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The Awakening of Ichiro  Empty The Awakening of Ichiro

Sat Sep 20, 2014 6:28 pm

His body sat up slowly, it felt like a weight had been lifted. He gripped his head blinking slightly as he looked around now. Kaminari-san seemed to be gone, where was he and what year was it. Kaede had slept through the war and many things, he brushed a hand through the hair. How long ago had it been since he was sent on the mission to the world of the living? It felt like it had been a long time, he rubbed his chest and tried to get a feel for the air. The place was empty now more so then it had been in many years. Kaede wasn't sure what came of it, his reiatsu felt stronger and as did his mind. So much change, it had been three long years since his coma state had been put in. Kaede didn't know much about the situation, his Shinigami uniform was different as it sported a hood. He gently gripped it as he brought his Zanpakutō from the sides of it. And brought it to his head for a moment, Hikariagi was still quite alive and he could feel it's mind pulsate with his own. He glanced around people were rushing and he caught some of it.

"Inform his Captain he's awoken, that the Third Seat has long last awoken go..Now!" Was about all he heard from it all, people were checking his pressure. He smiled and thought to himself with a gentle smile. That it would figure such was the case after all. Kaede had always disliked being alone and now people were poking him and trying to figure out his safety. He had almost fallen from it all, this wasn't comfortable. Kaede couldn't find himself in a place beyond anything else. Kaminari wasn't here anymore, her pressure was missing. Captain Crow was also gone he felt nothing in the presence of spiritual pressure. Such changes, he remained calm though inside he felt troubled. How many had gone on before him, how many people had moved on? His eyes opened slowly a bit revealing the coloring behind them, as he closed them for a moment. Merely catching his thoughts, figuring out everything that mattered. It was all up to him now, after all so little remained he could do.

What world had he awoken too, where was this Gotei 13?

Graphics by: Forsaken Crow
Coding by: [THEFROST]
Circa Monstrua
Circa Monstrua
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The Awakening of Ichiro  Empty Re: The Awakening of Ichiro

Sat Dec 27, 2014 9:18 pm


It had been only a day or two since the female had woken from the longest slumber she had ever thought she would get. The over-working internationalist stepped calmly, barefoot within the large halls of Division 4's slumber wing. Within the Slumber Wing one can find multiple individuals resting in a peaceful looking state as they are stuck in either some sort of Coma or trance. Her hair wasn't tied in the dual pigtails that they normally were in and instead swayed freely behind her. The long strands of hair almost touching the floor as she moved. Her form dressed in a simple white day dress that was left at her bedside for her upon waking. She wasn't sure as to who left it, but such didn't bother the petite fourth seat. Her movement was slow but graceful as she kept a grasp upon her IV tank as it rolled about with her. It didn't take much space as she moved through the halls so such was alright. As she did, she saw a figure come running out of one of the rooms in quite the hurry. Someone must have woken up.

The woman made her way towards the room as she looked inside and glanced around. Her eyes watching the room for a moment before meeting the gaze of the male that had just woken. A soft grin on the woman's lips as she leaned against the door frame of the room. She brought her hand up to wave softly as she did just. Her bright blue optics watching the male with a soft glee.

"Morning. Pleasant nap?"


The Awakening of Ichiro  Empty Re: The Awakening of Ichiro

Sun Dec 28, 2014 10:43 am

Kaede's eyes shifted around the room this place felt different. The people left him now moving on, the people who got injured seemed to number highly this time. His eyes fellow on the silhouette of azure eyed woman, taking in her delicate features. He waved at her still gathering his senses, this nap was rather lengthy he couldn't say for sure. But certain energies were missing from the place and that was troubling in more ways then one. Memories of the defeat he suffered trying to protect the Third Seat of Squad One were clear in his mind, Kaede's body hurt and was sore at that time. Coming out of the coma was something very hard for him to do. He found his place among the tribulations of the past. The incarnations of that lonely life echoed in his ear, but his Zanpakutō silenced them. Happily hugging him did the spirit within his inner world. He was happy enough to be awake once more. This was indeed a good time to be awake, he slowly got out of bed. Wearing the regular uniform expected of a shinigami.

Though upon looking his had a slight modification on the back of it. A hoodie that he pulled up over his blonde hair, his eyes found the female as he walked over slowly. "About what one would expect, were you here for the same thing? He asked softly, trying to find himself as he came too. This place looked bad as he examined it further and out the door. What ever happened here was on a new level of bad, that wasn't going to end well. His eyes fell on the woman now after a moment, he was about her age if he had to guess. So the big question was ready to be asked finally, what had happened here. How long was he out for and what was going on. Everything here felt chaotic and lost, like it was battling against the age and couldn't keep up with it. He felt something akin to being drifting in the ocean and unable to fight the current. Kaede couldn't put his finger on this yet, but he would somehow. Everything felt harder to figure out, his eyes scanned the woman's features as he asked the question.

"What happened here?"

Graphics by: Forsaken Crow
Coding by: [THEFROST]
Circa Monstrua
Circa Monstrua
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The Awakening of Ichiro  Empty Re: The Awakening of Ichiro

Tue Dec 30, 2014 11:05 am


"To be quite honest... I'm not too sure." The woman said honestly. She had only just woken up about a day or two prior. If anything, the days felt blurred to the woman. All she knew was she had been asleep for over three years. If anything, she probably was replaced by now in her seat in the twelfth division. However, that didn't seem to bother her too much. She was just happy to be alive and well. The last thing she could remember was visiting the world of the living. Her eyes closing for a moment as an expression of confusion washed over the woman's face. She had to try to figure something out, but wasn't sure what it was. After a moment she just shook her head, allowing the long cyan shades of her hair sway freely. They long lock dancing towards the floor in soft waves of blue. Slowly the gaze of the woman met the man again as she walked towards him. Her hand reaching out towards the man as she gave him a soft grin.

"Pleasure to meet you, handsome. I'm Aiyoku, Aiyoku Benzene of Division Twelve. Pleasure to meet you. Maybe when we're both feeling much better, you can take me out for a drink." Her tone was much more relaxed, seeing as they were both in one of the oddest situations anyone would be in. To be very honest,t he woman had almost no memory of who she was besides when she was alive, how she died and becoming a member of squad twelve. Everything else was one large blur that she pretty much didn't care to learn. The words 'If I could forget it, then it wasn't that important' dancing through her mind as she then looked over the male one more time.

"So how were your dreams? Was I in them~?"

The Awakening of Ichiro  35eae017-42a0-4ada-b5d4-c0e0c004ac9a_zps6xzxcc8y

The Awakening of Ichiro  Empty Re: The Awakening of Ichiro

Tue Dec 30, 2014 12:04 pm

Kaede wasn't the type to think twice about most things, he took the female's hand and shook it firmly. A few things did go through his mind, grant it she had time to figure a couple things out and he just woke up. Who was his Captain now, that was a subject he wish he knew more on. The Captain being someone was rather important, as memory served he was Squad Five's fourth seat. Mostly due to his excellent kido control and skills, Kaede released her hand. Letting his come to rest at his side again he needed to respond to her as he opened his lips to speak calmly. "Likewise, it's a pleasure to meet you Aiyoku Benzene. I am Kaede Ichiro...I would like to have a drink sometime when we sort out who exactly our Captains are and what this situation is.." Kaede couldn't figure out if the woman was flirty or what her game was exactly. But he wasn't immune to the certain charm she had about her. He looked around his eyes scanning this place before returning to the blue haired vixen who stood before him.

This was simply the beginning as they awoke to the next journey, he had to calculate things. He didn't know the situation on Fifth Division. It had been sometime since this prodigy had bested the Vice Captain of Squad Two. The man who'd been laid low almost by Kaede's wisdom and smarts. Redd was his name as Kaede remembered, he recalled Kaminari who he didn't detect in this world anymore. Perhaps she had fell, had he failed to save her? He owed Kuro many words of apology if that turned out to be the case. But something felt off about the current situation, danger felt near. He couldn't shake the feeling something really bad happened while he and the lovely Aiyoku were knocked out. This situation wasn't good, he could feel his mind trying to pick up the pieces and put them together. But no luck was coming to him yet, he was simply a lost sheep at this point. He could only find the truth to be nothing but trouble within trouble. For now this beautiful woman and he would stand here, he did not even know if he remained in Squad 5 at this point.

Graphics by: Forsaken Crow
Coding by: [THEFROST]
Circa Monstrua
Circa Monstrua
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The Awakening of Ichiro  Empty Re: The Awakening of Ichiro

Wed Jan 07, 2015 4:47 am


"Please, just call me Ai. Such formality when we're in a hospital just doesn't feel right. I used to be a member of this division. Division four, I mean. Everyone works like one big family. Different from Division twelve, or at least how I remember it. The twelfth was always just one giant hive-mind of over-thinking. Too professional if you ask me." She laughed softly, shrugging her shoulders as the bright strands of cyan swayed behind her. Her eyes taking a gander at the man, examining him from top to bottom before turning her back to him and snickering a bit.

"I know you've been asleep for a while but check your garbs a bit~ I think they are inside out." A smile was on her lips as she said these words but then other thoughts began in her head, about the male's confusion from waking up. He seemed to wake much like she did, with no one around to say anything or to even say hello. How to brighten this situation for the both of them? She wasn't normally good at such a thing but she could try at least a little bit, right? With that, she held her hand out behind her, allowing him to adjust his robes and take her hand when he was done.

"You must be starving... Let's get some food, okay?"

The Awakening of Ichiro  35eae017-42a0-4ada-b5d4-c0e0c004ac9a_zps6xzxcc8y

The Awakening of Ichiro  Empty Re: The Awakening of Ichiro

Fri Jan 09, 2015 1:46 pm

Kaede moved his body a bit, to feel how the garbs felt. He pulled them off showing the scar that went from his chest to his hip. The wound that lead to the coma in question, he adjusted those garbs and slowly moved the clothing back over it. He wasn't exactly quite as he still felt disoriented as he looked on with empty eyes. Kaede's frame slowly slid back into the fabric's warmth as he finished getting dressed. He was puzzled at best, his hand slowly nestled in hers. He wasn't sure where this was going, but he doubted she'd waste his time. He adjusted his Zanpakutō on his belt, as they began to leave this place. This wasn't the weirdest thing to happen to him in life, upon arriving Kaede made himself a student of the Academy and someone skilled enough to be moved around. He was desired by second Division for his tactical genius, but also for his blended skills. However when his Zanpakutō's power was discovered he was relocated to Fifth Division at the last Captain's request. His kido based Zanpakutō was a marvel for anyone to witness.

Food huh, that was something that hadn't crossed his mind yet even for a while. Two major things bothered him, Kaminari was missing she was gone her signature of reishi was no where. He couldn't sense Captain Jaeden either, the energies were gone. This wasn't something in the least bit expected for him, Kaede merely blinked looking at the problem as a whole. They were dead or in a different realm, but in Kaminari's case he expected the first. His hand touched the scar instinctively as though it brought a memory up, wondering if he'd managed to request her. He merely smiled and pushed it from his mind. "Ya food sounds good right now."

Graphics by: Forsaken Crow
Coding by: [THEFROST]
Circa Monstrua
Circa Monstrua
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The Awakening of Ichiro  Empty Re: The Awakening of Ichiro

Thu Jan 15, 2015 9:05 pm


Carefully, Aiyoku lead the man through the halls. her pace was rather relaxed and calm though still keeping her usual grace. Her hand keeping a delicate but firm grip on his own, just in case he were to trip or lose balance. After all, it had been a while since he was last a wake and after so much time, the muscle memory would deplete if not the muscles themselves as well as the body becoming very still from not being in such constant motion like the rest of the world of the awake and functioning. Thus, she was being careful not to move too fast and drag him or cause him to get injured on their journey to getting something to eat.

Along the walk she began thinking of all the possibilities of food that she could eat, things she hadn't in years but still remembered every taste and texture which she had before her long nap in division four. Her lips parting as the woman began drooling a bit at the thought but snapped out of it as she turned her attention to the male with a deep pink color on her cheeks, praying mentally, that he had not seen her moment of day-dreaming about food and delight. A smile on her lips as she spoke to him in a cheerful mood.

"Anything in particular you want to get? There should be a huge selection of things that we could get." She was rather chipper to distract herself from the possibility of her stomach growling at her out of hunger. She had only been back to functioning and being awake for two days more than him, so her body was trying to still regulate her hunger and her over-all body responses back to normal.

"What's your favorite food?"

The Awakening of Ichiro  35eae017-42a0-4ada-b5d4-c0e0c004ac9a_zps6xzxcc8y

The Awakening of Ichiro  Empty Re: The Awakening of Ichiro

Thu Jan 29, 2015 2:06 pm

Kaede tried to find the answer, he'd never really put thought into what food he liked. This was after all such a new concept to him truthfully. A man like him wasn't meant for such crazy things was he? Kaede didn't know as he smiled faintly and spoke again. "I never thought about it, I honestly like most food." Kaede replied as he looked at her, he didn't know the answers to the questions for now. Everything else would depend upon the future that was going to be coming. Kaede would be fighting again soon, everything else would come when the time was right. He could only consider the very entrance to food or where ever it was she decided to take him as a new journey. Fighting that was a scary thought, he'd not raised his sword since Kaminari vanished. Kaede needed to find out what was going on, but right now finding his footing was more important. Kaede tried to figure out the various answers in his head. He adjusted the hood on his uniform carefully. Making sure that it fit snug and was a comfortable fit for him as he adjusted his body a bit.

Feeling some pressure leave the upper from, cracking noises coming from his shoulders and neck. It was a rather stiff sleep, so his body was very stiff from it all. He had felt her hand distracting him from the muscles for now, how long had it been since someone touched him? He'd not remembered clearly when the last time a hand was upon his own. The feeling felt so different, warm and memorable. This was of course the way this should be. He smiled softly, feeling the warmth from her hand in the palm of his own. "Where ever you want to go is fine.."

Graphics by: Forsaken Crow
Coding by: [THEFROST]
Circa Monstrua
Circa Monstrua
Benevolent Dischord
Joined : 2014-02-06
Posts : 224
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The Awakening of Ichiro  Empty Re: The Awakening of Ichiro

Wed Feb 25, 2015 8:35 am


His answer had taken her back but a bit. When the young scientist woke up, the first thing she could think about eating was crab sticks. Crab meet was her favorite food to taste, cook with and just have in many dishes. It slightly baffled the girl that he couldn't think of anything to eat or that he would consider his favorite. Her head tilting as they slowly reached the small food court of District 4. It was a simple area where most people could sit and enjoy the usual hospital food that had a bit more flavor to it. She didn't rightfully have any exact idea of what she wanted but some rice seemed to be the smartest way to go since he just woke and it would fill him easily. Her eyes shifted over to the male as she smiled, leading him towards an empty table.

"I'm just going to grab us some rice. Simple, fast to get and if you're starving, it's filling!" She said with a light cheer, making sure he was comfortable and stable without her grasp to hold him up and pranced away to grab two bolls of warm white rice. A soft grin remaining on her lips as she made eye contact with the chef, only to playfully wink at the male. His reaction caused the woman to giggle as the chef turned around quickly and seemed to tense up. It was always one of her favorite things to find the shier kind of individuals and poke at them a bit. If they had some fight, it would always make situations more entertaining but the shy-guys made life playfully sweet.

Aiyoku made her way back to the male and gave him a warm, sweet smile. She sat across from the male, placing the warm boll before him and a pair of chopsticks balancing on top of the soft pile of sustenance. She lifted her boll and chopsticks up slightly and spoke with a light cheer.

"Time to dig in!"

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