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Sat Jul 20, 2013 3:04 pm
Carmine shifted his weight from one foot to the other, his seemingly blank stare resting on the small human girl as one of his fellow shinigami explained how they too were trying to get to the bottom of things. He nodded slowly, his eyes not leaving the girl as his mind began whirring. Something about her seemed a bit strange. He'd seen humans before when he'd been to Earth, and he'd even seen a few humans who had above average abilities, but this girl bothered him. It wasn't her appearance, for indeed by her appearance she looked harmless. The closest description would be her presence.

Carmine listened silently as one of the shinigami informed the human of her status as a ryoka, and her likely-hood of being jailed for unauthorized entry into the Seireitei. Which struck him as odd; It would be one thing to enter the Soul Society without detection, but not only did she enter the Seireitei, it seemed no alarms had gone off on her entry, and the only ones who knew about her were the ones present. Carmine frowned slightly, a gesture made useless by the mask that obscured his face, as he carefully slipped his Zanpakutô onto his waist. His right hand drifted to his chin, as his gaze seemed to turn to the clouds, his left dropping down to rest on the hilt of his Zanpakutô. He examined the sky, looking for something out of the ordinary to mark the girl's arrival. He'd heard that once, a group of Ryoka had invaded the Seireitei in hopes of rescuing someone, but upon arrival, they'd been separated, coming to blows with many shinigami that came in their paths. But this time, it seemed like there was only one Ryoka, and she seemed for too young to be planning something of that magnitude.

Carmine didn't move as the girl responded to the shinigami's prospect of her being jailed. She dismissed it, almost like a joke, claiming she wasn't a human, she was a dream. He slowly turned his gaze towards her, still almost casually stroking his chin beneath his mask. "Funny. I wasn't aware dream's couldn't be locked up. I'm no stickler for the rules, but it couldn't hurt to play it safe and-" he was interrupted by the girl's sudden outburst of questions. She didn't know about the Soul Society or the Gotei 13, which was strange, considering that she was already within the bowels of the Seireitei. And it seemed she had an urge for cake. He shook his head slightly, raising his eyebrow as he spoke. "Oh, so you don't know anything about where you are, or who we are? Well let's keep it that way. Why would we tell you-" He was promptly interrupted by the blond haired shinigami, his brother in shirtlessness, as he answered all of the girl's questions without hesitation; even the cake question.

Carmine stared at him for a moment. "Wow. I can't believe you just went ahead and told her all that. For shame." Before he could say anything more, the little girl seemingly appeared around the shinigami's neck. Carmine took a step back, his hand flying to his Zanpakutô. A slight after glow of electricity sparked the air for nothing but a moment, before disappearing. The girl kept crying out for a piggyback ride, and after a moment, Carmine allowed his hand to leave his weapon. 'Fast. Very fast...' he thought, taking a step forward. But of course, things didn't end with the piggyback ride. The girl pulled a knife from somewhere, casually swinging it around dangerously close to her mount's face. Carmine's hand strayed to his weapon again, but the blond haired shinigami seemed to be able to handle himself quite well. He juked his head to avoid the bite of her knife, though the the disapproval was clear on his face.

Carmine casually walked over to the other shinigami, tapping his shoulder and indicating that he lean forward. [color]"Clayton Carmine, Fourth seat of Squad Three.[/color] he said in a whisper "I don't like this. Something isn't right about her. She clearly doesn't know much about where she is, but somehow she managed to get here. The most alarming thing about that is that no one else has been alerted, which means she did so without the knowledge of anyone, save for us here. I'm guessing the rest of you were just on site like I was, which means that she could be much more powerful than she's letting on. That being said, I think we should lock her up for the time being, until we get to the bottom of this. I don't hear of too many humans who can enter the Seireitei without detection. Though I suppose if they truly come in undetected, I imagine no one would hear of it..." He suddenly trailed off for a moment, glancing down and muttering to himself, before the blond haired shinigami's tirade drew his attention back to the girl. "Something needs to be done..."

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Kyouhai Suzumori
Kyouhai Suzumori
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Sat Jul 20, 2013 4:19 pm
[[OoC: I'm really sorry about this, but I don't have time to post today, and I'm going to be starting vacation for 10 days tomorrow. I'm putting this on hold until I return.]]

Last edited by Kyouhai Suzumori on Thu Aug 01, 2013 9:37 am; edited 2 times in total
Kyouhai Suzumori
Kyouhai Suzumori
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Wed Jul 31, 2013 9:59 am
[[OoC: The thread is going again!! I apologize to anyone in this thread who may have been inconvenienced by my rather lengthy absence.]]

Kyouhai Harukaze Suzumori
July 16, 2413, 08:04 AM

The more Kyouhai saw of this crazy ryoka girl who had just appeared in the Seiretei without warning, the more confused and annoyed he became. Kyouhai had absolutely no idea what was going on to begin with, and this only made matters worse. He wasn't sure whether to laugh at the crazy girl or take out his sword and deal with her that way. Kyouhai wasn't really leaning towards the option involving his Zanpaku-to's use since such a thing would seem very cold-blooded, especially in a situation where a young human girl who hadn't yet caused any harm was involved. Kyouhai decided that he would wait just a bit longer and see how things played out before he made any sort of decision.

As Kyouhai listened to what the girl who had appeared in Seiretei had to say, he caught something interesting. The girl had said that she was in fact not a human, but a dream. Somehow, according to what the 'dream person' said, this would allow her to escape of Kyouhai or any of the other Shinigami present decided to have her thrown in jail. When Kyouhai made this suggestion, in fact, the other Shinigami, Dansen, seemed to think it wasn't necessary. He asked whether it was necessary to keep the girl in Soul Society when she hadn't even meant to come here. To this, Kyouhai responded "It doesn't necessarily matter what I think. The rules of Seiretei come straight from Central 46, and by extension, probably the Soul King himself. Decisions based on such rules are not really for me to make. This girl came to Seiretei without the guidance of a Shinigami and that makes her a ryoka. Ryoka are supposed to be jailed and/or interrogated. However, I think I will wait a little longer before deciding anything." .

Even as Kyouhai finished speaking to Dansen about the importance of Soul Society's rules, the same blond-haired Shinigami recruit kept talking to the pink-haired 'dream person' girl. The girl asked Dansen stuff about Soul Society, and Dansen answered all of her questions. Kyouhai was a little annoyed by this. Giving information about your fortress to a possible enemy is one of the worst things any soldier can do. Kyouhai was about to start telling Dansen how he had messed up royally when the other Shinigami present began to speak. He pretty much told Dansen something to the same effect. The Shinigami who had spoken to Dansen then continued. He said quite a bit, but the effect of what he said was that something should be done about the current situation. Kyouhai was very much starting to agree.

Kyouhai was about to speak when the pink-haired girl, the 'dream person', jumped on Dansen's back. She was acting like a normal girl and saying stuff about wanting a piggyback ride and chocolate cake. However, she suddenly produced a short-bladed cutting implement with a broad blade and only one sharp edge. Even though he was born in 1013, Kyouhai knew from experiences in the World of the Living that this was called a kitchen knife. He also knew that it could quite possibly be dangerous. Kyouhai's hand closed around the hilt of his Zanpaku-to, but he saw that Dansen had taken the situation under control by now. Everything seemed okay.

Now, Kyouhai decided to speak. He needed to at least say something, and maybe do something about the situation, too. "I really don't know what should be done here.... Girl, you brought out a dangerous object and threatened the safety of a member of the Gotei 13." began Kyouhai. "Because of this, I should arrst you. However, you have said that you cannot be jailed. I'm not one to go to extremes, so I'll have to settle with this: can you promise that you will not harm the Seiretei and that you will leave this realm in peace?" asked Kyouhai. If the girl agreed, all would be well. If not... then things might get a bit bad for her.


Last edited by Kyouhai Suzumori on Thu Aug 01, 2013 9:35 am; edited 1 time in total
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Thu Aug 01, 2013 8:25 am
Rachel tilted her head to the side slightly as the man grabbed her hand, a small frown on her face. Her hand rippled again, the knife retreating back in to it, disappearing from view. However, she kept herself saddled on his back, not moving until the man she had crashed in to finished speaking to her, asking to make a deal with her. Giggling, she dropped off the blonde haired man’s back, a crackling sound and a trail of electricity brought her in front of the one making an offer to her.

“No, no, no. I’m having too much fun here, too much fun. Also, you think that knife was dangerous? I pity you, this is a dangerous object.”

Her hand rippled again, a small grenade exiting from it. She smiled, holding it up for him to see while making sure she had a strong enough grip that he couldn't take it from her.

“Now, do you know what an atomic bomb is? This little thing packs as much of a wallop as one of those. Of course, it isn’t something one should use, don’t want to blow yourself up.”

Her hand rippled once more, the grenade disappearing in to it. Smiling, she backed away a bit, a teasing smile on her face.

“Alright, come on, arrest me. You are supposed to follow your own laws, right? So come on, arrest me, that’s what you’re laws say, right? I’m one of those ‘ryoka’ thingies, so why aren’t you arresting me? You’re not going to break the law, are you?”

It was quite clear from her attitude that she was teasing them, trying to get them riled up. She was hoping for some fun, and perhaps she could bait these people in to giving her the fun she desired. However, there was no guarantee, this was a strange place for her, with strange laws and strange people. Still, she was going to try to have fun with them, after all, she was stuck here for the time being, right?

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"


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Thu Aug 01, 2013 9:53 am
The girl seemingly launched off the blonde Shinigami's back, he gave a sigh of relief as he stared at the girl making her way to the ground with seemingly electricity rolling off her heels. The Spirit took out a roll of bandaging from within the bandaging that was wrapped around his own body and used it on his cut hand to staunch the bleeding that was coming from it. "Ah that's better..." The blonde Spirit then looked to the other Shinigami in his presence, they had seemingly reprimanded him for being unwise and telling the girl knowledge about the Seireitei. "Hmm? All I told was where to find cake nothing else really matters."

The seemingly unwise Shinigami was soon having his attention turned back to the dream that had previously been riding on his head as she continued on to claim that her knife was nowhere near dangerous as what she had summoned into her hand. The Spirit looked to his hand then back to the girl then back to his hand then back to the girl all before making a face of displeasure as he said. "My hand and hair would prefer to disagree." The girl then made comment on her new 'toy' was nothing short of being nuclear capable, the Spirit looked on in a sort of mix of interest and confusion. "So its like...A mini Nuke?" The concept confused Dansen but he nevertheless simply went along with the idea that this creature could dream up such a power.

As the girl released the bomb it simply faded away as she went on to tease the Shinigami once more, it was clear that a reaction was what she was trying to invoke from the three that had appeared to deal with the little nuisance but she had very little in the way of respect to those that were trying to help her. Admittedly two of them were trying to arrest her...But it was no reason for bad manners.

As the girl made bold claims at the Shinigami and dared them to make a moved Dansen simply let out a sigh as he crouched down and looked to the sky the sun still just in the horizon of his vision he simply gave his feelings on the situation. "Its much too hot to deal with such a bratty personality, you guys can deal with her the way you want but if she's telling the truth then you better get her quick, if she wanted to leave she could have already so she's probably waiting for us to make a move..." The Spirit went to sit on the ground as he looked to the girl and the other Shinigami. "You guys wanna arrest her I suggest you go get her..." The Shinigami made his comments to his allies and watched their moves he didn't particularly care about arresting what seemed to be a young girl, but for him it was mostly to much work to do on a day such as it was...
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Thu Aug 01, 2013 9:54 am

"Too much fun... Too much fun indeed."

A strange voice echoed among the gathered parties, as suddenly from the ground a man's head appeared, not disturbing the ground, moving out of it as it it were water, going straight upwards. He smiled as he brought out his right hand, his eyes locking onto the girl in front of him as the male became fully visible. In his left hand he was holding a scythe, black in color with a large blade, and in his right hand arcs of lightning were beginning to appear.

Now, that was the important part of the matter. Now, for the not so important part... Well, that would be the man's appearance. His hair was topped with gray that extended down to his eyes, very thin in appearance which laid atop his head like a mop. Around his body he wore a white lab coat, and throguh his head he had a massive bolt. That's right. There was a screw going through the male's head, with its knob as big as his skull. However, as he came out of the ground, he was not the ONLY thing which came out of the ground. What also came out of the ground? Well, quite simply, snakes did.

Four snakes shot up around the ground where the girl was, arcing and spinning around as they bound her arms and legs, as suddenly the male shot forwards from where he was standing. Speed unlike anything that the gathered parties had ever seen before, a speed that was many times faster than flash step, more like instantaneous transportation occurring as he appeared in front of the girl, his right hand slamming into her as suddenly her every capacity would be stopped.

"TOO MUCH FUN!" The voice yelled out, as suddenly the girl's entire body would stop moving as without warning the powers that founded her very being came under attack. That's right. Her very power sources were being decimated. Her very soul was being laid bare and the male before her was shocking it, attacking it violently as it cackled, his hand pushing into her chest as more lightning arced through his hand, before his eyes became calm, the smile on his face lowering.

"Let her run.. .Let her live..." He whispered, grabbing onto the fabric of her shirt as his spiritual energy formed a shell around the two of them, still holding her in his hand. "Spirit Shock: Sutures." He said simply, as without warning, the girl would feel her entire body stop responding to her commands. All along her skin, strange black marks appeared in the form of stitches, as the male smiled a toothless smile now, having attempted to decimate her power source. If he had so much as touched her with that lightning, the sutures would take affect, and no part of her body would be able to move as he smiled, bringing his right hand up to his face as he pushed up his glasses, gazing at the two males.

"Well then. That's one threat contained. Now, do either of you gentleman.. .have any problems with me taking the young lady home?" He asked them, completely seriously as the smile on his face returned to a neutral state, the snakes behind him begin to slither more and more, binding her further as more and more snakes appeared out of the ground and bound her. "I assure you it would be most amusing... to experiment on the both of you... but I'd rather... watch you grow first..." He said simply, the smile on his face appearing once more as he turned back to the girl. "It's funny... If she should escape me by any means, I'm afraid that... I'd have to use the Mind Break Serum... While she can certainly... Run from any outside influence... She cannot run... from herself." He said, a heartwarming smile appearing on his face, before he stood up once more.

"So, gentleman, what will it be? Will you give me a reason to attempt to dissect you..." He said simply, as he watched them both, the toothless smile reappearing. "Or may I take the lady from here?"

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
Kyouhai Suzumori
Kyouhai Suzumori
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Tue Aug 06, 2013 9:45 am
[[OoC: Since Cardinal has not posted, or, from what I could tell, been active on PH at all for the past few days, I am going to skip his post. If he still wishes to participate here, he can post at whatever point he comes back. For thread purposes, we will assume that his character is standing by and just not doing or saying anything.]]

Kyouhai Harukaze Suzumori
July 16, 2413, 08:06 AM

It seemed that the girl just didn't know when to stop talking and just generally making a nuisance out of herself. She was starting to make Kyouhai a little annoyed. It isn't exactly wise to annoy someone who's trying to decide whether to kill, jail, or release you. Especially since the last option works in your favor. Someone annoyed at you is very unlikely to decide in your favor. But it seemed that this stupid, crazy girl just didn't understand that. Kyouhai had pretty much made up his mind about what he was going to do. He was going to have this girl jailed in the Maggot's Nest or something for a very long time. That would probably teach her a lesson about just spouting off at people. And then there was this blond Shinigami, Dansen. What the hell was he doing? Just sitting down to relax when there was a ryoka on the loose and at large in Seiretei? Kyouhai, now beginning to be in a particularly bad mood, reached up for the hilt of his sword.

Obviously, the reason for everything that happened to put Kyouhai in that sort of mood deserves a description. A few moments earlier, the girl had responded to what Kyouhai had said to her about what she was doing wrong. She had said that the knife wasn't really a dangerous object. At that, she had pulled out a strange object that Kyouhai had never seen before. Having been born in 1013, Kyouhai hadn't seen a hand grenade before. He was, however, right in assuming that it was some type of human weapon. The girl had said that it was equal in power to something else, probably another human weapon, called an atomic bomb. Kyouhai couldn't grasp the meaning of those words since he had no idea of the atomic bomb's power to make an entire city uninhabitable for 30 or 40 years, not to mention kill all of that city's inhabitants almost instantly. Kyouhai was relieved as the girl put the weapon away, even though he didn't know all that it could do. The girl then made some sort of taunt, basically inviting Kyouhai to come arrest her.

If this wasn't bad enough, it seemed that Dansen, the other Shinigami, was no longer on his side either. At first, he had seemed to comprehend the power of the girl's hand grenade, comparing it to something called a 'nuke. Kyouhai really wished these people would stop making allusions to modern human weapons so that he actually could tell what they were talking about. To make matters worse, Dansen just said something to the effect of "if you want to arrest her, go ahead, but I won't have any part in it.". This was pretty much the last straw for Kyouhai, which brings us back up to the point where he had just gripped the hilt of his sword.

Kyouhai was in a very bad mood by now. Gripping the hilt of his sword, he began to speak. "If you want--" began Kyouhai, who had been speaking to both the human girl and Dansen. However, he barely had time for those three words before he was cut off by another voice, saying "Too much fun... Too much fun indeed." The speaker stepped forward. He yelled out "TOO MUCH FUN!!!" before grabbing the girl and performing some sort of technique on her, paralyzing her. The same speaker then asked whether he would be allowed to pass, or whether he would have to 'attempt to dissect' the Shinigami there. Kyouhai could feel how powerful the speaker was, so he wasn't about to try anything stupid. He let his hand fall from his sword-hilt to his side. Kyouhai then said "Take her if you want, we don't really want her in Seiretei anyways... but who are you?" . Kyouhai hoped that he didn't piss off whoever this was, knowing that this was truly a being of power standing here.

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Thu Aug 08, 2013 12:31 pm
Out of a shadow that was being casted off a building a young girl would walk out, seemingly from nothing. Intruth she was just using a Kidō known as #26. Kyokkō. One of her favorites. This girl was dressed oddly for a Shinigami as she was in a dark colored school girl's outfit. “Squad 7 Kyouhai Harukaze Suzumori , Squad 3 Dansen Sukamada, Squad 3's 4th lieutenant Clayton Carmine, and karakura high school, class 1-s... Rachel Dare. I make it part of my job to know who people are. But there is one of you whose name I don't know... and that worries me. But I'll get back to that in a little bit."

"To you Squad~ members of the gotei 13. You should feel ashamed. She is just a little human girl and yet you let her work you up. Not only that but information slipped out from your lips. Though to be completely honest Dansen I am upset with you the least of all. "

"Clayton you're a 4th lieutenant and should have taken charge of this situation ASAP. It's a little girl you should have been able to handle her without any injurys happening" she would point at the Shinigami with the hand that was wrapped in bandages. "That all is upsetting ... to me"

"But You Kyouhai don't upset me at all. NO you piss me off! This girl may be a ryoka but she is still human and As A Shinigami it's are job to save life's not throw them away. YET you do it without a second thought. You don't know who this ryoka man is or what he may do to her, but you carelessly give her up without a fight?! Do you have no backbone? Do you have no faith in your brethren? You let fear block your judgment. No you may not have the skill to take this man on, But the moment you started fighting we would have felt it and come to help." Isae would tap her foot four times on the ground for dramatic effect..

"I ... ASK all 3 of you to go back to your Squad's.. I'll be sending your Captain's a report on this matter As well as to Squad 1. I think you all have done enough don't you? You should prepare yourselves for some form of punishment. I will be strongly suggesting it." should be noted Isae is an ex Captain of Squad 12 and the acting head master of shino academy. Not only that but being a true age of only 21 and having her level of power makes Isae well known. She is also known to hide or suppress her power as to not affect those around her, thus why she is hiding it now.

Isae would look at the man holding the girl. “I ask Forgiveness for the waiting and now I must ask you to hand the girl over to me. As I~ can’t let you take her.” If the other soul reapers were not gone by now she would point her finger at each one of them and say” Shō” Isae would put enofe force in each Hadō to send them flying 60 yards back. She would leave their landing up to them as she did not care. They were asked to leave. Isae would than start saying “now with them out of the way..” she clap her hands above her head then out in front of her.” Hachigyō Sōgai” this would remove the space Isae and hebi was in from existence and making all those outside it no longer know where this spot is. Hachigyō Sōgai is an unbreakable double dislocation barrier by any Kidō and would make sure that this was just between Isae, hebi and the girl inside it. The other 3 soul reapers could not inter fear less they would end surely up getting hurt, or more likely killed.
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Sat Aug 10, 2013 8:30 pm
Rachel pouted as one of the men refused to chase after her, but then a newcomer appeared from the ground. Snakes wrapped around her legs before she could move, and the man suddenly appeared in front of her, slamming his fist in to her stomach. A scream filled the air as pain took over her entire body. Pain unlike anything she had ever felt before as the energy keeping her alive was almost snapped from her. Her body flickered for a moment, destabilized, before stabilizing again. As strange black marks formed on her skin, she felt her body stop responding to her commands, and her eyes widened in horror. Her body rippled, the gateway inside her forced open, not by her, but by beings on the other side. After a few seconds shimmering beasts burst forth from her stomach, dragons pushing forth in to this world. One after the other they exited from their previous home as Rachel could no longer keep the gateway closed, five in total. Having entered this world, the giant beasts spread their wings, flying high to begin a rampage of destruction. Their mouths would open wide, spurting forth cones of pure force in an attempt to destroy the whole of the seireitei.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"


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Sun Aug 11, 2013 10:26 am

The scene had gotten stranger and stranger as the time progressed, the entrance of what seemed to be a madman with a screw inside his head it was fair to say that the man may have had a few screws loose at the time, his appearance was uncommon and more than that he was brandishing a scythe and making less sense that the girl that was standing in front of the three Shinigami. The strange doctor of sort began to go on about experimentation and dissection, it was an odd subject of conversation to be sure but for the blonde Spirit he was more amused at the appearance of the strange doctor than taking any sort of fear from the situation. "So....Where you hiding in the floor the whole time, or did you just slither your way around?" The question from the seemingly confused Shinigami was followed by the agreement of Kyo to give her over to the madman it was here that Dansen looked up to him with a confused look. "Hey, hey! She maybe a Ryoka but its bad karma to let a strange man who just shot up from the ground take a girl who just fell from the sky to go off and experiment on her.....Well I guessing it is."

Kyo had seemingly fell into a bad mood, his hand was on his blade seemingly to threaten the Spirit and the girl but before he could do anything the man with a screw loose had appeared the Shinigami still lying on the floor was worried that perhaps this would get ugly but luckily his expectations were unfounded. However what had seemed to get worse was the position of the three Shinigami around the area, another had appeared to them this one wearing a school girl uniform. She began by giving out the names and squads of the Shinigami present. "Ah Squad 3! I knew it was one of the single digit squads I hadn't got to the barracks yet..." The blonde Spirit had seemingly remembered where he was suppose to be stationed now that another gave him the information. The woman never introduced herself by name but she made efforts to reprimand all three of the Shinigami and made mention of all of the misgivings they performed only saying that Dansen's mishaps where probably the least damaging to her opinion then making it clear that she would report this to their indivdual captains. "I've probably done worse than just what's happened today but I can't just let this go..." The Shinigami thought this as he was suddenly pushed from his seated position to off the ground.

The way he was seated allowed him to reach the ground a little earlier than the others and as he landed the Spirit took the a folded legs sitting position looking on as the woman who had pushed them would begin to make a barrier of sorts above her and the madman who had appeared. While she had asked them to leave Dansen was not convinced, besides he was still unsure as to whether those involved with this madness would get out okay, he was even less sure when the dream girl began to spew out what seemed to be monsters from the pits of the nightmares of humanity. "Whoa! Whoa! Those things don't look to be happy!" The shielding would most likely keep the monsters in check but it was possible that they could escape with enough force. "....Darn I can let something like this go by just walking away!" The Shinigami moved to put his Shihakusho's top on and drew his sheathed sword from the arm it was held. "If this gets out of hand someone's got stop this..." The Shinigami stayed at the ready, waiting for a shift in the scene to show something terrible.

Coding In Template By: TheFrost, Lionus The Wolf
Template By: Sou Yuuki
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