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Madness Begins [Hunt For The Soul King] - Page 3 Empty Re: Madness Begins [Hunt For The Soul King]

Thu Dec 18, 2014 8:28 am

Artist: Gensou - Song: The Girl Who Played With People's Shapes - Word Count: 2050

The air was ripe with the stench of war as the battle to reach The Soul King by The Mad One began to get underway. There were explosions, balls of fire and earthquakes that shook the very planet itself to its core popping off in every which direction for the Soul Society to feel. Indeed, this was a battle befitting the presence of numerous Demon Lord level combatants in one location. Where most would feel the need to be on edge, to undergo the emotions of fear or to perhaps find the joy of combat; the likes of The Devil of Boundaries found -- peace.

Hovering in the air and watching the armies of demon fall before her very feet reminded The Demoness of her days as the entity known as "Selena Minos". Prior to her ascension to the ranks of Devil Iramashahood, she had spent countless centuries, nay, thousands of years as an unruly brute of Demon World. Killing whomever The Mistress pleased, controlling whatever terrority that her heart desired and indulging in the power that came with being a Demon Lord were most of the perks that the former Angel of Death so enjoyed.

Yet, ever since the day The Bringer of Death became entangled in the web of Ketsu Iramasha's life, such a thing has been a fleeting memory. Blurred in the ashes of Selena's death, the intensity in which Yukuri felt her demonic psyche had lowered and The Demoness still felt much like a shell of her former self. And perhaps -- that is indeed all she was following the downfall of Selena Eos's demise by the hands of The Devil Iramasha Leader. By having her insides carved out and spirit altered The Devil of Boundaries could indeed be considered a new being.

But, as with the law of the universe, no one energy can ever be completely destroyed. Selena Minos still very much lived on and the more the bodies piled up on the body field, the more this part of her demonic heritage bean to trigger, overflow and breathe new life into the cold shell that Yukuri Iramashsa harbored. So in a dry laugh, The Mistress Of The Border took great delight in the suffering she was causing; even if it wasn't entirely under her own terms.

None the less, such a wonderful feeling couldn't be held inside forever as a form of mental masturbation, right? Right. Snapping her attention back into reality, the focus was back on the battlefield. Everything was beginning to look more and more as if the side of The Iramashsa had the edge on the Mad One's Army. The attack in which The Devil of Boundaries invoked upon Eric's followers seemed to be a critical blow, as only one hundred and twenty of the once ten thousand menacing demons remained. It caused a low whistle to emit from Yukuri's mouth because she had not expected land blow that reached a nearly 98.8% effective rate against his hordes of worshippers.

"What a fragile army, Eric. You bring shame to the Demon Lord title I once held because it used to actually mean something."

Speaking those words as if they were a matter-of-fact, Yukrui continued to survey the area. Of those remaining in The Demon Overlord's Military, The Mistress could also assume that a sizeable portion of those still standing were critically injured or damaged in some way; making it easy pickings for the individuals eager continue this battle against the Royal Devil Iramasha. At the very least, she expected more of a fight against these little orcs. So either she was stronger than she thought, or maybe The Mad One's army wasn't as powerful as it was cracked up to be.

Taking a glance to the north, the pulsation of a latent, but powerful Shinigami caught the attention of The Mistress's perception for a few moments. If her senses were correct, this spiritual signature was that of Yoruichi Shihōin. Having lived with Urahara Kisuke for a time during her life as Selena Minos, The Devil Iramasha was somewhat familiar with this figure and found it surprising she decided to come all the way out here. As a result of her impending arrival, it brought forth the question of whether or not the illustrious figure would remember Yukuri in this form. Only time would tell the answer of that question.

Detecting another shift in power on the battlefield, Yukuri Iramasha gave a gaze to the crimson heavens above her. While doing so, there was a void expression across the Devil Maiden's face as she observed The Blood Moon coming forth into the sky. Even prior to his release, Yukuri could sense the return of Matthew Hinote from the blood she herself shared with Ketsu. One after another, helms of royal demonic heritage came one after another to this vast battle. And as for this new challenger? The Mistress of The Border was rather curious as to if he'd still harbor feelings of animosity or hatred in her new form.

Thus, a greetings was in order to the likes of The Vampiric Demon Lord.

"Hellllloooooooooooooooooo, Mr.Matthew. Surely you haven't forgotten my voice, no?"

With a small grin etched across her face, the echofield tone of Yukuri's amplified voice bounced off the four walls of the battlefield for all to hear. It was mischievous and playful in nature, as she more or less teased him with that poke at his mind.

"And hellllllllloooooooo to you to, Itchling."

Still speaking in the cheerified voice she gave Matthew, there wasn't an ounce of anxiety or shock when the likes of Zorin Blitz decided to raise her blade against The Border Queen. For the malice which radiated off of her scythe oozed murderous intent, and the speed that Zorin moved at was far too slow to catch The Royal Devil by surprise; so The Mistress reacted by sidestepping it entirely and moving to the right of The Demoness. With a coy smile smeared across her face, The Hell Maiden then went on to make use of her instantaneous speed from Chaos Warp to yield herself a high chance of touching the scythe.

With a single touch, Yukuri possessed the raw destructive potential from her Chaos Energy to dismantle the blade. By disintegrating it with a Chaos Blast fired off from an Iramasha with the strength of a Demon Lord, The Border Loving Devil aimed to take this factor out of the fight early. If nothing else, as a back up plan, she'd snap her fingers and have particles of her Chaos Energy invoke a Chaos Warp on the object. Due to being in such a close proximity of one another, this means of attack possessed an equal chance of working and she'd aim to transport the weapon into the core of a far off sun to be reduced to ashes by such intense flames.

"From that weapons existence, its easy to tell that Little Old Eric is still riled about the death of that ridiculous brother of his. Tell him he has my condolences for being related to such a loathsome creature."

While moving behind the likes of Zorin, Yukuri could sense that The Demoness was in the process of summoning a new force to the field from the bodies of those whom she had just slaughtered not too long ago.Perhaps it was ego, maybe it was curiosity, but The Devil of Boundaries would allow this foe to come into existence. However, not before landing a heavy, concentrated chop to Zorin's neck from behind with her right hand. Filled to the brim with The Devil Maiden's Chaos Energy, and combined with enough raw strength to level a mountain side, Yukuri aimed to use her metaphysical prowess to shred through Zorin's defenses.

The intent behind it was to damage the flow of energy within The Demon's body, render her unconscious and leave the boarish woman a bloody mess. For this strike was meant to travel through her body as lightning travels through the air; zapping the health of her bones, crumbling the state of her organs and throwing Zorin into a world of pain. While, at the base of the strike, there may very well be a gaping hole in her neck that would not heal so easily.

After all, Selena Minos was the one whom helped teached Koichi his Chaos Fighting Style, one would assume the master would have a few tricks up her sleeve. So, with a hard and quick punch from her left hand, Yukuri directed her fist towards the base of Zorin's spine; aiming to crush it with the same amount of force she utilized with her karate-chop to the neck and cripple The Hellish Opponent. All making it so, that by the time The Border Queen was finished with her, Zorin would be hurtling towards the Earth defeated and broken. At least, that was the picture The Iramasha Maiden painted in her head.

"Oh? I think I will get away with killing whomever I choose. You are welcome to try and stop me, though." Speaking with the utmost of self-assurance that she'd be the victor in this battle, The Mistress let out a playful laugh and turned herself around to meet the sight of mutated freak attempting to headbutt her.

"Down, boy."

Did Zorin forget? Yukuri knew Death Energy. Having just butchered the collective mass of nine thousand eight hundred eighty beings, the mark of The Devil Iramasha were all over this newly summoned opponent. Thus, it was if Zorin was doing the work FOR The Border Maiden because through her prowess of Death Energy -- she knew necromancy. And what does necromancy do? Hehe, well, it manipulates the bodies of the dead of course. So through this line of logic, Yukuri Iramashsa ssumed she had full control of this energy and decayed the tethers of control Zorin blitz had over it due to such a mastery of her powers.

With all of these factors combined, if anything, this beast was The Border Maiden's property. And therefore, as Yukuri activated her Death Energy, the probability of the creature ceasing its movement was greater as she held her hand to command it; as if it were her own child. If this possession failed, then there was still a thick wall of Chaos Energy separating the nercomanc'd beast and Yukuri. But the odds of her takeover being ineffective were slim to none. If nothing else, through the embodiment of Yukuri Iramasha's hand in it, this creature would remain paralyzed and unable to utilize its power properly for the duration of the battle.

"And where do you think you are going?"

Sounding rather intrigued, The Mistress of The Border took notice of Vanitas rushing towards the heavens to do his damnest to find the Soul King. However, Yukuri Iramasha wasn't having it. Still having energy leftover to work with, Yukuri threw a wall of indigo shaded Chaos Energy in the atmosphere and formed a dense shield of power to knock Vanitas back into the Earth with a hard thud. More than likely suffering some form of moderate injuries to his body along his descendant back to the ground In this way, she'd prevent him from moving much and allow for the other encroaching power on the vicinity to deal with him.

"If you are around, Flash Step Goddess, feel free to chime in." Sending that private telepathic message to the mind of Yoruichi, she'd hope she wouldn't find it intrusive to communicate in such a matter. Yukuri, for one reason another, did not desire to be a glutton and hog all the fun. After all, she was curious to see what this Shinigami had the capacity to do after not seeing her battle for so long. And with Vanitas possessing the power of a near Demon Overlord, the results would be amusing to watch play out.

And with that, the cards would be played as far as Yukuri's battle was concerned. Turning her sights to the affairs of Koichi, Shiki and Hanako's battle unfolding; The Mistress would fold her arms and await to see how the results of their clash would play out on this battlefield as she'd let her energy begin to restore itself in this lull period.

Last edited by [THEFROST] on Fri Dec 19, 2014 5:49 am; edited 1 time in total

Madness Begins [Hunt For The Soul King] - Page 3 WVMWLOu
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Madness Begins [Hunt For The Soul King] - Page 3 Empty Re: Madness Begins [Hunt For The Soul King]

Thu Dec 18, 2014 10:37 am

Artist: Demetori - Song: Lunar Clock ~ Luna Dial - Word Count: 1647

Well, this was war, wasn't it? It was amazing to see the kind of power that came with having so many Demonic Lords converge on one location. Many spiritual energies came to rise as quickly as they came to fall; for Koichi noted the utter decimation of Eric's Mad Army that took place none too far from his vantage point. However, it didn't cause him to be necessarily surprised by the outcome.

Yukuri Iramasha, or rather, Selena Eos, was not a woman to be trifled with. It took his father, one that is comparable to a Demonic Overlord, to slay her. That spoke volumes in it of itself; lest he muse over the memories of her training him in the very arts of combat. Allotting Koichi the knowledge of demonic warfare to further his own expertise over the years. So with all of these facts hovering over them like a damning spear of judgement, none of the specimens that chose to fight against Selena, even in her weakened state, proved to be suitable enough to challenge her. So it was quite natural they'd fall; even if it were in such mass numbers.

None the less, this wasn't the place to go down memory lane with that motherly figure. Setting his sights to the crimson heavens above him, the aura of the crimson moon went into effect. Although, Koichi was somewhat confused by it; given the raise from his eyebrow. From what he assumed, whatever was left of Matthew's Blood Moon had been positioned in The Royal Devil Village. And according to his senses, that planetoid object hadn't moved from Iramasha Island. So it was at that moment that Koichi considered the possibility that Two Blood Moons now existed in the Soul Society.

This caused him to wonder what his father and that Demon Lord were up to, but he'd assume for the most part that they meant well. After all, they all shared the same goal in the end and that was to purge these demonic scum whom followed The Demon God. Thus, he'd let his father and Matthew handle Eric as they saw fit; while he prepared to engage in further combat with the likes of Shiki's miserable excuse for a Hanako Form.

"...Just shut up, please."

Those were the only words Koichi could muster from his lips as he heard the erotic and seductive play of Shiki's tongue. For like a bullet shot off in the night, Koichi took off at break speeds and smashed his fist into her face. From this impact, the destructive potential to eliminate chunks of a city comparable to New York, New York herself were released from this strike. Anger crackled behind every particle of Koichi's existence and he focused it all in a condensed burst to grind Shiki's bones to dust, smash her teeth into thousands of microspheric pieces and break every bone in her face and head until she would shut up.


A barrage of these strikes would repeat over and over again; as the very earth itself shook and began to buckle, tear apart and quiver under the quake of Koichi's rage. His face turned void, fangs extended and a crimson aura ignited from his body as he continued to tap further into his feral prowess. A total of two dozen of these hits were intended to be made until Shiki choked on a pool of her own blood.

Seizing the moment of her insufferable talking, his dominance of power over her and the injured state she was in; Koichi decided to then place numerous seals across her body through his usage of Chaos Spells intermixed with direct contact from his fist and Chaos Energy. In this way, with every tap he made, he sought out to compress and bind her supernatural powers, constrict her muscles and lock down her source of energy. By doing this, she'd be closer towards being rendered ineffective for this battle, and on top of the injuries from his attacks, be rendered unconscious and a broken shell of the woman she once was.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up."

Blocking out everything she said, the repetitive phrase that dripped from Koichi's mouth became looped so much it became hard to understand what he was saying after the first few "shut ups". When it became inaudible as to what he was saying, the eyes of The Hellhound became drowned in a blood red glow and his strength pulsated further. The warmth of her seduction, as his rage became increasingly more potent, started to become increasingly ineffective against him. He was not going to fall to it and he'd drown himself in a primal rage before falling in love with a bastardized clone of his wife.

Thus, when she started fighting back and attempting to slam him, Koichi aimed to grab each of her wrist and crush them under the hold of his hands; yanking on them and attempting to outright rip them off in a thrist of speed, power and physical might from the combined attributes of his Chaos Warp being converted into constant movement, Chaos Energy being utilized to amplify his strength and his physical prowess being rather superior to Shiki's durability in her current state.

Henceforth, by the time she aimed to kick him where the sun don't shine, The Enraged Dog King met her kick with his left knee. In a purely combative state, his body's durability and offensive potency was strong enough to negate and stop the hit. But, it did not stop there. He'd continue to raise his leg in order to have his kneecap be used as a pile driving force to crush Shiki's foot like a knife cutting through butter. From the soles to her feet, to the tops of her kneecap; the left foot used to kick Koichi's nether regions were intended to be butchered and cut off in a show of blood, bones and arteries.


His speech would sound slurred, distorted and almost unhearable; but the furious nature of Koichi paused the moment he smelled the scent of his lover. In one forceful motion, it seemed that his wife had other plans for her dubious knock off. Stumbling backwards, the reddened fury behind his eyes became to dull and the whites behind them soon returned. Fangs retracted, claws shrunk and the crimson aura around his body vanished.

Witnessing his wife take over the battle from here caused Koichi to almost laugh at how comical it was to watch her tear into Shiki; despite undoubtedly being covered in the girl's blood and guts by this point. Although, he'd wince in agony from the shattering crack of Shiki's skull against the pavement; grabbing his canine-like ears in pain before he adjusted his hearing to normal frequencies.

Regardless, by the time he came to, Koichi noticed that Hanako seemed rather worn down, tired and about to faint darn near. Therefore, he'd leap into action, harness his Chaos Warp and hold her in his arms. With one kiss of the forehead, he'd snicker and nod his head at what she was saying.

"Yeah, I'd rather not have to reduce myself to a blithering mad-man to drown out calls of her second-grade erotica either." Shuttering to himself, he still had chills and goose-bumps shivering over his body from the rediuse of Shiki's lust still around his body. Thus, he'd release a burst of his Chaos Energy to burn it away; emitting the sounds of canines howling while doing so. "God, you have no idea how awful that felt....."

Before he could finish indulging in this loving scene, however, the ears of the Hell Hound perked and his head shifted towards the heavens. From the skies above came a giant burst of white light and it was aiming straight for both him and his wife. Now in a position to protect, Koichi's tail straightened out, his face became stern and a burst of white and black flames erupted from his body; forming a sphere of fire to protect himself and his wife from the decimating beam.

"...but not as awful as this bastard is about to feel!" And with that, Koichi hollered out and unleashed a Chaos Blast on par with a Gran Ray Cero fired from a Primera Espada at it. In doing so, he hoped to negate each of the attacks itself; as it seemed this burst of energy was more powerful than Eric's usual line of tricks. If nothing else, he'd hope to have enough time to hold off the attack and then seek flight in the air to avoid taking damage from that; as that wouldn't be an attack he could so easily shrug off.

"Hang on tight, hun."

Although he wanted to put a dagger through Eric's heart for having the nerve to try and harm his wife, he knew his father had other intentions for him and didn't want to meddle with his fight. Thus, if allowed to reach the skies without incident, he'd locate the vantage point of the remaining one hundred twenty soldiers. Once found, he'd unleash the flames from his blazing fire dome and seek to burn the remaining lot to a fiery crisp to feed his feral nature. And, for good measure, he'd drop kick straight into the remaining few and seek to destroy them in a pressurized kick strong enough to take out a few city blocks.

"Things are about to get a bit bloody, but I'll take care of this little problem right now. After all, I can't let the love of my love fall to demons while she is in my arms."

Madness Begins [Hunt For The Soul King] - Page 3 WVMWLOu
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Madness Begins [Hunt For The Soul King] - Page 3 Empty Re: Madness Begins [Hunt For The Soul King]

Sat Dec 20, 2014 8:17 am

Artist: Super Street Fighter IV - Song: Theme of Evil Ryu - Word Count: 2246

There was a delighted chuckle that escaped from the mouth of Ketsu as he saw his ally in arms begin to raise back to the surface of mortality with the formation of his body whole once more. Once The Hinote's blood was expunged from the depths of The Devil Iramasha's body, it felt as if a great pressure was relieved and one less soul cramped the four walls of his embodiment. It is why the wicked blood smile that was given by the Vampire Lord had been met by an equally wicked smirk from The Royal Devil Iramasha.

"Oh, don't give me that routine, Matthew. I know you better than you know yourself now. A moment like this was what you were itching for to make your return all the more grandiose, you card."

Speaking without a care in the world, The Devil Iramasha Leader gave a roll of his wrist and continued with his jovial laughter. Breathing in and out deeply, he enjoyed the smells, sounds and vibrations of combat around him. It caused him to tighten his fist, savor the moment and have a burst of reddened and black flames expand from his body like a flaring ember of death as his blood boiled to life. It had been so long since The Black Flame had seen combat -- that he almost forgot how wondrous and great it felt.

"So here, let me lend you a hand and bring forth a present before Indulge my hands on this brute before us."

Pointing his right index finger towards the sky, a dense sensation slammed into the very Earth below them and brought forth a stifling scream of energy and power. In the heaven's above? Darkness, death and blood merged together to forge a crimson and black shaded sky.

Just what had been unleashed?


Yes, a Blood Moon eclipsed came to be as Ketsu Iramashsa called forth the celestial body from Iramashsa Island to come falling back to the mortal realm once more. However, unlike Matthew's, there was coating of onyx shaded flames around all of the edges of the second blood moon which obscured the first. It reeked of Death Energy and the combatants of Hanako, Koichi, Yukuri, Matthew and The Devil Iramasha Leader himself would feel a burst of DE Force amplifying their affinity for the Death Arts.

"Of course, I don't need it, but for the pure show of it I figured you'd enjoy that treat."

Once finished addressing Matthew, The Ecstatic Devil turned his sight back on the sight of the bleeding and yelling Mad Demon. After the work his Royal Family had made of his invasion, Ketsu had to let out an impressed whistle from his lips. It took guts to still want to pick up the fight after they'd made a quick mess of his battalion. And for that much, there was a sense of genuine admiration for The Demonic Overlord. For at the very least, in the core of The Demon, there was a sense of sticking to his principles; even if they were completely unreasonable and unreachable.

"Well, you've got spunk, Overlord. I can't fault you for that as I rather enjoy your...determined demeanor." Popping his neck, cracking his knuckles and letting his spiritual energy come further to the surface; Ketsu let out a content sigh and soon let out a slight laugh.

"After all, who wouldn't love the schlong of their ego worked by the hand of Demon King treating them like a God?"

Now having laid himself in a protective coating of flaming and death aura, The Devil Iramasha felt more than prepared to deal with any pesky tricks that The Demonic Overlord had in store for him. Yukuri had taken care of almost his entire mad army, Lieutenant Zorin and his surprise summon with Vanitas; while the might of Koichi and Hanako seemed sufficient enough to handle Shiki and the remnants of The Mad One's military. All that was left was for the grand stage to be set by the leaders of these two colossal forces going head to head in a no holds bar-match.

"But sadly, flattery and spunk will only get you so far. So I must apologize and say I'll be the ember that burns away such a schizophrenic delusion; as over the top as that wording may be, My Demonic Devotee!"

Still in good spirits, the entertained voice of The Devil Iramasha seemed to indicate that The Royal was anticipating Eric's power. Witnessing the summoning of Eric's Dreadnought Armor, Ketsu gave off a thumbs up to his attempts to try and keep in this battle of hellish mights.

"Yeah, thats right. Go ahead, take ten, Eric. Say a prayer, get something to eat and get as powerful as you need to be. Then...the shaft of Kami will smack you awake from your ridiculous fantasies."

Closing his eyes and taking a relaxed exhaling of breath, Ketsu's energy seemed to pulsate and become filled with the wicked stench of death. With all the resources at his disposal, The Devil Iramashsa had everything he needed to combat Eric; and thus got into a fighting stance. Spreading his legs out evenly and holding each of his fist out before his head, a smirk etched itself across his face.

'Have fun playing overseer, then. In the meantime, I need to gauge myself for I've not fought in some time. So excuse me while I indulge my playmate.' With those final telepathic words uttered in the chambers of Matthew's mind, The Black Flame was then ready to take on The Mad One head first.


The initial start of The Frenzied Demon's counter dealt with a series of straightforward punches. With a thrilled laugh and a diabolical grin smeared across The Iramasha's face, Ketsu held his palms and neutralized the force of Eric's hits within his hands. How was this possible? The Devil fortified the durability within his palms in order to otherwise tank the direct hits from The Demonic Overlord.

However, what is more important was that The Mad Demon may find the armor around his fist being reduced to cinders. With each straightforward hit he made on Ketsu, the more Death Energy from his blacked aura would attach itself to The Dreadnought Armor and break it down. Seeking to drain away its durability, strength and mobility until it was rendered useless to The Mad One.

"Thats it, Mad One. Work my deictic shaft!"

Clearly, The Devil Iramasha was in the moment as he let out a buoyant burst of laughter. Raising his left fist to the side, the elevated royal met the uppercut of Eric's strike with his own. In doing so, the two created a six mile range of destruction; for the force behind each of their attacks seemed to be strong enough to equal a small nuclear blast. And given how much the two fiends had ascended their powers to? This would turn into an ugly match quick as the shockwaves were felt throughout the Soul Society; shaking the very earth to its core as flames scattered in every direction.

Luckily, most civilians, and even organization officials, were evacuated from the area to avoid getting innocents caught in the crossfire of such a catastrophic war. Given that each of these hellish forces were already changing the landscape of the battle, it was obvious enough to the Gotei 13 to give them their space and let these two fight as they saw fit. For this was a battle of beings on pair with Captain Commanders and not many dared intervene in it.

"Hasty, hasty aren't we? I'm going to have to fix that. What a pain!"

Although The Devil Iramasha felt waves of pain rushing from his body from the sheer intensity of the blow, the sense of informal and relaxed tones were still felt in the tone of voice oozing from Ketsu's mouth. Bones buckled, energy slashed against each other and the landscape had been reduced to a fiery crater for many miles on end as the likes of The Mad One and The Royal Devil Iramasha Leader fought the great fight.

Being pushed back by one hundred meters due to the resulting collision of their attacks, The Reagle Devil let out a joyous laugh and relished further in the sensation of pain. The heaviness which coated his body, the heat which roared from his aura and the stabbing pulsations of anguish prickling across The Iramasha's embodiment caused him to feel right at home. Thus, as volts of bio-electricity sparked off around his left fist, he motioned for Eric Zarathos to come at him once more; eager and willing to do the dance again as the smoke faded from that hand of his.

"I'm ready...go for it."

Once the surge of energy ripped across the landscape in the wake of Eric's Final Punisher technique, tone of The Royal Devil's voice became further relaxed instead of the opposite. Calmness radiated him and he closed his eyes as he became snickering to himself. The joy of a worthy foe was incredible, was it not?

"I'll make you a wager. You see this spot? I won't move from it."

Those were bold words in the light of such a mammoth sized attack. However, a great power surged within The Iramasha as he held out his hands and grinned with the utmost of satisfaction. Summoning enough Death Energy to power a city the size of New York City, the depth of The Iramasha's DE Force certainly came to life. Ketsu's arms became entirely devoured by a black fire and he awaited for the colossal showdown between himself and this gargantuan of an attack.

Then an explosion of sound of immense proportions rocked the Soul Society. Rapid strikes of lightning scattered across the battlefield, the earth became further charred and an explosion of white and red light filled the Seireitei as Hurricane Gust winds surged around them. Coming into contact with the planetary body caused The Royal Devil to then become pushed back for the initial part of its first unveiling. Thus, in a series of grunts, blood started to spew out of The Iramasha's skin as he held the colossal attack with his bare hands.

Indeed, if he weren't generating this absurd amount of DE Force, things would have turned south quick. However, this was not the case, thankfully. Although there was strain put on Ketsu's body, the energy radiating within him served to prove as a wall to prevent the attack from making direct contact with himself or the Seireitei. Thus, although he struggled with it at first, the blast became rapidly infected with the corruption of The Black Flame's Death Energy. In doing so, the influence of it became under his control and he was able to then kick it right back in the direction of The Mad Demon was he was summoning his weapon to do his dirty work.

Combined and made stronger with Ketsu's power, the outcome of what he did was that Ketsu sent the small moon back at Eric; intending to consume him in the destructive burst of crimson and onyx light that would result from this newly born shadowmoon. As a result, his Death Energy would be turbo charged and ready to rip apart the very Dreadnought armor that protected and enhanced Eric; seeking to inflict heavy injury upon his body and consume the attacks from The Final Tormenter he unleashed at the same time.

For this newly developed attack had within it enough destructive capacity to destroy the Seireitei, but he'd tighten his dominance over it and force it into a five mile radius all around Eric. And in doing so, a shield was produced by the likes of his Blood Moon and a colossal dome of black fire served as a barrier to prevent the backlashes out of this attack from rocking the very foundations of the Soul Society.

"Sorry, but I think this belongs to you, buddy."

And with one final summon, Ketsu utilized the burning embers all around them from his first attack against Kade in order to form restrictive chains forged from the fire. Chains which were reinforced by Ketsu's power to hold someone of a Grand Master durability in place for a duration of time long enough time to be hit by this devastating blast capable of flattening Eric like a pancake. And, with the volatile nature of his fire, they'd serve to further lower his health and bring him closer to tapping out and rendering him in an unconscious state; for they were attached to The Devil Iramasha's Death Energy and it sought to drain the very life out of Eric Zarathos until he blacked out, gave out or die.

"That ought to teach you not to so carelessly throw your toys around."

Exhaling a hard breathe, Ketsu cackled with exhaustion as black blood dripped from his arms. As he rested in those moments, the sensation that a fair volume of energy had left him could be felt. However, he still did not seem to be worried about it. This was The Leader of The Royal Devil Iramasha, after all. As this fight would drag on, the heavens and earth found themselves mending to his will, there would be more where that came from if The Mad One insisted on carrying with his deranged and twisted dreams in this man's presence.

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Sat Dec 27, 2014 9:38 pm
I'm sorry to say that I'm going to have to drop out of this topic. One, you guys can handle it. Two, not in hte best of positions to continue this thread. And three, I haven't affected the course of the thread yet so it's better off if I just hop out and let it run more smoothly.

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Sun Dec 28, 2014 1:03 am

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

”..ERIC FUCKING ZANTHOS” In the midst of the super-powers that voice would be predominantly heard, as the whole battle field.. the soul society would have reconfigured to that of an epitomy of skulls, as if hell had been brought there from pure rath, in the sky as the attack was thrown back, thousands of threads had jutted out, from the eclipsing moon which would have been covered with something similar to static, as a blitzing pillar of dark miasma had jerked straight into the center of the blast which would suddenly shudder as within the energy reserves wouldn’t have been over powered, but instead they had been engulfed each particle of energy was being forcibly corrupted as blood was running in every direction. and it would look like suddenly the whole blast was engulfed by one big rose bud, before then everything began to compress like a behemoth had been recreated from the very depths of the cosmos.

Truely the energy would begin to regurgitate itself at random, the threads weaving internally and externally as the power would continue to rise, and rise, before the queen of chaya would have then done something interesting, by reworking the blast’s components similarly to how she had with hell, using the similarity within D.E hells energy, and the connection she already had previously with the mad demon, she would have taken all that energy, while the ground would leech down to dust. Using her control of the battle field the environment? It would have turned back to a tranquil state as if all that wrath.. all that hate was bottling up into a single form. a singular form as the red crimson aura which would emminate would begin to boil over to the point that it would be more like a single plague which would slam down on every beings throat.

But she wasn’t done yet, as her body trembled with effort she had let out an unholy scream of pent up frustration and rage, as that whole battle zone, would explode upwards the 6 miles destroyed would have flared into a huge geothermal eruption thanks to the energy that was being ripped to shreds, and re-woven like the energy of hell had been in the demi-core of chaya nation. From there the queen made a smashing gesture as two mile long wings would erupt out on either side, formed from the threads which had all converged as internally a immense amount of energy was being channeled.

Sure it wore her ragged, but the queen then after crashing that had jerked her hand forward, her body vanishing from all the augmentations that it would cause for the ground itself to heave outwards, the flames in the 6 mile radius? they would have turned into a huge nuclear explosion from the raw radiating might. as the queen appeared straight infront of the mad one, her eyes turning into pinpricks as her hand would have jerked forward and she would have brought her hand down moving at immense speeds missing the demon and smashing the hand into the ground as from the depths would surge multiple threads which would rumble and break the battle field, as two hands would form each a mile wide. before smashing straight into the mad one,

That wasn’t all though, being directly there, she would have opened her hand as the seal she had placed on the mad one would invoke directly, causing for all this energy to be drained sealed internally like a leash, he could try to fight it, but she would have then allowed as she turned her back to the mad one a simple snap, as hundreds of beams would form as she had in her anger formed them all into mighty spears of fire which would extend upwards of a mile, having fed the energy of the blast into them that she had just barely dissesembled blood running from her hands, as she too had the tools and the link with the mad one to have been able to dissolve it. Meaning.. one wrong move on the mad ones part he would become a grease paint on the side of the road.

However she wasn’t done yet, instead she would have walked directly to the man known as ketsu, her expression still livid, but clearly not showing harm. Of course until she would then have jerked her hand across the mans cheek with enough force that it should get the devilish royal demons attention as she would have felt her teeth grinding against eachother, her body practically quivering.


Inami would have barked, her mind absolutely filled with white hot rage as she would have slowly allowed her eyes to narrow from her hues as she would have said slowly. ”...however.. i have one question, for now.. which is how badly do you want to kick my dumb subordinates ass? “

[NOTE as for the chains she wouldn't have stopped those, seeing as those would help with the restrainment of the idiot known as eric zanthos. ]


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Sat Jan 17, 2015 2:49 am


This may be late, but after some discussions and re-reading, I would like to ask how the heck Inami got in the thread? If it was by means of SHadows, Matthew locked that down. If it was by teleporation? Yukuri locked out all means of dimensional transportation with her boundary lock down. So we are gonna ask you to clarify or we may end up ignoring the post in the next 48-72 hours.

Madness Begins [Hunt For The Soul King] - Page 3 WVMWLOu

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