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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Wed Oct 24, 2012 11:21 pm
Schrödinger looked up at her for a moment, his eyes widening. "Happiness is when you can look up and smile for no reason at all." He said simply, a lack of a smile on his own face. "I'm an empath. I feel what other's feel based on what my experiences are. It's selfish, I know, but I want to try to make everyone happy. Especially considering that it's the very least I can do; I'm technically not even alive in this world. I'm alive and dead at all times. Because you cannot prove I am one nor the other." He said simply, his eyelids lowering slightly. "I was bored. That's why I was sitting on your wall; I have no satisfying lifestyle. I was looking for someone to ease my loneliness with, and began to wonder if you could be the person. Again, I realize it's selfish.. but it's what makes me happy." He said simply, looking up at her.

"Tell me then, you who is happy in a way a dynamic being such as I cannot understand, what gives you satisfaction?" He asked, very intelligent and his speech as he leaned against the gate, looking at her. The Buddhist peace symbol on his left arm flapped in the breeze, as he looked up at the sky, thinking to himself. She boggled his mind; she claimed to be happy and yet she was so.. passive. It felt strange to him. It didn't feel right. It didn't feel right at all.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Thu Oct 25, 2012 7:55 am

||K e i a n n a T a n a k a||

"I see..." she spoke in a calm tone, closing her eyes as she took in a small breath and let it out in a sigh, "That is your definition of happiness... People can smile whenever they want to. It does not mean they are truly happy. A person with no smile on their face has the ability to be the happiest of most. I am one of those people..." Her vision of happiness was different then some peoples. She just wasn't one to smile all the time. It was fine this way. She liked her life, whether she showed it in the manner that others did or not. His explanation of what he was confused her slightly. She merely listened to him. How could one not be proven dead or alive? That was a concept she did not understand and somewhat did not even believe. After he stopped speaking for a moment, she spoke up, right after his 'it's what makes me happy' statement. "Do not try to make everyone happy..." she said to him, "It will only end up causing you to be unhappy in the end. Until you are one hundred percent content with your life and happy in your own way, then you do not concentrate on others. And don't try to tell me that you are happy when you just admitted you have no satisfying lifestyle and that you were looking for someone to ease your loneliness... That isn't happy."

With his next question, she closed her eyes and laid her head against the wall behind her. She thought to herself for a moment, allowing the silence of the world to take over for a while. All that could be heard around them was a cricket off in the distance and the breeze moving through the city. Relaxing a bit, as her hair blew in the breeze, she came up with her answer. After a few moments, she stood up straight, opened her eyes, and looked to him. "What satisfies me...." she said, stopping for a moment. She held out her hand, closing it as if she was holding on to something. Within the blink of an eye, a snow white sword formed in her hand. It had a pinkish aura and radiated of her own energy. "What satisfies me is my training. The known fact that I am skilled in many ways and the fact that I have my power. I'm intelligent, noble, honorable, trustworthy, honest, and most of all... I am alive and I am loved. I need nothing else. I want nothing else. I am grateful for what I have and I could not be happier." She looked at this sword in her hand as if it were a part of her, as if it were a precious item. Even with her calm exterior, her eyes still held the emotions of a young teenage girl. Keianna was happy.

Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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A Tail Swishes [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Tail Swishes [Closed]

Thu Oct 25, 2012 8:48 pm
He listened carefully as she spoke, his ears high up as he tilted his head at her. Wouldn't someone who's extremely happy want to share that happiness with everyone? He wondered, his ears drooping for a moment before looked down at the ground, thinking hard. He blinked, before looking up at her once more as she spoke. "Being happy for myself is essentially useless... as it is true that I am always both happy and unhappy at the same time." He said, smiling as his tail wondered slightly back and forth, before he looked up at her once again, his mouth a normal line again. [color=darkred]"What makes me satisfied is making other people happy. Their's is an always true happiness; something that I can take pride in because I helped cause it."{/color] He said, as he suddenly smiled widely, before it seemed as if he had never been smiling as his mouth shifted back to a normal line.

His face began to rapidly change, switching between these two expressions on and off as he continued to look at her, showing how it was always true and false that he was happy, as he genuinely could feel happiness each time he smiled, and a void within every time his mouth was just a line. "See. Just as you have a passive happiness; I have one that satisfies me through helping others." He stated simply, before hearing what she said about training.

"So your life is perfect then? How lucky... Wish it could be the same for everyone. Then we wouldn't have fighting and so much hate in this world..." He said wistfully, looking up at the clouds again as he sat down on the ground, before blinking. "You said you liked training?" He asked, blinking and looking up at her with interested eyes, his cat ears sticking straight up. "Can I spar against you, then? When you have a chance to?" He asked, his demonic tail thrashing about excitedly. He wasn't planning to actually do anything; he doubted that he'd even use an A class of any kind, and if he did fight her he wouldn't use any Absolute FIre if he could help it. so she would be safe. All he would really need was the blade jingling around in his phanny pack...


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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A Tail Swishes [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Tail Swishes [Closed]

Thu Oct 25, 2012 11:35 pm

||K e i a n n a T a n a k a||

Keianna had nothing she could respond with now. She just listened to him talk until it came to the time where he mentioned her training. "Yes. It is something I like to do a lot." Keianna said to him with a small nod. He then asked for a spar, causing her to raise an eyebrow. She glanced away and thought for a moment. "I guess it would not be a problem. I have time. When is it that you would want to spar?" she asked him. Once he answered, she would nod and then continue on. "Well... I will say this." she began and then stood up straight. She turned towards him and spoke slightly more official than she usually did, which was odd since she was in her pajamas. "You get to choose what type of spar it is. If it is within the confines of this Facility, then it will not be power based. No spiritual powers will be used." she said and then waited for his reaction. After she got it, she continued, "If it is outside of the facility, then really all methods are up to you. I will likely just stick with normal hand to hand combat. I am not one that enjoys sparring with powers. A spar is training... So using full power is not something I would do." Keianna was skilled, but her powers were limited. She didn't like using them very often, so she did not always attempt to develop them like others did. Her grandfather disagreed with this, but until she felt a need for them to be stronger, she was fine with what she had.

Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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A Tail Swishes [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Tail Swishes [Closed]

Fri Oct 26, 2012 8:32 am
He blinked, noticing how she didn't try to back up her earlier claims. He wondered if that was a result of her not wanting to talk about something where she thought she would lose, or if she just didn't care.

"Hmm... I'd probably actually like it to be within this place!" He said, turning around and leaping up in one jump on top of the gate. "It looks really neat... and honestly it'd be better without powers. I don't want to permanently damage you." He continued, a slightly saddened look on his face. His strange malicious aura was still around himself, but his personality was as bright as ever.

"And as for training... I haven't used my full technical skills for a while now. Would be interesting to see what I can still do." He said happily, standing up on the gate with extreme balance as he whipped out his tanto-shortblade-dagger mix Caledscratch out of its spot in the bag on his side that had a strap looping around his shoulder. "Mmk. So how should I know when you are ready?" He asked, flipping Caledscratch up and down in the air without even looking at it with one hand, turning around to look at her again and await a reply.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Fri Oct 26, 2012 9:04 am

||K e i a n n a T a n a k a||

Keianna nodded at his choice. His next statement caused her to shoot a glare at him. She didn't appreciate being assumed weak. She said nothing because for all she knew it might be true. With his aura, she wasn't too sure. It was also a fact that she didn't have the most destructive of powers. She had to rely on her regular skill, not some gift, to keep herself alive in battle. As he jumped to the top of the gate, Keianna placed her hand on it and easily pushed it open. With the size and thickness of this gate, it was obvious that it wasn't the lightest of walls. It was made of pure wood. Keianna was able to slide it open with just the tips of her fingers. She wasn't weak. Stepping inside the confines of the Tanaka estate, she glanced up to him. "What's your name anyway?" she asked in a calm tone as she began walking away, assuming that he was just going to follow her. She headed down a small path, passed a few houses (including the main house), and up to a building. It was a dojo. She stepped inside and waited for him to pass into the building. Once he did, she'd close the door. Obviously she took his ask for a spar seriously. She wasn't even hesitating. She assumed he wanted it now and that was what she was going to give.

"With or without weapons?" she asked him. Once he answered, she'd look to him with a serious face. "You do understand that when in the confines of this facility you are not allowed to use any spirit based abilities, whether offensive or defensive?" Keianna waited for his answer. Once he would give it, she would nod and take in a deep breath. Depending on his answer, she would either ask if he was ready or explain what she means. Also, she was very much aware that she was still in her pajamas. She didn't care. It didn't matter much to her. they were loose fitting, comfortable, and not expensive. She kicked her slippers off to the side so they would be out of the way, not wanting to randomly slip during the fight.

Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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A Tail Swishes [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Tail Swishes [Closed]

Fri Oct 26, 2012 10:16 am
CAGE.He could feel her glaring eyes at his back, honestly wondering what it was about. It was like she thought he was arrogant or something; on quite the contrary to what he actually thought. He knew the potential of Death Energy's Breakdown, as well as what his Absolute Fire could do to a person; they were horrible things that he honestly didn't wish on anybody. However, he figured her defensive ego issues were her own deal. Course he wouldn't make any motions to indicate he thought this; because if there was one thing that he had learned from his ancestors, it was that ladies are always right. Always.

He leaped off the gate, widening his eyes are her. She's a monster... He thought, wondering how her lithe body could conceal so much strength. He started thinking she should look like one of those body builder girls, before he began shaking his head furiously, his neko ears swinging back and forth as he tried to get the odd thought out of his brain, before she walked past him and he looked at her, following. "Schrödinger Yuudeshi!" He answered in cheerful reply of her question. "And what's yours?" He asked, following her on all fours once again as his tail continued to wag behind him.

"With weapons, please." He said in answer to her question, eralizing that they were going to be doing the fighting now. This excited him; after all, it was now that he was really bored, so he was glad they could do it now. "ANd alright! No powers it is." However, he stopped for a moment, thinking as the tail on his back surged back into himself. "...does that include apperance? Because otherwise I'll have to change into this glowy-eyed, mostly-naked demonic thing." He said worriedly, holding Caledscratch still as he watched her, assuming her answer would be that he could keep up his current guise, and successfully resisted the urge to chase down her slippers. It was a hard fought battle, though.

"Ladies first." He said simply with a smile, his ears atop his head twitching as he offered Keianna the first move in an act of chivalry. After all, Schrödinger... was a ladies cat.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Fri Oct 26, 2012 10:31 am

||K e i a n n a T a n a k a||

"Interesting name..." she said in reply to him, "I am Keianna Tanaka." She leaned her head to the left, then to the right, obviously stretching out her neck. She swung her arms around and hopped back and forth on each foot to stretch out her arms and legs as well. Leaning all the way forward until her hands touched the ground she stretched her back out and then stood up straight. She walked over to a sliding door. She opened it up and glanced inside. She grabbed onto a normal katana and tossed it towards him. "I am unsure of what weapons you usually use, but here." Keianna said and then looked back and grabbed onto another. Coming out of the side room, she closed the door with her own katana in hand. It was just a normal katana, nothing special about it. It wasn't made of wood either. It was a blade. Unless he asked for something different. This is what he was going to get.

"All right Schrodinger Yuudeshi. I am sorry, but I will not be taking the first move. I'll allow you to make the first move, since you are the guest and technically the challenger as well. Explain how intense you wish this spar to be? Would you like basic moves? Intermediate? Advanced? Or would you prefer us to go all out and just fight until one or both drop?" She moved to the opposite side of the dojo, now turning to face him. She stood there waiting for his answer to her questions. Once he answered them, she would speak no longer. She'd move her body sideways, her left shoulder towards him and her right shoulder towards the back. Raising her hands upwards, she did not ball them into a fist, but instead kept her palms up and ready. Now this was all up to him and how he wished to begin. She had given him the first move and that is how it was going to be.

Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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A Tail Swishes [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Tail Swishes [Closed]

Fri Oct 26, 2012 10:45 am
Schrödinger accepted the name she told him in reply, filing it away in his mind for future reference. He watched her carefully as she stretched, merely going forwards himself and stretching out his arms as his back shook, so badly wanting to release his tail to stretch it but knowing he wasn't allowed to as he stretched his entire body in one fell swoop, his lips coming back as he took in a deep breath to reveal a full set of sharp, curved teth.

He blinked as she threw him a katana, holding it one hand as he dropped his dagger into his bag. "Aw. Oh well. Just be ready then." He said simply, holding the katana in front of himself horizontally, one hand gripping it and the other just above the blade as he watched her, smiling. "Till we both drop. No better way to get to know someone than to fight them with all you've got." He said, duly quoting Seraph from the Matrix as he took a deep breath.

Now standing up straight, he leaned his body in as he narrowed his eyes, his smile widening and becoming more like a predators as his feet shot him forwards. His eyes widened considerably as he reached her, dragging his hand away from above the blade as he flipped it vertically before bringing it down, aiming for her right shoulder before he suddenly stopped with both feet, his whole body stopping as he spun around once, stopping again as he slashed the blade at her stomach. As he did this, his back facing her, his right foot shot out, locking into the ground at her side as he slashed at her once more as he brought himself to face her on her left, having aimed that slash at her left arm. His neko ears twitched as he suddenly shot back, his left hand and left foot laying onto the ground as he shot his right foot upwards, aiming his right hand at her legs as he slashed at her with the blade.

He pushed off his hand and foot, going backwards as he spun through the air, landing back on the balls of his feet. He switched quickly to his toes, becoming light on his feet as he slightly jumped back and forth, his eyes wide and accepting all the facts around himself as he waited for her to take her move.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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A Tail Swishes [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Tail Swishes [Closed]

Fri Oct 26, 2012 12:10 pm

||K e i a n n a T a n a k a||

"I am ready." she nodded to him. A small hint of excitement was in her tone when she told him. When he continued, saying he wished for them to go all out, she actually had a small smile creep onto her lips. Although it might seem sadistic for someone like her, it was actually happiness. It had been a while since she got a new person to fight. Usually she was training students or sparring with her grandfather. "Well then I will attempt not to disappoint you." she took a quick bow and then readied her blade in the manner of which she cared for. She held it within her left hand and a bit lower then most people, having it come below her waist. The sharp edge of the blade was facing towards Schrodinger, while the tip was pointing towards the wall at their sides. Her other hand lay behind her back, her body completely parallel to his at the moment. And then he charged. She wasn't exactly sure what to make of his demeanor or the way he was moving, but he seemed a bit rough. She was able to anticipate his attack for the moment. To prevent any damage, she moved her shoulder slightly and brought it out of the way of his blade. She didn't understand why he moved for her shoulder when it was so far out of his reach, but then realized when his blade shifted that his real target was her stomach.

As his blade came around towards her stomach, she quickly raised her own. Their blades made contact. Using her own blade, Keianna pushed his upwards, forcing it out of it's intended path and passed her own shoulder. The moment this was done, her arm and blade were upwards and already in position for her next move. She merely swung her blade outwards, to her left, and in a semi-circle. If this was not dodged, Schrodinger would be slashed straight across his chest. Using the momentum of the swing, she'd bring her right knee upwards and send it aiming for Schrodinger's left side. If he was hit by this, it is not a full powered kick, so he would feel a slight bang and likely be a little bruised. If he dodged this, she would continue through the knee, placing her right leg back down on the ground and spin. Mid-spin, she'd raise her left leg and swing it high into the air, her shin heading for the side of Schrodinger's head. If this hits, he'll likely become dizzy and maybe be pushed off of his balance.

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