Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Joined : 2013-03-09
Posts : 438

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Deadpool (mike Dotson.) [Approved, 2-1+] Left_bar_bleue3500/9999Deadpool (mike Dotson.) [Approved, 2-1+] Empty_bar_bleue  (3500/9999)

Deadpool (mike Dotson.) [Approved, 2-1+] Empty Deadpool (mike Dotson.) [Approved, 2-1+]

Thu Aug 01, 2013 8:23 pm
The Spiritual Human Template

Basic Information

•Theme: Beauty and the beast Gaston song paraody staring deadpool
• Name: (self proclaimed) Deadpool (Mike Dotson)
• Titles: The merc with the mouth.
• Age: Unknown cause he lost track of his age. and he rarely takes off his outfit so he does not really have a physical look for people to judge.
• Gender: male
• Affiliation/Rank: rouge

• Appearance Description: (Please Put 1-2 Paragraph's on your character appearance.)

• Appearance Picture:
Deadpool (mike Dotson.) [Approved, 2-1+] Deadpool
Deadpool (mike Dotson.) [Approved, 2-1+] Ohitsme--Deadpool_HD



• Personality: Insane: Deadpool can be seen usually talking to himself as if he is talking to anywhere from one to 3+ people. He calls it keeping himself from going crazy when other's call it pure insanity on the near highest level. He always tends to find himself in situations where his insane personality comes as a burden. And his mind at times makes him comment on completely random things that close to all the time are out of place. When he hears certin sounds that reminds him of something he really likes his attention is drawn to those sounds. He has a complete disregard for close to everything that anyone could stand for though his way of doing things may be considered insane to others. To him it is his way of staying sane.

Fourth wall?: Deadpool can be found on several occasions to be destroying the 4rth wall. The wall that seperates the real world from the world he exists in. For example in a comic he can be found pointing out either how he is drawn among otherthings to those that are around him. He is purposfully fond of saying and doing things that make it seem like he either knows or is putting on an act that he knows that everything in the world he is in is not real.

Lack of focus: Deadpool can be rather focused at times though most of the time he is anything but. If he finds something that catches his interest he will go after it till it either bores him or he figured he had killed it. He can be rather impatient and tell people off when his focus is slowly dieing by saying random jokes that at time can be considered an off brand of off color humor that he himself takes a fancy to.

Devoted: Deadpool is overly devoted in his quest to become the best. He does everything it takes to become the best at what he does. Though his insanity and normal complete lack of focus could get in the way he has an uncanny way of reaching his goals even if to many his methods are anything but the sane way of reaching the goals.

Multiple personalitys: Deadpool has multiple personalitys though none of them are usually outwordly shown. They tend to be voices in his head that at times cause him to want to do strange and outlandish things like at times giveing himself a high five. His mental state with these personalitys in his head cause everyone around him to consider deadpool Crazier then any liveing thing should ever be. his personalitys do however at times point him in the right direction but wether he takes the info the voice in his head gives him and does the right thing does not always happen.
Natural Attributes & Supernatural Powers

• Natural Attributes:
pain tolerance: Deadpool has been through alot over the years. Cut, stabed, shot, and even the great deals of pain that he went through cause of the experaments. With all the pain and sufforing he went throught o get up to the point in life where he is at now his ability to take pain reached a whole new level. he is able to take a great deal of punishment and keep on moveing. by normal human standards he would be considered an outright monster with what he could take and still be able to charge at his foe without even takeing the slightest notion that he was even hit to begin with.

super human Durability: His regeneration also caused a form of molecular enhancement to his muscle structure makeing them denser then the normal humans. it made him alot more durable and ended up makeing it where he could still get wounded but it took more effort to actual do then most would like to admit. His durability means that if he gets shot by adecently powerful gun it will wound him. As well as if he is attacked by a sword it will cut him but with the sword one has to put a little more power behind it then they may actually be acustomed to useing depending on how strong they are. Though if someone goes at him hand to hand the possibility that they may actually be able to wond him will be tough. His durability also makes it where when he gets hurt he will more then likely not truely show the pain. He is more then likely to make some kind of crazy joke insteed.

superhuman Strength: Mike is Alot stronger then your average human. Upon going through the changes that turned him into the man he is today his strength was boosted to be that of a superhuman level. and in this aspect he always reffers to himself as a super-man. He can lift up a car decently easly when he is picking it off of someone.. Though he can pick it up completely though he can not hold it up to long before he would have to throw it or set it down.

Superhuman Stamina: His stamina much like his strength was greatly boosted due to the experament he was put through. It pushed the bounderys of the human stamina and completely destroyed what was once thought to be the human limit. This means he can run multiple miles at top speed without getting tired. He can run around 55 miles at full speed without actually getting tired.

Superhuman Agility and Reflex: His agility and his relexes both were pushed to super human level Makeing it to where his ability in acrobatics can be described as nothing short of amazeing. He can Contort himself in way that one would think no human should ever be able to do. Though to him it is more then just that. it is a way to attempt to pick up the ladys when he is out on a stroll. with his agility and reflex the way it is he can perform multiple types of acrobatic and dance like movements while he is fighting. With his reflex he can tell by the way a person is acting how he may attack. this cupled with his agility can make it where he can perform multiple off the wall stunts that no one would expect him to actually perform in an actual fight.

Superhuman Speed: His Speed to was greatly increased though this was mostly due to his rigerous training upon haveing his gifts and powers emergeing when at the brink of death. He can run at a sprint and be able to keep up with a car easily when it is on the interstate. This Is something he is rather proud of but you never really say them out loud. He trained his speed a little more then anything else aside from his stamina.

Martial Artist: In his many years of life Mike devoted himself to mastering The martial arts. He undertook training in close to ever form of martial arts includeing all forms that delt with weapon style combat. He did master all of them but he did so in his own style. He is declared to be a master in multiple forms of martial arts and pretty much all weapons you can think of. Though at times he preffers the sword cause to him it leaves more of an impresion then any gun ever would.

Assassin: Mike started out doing assassin work. Useing his attributes to their fullest he made a grade A assassin for a human anyway. He found himself able to be cunning and stealthy when he needed to be. He was considered one of the best assassins in the game but in the end he desided to ditch the gig to become a mercenary. Sense being a merc you did not have to be all quiet and secretive. and you had a bigger chance of possibly getting the fan girls.

Skilled Linguist: Within his life Deadpool managed to pick up a multitude of languages. his job as assassin then bounty hunter caused him to travel all over the world. this caused him to pick up close to every known language so that he could understand what he had to do on his jobs when he went out to kill what needed to be killed or do what needed to be done.

Medium Awareness: None know if it is because he went crazy from the experaments or if he just got lucky. Though with this he somehow manages to know that he is not real and is made up by someone out of his world. This causes him to at time's go on rants at the people who are not there and in general he tends to make refrence points that someone may or may not be enjoying what he is doing. When he goes into the whole utter destruction of the fourth wall people around him tend to take this time to declare that he is going on some form of delusinal rant.

Unpredictability: Deadpool is anything but predictable. you belive him to do one thing and a second latter insteed he's doing something completely off the wall. Be it shooting himself to avoid long winded speaches. Simply jumping off a building cause it will end up being the fastest way to avoid takeing the stairs. He Is well known for doing anything and everything that one would not expect any human to do.


Deadpool (mike Dotson.) [Approved, 2-1+] S-l1600(24) times 2
Deadpool usually always has a set of twin katana's strapped to his back. In some cases they can tend to be his most favored weapon. To him guns and all that are great but its more memerable to say you got close enough to slice up your foe with a memorable weapon. So he always carry's the two Master crafted swords on him at all times.

Hand guns:
Deadpool (mike Dotson.) [Approved, 2-1+] Gungrave_cerberus_by_mavko-d34aoao
Deadpool also always carry's two customg made guns that fire of conndenced round of spiritual energy. These guns were made to his specification so that he could hunt the monsters that he was seeing along with other invisible things like those nasty pink elephants that tend to follow him around from time to time.

• Powers: Deadpool (mike Dotson.) [Approved, 2-1+] Tumblr_lu42ppt0NV1qhbmsgo1_500

Regenerative Healing Factor: His regeneration works on a cellular level and it is always active. This is due to the cancer he has that was excelerated due to the experaments. Due to this his regeneration is kicked into overdrive and makes it better in everyway to Nicholas. Because of his level of regeneration this makes him extremely difficult to kill. Even if he gets put in a situation where his head gets cut off his head will survive 1-2 hours after his head is cut off. Though if its placed back on his body he will regenerate and return to life. He is hard to kill but if you cut off his head and never put it near the body he will stay dead. He can only regenerate to the level of mass in his hands per round. He can completely regenerate lost vital organs. To regenerate vital organs the amount of time needed depends on the organ. It can take anywhere from 3 to 5 posts. The lesser vital organs take 3 the ones that are higher in need will take 5. His stamina will be slowly drained with each time he uses his regeneration to actually heal a wound inflicted by his enemys. much like nicholas minor woulds that requite more then a two hands worth of regeneration will take more posts to heal up to a max or 5 posts. When his head is cut off he can move his body. But it has no sense of direction. It moves on it's own much like a chicken with its head cut off but unlike the chicken the body will try to find it's head. Deadpool break through the screen yelling at the top of his lungs. Hey hey hey wait a second. You can't describe my kick ass regeneration without me. Damn the people reading this will think its all lame cause of useing words to say it insteed of my gift to the world.. my voice.. okay this thing makes me so much better then that douche nicholas. We are so much better at what we do... Ohh yea anyway. My regeneration pretty much lets me heal from things that would kill any lesser man. My kick ass regeneration lets me get my head cut off and still crack wise ass remarks about how nice my ass looks from a diffrent angle.. It makes it really hard to kill me and it tends to make me one of the most feared things that i know of.. ANd belive me i know alot or at least pretend to. So in short my regeneration allows me to take a ton of punishment be it getting stabed blown up shot at. The list goes on. So you can watch me be awsome when i am able to run around and show you first hand. Okay got one more little thing to say so get used to seeing me around!

teleport: Deadpool has the ability to teleport himself anywhere he wants to go. Though he has to have either seen the area know the area or at the very least he has to be able to see where hes going if he does not know the area. On the knowing the area tis will allow him to enter or exit a thread if he so desires to enter it. If he attempts to teleport somewhere with haveing never seen the area he will more then likely end up in a wall. Deadpools cool down rate is 3 posts after the teleportation is done. Though he can only do 1 teleports per post before the cooldown goes into effect. The recharge depends on how many times the teleport was used in the post. Can only be used five times per post.. okay deadpool here again to tell you about my poofy flash smoke move thing. it allows me to go from one place to another. I dissapear and reappear. So in other words dont try to catch me you never will im just to awsome to be caught. but you are welcome to try. I Do have to know where i am going or at least see where i am going. For instance in a fight i can appear behind you sense i see that and give you the uber wedgie i am already imagineing myself give you. or i can just try to kill you from behind all ninja supprise like. Either way i will do something. when i poof around in a fight with you. Or even if i am just feeling frisky. well okay its time for me to poof i have some fangirls to meet i was told they are waiting for me at the end of some long dangerous obstical course. Don't know why they are there but who cares. ill get boob! latter sucka's! Deadpool dissapears in a puff of red and black smoke.

Attack of the puns!: Useing this power Deadpool can literally use his witty puns to attack or to outright confuse those around him. useing his puns he throws targets into his immagination to where they get just the smallest hint of whats going on his his brain. Each pun he states when he is focused makes the pun either that much more funny or ends up causeing it to be so much more deadly then the pun sugjests it to be. for instance if he was to say "I can do this till the cows come home." A stampede of cows will appear running down the street and try to trample his intended target. and soon after passing by or after hitting the target they vanish as if they were never there. But they still leaves the trail and the wounds to prove they really did exist. Deadpool is mostly known for his mouth and in many aspects of his personality this attack aside from his actual attacks he does himself can either be extremely dangerous or just downright funny. This skill can only be used once per post no more but one less. This skill is just a joke skill. Nothing overly serious can actually happen. this is just for Laughs and will not move into anything to overly complex aside from random happenings that will proubly confuse everyone that it is happening to. Okay deadpool back again to explain this to all who do not get it. This skill allows me to drag people into my immagination. This being said it allows me to use my words as weapons. the ability activates as soon as i say a certin pun or quote. It becomes obvious cause everything tends to go cartoony for when its in effect. They are not as powerfull as m y ninja slice and dice action. but they can either wound or confuse the hell outta people who get a small glimpse into my head. i can use my famous puns to attack my enemys or just do funny things to them. they will never be to serious but they will always tend to give a laugh or two when you the readers well read them.

• Pure Abilities:
Foreign Chemical Resistance: Tje way his regeneration is always up and running makes him alot more resiliant to the forms of chemical warfare. He can walk through alot of diffrent chemichals and they will bearly mess with him. His ressiliance is almost purely based on how his bodys chemichal balamce is never the same for long. His bodys genetics are always changeing so the affects of poisions and other chemichals like them are usually quickly nullified within the mix.

Disease Immunity: Much like on the chemichal resistance he is immune to all forms of disease. though he did have cancer the regeneration did not take effect till after it was made much worse so in corispondance to that the regeneration was made with no off switch and is constantly in motion. So this makes it where aside from the cancer he can not get sick by any means of the word.

Extended Longevity: Deadpools REgenerative powers make him where he ages unlike anyone else. The way his regenerative powers are constantly messing with his DNA Makes it where it is immpossible for him to die of old age. His cellular structer makes it where he is stuck at the age where his power of regeneration finnaly kicked in. Though if you actually manage to look at him You will swear he looks like he is in serious need of a facial.

Telepathic Immunity: The way is brain is set up is that it is constantly in action. though he does not look or act it his breain is constantly altering and regenerateing at a pace that makes him mentaly unstable. In such it makes it more and more Immpossible to use mind tricks on him. That and nine times out of ten he will be playing the mind games and makeing people wounder WTF is wrong with this guy and why the hell do we have to deal with him?

Possession Resistance: his body is set to the point where he is resistant to those hollows and or other beings that can posses others. This is not only due to his mental state. But due to his regeneration as well. much like early notifications the constant altering of his genetics make it to where any possessing entity runs the risk of not only harming themselves when or if they try to posses him but they also risk looseing everything that made them then in a multitude of mental and phychological breakdowns. Upon trying to possess Deadpool they end up getting attacked by everything that makes deadpool him. this in turn drives the force out but in the process this does and will damage the mind of those who did attempt to posses or control through mind control.

Sacred Release

• Sacred Release Appearance: (Describe what your human looks like when they release their spiritual power. This is essentially equivalent to a Shinigami's Shikai.)

• Sacred Release Powers: (Does your human get any additional powers from this transformation? For instance, if you had the power to control Fire in your base, could you control heat and magma in this state? Or would you gain something else?)


Ascended Sacred State

•Ascended Sacred State Appearance: (Describe what your human looks like when they release their spiritual power. This is essentially equivalent to a Shinigami's Bankai.)

• Ascended Sacred State Powers: (Does your human get any additional powers from this transformation? For instance, if you had the power to control Fire in your base, could you control heat and magma in this state? Or would you gain something else?)

Background History

• Background:

Chapter 1 the begining.

Mike was born to a loveing family. His mother and father were the best people anyone could ever ask for. His father was a lawyer and his mother a doctor. They made sure mike had everything he could ever want and more. his life was simplistic. He went to school he wanted something his parents would give it to him. He lived a life that few could ever dream of. He then decided he wanted to join the military. Though he himself was not ready cause of how pampered he had been. Knowing this mike left his parents place and went out to toughen himself up so he could join the elite of the marines. He went to diffrent teachers though he decided the top two choices was Karate and gun control. He took lessons in both in his spare time and he went out and did little jobs as well to afford a small appartment. Rent was cheap and it was something he could afford. He trained vigerously for 3 mounths before he left to go to the marine recuiters. He told them he wanted to be the best the marines had to offer and he decided that he was to enlist then and there.

Mike went through the rigurous training and he fought tooth and nail to get to the point of his graduation from the marines. He however did not leave his training without multiple scars though. Due to how he was raised before leaveing his home. He had thought he'd kicked the habit of useing his family's name to get out of trouble. though his time in the marines taught him that he was far from haveing kicked the habit. As the time passed Mike stuck through the training and upon h is graduation he recieved praise for a job well done in becomeing a full fledged marine. He was soon sent to a war along side with someone named nicholas. they were no where near the same age in look but he knew that did not matter considering in war no one cares how old you are anymore. Shakeing his head he was floored when this kid was so willing to jump into the fire of the war with no worry that in the end it may kill him. He was moved by his courage but then tragic news was sent to him. It was then that he found out he had a rare form of cancer that was said to be untreatable.

Mike was floored by the news of finding out that he had cancer. This was no supprise to most who looked at him though. He was slowly getting sicklier in look ever passing day. He went to his little safe area within the war to be alone and to think things over by himself. He could not belive that he more then likely will not die in the war but to some lowly cancer insted. Mike could not help but scream at the fact that it was not possible to come to the end of the line on his own terms. Though unknown to him a strange man followed him. It seemed that a certin group was interested in mike ever sense the cancer was found within him. Mike we have an offer you can't refuse. What will you say that we are working on a procedure that may just be able to save your life? The chance it will cure your cancer and make it where you will not have to worry about that ever again is within our grasp. We just need you to be part of the group we are to test it on. If it works you will be healthy again and back on the field of battle in no time.

Hearing this Mike instantly accepted the offer. He could not belive that there was quite possibly a way to cure his cancer that he was told was unable to be cured. Ill do it. But are you sure there is actually a chance that this experament will even work? I mean in the end i am trusting myself to you in blind faith that it will work. Nothing is set in stone as far as i can tell the worst thing you will have to worry about is that you will still have the cancer. We are takeing every precaution to make sure that you will be fine either way. okay i suppose though i will say that i am still pretty uneasy about all this after all if this thing is to fail and something worse happens. Though i should not think that way for some reason i always want to fear the worst but i proubly should not focus to much on that. With his agreement they both shook hands and exchanged a pleasent smile. You will not regret it Mr dotson all you need to do is come with us. we will clear everything with your commanding officer before we leave of course. With that Mike and the military man he had been talking to left to see his commanding officer. As they talked the commanding officer understood that the orders to take Mike was on highest priority from the upper brass in the military. Upon leaveing Mike looked to nicholas as he returned from his mission seemingly unharmed as the chopper took of and took Mike to an undisclosed area.

Chapter 2: the experiments

The military man took mike to an underground facility that was decked out with the newst equipment that had not even been realized by the rest of the goverment. They took him to his new room where he would be staying while the procedure was getting prepped. It would also be his room to hold him in as a precaution should anything go wrong with the experiments. Mike was left in the room alone while everyone else left hium to his own devices. He could not help but move to the bed that was nearby and layed down. His mind was raceing with the thoughts of what they could possibly be doing in a place like this? it was something straight out of a high budget sci-fi movie. shakeing his head he slowly closed his eyes as he fell asleep. A few hours later a group of people came to his room to get him and take him to where the first round of the experaments would take place. He woke up though he was still rather drowsy from the short nap that he managed to take before he was rudely awakened. Shakeing his head they soon reached a large room where there was a chair in the middle. It had diffrent Robotic equipment around it and there was a needle strapped to each robotic like arm. there were a total of at least 12 needles.

He was ordered to get into the chair and the experiments would begin. He then slowly noded his head as he walked to the chair and sat down. He had to admit he was rather nervous but he figured they would know what they were doing. Okay Mr Dotson this will quite possibly hurt alot. after all you will be getting something like 12 shots all at the same time. I figured i would give you a warrning. This is the first step in the procedure. After this will will give your body time to adjust then we will continue again tommorow. Simply nod if you understand what i am saying. Mike simply noded his head and the procedure was to begin. Mike could see the liquid within the vials that were to be injected into his body. They were a griddy red collor and it looked alot like blood though it to was obviously not what was within the vials. Mike closed his eyes tightly as the needles moved twords him. He soon let out a loud grunting sound as the needles were pushed into his flesh. two shots hit each arm two in the left arm two in the right. Two his each side of his chest as well. Two in the left side two in the right. And the final four were in his legs. Two in the left leg and two in the right.

As soon as the liquid began to pour into his system as they began to inject it Extreme pain began to over take his body. He found it was nearly impossible to withstand. He was not even able to keep his body still. As the pain ravaged his body he was twitching and convolsing much as if he was haveing a seizure. After about 10 minutes the liquid was fully injected into mikes body but Mike himself ws out cold. He had passed out not even seconds before from the pain that had been hitting him like a mach truck. Upon wakeing up he found the pain was not as bad now and he was actually able to stand on his own two feet. Looking around he had found himself in the room they gave him to stay in while the whole thing was going on. Soon the doctor came in and looked to mike with a big smile upon her face. "Ohh thank god we were worried you may have died. sense you have been out for so long. We are glad to see you are allright. Now that we have gone through this we are sure you are the one we have been waiting for Mr dotson. [/color] Mike was confusaed by what the lady could possibly mean. Though with her words still ringing in his ear he followed her to the second part of the experament.

Okay now that we are through the first part we move to the second and last phaze. With this it should cure your cancer and make you a better man then you ever thought possible. when this is all said and done you will not belive the diffrence you will have in the war. the doctors were all crowded around him as he was put onto a strange table with wholes in at least 20 diffrent area's on it. He was moved to lay down on the table and he was soon strapped down upon the table. The wholes that were seemingly placed in the table were right under where his bones would be. he could hear the doctor's mumbleing as they talked amongst them selves. Okay okay everyone calm down we are here for a reason after all. If this works it will not only dictate the type of people that the military can have in their figth in any war but at the same time it will make a new age in medical technolagy. With that we bring you the experament that will bring the world to a new age of science! As he spoke the rest of the scientests would be found giveing the man who was speaking a round of aplause. Soon he slowly nods his head as he looked to mike with a smile upon his lips.

Mr dotson i will assume that you will not be able to handle the pain that this procedure will do. So we will monitor you to make sure that everything stays stable. You are in good hands i assure you that. We will cure your cancer and you will be better then ever. Mike was in no way sure what was going on but as the procedure started he could not help but hear people in the background takeing a deadpool on weither or not he would survive the experament. He was supprised that they would be takeing such a survey when he was just told that everything would be fine. Though before he could even say anything that would be able to be worded as a protest he felt a sharp pain all over his body. That soon became a pain so bad that no words would even be close to being able to express the agony he was feeling at that moment in time. It would be as is every single bone was on fire and that it was slowly turning his bones into something else. What he was not aware of was that they were doing the same thing they did to nicholas to him. Though the main diffrence was they were not useing a metal they were useing their homemade regeneration brew. They were hopeing to make mike like nicholas. and if it was a success they would end up removeing his cancer.

The pain soon became to much for mike to handle and everything went to black. As he was out cold the procedure seemed to go off without a hitch. Though a proublem they did not forsee ended up happening as the serum they used that they hoped would grant him a regenerative capability insteed put his cancer into overdrive. The cancer started to eat away at his body while he was out cold leaveing him scared and horribly disfigured. Though he was alive they considered him to be a deadman even if he wakes up. So he was ditched with all the other failed experaments in a room where the dead bodys would be cremated. Never to be heard of or even to be seen ever again.

Chapter 3: Rebirth and escape.

Just when they were getting to mikes body to be cremated something happened within him and he soon awoke as soon as his hand eas grabbed. He would awake screaming as he grabbed the guy who took his hand and quickly snapped his neck. He soon was hearing voices as the regeneration he had been given started to kick in. He had an unparalled regenerative capability for a human but sadly it was not able to get rid of his cancer but it did hold it at bay. Unfortunatly this ment that his new found gift could also be considered a curse. For it greatly messed with his mental state. The voices he was hearing now were due to a massive chemichal imbalance through not just his brain but through his entire body. It did have killer bonuses but first he had to sort out his thoughts and the voices. Okay okay who are you people? We are you silly but unlike you we can throw a party even if there are no decerations. Thats just stupid how can you have a real party with no decorations? i mean everyone looses with that. Hey you guys shut up i have a feeling someone watching us. and not in a good way. You know the way where you get stalked by some hot lady cause she is to shy to say hello. More like in that stalker way that make you afraid to leave the house. Don't worry about that right now. We gotta get outta here then we can worry about your stalker friends latter.

Mike knew that the voice in his head was right. He quickly gathered what thoughts he could at the momment and made his way to a nearby door. It took all his stealthy ways to get past the guards though the voices in his head indeed up talking him into killing one. As soon as he did an alarm went off and he started currseing up a storm. we wanted to get out of here without tripping the alarm you idiots. ohh but now we get to look at the pretty color. That is a pretty shade of red but we have to get out of this place. Now we have to deal with all the guards. Great ohh well might as well have fun with it i suppose. Yea lets make a game out of it? We can't make a game out of it there would be no real score sense we are just voices in our head. Damn why did you have to spoil my fun? He said grabbing the gun from the guards holster as he smiled. soon he could hear another guard running down the long hall. Mike ran towards the sound gun at the ready. as soon as he saw a head peek out from around the corner he fired hitting the guard right between the eyes.

He was far from out as he ran through door after door. Though he did manage to find the lady's room though. Sadly no ladies were in it when he managed to find it and he ended up curseing his luck on that point. After about 3 hours of running through door after door and finding deadend after dead end he managed to find th e exit. As soon as he actually exited the building he found a small army of guards posted outside the build waiting on him. Mike? Ohhh hell you actually survived? we took a deadpool on you saying you were dead. but here you are alive and kicking. damn this is one hell of a supprise. We are leaveing and if you try to stop me there will be hell to pay. We are not letting you go mr dotson. We still have work to do. And we need you blood to do it. Like hell im staying here i have things to do people to kill and self proclaimed partys to go to. He said with a smile as he quickly moved the gun in his hand to shoot the man he was talking to right between the eyes. As soon as he did he was on the move. The small army of guards had begun to open fire on him he ended up getting shot a total of 15 times before he managed to get into cover. He took a few rounds when he grabbed the machinegun away from the man he had just killed.

he took in a deep breath as he soon began to laugh to himself. With in a matter of moments his wounds were healed though he still looked like a massive burn victum. Shrugging it all off he jumped out of cover and began fireing. He managed to take a few of the guys down but he did not take enough down for it to matter all that much. Shakeing his head he growled as he tryed to figure out what he was going to do next. He took out 9 guys but he still had like 20 left. Damn this does not look good. why do they always have to send an army after one guy in these movies? dont they know the guy escapeing always gets away by the end or midway through this movie? but how do i escape this bad movie setup? will i find a bomb or find something to blow up? Ohhh please say we get to blow something up in this movie! As he spoke the guards looked to themselves in confusion as they tilted there head to one side. Hey dumbass this is not a movie this is real life. Shows what you know i get the feeling people are watching me waiting for me to do some awesome kick ass thing to beat you up and escape so i can find some lady to get with like all hero's in the movies!

Yea we are bound to go out in a blaze of glory and get all the lovely fangirls that love and adore us. But first we gotta get out of here. I was hopeing to save this for the big boss fight at the end but sadly this may be our boss fight okay you have gained a special ability that allows you to move inbetween them with a odd puff of red smoke. Ohh kinda like ninja vanish.. Ohhh that sounds like it will be fun. I am soo going to test that out now. As she said that mike was nodding his head to everything the voices were telling him. As soon as the smile crossed his lips he vanished in a puff or red smoke and appeared between a small circle of guards. Ehhh its no explosion but i suppose it works all the same though. As he spoke it caused the guards to do a quick turn around. As they looked to mike they soon began to open fire at him without thinking. As soon as mike noted they were about to begin the shooting he vanished again in a puff of red smoke. This ended up causeing the guards to shoot the one infront of them killing the entire circle in one fell swoop of their own people and guns.mike was so happy to see that the movie had turned to his favor that he could not help but laugh.

See i told you that in the movies the good guy... well me.... Always managest o get away from the loosers well with in this movie apperantly is you. now you can either let me go or i will kill the rest of you good guy posers and stroll out. OPEN FIRE! Well we can not say we did not try to give them teh chance of life. but we do what we gotta do huh? Yea we get to play some more with the cop wanna be people. With that said mike vanished in a puff of red smoke appearing behind a cop and stealing his gun to shoot him in the head. He soon vanished again and repeated the process till everyone was dead but him. Though in retrospect he should have kept at least one alive so that people could know how awsome he was. Though he should have thought about that before he killed everyone. Damn now no one will know how awesome i was. Dont worry i know how awesome we are. after all who can have this much fun and get to be in an awsome kick ass movie as well. Wait a minute if this is an awesome kickass movie does that not mean that someone somewhere knows how awesome we are? so in a way we proved our awesomeness to whoever watches and or reads about our movie? Ohhhh yea your right i tottaly forgot about that. Ohh well now that our awesomeness is known we might as well leave. With that mike strolled out of the compund and started towards the nearest town. Ohh yea i may want to get some kind of costume and change my name. Ohh i know ill call myself deadpool after that game thing that people did saying i would die. I like it. With that vote of confidence from himself he continued onwards to the nearest town.

Chapter 4: New life and arrival at karakura town.

Mike found his way into a fabric store and began to look around trying to find something that he could use to make the perfect outfit for himself in the end he choose to go with red and black. He decided that it would be the best color's to go with cause the idea of adding to many collors to a costume was pretty lame. He then went and paid for the materials he gathered to start work on his awsome kick ass outfit. Though he did leave the lady behind the counter after she fainted from looking at him for to long. Mike then went to his apartment he was renting. It was cheap but in the end it was well worth it for his main goal in the place was just to get his costume ready in hopes that his new found life would bring him love, Action and adventure, And chimichanga's. He had no idea why but for some reason he felt like getting chimichanga's. Shakeing his head he began work on his costume. He would even hum songs to himself as he worked vigorously through the night and day in makeing his outfit. As soon as the costume was done mike had a sense of self importance as he put on the outfit. Later he decided that the idea of useing spandex was possibly a bad idea but he loved the way it showed of his bod.

shakeing his head he told the land lady he would be leaveing now. He told her that he had things to do and places to go and random acts of awesomeness for all those people out there that may be stalking him. Of course the land lady had no idea what the hell he was talking about but he took off after saying it all the same. His journys took him to many strange places and taught him much well as much as he could pay attention to anyway. as he moved he trained in the multiple diffrent forms of martial arts and even kendo. He found that he liked studying the diffrent forms of the mixed martial arts world. He had already mastered the use of guns so he wanted to master as many forms of fighting as he possibly could. In his own mind it made him that more irrisistable to the ladys. As time passed deadpol found himself in diffrent cultured and learning diffrent languages along the way as well. He felt he needed to sense soon after he arrived in japan he took on a job of assassin. someone came to him told him to off someone in secret and he ran off and did it. As time passed he grew to be a rather famous assassin. Though it was only to the underground groups that were the main focus of those who would hire him.

After awhile he began to get bored with the whole assassin gig. He decided that he would much rather be a mercinary. He did not know why but for some reason that gig just sounded better to him. He got the choice to travel more and he did not have to worry about what people may think of him. With his thoughts in check and everyone in his head in agreeance he took on the role of mercinary. he found that he loved the extra freedom it gave. It was also a way to see more of the world. This was also a good thing cause he actually wanted to be able to use his tottaly awesome language skills in other counterys to make things easier and make it where his job was all the more easier when he actually could understand what everyone was saying and who he was to go after or even what he was supposed to do in general. As a mercinary he became well known as the merc with the mouth. this was because he never knew when to shut up. He would go on and on about stories and just plain dumb rambleing that no one could ever really stand to liston to. He also had the bad habit of getting people pissed off with the way he would talk to them cause he had no sense of the idea of you should not have said that.

Years passed and his mercinary job was going splendedly well. then he got the call that he was needed in a strange city that could use him. He was iffy on accepting till he heard one name that was in the town. when he heard Nicholas was in the area he could not help but jump onboard to going to karakura town. He was always so facinated with Nicholas that hearing his name made him eager to go. With that he was shiped off to karakura town wich made everyone around him happy that he was finnaly leaveing their town in peace and somewhat quiet. He said a hearty goodbye and made his way to the town of karakura. It would take him awhile to get there sense he ran into diffrent types of mercenary jobs along the way. Be it to kill someone or to rescue people he didn't know. Or to just run around and do what he loved the most getting to blow stuff up. He had a blast and in some cases a literal blast when he actually managed to get a job blowing something up. But after a few months he managed to arrive in karakura town. Now he was left to wounder how and were the new life in this town will treat him and just why he was needed here in the first place. Only time will tell.


[b]See Skill Sheet for More Information

General Skills
  • Durability: Adept
  • General Speed: adept
  • Strength: Adept
  • Weapon Skill: Advanced

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Pain Endurance: master
  • Focus: adept

Human Reiatsu Sheet
  • Power Control: Adept
  • Energy Usage/Regeneration: Advanced
  • Energy Resistance/Endurance: Adept
  • Physical Augmentation: Adept


Roleplay Sample

• Roleplay Sample: Deadpool looked at the people all around him as he soon could not help but laugh. Ohhh damn this is too good all these people in my house its almost as if i was given the party ive always dream'ed of. Though then again is it time for a party? ANd when did we manage to invite so many people? He then heard the voices in his head talking to him as he slowly nods his head as they talked. Umm i do not recall inviteing anyone i think they may be intruders? but where would they have come from i mean we opened a door for no one. Ohhh maybe they wanted to supprise us if thats the case then they would not have been invited by us but came on their own accord? Ohhh i do hope thats it maybe i should ask someone that will liven this party up damn we are just to awsome to be put in this world where random fangirls can read all about how awsome i am. To bad none of them ever seem to be real though.

Do not worry your day will come. One of these days when someone says a sexy fangirl is waiting for you at the end of some obscenely dangerous run through a oddly placed labbyranth there will be some hot fangirl waiting for you there. He then walks up to the nearest lady and looks her in the face before he started talking. Ohhh hey are you a fangirl of mine thats a part of this oddly placed party that seems to have come to my house that some how expanded to this large city thing? THe lady looked at deadpool then ran off screaming like most ladys do when he got close to them at times. there were a decent amount of excaptions but he did not want to get to into that. Damn they ususally tend to run off when we talk to them ohh well lets keep up the search to find out what the heck is going on here?

Last edited by Natalia on Tue Jun 06, 2017 11:04 pm; edited 41 times in total

Deadpool (mike Dotson.) [Approved, 2-1+] Empty Re: Deadpool (mike Dotson.) [Approved, 2-1+]

Fri Aug 02, 2013 11:32 am
Deadpool (mike Dotson.) [Approved, 2-1+] Tumblr_mp14owTpMs1qlpk58o1_500
This profile is downright denied!
Really nat? This copy pasted OFF the wikia; that is plagiarism and more or less theft. This is denied on the grounds of such, and well, at least try to make it custom, don't copy paste. like fucking christ really? Really?

So yeah, denied. Hard.
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Deadpool (mike Dotson.) [Approved, 2-1+] Empty Re: Deadpool (mike Dotson.) [Approved, 2-1+]

Sat Oct 19, 2013 4:03 am
Moved back to WIP for a retry.

Deadpool (mike Dotson.) [Approved, 2-1+] Ap8OoJO

The Living Microwave
The Living Microwave
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Thu Oct 24, 2013 3:27 pm
will check after class. only one thing that needs to be talked about. nothing major.
The Living Microwave
The Living Microwave
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Deadpool (mike Dotson.) [Approved, 2-1+] Empty Re: Deadpool (mike Dotson.) [Approved, 2-1+]

Mon Oct 28, 2013 10:08 pm
Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: adept
  • Mental Deduction: adept
  • Pain Endurance: advanced
  • Focus: Beginner

Comments/Notes: please put an image of deadpool back into the app
Tier: 2-4

Deadpool (mike Dotson.) [Approved, 2-1+] Empty Re: Deadpool (mike Dotson.) [Approved, 2-1+]

Mon Nov 18, 2013 9:57 pm
Deadpool (mike Dotson.) [Approved, 2-1+] Tumblr_msvzg8yRiK1si6c8no1_500

Moving this to WIP
Owner was notified of issues with the application, so changes are needed in order to make this acceptable again.
The Living Microwave
The Living Microwave
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Deadpool (mike Dotson.) [Approved, 2-1+] Empty Re: Deadpool (mike Dotson.) [Approved, 2-1+]

Wed Nov 20, 2013 2:39 pm
archiving due to failure to comply.
Waifu War Veteran
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Deadpool (mike Dotson.) [Approved, 2-1+] Empty Re: Deadpool (mike Dotson.) [Approved, 2-1+]

Mon Jun 29, 2015 8:44 pm

« CHECKING . . . »

You are a masochist, and a glutton for punishment. I can't believe you are applying this character yet again, but fine.

For all of these physical traits, all you say is that they are increased greatly. Fantastic. But now you need to describe by how much. Given an example or something, give me a good idea of how strong/fast/durable/etc he is now.

Regenerative Healing Factor
And how do you explain controlling your body with your head cut off? How long does he manage when other vital organ are destroyed, such as the lungs or heart?

Noooooooo. Click here to see why.

Attack of the puns!
Heeeeeelarious. But okay, needing to make a pun is not really that much of a weakness. Besides that, what is stopping this from basically becoming complete space time manipulation with limitless power? This is unacceptable.

Deadpool (mike Dotson.) [Approved, 2-1+] Qx494h
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Deadpool (mike Dotson.) [Approved, 2-1+] Empty Re: Deadpool (mike Dotson.) [Approved, 2-1+]

Tue Jun 30, 2015 5:43 pm
i made some updates. I did not take the teleport out cause he kinda needs it to be acurate for the char. I did make it less though. ANd on the puns. I put that no attack with it will actually be anything all that serious. The biggest thing that may happen to anyone that it is used against with be bruises. Except if they are normal human with no powers. trampled by possible cows from the pun Till the cows come home may be bad for the 6-0 humans. Though that is not an actual guarantee cause they could be durable. heh.
Waifu War Veteran
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Age : 31

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Deadpool (mike Dotson.) [Approved, 2-1+] Empty Re: Deadpool (mike Dotson.) [Approved, 2-1+]

Wed Jul 01, 2015 4:30 pm
No, this isn't something to argue about. I don't care if it's significant to the character, teleportation is a concept that can be abused too easily and makes fighting characters with this ability unfun. I am removing the teleportation in my abilities, other members are going to be removing theirs, and characters from now on are going to have to remove theirs. I'm fine with non-combat use of it, but in combat... You will be restricted.

So I will tell you precisely how much you will be able to use it. You can use it only once per post in combat, and then there is a three post cooldown in between. And over the course of the thread you can only use it five times in total. No variance. No arguments. Please make these changes for me to accept this app.

Attack of the puns
Here's the main problem, Natalia, and I'll be straight with you. On this site, members are given varying allowances of possibilities with their characters, based on how much the staff trust that member to do right. You have not yet earned that much trust from us yet, so... here's your chance. I will allow this power under the condition that you are being watched. I will give you a certain tier, and if you are found abusing the powers of your character in a way that surpasses your tier, especially with this power, then I will straight out deny this app again and it will not be approved again. Understand?

Deadpool (mike Dotson.) [Approved, 2-1+] Qx494h
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