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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Moonless Void Empty Re: Moonless Void

Sat Dec 15, 2012 7:45 pm
Template by [THEFROST]



A voice shouted, as from the sky descended a being. All that Stefan could see were giant flaps blowing in the wind, held together by a ribbon around his waist. Around his legs was a pair of extremely baggy pants, with wraps of bandages around his shins. A great mass of yellow hair became clear as the man finally smashed into the ground, right in front of Stefan. "VOI!" He shouted out, as he pressed off out of the crater, shooting up into the air as his foot then pressed onto the solid air, as the gravity around him shifted insanely straight towards Stefan.

Moonie shot forwards, throwing out his right hand as he shot it directly into Stefan's stomach. The Moon Iramasha was back, and kicking arse like always. He laughed, throwing back his head, his ringed red eyes wide open. "BRING IT ON! I COULD FEEL YOUR POWER, AND NOW IT'S TIME TO FIGHT! SCREW THE WORDS LET'S GO! KYAHAHAHA!" He yelled out, as his body shot forwards, taking a deep breath as his fists flashed forwards, smashing into Stefan three times as his fists flashed. Should one of the fists connect, with Stefan's stomach, chest, or shoulder, his entire body would be sent flying back from the impact, from nothing but Moonie's own natural strength.

He then spun around, even as a wave of what looked to be black fire shot from his foot, his long blond hair swinging all around him. "DON'T RUN!" He yelled out, having just performed the there punches. Moonie was an extremely experienced fighter; he knew that people tended to vanish from his attacks to get out of their extremely powerful touch. So, he was reacting how he was used to reacting. from his foot shot a jet of black fire, even as he threw his hands downwards and he began to spin. The flame RIPPED the buildings all around them that it came into contact with them, shredding them and throwing their bits and pieces all over the street. The flame was Blast, an extremely frictionous energy that pulled apart and rubbed against extremely strongly anything that it came into contact with.

Mooni's heart was pumping after he threw the attack out in all three hundred sixty degrees, as he straightened himself up once more, a huge smile on his face. "VOI LET'S GO!!!" He said , laughing and waiting for Stefan to come back, to see what he could do against the Moon God.


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha

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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Moonless Void Empty Re: Moonless Void

Sun Dec 16, 2012 6:11 pm

Moonie's eyes opened wide, his smile slightly decreasing as he watched Stefan catch his punch. However, he smiled; seeing a great amount of brown growing on Stefan's hand. Voi... He won't be doing that again soon. He knew, as deflecting one of Moonie's attacks would shock the system, sending shock waves all throguh ones body, and that couldn't be good for the flesh of the hand that was used to stop the attack.

"VOI! STOP DEFLECTING AND FIGHT!" Moonie roared, his right eyebrow twitching as a mask formed on Stefan's face, watching the fist that was coming quickly towards him. Moonie's mind decided quickly, as his own left leg pushed into the ground, his hand shooting forwards. "MOON SMASH!" Moonie yelled out as his fist attempted to connect with Stefan's mask, most likely shattering it into thousands of pieces at the most, definitely giving Stefan a broken jaw at the most, as the explosion impacted Moonie. "VOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOI!"

He roared, as the gravity of his body increased by one hundred times, a large crater appearing all around him from the cero explosion but holding his ground, Stefan barely making it out in time before he was affected by his own cero. Moonie then returned his gravity to normal, panting it the cloud of dust left behind, taking a deep breath before swallowing, and smiling again. "VOI!" He yelled at Stefan as he looked up to where his adversary was. He took a deep breath, before yelling. "MOON BREATH!" He shouted, as from his mouth a large amount of Gravity was emitted. This gravity went out in a sphere, twenty meters wide and moving at a rate of 87 miles per hour. It collided directly with Stefan's attack; however, because of the raw power of Stefan's attack, the effect was different then it should have been.

The Gravity could not wholly divert Stefan's attack; rather, the effect of the gravity caused the attack to go around it, pushed away from where Moonie was as the blast landed all around him, consuming the area all around the Moon Iramasha and leaving only a 10 meter raidus around himself unharmed, the rest of the area totally decimated. "Voi..." Moonie said in awe as he looked around himself, seeing all the destruction made by that one attack.

Moonie looked around himself as rocks started floating up into the air. Hmm. He thought to himself, before finally smiling. "VOI! MOON BLAZE'S RETURN! He announced, as a field of translucent black flames began to envelop Moonie's body. That was not all; a large amount of the sealed power in his body was released as well, and this layer of black flame would rip apart with friction anything that came into contact with it. However, more than that, Moonie's right hand reached back, grabbing onto the blade that appeared, the blade known as Mun. He looked up at the rising rocks, as he smiled widely, leaping towards them as his gravity was greatly decreased. "VOI!" He cried as he smashed an extremely large boulder with Mun, even as he released a cloud of Gravity energy around himself. The cloud diverted the now miniscule pieces of boulder to Moonie's wide open mouth, as he ingested the entire boulder, smiling as his eyes nearly glowed from the overflow power that he now had.


He roared as he landed another boulder, greatly increasing his weight as he pressed down on it, his feet cracking the surface of the boulder as he looked up to Stefan, pushing down off the boulder as he greatly decreased his gravity. This caused him to fly at an insane rate towards Stefan, even as a boulder suddenly loomed below Stefan and covered his view of Moonie, a stray piece of Gravity having moved it exactly right.

Moonie burst through the boulder, yelling. "MOON CUT!" He yelled out as his first came upwards, right towards Stefan's chin. However, that was not all, as already Moonie was throwing his body backwards, increasing the weight of his torso and decreasing the gravity in his legs before suddenly increasing the gravity in his legs, as he kicked upwards. "MOON HEIGHTS!" He laughed as he extended his folded leg, focusing on teh muscles in his hip and shins as he kicked at Stefan's rib cage and stomach. If the attack hit, Stefan would definitely feel it thanks to the different weight changes that Moonie had performed, in addition to his raw physical strength.

However, that was not all that was going on. His weight quickly changed, becoming extremely light as Mun's ability activated, causing everything around it to increase its gravity by one hundred times normal gravity, increasing the weight of everything nearby immensely and most likely making it so that Stefan would be unable to keep the balance of Shunko and Hakuda unless he focused tremendously on it.

Not that he particularly knew that. He just knew he wanted to keep Stefan where he was as he threw out both legs, spinning his now very light torso as he increased the weight in his legs, smashing them against Stefan's head and chest and most likely badly bruising him as Moonie spun all the way around, breathing in as he felt himself float upwards a little. "MOON DOUBLE SMASH." He said very simply, as he executed a move upside down very similar to the one that Yamamoto performed against Wonderweiss, in appearance at least, his two fists attempting to smash into Stefan's stomach and chest, with such force that it would most likely blow the Vizard away. However, that was not all; the flames of friction around Moonie's body would rip at Stefan's clothing and flesh every time that Moonie hit him, meaning that the Vizard would most likely lose quite a lot of the clothing around his torso and maybe even have a chip or two of his sword cut off if he was reckless.

The fight had truly begun, and Moonie was happier than a kid with down syndrome who had just gotten a dose of the happy juice.


Template By: [THEFROST]

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha

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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Moonless Void Empty Re: Moonless Void

Fri Dec 21, 2012 8:06 pm

Moonie smiled as he watched Stefan rattled by his attack; he knew very well what that meant. ”VOI!” He cried out as the energy started whapping at him, as the energy slashed up his skin, but did not cause any visible damage. Likewise, as the explosion was rent by the cero, Moonie's leg came out of it in tip top shape. These attacks merely weren't enough to break his body yet; Stefan wasn't putting in enough effort.

Moonie's eyes narrowed as blood spat from the man's mouth. ”Fake.” HE spat, even as his body flipped around to face Stefan once again, his gravity shifting to allow this act. How could Moonie tell this? Well, first off, the change in the gravity around him was the very first tip off. The second was that because Moonie was a physical fighter, he could tell when something wasn't right beneath his fists. And that Utsusemi clone was definitely not normal.

I need to actually hit him. I need to get a FEEL for him. Moonie thought, as he examined the high amount of energy emanating from Stefan, floating in the air with his cut up clothing. The Moon Iramasha breathed in as Stefan cut down his blade, Moonie's body moving to the side as he cursed, his body moving back slightly flinching as a cut appeared on his right shoulder. ”VOI! WHAT!” He cried out as the black blood... didn't splatter out. He blinked, as Stefan appeared in front of him. ”VOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOI!” He cried out loudly as Stefan used his blade, Moonie's right arm coming forwards as something suddenly made contact with the Cutting Space, as it was suddenly stopped cold before it could move.

Moonie's eyes narrowed as the other blade slammed solidly into the exposed side of his chest, glancing off it and making a small scratch. While the blade was very durable; it was not sharp. The Moon Iramasha parried Stefan's sword as he floated back, narrowing his eyes as he crossed his arms before himself, the large ceros flashing out and over him as Moonie let out a breath. ”Voi...” He said simply, as small trails of blood starting flowing from his arms, as he made eye contact with Stefan again, a wide and widening still grin on his face as he breathed out slowly. ”Good... But I think you're still probably holding back... VOI!” He suddenly let out, as he pointed a palm out.


He yelled out simply, as suddenly from Moonie's hand fired a massive amount of energy, black in color, which was shooting right towards Stefan. It looked like a colossal hovering fireball that was flying towards Stefan, roughly 50 feet in diameter. IT would try to envelop around him, and if it did, he would feel its power. First it would strip all the clothing from his body, literally rubbing it off as a massive amount of friction went up against Stefan's body, ripping at his flesh and attempting to almost sandpaper it from his bones.

But that wasn't all the Moon Iramasha was doing, even as he reappeared above Stefan, clapping his hands. ”GRAVITY. “ He said even more simply than Blast, as from his form for a perimeter of 700 by 700 feet a massive amount of Gravity energy encompassed around Stefan, before pushing him as hard as it could and making it near impossible for him to move into any other direction towards its middle.

”Vooooi...” Moonie muttered as he breathed in, his body starting to spark the black substance. ”MOON BREATH!” Moonie yelled out, as from his mouth fired a massive stream of Blast, shooting down towards the middle of the gravity field or to where Stefan was as Moonie clapped his hands, enveloping his target and causing the friction to rub against itself and Stefan, making it even stronger than before. In addition, it would make it impossible to breathe; until Stefan dissipated it the cube around him would attempt to cause him harm, the gravity also acting against Stefan.

Moonie's body burst forwards, straight at Stefan, invisible from view thanks to the stream of Blast as he suddenly thrust his fist forwards, for once not calling the attack as he attempted to slam it into the Vizard's stomach, before his right leg came up, attempting to slam it into Stefan's stomach as well as cause him to bend over, before first Moonie's left, then his right hands shot forwards, powered by Blast and made heavier and with more momentum by Gravity, as Moonie shot two attacks forwards into Stefan's chest.

Finally, he opened his mouth once again, a massive circular symbol appearing in front of Moonie as all the Blast and Gravity in the area went into the symbol, which looked like an ancient rune. ”BURN, AND, PULL!” he yelled out at last, his eyes glowing as Moonie thrust his arms to either side, wincing from feeling the pain of the actual burns on either arm, as the gravity field shot out around Stefan, pulling him towards Moonie with an immense amount of pressure and changing his gravity as the Blast came in from behind it, being pulled INTO Stefan, as the two then collided, before the Gravity and Blast merged into a gigantic explosion, sending fire high into the sky and even slamming into the ground below, enveloping some of the few remaining buildings as Moonie chuckled, flying high up into the air.

It was a cloudless night, and the Moon was full. After all, that was why Moonie was so on edge, as he looked down at Stefan below, holding his hands out to either side of himself with his palms opened wide at his side, the Moon silhouetting his image upon it, the wide smile on his face and his wide, ringed red eyes the only visible thing on his black silhouette. “Voi....



Template By: [THEFROST]

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha

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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Moonless Void Empty Re: Moonless Void

Mon Dec 24, 2012 9:56 am

Moonie's eyes narrowed as his attack vanished. ...voi... what did he do...? The Moon God wondered, his eyes narrowing. ”VOOOOOI!” He yelled at Stefan in response as he continued his assault, getting frustrated that none of his attacks were hitting the man. His eyes widened as more of those annoying slashes came through, wincing as he was cut on his cheek, thigh, and straight through his private area, although he did not even flinch at the slashed hole in his crotch.

The only reason this happened was because of the good grace of Mun, a blade that was nearly as large as Moonie. Moonie already knew that Mun could mess with those attacks, or he suspected as much, which was as good as knowing to Moonie, based on what he had done earlier; so placing the large blade in front of his body seemed only natural when he felt his energy being cut through by that mysterious substance. Thanks to the width of the blade, most of his body was protected, although Mun sustained many minute cuts in itself where it wasn't as dense.

Moonie breathed in, and out again, as he finally looked up at Stefan, his ringed eyes narrowing as the blade came towards him. ”MOON BREATH: BLAST!” He yelled out as his mouth opened, the cloud of blast hovering all over the blade as Stefan's lower two arms were covered in the Blast, most likely badly tearing and ripping at them. ”V-VOI!”' Moonie let out as the blade slashes into him, making a inch-deep gash through his chest, cutting off the shoulderplate that was connected to his clothing by severing its cloth, as the Moon Iramasha reduced his own gravity, flying back, throwing his legs upwards as he dodged Stefan's strike at his legs.

He felt something hit his back, and winced as a brown spot appeared on his backside from the kick. However, something that should not have happened, happened. Moonie didn't go towards the ground... He shot up into the air, as Moonie redirected his body's gravity with the force that Stefan had shot into him, shooting him far up into the air. The Moon Iramasha looked down at the man as he charged up his cero into his zanpaktou, grinning as he held out both hands. ”Voi... other than one part... GOOD!” He cried out, wincing as he felt the pain in his back from the earlier kick.

As the blast shot up to where Moonie was, he merely smiled, looking down on it. ”... PULL... AND... BURN!” Moonie yelled out, throwing out both hands as a massive field of gravity shot out all around him. After all, Moonie was a Master of Nature Energy; even in his sealed form, he was nothing to scoff at when it came to producing energy.

The blast slammed into the gravity, and then... it suddenly stopped moving, completely. It was but feet from the Moon Iramasha, but he could look directly down into it. ”Voi... Tell me... What is it that you use to make these cuts in me?” He asked, the Cero still in the air, as Moonie realized he could hold it back no longer, as he clenched both of his fists, his senses still feeling a bit off. If the moon wasn't full, Moonie would have had no idea what way was up or down due to the lack of Moon Waves in the area. As his fists clenched, the gravity triggered off, even as the Moon Iramasha cried out.


He yelled out, as his entire body became alight with Blast energy, as the gravity holding back the Gran Rey turned off, the cero slamming into the Nature Iramasha. However, something wasn't quite right, as Stefan would soon be able to tell. As the dust settled around Moonie from the exposion, a great cloud of black could be seen. ”Voi...” His voice rang out as a hand reached up to his face, wiping a small amount of his black blood from his eyes. ”I didn't get my face released in time...” He muttered, even as his entire body otherwise seemed totally fine.

In reality, Moonie had had to use his energy at last, and releasing required him to finally use his energy to heal himself. A small amount of energy was used to heal the Cutting Space wounds; after all, those wounds made him lose absolutely nothing other than the energy required to fix them, as they did not bleed. This was the true way to defeat a Nature Iramasha; you had to make them use up all their power, either through attacks or through loss of blood. Other than that, they are able to simply repair themselves for a small amount of energy.

”Voi... Your weird attacks don't do a single f#cking thing. Those slashes on my ARMS hurt more!” He yelled, as his right hand reached up to his head, gripping his hairline as his head tipped downwards, his eyes closing. His feet began stepping forwards, but he wasn't going forwards. The Moon Iramasha, indeed, was starting to move BACKWARDS. It was mind boggling, absolutely impossible, and yet he was doing it.

Stefan would soon realize the purpose of this, as without warning a fist crashed into the slate's behind him, the sudden outburst of strength due to Moonie changing the gravity of his body causing the punch to go right through the cage, impacting into Stefan. Stefan was foolish to put himself inside such a cage; now, he was stuck there, and the vibrations of Moonie's attacks would make it so that he couldn't do anything precisely.

”VOI! MOON CRUSH!” He yelled out, as his right foot came up into the air, before slamming into the cage solidly. The slates did not cut him or his foot; but the shockwaves, absolutely massive shockwaves, rolled through the metal cage, most likely making it harder for Stefan to think. Then, Moonie held up both arms, a smile on his face. ”Voi... You're a close-range fighter... SO HOW ABOUT THIS?” He asked, as he leaped back, before throwing both hands out to his sides, before bringing them to the center, a large and dense amount of Blast within them. Moonie's gravity increased to its maximum amount, Mun strapped to his back, as he triggered his ability.

Moonie yelled out, as all around himself a giant ball of black flames spawned itself, fifteen feet in radius, as the blast ripped apart the ground beneath him, tearing it to absolute pieces as it became little more than dust from the Friction. This wasn't as powerful as Moon God's Kagutsuchi; but it served the same purpose. Moonie's entire body and some amount around him was completely surrounded by the flames, and for Stefan to get close his body would be ripped up by the amounts of Blast Moonie was releasing, as the Moon Iramasha stared at him, the crazy smile on his face once more as he waited to see what Stefan would do, knowing he could maintain this for a while as long as Stefan didn't do anything. If Stefan did nothing, he would burn up precious energy that he was using to maintain his forms; and Moonie knew that was something he didn't want to do.


Template By: [THEFROST]

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha

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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Moonless Void Empty Re: Moonless Void

Tue Jan 08, 2013 2:57 pm

Winning, losing; those weren't the reasons why Moonie fought. The reason Moonie was fought for was extraordinarily simple, with the very reason in the context. He fights only for the fight. The fight is the most pure expression of what a person can do; it is the struggle for survival. When one isn't struggling, it loses its interest. It is the most extraordinary irony that the greatest expression of conflict, a direct battle, really lacks any conflict whatsoever; and stresses the mind of neither opponent.

Moonie was watching carefully all around himself as he struck the cage, not with a fist, but his foot. He had slammed it in, and he realized Stefan emerged behind him. Voi… So he CAN'T see me without his eyes… Moonie thought with a smile, as his left foot shot up in the air, joining his right foot, as his back began curling up. However, Moonie knew it wasn't going to be enough as Stefan's blade, whichever of them was being used for the slash, cut into his skin, slicing off the skin of his lower back as purplish-black blood spawned from his back side, fully coating the sword. "VOIOIOIOIOIOIOI!!" Moonie cried out in defiance of Stefan, even as his wound healed up as he waited within the Improvised Moon God's Kagutsuchi.

Moonie smiled, nearly a demonic kind of smile, as Stefan burst into the Kagutsuchi. Moonie could see the man's clothes being completely ripped from his boy, as bits and pieces of his skin, even enhanced by the hierro, were being torn off; although his hands were left intact. Voi… Not bad for a swordsman…. Moonie thought, the smile still growing on his face as he thought abou what a swordsman with damaged hands could do. Not much… voi. Moonie thought as the edge's flat end impacted against his kneecaps. However, there was a problem as the blade's flat end connected with Moonie's flesh. The problem was… Moonie's kneecaps were completely spread apart, in order to make the stance to produce Kagutsuchi.

As such, the flat edge of the blade merely feel on Moonie's left knee cap, which was in front of his body. "Not… Enough… VOI!" Moonie yelled out, as he righted his stance and turned around to face Stefan, even as at last the Kagutsuchi swelled in on itself, before suddenly exploding, sending the Moon Iramasha flying back as Stefan's cutting space was shot at his new opponent: A solid piece of concrete! Of course, this new enemy was swiftly defeated, as its battle power was only four and it was completely slashed through by Stefan's cutting space. No concrete could stand such an assault. None of them.

"Voi… You call THAT swordplay? VOI, I could do that s#it!" Moonie expressed, panting slightly, glancing over his shoulder as he realized it had gotten slashed, blood trailing from a wound as Moonie slowed down, spinning on his right foot and running his body perpendicular to Stefan as his Cutting Space flew right past Moonie, moments where his arm had been before. Voi… that stuff… Is dangerous… But, voi… How dangerous… He wondered, his eyes looking where the space had slashed.

His eyes widened as Stefan appeared in front of him again, and he began to roar. "VOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOI" He let out, his hands shooting forwards, covered in Blast, as he physically grabbed onto the blade's in Stefan's hands, wincing as the only two slashes they could let out cut Moonie on his sides, quickly healing as there was no bloodloss.

Moonie's eyes narrowed right at Stefan, small beads of blood falling from his hands as he held onto the blades. Stefan would be able to feel his absolutely monstrous strength as he locked the Vizard's arms from being able to move his blades, until Moonie felt something strange from them. What…? He thought, his eyes widening before suddenly letting go of the blades, his body shooting up without warning straight into the air as Stefan missed his spine by inches, instead catching Moonie by the ankle. "V-Voi…?" Moonie let out, startled as he realized his energy was going from him. He took a deep breath, before suddenly the armor let go of that part of his ankle, as Moonie continued to ascend into the air, before the energy reformed, flowing easily from Moonie as it always did.

"Voi…" Moonie didn't even notice the cero or process them as they shot off his body, exploding all around him and burning his skin lightly all over as he dully looked down at Stefan, before the man lunged in front of him, slashing his blade deep into the Moon Iramasha, before pulling it to the side, completely ripping off Moonie's left arm. Thank god it was cutting space; or the Moon Iramasha might have been screwed right there from the sheer amount of bloodloss. The Moon Iramasha merely looked blankly at the Vizard, his gaze almost looking lost, the normal crazed smile on his face replaced with a small gaping mouth, merely processing as the Vizard spoke.

"Voi…" He let out simply, before suddenly he threw out his stump of a left arm,blood shooting out of it as Moonie's eyes widened, his mouth opening wide."Voi.. Voi...VoooooOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOI!!!"The Moon Iramasha let out, his entire body shaking and shivering as he opened his mouth one more time.


Moonie yelled out, as his very flesh suddenly vanished beneath his energy, the field of Blast around him becoming transparent and revealing the form of Moonie. Everything on his body, from his long blond hair to torso, everything except for his eyes, was pitch-black. Dark as night. And within the darkness, there were tiny pieces of light, which shone like tiny stars in a night sky on the being's body.

Moonie blinked, before opening his eyes at Stefan, as an absolutely massive wave of power left the Moon God's body, his left arm suddenly shooting from the stump and taking its old position as Moonie stared down Stefan. "Voi. YOU'RE THE FIRST IN TOO LONG TO HAVE ASKED THAT OF ME!!"The being roared, his eyes wide and alive. It was Moonie still, yes; but at the absolute height of his natural powers. His looked at Stefan simply, his right foot moving forwards and stepping down. If Stefan was extremely, extremely observant, he would be able to notice that juts for a fraction of a second, the foot had rolled backwards.

Moonie reappeared behind his opponent, opening his mouth wide."MOON GOD'S BELLOW!!!" Moonie yelled out,as from his mouth fired an absolutely massive ball of blackfire, smashing directly into Stefan and staying where it was formed, trapping the Grand Vizard if he was hit and ripping him apart, even as Moonie shot extremely quickly high into the air above him, holding his hands back.


He yelled, as from his hands appeared a shining black orb. "BIGGER!" He shouted, as behind him the ball increased in size. "BIGGER!" He yelled again, as the ball behind his head grew even larger in size, before at last Moonie threw his hands forwards. As he did, the sphere behind him seemed to become tangible, as it was stretched downwards as if it were a net that had just had a heavy object placed into it. As it did this, the space around the energy erupted into flame, which quickly spread across the super-dense Blast, covering it in flames as the Gravity Moonie had laced throughout it pulled it downwards, shooting it down as it rapidly increased in speed, not even a moment from when Moonie dropped it did it smash into the ground below, going over two thousand miles per hour.

The resulting explosion was gigantic. The wind force produced by the explosion quickly toppled any buildings that were still standing in the E-District, completely crushing them as Moonie threw his head back, his arms held bheind him, invisible to his opponent before the night sky. "CA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!"

However, he was not done yet, as he held his hands to either side, focusing back on Stefan again. He felt his gravity quickly changing, as he directed where his gravity was to go as the two blades on his back activated their abilities, increasing his weight to 10,000 times that of the Moon God's normal, as he was shot towards Stefan in a similar manner to the Accelerant Drop.

Moonie quickly slammed down in front of Stefan, releasing the power of his blades as he stood up straight. The raw power of the release affected the air around the Moon God, transmitting shockwaves through the very AIR itself, most likely instantly stunning Stefan, if so much as a single part of him was in the physical plane. "VOI!" The Moon God announced, as a single fist flashed forwards towards Stefan's face. Moonie activated the blades behind his back, making it so that if Stefan wanted to hit him, he was going to have to bring his entire body into the physical plane, or else what Moonie did first would certainly be successful.

The Moon God aimed for the man's hands, seeking to grip onto them as his extremely dense, intense Blast which was even igniting the air around itself from the sheer amount of friction it was producing pressed on Stefan's hands, Moonie twisting his fingers and exerting such raw force that it would break even minute bones if he could get ahold of them. Not to mention, because of the Blast, Stefan's hierro-like armor would be shredded; just as many hierro before it had been. That is, as long as Stefan didn't do anything to dodge it.

Regardless, after that, Moonie took his next course of action. His body weight changed, going into his feet as he threw his legs up, the lack of a crater at his feet showing how minutely he was currently creating his own gravity, as tremors of his movement would be able to be felt even in a small area around him just from his movement due to the intensity and strength of his body. His right foot came forwards, aiming right for Stefan's chest.


Moonie yelled, as he attempted to slam his foot into the Vizard's chest. This wouldn’t be easy to evade; after all, not only did Moonie's earlier landing create massive stunning shockwaves, but the gravity around everyone but himself was increased by 10,000 times normal. If the foot connected, Stefan would feel the true might of the Moon God, as a massive amount of Blast would erupt from his foot, shooting in all directions and causing Stefan's hierro all over his body to be shredded at an immense rate.

Moonie, however, was not done yet, as his hands shot down from the kick, moving fluidly as he gripped onto Stefan's shoulders. "Voi. I'm not letting you GO UNTIL I'M THROUGH WITH YOU, NO MATTER WHAT KIND OF EMPTINESS YOU POSSESS!!!" He cried out, as his feet slammed firmly onto the ground, his neck starting to move back, standing level with Stefan's head. If the former kick connected, it was highly likely that Stefan would be crouched over from the attack, and most likely would only just be looking up at Moonie as he made his attack. Stefan wouldn't be sent flying from the kick; the sheer amount of gravity would prevent that, although it would most certainly still have been enough raw force to knock the Grand Vizard a couple hundred of feet if Moonie had not grabbed onto him first, even with the gravity.

Moonie's skull began hovering back, a deep breath going into him as if in slow motion. The flames around his forehead began to clear, as his gripped tightened. Within his skull, from the back where his neck was arcing to Stefan's face, an extremely powerful gravitic tunnel was forming. Moonie could feel the pressure beginning to build as he his forehead suddenly got as mall spark before a single black flame sputtered to life on his forehead. He smiled, then; not even two moments passing since he had grabbed Stefan.

"Voi…" He let out, purely focused this time, even as he began moving his forehead forwards, his eyes opened wide. Most likely, Stefan's eyes would be coming up to look at Moonie now if he had been hit by the kick, revealing him completely to the Moon God as his forehead began its approach, Moonie speaking out the words which had felled so many a foe in his lifetime, shattered many hopes, and obliterated many dreams.


Moonie announced, as his forehead attempted to reach Stefan's. Moonie kept his forehead right there, for as long as it would take as long as Moonie gripped his opponent, until it would hit. Then, the effects would be revealed. In Purity state, Moonie's strength rose immensely; it was unlike anything else in the Moon God's arsenal. Combined with Destroyer, his most powerful technique, it most certainly made an attack unrivaled in all of Moonie's arsenal.

The sheer force of the attack, if it hit, would completely shatter the defenses Stefan had put up. In addition, it was possible that it would completely break his face, and possibly even break his neck from his skull recoiling. Then, the second part activated, as the black flame on Moonie's forehead suddenly erupted, slamming extremely hard against the front of Stefan, creating an absolutely massive sphere of burning which consumed everything around Moonie and Stefan, ripping it to the point of dust and damaging Stefan further, creating an absolutely gigantic crater with a spire at its center, with Stefan and Moonie at that spire.

Moonie released the man, his gravity increases still affecting him as Moonie let him go, watching him fall. If it hit properly, Stefan would be moved by his head, flung back, and sail straight down into the crater below, creating a much bigger crater all around himself with his head at the bottom, cracking and completely destroying the spire that Moonie was standing on. However, that was fine by the Moon God, who merely folded his arms in front of himself, his invisible smile extremely wide on his face, his eyes the only visible thing to Stefan against the dark night sky.

"Voi, I did you the favor. NOW GIVE IT TO ME BACK."


Template By: [THEFROST]

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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