of his instincts restored to the most primal of ways. Verathius the destroyer and warrior who fought with an honorable code. Oh yes this man did exist, he guarded Las Noches and claimed Hueco Mundo as a place he'd protect. With his Hierro that was one of the strongest in the land of hollows. But now oh something far more offense had happened, someone dared to even think they could harm his home? Put this place in harms way for some foolish reason? This would not do or be accepted by any means, his fire would burn away all comers and send them to the pits of hell. The entire place lit as the skies above scorched with heat, as his frame walked forward. The aura around his frame blazed and left a scorched trail. Nothing short of this massive colossus would stop him. His eyes were cold and yet something in them was angry, the Segunda Espada wouldn't stand for further insults. This being insulted him and his kind, this was not acceptable by any means. He could see the creature and beyond what it was guarding, but oh no he had no interest in that. This being and it's pets would pay for the price of bringing about his fury and anger. This illusion wasn't worth anything to him, a meaningless dream. These pawns of this large one came at him and merely burst into flames. They couldn't even step near his presence. "Cannon fodder." He muttered out as these miniature reapers were little more then a nuisance in his way. No change that they were merely a burnt after thought in the air. His reiatsu exploded sending them into nothing but flames. Verathius merely walked forward burning them away with his reiatsu alone, nothing else was needed at this point.

These minor pawns were not of importance, he raised his pointing it at the large creature. He was going to put a hole in it of large size with his cero, unless someone came and stopped him. Though whoever took this blast or tried to stop it would find a large amount of power in it. The creature was winding up for a swing of it's massive weapon, Verathius watched with a cold and calm look. It was faster then he'd anticipated, but he fired a cero at it's chest. If the cero hit the mark the creature would explode into flames. As he imbued his cero with fire and allowed it to expand at the point which it hit it's target. He used a sonido to evade it's attack and merely began observing for now. The burning cero as it went closer and closer to it's mark. The creature had left itself open for a moment and he fired a massive blast to strike it. He had no interest in anything else. If someone dared intervene, they had best be prepared for a rumble. This would be a battle they would not in the future forget anytime soon. He stood still at his new position from the sonido. Alert and still killing the pawns with reiatsu alone, his flames engulfing anything dumb enough to get near him.
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[Black World Arc] The Heart of Flame ☢NUCLEAR FALLOUT WARNING☢ Empty Re: [Black World Arc] The Heart of Flame ☢NUCLEAR FALLOUT WARNING☢

Sat Apr 18, 2015 7:25 am
-Reserving a place for 24 hours! Though, probably gonna post tonight ^,^-
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Sat Apr 18, 2015 3:19 pm

Last edited by Nix on Thu May 28, 2015 1:50 pm; edited 1 time in total
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[Black World Arc] The Heart of Flame ☢NUCLEAR FALLOUT WARNING☢ Empty Re: [Black World Arc] The Heart of Flame ☢NUCLEAR FALLOUT WARNING☢

Sun May 17, 2015 1:41 pm

Alright, since I'm unsure of Nix's status at the moment due to him leaving the PH Skype + removing me from contacts, I may need to go ahead and step in with this thread. With that being the case, I'll most likely end up coming in with Radioactive and rearranging things to where the Kora A'ina of Yang may be destroyed once they've destroyed this space with their battle. If Nix doesn't give a reply in the next 48-72 hours, then I'll most likely drop in Radiaoctive and begin posting with him.

[Black World Arc] The Heart of Flame ☢NUCLEAR FALLOUT WARNING☢ WVMWLOu

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Sun May 17, 2015 8:36 pm

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He stopped and stood still, his response about to come when something happened. Fire seized his body and he felt his inner's grow hot. Was this rage, was it pure anger being brought out for a change. A voice came into his mind a female one, how long had it been since the emotionless Verathius lost control and became a wild fire. " Come now, your fire way to tame to be such a beast..Your nothing more then a dog with no teeth. A bitch with no hope of growing anything, such a pitiful hollow you've become. And to think you were so talented then, what a mutt you are without a single trace of pride or anger. You are simply a broken shell, not worth the time it would take to clean you up." His hands dug into his palms now as he growled slightly. The feral beast within being dragged to the surface, his Vasto Lorde memories still much alive in him. His body trembling, he growled slightly as his teeth showed. His hair fell over his eyes as the place began to boil with flames as he stood."Stop...stop it now.." The voice laughed as it began speaking again, who was it that dared talk to him in such a way. As though provoking the response of a Arrancar as powerful as he? [color=red]"Aww the little bitch can't even defend itself, gonna cry about it..This is why they are dead, your a failure and have no instincts. You chain your anger, such a childish notion. Why don't you grow a pair and release it, you won't though your too scared. Your family will die soon for that same reason, you will lose everything. Everything meaningful will die, because your to weak to let that anger go. Wildfire, as though you are something akin to the flame. Such a child controlling fire, fire is rage without mercy and death without forgiveness. You aren't anything, you are a failure a worthless bitch that should of been put down at birth. Just like your sisters, you don't belong and are nothing..Fall into despair and I'll kill them all, I'll make you watch their deaths."

Verathius stood still, no more sounds but then it happened. The reiatsu released became an atomic bomb, this entire place went into a hell flash. The entire place lit on fire, not even a little was left around as the male's body released a cero. The size of the cero coming from his entire body went out and grew. The entire place was filled with it, fire spewed everywhere. Verathius had snapped, the feral beast. "... No words would come from the silent man now, his fury had been awoken and the flames danced along the place. Massive amounts of reiatsu were destroying this realm his eyes stared at the realm. He didn't know who's voice that was, who threatened his family but one thing was certain. They would not escape, they would get away from his fury. This entire realm would pay, this entire world would be extinguished. His fire would burn always and burn away these beasts and even those who dared get close. Verathius clenched a fist as he walked forward, his body shimmering as he was prepared for a war. No this wasn't war, war was a chance between two sides. Verathius was going to annihilate whatever came at him. No mercy would be shown and only his fury would be seen. The first person he saw would be that man or woman, whoever that voice was. Whatever threatened the important things, they would be destroyed without mercy. Before creation, comes destruction.

Graphics by: Forsaken Crow
Coding by: [THEFROST]

Last edited by Forsaken Crow on Sat Jun 13, 2015 1:05 pm; edited 1 time in total
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[Black World Arc] The Heart of Flame ☢NUCLEAR FALLOUT WARNING☢ Empty Re: [Black World Arc] The Heart of Flame ☢NUCLEAR FALLOUT WARNING☢

Tue May 19, 2015 1:58 pm

Artist: Dope - Song: Bring It On - Word Count: 1531

Power. That was the first thing that came to mind as the realm of Kora A'ina of Yang shake and crumbled. From the skies, to the ground, there was nothing but blazing power to be felt as the land and the air were scorched in fire. However, with this power, came a sense of loathing. A loathing that otherwise unnerved A Certain Shark Beast maneuvering his way through this reflective eclipse. You see, in order to revamp his skills, bring back his fighting spirit and otherwise push his limits; The Nuclear Beast of Russia decided to put his hand in the events playing out in this catastrophe infecting all of the known realms.

Seeing how that Yuudeshi Brat and his Iramasha comrades could handle Earth's dilemma, Radioactive himself assumed he could take care of Hueco Mundo and otherwise put a stop to things in the realm of the hollows. Sure, there was a slight concern in him with how Russia might fair without his presence, but he had allies in powerful places and understood that it would be safe in his absence during this clash. If nothing else, there was a communicator sealed within his body to otherwise keep him touch with the nation's intelligence as he embarked on this one-man mission. Made from nanotechnology, The Hulking Giant did have to give it to this new day and age for making it so convenient and easy to stay in contact.

But, alas, that wasn't his primary focus. No. His focus was on this massive power signature he felt in the center of this world. From the intelligence that he was given? The objective was to destroy the cores in these inversed copies of the known realms of existence. And, as he was hurdling further towards this epicenter of disaster and chaos, the stink of a strong, but unnerved fighter started to sink into Radioactive's senses.

This man had endured over eight hundred centuries of combat, so it was not difficult for him to at least spot out a fighter when he sensed one. Stemming from his enlightening battle with the Moon God, The Shark Beast learned he could otherwise rely on his instincts to guide him. And, right now, his instincts were telling him that he was enclosing on an opponent who otherwise faced a dark dilemma. He inferred this just by the atmosphere and pull that The Troubled Mischevang. Every fighter in this universe had a unique signature of influence and mood to their energy, and from his many instances of detecting this over the years, Radioactive almost felt as if he could sense moods from the emotions and effects various combatants put into their reiatsu, spiritual power or any other type of energy that is generated from their body and their body alone.

So, with all the available information he had, The Nuclear Hulk figured he was going to have to smack some sense into another fighter, destroy this miserable realm and seal the deal with putting an end to the Kora A'ina's intentions. Heh, therefore -- this meant today was going to be a blast for him. With an explosive roar, The Shark Beast's spiritual energy came forth like a crack of lightning and thunder throughout the thunder. Hence, in a earth shattering blast, debris and sand scattered in every which direction for the next three hundred meters as the likes of The Radioactive Shinigami arrived on the battlefield in a streak of golden light.

When this bright illumination of energy faded away, a smoldering crater was all that was left in the wake of this monsters entrance. A bit over the top? Maybe. But Radioactive figured it would draw the attention of his opponent to him. Thus, after dusting off his baggy red pants, the males barefeet and hands started to claw himself out of the hole until he arrived on solid ground once more to stare down his new found foe.

Mischevang. That family name was the first of things to pop into the mind of Radioactive. After fighting so many Arrancar from that royal household, The Shark Beast had a knack for picking up on their scent now that he was up and personal to The Rampaging Mischevang. So, with this awareness in mind, the sharpened stare of The Nuclear Hulk's golden stare intensified and a toothy grin spread across his overeager face.

"So you must be that Ashlei Cunt's brother? Fun, fun. I should be able to get some good mileage out of you if your anything like the other Mischevang's I've faced."

With a crack of his fist, The Giant let out a brash chuckle as the the blunt tone of his voice bordered on the edge of crudeness. As he stood not ten feet away from Verathius, the height difference between the men became all but apparent. Standing at seven foot eleven, it would almost be hard to ignore the contrast as the Hulk-like shinigami bared his gaze down to the crimson stare of the opponent before him.

"Well, I guess if nothing else, I'll beat the stink out of you. You seem like you could use a release and I'll be the force to break ya' free from that bullshit sadness I smell from your battle aura. So, come at me then and let's get this started!"

Uttering those words with the utmost of directness, Radioactive held nothing back about what he felt was wrong with this circumstance. Thus, following that, an eruption of yellow energy surged around the male and his golden and unkempt locks of hair thrashed against the wild gust around them. While, on the flip-side, the littering of scars across his chest, face and back side became all but apparent from this breakout of light in the darkness. These were the markings of a warrior who hid nothing from his scars of the past. No. They weren't even scars -- they were marks of glory from his body being pushed to such extremes time and again from worthwhile foes. The question was: would Verathius prove himself to be one of those fighters?

"And, for the record, you better give me a battle more worthwhile then that cowardly sister of yours!"

In that scream, he then cocked his fist back and unleashed a power-strike to the nose of The Lone Mischevang to start things off. Even if this attack missed? The collateral damage from the force behind this hit could spread for hundreds of meters on end. The explosive strength of the male's physical prowess and energy would send dense blast of pressure capable of harming Grand-Level scale hierros; which could mean Verathius may find himself under quite the bit of pain across his body. This sensation would feel as if his very body was being slammed against a freight-train from hell and he'd feel the defenses of his being more than likely being put to the test from this.

Moreso, if he took the impacting jab to the face, that pretty nose of his may break on sight with the direct, crashing force of Radioactive's hit. Furthermore, a wicked headache could otherwise blind his senses and he'd be sent hurdling across a half mile like a flying ragdoll in the wind from the power associated with this punch. However, before he'd be sent away, The Shark Giant let out a bolstering laugh and went in to kick him straight in the gut with a similar hellish blow.

This swift punt to the stomach may result in the male hurling up his last meal and having the air clear knocked out of his lungs; potentially causing him to black out for a few moments to allow time for Radioactive to follow it up with another right hook to the jaw and compact each of his assaults upon one another to inflict a world of pain upon the male's body with his berserk strength.

Topping this all off would be the unleashing a damning energy blast shot off from his mouth that spread for three meters in every direction. This burst of destruction could induce burns across his body, deafen the ears of The Arrancar with its explosive sound and further aggravate the injuries The Shark may or may not have already inflicted upon at this point.

"C'mon, c'mon! Let's get the blood pumping, our spirits screaming and the stink of anguish cleaned straight from your sorry hide with a hard-ass kicking. If you've got something to let out? You better unleash with your next series of attacks by finding your inner Primal Spirit. Otherwise, I'm going to wipe the floor all over you! SO SHOW ME WHAT YA GOT!"

And with that, the lines in the sand was drawn and Radioactive anticipated the next move that his opponent would bring him. Was he going to arise to the occasion like an angel finding his wings? Or would he sink to the bottom of a sea like a bird without its wings? Hell, he had no friggin' clue. The Shark Beast just hoped that this would otherwise prove to be fun and that he'd assist another fighter in finding their Primal Instincts.

[Black World Arc] The Heart of Flame ☢NUCLEAR FALLOUT WARNING☢ WVMWLOu
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[Black World Arc] The Heart of Flame ☢NUCLEAR FALLOUT WARNING☢ Empty Re: [Black World Arc] The Heart of Flame ☢NUCLEAR FALLOUT WARNING☢

Fri May 29, 2015 2:35 pm

Watching the incoming blow, he hardened his Hierro around his hands. Making it into a glow, that glowed as he was prepared to cross blows with this man. A familiar feeling washed over his mind, his body crackled as the cold orbs stared out at Radio. He punched the hand of Radio, using the diamond hierro around his hands he traded the blow well he thought. But the hand was glowing that struck the fist of Radio, such force he felt the triple hierro cracking under the pressure. To bad it wasn't just hierro right now, Verathius had used something he wasn't quite showing often. The glowing red energy covered that fist as it struck the fist of Radioactive. His fist exploded with a huge amount of force, sending massive damage into the hand against the tall Shinigami. The explosion of the cero fist allowed him to match the damage put out by Radio, this was a stand off he figured. That's when his eyes saw that kick from the massive figure coming. He watched the leg rise and his orbs studied where it may end up going. He decided his move now, he wasn't intimidated by the figure of Radioactive. No their was no fear in this brother of Ashlei and Rose, the halls of Las Noches would hear this battle for centuries. His anger had faded not yet, something still raged inside him. A feral destruction that came from his days as a Vasto Lorde. That voice still taunted him, but his mind was sharp and ready for a fist to fist battle. He fought this way often, he was smart though and knew a follow up move was coming. He moved his frame side stepping the kick and as he did his other fist balled up and glowed, slamming that fist into the gut of Radioactive it exploded with enough force to send him flying. Verathius stood, ready his eyes shifted towards the hand. His hand that had exchanged damage with Radioactive had it's hierro almost completely destroyed. The hierro began to rebuild, so he could trade blows with the current creature fairly. But the amount of force from that punch had been enough to destroy most the hierro.

The hierro around his hands and arms in particular were extremely thick, making it like dealing with four to five hierro at that point. Well three of them had been broken, the tall shinigami had almost reached the man's normal Hierro. The Cero around his knuckles and hand helped shield him a bit as well, this was a fight that would be challenging and require all his might to keep things going. But he was ready to fight, the last time he fought was against the Iramasha Moonie. His love, his anger, and all his sorrow. He would let everything that bothered him out, Arrancar mere lapdogs to the Demons. His grip tightened, his sister swayed by Mana. And what of Rose, where did Rose stand on all this. The ground melted around him as the flames went higher. The ring of fired formed around them now, this was a ring meant for two heavy weights to fight. Verathius had no intention of running or using some cheap trick to fight. He would fight this shinigami one on one with all his strength, anyone who dared to interfere would die. For now though, this session would bring him from the clouds he hoped. Everything felt dark, the Arrancar followed Rose or perhaps Ashlei. He wasn't sure, where did the Guardian of Las Noches stand? He traded blows with mighty warriors and sought combat as a means to seek freedom. He barely felt like a hollow, sometimes it felt like he was born on the wrong side. No this self loathing pity would not do, this was a battlefield and he was the Segunda. Verathius felt an empty sting in his chest the feeling of what one could call hate. He hated what felt like the Arrancar had lost their teeth, the fangs that once were sharp seemed gone. Why was he so infuriated, was it due to returning to his normal form? Was it due to the fires of Hueco Mundo that he felt burned in him. He was more passionate then others of his kind about this. He would talk with both sisters after this, he glanced towards the Shinigami. It was about time he made a move, he figured the fight would continue on. Instincts would clash against experience, the question was simple though.

Which was which, who had the experience and the instincts. Verathius had been fighting his entire life, but he suspected this Shinigami did as well. He could feel something in his bones telling him this guy was two things. First the Shinigami was holding back, he wasn't sure why as of yet. Second he knew the age advantage went to this guy for sure, Verathius was very perceptive when he began a fight with someone. He could really figure them out, it was the only way to really get to know someone. Crossing blows with them revealed a lot more then anything else would in life, the reaper he had a feeling was carrying a burden. But it was his enemy for now, the time for petty thoughts was over. It was time to fight and fight hard, otherwise he wouldn't walk away. Verathius had no intention of letting Hueco Mundo fall any further then it had. Shadows Fall, what would it all mean in the end.

Graphics by: Forsaken Crow
Coding by: [THEFROST]
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[Black World Arc] The Heart of Flame ☢NUCLEAR FALLOUT WARNING☢ Empty Re: [Black World Arc] The Heart of Flame ☢NUCLEAR FALLOUT WARNING☢

Sat Jun 13, 2015 7:59 pm

Artist: Rammstein - Song: Sonne - Word Count: 1089

If there was one thing Radioactive learned how to do -- it was to pay attention. One of the first things his eyes noticed was the fact that there seemed to be a shift in his opponents hands. Or, rather, a burning glow. This indicated to The Shark Beast that some sort of ability must've been activated and he was going to have to crank up the heat a bit more. Therefore, around the point where each of their gazes met, The Nuclear Giant gave one of his signature shark-toothed grins at his foe and prepared for one hell of a showdown.

The first move that he made to counter was to unleash six spikes from out of the hand that Verathius made contact with. Each of these piercing chunks of natural material were as durable as the synthetic material known as fullerite; known to be harder and stronger than the proprieties which compromise diamond itself. Therefore, when that fist made contact, it would undoubtedly take damage due to Radioactive's increased defense in that one instant. This could result in broken bones, bleeding flesh or just outright pain from punching something so dense and jagged.

Alas, though, his opponent did manage to make a small dent in Radioactive. If nothing else, the shock waves from the punch were enough to leave scrapes and burns across his knuckles. Furthermore, he did end up getting push back a few feet before he caught himself and licked his lips.

Yeah, that burning sensation, that pain, its what he craved and he needed more to make himself feel alive. It had been far too long since he had a worthy battle or something to make him bloodthirsty. He needed as much from his opponent as his opponent needed from him. Therefore -- more force was required!

As the smoke from the cero fist faded from Radioactive's hand, The Nuclear Hulk was focused and ready for action. Upon the moment that his foe switched sides, The Giant ended up swinging his tail from the other side and devouring it in two dozen spikes; all of which had the same material as the ones covering his right hand. In a feat of speed and strength, the male sought to strike Verathius while he was busy. This would result in his sides enduring heavy damage and suffering intense strain on his defenses.

All the while, his tail would eventually creep around the entire waistline of his opponent and he'd throw himself like a wrecking ball on a crane to avoid getting struck by Verathius's attack. Then, he'd release himself and attempt to knee The Crimson Haired Arrancar directly in the spine. This could inflict enormous strain on his back, reduce his speed and otherwise lead to the potential of bones cracking or outright breaking across his entire spine. Furthermore, in the form of collateral damage, the entire area across a one hundred meter region would be reduced to a fine crater from the sheer force associated with this rigid assault.

"Oi, I can smell your anger with my natural senses alone. If you've got time to reflect on what is eating you, then you better not waste that energy thinking about. Act out your aggression, or I'll eat you alive like the shark I am!"

These words came off with an aggressive infliction behind them; as it almost seemed as if Radioactive was shouting and becoming furious with what he was given. After awhile, he didn't venture all this way into the Inverse World to be met with someone withholding their fighting spirit from him.

Therefore, as the flames ground melted around them and a ring of fire erupted in the landscape around them, The Hulking Giant roared and blew it all away with just a rapid expansion of his spiritual pressure. There was nothing but an eruption of yellow light -- and then -- nothing. The illumination of power dimmed and the landscape around them was nothing more than a burning husk of smoldering ash and smoke.

However, like a Mack Truck, Radioactive slammed into the face of Verathius and aimed to place it straight in the dirt at the same time that burst of light erupted in the area. The Nuclear Beast came at him with enough raw strength to level straight through level 80 to 90 based kido. So, once again, a tsunami wave of earth, smog and carnage could be spread throughout the battlefield as he saw to repetitively bash his opponents head in the mud. These strikes may very well inflict dense stress on the body of The Mischevang, while his head risked gushing out extreme amounts of blood from the blunt force trauma.

"You are thinking too much. I said to SHOW me that primal beast within you or I will CRUSH you into the dirt."

Clearly, his patience was being tested and Radiaoctive made sure to back his words up with action. So, it did not matter one bit if he was facing in front of, behind of, to the side of or above of Verathius -- he'd start wailing and wailing like made man. A series of two dozen hard punches were unleashed from both hands and they would seek to crush any offense, any defense, any wall and anything that stood in the way of their hits making contact with Verathius to make him feel his contempt and further push the potential of his foe out.

Therefore, each of these strikes brought with them a clap of thunder that shook the heavens themselves as the excess damage from them blew away everything in sight. Hole after hole in the earth would emerge and bioeletricity hissed all around the landscape as the fierce energy from these blows came to life and changed the battle grounds around them.

If this didn't get through to his opponent mentally, physically and spiritually? Then he'd continue his onslaught until he felt certain of this progression within his opponent. Even if it meant his outright demise, The Primal Nature of The Shark Beast was awakening and it was furious for the stagnation of his opponent. He wanted to see the best his foe had to offer and he just felt this wasn't it. He needed more pain, more blows, more destruction and further savagery to fill his desire for combat and fulfill his longing to make his opponent become alive once more.


[Black World Arc] The Heart of Flame ☢NUCLEAR FALLOUT WARNING☢ WVMWLOu
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