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The Mass Power Upgrade For Cirno Iramasha Empty The Mass Power Upgrade For Cirno Iramasha

Fri Dec 26, 2014 6:30 pm



★ Name Of Character: Cirno Iramasha
★ Link Of Character:

★ Reasons For Upgrading: This upgrade is associated with Cirno's story because she was a pretty cocky kid around the time the Australian War arc happened, but after she got her first taste of war she humbled up real quick as her mind wasn't really equipped to deal with it. Especially after Shisome really clusterfucked her spirit/mind, and Cirno was messed up over what she did to her with the whole coma thing by itself.

So she was out of comission for a bit, decided to try and get back on her feet and venture to Karakura Central with the whole BEEFING up of Iramasha presence in other dimensions thing going on from the impact Australia had. However, she was met up against Reigen he played at her mental wounds from Australia; which caused her to keep playing into his hand until he eventually forced her to see that life wasn't meant to be taken so seriously.

As in, after he broke and made Cirno go apeshit in that thread, he showed her that her mind needed to be loosened freed and awakened to the true taste of the world. Since, at the end of the day, Cirno wanted to see what the world below Iramashsa Island was like...and she got a grave taste of that from Australia and Reigen.

So, after her fight with him ended in an inconclusive result (Reigen was injured, but Cirno didn't pursue him after she realized she he was trying to teach her) Cirno retreated to Iramasha Island for awhile, attempted to mend the wounds of her mind with Reimu/Yukuri's mystic healing and eventually sealed away from of the ugly parts of her psyche under a Psycho Seal. (A seal meant to bandage her mental anguish more or less)

After that point, it was like meditation and she was able to think clearly for a bit. It is then that she just wanted to enjoy life, act more like a kid should (Since she is one year old by Iramasha years) and have more of her jovial spirit return after months of anguish. It is around that time where she met Eric's attempted invasion of Iramasha island with his army.

And while she mostly played with him like it was a game, Moonie came crashing like a wrecking ball and it the stink of Australia came back. For she was the one who took Shisome away from him, she was the one who left him in a world of pain and Cirno wanted to save Moonie from that anguish in any way she could.

For CIrno, prior to Australia, thought of Moonie as a strong Iramasha; one of the strongest in fact. He was always happy to fight, willing to show his strength and was a pillar of what good sportsmanship and fighting should be. So, to see him bawling his eyes out and fighting so coldly tore at her soul; for she at least had Yukuri/Reimu and others of the Iramashsa island to have her back in her time of need.

Moonie had no one at that point and Cirno, after a scarp with him, ended up getting herself nearly KILLED by Moonie in order to prove a point that she was no soldier, she was here to help him and wanted to do anything to save him from that pain and be the person to tend his wounds and bring back the person he was before.

To which, Moonie collapsed in on himself, accepted Cirno and they both laid in a pool of blood; nearly dead, but spirits filled with more life than ever because of the bond they shared through the scaring of war.


★ Tier Of Character: I'd like for Cirno to jump from her 0-5 status to 0-4 or possible even 0-3++ if possible. I believe enough time has passed to where she is can be warranted as being a 0-4. One of her most notable feats in this time is the fact that she was able to stop an invasion by the likes of The Demon Overlord, Eric Zarathos, with her combat knowledge. He had invaded Iramasha Island with his army, but herself and the Iramasha Guards who served under Cirno were able to stop him with her plans despite the massive gap in power between the two.

Other feats include the fact she took full powered direct assaults from Moonie back to back and lived to tell the tale. At one point during her fight, she was even fight against Moonie, Varitas, Eric and his Army; all characters which grossly out-classed her. Additionally, with enhancements by Yukuri Iramasha and Reimu Iramashas to her body, it is possible for her to further bolster her energy levels further after these massive recoveries after Australia and the near-death incident following her clash with Moonie.

★ Master Strength: I want to upgrade CIrno's strength to master as apart of this tier boost. The reason for that is because of the new enhancement of Chaos Energy that would come from this increase, I am assuming that her body would react to it by becoming more durable in its offense and she'd reach a new level of strength. It also helps that her body would become even more dense, which would coincide with this new strength. Furthermore, she was also able to go toe to toe with both Eric and Moonie during their clash for a period of time. She has also been noted as to rip apart numerous city blocks, colossal air fortresses, battleships, and create mass carters in the ground that spawn for hundreds of meters with relative ease. So it can already be assumed she has Type II to Type III Strength. [If needed I will even buy this upgrade and be done with it; but this is a an explained canon reason as to why she attained it.]

★ Master Speed: Cirno's Speed can also be assumed to have reached new levels after this enhancement to her body; much like her strength in the section above this. Following her recovery, evolution of her body and having a wealth of richer energy to work with; her body could have potentially become back stronger after her crushing defeats and reached a new level of speed and stamina after all of the work that was put into her being. The ultimate reason I use this as a justification is because the energy associated with Cirno's tier upgrade would allow her to push her speed further due to having new stamina to work with.


★ Insane Durability: Cirno was able to withstand an attack that increased the gravity within the vicinity by 700 hundred times Earth's gravity and her abilities and body's durability allowed her to continue fighting. Granted, she was gravely injured, but she was still in fighting form and able to proceed with combat. Not to mention she seemed to be able to withhold her spirit and body around the heightened spiritual pressures of three characters who are on par with Demon Kings/Queens & Demonic Overlords; of which, their energy together, could very well change the landscapes of a vast battlefield with ease.

★ Sharp Mind: While she isn't the best stargeriest to ever live, Cirno does have her moments. For instance, she was able of managing tens of thousands of Iramashsa Troops on Wollongong. Cirno had the capacity to allocate resources, communicate with thousands of other Iramasha + Vanguard operatives, combat Shisome + Moonie and take on additional Monsuta soldiers at the same time. Her tactics allowed her to eventually even take control of the city for the Iramasha and Vanguard at the end of that war; despite herself being crippled by Shisome afterwards. Her strategies also seemed to be able to take on the likes of Eric's Mad Army with her subordinates and proved to be a critical factor in overcoming the power gap between the twos forces. [In Consideration for upgrading her Mental Deduction]

★ Dangerous Energy Mastery: Cirno has been noted to use her energy with the utmost of precision at times. For instance, she was able to send tens of thousands of Eric's troops flying away from the army when she utilized her Chaos Island to make a series of constant barriers to deflect them back into the realms they came from. During Australia, she seemed to be able to hold enough power to take out thousands of airships from the Monsuta in a volley of Chaos Energy bullets without being too taxed. Prior to Australia, she had even combatted a former Shinigami and seemed to be able to produce massive ice meteors at him while having the time of her life in her sealed form.

Furthermore, she appears to have mystic applications of her energy as well. At another point in Australia Cirno was able to cull the instabilities of Shani's mind and grant her a new found control of her powers by a high-class seal she placed in her head to better manage The Ziamichi's abilities. And beyond that, she seemed capable of mass healing and angelic purification; as she was able to spread her holy elements, from being an Angel, across the city of Wollong to mend injuries, stabilize the minds of those in shock and otherwise bring a sense of hope back into the fight by producing new morale within those who fought alongside her.

More than anything else, Cirno's energy seems to have a very ethereal property to it. In heightened states of combat or emotion, The Angel of The Ice is even capable of summoning her Willpower as a viable source of energy for periods of time. This is what allowed her to break the complex barriers of Lilium's assaults, tank Reigen's Madness initially during the start of their battle and what allowed her to temporarily endure the harsh assaults from Moonie, Eric and Vanitas Battle; a battle in which these opponents were more than capable of vaporizing entire cities with their blows. So it can be assumed she can even bolster her tier by one or two levels at the cost of breaking her body down; as she was inevitably damaged each time she did this against her opponents and they later gained the upper-hand. [In consideration for a tier upgrade and potentially GM Chaos Energy Control]

★ Otherworldly Perception: Eric was able to induce a high-class demon spell that had the majority of Iramasha Island believing he was a demon. However, Cirno seemed to be able to see through this deception with her focus and dispelled through her mastery of the magical arts. This is a major feat because Eric, being a Demonic Overlord, possesses immense Magical Prowess and is considered a high-class user of Demon Magic. Additionally, back in Australia, Cirno seemed to be able to possess enough Mystic-Sense to see the spilt difference between Shisome and Lilium; Shisome's alter-ego spirit. This even lead to her brute-forcing her way into Shisome's very inner-spirit and running into her Inner-World to fight Lilium.


And while these may be only four threads, there is enough wording material within them to cover a short novel. In total, they are almost 50,000 words in content and aren't just four threads with short word count.


The Mass Power Upgrade For Cirno Iramasha WVMWLOu
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The Mass Power Upgrade For Cirno Iramasha Empty Re: The Mass Power Upgrade For Cirno Iramasha

Fri Dec 26, 2014 8:32 pm
One thing, about the insane durability. One instance of an amazing feat does feel like enough, and honestly it doesn't feel appropriate here. Rather than endurance, it would make more sense that it revolve around Willpower, which tunes in more to who she is, don't you think? She is a youth, after all. If you change it from durability to something more along the lines of willpower, I would feel more comfortable :3

After that, I can approve all of dis, at tier 0-3.

The Mass Power Upgrade For Cirno Iramasha Qx494h
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The Mass Power Upgrade For Cirno Iramasha Empty Re: The Mass Power Upgrade For Cirno Iramasha

Fri Dec 26, 2014 8:35 pm
Dexterity wrote:One thing, about the insane durability. One instance of an amazing feat does feel like enough, and honestly it doesn't feel appropriate here. Rather than endurance, it would make more sense that it revolve around Willpower, which tunes in more to who she is, don't you think? She is a youth, after all. If you change it from durability to something more along the lines of willpower, I would feel more comfortable :3

After that, I can approve all of dis, at tier 0-3.

That was just a feat. I didn't mean for that one to be an ability or anything. It was more pointing towards the overall upgrade by showcasing an event that occurred. Since she already has Master Durability, I was more or less saving that as an example of how, in extreme circumstances, how far Cirno's durability can be pushed. But, Willpower-Based Durability does sound like a good idea. So don't worry much about the Insane Durability, as thats just like...a showcasing thingy; since I didn't put a consideration note after it like the others.

The Mass Power Upgrade For Cirno Iramasha WVMWLOu
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The Mass Power Upgrade For Cirno Iramasha Empty Re: The Mass Power Upgrade For Cirno Iramasha

Fri Dec 26, 2014 8:39 pm
I seeeeee. Then I shall approve this! Tier 0-3 for your beloved Cirno. Good day~

The Mass Power Upgrade For Cirno Iramasha Qx494h
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