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Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Fri Dec 28, 2012 2:00 pm
Renji yawned as he used Shunpo to move between rooftops, Heading towards a certain shop down in Karakura town. Why was he going there? Why not? He was on vacation so fuck it! He stopped when he got above the shop and looked down "Still as boring as usual" He said to himself "HEY URAHARA! YOU THERE!?" He called down as he slowly descended, Looking around as he raised his hand to his mouth "URAHARA!" He called out again "Where the hell is it?" He wondered, Scratching his head.

He shrugged and let himself in as he wandered around "Maybe he's downstairs" He thought to himself and began heading towards the basement entrance "Urahara!" He continued to call out, Trying to see if maybe he'd just pop out from around a corner.

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Fri Dec 28, 2012 4:04 pm

Stop calling me a free loader!!!!! 150px-Tifa-d012ff-artwork
Hanako Shikijou Junior
Super Powered 5-5
It was a while for her to start meeting new people, especially the one who was reputed as nothing sort of a genius in disguise as the very handsome and honest candy merchant. Along with a residential Shinigami who goes by the nickname, "Pineapple." Hanako was petite in size and because of her youthfulness, she would pass off as a young teenager with well-developed body. However, because of her reputation, even a well-aware individual like that shopkeeper would be aware of her status as the new matriarch of the Shikijou Family, the most powerful family in Japan; similar to how the Kuchiki Family is the most prominent of the four noble houses. Unfortunately, the Shikijou Family became one of those who shares a very high priority status for protection by governmental security forces because of the Osaka Incident that wiped out most of the Shikijou Family with only Hanako and her father as the sole survivors until Hanako's children come of age. Most unfortunate for the Japanese Government, they cannot seem to find Hanako as she was quite a wayward for a noble and they usually get late information regarding her location, so if there are people who can keep track of her, it would be two people; Shadin Yuudeshi and Yoruichi Shihouin. When it comes to politics entering a new year, there is no storage of conspiracy theories as it was slowly closing to the time that the Japanese Government will be reforming with new politicians with wilder ideas and fewer veterans with conservative views. For Hanako, she would be watching her own back each time she goes out.

Today is the day that she goes to get candy for her kids as Urahara's shop was recommended by a passing Shinigami who visited her pub for a few drinks before his shift. Ever since the kids get their hands on the candy stocking stuffing, she is asked to get more. If one would think that Hanako is being too soft about giving more candy to her kids, they would be surprised that strictness comes in a gentle package of fiery personality. Considering the legacy of such a character, Hanako would not mind appearing formally, just to see how "Pineapple" would react to someone who looks rather royal, besides, being Koichi's temporary consort before becoming his wife does mean she belongs to one royalty when she came from another royalty. Using a form of sorcery called, "Wind Carriage," she can vanish and disguise herself as a flow of wind until she reaches the destination without attracting too much attention. Upon reaching her destination, she appears wearing a red, long kimono with fair skin and red lips drawn small while her black hair was long and straight without constraints. Over it was a vestment with golden trims that matches the golden crown on her head. With the jeweled headpiece, she would be identifiable as a consort of a royal figure like the Iramasha Clan. Before her was a run down shack that has a sign saying, "Kisuke Urahara's Shop!" With her hands stacking above each other and over her pelvis, she approaches the shop with graceful steps while her geta keeps her feet from being dirtied by the uncovered dirt below her.

Stop calling me a free loader!!!!! Artist.Request.240.981720
As usual, there are two individuals attending to the upkeep of the shop's front lawn. One is a pleasant and apologetic girl named Ururu and a punk boy named Jinta. They both met her before as she was visiting them to get a box of dark chocolate, but that was long ago and the visit was very brief. Jinta notices her first and shouts out, "Hey! Urahara! Fancy Lady is coming!" Which would mean that Hanako was the fancy lady that Jinta spoke of. When Hanako arrives at the door, she quietly waits for Urahara or "Pineapple" to answer the door. Hanako looks at Jinta with a smile, "Thanks for the compliment, you look handsome too." Jinta was kind of flabbergasted a bit as he turns away to hide away his "girlish side" as Hanako can hear him saying, "Only for Suzu! Only for Suzu!" quietly to himself. Hanako turns her attention back to the door as she has two businesses now when she thinks about it. One is candy for her kids and another to receive any information as well as support for the upcoming governmental reformation. At this point, the only person she can turn to out of convenience would be Urahara as he has connections to powerful people. Not only that, "Pineapple" is a stranger name than "Strawberry" so she has to figure out who has that nickname and why he has that nickname instead of his real name.

Stop calling me a free loader!!!!! Ff_tifa24

Stop calling me a free loader!!!!! 232?cb=20170319214106
  • Plays as [?-?] Jiyūna Seishin
  • Roleplayer
  • Gamer
  • Writer
  • Employed Full-Time
  • Zodiac: Earth Dragon
    (Year 1988)
  • Sign: The Virgin
    (6th of September)
  • Blood Type: B-Negative
"I took roleplaying and storytelling with a live-and-let-live attitude, thus the idea of a character doing something out-of-character would add more to the character than letting it stagnate into an archetype or a character. Here: A rapid change to a character must be met with an in-the-moment conflict. Ta-da! A rule to live by!"
Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Stop calling me a free loader!!!!! Empty Re: Stop calling me a free loader!!!!!

Fri Dec 28, 2012 4:25 pm
Renji was blindsided as he was sent to the ground next to the entrance to the basement, Only to have a foot press against him and an all too familiar voice ring about. His expression turning a bit sour as he was released. Renji stood up and dusted himself off as Kisuke went to get himself changed "Actually, To do the one thing that is done in your basement, Urahara-san" Renji said as the male came back out "I want you to train me"

His words were serious in nature and that much was evident "We both know I wouldn't come to visit you here unless it was something serious, Some important information has been brought to my attention recently and I need to get stronger, And you're the only one with the facility and ability to do so, Kisuke Urahara" He of course, Was not in a Gigai, So he naturally assumed when he saw the female that he wasn't seeable....Though of course, Being around Urahara....He should've guessed otherwise.

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Mon Dec 31, 2012 11:57 am