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Joined : 2013-03-09
Posts : 438

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Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2] Left_bar_bleue3500/9999Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2] Empty_bar_bleue  (3500/9999)

Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2] Empty Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2]

Sat Mar 09, 2013 4:50 pm
Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2] Image4108

Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2] Image4109-1

Theme Song:[b]


[b]» Name:
Natalia De'Mortes
» Titles:The natural loner.
» Appearance Age: 18
» True Age: 29
» Gender: Female
Affiliation/Rank: Rogue

» Appearance Picture: Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2] Yudans11


Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2] Image4110-1

» Personality: Focused: When natalia is given something to do she will do whatever is needed to complete the task. She is focused to the point of obsessed with the task at hand and can get a tad bit crazy if something happens that deviates from a tactic that she has set out for the mission. Her focus at times can be considered considered crazed. when she focuses on something its as if nothing else matters aside from what lay in front of her. For instance if she is in a fight that she is overly focused on if anything gets in her way it is liable to either not make it out alive or will be forced to fight her as well as her targets ally.

Loner: Because of her focus she tends to love going it alone. She absolutely hates it when she has to work with others cause it tends to throw her natrual grove off balance. In the end she would rather spend the time on the mission alone to hopefully get it done quickly. Though that does not always work out especially if her balance is thrown out of sorts with having more people near her then she would care to have within her little group that she would have.

Obsessed: Natalia is a fighter and does love to fight. Though she will avoid it much to her dismay if she has to. Her primary focus is upon speed strength and durability. She trys to make it where even if shes hurt she will be able to get the job done so she primaraly becomes obsessed with these aspects of a fight in order to test both herself and the target she is fighting to see if it is even worth her time. Her obsessions tend to cause her to attempt to push the limits on everything she obsessed over. At times it can even make it where she ends up spending more time in recovery then she would like as well.

Strong willed: Natalia is strong willed to the point that she will never backdown even if it is completely obvious she would loose. Her will to to become better exceeds her own mentality of the words i should quit. In many ways Quit is not even in her vocabulary. Even if she is knocked out she will at least be able to say i did not quit at least to herself over and over again as her will slowly beats her up for haveing lost to the thing that knocked her out.

» powers: Dragon's sight: Natalia keeps her right eye closed for a reason. Hidden behind her closed right eye is the eye of the dragon. It allows her to see the energy ribbons of all life easier then the extreme focus that is usually needed to do so. And it allows her to gage her apponints combat prowess and allows her to annalyze muscle spasams to get a idea of how the target may act or attack depending on the situation at hand. She never uses it unless she feels the situation is just that dire. *the eyes look*
Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2] Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRA2H_9yMhxYoW49SIBEs7dM1IFFVJRoxX0cY6Xh4E_9JRURSDG3A

Feeling the dragons site gives its target: The feeling is as if soemthing is literally pushing into the targets body with their fist. the fist then would feel as if it opens up and takes a firm grasp upon the persons verry core essence. Soon after it would feel as if that hand is trying to pull the persons core essense and or their verry being out of their body by sheer force. This does NOT actually happen. It only really does the stuff listed above. But this feeling comes upon looking at the target. and everyone that is caught in its gaze ends up getting this feeling as well. I repeat nothing actually happens to the people she is looking at but the feeling will seem quite real even though nothing is happening.


Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2] Image4113-1

» Zanpakutō Name: thanatos

Element: my version of chaos. Darkness and light trying to merge together.

» Zanpakutō Spirit Appearance: Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2] Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQEhby0N4q8drkv7Z8Szv08lwN_4uLFM8Zws192yFTnzb5XC4odzw

» Zanpakutō Spirit Personality: have not figured this out yet. though she has not actually met it yet she has only really seen a verry blurry image of it in her inner world though she did not know she was in her inner world.

» Inner World:
Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2] Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRJvSIcPgy8Eo2QsqME4fgq5Tu6oNZ8BLNX876bATw7cAh-qFu2nw

Sealed Zanpakutō Appearance:
Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2] Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQM-HV3EQaQ_DPM4WaylVOLuE13FHFy0flUoJbwOW9wBP_gn5uo

• Sealed Zanpakutô abilities: Zan restricted holding Natalias zanpactou can only be held by her. Or those she allows to hold it. Anyone that she does not personally say they can hold it and hand it to. will get severly burned by a intense black flame that forms around the weapon when anyone other then her is holding it.

» Release Phrase: Reap them all, And judge all who stand before me. Thanatos!

» Shikai Appearance:
Normal shikai look:
Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2] Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSE6AnrzrROWaQgYvTIbPUpOtyzURjIzfEujGo-AJyGzzurI0y_
shikai look when the swords are merged together.:
Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2] Scythe____by_REBEL808
Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2] ThanatosReaperMode
» Shikai Abilities:
Light skill: Natalia Takes the weapon firmly into her grasp as her energy slowly begins to build up as the aura she holds around her slowly begins to grow brighter. Soon her aura is a pure white as she pulls forth her energy of light from within her body. She soon closes her eyes and as soon as she opens them her eyes would turn pure white as well. The energy flowing through her light based weapon would glow brighter as a soft smile crosses over natalia's lips as she speaks something. As soon as she is done speaking she would vanish using an altered version of flash step that she dubs light step. She uses the light that she generates as well as the light around her to move from one spot to another. Useing this skill she can slash at her targets as she is moving the attacks can be noticed if the person is equilly as fast as she is and or faster then she is.

Darkness skill: Natalia Takes the weapon firmly into her grasp as her energy slowly begins to build up as the aura she holds around her slowly begins to grow brighter. Soon her aura is a pure black as she pulls forth her energy of darkness from within her body. She soon closes her eyes and as soon as she opens them her eyes would turn pure black as well. The energy flowing through her light based weapon would glow brighter as a soft smile crosses over natalia's lips as she speaks something. As soon as she is done speaking she would vanish using
an altered version of flash step that she dubs darkness step. She uses the light that she generates as well as the shadows around her to move from one spot to another. Useing this skill she can slash at her targets as she is moving the attacks can be noticed if the person is equily as fast as she is and or faster then she is.

Chaos skill: Useing this skill she cah use the same skills as listed above though when she is in her chaos flow of energy she takes her two swords and merges them together createing a odd looking scythe. She is able to use both the light and darkness step. Aslo she gains a special ability that allows her to attack her foe from the surrounding light or shadow. that surrounds the target. she can use any shadow or light sorce in her attacks but the attacks are limited in distance. She can not exceed the length of her weapon she is using. Only thing that is not limited to length is obvisously if she is using the either the shadow or light area to transmit one of her Kidō spells. Note once the designated target area is chosen it will not move. So if the targets shadow is chosen and they move to avoid the attack after its started. Their shadow will be held in place untill the attack is over. The person will not be held in place cause of the shadow not moveing. As soon as the attack id over the shadow will return to its proper place with the one who was createing it. The energy suroundering her is brighter in this state as well. Though in this state the energy surrounding her has an equil amount of darkness and light energy surrounding her body.

» Bankai Appearance:

Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2] Angel_of_Death_by_zevenstorms
Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2] Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRYIC6-YgR_Lqhz1BHnDQ4yCi6hlBJnuBoMxJ7XTw6v4pYBypGyow Light weapon look.
Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2] Sword-shadow darkness weapon look

Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2]
Weapons combined look.

» Bankai Abilities: none yet as well she does not have bankai yet much like shikai will do the whole request things.


Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2] Image4116-1

» Inner Hollow Description:
Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2] Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRYz7ALjg_7QTW1ZyUKAjfhx6oOaLIF9XqWn0eP8HduZw9ZpDS5

» Inner Hollow Personality:calm:The inner hollow is much like the opposite of Natalia. It is calm and collected and tends to have be relaxed even when in the midst of battle and is easy to adapt to the situation at hand. This ended up aiding Natalia in many ways over the course of their interaction. The calming nature of the being tends to be a soothing change to her own hectic life in wich was created by herself.

Strong willed: The only thing that both Natalia and her inner hollow have in common is teh fact that they both refuse to give up no matter what. Its will is stronger then its own mentality. It is determined to push things through to the end no matter what. Even if in the end it may even cost it its life. It will defend the cause it chooses to follow to the verry end no matter what the cost.

» Inner Hollow Powers: Enhanced Speed, Enhanced strength, Enhanced durability, speedy Regeneration.

» Hollow Mask Appearance:
Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2] Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQKOxtvIVT6K_g2Oc8qEROID6hvtxBHJ2EtQMSgKlGoRc6vg64ckg


Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2] Image4112-1

» Background: Natalia was born in the Soul Society to a loving family. She was loved byond belief byt her parents and could never be happier. Untill one day tragidy struck her family. Natalia was out running about playing around with the kids that were nearby when the house was attacked by hollows. The shinigami patroling the area did show but sadly by the time they got their Natalia's parents were already dead. They searched the house top to bottom but found no one else. Natalia did not get back till late and found no one home wich was diffrent to her. She was so used to getting home and finding her parents waiting for her. Natalia was around 9 years old when this happened and to her everything seemed to happen so fast even though she had no idea what was truely happening around her at the time. She waited at the house for days. She was there waiting for her parents that would never be able to return. When the supplies ran out she left the house and began wondering around. Soon she found a place that seemed to be out of the way and she took up residence there. Her mentality seemed to snap on that day though no one not even her could have guessed how or why. She began to focus on training to keep up her speed, strength and durability. She wanted to make sure that she was ready for anything that could come her way. As the days progressed her focus grew and grew. She soon had reached the point to where her focus was so great that nothing could stop her once she was set on doing something. Her will grew along with it leaving no room for error on her part. Within her training she began to become obsessed with the training and the fighting that was needed to push herself to prove to herself that she was indeed improving.

One day the Shinigami noticed how this one girl was seemingly plowing down hollows with nothing but her own fists. the look on her face seeming to scream how she was disapointed that it all seemed so easy. They soon sent troops after the girl to see if she wanted to join the shinigami. She stared at them and gave a soft frown and told them that she would think about it. As soon as they left she heard a strange voice telling her that she should have gone with them. tilting her head to one side she blinked not understanding what this voice ment. She shrugged takeing the voice as even more of a reason to push her self even harder. Untill one day the voice screamed at her and ordered her to follow it. It said that it had something important to show her. The voice would not give her any option but to follow it. She finaly gave in as her curiosity to what the hell was going on grew. then soon her will pushed her into it as well. She followed the voice and it lead her to a strange looking stone. Stareing at it she seemed to push the stone and her body seeme to pass right through it. She soon found herself in a strange looking place that had a strong dark feeling to it. In the center there was an odd looking sword stuck in the ground. The voice told her to go to the sword and take it. As she walked to the sword she saw a strange yet extremely blury image hovering over the weapon. as she got closer she grabed the hilt of the weapon and pulled it out of the ground in this strange looking area that she found herself in. though as she pulled it out of the ground everything seemed to slowly fade to black and she woke up. Upon wakeing up she found herself in her sleeping area and very confused. She ended up thinking the whole thing was a dream until she slowly came to her senses and realized that the sword from her dream was resting in her hands. Soon after that she then took off and headed to go to the serietei to begin her shinigami training.

Natalia Seemed to excel at the physical fighting with both weapon and speed. though she did take some getting used to to be able to get used to the Kidō skills. She had a tendency to hate the Kidō and bakudo skills anyway. If she had to fight she wanted the target to get an up close and personal view of her face as she beat the hell out of her target. In the end her classes seemed to go well enough though it took her longer then most to graduate given the fact that her ability with Kidō and bakudo was greatly lacking. though she did focus upon doing the skills to be able to graduate and to work twords it as well her mind was never really as focused upon it as it was with everything else. She took in as much as she possibly could and decided to keep up her studies. her will would not let her fail in something that to her would be considered so trivial and meaningless. Her mind was set upon graduation and the time would progress slowly. So slowly in fact that she found herself sneaking out and fighting on the sides to find more and more interesting ways to pass the time. She did manage to hid her weapon until one day when she found herself sneaking back into her room and someone was there waiting for her. They screamed at her to tell them where she had gotten the zanpactou from. All she could do was stare at them and tell them they were crazy. She herself was positive that her sword she had was not a zanpactou. Though they glared at her and ordered her to give them the sword. Though as they touched the weapon a strange black flame begaon to engulf the weapon burning the hands of the shinigami she had given the sword to. the shinigami droped the weapon after screaming out in pain. this sent out an alert to other shinigami not far from where they where. in the comossion Natalia was sitting near the window woundering when they would stop and just leave. As the others showed up they asked what had happened and the wounded shinigami said exactly what happened and they all stared at each other in shock. sense as far as they knew nothing like this had ever happened before. They then decided to leave for the time being untill they could decide how to deal with what had happened.

Time passed slowly sense the incident and she was getting ready to graduate and she had never been happier. They decided to let her keep her weapon out of fear that it would do more harm then good if they did manage to get it away from her. And in the end she was finaly close to the graduation. Though upon the time that she would have been going out to graduate something happened and she somehow simply vanished from the room she was in. Soon some shinigami came to get her for the graduation though in the end they could not find her at all. There was no trace of the girl at all it was as if she had simply vanished from thin air without a trace. She had passed out and ended up waking up in a strange new area with her sword seemingly gone. She soon came to realize that she was in a gigai? How the hell did she end somewhere else and in a gigai as well? She looked around and soon realized that she was in the world of the living. Shakeing her head she had no idea how she had gotten here but she decided to make the best of what she considered the worst situation. She soon managed to get into a giant wide open area and soon a strange figure seemed to appear behind her. It looked to be a strange looking dragon. Stareing at the dragon it was obvious it was anything short of normal. Soon it attacked her without warning. And as the battle progressed she ended up defeating the dragonish looking hollow though something odd happened. Insteed of vanishing she could feel something odd. It felt as if something was pushing its self into her arm. As this happened the dragonish looking hollow slowly began to get pulled into natalia's arm. this made Natalia worried about if it was the best choice to have used her arm to attack with. Soon the hollow vanished and natalia fell backwords onto the ground a strange looking mask slowly forming over her face and slowly falling to the side onto the ground beside her.

Within the dream she found herself in the area that she had found the sword. Looking around she gave a slight frown woundering how she had gotten back here. Looking around she soon saw that dragon looking hollow looking around confused as well. Its confuseion stemed from woundering what happened and how it got there. Shakeing its head it looked to natalia as it growled. 'I have no idea how you did it but you managed to absorb me and my powers into you.. I Suppose i will just have to take over this pathetic body and get back to doing what i do best!' Natalia stared at the hollow as she growled slightly under her breath. "What the hell do you mean take over my body... you can't take over shit I beat you once i can do it again." The dragon glared at natalia but it somehow still seemed to have a calm look upon its face. Without saying another word it lunged at natalia and the fight comenced. The fight was a long grueling one. Both Natalia and thr dragon seemed to match each other blow for blow. it would seem that no one would get the upper hand. Though soon both natalia and the dragon both managed to fail to connect with their attacks to stop the others ant they both managed to hit each other square in the face sending them both flying backwords. Soon they would dart at each other again and then the hitting would commence. They both kept hitting each other as hard as they could hoping the other would give in. though neither did. They were both stuborn and strong willed and in turn that made it where neither one would give in. Though in some streak of luck Natalia managed to find an opening and managed to attack the dragon in such a way that her fist managed to pass into the dragons chest. As the dragon slowly faded away it stared at her and gave these words. 'I have been bested again? Fine you can use my power but know this in the end if something bad is to happen to you i will take what is rightfully mine." With those last words the dragon vanished the words it left behind still rang in her ears as she slowly opened her eyes. As she slowly moved to sit up she was confused at why her vission seemed slightly diffrent. she then placed a hand upon her face and she felt a mask resting on her face with no way to truely say it was held up. Removeing the mask she tilted her head to one side at its odd design It looked alot like a dragons face in a manor of speaking though for the time being she decided not to worry about it. For now she had more important things to worry about. Like how she would now be considered Rouge for somehow manageing to escape the soul society without even getting any form of permission to do so in the first place. Now her new life would begin and she was not even sure of all the stuff that could possibly come in the days to come. but in more ways then one she could say that she was so looking forword to them. She had not noticed it before but one day Natalia found herself looking into a mirror. and what she saw supprised her. The day did bring her a shock. SHe found she had some strange looking tribal markings all over her body. She had no idea where they had come from but she knew they were not there before she fought that strange dragon thing.. Tilting her head to one side she could not help but wounder if that dragon had something to do with these new tattoos that were plastered over her not so delicate skin. Shaking her head she decided that it was time to get back to training and she would try to figure out the new body working later.

Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2] Image4111-1

General Skills
  • Durability: master
  • General Speed: advanced
  • Strength: Adept
  • Weapon Skill: Beginner

Will skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Beginner
  • Pain Endurance: Advanced
  • Focus: Advanced

Racial Skills
  • Hoho: Advanced
  • Cero/Bala/Kidō: Beginner
  • Zanjutsu: advanced
  • Hakuda: adept

Racial Skills
  • Acid Skill: Adept
  • Garganta : Adept
  • Cero/Bala: Beginner
  • Regeneration: Advanced

Racial Skills
  • Power Augmentation Adept
  • Cero: Beginner
  • Mask Protection:: Adept
  • Hollow Control: Advanced


Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2] Image4114-1

» Role Play Sample: Natalia sighed as she slowly made her way out of the abandoned building she had been staying in. She glanced around the area with her one open left eye as she growled. "Damn why do i have this crappy ass feeling the day is goinf to be boring as hell?" She stated muttering to herself ans she rubbed her neck and gave a loud sigh. "Ohh well whatever. If it gets to damned boring i suppose i can look for something to keep me occupied." She stated as she started off down the street her eye slowly taking in everything around her. "Damn i suppose i should try to get an eye patch or something this holding my eye closed is a real pain in the ass. I suppose that could be something i can do though hell buying crap is always so damned boring I suppose i could go off and try to have some fun before i go.. Though then again that may end up being a bad idea.." She closed her eye as she sighed. "Ohh well shoping first it is i guess. Need to get some other things anyway." By this time there was a small group of people staring at her as if she was crazy. "What the hell you all looking at?? This aint some kind of show you can stare at you know." she mummbled to herself as she slowly moved on decideing it best to ignore those around her for the time being anyway.

Last edited by Natalia on Tue Mar 04, 2014 11:52 pm; edited 34 times in total

Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2] Empty Re: Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2]

Sun Mar 10, 2013 11:49 am
Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2] Tumblr_milpm3Bqit1qft8xco1_500_zps0620b05b
Heyy there! You've got some changes to do!
I tried to reach you on xat first but that's okay!

1rst: It's Rogue, not Rouge. That's not a bit thing, I just noticed it in passing XD! Thought you'd like to know.

2nd: Seems like you chopped off some parts of the template; namely the Sealed Zanpaktou abilities and something with the powers. Perhaps you should try to fix that?

3rd: Your powers are really vague for your inner hollow/vizard stages. I'd suggest crossing out vizard stage for now, and try to expand exactly what each power your hollow has.

4th: Your history is mostly fine; but one thing I'd love to clarify is that fact that spirits do not eat unless they have spiritual energy. So as where Natalia probably would eat, her parents might not. But apart from that, it all seems pretty good, amazing job <3

Final Thing!: You don't fill out the skill sheets till after you have approved, since the topic Here gives you an idea of what to give off tier. Also, you're missing an rp sample! Next time you make an app, just place it in unchecked, not pending <3

Just post back with questions if you have any, and make sure to tell me you've edited! X3
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Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2] Empty Re: Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2]

Sun Mar 10, 2013 1:59 pm
Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [O]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [O]

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Beginner
  • Pain Endurance: Adept
  • Focus: Adept

Comments/Notes: add in an rp sample and then it should be good.
Tier: 4-3

Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2] 28cnex2
Ravana Ichiro~Ex-Captain Vizard/Vizard Corps Co-leader~0-3+
Toshizo Hijikata~The Demon Commander~0-3+
Diablo Cortar~The Cutting Devil/Segunda Espada~0-3-
Albert Wesker~Biohazard~0-4++
Dracula Vlad Tepes~The Dark Lord~0-4
Okita Souji~Sexy and I know it~0-5+
Alfonso Gunter Reinhold~Evil Bastard~W.I.P.
Hanako Ikezawa~Malignant Tragedy~5-5*

Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2] Empty Re: Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2]

Sun Mar 10, 2013 3:34 pm
Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2] Tumblr_m7uznd7kLn1rqzfqho1_500_zps63cc1ebf
There we go!
I'll go with what Ravanna already put up and just approve you know at 4-3! Congrats~!
Satan's Spawn
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Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2] Empty Re: Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2]

Tue Jun 11, 2013 12:25 am

Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2] Eee224b2a4b36d5b3049d3801f0f4fdd

Hon Hon Baguette.
The Living Microwave
The Living Microwave
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Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2] Empty Re: Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2]

Fri Aug 30, 2013 6:35 pm
i am approving the shikai as i do not have many issues with it. until a shikai obtainment thread is made the shikai is unuseable.
The Living Microwave
The Living Microwave
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Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2] Empty Re: Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2]

Tue Mar 04, 2014 4:18 pm
Hold it!

Your app is missing some info.


your app is missing the Vizard and the the hollow skill sheets. please add them in and fill them according to your tier as soon as possible.
Head Admin
Head Admin

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Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2] Empty Re: Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2]

Fri Mar 21, 2014 5:04 pm

Seeing how we ended up banning Natalia last night, I see no reason why this thread should remain here taking up space in approved Vizard. Therefore, I'm going to go ahead and place this character into THE BULLSHIT ARCHIVES where it belongs.

Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2] WVMWLOu
Waifu War Veteran
Joined : 2012-11-04
Posts : 1177
Age : 31

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Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2] Left_bar_bleue248350/500000Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2] Empty_bar_bleue  (248350/500000)

Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2] Empty Re: Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2]

Thu May 21, 2015 12:51 am
This needs to be rechecked before it is released into the wild again, so there are some changes you need to make, mostly dealing with incredibly vague and lackluster descriptions:

Light skill
Does it make you faster? What exactly does your light do because I am not certain whether it is natural light or some other element like light. Having read this, I do not understand its function, so you need to fix that. Tell me what exactly this Light Skill does for you, and in good detail.

Darkness skill
As a copypasta of the above ability, it holds the same issues. I honestly don't even know why it's here. You can just say the above ability can also be black instead of white.

Chaos skill
Once again, too vague to really indicate how it works. You name shadows and light, but you don't describe how that works. And I know for a fact you don't mean natural light or shadows.

Inner Hollow
The powers listed here are names, not descriptions. If you cannot muster the effort to describe these things, then it will be better off crossed out of your application. This CANNOT be the extent of your Inner Hollow's details.

I don't know what Ravana was thinking allowing this to get through back then, but it isn't getting through now until you up the quality.

Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2] Qx494h
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Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2] Left_bar_bleue3500/9999Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2] Empty_bar_bleue  (3500/9999)

Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2] Empty Re: Natalia De'Mortes [APPROVED, 3-2]

Thu May 21, 2015 9:34 pm
They were allowed in cause they are just base on the skills but last I knew she was dead unless the thread she died in was considered null? Just confused. Lol.
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