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Alucard Iramasha [APPROVED, 0-2+] [Adopted by JJ] Left_bar_bleue0/0Alucard Iramasha [APPROVED, 0-2+] [Adopted by JJ] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Alucard Iramasha [APPROVED, 0-2+] [Adopted by JJ] Empty Alucard Iramasha [APPROVED, 0-2+] [Adopted by JJ]

Sun Jul 07, 2013 3:49 am

Name: Alucard Iramasha
Alias'/Nicknames: Dracula, The Count, Vlad the Impaler
Age: 10,000 years old.
Gender: N/A
Orientation: Straight
Date of Birth: Sixth of February
Blood Type: Changes according to the last type he consumed.
Zodiac: Aquarius
Father: Vlad II Dracul
Mother: Cneajna of Moldavia
Affiliation/Rank: Assistant to the Devil Iramasha/Iramasha Clan.

Alucard Iramasha [APPROVED, 0-2+] [Adopted by JJ] 93235-alucard_super

There is a rather interesting key feature about Alucard, and that would be his attitude to generally be cruel hearted in both appearance and personality. He's not someone who has been found to outright kill his target, yet to torment them in many different aspects of life and death. For someone to actually define Dracula's personality would be near impossible, as he is often found to be adapting to many different situations and characters. Alucard fights with ferocity and often extreme cruelty, rarely shooting to kill until his target has been totally disabled and humiliated. Alucard is quite egotistical, he believes he is the most dominant being on this planet to date. There is a weird thing about Alucard, though. He is known to taunt and screw around with his opponent rather than taking it completely serious at first shot. He often allows himself to get beat up quite a bit before actually taking the fight serious and turning in to obliterate the opponent with a series of attacks. He generally doesn't give two shits about the role of humans in anything; he believes he is above them and most others being in existence. All of this is stemmed from his actual cold demeanour, he's quite the cold person and his personality is rather confusing from there on. To define his personality into simple terms would be impossible, as his personality changes according to the type of person he comes into contact with and there is quite the difference in thought process to say if he was in contact with a family member, such as Ketsu or Azure, and then to someone like Mana or an enemy. It would differ quite a bit. Although it would differ, there is also a constant cold and horror-like aura in the way Alucard acts, speaks and even his presence is horror-filled.

Alucard is often found to enter fights with ferocity and often extreme cruelty, rarely shooting to kill until his target has been totally disabled and humiliated. That is the key in his battle attitude, his cold way of attempting to kill someone by literally ripping their body in two and making them humiliated, making them crushed by their own stupidity and actions. Alucard is quite egotistical, he believes he is the most dominant being on this planet to date. There is a weird thing about Alucard, though. He is known to taunt and screw around with his opponent rather than taking it completely serious at first shot. He often allows himself to get beat up quite, completely torn apart and ripped into shreds by the power of the foe before him; a bit before actually taking the fight serious and turning in to obliterate the opponent with a series of attacks. He generally doesn't give a damn about the role of humans in anything within his own life, he is the ultimate being; he believes he is above them. Although he believes he is above the humans and their mortality, he strongly envies their ability to die and end all of the suffering in the world. The main reason Alucard leads his enemy on, often trapping making them feel ahead and above him, is because he likes the feeling of the enemy over encumbered by fear and crushing them in the end. Though his entire attitude, battle attitude as well as his normal attitude, has been shown to be quite horrible and would turn and kill someone for the fun of it if they were strong enough in an instant, it's also proved evident he values good fights. The fights against people that can stand up to be beyond what they seem.

His cold, discomforting aura is another thing that usually puts others on edge. Simply by his presence in an area, it can often feel like the happiness and light has been drawn out of the room and sucked back straight into darkness and suffering. This, typically, is used in effect with Alucard's abilities to be present at any given moment as well as the copies of himself, shape shifting and walking through walls. All of these abilities are capable of being twisted into a scare tactic, a horrible way to torture the enemy into putting them on edge. For that is the ultimate goal of Alucard with foes and people he doesn't personally know, it is the ability to be able to crush anyone's calm attitude, crush their tendency to be calm in the face of imminent death, and turn it instantly into their worst nightmares. Underneath all this, he can be very down to earth person and, depending on who he comes into contact with (namely his family and "Friends"), he can be quite forgiving and nice. Generally, Alucard has a cold, dispassionate attitude, though, which is nothing which anyone should undermine; unfortunately people ending up doing so inadvertently.

Although his main feature of his personality isn't the fact that he can be cold or demeaning, but it's his tenancy to be focused around the haunting presence. Typically, when he's not around people he's quite silent. He prefers the silence over the loud attitudes and talkative attitudes of everyone, often finding solitude and comfort in the quiet, lonely life. Deep down, Alucard is quite a lonely being; and quite a sad one. It may be true that he is found to be quite troublesome, his battle attitude and attitude around people in general is quite traumatic, but he is quite possibly one of the closest, cut off and saddest person to ever walk this earth. It is true that he prefers solitude, to be cut off from the world - although under his anger, under all that, he's a sad being who envies humans for their abilities to die. Although he can die, to complete such a task himself, to completely destroy his existence would be practically impossible. He envies humans, he envies them in a way that's rather weird thing to envy; but for a person that was brought into existence with such a power like his, the thought of death to him was the euphoria, the final ascension into death and how he could escape his long, hard and confusing life. Death... was his ideal position. Although this depression like attitude isn't stemmed from his abilities or his solitude, rather it's the opposite. It's the fact that he has to constantly be around loud, rowdy people in a world that's so full of people, that it's expected of him. He didn't like the fact about this at all. That was the best thing about solitude to him, not having to be anything for anyone; and with a notoriety like Alucard? That was hard to avoid.

Contrary to popular belief, Alucard is actually quite a simple being. To get on his good side isn't exactly hard, but once you get onto his bad side it is hard to get out of there. He takes solitude in the simplest of things, and due to this he has often found himself, if not in solitude, being quite the silent being wandering through Karakura Forest. Unlike any other forest in the world, he loves to take walks through there at night time to cool his mind, to get out of his home in the den of Iramasha island and get fresh air, aiming to avoid many people or humans by showing his face in Karakura Forest. Not many people attempt to talk to Alucard if they were walking through the beings of the earth; although it has been found to happen on occasion. Through many of the times, he's found himself to kind of be shut off from the rest of the world while taking this walks through the forest or simple strolls through the world, to take happiness in the calm natures. His nature, not personality, is quite calm and collected all in all. Due to his calm nature, he is quite smart when it comes to many tactics revolving around his abilities and ways to adapt to each different person and what may be used against them as a fear tactic. Not only this, but his nature draws hand in hand with his calm like towards blood. The reason he thinks blood is the most valuable thing in life? Blood is the life-force for not only humans, but every single alive thing in existence. He believes that if they are not filled with blood, many other things would be taken into account along with this, then they are not alive. He drinks blood for the same reason, to consume someone's blood is to consume their life; and that sounds appealing to Alucard's being.

Although the personality of Alucard doesn't end here, Alucard has been considered quite possibly the most loyal being in existence, once the particular person has become able to earn his loyalty and trust. For an example of this, Alucard is the most loyal to his brother, the Devil Iramasha leader, Ketsu Iramasha. The idea of loyalty to Alucard, especially to the Iramasha family, is something that shouldn't be taken out of consideration ever. He wouldn't turn against them, turn against his family for almost any fact. He would stand by Ketsu until the very end of time if that's what it took for their family to continue on and their family to conquer their goals. The problem with such a loyalty is the fact that others could very easily betray him if they somehow actually earned the trust. For example, if Ketsu or Azure were to break the trust of Alucard and go against him, to turn rogue and aim on killing the two; it would end in a drastic way in the way that there would be constant death. He loves his family sure, but if they turned against Dracula and went against him as an enemy, he would hold no remorse in killing them; as he has seen so much death in his life time that to kill a family member would be absolutely nothing but another part of life. Alongside this, Alucard holds great respect for people who are the silent type and not spurting at the top of their lungs all of their words they can muster. Such people like Tsubasa, Dragon Slayer and others like them, Alucard would hold great respect as there was no need to actually speak in most situations; which these characters do not do. Although, despite the fact that Alucard can get quite cocky in talking himself up in a fight, it's almost as the respect for silence can aid his cocky attitude in battle, weirdly enough. Typically, the silent type of people he believes are more trustworthy than those who are spouting their nonsense.


Alucard's early life was... interestingly horrible to say the least. Alucard had always been in union with his brother Ketsu, but didn't seek any other form of family. To him, Ketsu was all the family he needed. He considered the Iramasha's his own family, he was abandoned at birth and was quickly brought into the blood line of the Iramasha's. On that note, he also spent a lot of time in solitude while growing up. He spend his time pulling worthless pranks, treating himself as an alien of society. While he still looked up to his brother, he didn't see him that much at all. Rather, Alucard would spend most of his time torturing people who had done the wrong thing, often setting up traps and making the evil pay in his own way. At this age, he didn't actually have any of the powers he has in today's age. Rather, he used his insane wit, from when he was around 15 to 18 years old, to bring certain people to justice in his own way. He didn't spend that much time on Iramasha island at all, he spent most of his time down in the human world. The polluted, sick and dying human world. The slum of worlds, at least the slums of the world's he was aware of. Alucard was sitting out the front of a shop, his deep red eyes hidden by his eye lids, closed as he leant back on his chair letting the wind pass through his long black hair; his voice being unnaturally deep for his age. Many men came and went, often people who were obviously up to no good. He yawned, the stall he was sitting on suddenly collapsing to the ground, Alucard managing to smack his head on the wall behind, a little blood leaking out. He stood up slowly, scratching the back of his head. A man stood before him, a man wearing a black robe like clothing, a katana clearly holstered on his waist. Alucard stood up, looking at this man dead on, they were about the same height.

"What do we have here? A man who tries to pick on others? Oh and look at this, you seem to be a Shinigami as well? My, you sure are the fearsome one."

Alucard said loudly, his deep menacing voice echoing throughout the area as the blood leaked down onto his face, talking as if he hadn't even felt the blow to the back of the head. The man stood a steady posture, yet it had so many flaws. Looking straight at him, Alucard smirked; drawing his attention to the man's Zanpakutō which was drawn yet.

"I could sense your presence from a mile away, you don't have the presence of a human or a shinigami. My orders are to eliminate anyone hostile. Here you die!"

The shinigami flicked his Zanpakutō up, taking a very fast swing at Alucard. The blade came fast, faster and faster as it continued to fly through the air with the more force he put behind it. Being given barely enough time to dodge, Alucard had done nothing to prepare himself. The blade made contact with his head, slicing the entire thing clean off. Blood spurted, Alucard's lifeless body fell to the floor as a few twitches could be seen shaking through Alucards entire body. The blade continued to have blood leak from it as the shinigami turned around, holstering his blade and smirking as if his work was done.


A fluid like noise began to fill the area, a blood like red and black tinted liquid suddenly gaining all the blood he had just spilt, the head that was clean off reforming back into place as it originally was, his eyes glowing a piercing red. A red that could see straight through someone's soul. Alucard smirked, his blood lust now taking control. The shinigami turned around, his eyes pinned open at Alucard. Only one could imagine what was going on in this man's mind, however, his face could tell it all. M-MONSTER! As he was still facing Alucard, in fear he could not move a single inch. He was pinned to his position purely based on the fact he was scared. A hand launched out, a straight right handed punch sent through his stomach, piercing through the skin like it was butter. His hand popped out the other side, covered in blood. Within seconds, Alucard raised his mouth to the man's neck, biting hard and consuming all his blood. This was the start... of his powers.

Part 2
Ever since that moment, he has explored much more into his powers. Ever since that event... he had become power hungry. He was actually looking to become the ultimate warrior. He grew up killing many people, often throughout his life time facing many tough warriors. Taking their souls, absorbing them and being added to the already bruting army. During all the famous wars, world war one, the boer war, World War 2 and even the cold war. Alucard has spent a lot of time consuming soldiers, adding them to his ranks. However, his existence spreads FAR further back than this. Even throughout the war's during renaissance, even periods before that Alucard was leading his own armies into battles. He was usually found using his outfit with the sword, when he was more commonly known during that age as 'Vlad the Impaler'.

'Vlad' was seen as a very fearsome person during that age. Constantly conquering armies, twisting history and people covering it up with their own version to hide the fact he was so powerful. Such times and places he conquered was Troy. Vlad actually was in charge of a all out assault on troy, crushing and destroying every last soldier that was in there with his own armies. He done this for amazing amounts of time, from cities to individuals. When he was discovering his inner powers, he often tapped into them with his own mental way of thinking. Pending his reforming abilities, bending what he can create. Often through this, he would make a variant of his abilities. It was said he could not be killed by many, but it was just because he didn't tell them. As he went through time, he began to tell people his weaknesses by using the words of the ten step processes.

Acting as an undercover agent during world war 2, Alucard had been working for himself to stop the german advance during the war, using his supreme powers to shut down even some of the largest organisations; helping the human world throughout their troubles without interfering directly with the allies side of things.


During this time and age, Alucard still spends most of his time sleeping or locked up in his room. Other than this, he sometimes like to wander the human world, observing all the changes ever since he was reigning over a lot of armies. Looking at all the new structures, taking in the embrace. Eyeing down all of the suspicious looking people who dared to challenge him. Wearing a red coat with a red hat, he could specifically be seen wondering around down town Karakura or somewhere located in Iramasha island with Ketsu. Alucard had never really found someone he wanted to fight who could keep up with his own standard during this time, he was waiting for someone... a monster or a human to come that could match his talent and provide him with a great challenge. A fight to end all fights!

Alucard avoids contact with most people, often only talking to people when it either a war, or he, weirdly enough, is feeling lonely. As said, he barely ever talks with passion and doesn't let many people get to him.


Ten Step Process
The Ten Step Process is the sequence of events in which it takes to fully defeat Alucard. The process is quite an interesting concept, and it has to be done in a specific way or Alucard will simply turn back to his normal form. The process has to be used in rapid succession and can only be done if the person can for fill all the requested steps. If all the steps are complete, Alucard will have been not only defeated, but destroyed from existence in the world. His ability to regenerate ultimately terminated after he has been through this ten step process and dies as a result of this. Due to the combo being semi-impossible to achieve, if it is achieved it will end Alucard's life along with any other traces of his existence. Although, the ten step process erases his existence, in some ways it doesn't. Due to obtaining abilities which are similar to Shcrodingers omni-presence, upon death he will still technically exist; except in an omni-present form. Or, more commonly known, a ghost form. The ghost form would act as sort of a vessel which is an invisible force which is capable of being brought into visual and hearing possibilities for a few posts at a time. Although in this form, he can't be hurt or killed in any way, he cannot attack or cause any damage according to his ghostly form; even after materialising. In essence, he is killed as a result of this; but only remains in a omni-present form, being everywhere at once with all knowledge being able to float through him as it happens within the world.

There is a system that follows the ten step process that is rather complex and can be hard to achieve. For example of this, the ability to achieve one of these will take something away from Alucard which is known as a life. The life system will be explained in more detail under natural abilities, although a summary here. The lives are what keeps Alucard alive; and to take away one of them is to become one step closer to being able to kill Alucard. Once all the lives are depleted, the above happens; he dies. The main reason of the lives system is to avoid an instantaneous death if the steps were able to be completed in sequence like said. The problem with such an ability is that it makes it extremely difficult for people to gauge how exactly it is possible for people to kill him; when in reality it isn't all that hard for the lives to be depleted. While it may remain oblivious to the enemy, once the lives start to become taken down below ten or lower, his fatigue and injured state finally begins to appear. Only in minor ways however, the lives are there to make sure that he can keep fighting even until the last life is left. Although, once the final life is taken away; he becomes incapacitated for an entire post. Basically, taking away this life leaves him paralysed for that post and then gives the enemy a opportunity to complete the ten step process if they have figured it out. Although, after this post is complete, he comes back into play and will attempt to stop the enemy at any costs to stop them from completing it. Although, due to that fact it is near impossible to identify the ten ways it can be completed, this isn't to say that he can't be defeated. Once all lives are taken away; small cuts he has taken will heal and stop from bleeding and such, but he is more vulnerable to feeling pain, and will often retreat if he continues to take too much damage. Once the final life is taken, he can take as many attacks of the ten step process can be thrown, as long as they are done in order, not screwed up and make contact.

One more key thing that needs to be noted about this that to take away another life from Alucard, say after using fire, they need to complete another one of the lives to take away before they can use fire yet again to take a life away. This prevents the person from spamming their fire or spamming a simple attack to knock out the lives by simply spamming their fire techniques. If he is hit with the same method more than once in a row, it will act as if that hadn't worked on him and a life will not be lost; simply regenerating but to no effect on his body or causing him pain due to this.

Step one - Neck:
The first step of the process is quite possibly one of the simplest that someone can achieve when it comes to the steps this process includes. The ability of this isn'tcomplex as you technically have to be up close to complete it. Neck, being you have to literally snap his neck to complete this step. This can be done in any means, so technically you don't need to be close but you can snap his neck with your hands, with an object or anything. As long as you snap his neck, you have completed the first step. Although, being able to snap his neck is no easy feature. Snapping of the neck wouldn't be like a simple humans, the tremendous amount of force it would take to snap his neck would not only be ridiculous, but Alucard would fight against this life trying to be taken away from him. He wouldn't just let the opponent snap his neck, there's no way. Unless they're secretive, act fast or just generally overpower Alucard; then this is possible. This can be done, by saying, throwing a object as well as hands touching, completely smashing Alucard's neck around and breaking it. This can also be used in conjunction with step five, which can also be counted for as excessive force. So in a sense, it's killing two birds with one stone if you manage to complete the snapping of the neck and the excessive force if it is completed with the right ability and knowledge/intellect to get this close or ways the opponent can do this. Such things as getting his entire head blow up will not work, as it is not breaking the neck.

Step Two - Fire:

As the name states, step two is a little more complicated to complete if there are no sources of ignition in the area, or the user does not have the abilities required to defeat Alucard. For this section, Fire is the second part to the Ten Step Process, which involves completely overwhelming Alucard with a large area of fire. Whether it be from the character themselves or from another source, Alucard is needed to be caught on fire somehow, be it through the enviroment or by simply being hit by an opponents spiritual abilities, it will count as him losing a life. Although the fire is something that isn't just capable of touching Alucard and taking away the life or igniting a single part of his body; for the life to be taken away completely is to have to cover his entire body in a flame of some sorts. From head to toe, every section must be covered in flames before the life can be considered taken away from Alucard. The fire is one of the abilities that can be difficult to complete, or even impossible to complete, depending on the location of the fight or the user he is fighting. Depending on this, causing a fire to ignite on Alucard for the ten step process would be deemed impossible and not be able to killed in that particular fight. Although, that isn't to say he can't be defeated. If his lives were taken down and he started to feel immense pain from the attacks, he would possibly be forced to retreat if it ended up stretching that far to the pain and suffering.

Step Three - Heart:

The third step is probably one of the easiest to achieve depending on the type of powers or weapons the opponent uses in combat. This involves, simply, a weapon going straight through his heart, piercing straight through his skin and rib cage to stab directly into his heart. If it is a bit off to the side, it will not count as a stab to the heart; the attack must be dead on in the centre of his chest to count this life to be taken away. In theory, it's one of his easiest to take away; although the only problem that occurs in this instance is the one that it has to be accurate for the attack to count. If the shot manages to pierce the heart, however, it will send a massive shock of pain throughout his body and most likely make him cough up blood and in some cases split his body open. However, if it was done out of turn in the ten step process after all lives were taken away, he would still feel the pain; but due to his massive amount of pain tolerance, it would be nullified after the lives. The heart is one of the bodies command-centres, so the heart is one of his most protected places.

Step Four - Arm and Legs:

The fourth way of taking one of the many lives the Iramasha vampire Alucard has is to cut off both his arms and legs simultaneously. Typically, for someone to achieve this, it can be quite difficult depending on both movement speed and attack speed. For this to be completed and the life to be taken away from Alucard, the opponent would have to cut off both arms and legs within one second of each other. So, if you were to cut of his left arm, you must cut of his right arm in the same post, and then both his legs in the next post or in the same post as the arms. The same goes for the legs, that the arms must be cut, then one second until it is made redundant, then. However, due to his grand master pain endurance, he is often found to barely even feel the pain from such an attack. That's the most interesting part about Alucard, you can continue attacking him and fatigue or blood less is not an issue. It falls down to how quickly you can adapt to his fighting style and destroy his lives system. When this is complete, his legs and arms will grow back into their normal shape and size, however he would have lost one life from the sources of lives he has. The arms and legs is one of the tougher steps to complete in time and succession with the other steps, but once complete it does have it's ability to take the life away and become one step closer to killing him.

Step Five - Excessive force:

The fifth way step of the process is pretty much self explanatory in its name; 'Excessive Force'. The enemy of Alucard, for this step, must use a extreme amounts of force, be it a super strong punch, attack, as long as it is capable of sending someone flying across the room and through several buildings, it is counted as a step. Say, someone like Radioactive was to punch Alucard; that would be counted as excessive force. Or, if someone was to send an object like a building or something on par with something so huge and powerful at Alucard, that would also count as excessive force. Excessive force is one of the harder one's to achieve for an opponent who is not really a master or excels in the areas of strength. As mentioned, someone like Radioactive or Eiji would quite simply be able to cause excessive force because of their large amount of strength that they have accumulated; but even then, this doesn't mean Alucard's going to simply stand still for the opponent to let them hit him. There lays the next problem, if the punch is too slow to touch Alucard, then it wouldn't work. Really, the balance of speed and strength is best prefered for this role, someone like Zefonse could fit this role with the excessive force step.

Step Six -Jugular:

Step six consists of a very... similar one once the neck is completely broken of Alucard. Like the first step, it can found to be completed as two birds with one stone. The jugular must be severed or crushed, rendered completely useless in one way or another for this life to be taken away from Alucard. This can be done by either slicing it completely open or crushed with an extremely heavy force, something that is capable of crushing it. Although, the neck is hardy compared to a normal humans neck. As Alucard as a spiritual essence, the force needed to crush or slice open the jugular is great. The jugular can sometimes even come into contact with the breaking the neck, killing two birds with one stone and taking two lives away on the first attack made on Alucard. However, while doing the ten step process you must be careful not to shatter the jugular other wise it will completely ruin the process, if aiming to knock out two birds with one stone with this. Although there is a key way to avoid this, obviously, but it would involve being more precise in movements and even closer in distance, rather than far away.

Step Seven - Decapitation:

Step seven: Decapitation is one of the key areas of Alucard's steps and is often confused with just blowing his head up into smithereens. Step seven is usually completed through means of a blade or a weapon similar in slicing capability to achieve such a step. The name is pretty straight forward; to complete this step you must cut Alucards head clean of in any matter. However, don't think it will be so easy to do so. Alucard will do all he can to stop you from completing this step of decapitation. If he is given the chance to stop the opponent, he will - especially if his lives for that fight are running low. However, even though the head is severed don't think Alucard's body will stop attacking, if he is in the middle of an attack he will continue to try and shoot you or bring you down. As said, if the next step is not completed with ten seconds of each other (within the opponents next post) Alucard's body will grow back and return to his normal state - which can be problematic, especially if you've reached this higher step in the ten step process.

Step Eight - Impaling:

The final step is impaling him. Although the impaling technique is rather different than to just being simply stabbed in any area of his body, impaling doesn't mean just stabbing him through his body in any normal fashion, no, rather it has to go straight through his head, out through either the groin area or his feet. Completely impaling him from head down to another exit point located lower on his body. Typically this is done with a spear or another object of fashion - which can be brought out from the environment. In general combat without actually having Alucard incapacitated, it would be extremely hard to achieve; unless a sneak attack was planned on Alucard. This step is particularly hard to achieve if you are not fast in general combat, although once all his lives are taken down and is paralysed for that one post; is becomes rather simple once the opponent has figured out this step. That's one of the issues with this step, just simply the ability to be so hard to achieve it restricts it down to nine ways for his lives to be taken away, basically.

Step Nine - Body:

Step nine body is literally... scattering his body into different locations all over the battlefield. To complete step nine, the entire body must be torn apart from Alucard; the legs, arms, head, skin, all limbs torn off and ripped into shreds throughout the entire battlefield, often coating the area in nothing but a blood and gore from this. The body, chest area, being totally ripped open and exposing his heart must be achieved here too, there for allowing the final step to be completed once all his lives had become depleted. The issue with this step can be found in many places for the opponent, as such an ability to literally tear someone open must be acquired. And honestly? Many other characters are capable of doing this. Alongside the impaling, this is one of the harder steps to achieve once it comes down to it; although becomes much easier once he is paralysed after all lives are depleted and down to zero.

Step Ten - Soul:

Step ten is the final of all the steps. The ten step process is at it's end here, this one can only be completed if all of the other steps are completed first. The opponent must literally tear apart the soul of Alucard, ripping his heart into a million pieces and spreading all of the limbs and body parts apart. To do this, one must, in some way, slice or tear the entire heart of Alucard into many, many pieces. Doing this after al the other steps will complete the process, depending on the power maybe even killing him forever. Alucard wont let this happen easily, however. Despite all is limbs being gone and all of the previous thing being happened to him he will still try and fight back; not to mention allies he has.


Natural Abilities

Ever since Alucard has been with the Demon Iramasha family, since birth, he has gained something similar to his brother Ketsu. His ability is quite different compared to Ketsu's reforming of his body. The lives system is simply the amount of times Alucard can get killed, or blown apart in many different ways, before the ten step process actually works in sequence for killing him. The lives system works through two main things. If someone was to achieve one of the above ways of incapacitating Alucard; that would take one life away from him. Such things like a cut across the chest would not take a life away from Alucard and would barely effect him, if not at all. The idea of the lives is that they must be completed in a certain way before Dracula can be considered 'defeated' and out for the count. He would just regrow it. While, say his arm got cut off, he would feel not very much pain and everything but he can grow them back without a life being taken away from him as none of the ten steps had been completed. That's a reason why Alucard can be so hard to fight, he is a Iramasha who is capable of ignoring pain, regenerating his body and allows extreme endurance fighting. While Alucard isn't as physically strong as other 0-2 tiers, he is quite possibly one of the toughest to fight in an endurance and logical manner. He is in no manner weak or slow, he is extremely tough in all areas- making him an all round fighter and endurance because of his lives system.

At the start of a thread, Alucard starts off with twenty lives and it takes twenty of the steps said above to actually complete the sequence in order for the ten step process. However, when it comes to an event, this is totally different. In the heat of a major battle like London or a similar event-scaled war, Alucard's abilities with lives is pushed all the way up into the hundreds. He has a hundred lives he has stored within and is capable of utilising these to keep himself from harm and being incapacitated and destroyed. Due to thinking of himself above most other people and thinking of himself as the most powerful, this ability certainly helps him towards that goal.

Alucard is capable of reforming his body to any previous shape. Say, his head was blown off with a shot gun and scattered all across the room; it is possible for Alucard to reform his head and re-attach it. However, the reforming doesn't look... normal. What happens; is all the blood that was spilt from the attack comes back, a red and black tinted, floating and covering Alucards body. Often, Alucard's body turns pure black white and his body covered in a black like, leather bandages which seem to be constricting. Within seconds, his red clothes reform into their original shape. This is often well done, because it can strike fear in the enemy, depending on who it is. This happens when anything is chopped off or and injury happens, depending on the injury, the red and black energy might just heal it right then. However, if something like his arms were cut off, the majority of his arms with turn black in the bandages as they reform, and twirl as if he was growing new arms, which he technically is doing. As the arms are cut off, the bandages would wrap around is as it regrew, then following that the red over-coat covering it again. Although... this ability is quite unique. It can grow his red coat back, or when he reforms, it can be a completely different new form. He doesn't even have to appear as Alucard any more, it could be a dog, lion, woman, anything. For appearance to him is meaningless.

Schrödinger's powers:
Typically, the Schrodinger's powers of Alucard is quite an interesting thing he has acquired. The Shcrodinger ability which he has gained is the omni-presence ability, the power for Alucard to be anywhere and everywhere at any given moment. Not only is this problematic for many people, but if he can be at any location he so wished at any given moment - it doesn't really matter for secrecy. This power typically allows Alucard to be both alive and dead at the same time, to be able to exist in one area, yet not be there also. This ability is a dimmed down version of a omni-presence like a being such as "God" would have. Due to this ability, Alucard likes to consider himself above God. After obtaining these powers, Alucard can be considered everywhere and nowhere at the same time, being a monster that both exists and doesn't exist at the same time.

Intangibility is one of the major components that comes along with Alucard's powers and his scare tactics as well as battle tactics. Mainly, in short, the ability allows Dracula to pass through solid objects like they are nothing but air. On multiple occasions, Alucard has been found to descend from the floor, walk straight through walls and even solid objects. This has been shown that he can pass through solid walls, the ground and even metal or earth. This ability is quite useful both in and out of combat, allowing Alucard to be quite the monster in all ways the word can be interpreted. The only thing that the ability intangible cannot pass through is spiritual based attacks, such things like Kidō/cero or reiatsu enforced moves. However, this also means that Zanpakutō and blades cannot pass through. As mentioned, he could pass through a building; although doesn't work against identified weapons or spiritual attacks.

The power that comes along with this is quite obvious by the title, Alucard is capable of transforming himself or parts of himself into bats, insects, snakes, hell hounds, other human forms including a little girl, an amorphous mass of darkness, and many other forms that isn't restricted to human sized morphs. Typically, Alucard has three known humans forms; the first is his current form which is constantly used; a red over-coat, long flowing black hair, red glasses and a large red hat draping over his face. The second typical form is that of Vlad the Impaler, in which form he takes once his level 0 release is activated, forming a beard, long black hair; typically the same facial features, yet a more deep and menacing voice along with a large sword. The third form is that of a young girl cloaked in white and black; appearing to have a Russian outfit covering him. His voice remains deep despite this form however, something that is reminiscent of his past.

Pain Tolerance:
Even since creation, for many unknown reasons, Alucard has gained quite a high pain tolerance, considered a part of his ability of reforming and allowing him to pull himself together most of the times he is blown apart, if not all of the times. He is capable of having such a high tolerance due to his reforming ability and his attitude towards battles, often mocking them and allowing himself to get blown to smithereens first and continue to mock them. The pain tolerance is one of his main master-pieces, the tolerance extending to even his lives being taken away; he will not express or feel much pain of his lives being taken away or attacks really until he is down to ten or less lives, making him a monster of endurance in battle. Even if he is reduced to ten lives, he will not express pain. The pain tolerance is designed to allow Alucard to withstand a multitude of attacks while still being an all round fighter, being good at long ranged combat, hand to hand, sword play and even spiritual powers. Unlike most, his pain tolerance is the highest form and his strongest point; where as most others would have their strongest point at strength or speed, his is focused on dealing with pain and nullifying it's effects.

Defying gravity is another one of the interesting things that Alucard is capable of doing in all his forms, including his base form. Obviously by the name, this proves that Alucard is capable of not only walking on walls, but is capable of walking on almost any surface against the laws of physics, walking on ceilings, walls and etcetera. All of these abilities have been shown time and time again, especially the defying gravity; most usually found to be hanging from ceilings, running up the sides of buildings and even running across mid air or water, refusing to sink into the water to swim or fall down to land in mid air.

Familiar summoning

Familiar summoning is one of the techniques in which Alucard has proved to use in many instances, not only having one type of familiar, not being limited by one race, being able to summon almost any type of animal that isn't a human being. There are plenty of familiars that Alucard can summon, each one having it's own twisted state of darkness and horror-filled looks added onto it. The first one in which is most common for Alucard to summon from the darkness within him is the hell-hound. These hell hounds stand at around four foot tall and are completely coated in black. Although, these hell hounds are different to actual wolves/dogs in the human world. On their fore-head, there appears to be not only two eyes, but a third eye in the middle of their forehead. Typically these wolves only have two of them open, although when the third opens; it shows it's initiating of attack has begun upon the enemy. The hell hound can launch out at amazing speeds, and once it opens it's jaws can appear to hold up to eighty sharp, menacing and demonic looking teeth, strong enough to rip off entire limbs of the opponent and even rip organs out of the body if the bite is good enough on the enemy. These wolves are his main familiar and one that Alucard identifies himself as, even being called "The Black Dog" by multiple people and sometimes even calls himself that. Along side all this, there is really no limit to the summons in which Alucard is capable of summoning at as given time; often found to be summoning groups of dogs at a time.

The second most common familiar really isn't one of his abilities that is used to attack. Mainly, this familiar is more of a eerie-type effect and travel method alongside that. As mentioned, Alucard is capable of turning his body into different type of animals; pretty much any animal or human he so wished. Well, in this instance, Alucard is capable of summoning large, tough bats which are often found fluttering around his body when he reforms at times. The bats are large, almost twice the size of normal large bats and are even capable of smashing through walls and windows without any visible injury. The reason they are able to smash through thin walls and windows so well is because they often fly in packs, often grouping together and using all their strength on one area. As mentioned, these bats are not typically used against an opponent as they often have no attacking method an do 'attack' it's usually for a distraction method, to flood the area with bats and sometimes claw at the enemy with their hook-like feet.

Seishin Buki

Alucard's Seishin Buki is one of his most prized possessions, something that
is treated like one his children; it is quite noticeable and something people would probably suspect to be it. His Seishin Buki is considered his main used weapons in most combat forms, used to fight almost everything he comes into contact with. They take the form of two separate guns, one black and one silver. These guns are quite interesting, the black gun, named "The Jackal" being 39cm (16 inches) in hefty 16kg (35lbs). The Jackal is said to be considered the strongest of his Seishin Buki, his most prized possession when it comes to all his weapons. The second gun silver gun is called "The Casull" which is ten inches long in length, and weighs at 6 kilograms unloaded; with bullets weighing at around 10 kilograms. This silver gun is another one of the prized possessions of Alucard, he loves them and usually always has them strapped inside of his red coat for use when in need. Each of these weapons aren't simply just normal guns however, there's no way Alucard would treasure them so much if they were. The main feature of these guns are spiritual essence, although they still use hard-casing bullets; so any anti-spiritual powers wouldn't be able to stop them even if they came into contact. Not only this, but as they are part of his Seishin Buki, they are considered endless in amount of ammunition he can use; each time he uses a bullet, more being crafted; that is his Seishin Buki; both destructive and creation based in a small way.

The Casull, which is shown to be the silver gun he possesses, is one of his main weapons. As mentioned, The Casull is around ten inches long fires bullets which are made up of strong, resistant titanium. The Casull is the nickname given to the gun by Alucard, the designated name is known as "Hellsing ARMS .454 Casull Auto". The bullets in which he shoots are en coated in a fiery essence, the whole bullets red hot while, when shot, a trail of fire is left behind. If this was to make contact with a person, it could easily tear them open and give them fire damage. A single shot, on a 5-5, in the head could blast their entire head open and split it in two or blast it all over the walls and surroundings. It is something that should not be underestimated because it is beyond that of any human gun. Although, this isn't where the power of the Casull stops; no, the gun is actually capable of blasting through any sort of magical barrier. Alongside the coating of fire, his Seishin Buki Casull is capable of dispelling any magical/spiritual attack it comes into contact with. This goes along with also magical barriers, spells and even magical armour. Upon making contact with it, it would dispel it and therefore release a chance to attack before the attack is used again or barrier is brought up again. Along side this, the fire-rate of the gun is beyond amazing. In a single second, Alucard is capable of being able to fire up to fifty bullets from this gun and obliterate anything they come into contact with.

The Jackal, which was said to be around 16 inches long and weighing at extreme amounts, is Alucard's most beloved gun from his Seishin Buki. The Jackal's name is, like The Casull, shortened into fitting into a easy term to remember. The long designated name for the gun is called "Hellsing ARMS 13 mm Auto Anti-Freak Combat Pistol", The Jackal. While the gun doesn't have any fire damage to it, it has other effects which make the gun extremely deadly, almost more-so than the Casull. Rather than having a fire damage effect to it, Alucard's gun 'Jackal' has the effect of explosive rounds to it; the shells it shoots being in a constant reforming state like the ammunition from the Casull. When it makes contact with a surface such as a persons body or any solid object, it will explode and obliterate the surroundings and hopefully the enemy. This makes 'The Jackal' Alucards best weapon of choice when it comes to quickly obliterating an opponent. The blast radius is only small, but since it's confined, it's dangerous as ever. The blast radius is confined into a small area, although it is compact; allowing more of a dangerous attack on a specific location. Being hit by a bullet from this gun in the gut could literally tear open someone's stomach, rip into them and explode with intense pressure, as well as being shot by a powerful bullet. The Jackal's rate of fire is no where near as insane as the Casull, in fact it requires much more steadiness and careful usage. Alucard is only capable of firing off ten of these bullets in an second, but is still enough to completely obliterate some opponents.

The Casull
Alucard Iramasha [APPROVED, 0-2+] [Adopted by JJ] 40210-aluwaffen002_casull_super

The Jackal
Alucard Iramasha [APPROVED, 0-2+] [Adopted by JJ] Alucardsgun_jackal


Coding in template By: [THEFROST] Graphics by: Kylekaotikk

Last edited by Kylekaotikk on Mon Jul 08, 2013 7:14 am; edited 11 times in total

Alucard Iramasha [APPROVED, 0-2+] [Adopted by JJ] Ap8OoJO

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Alucard Iramasha [APPROVED, 0-2+] [Adopted by JJ] Empty Re: Alucard Iramasha [APPROVED, 0-2+] [Adopted by JJ]

Sun Jul 07, 2013 3:50 am

Forms of Dracula

Alucard's forms are quite interesting and are often found to be held back with the seal that can found on his white gloves. Even if they are not on him at the time, the symbol is a sign of the seals that have been placed on his body to keep him from constantly being in a released state, otherwise destruction would be around him at every point in life, his final form being proof of that. Dracula has many interesting forms, although each one extends the amount of power he has once he activates it, like most other forms, when he activates his next release, the closer he gets to being his true self, his true form; that of Dracula. A king of Iramasha and every single being on earth. The forms consist of three main seals, the first being Level Two Release, followed by Level One Release then goes onto Level Zero Release; which is a strictly event only activation. Each level of activation can be acquired by saying a single release phrase, each form having a unique saying to access that form. Although, it must be noted it doesn't shift his appearance all that match as his 'forms' aren't forms like most other people's. As said, he has had seals placed on his body so that he is restricted to his massive power that he has accumulated.

(Demon Angel Form)

This release is the first tier of Alucard's releases and is quite menacing when all of the abilities it allows are used in conjunction with each other. Upon activation of this, it releases the first seal placed upon his body by saying the phrase ""Releasing Control Art Restriction Systems, approval of Situation A recognized. Commencing the Cromwell invocation. Ability restrictions lifted for limited use until the enemy has been rendered silent.". This form allows Alucard to tap into his inner abilities a little bit better than his base state, his body generally doesn't change in appearance at all once it is activated. Usually, his hair is kept down as always and the red overcoat still stays on him. If the hat and glasses had not already been broken previously in the fight, they disappear into thin air and fade into the blackness that shrouds his entire body. There are ways in which Alucard activates this power, to release his raises his hands up to his eye and puts his hands in a formation around it. From within the formation, he has his eye closed, then opening it and revealing a dark-crimson flash and aura floating around the eye. Once this happens, hundreds of smaller eyes begin to appear all over Alucard's being, even on his clothes; purely eyes that have blood leaking from them and darkness as well as a dark/crimson aura that appears when he regenerates around it.

The eyes begin to flash immensely before closing again; sludge like noises erupting as they close up, sounding as if flesh was being torn open by simply standing there. Once the eyes disappear, that is the beginning to show that the seal has been lifted upon his body. Although, his body can also act as if fit's melting in accordance to the eyes appearing for a more dramatised effect, the picture below showing that. His entire body can turn into a thick looking liquid with the eyes spanning out all over it while some of his body can still be kept in tact. Why is this a part of his release? It doesn't have to be, but Alucard tends to use it to instil more fear into his opponents, depending on who he's vsing. That's the key thing about Alucard's power, it's pure immense power that is capable of fulfilling the horrors of even the toughest of people to kill. Not only this, but upon release he is also capable of using his other abilities to form things such as centipedes, spiders, bats or any other creature he is capable of thinking of.

Alucard Iramasha [APPROVED, 0-2+] [Adopted by JJ] 500px-Tumblr_m9swbkmlwh1qewk8to4_1280-1-


Projectile immune:
The projectile immune ability that comes along with this seal released is... quite possibly one of his most protective and helpful. The name gives away the use of this, basically Alucard becomes immune to any projectiles which do not encompass his entire body. If someone was to use a concentrated, thin cero, bullets or any kind of attack that flies through the air and tries to shoot/impale Alucard; he is capable of passing straight through that object or ability and count it as something to shrug off. Although, it must be noted that this only works with air-born attacks, such things like rapid sword slashes would effect him like normal, cutting him up, etc. The projectile immune part of his power is purely based on passing through objects and not taking hits like any other person, although this doesn't work if it's anything aimed at the head. Alucard's head is the one place that can still get blown up regardless of the projectile immunity, although doesn't matter in the long run as he could heal from it. Such things as taking a bullet into the stomach or leg, he would be able to absorb the bullet and use it for a later cause in his final released state which will be explained later in the application. He has shown multiple times that he can get shot, but with no effect. So, essentially, he is capable of passing through such things as Kidō as if his intangibility was extended to magic, as long as it is not aimed at the head.

The copies of Alucard's self is one of his main abilities in his first release state, and are quite powerful when it comes down to it. Basically, the ability is rather simple and can be drawn from the name; Alucard is capable of producing literal copies of himself in more than one location, even up to as many as ten different copies of himself. Although, there is a unique thing about this copies. The copies are composed of the darkness that consumes Alucard, the liquid like aura that reforms into himself when he gets injured. He can create these copies to attack an enemy from multiple locations or even straight on. At a first glance, the copies appear to be exactly the same in appearance as to what Alucard appears to look like whilst in unsealed state. The copy from his body is capable of striking punches, kicks or even picking up items to use against the enemy with the darkness of their body. Although they can attack, one strike from the enemy onto one of these copies and it would completely obliterate the copy of Alucard. Although, this can become troublesome. Because the copies are exactly like Alucard in every single aspect except one, the eyes. The eyes of the copies appear to be bleeding while Alucard's remains normal.

It is true that is a main ability of Alucard, but there is yet another reason behind this ability. This ability is particularly useful to not attack, as well. For example; if there was a dust-storm or a dust like-haze shrouding the area, even clouds, Alucard could place these copies from multiple locations around the enemy. The idea of this is a diversionary tactic, allowing Alucard to launch in from another location while they might be caught up on a copy of himself. Although it is possible for him to cause them all to attack through the smoke, sometimes he will make them launch out at the enemy and before they strike disappear into darkness and then let the real Alucard strike from another location. Although these clones need to be noted that they each have the Seishin Buki of Alucard; they can wield both Jackal and Casull. Basically, once up to ten copies has been created; they can send a rain of both Jackal and Casull bullets down upon an enemy. These clones can be sustained in reality for up to, usually, two posts before disappearing back into the darkness of Alucard and waiting a two post cool down.

This power comes as a rather helping hand in not only attacks, but general movement or 'heavy lifting' in general. The Telekinesis is something that's used for many purposes, although obviously is used mainly for pounding enemies into the ground. For Alucard, the telekinesis has proved to be a great asset, even as far as lifting up trees from the ground and smashing them upon his opponent; which was proven and cameo'd in Tsui vs. Alucard. Typically, there is no limit as to actually how much weight he can pick up; although it usually begins to become slow and sluggish when the weight of lifting exceeds twenty five ton, which could easily crush someone into nothing but dirt. Not only this, but he has been known to even rip up small buildings from the ground and slam them into people. Although the telekinesis is also usable on smaller objects, such things as lifting up swords or shards of metal to shoot at the opponent from behind them or direct on at amazing speeds. Once again, in the event of fog or otherwise, it could also prove useful alongside the copies of Alucard.

Demonic eyes:
The demonic eyes that Alucard has all over body when he enters have disappeared. But, they are not yet useless. The demonic eyes are red and black tinted, same colour as the regeneration. At his will, Alucard can make these eyes appear anywhere on the battlefield. Say, someone was standing 100 meters away on the ground, on any surface, Alucard could make a demonic eye appear beneath their feet. The eye doesn't only just appear, though, rather it blinks once, and when the eye reopens, a leaping, black demonic dog like creature lashes out and attempts to bite the opponents limb by limb. A single bite from this on someone's arm could tear it off, depending on the tier. However, if the timing is right the opponent can easily be rid of the dog with a simple attack. While it is a dog like figure, it isn't fully a dog. It takes on the shape of a dog's jaws, the jaw's lashing out from the ground. The dog cannot move from that position, however.

The eye can appear anywhere on a solid surface. Even on Alucards body. If Alucard makes the eyes appear on his body, that part of his body will morph into the black dog and is capable of creating an attack with the dog bending to that part of his body. The massive jaws are capable of ripping off limbs even more so when they are attached to Alucard. If he made his fist into a dog's jaw, it'd be able to punch someone in the face and attempt to chew their eyes and face off in the process. The same goes for if it was a kick. Not only this, but Alucard is capable of inverting the jaws and making the teeth on the outside, shredding the person on contact.


(Hell Angel Form)

The level one release is typically... much stronger than the level two. Level one release has transcended beyond his previous state into a more evil looking form. Once he has done this, it is likely he will go all out and not stop until he has killed you. The level one release expresses his demonic, serous attitude more than anything.

Level one restrictions lifted:
Alucard Iramasha [APPROVED, 0-2+] [Adopted by JJ] Tumblr_lxxdwdxr531r3bqcbo1_500


Projectile immune:
While in level two release (Demon Angel form) Alucard becomes immune to any projectiles. If someone was to use cero, bullets or any kind of thing that flies through the air and tries to shoot/impale Alucard; he automatically becomes immune. He has shown multiple times that he can get shot, but with no effect. He actually absorbs the bullets and combine it with some of his abilities at a later date. It has shown to be useless.

On multiple occasions, Alucard has found himself being able to create copies of himself, more or less smoke which take the colour and appearance of him. This is particularly useful when the opponent is surrounded by dust which hinders vision, often creating greyish/black silhouette's of his body behind the smoke. The copies, however, cannot attack. Rather they can take on the same forms as Alucard but once they have been struck by an attack, they fall into nothingness. Generally, Alucard doesn't use this. Sometimes he does it to mess with the opponents head and make them trip out; other than this you wont see him use it much.

Alucard is capable of moving things with his mind. It is sometimes extremely powerful and can throw pretty much anything. In the past, Alucard has shown he is capable of picking up cars with his mind and using them as weapons against the opponent. The maximum amount of weight he can pick up JUST with telekinesis is 20 ton.

Demonic eyes:
The demonic eyes that Alucard has all over body when he enters have disappeared. But, they are not yet useless. The demonic eyes are red and black tinted, same colour as the regeneration. At his will, Alucard can make these eyes appear anywhere on the battlefield. Say, someone was standing 100 meters away on the ground, on any surface, Alucard could make a demonic eye appear beneath their feet. The eye doesn't only just appear, though, rather it blinks once, and when the eye reopens, a leaping, black demonic dog like creature lashes out and attempts to bite the opponents limb by limb. A single bite from this on someone's arm could tear it off, depending on the tier. However, if the timing is right the opponent can easily be rid of the dog with a simple attack. While it is a dog like figure, it isn't fully a dog. It takes on the shape of a dog's jaws, the jaw's lashing out from the ground. The dog cannot move from that position, however.

The eye can appear anywhere on a solid surface. Even on Alucards body. If Alucard makes the eyes appear on his body, that part of his body will morph into the black dog and is capable of creating an attack with the dog bending to that part of his body. The massive jaws are capable of ripping off limbs even more so when they are attached to Alucard. If he made his fist into a dog's jaw, it'd be able to punch someone in the face and attempt to chew their eyes and face off in the process. The same goes for if it was a kick. Not only this, but Alucard is capable of inverting the jaws and making the teeth on the outside, shredding the person on contact. More commonly... known as Cerberus.[/spoiler]

Muscle Mass:
The technique known as muscle mass allows Alucard to increase the strength of any part of his body at his own will. Such things are, if he was going in for a punch on someone and they were to block it, depending on tier, they could easily be split open by the punch, ripping the skin open and breaking bones. Not only this, but it is visible when he does so, the muscle around that area peaks, becoming MASSIVE. If it was his arm, the entire arm would be filled with an entirety of muscle. He can do it to his head, legs, arms and even parts of his body to reduce the impact and pain of some attacks. If someone was to slash him across the stomach while he used muscle mass, it would have no effect if muscle mass was used on the stomach. Muscle mass is capable of deflecting blades but only blade. While muscle mass is powerful, it only last for 2 posts and dies out completely after that.

The main drawback of such a ability is that when the muscle mass if activated, since it's SO POWERFUL, he cannot move for it's duration and can turn it off at his own will. However, due to it's massive amounts of power it can only be used once every 15 posts. The strength of these muscles can even rival that of a Radioactive punch.

Enhanced Telekinesis:
Upon ascending into Release stare 1, Alucard gains a major boost to his original telekinesis. The weight was originally 20 tons he could lift up, now that weight is booted all the way up to 50 tons. This means he could take out massive chunks of the earth, ripping it from the ground and throwing TONS of chunks of hard earth at the enemy. This goes with anything as long as it is within his weight range. If it is over 50 tons, the most he can do is shake the object a bit. The bigger and heavier the object, the more focus it takes for Alucard to be able to lift it. Say he was picking up something that weighed 10 ton, it would be relatively easy; something like a truck. However, if he was trying to lift up a building from the ground it would be a whole different story and there for would require more energy and focus to do so.

Enhanced demonic eyes:
Like his previous ability 'demonic eyes', Alucard has expanded his knowledge in the area of it and upon entering released restrictions level 1, he has been allowed access to more eyes. While in his previous state, he could only access one eye at any given time, rather now he can access up to 50 demonic eyes at one time. Each being able to create the shadow demons and the jaws of a dog. Not only this, but the released state allows Alucard to shed his own body and become one with the dog, becoming a black, hairy, demonic looking dog with red eyes peering all over it's body. In addition to this, Alucard can stretch his arm out of the dogs mouth, holding a gun or any type of weapon (or even without a weapon) and use it to attack. He can use up to 50 dogs, with the same weapon pointing out of their mouths if he so wanted. Typically when he does this, Alucard uses his black Seishin Buki gun known as 'The Jackal'. When he does this, a lot of the black and red tinted energy/blood he releases is let loose and he flows it with his attacks.

Body/object/skeletal crafting:
The body/object/skeletal crafting is something that Alucard modified himself once he was able to tap into level 1 restrictions lifted. This is typically a unique ability which, from the black and red tinted blood, reiatsu shaped energy Alucard produces while in these forms; he can produce different types of body parts, objects, weapons and even craft a whole new skeletal structure. Crafting these weapons could be such things are blades from ANY part of his body, body meaning he could create, for example: 20 large hands which are extended by the black and red tinted blood-like energy. Skeletal crafting can go hand in hand with body crafting. Doing so, Alucard can create a new being with this energy even and give it it's own will and skeletal system.

This is particularly useful, because he can craft another of himself yet when he does so, he can use all the same weapons which Alucard has in his possession. However, he can only create these copies one at a time and it can drain him from quite a bit of energy. Another downside to such a thing, if he creates another copy of themselves they're not actually very smart, they lack the wits in battle unlike the normal Alucard. The only way these copies can be killed is to do one of the ten steps. Seeing as they are not very smart, they could be pulled into traps and one of the ten steps easily pulled off.

(Final Form)

"The bird of the Hermes is my name... eating my wings... to make me tame!"

During Alucard's ascendency into level zero release, he goes through multiple processes' in order to complete this. First he must begin with saying: 'Control art system level 0! Released!!'. After this is complete, a breathe of blue, smoke rises from Alucard's mouth as he breathes out. Following this, he begins to say 'The bird of the Hermes is my name...' A portal behind his body opening up and revealing a sarcophagus/coffin, on the front of it the words reading some form of demonic language, unknown to anyone except Alucard which reads: Judged by many, feared by all. Furthermore, A symbol of the hellsing organisation appears glowing white on the middle of the coffin; the same symbol that can be found on Alucard's right glove.

After this had been complete, he continues to finish his verse to release his restrictions; continuing with: 'Eating my wings... To make me tame...' Upon doing this, his body quickly expands into a clump of the blood, energy like fluid which he is holding up and in essence is his own body. While doing this, his body becomes immune to projectiles and attacks alike. At his will, this is where Alucard can summon forth the many, many warriors and souls he has corrupted and eaten over his time of being a vampire; releasing near millions of undead humans. However, it also ranges from humans to horses; as he has shown that these undead men can ride these horses and use spears to impale humans and suck them in, adding them to the already collection of souls he has.

These dead at first act like a tidal wave of dead crumbling and entire area; the area being near the size of London if allowed. It flows like a river, crushing buildings (Depending on stability) and any normal human these undead creatures Alucard raised get eaten or swamped by, they turn into more souls and creatures for Alucard to manipulate. The coffin slowly opens, and cracks. Once the coffin is fully cracked open and the lid is gone; it reveals the body of a completely intact corpse before the portal begins to close behind him.


Previous abilities remain:

Appearance changing:
While in this form, Alucard is capable of shifting between two different forms. One, being striking a close resemblance to a knight wearing massive, thick armour and wearing a long black and red cape. A moustache now appearing on his face, a long sword; the hilt shaped like a scimitar and a golden aura radiating off of it. This sword is impossible to break and acts almost like a close ranged form in place of his guns. The sword weighs in at a 100kg and is quite destructive if it were to hit a building, the ground or even a person. If it were to hit a surface, it would make a devastating mark around the swords area of impact.


At any given moment, Alucard can instantly switch between this mode and his normal form at any given time.

Ghoul and soldier army:
The ghoul and soldier army is the main force and reason Alucard releases into level zero form. As the name states, the army is literally made up of ghouls of the souls he had taken into his own; which is the source of all his lives. He has taken trillions, if not more, souls from the human world and other realms as well. The ghoul and soldier army, obviously, isn't only filled with ghouls however. The soldiers in it range from horse back riders, to infantry, to even special units trained with swords. While most of these soldiers are just general ghouls who will try to eat anything they touch, the ghouls act as sort of a barrier in a sense. The army can be spawned at any given time, the solider's appearing within the blink of an eye if Alucard so willed it. However, of course there is a downside to this. The main downside is that when the army is summoned, it leaves Alucard completely free of his souls. So if someone was to perform the 10 step process while his army was not within himself and shrouding the area, they would be able to fully incapacitate. While the ten step process is being performed, however, they souls cannot be absorbed back into his body unless they screw up the process of this. Below are a few classes and types of which Alucard can summon to his side at his own will.

Generally, Alucard is quite careful in himself when doing this. While he may be free from souls, this doesn't mean he will not fight back. Of course, he will try everything within his power to stop you from getting the ten step process from working and allowing them to kill or even incapacitate Alucard. Alucard is capable of using these countless numbers of ghouls as obstacles between himself and the enemy, often throwing the ghouls and soldiers in the way of attacks/spawning them in front of the attack. He actually isn't very caring towards how many ghouls he loses in battle. Rather, the thing he cares about is the thrill and amazement and heat of the battle; whether the person is worthy to face him in a manner of battle to the death! Below are a few classes and types of which Alucard can summon to his side at his own will.

Horses of wallachia
The horses of Wallachia are soldiers known for their high close-combat combatant skills. They are mounted on black horses, blood dripping off of them as the arise from the blood fluid like energy from nowhere. These warriors are one of the highest that Alucard can summon, meaning they are quite powerful. These soldiers wield around 4 meter long black spears, each one with a deadly steal head to the end of it. If these were to ram into a person, it could easily pierce through one side of them and out through the other. These guys are very strong, however, they still go down like a normal human being. If you were to slash them effectively; they would die all the same, except they would disappear after being slashed; their entire body just vanishing into tiny particles. Their spears are reinforced with the same energy that Alucard has, so if it were to break it would simply reform itself straight away. There are 1000 of these horse riders available, he generally only uses them to clear a path way of a lot of enemies.

Soldiers of the damned
These soldiers are specifically trained in the arts of swordsman ship on the ground. All of them either wield dual blades or a one handed sword and a shield. The shield users are much more advanced defence wise and can even block some Kidō due to the enhanced shield material made up of Alucards own energy, similar to the spears. The dual blade users are known to attack in rapid succession, not stopping the slashing attack until the opponent is rendered useless. Not only this, but while both of the classes can slash and kill their opponent that way they can also bit them like a normal ghoul, there for turning them into a ghoul and adding them to Alucard's own army as well. There are around 5000 of these warriors.

The ghouls of Alucard make up a majority of his army. Alucard has countless numbers of these, the main force being their ferocity and strength; capable of crushing even the strongest of creatures in their grasp. If they were to grab the opponent, they would not let ago until they have consumed you and put you into Alucard's army of the damned. It's just the way they are. There are beyond millions, if not billions, of the in this cascade; being able to be summoned at his will.

Rip Van Winkle:
Rip Van Winkle isn't essentially the name of the ability. Rather, it is the name of the person who had the ability and due to consuming her Alucard has taken her power and added it to himself for his own bidding while in level 0 released state. Rip Van Winkle was essentially a warrior that had come into possession of a extremely powerful rifle and trained here abilities in this area of it. The rifle is around 3 meters long, longer than Alucard's body. The rifle is shaped like a bolt action rifle, similar to something used in world war 2 or one except MUCH longer. The main power of this rifle is that Alucard can use it and shoot a bullet, in which leaves a blue trail behind it. The blue trail is signifying what is has cut and where it has striked so far. At will in mid air, Alucard can change the directory of the bullet, shifting it through multiple enemies at once, slashing even hundreds of men clean in half and even ships or tanks clean in half. The bullet has a special type of shot that can cut through almost any type of metal; bar the metal of a Zanpakutō or special weapon which holds a spirit within it. Depending on the size of an object or the humanoid he is trying to kill, at his own will he can shift the size of the bullet into that of a 50 cal. round or even shift it to that of a missile.

Depending on what she is trying to kill, the gun changes sizes. For example, if he was to shoot at a normal human being it would remain at it's normal 3 meters long. While if he was to shoot at a tank or something much larger, the gun could extend to such lengths as 6 meters and be used as a sniper rifle if trying to keep his distance from the target. No matter his position, Alucard can bend the bullet and even kill people around a wall or even curve the bullet right around. The turning looks like a jagged shape, when he changes the direction, it's very rectangular and square, having sudden movements through the air. However, he is capable of curving the bullet, possibly being able to reach even more people this way.

Rip Van Winkle is capable of merging with Alucard's body in the same way the dogs with demonic eyes are. Meaning, he could have Rip Van Winkle push her arms out of his body and shoot her gun that way. He even could make it so that he, himself wields the gun and can even make it so that there is a literal version of Rip Van Winkle beside him. Rip Van Winkle is capable of moving at insane speeds, but in herself she is physically weak and can be killed rather easily. In this case, Alucard does not physically form her much as once she is crushed; Alucard cannot use her for 5 months afterwards. She is more flexible with this, as she can utilize Death's Energy in the same as Alucard. Since she has been materialized, Rip can now use chaos warp and help her teleport around the battlefield.
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Tubalcain Alhambra:
Similar to Rip Van Winkle, Tubalcain Alhambra is yet another person in which Alucard has consumed and allowed access to his powers as a result of doing so. Rather, this man has a unique style of attack and does not use your typical type of powers. Rather, Tubalcain uses something known as 'card canceller' ; what this power does it allows magically enhanced cards, like your playing cards you could find in a packet, and uses them to attack. There is a wide variety of available attacks; such things being like he can throw from 1 up to 50 and any given time. However, these cards are no normal cards. The effect which they have is great upon humans and can even cut people in half if they are to do nothing about these cards. The effect being that they can cut through ANYTHING magical. So, if you were to use a magical barrier against Alucard in any type of form these cards can easily slip through magic. These cards also act like a sword in a sense, once it comes into contact with a person; it slashes like it had a jagged edge. If he was to do a vertical swipe down with these cards, he could easily slash someone across the chest with ease if they weren't paying enough attention and allowed themselves to get hit.

The cards aren't flimsy in any way, more so they are as tough as steel and is beyond impossible to bend it. These cards have been known to be so hard and sharp, they have been cleanly cutting off heads and even cutting off other limbs. These cards are at a infinite number of usage, every time a card is used it will come back to him in a fashion of teleportation. In the same way as the dogs and Rip Van Winkle, he can merge this man with his own body and allow Alucard to use the cards himself, or he can merge so his hands are sticking out of Alucards body, mixed in with the fluid like red and black energy which coats his body. The same goes for shifting out of his body entirely, the same rules apply as Rip Van Winkle.

There are a few techniques in which Alhambra has allowed Alucard to access after consuming him. First, using a special card coated in a red outline and a purple glowing inside; he can create explosions upon a massive scale. The card is capable of being thrown at speeds like 500km/h. The card emits an explosion 50 feet around the area of impact, as soon as it hits a surface it explodes and sends the surrounding flying. However, the downside being that the card is only capable of being used every 5 posts due to it's ability of negating any magic effects within the blast radius, there for making things like Hadō 80 danku pointless if trying to block the explosion. Another way of using this, is that the cards are able of surrounding the enemy; all of these cards being the explosive ones. The cards will circle the opponent from all angles, then closing in on them and when around 1 meter or less away emit their explosion. This could be disastrous for anyone who has not taken the proper duty of care. If Alucard does this move, it cannot be available for another 20 posts.

Another power or technique is that card copies are also possible. The card's will surround Tubalcain or Alucard and act as a decoy, once the decoy is slashed or attack, cards will scatter from the area and then reveal the new location of Alucard/Tubalcain. This can only be used twice in a thread however, as it can be very manipulative. Essentially, this is used in combination of the exploding card and can act as a surprise more than anything. When the duplicate is hit, is teleports Alucard before he can recieve any major damage from it. As said, this can only be used twice due to it's amazing power of avoiding injury. However, this ability is rather tiring for even Alucard.
Alucard Iramasha [APPROVED, 0-2+] [Adopted by JJ] Mil_dandy

Coding in template By: [THEFROST] Graphics by: Kylekaotikk

Alucard Iramasha [APPROVED, 0-2+] [Adopted by JJ] Ap8OoJO

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Sun Jul 21, 2013 11:18 pm
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This ones been sitting round for over 2 weeks so off to old WIP you shalt go. You can still make your edits and all and when ya finish just post HERE and well get someone to look over it

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Fri Nov 22, 2013 6:30 am
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Moving this into archives, along with his other app.

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Thu Oct 02, 2014 1:56 pm
Alucard Iramasha [APPROVED, 0-2+] [Adopted by JJ] Image327

Gonna move this character back to Approved Devil Iramasha.
Since Kyle has stated that I can control him if needed, I'll be using him for NPC purposes.

If there is an issue, then Kyle himself can move this thread back where it needs to.

Alucard Iramasha [APPROVED, 0-2+] [Adopted by JJ] WVMWLOu
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Wed Jan 14, 2015 8:29 pm
Here is my RP Sample admission for Alucard Iramasha.

"Hmm? Have I offended the Son of Adam?"

Alucard asked with a smile as he watched the Hound being slashed into two pieces, Shizou's strange senses becoming apparent to the male. ...That's it… come on… The male thought to himself as he pulled hard on both triggers, firing round after round into where Shizou was standing, laughing aloud at the negated effects of his bullets. "COME ON!" he shouted further at Shizou as the young looking man ran with wild abandon at the Demon Iramasha. Alucard was smiling… simply smiling.

"That's not everything you have to show me… is it…?" He asked as he observed Shizou, enjoying the feeling of the hunt, the sound of the shattering buildings echoing in every direction as Shizou left the carnage of his forward assault in his wake. He watched his hand past through the man, before feeling a massive amount of force pushing his prey away from him, reaching his hand back as he opened his mouth wide, letting the blood drip down his thro…

"GUCK?!" A strange green mist left his burned mouth as he spat the blood out immediately, looking at it with extreme distaste. .. This soul… is fake…! He thought with a snarl as he looked at Shizou, before grinning. "So… a pale imitation stands before me… Well, what good are you then, copy?!" He asked of Shizou as he stood up straight once more, staring at the man who simply lay there on the ground, laughing aloud.

"..Was it something I said…?"

The male asked with a smirk as he saw the battle energy of his opponent returning once more. It was not his opponent's own energy, but the male figured that was fine. He was simply drawing energy from the connection between the souls of himself and another, something Alucard could understand perfectly well. And with such bloodlust, that as he looked at Alucard the Demonic could feel a wave of pure reaction descending down his back, every instinct in his body telling him to flee far away. And yet, those instincts… they were the ones which the grinning vampire loved to ignore.

"ARISE AND FACE ME! RIP ME INTO PIECES, SALT MY CORPSE… IF YOU CAN, COPY OF MAN!" The man stated as both of his arms threw themselves outwards, tasting the corpse that Shizou had left behind for but a moment before deducing it was another 'fake'. He watched the bullet he fired being sent off into nothingness once more as the demonic threw up his right arm, hearing the sounds of an immense roar as both hands crossed the barrels of his guns above his head.

The sword was caught between the two, even as the force from the charge bisected Alucard's body, leaving him standing there stunned, his facial expression one of blankness as he fell to the ground as Shizou kicked off of him. The black energies he had left behind still lingered back and forth, streaming here and there from where the male's body was.

"...You accomplished your goal… so quickly… you fake Human…" The voice of the one known as Alucard echoed around the city plaza as from a puddle of the black beneath Shizou's feet the iron gun arose, the Jackal. It pointed directly at Shizou's left leg, before firing at nearly point blank range. The dark haired male then rose out of a pool of the black substance behind Shizou's body, the teeth on his lips wide open in a terrific smile. "Now… it's my turn…" He stated, before his body suddenly ran forwards, both guns clicking out behind his body as he threw his body to the left side, firing off another three rounds.

However, these rounds would be difficult to block with a sword. This was because each shot was actually two shots, one from each of the man's guns. One from each barrel would be aimed at Shizou's head, and the other would be aimed at his right leg. The first bullet would go for his knee, the second at his thigh, and the third into his shin. Finally, Alucard's body would circle around as he held the black gun forwards, placing his other arm outwards to act as a stabilizer as he placed the iron gun's barrel on it, looking directly down the sight at Shizou as a massive amount of his own energy became collected in that barrel.

"Let's see how you handle this…" The vampire muttered as he pulled back the chamber, released the safety… and pressed the trigger.

As he did so, the silver gun that had emerged from the building far behind Shizou to the male's left would fire its chamber, loading eight shots directly at the man's back. Then, and only then, the explosive round of the Jackal would fire outwards, spiraling with raw intensity that could not be achieved with a simple weapon. If this bullet had struck into a building, it would have warped the very thing off of its foundations rather than be stopped by iron or concrete. To try blocking it with the sword would likely lead to it simply spiraling around the male's own blade, his arm, and finally slamming into his shoulder, likely blowing off his arm. If he did no such block, however, Alucard's round had been aimed at his left lung, attempting to remove them both.

"So tell me, false human…" The black cloaked male asked him as both of his hands were now free of the weapons once more, slowly walking forwards as that line of open red eyes followed before him, consuming the ground in every direction around Shizou's body as the Vampiric Iramasha looked down at his prey, a terrific eye opening in his chest as he looked down at the male with something which could only be described as sadistic pleasure, his smile and eyes both wide open.

"Can you feel fear? "

Coding in template By: [THEFROST] Graphics by: Kylekaotikk

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Sun Feb 01, 2015 6:10 pm
Moving into Unchecked from Approved to have sample reviewed.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
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Wed Feb 25, 2015 6:58 am
You got a... 2 Week trial on this JJ, get this guy active alright? Moving to approved Iramasha Demons.

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