Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Tsumi Buredo
Tsumi Buredo
Project Z
Project Z
Joined : 2012-08-10
Posts : 59
Age : 27

Tsumi Buredo [Shinigami] [APPROVED 3-3] Empty Tsumi Buredo [Shinigami] [APPROVED 3-3]

Sun Aug 12, 2012 11:46 pm
Tsumi Buredo [Shinigami] [APPROVED 3-3] Image3678
Tsumi Buredo [Shinigami] [APPROVED 3-3] Tsumi_10

Experimental Life Form: Tsumi Buredo

Tsumi Buredo [Shinigami] [APPROVED 3-3] Image3681-1

Name: Tsumi Buredo
Titles: Project Z
Gender: Male
Appearance Age: 15
Age: 15
Affiliation/Rank: Gotei 13

Appearance Description:
Tsumi Buredo weighs in at an even 150 Pounds, and stands at 6”2. Tsumi has a rather scrawny build and, much to his dismay, no matter how much he eats, he just can’t seem to gain any weight. Tsumi's white hair is mostly short, but two strands in front go down to his mouth, nearly blocking out his calm, focused eyes. In fact, Tsumi’s eyes are Dichromatic, his “normal eye” is a subtle grey, while the other is a complete negative image, the whites of the eye having turned black, while the iris turned white. As for clothing, Tsumi prefers his metal vest, metal gloves, and steel pants. Tsumi's pants are, in fact, all one piece. This is accomplished with overlapping cloth, and the attachment of metal plates. The cloth under the steel is made of a thick silk, which offers almost as much defense as steel, hence the plating. On Tsumi’s chest is the mark of Xyn, which, although crooked, he wears very proudly. Tsumi's vest is made of steel, using very small chain links in some places, so that the wearer can still move comfortably.

This set of clothes was given to Tsumi by Raxino, a descendant of Kurcet, who struck a deal with Tsumi. The deal was, if Tsumi could beat Raxino with any one weapon in the shop, he would forge him the clothes free of charge, but if he failed, he would have to work at the blacksmith shop, with no pay, for five years. Tsumi chose a sword, while Raxino chose a chain of daggers he had made himself. Tsumi, deciding that a chain of daggers was more arrogant than dangerous, easily disarmed Raxino, knocked him down, and pointed his sword at Raxino's neck, before walking away. Of course, both Tsumi and Raxino were novices back then, with no idea of how to fight.

Appearance Picture:

Tsumi Buredo [Shinigami] [APPROVED 3-3] Image3682-1

Personality: Tsumi is a rather strange individual. He is very sarcastic, while kind at the same time. Tsumi has a very strong sense of right and wrong, and intervenes into the simplest of conflicts. Tsumi does not understand his own mortality, and would gladly sacrifice himself for a good cause. He is a naturally brave soul, with one exception, GIRLS. Cannot talk to anything female, and usually gets a bit nervous when a girl talks to him, to the point where he's actually developed a bit of a phobia towards women.

He knows nothing about romance so, when the topic is brought up, he becomes quiet. In fact, Tsumi is VERY shy. He can become quite talkative once he's ready, but until then, he generally recedes away from real conversation. However, he enjoys being pushed to the point of shyness, as he is secretly a Masochist. In fact, he's been known to smile broadly during spars with other Gotei 13 members, "for no good reason".

Tsumi can usually withstand a girl’s presence once he gets to know them enough. Somewhat sentimental about his life, but doesn’t really like to talk about it. Tsumi finds new motivation every time someone shows that they have genuine faith in him. Tsumi enjoys being social and talking to others, after he gets used to them. Tsumi doesn’t work well in a group he doesn’t know, but easily coordinates once he actually knows them. A clear head is the key to any win, and that’s exactly what Tsumi tells himself during every fight.

Tsumi will give anything to protect his sister, Amy. She is the only person that Tsumi can really share his feelings with. Tsumi would give anything to shield her from harm, even if it meant his own life. Tsumi does, however, tend to be overprotective of his dear sister and does not let anyone he doesn’t know near her. Tsumi has been trying for a while to learn how to cook, and always fails miserably. Amy, being incredibly kind, always chokes down every bite of Tsumi’s pathetic cooking. In short, the bond between Tsumi and his sister is unbreakable. Even across the bands of death, one would live on in the other’s heart.






Friendly People


Talking to Girls

Seeing Death

Selfish actions

Being ignored


Tsumi Buredo [Shinigami] [APPROVED 3-3] Image3683-1


Earthly Life:

Life after Death:


Tsumi Buredo [Shinigami] [APPROVED 3-3] Image3684-1

Reiatsu Color: Black, with a white trim.

Zanpakutō Spirit Name: Senshoku Tamashi

Zanpakutō Spirit Appearance: Tsumi describes Senshoku as a “Gothic Beauty”. She has long, black hair, that stretches down to her legs. On this hair, there is a white flame design, that rises from the bottom. Her skin is very pale, which only complements her other features. She has red eyes, and black makeup, which takes the design of painted-on tears, which comes from the outer side of each eye. Black lipstick covers her lips, almost masking the two white fangs that jut out from her upper lip, due to a slight overbite. Next to her face, two silver earrings in the shape of W’s gleam brilliantly.

Senshoku wears a black gown, with a white spider web design that encompasses the entire dress. The gown is that of a wedding dress, save for lack of occasion. The dress is quite modest, covering up her entire body, save for face, feet, and hands. On her feet, she wears silver slippers, which are encrusted with diamonds. On her hands, she wears two rings on each hand, a black and a white ring for both. These rings are placed to alternate both color and finger, thus, they are placed as follows. A white on her left middle finger, and a black on her left pointer, and the opposite on her right. Her nails are flat, but hide a dark secret. Her nails conceal razor sharp claws, which pierce the skin of her fingertips when in use.

Although preferring a darker style, Senshoku is rather cheery, preferring to be optimistic about things she does, and things around her.

Inner World: A black forest, with a grey sky. The trees in this forest are all black, with iridescent white leaves that blow in a nonexistent wind. The ground also takes on a pitch black hue, with white lines that give definition. Any plant life that is to be seen takes on the same pattern as the trees: Black base, with white leaves. Rather than a sun or moon in the sky, there is a large, flaming Z that hangs low in the west. This world can only be compared to a child’s drawing, as this world was corrupted before it could be finished.

In the center of the forest lies a tower, wherein resides Senshoku Tamashi, the spirit of Tsumi’s Zanpakutō. This tower is made entirely of stained glass, the colors of which change with Senshoku’s mood. The tower spans 300 floors, towering past the blood red clouds that float above this world. Now, Senshoku’s mood affects the weather patterns and general makeup of the entire inner world. For example, if she becomes sad, it will begin to rain. However, the rain in this world is not water. In this world, it rains blood. If Senshoku becomes angry, parts of the forest will begin to catch fire, and so on.

Sealed Zanpakutō Appearance:


Sealed Zanpakutō Abilities:

Forever hold your peace: Any who come in contact with Tsumi’s blade, in it’s sealed form (save for Tsumi himself), lose control of their vocal chords, as long as they remain in contact with the blade itself. When released, full control instantly returns.

Ballistics: Upon the press of a button on the back of the blade, the blade is shot forward about 10 feet, and retracted on a chain. Can be done at will, after hitting tier 3.


Tsumi Buredo [Shinigami] [APPROVED 3-3] Image3686-1

General Skills

Well, I’m not certain about this, but I read some approved apps, and they said not to fill this part out until after I have a tier, so…… BLANKNESS >:U

  • Durability: Adept
  • General Speed: Adept
  • Strength: Adept
  • Weapon Skill: Adept

Racial Skills
  • Hoho: Beginner
  • Kidō: Beginner
  • Zanjutsu: Adept
  • Hakuda: Beginner


Tsumi Buredo [Shinigami] [APPROVED 3-3] Image3685-1

Roleplay Sample:

"Your suffering's pointless! We have already won. The vulnerable state this world is in now…. only invites ATTACK!" said Z's father, holding Z up by the neck. "While your focus has been on preventing CHAOS's rebirth, my armies have already attacked, and acquired EVERY PART of project CHAOS. They're near, and once they arrive, CHAOS's final purpose will be fulfilled: The destruction of all creation." he threw Z on the ground, and stabbed his claws through Z's heart. Z's father's eyes lit up, and turned to project W, who lay on the ground in a near-lifeless heap. "Is there anything more painful than seeing those in love die?" he flashed above W, fully intent on ridding her of her life. Z jumped at his father, attempting to protect his loved one, and actually managed to damage his father, however, Z found himself hanging from the tip of a long sword by his heart. Z could only manage one sentence before the pain overcame him. "Can you keep up?"

Z began to move at breakneck speeds, tossing aside his katana, so as to focus his strength on his larger sword. He swung and swung, although what he was hitting even he didn't know. How W managed it was a mystery. W.....the one he loved. The one who's soul wouldn't even pass to the afterlife should he fail. Then, a realization hit him harder than W ever did. "I am going to die." Z realized. "But, if I’m gonna die, I had better make my last few minutes really count." Z stopped behind his father, and reached into his very soul, and grabbed something that seemed somehow familiar. His eyes turned jet black, and a voice said to him "Who are you? where am i NOW? sorry, you have no idea how long it's been since someone talked to me. My name is Syn, but you can call me CHAOS." "Chaos, huh?" Z said to himself, before allowing the power of CHAOS to slowly power up his sword......

Z, as his body stretched it’s own limits, began to get the strangest sense of Déjà vu. Syn/CHAOS laughed. “You mean you didn’t know? This is the fifth time you’ve done this! You’ve been stuck in this same loop for five lifetimes!” Z was awestruck.
“Why didn’t you tell the me before?”
“I did. You didn’t believe me.”
“I’m not sure I believe you now.”
“Never mind that. Aren’t there bigger problems to take care of?”

Z’s father had also been collecting power, and had just finished. Z’s father smiled, his left hand enveloped in darkness, his blood veins having been cut open, solidifying into raw energy. This energy was nothing natural, in fact, it was quite the opposite. This was what Z’s father came to call “Tainted Power”. Tainted Power was given it’s name from the sheer amount of malicious intent forced into the body. In fact, Tainted Power’s energy was so hugely unstable, it would usually explode on contact, if not sooner. This explosion released all of the evil intent inside the energy, corrupting anything it touched. Z never saw it coming. Z’s father released all of his energy at once in a final, brutal blast. The Tainted Power formed a black dome, which expanded outward at high speed. Z, as he looked down, could see black vines snake up his legs, consuming them completely. Z could see his legs disintegrate, the feeling to them being replaced by a bitter cold. The disintegration spread up Z’s torso, which would eventually consume him completely. Z’s mind raced, as his lower torso was being consumed by corruption. “Ok, assuming you ARE right, how can I get the message across to the NEXT Z?” He said, internally. “This may or may not work, but it’s your only chance to break the chain. You need to physically pass your soul on, and reincarnate yourself as a being other than Project Z.”

Z swallowed, knowing CHAOS was right. He looked down, seeing his chest being consumed. He used the same technique he used on his father, reaching into what was left of himself. He grabbed his mostly-complete soul, and, pouring a prayer into it, threw it across the void, along with some of his father’s tainted power. This tainted power, of course, became the Dark Trinity. The soul followed the power, and became Tsumi Buredo.

Last edited by Tsumi Buredo on Fri Jan 17, 2014 6:12 pm; edited 13 times in total (Reason for editing : Upgrades! :D)

Tsumi Buredo [Shinigami] [APPROVED 3-3] 1
Tsumi Buredo [Shinigami] [APPROVED 3-3] Lc8BuaoTsumi Buredo [Shinigami] [APPROVED 3-3] Od6P2IGTsumi Buredo [Shinigami] [APPROVED 3-3] Lc8Buao

The Site Hideyoshi
Joined : 2012-04-07
Posts : 783
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Tsumi Buredo [Shinigami] [APPROVED 3-3] Left_bar_bleue50/100Tsumi Buredo [Shinigami] [APPROVED 3-3] Empty_bar_bleue  (50/100)

Tsumi Buredo [Shinigami] [APPROVED 3-3] Empty Re: Tsumi Buredo [Shinigami] [APPROVED 3-3]

Mon Aug 13, 2012 1:02 am
Ok, Imma stop at the history, tell me when you edit out the Kingdom Hearts stuff and tell me, I will recheck. A Keyhole? Really? You must have been spacing it. XD
The Site Hideyoshi
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Tsumi Buredo [Shinigami] [APPROVED 3-3] Empty Re: Tsumi Buredo [Shinigami] [APPROVED 3-3]

Mon Aug 13, 2012 1:38 am
Very close, however there is one thing in the history. I don't think that giant hole that sucked everything in could just lead to the SS. You could say he blacked out and he somehow ended up there, but just saying the portal took him there is kinda iffy.

Other than that, I think this app checks out. Once that little bit is fixed, I can give you a tier.
The Site Hideyoshi
Joined : 2012-04-07
Posts : 783
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Tsumi Buredo [Shinigami] [APPROVED 3-3] Empty Re: Tsumi Buredo [Shinigami] [APPROVED 3-3]

Mon Aug 13, 2012 1:43 am
Opps, forgot one thing. The forever hold your piece ability. Can someone of sufficient power (like someone much stronger than him) over power it? Also, you said they lose control of their vocal chords. I assume this means they can't speak?
Tsumi Buredo
Tsumi Buredo
Project Z
Project Z
Joined : 2012-08-10
Posts : 59
Age : 27

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Mon Aug 13, 2012 7:56 pm
Yes, they cannot speak, but only as long as they remain in contact with the blade itself. and yes, if they were of sufficient strength, they could overpower his ability.

Tsumi Buredo [Shinigami] [APPROVED 3-3] 1
Tsumi Buredo [Shinigami] [APPROVED 3-3] Lc8BuaoTsumi Buredo [Shinigami] [APPROVED 3-3] Od6P2IGTsumi Buredo [Shinigami] [APPROVED 3-3] Lc8Buao

The Site Hideyoshi
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Tsumi Buredo [Shinigami] [APPROVED 3-3] Empty Re: Tsumi Buredo [Shinigami] [APPROVED 3-3]

Mon Aug 13, 2012 8:15 pm
Application Checklist
  • Name [x]
  • Appropriate Age [x]
  • Gender [x]
  • Appearance Present [x]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [x]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [x]
  • 10 sentences for personality [x]
  • History is of appropriate length [x]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [x]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [x]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [x]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[x]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [x]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [x]

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Pain Endurance: Adept
  • Focus: Adept

Comments/Notes: By the power invested in me by some crazy hobo who lives in an alley down the street, I do declare this app approved.
Tier: 4-2

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Tsumi Buredo
Tsumi Buredo
Project Z
Project Z
Joined : 2012-08-10
Posts : 59
Age : 27

Tsumi Buredo [Shinigami] [APPROVED 3-3] Empty Re: Tsumi Buredo [Shinigami] [APPROVED 3-3]

Mon Aug 12, 2013 6:24 pm
Could I have this unarchived, please? C:

Tsumi Buredo [Shinigami] [APPROVED 3-3] 1
Tsumi Buredo [Shinigami] [APPROVED 3-3] Lc8BuaoTsumi Buredo [Shinigami] [APPROVED 3-3] Od6P2IGTsumi Buredo [Shinigami] [APPROVED 3-3] Lc8Buao

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Mon Aug 12, 2013 7:24 pm

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Sat Apr 05, 2014 2:05 am
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