Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Ryu Shadowmoore
Ryu Shadowmoore
Established Member
Joined : 2010-07-06
Posts : 128
Age : 33

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Katsuo, Kaito, Hanako, and Yuu All Walk into a Forge.... Left_bar_bleue0/0Katsuo, Kaito, Hanako, and Yuu All Walk into a Forge.... Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Katsuo, Kaito, Hanako, and Yuu All Walk into a Forge.... Empty Katsuo, Kaito, Hanako, and Yuu All Walk into a Forge....

Mon Jun 02, 2014 8:52 pm
IC Information

Timeline: After the events of:
Characters In It: Kaito, Katsuo Shugoshin, Hanako Iramasha, and Yuu Doragonraion.
What Happened: Katsuo after school goes to an abandoned warehouse to begin training only to be found by Hanako Iramasha. It is revealed that the warehouse where Katsuo had gone to train was in fact the forge of Yuu Doragonraion. Hanako offers to teach Katsuo some martial arts and Katsuo accepts. Kaito shows up shortly before these events to offer Katsuo some advice as well and some tips on how to become stronger. Eventually they are joined by Yuu, who comes in menacingly. Katsuo helps Yuu cleanse demon bones after being taught how to cleanse them by Kaito. Katsuo stands up to Yuu after she looks down upon her pupil, Hanako, and earns the respect of the true edges and true guards in the forge. Kaito leaves to go train as Katsuo accepts the invitation to be trained by Yuu and Hanako to better himself and become stronger.

Witness: UHCM, Kake, and just about everyone in the IC chat.

Notes: Katsuo now has new friends, has learned some new things, and is now training underneath two masters.
Nise no Eiyū
Joined : 2012-05-31
Posts : 1343
Age : 33
Location : Kagatsuchi

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Platinum Points:
Katsuo, Kaito, Hanako, and Yuu All Walk into a Forge.... Left_bar_bleue8700/99999Katsuo, Kaito, Hanako, and Yuu All Walk into a Forge.... Empty_bar_bleue  (8700/99999)

Katsuo, Kaito, Hanako, and Yuu All Walk into a Forge.... Empty Re: Katsuo, Kaito, Hanako, and Yuu All Walk into a Forge....

Wed Jun 04, 2014 3:34 pm

Katsuo, Kaito, Hanako, and Yuu All Walk into a Forge.... GFHHFG_zpsj1vrrfxz
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