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Thu Apr 17, 2014 12:50 pm
-reserving post-

The Fire of Eternal Damnation Ends, The New Era of the Monsuta Begins [COMMANDERS/OFFICERS OF MONSUTA] - Page 2 LzZCuy7
The Fire of Eternal Damnation Ends, The New Era of the Monsuta Begins [COMMANDERS/OFFICERS OF MONSUTA] - Page 2 BtXe12b
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Thu Apr 17, 2014 1:11 pm
“Pipe Dreams, true enough. However I am also inclined to let me emotions out once or twice, so I don’t make the same mistake is it not? My words don’t really matter anyways, I am a puppet that you control so that we can run efficiently as possible is it not? Tora , you are a monster, I won’t deny you that. But I’m not afraid of you, never have been; Never will be, because even though you made the network, you made me for the network. I Can fathom its functions, but the man behind them is who I cannot understand , nor do I need to do i? “

He’d chuckle some, as riling up the man had the exact affect that was intended, causing him to kick his ass into gear. A dangerous stupid game, as even Azuma could never predict the outcome of doing such a thing, but he’d slowly laugh; the hate that was so carefully created, stock emotions switched off. It was so fun, sometimes playing the devils advocate did have the perks of hearing interesting shit, however he’d slowly put his fingers into his own arm, as if he was replicating the wounds that had been done to his own creator, the hive functions that originally had been shut down, would restart via the Will of the Network itself, Via the perameter’s of the hack had been neutralized making it pointless to shut down Hive Functions for the Monsuta’s Back –Up storage system.

Quickly now though he’d have strode forward, through the release of energy that could push most men back, using his own friction capabilities to keep himself grounded. From there he slowly began to clap, the smile which was like that of a puppet master, acting the part so fluidly, even getting the network to provide a bogus analysis, all of these things had been worth it, as Azuma’s golden eyes fixed on Tora, the man would see a glimmer of something in them, a glimmer of not hope, nor of confusion, but like someone who had just drew the winning lottery ticket and won 200million dollars. Slowly he himself began to clap, as the network would soon catch onto something, the hack itself had been false, although the actions themselves certainly had been real, the data codes all seemed to be junk codes, harmless unable to really work properly on any level.

“I was worried for a second that you had grown tame, Im glad to see you’re the same vindictive psychopath that you always have been and will be”

After that he’d walk by Tora, the energy within his own body shifting in contrast to the heightened state of awareness that the Blonde had his mind working at, aware that Tora wasn’t really in the mood to be teased any further. Which was why he’d slowly say his voice remaining monotone; not quite like someone who really gave a shit, about anything; especially about the man who made him, instead it was the voice of someone who was ready the moment the man showed weakness to kick him back into his normal state of mind.

“I don’t have to tell you by now if I’m staying or going do I, you better than anyone know where I belong, remember your words ; you are a monster. I am a monster as well. . “

His words came quietly then, as he transferred into encryption based speech, his words next coming in a low stream that was incomprehensible to anyone but tora lionus, as the words only had been meant for him and him alone. Anyone else who actually understood it, would be only from sheer dumb luck. And his words held a chilling message.

“We kill them if they leak information right? . . . I set the seeds of doubt for you, now let’s see if they actually take the bait :. . . Also , your display. . it amused me yet again .”

The Fire of Eternal Damnation Ends, The New Era of the Monsuta Begins [COMMANDERS/OFFICERS OF MONSUTA] - Page 2 LzZCuy7
The Fire of Eternal Damnation Ends, The New Era of the Monsuta Begins [COMMANDERS/OFFICERS OF MONSUTA] - Page 2 BtXe12b
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Sat May 17, 2014 3:58 am

A cold sigh would overcome Hakai as he finished his words. He waited for the response as he stood by the door, yet he felt rather uncomfortable as he waited and said these harsh, yet truthful words. All eyes were on him for the moment, this indeed was a new era for the Monsuta, something that would define the very direction in which the huge organization would spread. It wasn't a concern in Hakai's mind where they took themselves now, hell, everyone in the room could have tried to kill him now if they considered him an enemy. However, that didn't mean Hakai saw them as an enemy. The former destroyer couldn't help but keep his right fist clenched tight. He had no plans for where he was going, and right now? He had just abandoned the only place he had called home for hundreds of years. He was conflicted in many ways. For the first time in his life, he was doubting his direction. The former destroyer always has such a clear definition on where he wanted his life to lead to. Now? He had no idea. Would he go seek refuge of his former master, now mutual Vizard King, Zin Yuudeshi? Or would he just become a nomad, wondering the lands until he finally reached where he wanted to go in life? It was a hard thing for him to decide upon, so he didn't. He would go with the flow. If he ended up with Zin Yuudeshi once again, so be it. If he died protecting the one thing special to him, so be it. Perhaps his life would have some form of meaning by that time.

Shifting his dark red eyes across the room, he'd pull up his red cloak and force it to cover half of his mouth, followed by closing his eyes and exhaling rather heavily. Even before Tora decided to speak, Hakai had noticed something eary. His knife was carving and stabbing into his chair, but what concerned him more is when he switched to his own skin. There was no doubt in the Vizard King's mind that he was a psychopath. He didn't need reassurance of that. What confused him was... why? Was he doing such a thing due to Hakai leaving, or was this a typical habit he picked up recently? Either way, it was a concern, but not one he would address right now. He remained silent for a while after his long speech, finally his ears were met with the sound of Tora's words. Talking about how everyone in the room was scared, or afraid of what is going to happen from here on out. Perhaps he was right. In a way, Hakai was even scared. Yet he shook those thoughts aside and remained a strong exterior.

"We may not be men who abide by the laws of society, but you'd do well to at least figure out the laws in which you are not abiding by. You have much to learn as a leader, I hope you figure this out."

From here, his attention was brought to Azuma's earlier words of him assigning the position to Tora, asking how he could be detrimental to the cause of the Monsuta, asking to take command in Hakai's stead. An eyebrow raised on Hakai's hidden face, turning his entire body to the young man before him, simply looking on and ignoring the exchange of words he had with Tora. "I am no longer your leader. Why are you asking me? The Monsuta are none of my business any more, I believe Tora can do the right thing -- make this place great, if he so but looks at his motives and assesses why and how he will achieve them. Either way, this place is none of my concern any more. After his exchange of words, he felt the vibrations let off from Tora and knocked his body slightly, feeling the pressure of his power. Atop of this was the rising spiritual pressure of Azuma, something that was also detrimental to the hall of gathering. Sure, it wasn't his place to worry about a building any more, but it was still built in hard work by himself, by his own two hands.

Raising his right hand, his black hair was flung out of his eyes and coiled backwards before quickly turning his back to the members in the room. They were once comrades, but to him right now? They were a wild pack of dogs waiting to hunt their next pray. The Chikara couldn't believe he was once the same as them. The same as a mindless animal waiting for it's next taste of destruction, or looking for it's next kill. For a while, and as he still is, he had been battling with surges and courses of depression in his entire psych. He was just ready to leave. As he went to open the door, his hand quickly bounced off the door handle, the vibrations knocking his hand away, but not even tarring his skin due to his insane defences. Drawing back his right fist, a quick and powerful jab would split apart the dome of vibrations around the size of the door. Now placing his hand upon the door handle, he looked back over his shoulder and viewed the heated exchange among his former allies. Turning his vision back to the front of his body, Hakai exited the room and looked at his knuckles, the very ones he used to punch a hole in the dome of vibrations. As he closed the door, a sigh of relief felt him. He still felt the pressure of the two men behind him, but with the shutting of that large door... he was done.

Relief filled his body. He was free of the negativity of this place. Just the thought of this allowed a soft smile to cross his face, under the red cloak he wore, hiding it from the world.

"So this is what it means to be free, huh?

With those final words, an abyss of darkness would envelope the rift of space in front of his body. With a few steps, he would disappear into the darkness, making his way to the human realm via garaganta. His life of wandering, of going where he pleased started now. He was no longer "The Destroyer" which was such a famous title for his former self. He was no longer the "Leader of the Monsuta", nor the "Vizard Demon." He was Hakai Chikara, the Nomad.


Coding in template By: [THEFROST] Graphics by: Kylekaotikk

The Fire of Eternal Damnation Ends, The New Era of the Monsuta Begins [COMMANDERS/OFFICERS OF MONSUTA] - Page 2 Ap8OoJO

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Sun May 18, 2014 5:10 am

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 1, 013

A stale taste formed in Stings mouth, a taste he was all to familiar with. The state taste often hinted toward his brothers departure; it was a feeling he had felt when his brother had died and was something that he hadn’t forgotten. He knew that a big change was to take place on this cold, frightful day but no matter the decision Hakai made, Sting was not going to pursue him. After what he witnessed in Australia, he knew that his older sibling was on the path of change and Sting refused to stand in his way. Stings gaze dropped to Tora momentarily, taking note of his psychotic habits, he was more of an uncontrolled animal than any other member of the Monsuta; he often reminded Sting of a videogame character, Trevor from the fifth instalment to the GTA Franchise. Sting held a grudge after Tora brutally murdered one of his finest lieutenants but he was well aware that the incident would have to be water under the bridge if he was to be appointed as new Commander.

Sting awaited the inevitable, but felt uneasy as Hakai walked around the table. So uneasy that his electric defence naturally flared up around his legs; fortunately his legs were well beneath the table and out of sight. He leaned into his seat prior to extending his legs and allowing his ear drums to record every word that left Hakais mouth. By the time Hakai finished his announcement, Sting had phased out. His face showed no expression, but a sheer feeling of disappointment resonated from his being as he sat there motionlessly.

Sting sat there, his eyes looked bland and empty as they followed the older Chikara through the room. Sting had long awaited the arrival of this day; after his brother sided with the Yuudeshi in the Australian War it became apparent that the man had changed. To an extent he was no longer the man that Sting had aspired to be like; he had changed a lot in a short period of time and it made Sting wonder what have happened in that god forsaken country to change a man to this extent? He sat there mulling over his brothers final decision while his eyes slowly set on their newly appointed leader, Tora. It was no myth that Sting despised the weasel of the Monsuta but personal feelings had to be put aside in this situation as his brother had made an indefinite decision. There was no convincing him to stay at this point and quite frankly, Sting didn’t bother.

It was almost surprising not seeing the loud mouthed Black Ops Commander talk, he wasn’t chocked up about his brother’s departure, he simply knew that no words were appropriate for this situation and so he decided to leave his brother to his devices. A cold wind blew through the room as the lousy piece of junk began challenging the newly appointed leader’s credibility; there was no one who hated Tora more within the Monsuta but Sting, however the sheer fact that the so called ‘Weapon’ had dared to question the credibility of the psychopath and his brothers orders, irritated him. He sat there while his right hand dropped toward the table; his index finger tapped once against the solid wood table as a wave of static branched of his finger and began making its way across the table in the shape of a small Rottweiler puppy.

As the puppy made its way across the solid structure it grew in size and began looking ever more so aggressive as it neared its prey, Azuma. Stings eagle like eyes began piercing and mentally decomposing the soul of the creature as he fixed his gaze on him. The large dog began re-positioning itself to face to the scientific creation while Sting began to slowly stand from his seat. As he stood, he nodded in approval at the newly appointed leader; it tore him up inside but he respected Hakais decision and thus didn’t question it. He stood while the electrically conjured animal viciously glared down at its prey, a lot of words were exchanged between the individuals within the room but hardly any were processed by Sting as he stood there, completely motionless while the electricity from the dog began sparking out toward the heavy heap of metal. He realised that he wasn’t acting his usual self, but it was no wonder considering all the change he had to adapt to over the last month or so.

Sting began to slowly smirk as the oscillations around the electrical animal began speeding up, creating an almighty “RAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWRRRRRRRRR” because of the effect it had on the neighbouring sound waves. “You’re forgetting who created you, you ungrateful piece of shit. I suggest you shut your mouth before I yank out that voice box of yours. Don’t test me…. ” , his voice sounded direct and aggravated, he wanted Azuma to digest every word that left his mouth and so he spoke nice and clearly. He didn’t waste time clenching his fists and readying them for a furious onslaught on the poor being, that would be the only suitable outcome if Azuma showed disobedience.

As Sting spoke, his rock-hard white vizard mask began making its way across the left half of his face. If Azuma failed to recognize the new authority in the Organization and didn’t hold his tongue then the mask would proceed to cover Stings face and prepare him for combat. What made this frightening was that Sting had never used his Vizard Mask against anyone but Hakai, the sheer fact that he was summoning his white construct meant that he was deadly serious and failure to comply would lead to an inevitable death of the feeble being, all in respect for the newly appointed leader. To an extent it would seem almost strange for Sting to go to such extent to be respectful to Tora but subconsciously he wanted to let out the pent up anger and frustration that had built up over the past month…

Template Coding By: [THEFROST] | Graphics Part By: Ulqui
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