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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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A Tail Swishes [Closed] - Page 3 Empty Re: A Tail Swishes [Closed]

Fri Oct 26, 2012 12:36 pm
He widened his eyes as her blade came towards him, his chest compressing backwards with an unsual amount of flexibility as if his body was moving past his arms, even as the tip of the blade cut through his uniform, tearing away his flesh. He didn't even blink an eye as the extremely dark red blood splattered onto Keianna. "Huh." He said, as he was hit with her knee, interrupted from what he was trying to attack her with and slightly rolling away still. "One of the rare times someone's attacked me like this without completely blowing my brains out." He said, smiling at her as he narrowed his eyes, feeling a slight strain in his right hip from where she had kicked him. However, otherwise he was fine as his feet pressed him onward.

He stopped about two feet from her, the his right foot forwards and his left back. His left foot caught most of his body, keeping it from getting ahead of the rest of him as the blade in his right hand shot forwards, moving with an uncanny amount of precision and speed as Schrödinger aimed it at her left him, then the right side of her stomach, striking twice in succession with stabs. He had an amused smile on his face and his eyes were still wide, his neko ears constantly at attention as he took a step forwards; predicting she would back away to get away from the stabs as he moved his blade upwards, aiming for the center of her body before his blade suddenly flipped around as he pulled it upwards, trying to catch her blade that she would most likely use to block his third, and due to the fact he put his whole body into it strongest, attack and then proceeding to parry her blade and throw it out of her hands.

Then he stopped, blinking as he took a step back now, assuming a defensive stance in the direction he had intended for her blade to be thrown back to if she had tried using it to block the feint that was his third attack. His legs were spread out to shoulder width and the blade in his right hand was hovering horizontally before him once more, the smile still on his face as he began to get excited, wondering if she was enjoying herself.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
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A Tail Swishes [Closed] - Page 3 Empty Re: A Tail Swishes [Closed]

Fri Oct 26, 2012 1:15 pm

||K e i a n n a T a n a k a||

Schrodinger's reaction was not exactly something that she was expecting to come from someone who had just been injured. For a moment, she felt guilty, realizing that this was just supposed to be a spar and she actually did just injure him only a few moments ago. That was bad. Although it was her intention to strike him, before now she had not thought about the consequences of actually hurting him. "I apologize for that..." Keianna said to him, but then heard his statement, "What kind of people do you hang out with if they try to blow your head off?" A legitimate question and understandable with this new information. He was getting stranger and stranger by the minute. He did not seem interested in answering. He immediately moved back into the fight. Keianna had no problem with that at all, although she was interested in the look he kept getting on his face. His eyes kept going wide and it was like his smile was getting bigger and bigger. She didn't understand.

Schrodinger stopped about two feet from her, taking up his stance. She once again returned to her own stance and awaited his move. And so he moved. His strikes were quick stab motions towards her hip and then to her stomach. She was a skilled fighter in multiple ways. She was even faster than than the man who trained her. She wasn't going to get struck easily. Having her body turned, she was easily able to back away from the two stabs. Before she really had a chance to realize his intentions, her blade was suddenly knocked from her hand. She followed it with her eyes as it landed about ten feet to her left. She looked to Schro and raised an eyebrow. He took a defensive stance. Keianna's face suddenly shifted. Her eyes lit up, her smile widened a bit, but she still kept this completely calm and content nature about her. Taking in a deep breath, Keianna just got a bit more serious. Just by her change in demeanor, he might be able to tell. She raised her arms to him and moved forward. At first she was going at a normal speed, but then quickened her pace. Her bare feet tapping against the ground. She brought her right arm back quickly sending it forward in what would be a 'fake-out' punch. She did not intend to hit, only to distract. When that punch would miss, she'd use the momentum to spin her body rapidly and send the back of leg towards the side of Schrodinger's jaw.

If this kick were to land, Keianna would bend her leg to hook him. She'd then use the momentum and his weight to balance her own as she'd come of her own feet and swing her body around his. Once the entire swing completed, her left foot would land, but her right would force Schrodinger down towards the wood floors of the dojo. But, if he dodged the kick she would land and continue her spin while dropping to the floor. Once again using the momentum, she'd continue her spin and swing her right leg around in an attempt to trip him, which would likely cause him to fall to the floor rather hard.

Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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A Tail Swishes [Closed] - Page 3 Empty Re: A Tail Swishes [Closed]

Fri Oct 26, 2012 1:36 pm

He thought as he held up his left hand, blocking her punch squarely. He saw her leg coming but realized there was nothing he could do about it; he didn't want to cut off her leg and at this angle that was all he was capable of to stop the attack. His eyes widened as his head was moved from the force of the impact, feeling several of his sharp teeth flying out of his skull onto the dojo floor, as his eyes widened as a sharp crack went through the air around them. Her other leg caught him squarely in the back of his neck, slamming him onto the ground. However, he was ready to react as he chucked the sword away, realizing they were in close quarters now and didn't want for it to harm her as he shot up his left arm, attempting to grab one of her legs as his eyes widened further.

He pulled himself up through the attempted grip, or else pushed off a foot, although he would pull her down if he caught her leg and rise himself up faster as he curled his fingers to make his knuckles stick out, curling them into Keianna's stomach as he attempted to deal a blow, firing it straight up from his slightly raised position on the ground, his jaw broken and blood streaming from his mouth and chest as he pulled on her leg again, this time rolling her body to attempt to bring her onto the floor as he crossed his arms around her legs, attempting to slam his body on top of hers Judo-style, slamming his body into her stomach while holding onto her legs, before rolling off and onto one knee, bringing up a finger to his dark-red blood around his mouth and tracing it off, before a strange movement of shadows occurred as the blood on his finger seemed to diminish. He used shadow movement to write a message on the ground in his blood.

Yeah. Yaknow, you'll still probably end up killing me before this is done. I've lost count of how many times I've died and went to Hell.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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A Tail Swishes [Closed] - Page 3 Empty Re: A Tail Swishes [Closed]

Fri Oct 26, 2012 2:01 pm

||K e i a n n a T a n a k a||

Upon the moment of impact, Keianna was able to tell that she had not realized how powerful this kick must have been. She felt and heard his jaw snap under the kick, but there was nothing she could do about that. One thing she could do though was literally use his body as a basis as her foot pushed him to the ground. She attempted to do this, but was caught off guard by the grabbing of her legs. She was pulled in and saw that this was an attempt to punch her. She immediately hardened her muscles, tensing them for impact. She winced slightly when he hit her, not one to show very much pain, but she was really feeling it. There was a moment that she had actually felt guilt and slight fear of what she might have done to him, but with him continuing to battle on, she wondered if the pain mattered to him, or if he felt it at all. Her leg was pulled again, but this time she reacted well, her mind no longer distracted. She shifted her body and placed a single hand on the ground to catch herself. Using this arm, she pushed herself up into the air, flipping and landing on her feet. This action allowed her to dodge his falling on her, causing him to literally fall on the floor himself. She looked down at him, her calm demeanor once again taking it's place.

Schrodinger wrote something on the ground. She looked over and read it. Looking to the writing and then back to him, she let out a soft sigh. "I did not mean to cause you such harm." she said in a calm voice as she began walking back over to her katana, "This fight is over. A spar is not supposed to end up with blood and broken bones... I can't and won't continue." She picked up the katana and then went to grab his. Once she had them both, she walked over to the storage room and placed them back on the shelves where they were. She turned back to him and blinked a few times. "Are you going to be all right?" she asked, "I can take you to the hospital if needed."

Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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A Tail Swishes [Closed] - Page 3 Empty Re: A Tail Swishes [Closed]

Sat Oct 27, 2012 8:35 am
Schrödinger blinked, calming down once again as she spoke to him. As she said what she was going to say, he smiled, as two tails emerged from his military grade trousers. As they did, the wound on his chest began to smoke, before the skin sealed up and his jaw suddenly gave another gigantic SNAP, as it right itself again. "...Ow. My behind." He whined, his behind suddenly sore from the drop as his tails froze up, barely moving. "I realize." He continued, wincing as he tentatively touched his behind, wincing. "I don't need a hospital. Forgive me for how breakable I am like this." He continued, before standing up straight, raising both arms above his head and stretching as his mouth opened in a wide yawn. Mraaaaaw~ He let out, before looking back at her again, his tails still swishing behind him.

"Either way. Thanks for the spar." He said, bowing duly to her, his tails staying obediently before he straightened up again. "Although you didn't kill me... so I don't know what I'm going to do now... Hmm..." He mused as he looked at the floor, his tails swishing behind himself, his behind feeling better...

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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A Tail Swishes [Closed] - Page 3 Empty Re: A Tail Swishes [Closed]

Sat Oct 27, 2012 9:05 am

||K e i a n n a T a n a k a||

Keianna saw the smoking wound and just watched it. Her attention was snapped away from the wound and towards his jaw a moment later. That was highly disturbing. She moved her own jaw around a bit, wondering how the hell he just did that. "Breakable?" she just stared at him. He was really just getting weirder and weirder by the minute. As he stood, she kept an eye on him, watching him stretch and yawn. "Well if you don't need to go to the hospital, then that is fine. Just stop bleeding all over the floor... The custodian will complain at me if there is too much to clean up." Keianna walked over and slipped back into her slippers. She realized then that she should likely be in bed. What the hell was she doing up at this time of night anyway? She suddenly felt tired and yawned as well, covering her mouth with her hand. "No problem..." she said after she stopped yawning, in reply to his thank you. Hearing him continue on, her left eye twitched slightly and she turned back to him. "Why the hell do you expect me to kill you?" she asked him, slightly disturbed by the way he was talking. "That is extremely awkward." Keianna still kept a calm tone, although it was slightly elevated in volume. She wasn't yelling, only sounded slightly concerned. She calmed down again and replied to him about what he would do next. "You should go home and go to bed. I don't even know why I am up at this time of night. I will escort you off the grounds and then I will be returning to bed." She said as she walked over to the dojo's door, "Come on." With that she began leading him right back to the front gate, keeping quiet as she walked along the area.

Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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A Tail Swishes [Closed] - Page 3 Empty Re: A Tail Swishes [Closed]

Sat Oct 27, 2012 9:37 am
Schrödinger smiled simply at her, seeing her disturbed look at his mouth. He wondered if he should demonstrate how his body worked by cutting off his arm or something; but he figured that that might just freak her out a bit. Rather instead, his tails merely swished behind himself. Without moving a muscle, his blood began to turn a black color, before it faded away completely, the energy returning to Schrödinger. "Blood all over the floor? What blood all over the floor?" He asked with a mischievous smile, his tail flickering behind himself.

He blinked, his eyes becoming wide as he saw actual emotion in her face and in her words. "Because with the exception of my family, 99% of the people with the ability to kill me do so. It's just happened so many times to me that by now it's essentially second nature. Not to mention it would have made a good trip to Hell so I could meet up with Gramps again." He said, smiling to himself like a cat with whiskers. "It may be awkward for you, but for me it's just daily life." He explained, sitting on his behind again and looking up at her with his extremely wide, red eyes. "Maybe you found something you didn't expect~" He said in reply to why she was out this late at night, before turning around and following her out, being led across the area. He was pretty much done talking, reserving himself to his silent thoughts.

All in all, not a bad night for Mr. Kittykins. He got to get out at night, spend time with a girl (always a plus in his mind), and pawsibly have made a new friend. Although, he must say he wasn't entirely sure on that part, even as he reached the end of the gate; choosing to walk off until he was out of view of the gate, at which point his body ceased to exist there, going back to being everywhere and nowhere at the same time...

Schrödinger has left the thread

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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A Tail Swishes [Closed] - Page 3 Empty Re: A Tail Swishes [Closed]

Sat Oct 27, 2012 10:18 am

||K e i a n n a T a n a k a||

Keianna raised an eyebrow at the blood fading away. That was really her only reaction. Another interesting thing about this strange boy. As they made it to the gate, Keianna kept quiet, not replying to anything he said. It wasn't that she was ignoring him. No. In fact, she was thinking about everything he was saying. A single line that he spoke kept popping back out at her. "Maybe you found something you didn't expect." was what he said. An interesting notion within itself. Arriving at the gate, she pushed it open and allowed him to walk through. She watched him as he walked off. Neither of them said bye. As she watched him, her eyes narrowed just a bit and a smile formed on her face. She'd see him again. She knew that was going to happen. He seemed like one of those people who came back to say hi to those they have met. Once she could not see him anymore, a short chuckle left her throat and she stepped back inside the estate, closing the large gate. She pushed on a large beam, having it fall across the door and landing in two metal braces. The door now locked, she headed back towards her room, kicked off her slippers, and slid right back into bed. "I have a feeling I will be seeing that one again soon..." Keianna thought to herself as she pulled the covers up, "Schrodinger Yuudeshi... You are a strange one..." And with that final thought, she fell asleep.

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A Tail Swishes [Closed] - Page 3 Empty Re: A Tail Swishes [Closed]

Sat Oct 27, 2012 10:25 am
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