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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Moonless Void - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue20650/20000Moonless Void - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (20650/20000)

Moonless Void - Page 2 Empty Re: Moonless Void

Sat Feb 02, 2013 12:29 pm

The Moon God's eyes widened, even as suddenly without warning the blade came down , slicing directly through him. However, there was something Stefan wouldn't be expecting… and that was the sudden, unexpected change in the law of gravity. Suddenly, Stefan's blade went wonky, as it threw itself on Moonie's right side. "VOOOOOOI!" Moonie screamed out, the massive amounts of damage felt by him as the blade slice off his right arm, following down all the way to the base of his cloak at his hip, his arm sliced clean off, as the Moon God suddenly shivered, feeling his energy leaving him.

However, from this one hit, Stefan was going to notice something. The Moon God's energy was roaring into the void as it passed through him, yes. But there was something odd; Moonie himself couldn't even feel the loss of energy. Stefan didn't keep the blade in long enough to tell, but Moonie's energy did not go into his blade at a decreasing rate, either, like water leaving a glass that goes from a torrent to a drizzle.

This would have been the first hint to Stefan, if he hadn't made such fast attack. However, Moonie noticed it, and knew he would be able to use it later on. "VOOOOOOOOOOOI!" He cried out as the arm… wasn't sent flying from the blast. Rather, it stayed stuck fast to the Moon God's shoulder, his body parts not splitting and sent flying.

Now, what exactly in the fudge happened to lead to this strange predicament? Well. Moonie, being in Purity Form, could easily see Stefan raising his blade above his head. By far, this was not the first time someone had tried to Bifurcate the Moon Iramasha. However, it WAS the first time that it was done by someone who could cut through the Moon God. As such, Moonie had deployed the full power of his Purity. The sheer force of the gravity changing on the blade Stefan was bringing down would manifest itself in a solid bright purple color around his hand, changing the laws of gravity on it, piercing through Stefan's energy defenses.

That was the problem with using one heavily powered strike. If it was messed with, its outcome could be changed. As such, the blade flew clean through the air, straight down as Stefan had expected. However, what was up? What was down? Down was changed in definition around Stefan's arm, as down became diagonal and diagonal became down, leading to Moonie's arm being slashed off. However, there was something more. The arm didn't go flying, despite the sheer power of the attack. Why? Because the Moon God was, unlike Stefan, completely malleable to his own Gravity powers. He had also used his gravity on his limb to firmly attach it to his body even as it was being cut, as he had manipulated where the blade had downshot. In addition, despite the blade's properties, Stefan's arm would still be affected by the movement, so the Void Blade would not be enough to stop the Moon God's alteration.

Now, the sheer amount of energy that it took to deflect the blade from its path would be apparent from the massive vein now bulging out of Moonie's forehead, a massive sign of his energy piled up. Moonie WAS in purity form, after all, so it WAS possible for him to break through Stefan's energy defenses (which the Grand Vizard had also done nothing to reinforce, expecting to work passively?). Moonie had become used to any kinds of defensive bonuses that Stefan had gained from his mask, so that would not be a variable in this situation. In addition, he was shaking and shivering, sweating as he grabbed onto Stefan and attempted his Moon Destroyer.


Moonie let out, an absolutely massive roar that could be heard for miles from where the two contestants were sharing blows. "YOU F#CKING COWARD!!!" Moonie yelled out. In all honesty, the Moon God was frankly pissed. "WHAT BULLS#IT!" He continued to rage. Why was Moonie raging? Because this b@stard had totally disregarded the respect that such a move as Moonie's Moon Destroyer deserved. Moonie didn't try to dodge Stefan's earlier attack; he merely redirected it. Hell, he could have redirected the attack so it slammed DOWN on the Vizard himself, but chose not to. Stefan just pissed Moonie off. He pissed him right the f#ck off; because Moonie had been able to feel it. There was NOTHING behind his attack, nothing was so much as affected by his move.

And now Moonie was on his sword. Finally, Stefan would be able to feel it. The Moon God rapidly threw his gravity around his body forwards, throwing himself off the blade after having been stuck on it for over five seconds. In that time, though, Stefan would feel it. Moonie's energy would indeed be sucked into the space. However, the sheer amount of it was too much for the tiny void that it could only suck in as much as it could. Overall, as the Moon God descended, he truly seemed to be beaten. Over 25% of his power had been lost in such a short time, and he seemed to be completely drained from this much energy loss. Stefan, on the other hand, would feel just how much utter ridiculous amounts of power he had absorbed, and would likely assume that was all Moonie had. After all, the Nature Iramasha hadn't done any beyond absolutely fricaktalagastic attacks to suppose that that amount wasn't his max; and Stefan had no way of knowing just how much energy Purity released.

So as Moonie fell, it seemed that he was finally beaten. It seemed that the Moon Iramasha had finally been bested by someone. After all, who had ever seen the Moon Iramasha stop moving in the middle of a fight? Who had ever heard him cease saying voi? WHAT MADNESS WAS THIS?!?!? Was the Moon God finally defeated? This prospect seemed immensely likely as he continued to descend downwards, his body unmoving, his eyes shut and stressed on his face. It was a good thing that he had already finished reattaching the other side of his body, or else he would have been in a massive amount of trouble, as all of his gravity control and blast vanished from within and without him, his body slamming firmly on the ground in the massive fissure that Stefan had created below….

* * * Intermission * * *

However, this tale has been going on for too long, it's time for a small break. So instead, we will find that we're shifting back in time, sent far back into time, standing before the Moon God was a strange man. His hair was unlike any color the Moon God had ever seen before, unlike absolutely anything the Moon God had ever been able to believe before. Here he was, standing on the Moon, his traditional place of residence, the only place of residence he had ever known.

The man before him was standing there simply, waving him onwards, tempting him to charge at him. He was bored , it seemed. The Moon God laughed, an absolutely ecstatic look on his face as he charged at the man. However, as he reached him, he suddenly felt that his legs couldn't move. Looking down, he was frozen by ice. Weird stuff that he had found on the moon before; a very long time ago. OF course, he had destroyed it just like everything else on the moon, but at least he understood it.

However, this ice was not enough to stop the Moon God, as he threw his hands on the man's shoulders ,gripping them tightly. "PADSIOFJAPDOSFJPAFIOPAOGHAOPGPOAHIOP!!!" HE yelled out, having no coherent method of speech as he gripped the man's shoulders, before suddenly plunging his head right into his opponents. The man's face was one of shock, and yet calm as he was hit clear in the head. Massive amounts of damage occurred, even as the man fell back into the ground, making a massive crater with his face.

However, there was something wrong. The ice around the Moon God's legs had melted alright, but suddenly, the water wasn't there anymore. "Voi, non so cosa stai facendo, vero?" The man asked, his brain addled into Italian, saying "you don’t know what you're doing, do you?" as he reappeared behind the man, holding his forehead with one hand and his right hand shooting massive amounts of ice all over Moonie's body from its place on his shoulder, where James had rested it. The Moon God looked up at James then, a look of awe in his eyes. Not only had no one else ever, EVER, remained standing after his Moon Destroyer before, but this man went on to immediately go back into the fight. As he was trapped, the fight left the man, as he repeated a single word the Nature Iramasha of Water spoke, as if rolling the word, trying it.


* * * End Intermission * * *

The Moon God was laying there, totally still. His body had been totally shell-shocked from the loss of so much energy, an absolutely ridiculous amount considering it was the Moon God. As he lay there, he slowly began returning to consciousness again. He got up, pushing one fist into the ground, as he suddenly lifted his head. "I SAID, VOI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He roared out, his voice echoing as suddenly, massive amounts of energy shot out from around the Moon Iramasha. He was caught in the absolutely massive fissure that Stefan had created with his attack; but there was definitely something Moonie could use to his advantage here.

The Grand Vizard had done his work for him; the absolutely massive fissure was full to the brim with loose gravel, shredded by the massive attack earlier. Moonie's gravity shot out, for nearly a mile in every direction, as suddenly his Gravity triggered. The rock all began shooting back to him, all of the rocks in the area going into his mouth like a funnel. Suddenly, the gravity around him got stronger, and stronger, as it began cracking and greatly damaging the earth around Moonie. The very small bits and pieces that his own energy was now breaking off followed the path, all going into his mouth, as in a matter of moments, a mile radius of earth around Moonie had gone down his gullet.


The Moon God screamed out, his tones sharp and piercing, his tongue lolling out as he finished his meal, made possible ONLY by Stefan's earlier attack, as he stood there, his eyes completely white from the massive amounts of energy he had absorbed. "COWARD! COWARD COWARD COWARD!!!!' He continued to yell out, his body shaking and shivering, as the very air AROUND him began to shake and shiver from the absolutely immense amounts of rage that the Moon God was personifying. "YOU CALL THIS FIGHTING?!? THIS IS NO FIGHT! YOU HAVE NO REASON TO FIGHT! YOU ARE A WORTHLESS, CHALLENGELESS, GULLLESS, PUTRID, DISGUSTING, IMMALEABLE PIECE OF F#CKING S#IT!!!!!!" Moonie released from deep within himself, showing his surprising mastery over the language. Nature Iramasha naturally learn language easily, so it really… wasn't that surprising. Coming from him as Moonie, it was. Coming as a Nature Iramasha, no.

His eyes were shaking within his very head as he brought his hands, shaking, up to his head, his massive amounts of hair simply raising up behind his head, the very energy around him shaking, his body twitching and shuddering from rage, massive amounts of damage occurring to everything around him. In his right fist, a large amount of Nature Energy had begun to form. Then, around his left fist as well. Then, his entire body became completely covered in the extremely massive, dense amounts of energy, his eyes locked on Stefan.


He cried out, just putting how he felt in to the name of his attack. There was no other way to describe how Moonie felt. This was just how he was feeling; there was nothing else in his mind for him to name the attack, as he honestly couldn't think of anything. There was nothing else in his mind, about thoughts of what he was doing or otherwise. All he knew was that he wanted to destroy Stefan, to destroy him so utterly that he would never attempt to do anything disrespectful ever again to his opponents. Basically, Moonie just wanted to destroy everything around him.

Moon God's F#CK YOU is fired in a very simple manner. In Purity Form, Moonie releases all of his power all at once, causing the massive amounts of energy to shoot out in all directions in whatever way he's aiming for, such as straight up at Stefan. The massive tendrils of energy shoot up at a massively fast rate, before they begin to start their REAL attack. The real attack is when the tendrils split. From there, the massive amounts of energy they inhibit shoots out in all directions, exploding multiple times, making large areas of Blast in all directions in the way he wants it to go. However, Moonie remains control over these explosions. As they explode, he applies Gravity within them, focusing them all on the central point of where his opponent is. Then, the explosions show that they are still under the Moon God's control, as the absolutely massive amounts of energy all shoot directly at the opponent.

From there they smash into the opponent, attempting to greatly damage them. Moonie's attack then proceeds to FURTHER explode, attempting to absolutely decimate his target as the Gravity kicks in. The massive amounts of gravity within his attack would make even the most durable of resistances little, and require a massive amount of power to get out of their grasp. Such as what happens when the blasts finish surrounding their opponent, and as more blasts trigger as the attack closes in on them it just gests a wider and more powerful net. Then, the net closes in on the opponent, hitting them from all sides. The gravity is at its full power, six hundred times normal gravity and setting the opponent's point of gravity as their innermost self.

Then, the Blast part affects them. From the dense explosions on all sides, the attack greatly wears at their body, ripping apart any defenses and attempting to rip them to absolute shreds, dealing massive amounts of damage as the ability keeps exploding, over and over. This attack uses a massive amount of energy, and Moonie wouldn't typically use it unless he has a lot of excess, or he is utterly pissed off at his opponent. After all, this attack is meant to finish a battle; is meant to break his opponent, dealing so much damage in such a way that they cannot keep fighting. As such, Moonie using it is very rare; such as the case with Stefan.

Stefan most certainly could try to absorb Moonie's attack. However, he would run into a problem; the attack going at him was a net the size of a city, devastating whatever was left of the E-Area where the two were in. The sheer amounts of energy that Moonie was exerting would blow away most fighters, making them tremble in sheer fear and awe. However, Moonie was going full power on this; using the massive amount of energy he had restored with the rocks back down to the level he had been from Stefan's attacks.

The blast began moving in on Stefan, attempting to massively damage him. Even by using a massive amount of Void, it was extremely unlikely Stefan would be able to stop this attack, as it was using a similar property to the inside of Moonie's body. There was SO MUCH RAW ENERGY that the void would not be ABLE to suck it in fast enough, resulting in Stefan getting hit by it. In addition, the sheer massive size of the attack, which was even beginning to envelop Moonie himself now, would make it so that Stefan would not just be able to leave reality to get out of this situation; unless he wanted to retreat completely, leaving the battlefield and surrendering to Moonie by default.

The Moon God below was panting, as at last his blast became ruptured, before it became one massive explosion, blast firing off in every direction as its density reached its minimum size, most likely massively damaging Stefan, perhaps even Incapacitating him from the sudden, massive amount of energy that Moonie had released against him.


The Moon God cried out. It was insane; despite the massive amount of energy he had just released, Moonie was still attacking. His body had floated out of the massive crater that Moonie had turned the fissure into, before he began released another massive attack in Stefan's direction. The roar shot forward,s attempting to slam into Stefan and send him flying back, a massive amount of Blast that would slam into him and explode. However, even if Stefan blocked this with his void, Moonie was ready, as he threw his body around, throwing his arms out.


He roared, as from his body massive amounts of Blast began shooting above and below. The Moon God was releasing his energy at full blow as from him shot five MASSVIE swirls of Blast energy which were quickly becoming enveloped by flame, ten of them in total shooting off the Moon God's massive amounts of spinning, the massive tornados shooting at Stefan from all directions, the flames covering all around him as they attempting to beat him to utter hell, smashing and destroying him under the blast and then burning his body with the flames, firing something that Moonie highly doubted that the Grand Vizard was ready for. Or would have, if Moonie was in the mood to think about that stuff.


Moonie ROARED, his tornadoes still approaching Stefan as he threw up both hands. From his hands fired a massive amount of energy, shooting high up into the sky above him. Moonie then threw down his hands, as the massive amount of energy broke apart, its many pieces shooting down, all about five inches or less in size as they shot towards Stefan as the tornadoes reached him before they began to all explode. The massive amounts of damage that Stefan's body would be undertaking were massive; this was unlike any attack that Moonie had ever used before, on any single person, in the entire course of his life.


Moonie stuttered, falling onto one knee, his entire body violently shaking as his energy began to shoot out from around himself. A massive barrier of Blast, absolutely massive shot around from Moonie's body, enveloping everything around him for half a mile with massive amounts of Blast energy, Gravity trying to push everything around away from Moonie, as from his mouth he began to hurl, massive amounts of his black blood shooting from his mouth as it poured out, the overuse of his energy becoming apparent as small parts of his body began bleeding, his very joints developing smalll trails of blood that were like leaking out of himself as he kneeled there, having used up half of the energy of his Purity form in one large series, his body spent for the moment as he kneeled within his energy, one eye closing snd the other remaining locked on Stefan, blood still dribbling down his chin.

He still was not satisfied. He had performed some of the retribution that he had desired to inflict upon Stefan, but he realized that he was simply unable to shoot out another mass power attack like that. As he sat there, thinking, he realized that he actually had more like sixty five percent of his energy; thanks to all of the overkill he had gathered from the absolutely massive amounts of gravel that he had absorbed earlier from the fissure. Either way, Moonie's body was completely spent as he sat there, waiting. He wondered if Stefan would come at him again; he wondered if Stefan could even move still. He thought that probably, the Vizard would… because otherwise Moonie was going to probably explode. But for now he was calm, as he slowly breathed out.



Template By: [THEFROST]

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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