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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Entity of Contradiction
Joined : 2010-12-01
Posts : 1368
Age : 26

Member Info
Platinum Points:
Merciful Spirit [APPROVED, 0-4+] Left_bar_bleue9000/10000Merciful Spirit [APPROVED, 0-4+] Empty_bar_bleue  (9000/10000)

Merciful Spirit [APPROVED, 0-4+] Empty Merciful Spirit [APPROVED, 0-4+]

Fri Nov 09, 2012 8:42 pm
Danava Demon Template

Basic Information

• Name: Dayālu Seishin (Merciful Spirit)
• Titles: Ender of Himself, His Own's Victim
• Age: around 8,000 years old
• Gender: Male
• Affiliation/Rank: None

• True Appearance Picture:



• Personality:

Composed: Dayalu is well composed not showing many thing phasing his focus and posture on the battlefield or in a casual environment. If one were to threaten his life he would show them he has no fear of his life as he cuts his own wrists before proceeding to kill them with a straight calm face.

Mannered: Dayalu is well versed in his manners and will often use them in all types of locations and even on the battlefield, although he might interrupt them in a wrong way or two this way.

Hope: Although Dayalu still shows few emotions in his face, he however can give brief moments in which he can show a reassured face. He can show his hope, with this new expression, and will never let despair consume him so easily.

Open Minded: The demon listens well to those around him and thinks about suggestion and taking them in to consideration. Although he may think them over doesn't mean it'll get accepted in his mind and he won't consider somethings he has already thought over before or goes completely against his ideals.

Heart: The tiny bit of emotion that Dayalu shows is stored in his heart and can shine if someone can crack into it, he can actually be quite a caring person to those that become his great friends and close family. But no one has really been able to do this. Maybe this is such because no one is really around him enough and his next personality trait causing problems even more to those around him.

A New Day and Life?: Every time that he moves on with his life and he reawakens after so long, Dayalu usually seems to lower his defense and in a much more joyful and cheerful side that also shows him relaxed. Perhaps it is his long wait of being dead that has soothed his mind and soul. Another thing to note after every death that he has he tends to discard nearly all info from the previous life and only taking hold once more of the bits that are most important to him.

Background History

• History:

His Start/ Around eight thousand years ago, the being known as Dayalu was created by the concept of Reincarnation. It was in a plain that had not a single different plant for a long distance and all of the plants around him were grass. He explored a little bit before starting to figure things our and meet his first Eternal Partner, Punarjanm of Reincarnation. It was probably a better time then as he simply improved his abilities and socialized with others a bit. The time was a peaceful one and everything went well. But Dayalu, being part of reincarnation knows that there is a cycle for everything and everything about the cycle is never the exact same as the last. He didn't quite know how well that was going to soon apply to him very well. He eventually got into a fight with another Davana demon by just passing by and he wasn't ready for it at all. The other demon was on a different level from him, making things tricky for him to claim victory.

The First Death/ Eventually the demon and Dayalu got to the ending stretch of their battle and to his surprise he was winning. In the end, he did claim victory but the demon left a rude surprise in a stab near his heart causing him to bleed out with no hope of getting someone else's assistance. He was almost at his point of death until he decided on something that he doesn't fondly remember. He utilized his reincarnation and also tied the origin of Suicide to him as he prevented himself from being tossed into the place that most Davana are sent when they die. But he broke the normal cycle and made his own special one to follow so that he may always be present on Earth or in the Demon World. His first death was his first suicide death and the only one he hasn't had to deal with Savya during it. Following so far he has always been able to complete a suicide death before his actual death.

The Next Life and Onward/ One month later, Dayalu reformed out of thin air some what close to his original point of where he died. Everything seemed normal when he reformed, at first he through he wanted to die again to experience what he did only a month ago. That was when he realized something was off and then he met his second Eternal Partner, Savya. He could easily figured out that this partner wasn't going to harm him in terms of taking control. But other problems could arise from this depressed spirit within him, and there was a certain problem. It seemed the new spirit had a definite influence on his personality and thoughts as he became somewhat depressed too. He felt detached from the world he came back to and it was a horrible feeling for him. He accepted it though and moved on with his life that he returned to. This new personality from the changes started making a cycle almost, he would go to a new place, settle in a little, get killed in someway, reincarnate after a month or so, and the move on to repeat this cycle again.

Dayalu, himself didn't mind or pay attention to this cycle and he got use to the cycle. Savya had a similar reaction to it, but Punarjanm couldn't ever notice the cycle as he forgetfulness made it feel as if every new death was like one of the first ones. His latest death is no exception to this and it was almost like watching the same movie about ten times. Nothing really changed, and nothing really mattered to the three spirits. The cycle for them seems endless and no one is showing a new one for any of them to go on or break.

His Latest Death and His Newest Life / In a battle very similar to the first one in which Dayalu found himself fighting another demon. It was even in the same region as the first one. This kept even the setting consistent with before, it was all similar. Making the only difference that Dayalu had the concept of Suicide to use at any time. He eventually caught the demon in his magic box with him and they both got stabbed to death but Dayalu would only be gone for a month, where the other would be lost forever. He watched the other demon take it's last gasping breath for life and die, he then faded into the wind, in ashes spread through out the area.

The same thing over and over again keep happening as he reformed after one month of time. In a field that was quiet in the night, he just walked away not curious in the world around him as he was being reborn in it at least every fifty years or so. He wasn't sure what he was looking for anymore, he had no one to seek out or a goal, he hasn't sided with Demon God or opposed him in his whole life. To be exact actually he hasn't even really come across to much related to Touketsu, even the demons he fought weren't followers of Touketsu or members of his organization with Arrancar called Shadow Fall. The world around him seems constant and he isn't quite sure where he is going until someone comes in the way of his cycle of lives. That is all for Dayalu's past that needs to be shared for now.

Demon Powers

• Natural Demon Traits:

Kage Chōkyō-shi: Kage Chōkyō-shi is the ability for most demons with adept Za Koa users to travel through different dimensions, travel throughout the battlefield or even use it for defense. By channeling Za Koa's energy in addition to the various seals throughout their body in addition to their Shadow Movement, they are able to create many different holes in the area's around them that can range from small to extra large depending on their Za Koa skill. These can lead to other realms, can be used to shield against attacks if they are not more powerful then the demon and be used on the offensive by attempting to create these holes to slice someone's head off.

Reaitsu Drain: This ability goes hand and hand with Za Koa's Influence. With this technique, our two tier can constrain the flow of reishi and reiatsu within an area in order to make opponents somewhat weaker as reiatsu is energy in use, this can also lead to canceling out attack on some levels, overpowering attacks if there is a major gap in power and for advanced users and up being able to control the reiatsu they constrain. However, please note, reaitsu drain does NOT mean you will simply go around consuming energy until you level up.

The energy you collect, for intents and purposes, will only be able to be utilized for one thread if you are on adept level or lower, while advanced will be able to keep it for two threads, Masters being be able to retain it for three threads and Grand Masters for four threads. This means that during that thread or threads, it's benefits will only qualify there (This means that if you make ANY new thread with your character following the events of where you consumed energy, it will count). In addition to that, this does not always mean you get a tier increase as only those on Master level are able to obtain TEMPORARY boost in their tier if they are able to consume enough power. (I.E. someone like Mana or Abaddon performing this on a large scale such as Karakura Central or the Gotei 13; to give you a measurement of how much power you need to collect with Reaitsu Drain and skill needed to gain that temp tier boost.)

With all of that stated, the main benefits of this Reaitsu is that it is used to increase anything on a demon that deals with power. For instance, a demon could have FAR faster attacks then before if reaitsu drain was performed successful, their attacks would have much more stopping force and it may even have additional benefits. Another example would be their spells being further increased with all of the extra energy being generated within them from the drain. One final example is that it can also be broken down into energy for strength to increase their physical offensive power, increase their defense and advance their durability. So, with that said, these are examples of how reaitsu drained is used

Za Koa's Influence: For example, an advanced Za Koa Skill user at two tier is capable of spreading this technique across an average battlefield in order to taint the surrounding vicinity around them in order to gain the upper hand in combat. These advantages include that all of their stats are typically doubled if the influence is not sealed away or fought with magic. So, going back to our two tier demon, he would be able to obtain a doubled increased in his abilities, powers, speed, endurance, reaction time, mental thinking, knowledge and so on and so forth. Users whom are Master in this skill can usually get triple benefits, and Grand Masters quadruple.

Along with those enhancement boosters, another advantage of Za Koa's Influence is that it can also alter the area around a demon in order to give them the upper hand. For example, our two tier demon will be able to dim the area around him into darkness in order to make himself even more formidable as demon's are naturally inclined to become more useful in the shadow's, being able to generate various toxins in the air in order to gradually wear someone down, create harsh acid rains, for the terrain they are on, turn an ocean-type battlefield into pure fire and things of this nature.

Akuma Kyodo: Thanks to the full body seal most demon's have on their bodies from birth, Akuma Kyodo gives most Demon's a layer of defensive skin that is similar to an Arrancar's Hierro. This will be general defense, though if have a high Za Koa Skill, you can temporarily double your defense. Masters can do it for ten post, Advanced for seven, adept for four and beginners for two. All come with a three post cooldown. But that's where the similarities end, and the differences begin. What makes a demon's Akuma Kyodo: so different? Well, for instance, this layer of skin is not just applied physically like Arrancar's are or any other races natural defense. What makes a demon's defense stands out is that it applies to magic, spiritual attacks, their environments, how resistant they are to poisons or toxins and even how much their mental state improves.

You see, thanks to having so much magic being pumped into their bodies, their defense is MUCH more wide spread then any Shinigami, Arrancar or even Iramasha. Basically, the higher your defense is, the most attacks, barriers or ANYTHING in general; the more resilient you are to anything offensive being thrown at you. So a demon's Akuma Kyodo: is not something to scoff at, ignore or consider the same.

Shadow Movement: This is what some MIGHT call the Demon's Answer to flash step: Shadow Movement. It allows them to move at quick burst of speeds on most occasions to allow them to travel very far distances in short amount of times, that is for certain. Though, this is where some similarities come to an end. Unlike most other races, Demon's get many nifty benefits then just Super Speed. Take this for example: from the seals on a demon's legs and feet that generate insane amounts of energy from all of the sources of power they collect; it will be able to give yourself temporary boost of intense speed called "Shadow Burst". Shadow Burst is a period of time where your demon will double their speed on average if they are at least adept. It will transition into how fast their attacks are created or launched, the demon's reaction time to increase the odds of evading, countering or noticing a person, object or anything else within a vicinity that has a prense in order to do something about it, it increases their mental awareness to more alert levels and it even goes into their natural powers.

For instance, one could use Shadow Burst together with The Art Of Demon Magic in order to create burst of accelerated healing in order correct injuries to your body at insane rates of speed during this period. Another example would be using Shadow Burst mixed with Za Koa in order to consume an area within it's presence much more quickly along with all of it's sub-abilities being accelerated. Finally, one last example would be for their special powers. For instance, if a demon could control fire they could generate, fire and reload it at double the speed they could before if they were adept. And, with that, that goes into their rates of speed in which they can perform these things.

If you were a beginner, you could only maintain this for one post only and would have a five post cooldown. Go to the next level and a demon will be able to double their strength, increase the amount they maintain this form to three posts and they typically only have a three post cooling period. Progress pass that to advance and a demon will be able to main this form for four post, triple their effects and will have about a two post cooldown. Along with that, at this level, they gain a new ability to Shadow Movement called "Force Speed" where they are able to effect the area around them on some levels. This includes being able to speed up objects, increase allying forces speed somewhat or even increasing the force of wind around them to do more critical damage.

From that point, if one should become a master in this, they will obtain a five post limit for how long they can maintain it, quadrupedal the effects and only have a one post cool down period. Additionally, the Force Speed technique they learned before will become much more widespread. Now, instead of the immediate area around their body, it will be able to effect more large scale areas. Take this for thought. A Demon who is a Master in Shadow Step will be able to generate vicious storms of gust that can cut through steel, and on a more extreme level, spiritual based attacks. This is something which could be used for offensive means by cutting up energy attacks, slashing down Kidō or even creating thousands of small burst of energy to cut right through some energy based moves. Lastly, the last thing they gain from having a master in Shadow Movement is that they have the power to suck the speed right out of some things. For instance, within a small field, a demon could zap the speed clear out of an attack to make themselves faster, their attacks faster or even break it down into energy to apply to other areas until it burns out in one post or two such as physical, spiritual or whatever else have you.

Lastly, and the more rare case, is Grand Master. If a demon should have possess a Grand Master in Shadow Movememnt, they will quintuple the effects of this move, they will have NO cool down period; they will simply rely on how much their body can tolerate and all effects before will be increased. Now, Force Speed has increased to the point where it is able to be performed on a devastating scale. It is no longer confined to a small fighting area or somewhat large area; it can expand upwards of two miles in some cases in order to form domes of Force Speed. Within this area, with their Force Speed, they can utterly decimate and destroy objects on a microscopic scale with it; rather it be physical, spiritual, natural or unnatural. Though, this gets harder to perform the larger you make it and makes a demon burn through more resources.

Additionally, at this point, they even gain a power known as "Phase Speed" where they generate an insane amount of Speed Force around their body that they are able to simply phase through solid and sometimes spiritual objects. For instance, a Demon Could use Phase Speed to simply fade through rocks, water, fire or even through the Earth itself until they reach the core of it. Along with that, if it's spiritual or energy wise, they can even phase through certain attacks if they are more powerful. So, to put this in prospective, if an energy attack didn't have enough force to rival a demon's power, they would use Phase Speed to simply blow pass it unharmed in some cases. Phase Speed can even be used to propel Demon's through Astral Planes, cause them to go through dimensional warps or even create their own small wormholes that can be used in combat to surprise an opponent.

Now, with those powers aside, the demon's gain one final benefit from Shadow Movement that is related in the origin of their name. Whenever a demon is placed within an area of darkness or shadow's, these skills will typically double in strength. They'll even have the ability to travel through a shadow world and come out of different shadow's throughout many different realms, worlds and universe's even on Master Levels. This makes it extremely hard to detect demon's in some instances if they figure out a way to bring out this shadow realm's presence to the field once they reach advanced level. Therefore, it is highly wise to never fight a demon at night as they can quickly gain the upper hand with this set of abilities.

Curse Effect: Curses are a natural to a demon and work somewhat like a decaying system. For instance, when a demon uses their Curse ability they can inflict sickness on any type of living or spiritual being which in turn can bring about illnesses within them, gradually drain them of their power and ultimately make it very hard for fighting due to the fact that this Curse Effect can eventually begin to heavily weaken the persons Reiygoku, Reaitsu and Physical body to the point where it would be well advised to seek medical attention before too long. However, that is not the only use of Curses. It can also be inflicted on a mental level depending on the persons Will Power Skill Sheet and can eventually begin to inflict insanity, madness, distracting thoughts and some succubus class skills.

Not only that, but curses can also be applied to the area around them. This is usually done by using this curse to containment the flow of reaitsu within an area to make it very unstable to use for non-demon races; causing their bodies to react violently by spewing out blood, causing malfunctions in their powers or their bodies outright rejecting this flow of additional power and sometimes even canceling out attacks. Or, another example of this on a less spiritual level would be a demon using their Curse Effect in order to taint the air around them to make it very toxic to most races apart from demon to breath in order to make them sick from the inside unless they figure out a way to cure themselves or overpower it in some means.

Examples such as these are usually how curses work with demons. Despite that, this cursing skill varies from level to level, though. The more advanced your tier is, the more powerful your Curses can become. So a four tier cannot perform the same type of heavily effecting curses as a 0 tier could possibly do with theirs. Therefore, it requires a bit of common sense to use curses. Your curses will not always be auto-hits or successful, but they can do pretty amazing things.


Origin Powers

• 1st Origin Name: Hope

• 1st Origin Power:
Sharing Hope/ The Power that Dayalu's Hope Origin, is as it is stated by the name. This cocncept comes from Hope and as such has quite a unique ability, to which, all character present in a thread are connected to Dayalu by choice if they are within his Zoa Koa Influence. He may also allow a transfer of power to certain individuals based on this power's effectiveness and the amount of individuals within it. The one thing that prevents this happening however is that the following individuals must have the same hope for the world or situation, maybe even a certain individual. So long as they share this hope, a transfer of power is quite possible with Dayalu's capabilities under this Origin.

• 2nd Origin Name: Reincarnation

• 2nd Origin Power:
Cycle's Calling/ Dayalu can within this origin perform a move that he refers to as reforging the soul, he can identify traits about a person based on if they are within his Zoa Koa Influence or not. He can tell of their race, almost as soon as they enter and if they possess any other spiritual traits even if they try to hide their reitsu do to the fact that all have a soul connected to the cycle of life & death, in which Dayalu holds the Origin of, there however could be a few that could escape this if they can uncover how it works.

With this in effect he can also figure out the feature of some abilities that they may possess within them. As to show an example, with someone like a Nature Iramasha or another Davana, he might be able to decode from this ability that they are a Davana of Fire, or a Nature Iramasha of Water.

• 1st Origin Abilities:
Hope's Gift/ Dayalu may use his influence on the environment to increase another's abilities regardless of the other's form of energy, as the environment becomes more suited to them. Quincy will find their abilities on Earth being on level of what they may find on earth and Iramasha may find that more outer chaos energy is flowing around them than usual. This extra energy may improve abilities or allow abilities to act quicker or lower charge time on the user. This can be cancelled so long as one can break his influence on the target individual.

However this may also be used for alternative effects, as he separates an Iramasha from their outer chaos energy and Quincy, from the reitsu needed to form their quincy bow with a constantly shifting environment of his Zoa koa. Bringing about the opposite of Hope, Despair.

Spirit of Hope/ Dayalu as a spirit of Hope, stands rather well on the battlefield against others that utilize spiritual energy or reitsu, it is noted as one attempts an attack on him, that as the attack will severally weaken and even disappear from his fusion, of his Hope Origin, his skill in Zoa Koa and Reitsu Drain. It is something that is constantly active on him so long as he is within this Origin.

Saving Hope/ Dayalu can use his control over hope to focus his energy into a single attack (about every post) where it maybe a blast of energy, a blade of energy, or any shape that he could conceive within his mind. This specific energy can be used to heal others that are living beings, however this energy can also b used against other attacks in which case this energy becomes a much better counter against it. Utilizing this correctly, Dayalu could give himself or an ally, an aura that makes them more resilient to being damaged or influenced by a specific type of energy. Overall, the use of this energy is meant to be used in assisting allies defensively or damaging opponents offensive capabilities.

Dayalu can't use this so often because focusing the energy on multiple targets correctly cannot be accomplished by him yet. (Upon reaching advanced Mental Deduction he can use this upon three targets at one time)

Giving up Hope/ Dayalu focuses his entire power under his offensive capabilities as his energy disabilities all abilities that are not passive for the time being and increases his offensive output. His use of demonic magic, his physical attacks, and even his simple uses of Zoa Koa will be at a 3x output rate allowing him to deal with defnsive enemies while in this state and have his energy flow better for offensive purposes, he can also use this to reconfigure his body's flow, for if he was damaged and unable to use his powers properly, this will allow his body to reset in a way and fix this problem. However, after the change, they can be taken down once more by the same or other effects.

This state must and will typically last a total of three post unless Dayalu releases, even if he switched his origin for a moment, this effect will still be in place.

• 2nd Origin Abilities:
Restore What is Lost: Using this ability once he enters this Origin from the others will restore all injuries dealt to him by himself. Or if he waits three posts after entering he can heal all of his injuries that he has present on him. This can only happen three times a thread and he cannot just switch back and forth in one post to activate this ability.

Jumpstart: Using this ability once a post, Dayalu can restore 25% of a being's overall lost energy and stamina. He can only use this twice on a individual per a thread. It is activated by touch to a person's neck.

Life to Ashes: Dayalu can turn himself into ashes in the wind while alive to try and escape a foe but this can cause various problems and unless he is already dead then in three posts if he doesn't properly escape then he will die from reforming not together as one being and this is death by his own cause and he will just be stuck as ash for as long as needed to reincarnate but times three for some reason. Although if someone performs a sacrifice he can be reformed immediately after the first month.

Ashes to Life: If Dayalu is in the general area that a being was killed then he can completely reform the body that was killed. He cannot reform parts that have been completely destroyed or not present in the thread through. So if the person walked in without eyes they won't come out with eyes either. he may only do this once a thread and takes one post to fully complete.

Pass On: This forces a being that has just recently died as a body perhaps a human plus or a near dying spirit. He can force the spirit onto it's next phase of life immediately like a shinigami or other races that can cleanse a spirit. Also a hollow killed by Dayalu will pass on to the soul society so long as it's done by a weapon connected to him.

Reincarnate a Unit: Dayalu can restore 300 beings' bodies back to live as nearly zombies to attack for him per a thread. They don't exactly wish to die willingly for Dayalu's goals. Their tier is from 4-5 to 4-3 and they have a adept for strenght in the skill sheet. He may only uses this twice a thread.

Live Again: Event and/or Permission Only. Using this ability once every three event threads, Dayalu can recreate the proper body with Ashes to Life and with the complete body, he can attempt to reattach the soul back to the body making it seem as if they had never died and lose their body. The cost of doing this ability for the used on his that the target loses their memories for past ten years and have a tier drop of two complete levels. (Example: 0-2 to 2-2) Permission of created character must also be asked before using this on the character.

The Bonding of Life/ Dayalu has a connection to the cycle of souls known to many as life & death, and in many cases can redirect these souls, on their course, when needed, as such, he can bond, their soul to his, and in such cases can take nearby souls that are susceptible to his manipulation and use them to empower his own, as such, he could use souls to re-energize himself, heal wounds, or rid himself of damaging effects with these bonds.

It could also be noted that Dayalu could bond himself, to one willing individual, in which case, a seal, very much like a ziamachi can be made, and the individual will be enhanced with the gifts that Dayalu can bestow upon them. Due to the fact that this seal however is created by Dayalu's choice and is not meant to hold him forever or against his will, it can easily be destroyed or reversed by any that have knowledge of breaking seals.

Life's End & Beginning/ Dayalu can instantaneously, kill himself for a moment, a turn his entire body to ash for mere moments as anything within his body that was poisoning or killing him, separates, and he will quickly, reform back into his living self. This ability may only be used twice a thread, and should only be used within dire situations in which case, temporary death is the best option. (Once Dayalu has died in a post, he will not be able to make anymore actions in the post beside reforming)


Death Energy Abilities & Powers

DE Class: 3

DE Powers:

Almost every DE Force user has this passive ability. You see, from the moment they inherit this Death Gene their bodies will begin to emit a strange, invisible and extremely hard to detect force that compasses their body together with a small bit of it's surrounding area that allows them to have these abilities. DE Field, in short, is what allows them to manipulate Death's effects, have each kill that they make gradually make their DE Force even more powerful and it is what allows them to tap into that Death Energy that acts like a back-up reserve to spiritual energy. For, even if they lose any type of Reaitsu, Reiryoku, Chaos Energy, Za Koa's Force, Chi Energy or anything similar to that effect; they will always have the DE Field as Death that is simply apart of life at times. And, to remove it's presence, is to defy the gods themselves. Therefore, a DE Field does not go away until the user is rendered terminated. Meaning, there is always a chance for it to get gradually stronger if the the DE Force subject is able to kill something; even it has no energy left to do anything useful.

Why is that? Well, to answer that question leads into another ability; DE Field Manipulation. Almost every living and non-living thing possesses an DE Field. From plants, to reishi, to people, to energy, to jewelry, to clothes and everything else you can imagine that can be eradicated. However, once something is rendered "dead" (There is nothing sustaining it anymore), this DE Field then rendered controllable by a DE Force user. It's what makes DE Forces so threatning and scary when it comes to war situations as they are even able to see DE Field's through the air; even the most basic DE Force user. (Though, even in times of non-combat, some higher level DE Force users can see DE Fields).

After all, This is why Touketsu's DE Field is summarized to be the DE Field strongest ever measured or exist: what is left of his physical body is still controlling the actual physical embodiment of Death. There are an unheard of number of souls, things, energies and unforeseen horrors that have been consumed in this realm of Death which makes Touketsu so insanely powerful. And, to a lesser extent, this is also why Ketsu's, Mana's and Abaddon's DE Fields are so extremely powerful. They are essentially apart of a group of vessel's that act as a host of Touketsu's existence. And this is also why all of these beings go around destroying, killing and eradicating anything that stands in their way in order to strengthen their DE Fields and become even more powerful; eventually even reaching DE Fields level NEARLY measurable to Touketsu himself if they were able to fully realize this field's potential

Additionally, once a DE Force user is terminated, that DE Field will most likely go on to three of places: the first being the person whom killed them. If the opponent is able to seize the moment, it would be possibly to capture some of the DE Field if they could figure out a way to do so. The second place where the DE Field would most likely go is to the person in that DE Force's users life whom they felt the strongest bond with. So, for instance, if Koichi were to die it would most likely go towards Hanako. However, if the person rejects this energy, it will simply go to the second best person. So, in this instance, if Hanako either choose to reject it or her body rejected it, this DE Field's power would go to his brother, Azure Iramasha. Finally, the third thing that could happen is that this DE Field would simply go back to Death's Realm to make that physical body even more powerful; and, Touketsu himself. Also, once a DE Force user is terminated, it is also possible for this DE Field to be transferred into other objects before it fades.

Though, this trait also works in reverse. In more personal kills that are fueled with emotions such as agony, desire, despair, hate, love, hurt or similar intense feelings, they may sometimes be able to fully retain that person's memories, certain power sets, abilities and everything else that they were. In some instances, special DE Field users have even been witnessed restoring their victims' souls back to it's original state inside of them and adding them to another source of power. An example of this would be when Ketsu Iramasha was forced to kill Matthew Hinote in order to realize both of their burning desires to bring down the Demon God as they each knew how much an insane threat Touketsu was. Thus, Ketsu ultimately killed him, fused his DE Field, Soul, Powers, Memories and abilities alongside his own. However, once this occurs, there is only a maximum of three fully revived souls a person can have in them. And, with each additional soul after the first, their effects get somewhat weaker.

DE Barrier:
A DE Barrier is one of the defensive traits a DE Force user gets from having a DE Field. It is always activated and this can be applied to their body and to a limited surrounding around them; up to about a maximum one one football field for those with a mastery in this. Now, what does a DE Barrier do? It acts as both a shield and stabilizer. On an even an adept level, one would be able to the soften blow of most types of attacks by simply decaying, rotting or controlling the impact zone with their DE Field in order to have a sort of unworldly armor around them at all times that can even effect some of the area around them as some DE Force users like to create sphere's of this for one post periods to shield themselves and others caught inside of it. And, once you reach Master Level, for one post periods with a two post cooldown, you can use your DE Field to effectively render most attacks that hit your shield useless, unless another DE Force user was backing up the attack, a life energy user was attacking it OR they were stronger then you or equal to you in level. Along with that, most purified attacks will also be able to pierce through the barrier such as those fired from Angel Iramasha.

The DE Barrier also generally increases one natural or unnatural defense as this adds on to whatever sort of defense they currently have. So, a DE Barrier is a useful thing to have as it can effect almost any sort of attack you can throw at it. Along with that, once you reach advance level, it holds a support power as well that does nothing until you make contact with another power. When coming into contact with someone, it gives grants you a highly advanced decaying ability that is seen to phase through one or two layers of defense at a time. For example, if you were to punch an Arrancar, you could try to overwhelm their defense with this DE Barrier. It even applies to those with beings or objects that seemly have indirect total immunity, Impact Shields and things of this nature.

However, you can only go through two layers of power at a time even on Master level. An example of this would be an advanced attempting to use his DE Barrier to blast through a persons General defense AND any type of racial defense while at the same time destroying any enhancements they have or armor. Therefore, this seemly "anti-immunity" move does not take into account a persons enhancements and that adds as another layer of defense one most go through. Along with that, even if you are able to shed through such a defense, it's still another thing to actually do damage to them on a decent level. So, in a sense, you may have broken through the steel wall guarding the dragon, but do you actually have any heat left to damage the actual Dragon waiting for you? For all you know, once you back that person into a conquer, they'll start firing with everything they got. Along with that, this can only be applied to one or two layers of defense at a time and will stay that way throughout the entirety of the thread. So, if someone were to form a Kidō based defense move, you could not bypass it as it was another enhancement.

Lastly, judging by tier, if the person is more powerful then you, chances are you'll only just end up somewhat weakening their defense. If they are equal in tier level, then you'll most likely be able to cause up to eighty percent weakening of it. Though, barriers, seals and things of this nature are more free game depending on what level, how strong or how complex the layers are.

Those whom possess this gene, even on the lowest level, typically see great expansion's to their life span to the point where most are presumed to be Semi-Immortal. In addition to that, as the person gets stronger, it seems the effects of this Semi-Immortal gene become more great. For instance, someone of Ketsu Iramasha, Alucard or Azure's level are all capable of making themselves highly resilient to most illnesses, poisons, nanobots or other types of agents looking to cause biological harm to their bodies that their DE Force simply decays, rots, removes or erases their presence from within in them. Infact, this manipulation is so great that they even go past their need to breathe in some instances as biological features become so heavily altered they move past that need if they are in a situation where oxygen is not available. However, depending on your skill level of this trait, there will be varying levels of this

This Semi-immortal trait can also be used on more advanced level's the higher you get in your DE Force control. For instance, people like Ketsu Iramasha, Alucard Iramasha and those related to them have learned a loop of sorts. They simply cal lit an aging loop where they are able to reverse their bodies age to another time. Depending on your skill, it can be anywhere from a year to hundreds of thousands of years. But, there is always a limit to where you can. Even Touketsu himself is said to only go back somewhere in the hundreds of millions.

On a more positive note, DE Force user can also apply this to other living beings as well; rather it be for the better or worse. This is called Age Control and this power through touch allows you to age a person till they are dead & dust or de-age to genetic ooze & anywhere in between. Either way, if a DE Force user should go on to completely revert their life force they should be able to absorb & extend their lifespan and DE Field by consuming that now deceased persons DE Field. But, with every power comes some set backs. For instance, if a one tier were to try this on a 0-2+ it would take a number of post before they would get to that critical point of becoming deceased; in which they can simply MOVE AWAY from the opponent to alter the effects. In addition to that, if they touch a character on the first post, the effects can become temporarily and wear off within two post even. So, even someone like Ketsu who touched a person and then was kicked off would have his effects gone in two post. It takes about two or three post of direct contact to show serious effects. In addition to that, a person must actually TOUCH or make PHYSICAL contact with them. Meaning, they cannot use their powers or any special force to randomly make people fade into dust.

However, objects such as swords, scythes, daggers and other similar tools have been known to take on this energy such as Mana's Dead Master scythe. Along with that, sometimes this force can also be transferred into energy hits that make direct hits as well. Sometimes, they can even use their own reaitsu if it makes direct contact with a person in order to obtain the same effects. As long as this makes direct contact, all is fair game. But, do keep in mind, the more zap people of their age, the more you get tired. Sure, your DE Field will get stronger if you manage to kill them, but you'll become physical exhausted if you abuse this ability. In addition to that, if you are not skilled enough, this can also be turned back against you if you activate this power. Say an opponent were able to realize what was happening to them? Well, to get around this, they could possibly use your own attack against you if they were able to redirect that energy blast you stored this age reversal or acceleration in. And, if you are weaker then your opponent , they can even just use their spiritual energy to negate it's effects if there is a major a gap and in smaller gaps reduce the amount of aging down to them.

On another note, some have learned to use this in a more healing way though it drains energy. In combat, some DE Force users have learned to mimic a fake regeneration of sorts. By using the Aging Loop on a focused area instead of their body in general, they are sometimes able to bring back limbs, close wounds, restore organs and sometimes even bring themselves back from the brink of destruction if they are in a near death state.

But, this is NOT perfect. Even if a DE Force user was able to bring said body part back or seemly "heal" it, more often then not, their damage will be there. For example, someone of an average De Force rate who lost his arm during combat and used their Age Loop trick to bring it back, it would still be there, but during the course of that thread their arm would be under an unbelievable amount of pain from when it was cut back and fused back on in addition to having to wait a few post for it to become functional. Therefore, the higher your level is in overall control, the less and less pain and damage you will suffer as a result; but some amount will be there regardless off how powerful you get. (This can also sometimes apply to objects around them as well, but they fall under the same law.)

DE Breakdown:

This is a nifty ability from the DE Field that grants some users the ability to breakdown, corrupt or otherwise decay a variety of objects, people, multitude of levels. For instance, on a basic level a DE Force users can touch a piece of organic material with skin-to-skin contact and the area being touched will start to break down on the cellular level, eventually turning the object or area into a puddle of boiling ooze. Another example would be that a cero-type attack would be heading towards the user and they would then go on to activate their DE Field's defensive abilities in order to vaporize it if they are more powerful, cut the damage down by a noticeable amount if they are equal or reduce overall impact if they are weaker.

On higher levels, this can lead to them seemly tearing through barriers if they possess a strength stronger then that or a DE Field stronger then said seal or barrier, ripping through holy objects, crafts and weapons and other feats of this nature. On more powerful levels, some DE Force users even go as far contaminating the reishi around them in order to gain control of Reishi in the area. For instance, if a DE Field user were able to influence an area enough they could gain control of most reishi within the vicinity which could lead to redirection of attacks, consumption of attacks, decaying of attacks, vicious assaults upon the opponent and sometimes even Death if the user is strong enough to inflict enough damage with this knowledge and control.

However, most typically get exhausted when they try to go out of their bonds. For instance, Katashi Iramasha has tried influencing an entire city once and failed miserable as his body began bursting open, blood spewing everywhere, his Chaos Energy and reaitsu severely being lowered and his body in immense pain. If you are not skilled enough, granted enough access to Death's powers or can endure this kind of strength; it will surely fail if you get too greedy. Therefore, most DE Force users prefer to use that particular intense of Breakdown within contained areas such as city blocks or closed areas.

Apart from that, though, on the highest level Breakdown can even be used to decay existence itself. According to Legends, some have even heard of Touketsu actually decaying entire dimensions and reducing them to immense DE Fields; thus leaving no trace behind of their previous lives. However, people like Mana or Abaddon could have the power to perform this on lower levels such as decaying various lands into non-existence with Death's physical body. Seemly "erasing" things, is more appropriate. Though, like before, this can exhaust the user if they try to overdo it and lead to the same effects Katashi suffered. So even Mana is not simply able to erase things on a whim as to erase an object is to sacrifice large amounts of your own energy. Let alone another living being.

Necromancy is the magical art of rasing the dead, as most know. Therefore, depending on your skill Level, with this ability you can animate corpses and skeletons on a more higher level. This does not mean you'll be able randomly bring anyone you want to life, however. Depending on your level, you may only succeed in temporarily animating someone at half strength and having their body de-animate in the next post. Additionally, you can only bring back people equal or lower then you in power. For instance, not even Mana could randomly bring control and animate Touketsu if he were to die or for Koichi to bring back ancient Iramasha Leaders. Along with that, once you animate someone's body, you will NOT gain an additional source of free power. Yes, they will have all of their abilities they had before, but they'll be tied to YOUR power source OR DE Field if you cannot find something else to feed them. So, if Mana were to raise a horde of undead freaks, they would ALL be tied to her energy and will drain her gradually if she cannot find something else to give them power.

Along with all that, there must be some type of SOLID body. Meaning, that if you find burnt cinders of your best friend Joe, chances are he isn't going to do squat unless you are able to use age reversal to bring his body back to a more solid state. Even then, though, it still takes energy to do that and can do tiring on large armies or powerful beings in their previous lives. Lastly, once you are done commanding them, they will instantly go back to lifeless lumps of meat. That means that once your task that you gave them is over, they will be rendered silent and unusable for the rest of the thread.

Not only that, but those under your control are also subject to the same amount of damage you take. So, you may not feel how many times they get blown to bits, but the minute you start to take some serious heat from your opponent your necromancy will weaken and thus your creatures will feel it's effects as their powers become more sloppy, they get somewhat weaken and all their stats go down until they are eventually dead again by the time you reach low power.

However, they do gain a few nifty tricks in this state. For instance, on higher levels, some under the control of the DE Force user are able to phase through objects, briefly turn invisible for one post or two with a one post cool down and use other similar ghostly powers that vary from DE User to DE user. Also, in addition to that, sometimes you can even bring their whole soul back on more controlled levels and BRIEFLY bring someone back to life before your necromancy has ended. Though, this does not usually happen until 3rd or 2nd class levels of DE Control.

DE Abilities:
Embracing The End/ Dayalu utilizes DE and has it condense upon a individual, the ability however must be within a 10 ft. range of him. This will also work better the closer that they are to Dayalu and the longer that they are within range the more effect that it takes. Should someone find themselves under this effect at least 3 times a thread or for two posts, they're character will begin to grow ill and internal bleeding occurs along with for objects they will begin to breakdown and decay. Further long beyond 5 occurrences under the effects or for 3 posts, people will begin to feel their body prepare for as if it is shutting down and lose will to fight and the ability to think properly as they're mind preps for the end and decay further is induced upon their body. In the case of any object at this point should be broken down accordingly if it is the target unless of course, special circumstances.

This ability however can be undone over time, however it will take an equal amount of time, staying out of range to lower it, therefore each post out of range, will lower the count. However combating the ability is possible, unless for special reasons would require either a high amount of will power or the capabilities of DE force.

Death Pact/ Dayalu Grants the abilities of his DE Barrier to another individual to share with his own. Their barrier however is much weaker and doesn't last too long before disappearing. (The barrier is one skill level lower than Dayalu's and lasts for three posts, Dayalu can only use this one one individual twice a thread.)


Conceptual World & Eternal Partner

• Conceptual World:Merciful Spirit [APPROVED, 0-4+] Clingstone-01

• Eternal Partner Name: Punarjanm Denā (Reincarnate)

• Eternal Partner Appearance:

• Eternal Partner Personality:

Joy: Punarjanm is a very joyful person trying the spread happiness to the two around her the most being Savya and Dayalu. She can't really be found to easily out of this sort of mood may it be the main one showing or on the side of another one present.

Looking Forward Not Right Now: Punarjanm seems to be show a greater interest in the future than what is happening to her or the others at the present moment unless it directly effects the future she is thinking of at the moment.

Love all: She shows little hate, although Punarjunm hasn't really hate to encounter any severely harmful or hated thing within the world. So it might just be that she has yet to find the things out their that she hates in the world. She shows a great amount of care for the both of her great friends and the island, making the manor a beautiful place to be even through Savya rejects it still completely.

Connected: She feels very connected to everything around her and the island, not allowing Dayalu or Savya to leave her confinement of connections to her and various important things. She may sometimes go with Savya and be with him on his small section of the island that he perfers over the manor side.

Encouragement: Unlike with Savya's suggestion that cause problems for Dayalu, her encouragements push him further and cancel out her opposites attempts to weaken Dayalu's mind and spirit. She can also use it to try and cheer up Savya from his depression but even if it is successful, it hasn't lasted more than 15 minutes.

Forgetful: As every day passes by in the world, she seems to treat every new day like the other before never really existed. Beside things that occur daily and very important events she forgets everything from the day before. It's like every night she practically goes through a reincarnation process to wake up completely new.

• 2nd Eternal Partner Powers: No difference beside being able to use both origins without drawback. Although is dominate in Reincarnation

Atma Vatou

• Atma Vatou Name: Pandora's Box

• Atma Vatou Appearance:

• Atma Vatou Abilities:
Pandora's box is very unique Atma Vatou, as within Hope their is many other things that come with it. As Dayalu uses this Atma Vatou, he will actually use it when the time is right as he keeps this Atma Vatou on the battle field in a thread it will slowly be influenced by the powers present there. With this energy, a weapon or object can be forged, but the only noted this about this item is that it cannot be used by dayalu himself as it becomes the bane of Hope and whatever else has been fighting up to this point. In which case if this was used in a battle between Dayalu and another demon, the blade would specialize in uses against Zoa Koa and Demon Magic. In another case, if Dayalu were fighting a Vizard, the blade would become the bane of Kidō along with enhancing itself to most likely to deal with hollow traits. This could also be reached in a fight against both a hollow and a shinigami. But it that case it might gain more though the hollow than the shingami, giving it better traits against the hollow.

(All weapons created though this object will require approval before they can be used.)

Weapons can only be forged after the box has been present and untouched by anyone beside Dayalu. This instant that it is touched by another being, the box will cease to function until it is returned under Dayalu's control. A weapon can be forged only after a eight post period following all of the rules stated. If it takes a direct it from energy of another being beside Dayalu this is shortened by a post and is more capable of countering their type.


• Atma Vatou Name: Yug Mein Kripaan (Sword of The Cycle)

• Atma Vatou Appearance:

• Atma Vatou Abilities: This sword is very much unique in the fact that on it's two side's form two different sides of energy, so to say, if one side is facing fire, the other side, will naturally become icy, or covered in a current of water. As to say, this blade will adapt, and change the attributes of energy to their opposite states, if they even have one.... so, if he stuck the sword into a fire, the fire would quickly find itself being put out by the blade's energy producing water. The same can be said though if one were to try to purify the blade, that it would only produce more demonic energy, and in the case of enhancing it, will only force it to purify itself. This blade is quite durable, and in a sense cannot be broken by unconventional means as it adapts to people's energy. It becomes a no brainier, that this was forged from Dayalu's soul, since actually crafting this blade would be impossible.

Naturally, this blade also allows his uses of Zoa Koa to become more flexible, as he can change the attribute or element of his techniques on command. In a sense, he can change, a fire attributed attack, quickly into water or air, based on if Zoa Koa was used to form it.


• Atma Vatou Name: Aatma Sharan Sthaan (Soul Sanctuary)

• Atma Vatou Appearance:

• Atma Vatou Abilities: When this is present in any area, rather than leaving souls of the departed defenseless, this latern offers a defensive resting place for them, unless the lantern is broken or leaves the area, all souls that have recently died will be sucked into it's contents and contained until released in the Soul Society or some other place considered a haven for souls of the departed.

This Atma Vatou, allows Dayalu to interact with souls much easier. even when not present, and can protect them from hollow, demonic or even angelic interactions. Between the different actions that can be subjected onto the souls, Dayalu gives interference between any action with within his own power to manipulate.


The Merged Path

• Phyuja Rājya Appearance: In this state nothing specific changes about him beside the access of both of his origins, Suicide and Reincarnation.

• Phyuja Rājya Powers:
You Cannot Choose Death: (Event Only) (Optional) This ability makes dying about ten times harder as both of Dayalu's concepts spread their influence far. Anyone caught within the influence has like a extra life, a moment they would die is completely removed and they are completely healed, The catch for this ability is that Dayalu can die twice with no true death unless killed by a Quincy or completely annihilated by a enemy with like maybe a gran rey cero. Although once active in a thread it sticks there til the end of either the thread or Dayalu's presence.

Savior of Life: Upon entering this release, Dayalu may mark one individual and shall become the soul shield for that individual, as his soul will take any damage they are inflicted with and even if it is caused to them self, so long as Dayalu lives, they shall not feel the repercussions of their actions, spiritually. As to say if they got blasted by a cero, they would not even feel it, as all the damage and pain is redirect to Dayalu only. Although this power isn't absolute, as physical or attacks that pierce through the defenses of Dayalu's soul will not fall upon him, and instead, the protected. (This power is not a required effect in his release)

• Phyuja Rājya Abilities:
Minor Regeneration : Dayalu's injuries that are not severe will start to heal and reseal over time causing him to have a form of a regeneration technique. His regen does not help in healing any head or neck injuries through.

Demon Convertion: Upon death of NPCs and characters that fate is up for grabs, Dayalu may change all of their souls into demon ones, this can only be used once a thread. A maximum of two thousand demons can be made from this per a thread.

Reincarnate a Army: Dayalu can raise a army from the dead but it is noted that the fallen warriors or beings are not any special like before, they are about all 4-4 to 4-1 in tier and show adept skill in speed and strength. Even a normal character brought back by this method is the same as stated before for the general group. This can only be used once a thread to raise ten thousand of the dead as his army. They do not have any fear in losing the life of their current body.

Walking into the Burning Flame: Dayalu is unaffected by environmental manipulation of elements due to his regeneration, reincarnation and walking into a disaster is a form of suicide. So even if Dayalu were to die of a nature disaster in this state, he would only be gone for a month's time in reincarnation.

Savior's Suicide/ Dayalu's essence and life is scattered across the battlefield as it enhances and strengthens, all those selected by Dayalu himself, He shall suffer all of their injuries and pain for them, although this choice leads upon to suicide, if Dayalu dies and stays dead because of this choice, he shall no return by the effects of his Origins and will be gone forever. The way this effect works is that the souls of those selected are strengthen through the injuries that they have faced thus far in combat, and with Dayalu's life energy, physically, they recover from the injuries as they may seal up cuts, or completely put everything back where it belongs if they were shred to bits for some reason. It is noted however, that if Dayalu, himself could not survived what they have gone though all together, he will not survive as well spiritually, his soul will die from all of the damages.

Soul Mirror/ Using his Influence on those that wish to influence his own soul, a bond will be created in which changes to his own soul, will be inflicted on the other's. Meaning if one were to try and purify Dayalu's demonic soul, the other would also feel this purification, whether it maybe good or bad in many cases. This ability will last so long as the influence on their soul is kept in check by Dayalu. it is possible to break this bond, by attempting to enter or influence their own soul, to break the connection, however, one cannot assume this answer. the answer lies within them self, not Dayalu.

Use of both Origins abilities and powers in this release.

• Caṛhā Saṅgalita Appearance: Not Yet Achieved

• Caṛhā Saṅgalita Powers: Not Yet Achieved

• Caṛhā Saṅgalita Abilities: Not Yet Achieved



Racial Skills
  • Za Koa Skill: Master
  • Demon Magic: Adept
  • Shadow Movement: Master
  • Akuma Kyōdo: Adept

General Skills
  • Durability: Advanced
  • General Speed: Advanced
  • Strength: Adept
  • Weapon Skill: Advanced

DE Control
  • Semi-Immortal Capacity: Adept
  • Breakdown Skill: Adept
  • Necromancy Strength: Master
  • DE Barrier: Advanced

[list][*]Willpower: Advanced
[*]Mental Deduction: Adept
[*]Pain Endurance: Master
[*]Focus: Master

Last edited by Zero on Wed Aug 17, 2016 10:53 pm; edited 10 times in total

I'm never going to be a hero! But I'm Zero!
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Merciful Spirit [APPROVED, 0-4+] Empty Re: Merciful Spirit [APPROVED, 0-4+]

Mon Nov 12, 2012 3:28 pm
Ready to be checked.

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Wed Nov 14, 2012 6:35 pm
Merciful Spirit [APPROVED, 0-4+] Image334-1
Application Checklist
  • Name [x]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Pain Endurance: Master
  • Focus: Master

Comments/Notes: Good work
Tier: 1-3+

Merciful Spirit [APPROVED, 0-4+] WVMWLOu
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Fri Nov 16, 2012 6:03 pm
Added in the skills to sheets.

I'm never going to be a hero! But I'm Zero!
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Fri Nov 16, 2012 9:34 pm

I'm never going to be a hero! But I'm Zero!
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Tue Aug 13, 2013 5:59 pm
Added everything included in this upgrade and his tier has been boosted to that of 1-1.

I'm never going to be a hero! But I'm Zero!
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Mon Aug 26, 2013 9:31 pm

I'm never going to be a hero! But I'm Zero!
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Sun Feb 02, 2014 4:51 pm

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Wed Jul 23, 2014 2:13 am

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Sat Aug 23, 2014 7:05 pm
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