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Cogimo Shigoru[1-4+] Empty Cogimo Shigoru[1-4+]

Sat Jan 17, 2015 3:22 pm
Cogimo Shigoru[1-4+] Image4034

Cogimo Shigoru[1-4+] C23917c3-a29e-4fd4-aae8-c2f041e9cba1_zpsecd6d1f9

Cogimo Shigoru[1-4+] Image4035-1

• Name: Cogimo Shigoru
• Titles: Cog
• Gender: Male
• Appearance Age: 20
• Age: 463
• Affiliation/Rank: Squad 12

• Appearance Description: Body appearance:
Cogimo is 6''6 feet tall, thin, with a arms too long, that are a bit unproportional for the rest of the body. It is skinny, but muscled, looking as he hasn't got any fat at all. The mans face is quite young looking, his head being also being a bit too large for the body. From experiments conducted in the years, Cogs black hair had faded into grey, almost white color. Eyes is in a clear blue color and some, who are working with him year after year, are convinced that they are becoming more and more clearer. Maybe it is explainable by the fact, that his eyes and tongue shines in a white light.

Casual attire:
When not working in a lab and so, the shinigami prefers light and simple clothing. Usually it's a grey kimono, with a black squid pictured on it. Always with him is his two blades, the black one attached to his back, while the one with the shell hilt is strapped to his left hip, and a brown shoulder bag, that usually contains his medical tools.

Work clothes:
When attending his duties, Cogimo always wears the usual squads uniform, but on it he puts a lab coat, that is usually wore by doctors in human world. Reason for this fashion trend, is that he likes all the pockets, that are useful for keeping some tools. Like always, the black sword is attached to his back, while the one, with clam shell hilt left side.

Bakkoto form:
When releasing his spirit energy, which he usually oppresses as much, as it's possible, Cogimos body becomes red and the flesh resembles innards of mollusc. Ten, yellow eyes forms on his forehead, but can easily move all over his body, allowing him to see multiple places at once.

Cogimo Shigoru[1-4+] Image4036-1

• Personality:
Alone: While alone, usually working, Cogimo doesn't try to control his emotions. Anger, joy, hatred, everything could be seen well in his face, when the male is sure, that no one can see him. He likes talking to himself, loudly describing his every movement. If someone would catch him in these moments, it is likely he would go savage on them.

Amongst colleges: When he needs to interact with his work colleges, especially the higher ups, Cog tries to look as nothing special, a grey mass in, between other lower members. Thanks to his young looks and the fact he releases almost none of his spirit pressure, the new guys definitely could be fooled to believe, that he is one of them. He usually doesn't bother to fix this mis-understanding.

When visiting the Rukongai: In here he tries again to act differently. As his hobby is to nurse the villagers for free, he needs to be nice and build a positive fame around the common folk. He will smile, listen, if someone has something say to you, act friendly and so on and on. There will be always candy in his bag for children, a compliment for a lady or bottle of sake to finish in the end of day. But still, no one will be able to describe him as something more, then a good doctor. And it isn't without a reason.

• Likes: Privacy
Late nights experimenting
Taking care of others
Cooking(not eating, just cooking)
Watching, he will like to watch things for hours. You could call him a bit of stalker.
Stupid people, he thinks they are cute
Water, especially salt-water

• Dislikes: Too much responsibility
Smell of coffee
If someone intrudes, if he is working
Too nosy people

Cogimo Shigoru[1-4+] Image4038-1

• History:
Personal life: Cogimo came into Soul Society 463 years ago. He is one of those, who had born in here. His father was a middle ranks soldier in Gotei 13. The boy didn't much care about him in his childhood and even now, if someone would care to ask, he couldn't answer to this question. The boys mother lived all day at home and was the world to him. She thought him how to cook, made him love books and science and always was, when he needed her. His father barely came home.

After few years Cog had become the leader of children in the neighborhood. Everyone, even adults, felt dazzled about him without any real reason. He didn't use this admiration for any evil reason and in truth, he believed, that it was earned. One day, when his father had returned home, after a month work, there were a lot of people home. It was Cogimoes birthday and everyone, who knew him, had come. A bit suspicious about this, he looked up his son, to great him, but froze, when his body felt a attracting presence of Cog. It sure was a spirit pressure.

Soon after that, Cogimo was taken to Shinigami academy. You couldn't say, that he was happy about this. Before entering, his father had scold the boy for his power mis-using for his own personal gain. The son tried to convince his father, that he had no idea, what he was doing, but the man didn't believe him even after seeing the tears. He just couldn't believe it. For many years in his memory was burned a sight of his father and mother looking at their son in disappointment.

At academy he showed promise and finished it with quite high results. While not a perfect fighter, he was gifted in kido, but it didn't pull his attention as much, as science. He was curious about everything. How this worked? How does that work? How you get this? How you kill that? Questions was one of things, whit which he attacked all his teachers day from day. But in the time the boys nature had also changed. First, thanks to the last words he got from his father, before leaving to the academy, Cog in time started to believe himself, that he is a human user, with bad attitude and rotten mind. Shigoru actually started to manipulate with people around him, always escaping the responsibility of his deeds. "Let the most of the credit go to the guy over there. But, if he fails...they won't be able to blame me!" Like that, worked the boys mind. And by every year it got more and more worse.

Shortly after finishing the academy, Cogimo returned to live in his home. The boys father had died in a mission, but you couldn't say, that he was sad or anything. "A pity! I wanted to see his dying face." Not long, after which he became the member of Squad 12. The love for experimenting had took over everything else and there wasn't better choice. The other reason for this, was the fact about his Zanpakutō spirit.

Few months, before ending his studies in academy, Cogimo was able to reach his inner world and communicate with his blade, Daffodil. At the start it seemed, that he will be able to gain the blades power with no problem at all, but then she said.
"I know, what you had been thinking. I know, what you had been doing and I will say it, you won't receive my power, if it is to harm anyone, enemy or not. I'm about peace on world and you...aren't."
It was futile to try convince or force her, she didn't give in.

Time, years passed, and he worked quietly in his lab, carrying for no one, except him and his mother. In this time Shigoru started to invest his little families wealth into different things and, for a huge surprise for many people, made a huge wealth. They moved to a new home and Cogimo actually felt pleased with life. It was, pleased until one day.

He returned quiet late from work, but had promised his mother, that will visit her no matter what. So, in the dark, nearing the home, he felt that something wasn't right. All lights of the house had been turned off and the door, even, if closed, looked a bit damaged. This wasn't right. Taking out his blade, the male went into the house, quietly looking around for any signs of his mother. Broken dishes, fallen chairs and other clues told the obvious, he was robbed. From one point, path of blood started to lead him in the direction of the guest room. "I am counting on you Daffodil!" The man burst into the kitchen, but froze. A man, rouge shinigami by looks, turned, facing Cogimo. Even after years he could recognize his father.
"So, this is the guy you cheated with, you no good slut. Well, I'm done with you, so I will just take care of him and then by on my way! I have a son to meet." The mans voice sounded rough and hoarse. His hands were red in blood and filth. Cogimoes mothers corpse laid cold on the ground. He stepped closer to him, looking more as a vicious beast, then a human. With tears in his eyes, he pleaded for Daffodil to take his revenge...she kept quite.

Later his house looked like shack, where a storm had gone through. Everything had been broken and destroyed. Some objects were even set on fire. And, on one of the walls, a man was nailed with a black blade through his head. The shinigami leaned closer to his blade and whispered "I will one day get to your power. And when I will, I will take every last drop of it!"

After this, he had started to work hard, trying to brake his blades will power, with his own. It barely worked. Cogimo reached only a tip of Daffodils potential, but then something else poped up, something much more interesting.

From the moment his mother died by his fathers hand, Cogimo had started to invest his money in the crime world. The male had good sense of how to avoid direct interference. When it got too hot, he would just slip away and leaving nothing to trail him. It was easy, if his powers let Cog to slip away as something...not worth remembering. One of these things were the Kasumioji family. They had started to work on bakkoto, a weapon, that sparkled his interest. While it was relatively safe, he provided the family some resources and services, while they provided them with the basic information of creating bakkoto. The rest he leached from them. Of course, it got hot in one moment and he, again, quietly hid back into Squads 12 shadow.

From this moment he started his own research in bakkoto. It had a lot of flaws, but in the same time a lot of pluses. Years passed, the family was humiliated, but Cogimo just laughed and carried on his own work. For everyone he was just nobody, with a lab, that he paid the rent himself. A lot of happened, wars raged, battles were fought, but even then Cogimo just watched and took, what looked takeable. All problems, that Soul Society had, the man just used. From one, he got quincy data, from other time, bount. Mod souls, fullbringers, demons, information, was what he wanted and used it. Bakkoto had grew. Soon they could even replace Zanpakutō. And then he became one of them.

In years of research Cogs knowledge grew, but body became weaker and weaker. First, it was just hard to carry heavy stuff, but in time walking, talking and even eating became a problem. His body was dying. After analyzes were taken, it was clear that he had no more, then a year. A year for a genius? If he haven't come even close to his goal? No, he won't let it be like that!
Cogimo worked hard. As hard, as his body let him. Few first tries were a failure, but then, thanks to the phantom tech, he figured, that it was possible for him to fuse bakkoto with his body. Time was against Cog, but a bit of madness did wonders. By growing a bakkoto larva(bakkoto, before fused with a weapon) together with his body, Cogimo turned himself into a half bakkoto. It took a month, it almost killed him, but the transformation was successful and he lived. He was cured.

Right now everything is quite peaceful. Bakkoto project had come to a unpleasant stall. This is the reason, why he now plans to tell someone about his invention, in hopes, that in exchange they will prove useful in information. Officially his bakkoto, Kraken, is a Zanpakutō. That is, what everyone knows.

Bakkoto Log:
The new bakkoto, version #3, has few new features:
-To maintain himself in a battle, bakkoto absorbs reishi around him, like buildings, land and so on(in soul society or Hueco Mundo). Still, it needs to take energy from his owner, if wants to evolve into the next stage.
-Bakkotos core is infused with a sub-type of a mod soul, making it have something like a inner spirit.


• Reiatsu Color: Crimson red

Cogimo Shigoru[1-4+] Image4041-1

• PhatomTech: Yes

• Phantom Tech Abilities: Combining Phantom tech with bakkoto larva, his body had became more durable, faster and flexible.
• Phantom Tech Powers: Cogimo can absorb reishi and has a personal computer in his brain.

  • High Speed regeneration: Cogimos bakkoto body allows the man to preform something similar to high speed regeneration, possessed by hallows and few Arrancar. Because of the fact, that his body lacks almost any real organs, except brains, the male is harder to kill. The drawback is that he needs more reishi to regenerate any part, if it is completely severed.

  • Muscle manipulating: The shinigami can manipulate with his muscles and how they are placed. Because his body is made only from them, except the brain, he can take different forms and shapes. Usually he uses this ability to make it easier for him to swim and avoid attacks.


Cogimo Shigoru[1-4+] Image4037-1

General Skills
  • Durability: Advanced
  • General Speed: Adept
  • Strength: Adept
  • Weapon Skill: Master

Racial Skills
  • Hoho: Adept
  • Kidō: Advanced
  • Zanjutsu: Advanced
  • Hakuda: Adept

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Beginner
  • Pain Endurance: Adept
  • Focus: Adept


Cogimo Shigoru[1-4+] Image4040-1-1

• Roleplay Sample: (Please show us how you role play by either posting a previous post from another site or creating a new one. We do this so we know your RP skill. If you already have an accepted, you need not do another RP sample)

Last edited by Nix on Tue Apr 21, 2015 10:17 am; edited 9 times in total
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Cogimo Shigoru[1-4+] Empty Re: Cogimo Shigoru[1-4+]

Mon Jan 19, 2015 11:34 am
Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Beginner
  • Pain Endurance: Adept
  • Focus: Adept

Comments/Notes: I talked with Frost about the Bakkoto and he said he gave you the all clear to add it in for this character. When you go up in tier I will request expansion on some of the abilities of the Bakkoto, however, as they are vague right now. Anyway, approving this for now and he'll be playable.
Tier: 4-1

Cogimo Shigoru[1-4+] Ap8OoJO

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Cogimo Shigoru[1-4+] Empty Re: Cogimo Shigoru[1-4+]

Wed Jan 21, 2015 12:20 pm
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Cogimo Shigoru[1-4+] Empty Re: Cogimo Shigoru[1-4+]

Fri Jan 30, 2015 2:24 pm
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Cogimo Shigoru[1-4+] Empty Re: Cogimo Shigoru[1-4+]

Sun Mar 08, 2015 9:07 am
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Cogimo Shigoru[1-4+] Empty Re: Cogimo Shigoru[1-4+]

Sun Mar 15, 2015 12:46 am
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Cogimo Shigoru[1-4+] Empty Re: Cogimo Shigoru[1-4+]

Tue Apr 21, 2015 10:08 am
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Cogimo Shigoru[1-4+] Empty Re: Cogimo Shigoru[1-4+]

Wed Jun 10, 2015 10:45 am
Moving this over to adoption via request, under the condition that the original creator has the right to ask for the character back upon their return.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
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Cogimo Shigoru[1-4+] Empty Re: Cogimo Shigoru[1-4+]

Sun Jul 26, 2015 1:38 pm
Cogimo Shigoru[1-4+] Image8717_zpsrh1btrb8


Alright, here is the deal: Nix has made a new account called MechaAngel. With that said, he requested that this be archived as he is posting his apps on his new account. So I'm moving this character into archives because of that.

Cogimo Shigoru[1-4+] WVMWLOu
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