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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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The Morning After [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Morning After [Closed]

Mon Sep 24, 2012 5:48 pm
Hearing him speak and say that he was awake, Keianna immediately grabbed the medicine off of the side table. She stood up and sat down on the side of the bed. She then slid an arm up under his back and slowly lifted him up. "All right... I'm going to give you some medicine. I don't know if you'll like the taste, but you have to swallow it so you can get better, okay?" she told him as she pulled him closer, allowing him to use her stomach as a way to sit up. She opened the medicine and poured a small amount onto a spoon. "Okay." she said as she brought the spoon down to his mouth, "Open your mouth." Once he did, she would give him the medicine and pull the spoon out, waiting for him to swallow. It was a standard, cherry flavored, children's cough medicine. She hoped it was good enough to make him feel better after a while. After that, she'd close the medicine, set it down to the side, and then leaned towards the tray to pull it closer. Once it was close enough, she waited for Yuri to get his system working on the medicine before he ate. "You've got some of that food that you had last night here waiting for you, okay? Once the medicine is working through your system, you can eat. That should only take about five to ten minutes." she said, running her fingers through his hair. Now that he was clean and his hair was brushed, she figured he was a lot more comfortable than before, but never really asked about it.

The Morning After [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Morning After [Closed]

Mon Sep 24, 2012 6:41 pm
Yuri wasn't able to argue with Kei, he liked her and she was kind to him. Something he didn't quite understand really, he was relaxed with her hands running through his hair. It felt nice, somehow soothing. He nodded and took that nasty medicine down, it was the most nasty stuff he'd ever taken. But it was nicer tasting then somethings in someways. The nasty liquids he'd drank at his families houses to stay alive were vulgar almost. But Yuri's eyes remained closed, resting against Kei he could feel his mind resting and relaxing. It was such a strange feeling, his body hadn't ever encountered this type of kindness to it. His hair and scalp felt nice, a tingling feeling through him so to speak. The food again from last night, he kept his head against her, waiting for the so called effects to kick in. This place, these people, they were all so kind to him. He didn't understand it, the punishment from before he was brought back to his room, so was this what they considered a punishment. He wasn't as privileged as other children, this was something of the way his life turned out. His nose ran and his coughs were violent when they did come, he didn't dare open his eyes.
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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The Morning After [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Morning After [Closed]

Mon Sep 24, 2012 7:21 pm
Keianna waited for a few minutes and decided he could begin to eat now. She pulled the tray over and sat him up to where his legs would be over the bed. "You can eat now." she said as she brought the tray in front of him, "I'm sitting next to you, so you can open your eyes and look at your food while you eat so you don't spill everywhere." she told him as she pulled his hair behind his shoulders. The bow that was holding her hair up, she pulled it from her hair and allowed her hair to drop down behind her, reaching past her waist. She then used the bow to tie into his hair. She wouldn't leave it like that, but wanted him to be able to eat without fiddling with it. Once she did that, she would set his spoon in his bowl and stand up, walking towards the door. "Call for me when you're finished. I have a few chores that I need to get done." she closed the door and allowed him to eat, moving on to do her chores, which were just the dishes, some sweeping, a bit of vacuuming, which could be heard right outside of his door. Once she was finished or when he would call her, then she'd put everything away, but until then, she'd just do the things she needed to.

The Morning After [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Morning After [Closed]

Mon Sep 24, 2012 7:29 pm
Yuri was excited to eat, opening those beautiful brown eyes so pure and innocent. He began eating at the same pace as last night, it was so good and had been such a long time since he'd had a meal that was truly as good as this one had been. Th e food slid down and was gone rather quickly, he barely been able to hold himself back. His stomach was hungry, but also the medicine made him sleepy. His nose ran a bit and he very gently blew it into tissues and such, he coughed once and a while. He ate the food in bed, normally not even at a table was he welcome to eat. So he wasn't really going to complain about anything. He wouldn't call for her, because the food had been so good and the medicine made him sleepy. The boy would be found asleep with the tray still on the bed, he didn't move or do anything that would disturb it. Bugging Kei was the last thing Yuri would do. But for those who got to see him asleep, they would notice almost a peaceful sleep that was so interesting to watch. His eyes closed softly and almost everything perfect. A picture lay on the tray for Kei, the one he'd finished before of her as an angel.
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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The Morning After [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Morning After [Closed]

Mon Sep 24, 2012 7:41 pm
Keianna realized it had been a while since she had heard from Yuri. He hadn't called her and she'd been done with her chores for a while. She put all the cleaning supplies away and headed down to Yuri's room. When she got there, she kept that calm and peaceful look in her eyes. "He's asleep..." she said as she turned towards the tray to see if he had eaten. He did, but there was also something there. She picked it up and looked at it. She couldn't help but smile when she saw what it was. It was a well done drawing of her... with angel wings. "Is this how he sees me...?" she asked herself as she glanced over to the sleeping boy. She set the picture down on the side table, picked up the tray and set it to the side, and then turned Yuri so he'd have his head on the pillow. She covered him up and tucked him in. She grabbed the picture and the tray, walking out and closing the door behind her. She took the tray to the kitchen and set it on the counter. Before she did anything else, she went back to her room and grabbed a frame. She put the picture in it and set it down on her dresser. Although she kept herself calm and indifferent, she love it and was not going to let it get thrown away or anything like that. Once that was done, she moved on to the kitchen, cleaned of the tray, washed the bowl and spoon, and then went right back outside to continue her weekend training.
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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The Morning After [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Morning After [Closed]

Mon Sep 24, 2012 7:42 pm
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