This is Claire...
We all love her...
But I want her in a more anime-esque look, but with minor changes...
Hair: I want the hair to be long, but messy. She's psychotic and evil, so her hair isn't in best of appearances right now. A little in front of the face and with some blood in it...
Appearance: She always wears a long red dress, exactly like the one displayed in the photo, but it's messy as she's been killing a lot lately... Blood pl0x
Face: Her face is simple. PSYCHOTIC! She needs to look absolutely sadistic and mentally insane. She is very beautiful, but she's completely blood thirsty. Gotta have the evil grin and the lip licking emote...
Special Features: Rings. She has a gold ring with a blue symbol on each finger. That's her Shikai, and most famous skill. Every finger has a ring that is gold with a little blue rune symbol on each.
Easter egg: Gotta have a Corn on the cob somewhere. Her fascination with corn is what gives her comedy relief and she needs a little something, lol.
Background: BLACKNESS OR DEAD BODIES... Or nothing, it's your pick <3