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A New Age and New Problems Empty A New Age and New Problems

Fri Nov 28, 2014 8:56 pm

How to describe the moments spent in the form that he would need to grow used too. Before the next battle Tsubasa had to learn something nearly impossible within his Kingdom. How to use his the absolute Shinigami form, the pure form of a death god. To tap into future within reserve and give his people what they deserved. Tsubasa's teeth gritted for a moment as his reiatsu exploded in the zone gifted to him by the Soul King. It was a training zone where he could release his full power, the walls and area shook with reiatsu. His eyes of crimson glowed with anger as he clenched a fist, Devata had stepped on his pride. He'd sworn to not kill anyone else, to lay down his vendetta but this was not the end of it. Tetsuya would become the thorn in the side of that being. The man who shook the Gotei 13 to it's core, once again time was ready. His white hair showed as those red eyes turned yellow. His pure Shinigami form had fully activated finally. He exhaled a long breath finding his footing, this wasn't easy after all. Getting used to such a body would require Tsubasa Unabara to remain here.

Tetsuya left already and had Tsubasa's recommendation to become a Captain for Squad Ten. If the devil could smile Tsubasa's lips curled into a grin. If only the Gotei 13 knew what they were in for, what can of worms Tsubasa had opened up for them to handle. He chuckled now as he began moving using his foot work, he winced putting too much pressure down and nearly breaking his arm. He exhaled a breath, the first step of it all would be learning restraint. Tsubasa's eyes glowered as he moved his arms around to gain a feeling. Captain level people began appearing, he gripped hold of the wooden sword next to him. Like the future as it was growing so too must the Aspect of Death. The man who embodied what it meant to be a Shinigami had to evolve just like everyone else. Evolution wouldn't forgive him or wait for him as he gave his wooden blade a few practice swings. Letting his digits gently wrap around the weapon's hilt and tighten.

Tsubasa watched them move, these men dressed as Captains of the Gotei 13. He took down each one with skill as he mentally observed their moves. The first of the thirteen stood at the front, he cut him down instantly before he could move. The next of the remaining twelve lunged. Tsubasa beheaded him with a single stroke of the wooden blade. He moved into the next strike, bringing down two Captains instantly. His hand resting as the remaining Captains waited in shock, he vanished instantly. Cutting the rest down his blade pointing at Iriko Crow as he released a sigh. He knew this was the hard one, it was a recreation of Iriko it faded away as Tsubasa sighed and crossed his legs. He hoped he was wrong, that it was a bad dream but. Something in his gut told him the Gotei 13 was no longer what it should be, his instincts were warning him. That the Gotei 13 was starting to tread off from where they should of been. His digits clasped the sword giving it a single swing he destroyed half the country side of the area.

Kurai could not be informed of this, perhaps his brother Hikari needed to be told of the trouble. Tetsuya was his new agent to stand at the front of the Unabara, to stand in the light. Tsubasa had to stand in the darkness and find his own way of doing things. He felt his body changing back as he exhaled a breath, such naive childishness. He could not believe how foolish he was, Iriko bore far too much of the burden. And now the Gotei 13 was crumbling and becoming something it should never of been. He crossed his legs sitting as the blonde hair began to appear once more in his hair, almost likes watching dry paint fall from his head. He didn't know what was next. But the Captains and visions of their fallen bodies disappeared. Would he have to act and restore the balance that was lost? The Soul King didn't like getting involved, but this was out of hand. Balance was being disturbed and this was not good. A natural order existed that wasn't meant to be disturbed and now it was being shaken to it's very foundations.

The question was a simple one that he needed an answer too. Kurai , Hikari, and Tetsuya would find out for him. Was the Gotei 13 straying from the path they were assigned in all. Was Iriko Crow going to become a tyrant, something to be feared and end with tragedy. Answers were needed, last time he saw Iriko he himself underwent changes. They'd switched places almost, Tsubasa had found peace in himself. And stopped killing people, his eyes became colder as he remembered that day. Being forced to look upon the figures of his family once again. It was a cold memory, he needed to keep most of his children from this task. Because if it became what he feared, the Gotei 13 would become a battle ground without equal. And lives would be lost on both sides before the matter settled, Zero Division with a new age came new problems. With a new road came new paths and steps for someone to take.

Graphics by: Forsaken Crow
Coding by: [THEFROST]
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A New Age and New Problems Empty Re: A New Age and New Problems

Sat Nov 29, 2014 1:02 pm
post incoming eventually

A New Age and New Problems LzZCuy7
A New Age and New Problems BtXe12b
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A New Age and New Problems Empty Re: A New Age and New Problems

Sun Oct 04, 2015 2:25 pm

✖| Clean Up Time!! |✚
┣▇▇▇═─          ☠          ─═▇▇▇┥

It's been 2014 or even before that!
There for I will be locking this thread, feel free to revisit this and keep on reading!

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A New Age and New Problems Empty Re: A New Age and New Problems

Sun Jul 17, 2016 3:18 pm


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