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The Pale Playground - Page 2 Empty Re: The Pale Playground

Fri Sep 26, 2014 12:40 am

[url=-UikOKr_AJ0?version=2&loop=1&color1=0x000000&color2=0xb36500]The Pale Playground - Page 2 JCRrxmK[/url]

Tsubasa's eyes looked at her before closing them. This one gave up to quickly, his voice came out now as he heard her. He gently touched her hand as he spoke, the entire area shook with power. Golden power vibrated the entire realm, Tsubasa's eyes were closed for now. White hair came upon his head, such a way to give up. The very outside this pocket realm he set up was starting to shake, Tsubasa's power devoured this place as the reiatsu was massive. Horns appeared on his forehead, his eyes of gold opened and stared at her. "You surrender too quickly, you know not my power..I shall fix this problem...Entirely..Prepare yourself." He said holding her arm, Inami and her would experience something amazing as Tsubasa used the massive power. To turn Satan Soul into something akin to a Zanpakutō, Inami would forge her into a weapon. The massive amount of power was shaking Demon World with earthquakes of power, his eyes glowed as power cracked the realm. Tsubasa's hand slowly performed the task.

This wasn't simple or something a lesser being could do, he was calculating it all. He adjusted her power so that she would be a weapon, something forged to fit Inami. Something that would be dangerous and unlikely to destroy either party. Tsubasa looked at her for one last moment. The entire area lit gold as the final amount of power needed to do it was sent in. Hell could not intervene in the action as Tsubasa's realm was cut off from demon world, his eyes looked at her now as he gave a smile. "Troublesome children you and Inami both, making me go to such lengths.." The shaking of the realm stopped as Tsubasa stood before them, his power had vanished. Tsubasa's power had ascended beyond anything this female had seen before. Only one being could touch Tsubasa's energy level, Mana. He looked like a demon almost, he could of passed for one perfectly and nobody would of been the wiser. He exhaled a breath, forging a being into a weapon and turning her into a power that was linked within her was tricky.

His eyes looked through her now as he looked at the Water Fall of Truth, the stabilizing was done for sure. Tsubasa's raw power was something else, he looked towards her."You shall guide one another, I have nothing left to teach either of you..Satan Soul forge her into a warrior, but do not overlook her desires..And Inami you do not put the burden on her.." He treated them both like children, even if one was mature. She didn't have experience on par with Tsubasa himself. Forging the girl into a weapon similar to a Zanpakutō was easy enough. He created her into a form Inami would be comfortable with, making Inami forge her without perhaps realizing. A weapon very much alive, but no longer connected directly to hell. The very connection was between her and Inami, this was the source of the connection now. Tsubasa had balanced both of them out, but the amount of power it had to do this was immense. His eyes looked at them calmly, something about him seemed very dangerous yet.

He glanced down at his hand slowly, raising it up to peer at it. How much had changed really? Was this body so uncomfortable, he was going to need to stay in it more often. This body was his true form now, no matter how demonic it looked. Tsubasa had turned into something shinigami could only aspire to become. Iriko tortured as he was, they both were similar. They both knew that the world would change he exhaled a light breath. This body was uncomfortable, his eyes looked at her evaluating her. He doubted very much this being or Inami knew fear, after all they were both hardened enough. Though his pressure did out scale both of their's he didn't seem to care honestly. "Your power is within the weapon now, the weapon is linked to Inami...Everything should be stable for you to teach her at your own pace." Tsubasa walked over finding himself a seat, fairly draining this body was. He'd not yet gotten used to the strain it put on him, but it would take sometime.

Graphics by: Forsaken Crow
Coding by: [THEFROST]
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The Pale Playground - Page 2 Empty Re: The Pale Playground

Mon Oct 13, 2014 12:43 pm
"..What are you doing.. to my mother?.. " A single voice asked softly in the distance as while tsubasa was able to sense many things, an individual would have somehow hopefully snuck up on the ex Captian Commander. Her form remaining chill and calm.. while she didn't quite do anything there was an aura about her, something divine and something damned. It was clear something was changing now.. as essentially speaking the princess of chaya nation, would have slid past tsubasa the massive pressure somehow not even bothering her at the moment as she leaned down, her eyes closing. Energy pouring from her body as she had activated a portion of the demi-core's reserves as she herself would have allowed her hand to plunge into the likes of her mothers chest. Coming out the other side as blood would have splattered down on the ground and she would have slowly smiled abit as she would have sent the demi-cores energy down into her chest, using the base that tsubasa had put down for her to use. Then linking her mind with the information present in the necropolis system, and prior knowledge she inherited from her mother, and her bodies past life-times, linked together a complex feat of demon magic and passive engineering'

After that she would have let out a slight exhale of breath, her eyes sliding shut as her mom would have gone into a coma like state, passing out on the floor whilst ninsun would have picked her up and turned around to tsubasa. Her expression misleading for an individual so young, indeed she had much to learn.. but her mother had shaped her so that she wasn't going to act fool hardy.. or act like she knew what was best.. Which was in fact why.. As the golden princess walked to tsubasa she would have turned to him and said slowly.. her lips pressing against his cheek. "..Sorry.. my mom doesn't.. quite know what it means.. truly about weaponry.. anything she knows is still.. lacking.. She needs to understand a sword.. or any weapon made, is something you don't merely use. It's a choice you carry, its a reflection of the purpose in which you use it. Most things can be shown through a sword. ..but she still doesn't know exactly what her sword.. will be. Or what it means. ".. Ninsun would say as she looked up at the sky, her expression for once.. completely collected.. and calm as she would have turned around gently setting her mother down as she would have walked to the water fall and then peered inside, putting her index finger against it.

From there a simple.. fear which wasn't of childish things appeared.. which reflected more her mental maturity.. then her physical age.. Her fear presented itself as a simple reflection of her desires.. a fear which was that she would be pushed to become something she wasn't.. or that what she became.. wouldn't better the coming future. A simple fear.. but one that no indication she had hesisation. It showed her clear emotions.. while she would have walked back to tsubasa and allowed her hands to rest on the tall mans shoulder.. as she would smile and give him a half hug, and he would have then whispered in his ear.. "..If you could i'd like to talk to you.. in the shinigami relations division.. after i go put my mother in bed.. and also.. here's.. my answer.. though im not your student. "A blade.. is not a tool for one trade.. it is a relfection of its weilder's heart and resolve. A Sword is not to kill nor to protect, it is to better the future and give a heavy hand to those who still try to lead that future astray... . Anyways.. ill be waiting.. and ill bid you fare-well for now" Ninsun would finish as she would vanish with her mother, to tend to her wounds and get ready for the next meeting.

-Ninsun and inami exit the thread-

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The Pale Playground - Page 2 Empty Re: The Pale Playground

Sun Jul 17, 2016 3:23 pm


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I am prideful because of the heart.
I sloth because of the heart.
I rage because of the heart.
Because of the heart...
I lust for everything about you.

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