Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Come to me Empty Come to me

Wed Aug 14, 2013 12:51 am
Miraya needed to find out some way to fulfill her mission that was given to her by the espada. She didn't really understand why they wanted her to do this but it was an order and it wasn't to much trouble for her. She was assigned to assess the strength of the upcoming shinigami. At some point these shinigami would rise up to become the next generation of captains and lieutenant. If there was to be a major fight with the shinigami again then they would need all of the information they could gather in order to be prepared for them. She had a stipulation to her orders that she wasn't allowed to fight any of the captains from the gotei 13. The espada knew that she wasn't powerful enough to be able to handle one of them so she needed to keep her distance.

She couldn't just go into the seireitei and fight the first shinigami she found because they would raise all kind of alerts and warnings and they could mistake it as a first step to something much bigger then what it was. She appeared in the soul society in the outlying districts. She stayed away from crowded areas and often ended up in old abandoned squares or in the plains and forests outside of the towns. She slowly drew out a few people at a time into these secluded and killed them. She took care that there was absolutely nobody to witness and no traces left behind where she had done the act. She wanted those in the seireitei to believe that these people were vanishing. A few disappearances would warrant an investigation but at the same time wouldn't necessitate a captain. She would get lure a shinigami straight to her.

She had already killed 7 people from a nearby town and the people there were clearly getting restless at the disappearances. They were sending letters to the seireitei for assistance in the matter. She knew that it wouldn't be to long before someone would come to her. She wondered just what kind of shinigami would come out to find her. There were so many different kinds of them out there that she had no idea what to expect. It didn't matter to her what kind of shinigami she fought against but the espada might. She settled herself in to wait for the shinigami in an old area of town right next to the forest. It was there that the vanished people were last seen so it would be the place the shinigami went to in order to investigate. She leaned back wondering how long she would have to wait. "Come to me shinigami and let me know how strong you are. The espada want to know and I am here to find out." she said softly to herself.
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Come to me Empty Re: Come to me

Wed Aug 14, 2013 1:30 pm
"Aaagh... Why do I have to be assigned to do this?" Zazyre said to himself while walking down a seemingly abandoned street. He had been the one who was ordered to go check out these 'Disappearances' that were happening in Rukongai, and he was mildly annoyed that they had to choose him. As he approached the edge of the forest where the subjects were last seen, he dreaded the idea that he might have to sweep the forest itself.

Pushing those thoughts to the back of his mind he approached the forest and stopped, looking around at his surroundings, and he was about to continue on when he felt something odd. He felt someone or something's spiritual pressure, but it didn't feel like a shinigami. He was somewhat shocked when he finally identified it as a hollow-like signature, and he quickly pulled out his DPW and pointed it at where the spiritual pressure was coming from. He put his hand on the trigger but did not fire, and called out.

"Ok your gonna want to come out reeal slow you got that? Because I will not hesitate to blow your ass up." Saying that he waited for them to emerge.
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Come to me Empty Re: Come to me

Fri Aug 16, 2013 2:08 am
Miraya wondered how long it would take for them to send someone out to look for those people she had killed. She was beginning to wonder if it would take a few more disappearances before they sent someone. She couldn't attack to many of them. They would send a captain after her if they thought it was truly serious. She held her hand up in front of her and looked at the metal plate on her forearm. She almost never took it off except when she was sleeping and even then sometimes decided not to bother. She flexed her hand into a fist causing the plate to erupt into blades and relaxed her hands to watch the blades fold in again reforming the plate. She knew that the weapon always worked but it seemed a good idea to check it anyways.

She was still testing when she felt someone coming. It wasn't just another soul either. This time it was a shinigami. Finally they had sent someone to investigate. She couldn't wait to see what kind of person they sent after her. She was a little surprised when they called out to her though. It was good to know that the shinigami could sense her already. He had threatened to blow her up if she didn't come out slowly. She debated with herself on whether or not to obey that or go in charging. Using surprise to judge someones abilities probably wouldn't work well because she could accidentally end things in one attack. She slowly stepped around the tree to face the man.

She studied the man in front of her. He was using a strange weapon that she had no idea what it was. It didn't look like a Zanpakutō to her but in released form they could look like anything. She wondered if that was what it was. She wasn't sure and she didn't think it would be unless he traveled with it released which only a few shinigami did that. She began to create her pheromones. She decided to go for sadness with this one. To further her cause she spoke to him. "So your the one they sent to investigate, how interesting. You must be very important to be sent out her to solve the situation. Or maybe your just here to investigate it. That would make you the expendable nobody just in case it was dangerous they wouldn't lose someone strong. I wonder which it is." she said slowly walking towards him but ready to use sonido if he should try anything with that weapon. She wondered if he would become lax enough to actually allow her to touch him with her bare skin.
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Come to me Empty Re: Come to me

Sat Aug 17, 2013 12:24 pm
He watched as she came out from behind the tree. "Wheeeew what have we here?" He said as he looked her up and down. He saw as her eyes fell to him and then the weapon he was holding, before saying how important he must be to be sent to solve the situation only to throw a "Or maybe your just here to investigate it. That would make you the expendable nobody just in case it was dangerous they wouldn't lose someone strong."

Now that... he thought he didn't mind for a second... but then realized he was thinking about it hard, wait why was this getting to him? He wondered about what she said as she walked towards him and realized she might have done something as a ploy, and that she was getting awfully close for comfort.

" You know what? Screw what you just said... I go where power takes me and currently, I guess that's where I am right now" Saying this he annoyingly gestured off into the direction of Seieitei. "So how about you stop where you are or I will turn... you Into... a STATUE! As he said this he violently pointed the gun towards her again and put his hand on the trigger, ready to fire should she take another step.
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Come to me Empty Re: Come to me

Sun Aug 18, 2013 3:28 am
As she was walking towards the man she noticed that he seemed to take some time thinking about what she had said. She hadn't expected him to take much from it but if he wasn't sure of himself that could work in her favor. She smiled a little bit at him wondering what he would do with it. She squinted at him appearing angry when he said he didn't care for her words but she did stop walking towards him when he threatened to fire his weapon at her. She tilted her head as if considering him for a moment.

She did think about what he said about following power. He wants to get stronger then. That was interesting and made him the perfect subject since she was supposed to find out how good the upcoming talent in the seireitei was. "You seem like actually mean that." she said to him. "About blowing me up." she seemed to take a closer look at the weapon. "Are you really a shinigami though. I've never heard of one using something like that. What can you do with that thing anyway. You won't get stronger if you don't rely on your own strength."

She had played along by stopping walking toward him but she didn't want to waste to much time. She didn't know if he had some kind of back up searching somewhere else. She didn't know what that weapon if his did but he certainly seemed confident that whatever it was would work against her. She didn't plan on giving him the chance to try though. She used her sonido disappearing from in front of him and reappearing only a couple of feet behind him. "You seem to be judging how strong I am before you have even seen what I bring to table. That can be a dangerous mistake you know. I'm not sure what that weapon does and I don't like you pointing it at me." she said reaching out to him with her left arm.
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Come to me Empty Re: Come to me

Tue Aug 20, 2013 4:42 pm
Zazyre was starting to get annoyed by this woman's speech, like it was really starting to piss him off for some reason, and he found himself about to fire when she suddenly disappeared. Not knowing where she was, he thought the best course of action was to get a better vantage point, so he used an air pressure burst at his feet to launch himself into the air.

He looked around until he found her on the ground, and unhooking his Zanpakutō; he spun himself around in midair and launched a horizontal slash of lighting at his opponent, and if she moved he would turn around to meet her direction and fire 2 Freeze Rockets at her. If she didn't move he would unload 3 Freeze Rays at her, hoping the Freeze Rays along with his lightning would slow her down, giving him a chance to hit her with his other attacks.

He realized if this fight proved too much he might have to go get backup, but for now he decided to try to fight this woman on his own. He wondered what she could throw at him, and about that 1 trick she seemed to use to try to mess with him, himself not knowing what it was.
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Come to me Empty Re: Come to me

Tue Aug 27, 2013 2:46 am
She watched as the man jumped up as she was reaching out her hand. She was impressed by his reflexes to jump that quickly. She watched him soar into the air and as he began to draw his Zanpakutō. She raised her left arm intending to catch his sword on her arm guard and was startled when it was lighting that came toward her instead. The metal of the arm guard caught most of the lighting but some of it still went through her arm numbing it more then she liked. She thought that would be the end of it but then he started to launch some strange beams at her. She jumped to dodge the first beam and the second but the third one manage to hit her leg causing ice to form around it.

She looked down at her leg and back at the man. "So then your weapon can freeze stuff with that beam. And create lighting from your Zanpakutō. Something tells me that its not all of your surprises. If it is then you gonna be in for a world of her." She tried to clench her left hand into a fist but it was still to numb. Instead she held out her right arm. It began to charge with her reiatsu causing it to glow black. It spread from her hand all the way to her shoulder. When it was finished charging she used here right arm punching the ice on her leg causing it to shatter. "My turn young man"

She jumped towards the man reaching back her right arm preparing to punch him in the gut. Her reiatsu would cause her hierro to be super charged so she could also use her arm in defense now so if attacked it would be a simple matter to move her arm in defense as well.
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Come to me Empty Re: Come to me

Sun Oct 04, 2015 5:03 pm

✖| Clean Up Time!! |✚
┣▇▇▇═─          ☠          ─═▇▇▇┥

It's been 2014 or even before that!
There for I will be locking this thread, feel free to revisit this and keep on reading!

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