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The Missing Piece - Closed - Page 2 Empty Re: The Missing Piece - Closed

Sun Jul 22, 2012 6:07 pm
Kazuma wasn't sure what had happened, he reached up towards the town touching his head. Well truthfully, if Kami knew that it wasn't exactly his fault of the injury, someone in the town had given the location of Kazuma's hiding place to the clan. Kazuma's mind had been linked with Makoto the child's frame shifted slowly, Makoto started to stand himself up. His eyes were as they'd always been. Makoto hadn't been strong enough to warn Kaminari now, the one villager who'd been hiding his weapon behind his back was slowly sneaking up within the group. His skin turned white when he saw Makoto was standing, his crimson hair was said to be a sign of the devil's sun coming to play. Makoto could feel how tired Kazuma was, he reached down at one of the bells. He was a bit sore yet, but they weren't out of the woods.

"Kazuma may rest, I'll handle this...from yourself, you don't hide from my sight...The two who you showed the cave are dead..and smashed into pieces.."

Makoto said coldly, his eyes staring into the core of one villager, who brought the knife from behind his back, his hand was shaking he seemed to know something about Makoto. His words came out in a shock.."You...your dead..we..we killed all of eyes....Stop...stop looking at me."

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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The Missing Piece - Closed - Page 2 Empty Re: The Missing Piece - Closed

Mon Jul 23, 2012 3:18 pm

"There is no point in having power..."

Kaminari watched as the villagers made their way up to them. She had kept a smile on her face, not realizing that one of them planned on hurting Kazuma. Kaminari turned to see that Kazuma was now Makoto and was trying to stand and got up to go to him. "What are you doing? You need to lay back down, now!" she told him, setting a hand on his back. He was still inside the shield and the last of his injuries would probably be healing still, but she didn't want him to get up and hurt himself in the long run. She gave him a worried look, confused until she looked to a villager. The man seemed scared and pulled out a knife. Kaminari glanced back and forth between Makoto and the villager. Their interaction was kind of interesting to her. Kaminari did admit that Makoto had eyes that seemed to pierce one's soul if he looked at you, but she wouldn't be that scared of him. It seemed that this man had begun to really freak out about it as well. "Makoto... What exactly happened here?" seeing that it was Makoto and not the child Kazuma, Kaminari wasn't in 'motherly' tone right now. She spoke to him as an equal, but still with care in her voice.

"...if you have nothing to protect."

Posting Template By: [THEFROST]


As Makoto stood, a new man, Kanna raised an eyebrow. Had this man really just transformed in front of her eyes? That was a startling fact. He was definitely a strange one. Kanna just watched as Kaminari interacted with him, trying to get him to lay back down. As they turned towards the villagers, one man obviously stood out. Kanna raised an eyebrow, listening to this man become more and more frightened just at someone's eyes. This was a part of Makoto that Kanna had yet to take note of. She wasn't really here to do some sort of investigation. She was here to help Kaminari and that was about it. She turned her attention back to Kaminari and Makoto as she asked him what happened. She wouldn't mind knowing to. She had noticed the strange nature of this man's body. Not only was he able to transform, but seemed to be made out of something that was not normal for a person's body to be made of. "What is this guy?" she asked herself, waiting for his answer to Kaminari's question.

The Missing Piece - Closed - Page 2 Empty Re: The Missing Piece - Closed

Mon Jul 23, 2012 5:04 pm
Well if the Medic had been caused confusion yet, Makoto didn't stop yet. He acknowledged Kaminari, but first he shot his hand over a distance of 5 feet and slammed it into the face of the man who'd been frightened, he had some good aim it seemed as well. He retracted his arm, the rubber stretching sound was quite clear. His vision turned to Kaminari, he spoke now pointing towards the guy he'd just hit as he sat down now slowly. Letting his frame find comfort and rest, this wasn't exactly what he'd been looking for here. But he sighed and began to speak, glancing towards the form of Kaminari and her friend before rubbing the scar on his chest softly.

"He told them where to find me, not to mention took a fo the kids informed me of it..I am good, I only wanted to return the favor for putting them at he's got a decent idea of the pain he put them through. "
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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The Missing Piece - Closed - Page 2 Empty Re: The Missing Piece - Closed

Tue Jul 24, 2012 12:34 am

"There is no point in having power..."

Kaminari blinked a few times in confusion as the man was suddenly struck down. The villagers that were around didn't seem to upset about it either. It did seem that they cared about Makoto and were all okay with his transformation ability. It did slightly creep Kaminari out a bit, because the two of them were just SO different. You'd never guess that either of them would be a part of one another. As he touched his chest, she blinked a few times and wondered if that was going to go away. Kanna never allowed a scar to form under her Zanpakutō's ability. If she were using regular Kidō, yes a scar would probably form, but under the power of her Zanpakutō, no there wouldn't be one. "So... he told them where you were? I guess he deserved that then. Are you going to be all right, Makoto?" Kaminari had forgotten about her original reason for coming out here in the first place. It had completely left her mind at the moment.

"...if you have nothing to protect."

Posting Template By: [THEFROST]


"Kaminari... I can't stay here. I am on duty today." Kanna quickly explained to the girl. She looked towards Makoto and examined his wounds. Since he was indeed being healed by her Zanpakutō, there would NOT be any scar there once he was completely healed. Enough time had passed, and finally he was. Kanna gave Kaminari a quick hug and the nodded to Makoto. She stared at him for a moment, still wondering what was up with the structure of his body, but that was for another time. She would be called to duty soon, and would get in trouble if they found out she left for the Rukongai without warning anyone. With one last wave, Kanna shunpo'd out of there, leaving the two of them to talk with one another.

The Missing Piece - Closed - Page 2 Empty Re: The Missing Piece - Closed

Wed Jul 25, 2012 12:09 am
"I'll be fine, but Kazuma knows who did it and it has crushed him. Since that man was supposed to be his closest thing to a father, so whatever resolve my other form has left it's gone.. Our home is gone, so we have no where left..I guess we'll wander this land or go to the Living realm awaiting the next time..I am not truly sure what we will do..but I won't let Kazuma out to suffer seeing the face of the man he trusted the most..that stabbed him in the back..literally and metaphorically. Not to be harsh but we had to hold back, that's why we were wounded.. "

Makoto became silent before resting now, he was tired and well it was alot of strain on him to be out after all his body had taken injuries just as much as Kazuma. He tried his best to put on a tough act, but truthfully that punch had even cost him more then he'd predicted. After all he wasn't expecting to be so winded after such a short amount of time, things didn't go this way so often. Perhaps his fight with the bone user had taken so much out of him even he didn't want to acknowledge the damage. Kazuma and he were truly in trouble and Jiraiya was tired from just keeping them both alive. They'd been holding back to avoid hurting the people, this just couldn't go on anymore.
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The Missing Piece - Closed - Page 2 Empty Re: The Missing Piece - Closed

Wed Jul 25, 2012 10:12 am

"There is no point in having power..."

Kaminari listened to what Makoto was saying and then sighed. Glancing once to the man he had punched with his rubbery magic arm, she shook her head with a soft smile. She then looked back to him, seeing that he was obviously tired and before he had a chance to really do anything, she raised her arm and pushed him to the ground slightly rough. "Lay down!" she demanded and then sat down next to him. "You rest for a while and I'll sit here and make sure that no one comes and messes with you." She brought her knees up and rested her arms along them as she turned towards the villagers. She smiled to them and they got the hint. She was looking after him now. Leaving the man behind, the villagers waved and walked back into the town to continue on with their every day lives, entrusting Kaminari with Makoto's safety. "It seems you have some people that are worried about you..." Kaminari said in a soft voice towards Makoto, "You still think you don't have anything or anyone to live for? I bet these people disagree. Whether they say it or not, they need you." Attempt to change Makoto back to normal number one completed! With someone like him, Kaminari doubted highly that he would just easily shift back into his old self, but it was worth a shot. She knew it was probably going to take some time, but she didn't really care. She'd keep trying...

"...if you have nothing to protect."

Posting Template By: [THEFROST]

The Missing Piece - Closed - Page 2 Empty Re: The Missing Piece - Closed

Wed Jul 25, 2012 12:09 pm
"Perhaps some truth to what you say their may be..But I want Kazuma to enjoy what he can of life...I am just a relic, Jiraiya may argue if he wants..But I truthfully want Kazu take this body and enjoy a happy life, I've tried my best to protect him and teach him..When he sleeps, but he is a tough case..He knows not what a mother is, doesn't understand family or a father..I feel bad for him, because though jiraiya's memory is missing it's pieces. I am just the adult form of what he should look like..I am something that the little boy who lost his memory made..I am the piece that just didn't want to disappear..that's what it feels like..If I took away Kazuma..I know we are one and someday well join as one..It's kinda of funny, but your the closest thing that little boy has ever had to a mother.."

Makoto said as he laid down now, resting his head slowly upon the ground. He looked up at the skies, closing those eyes as he said the words lacking some emotion to most of it, some of the townsfolk were simply in awe of this man's devotion to a boy that may of just been a simply thing he willed forth for a lack of a childhood.
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The Missing Piece - Closed - Page 2 Empty Re: The Missing Piece - Closed

Wed Jul 25, 2012 12:25 pm

"There is no point in having power..."

Kaminari looked straight forward, staring really at nothing as she listened to what Makoto was saying. Hearing his words and comparing them to what both Jiraiya and Kazuma had said previously, she no longer knew what exactly was true. From what she was told by the Zanpakutō Spirit, Makoto had lost all reason for living and hid himself within a different form to allow another personality to come forward. She really only had two opinions on this. The first one was that Makoto was acting weak for giving up, whether it happened easily or not. She had also been through hell in life, but she still kept going, waiting for her own time to come. Two, she felt he was being selfish when allowing someone else to take over his body just because he didn't want to deal with the world. Bringing Kazuma out only to 'take the reins' when Makoto felt the need or want to. It wasn't fair.

"Stop changing your story..." Kaminari said in a low voice as a small breeze picked up, blowing her hair along her face, "First I am told that you gave up on living so you let another personality take control... Now you're telling me you did it for his sake?" Kaminari stood up and looked down to Makoto. "You sound selfish. Allowing Kazuma to freely live only to take that control away when you wish to. The fact is... You and Kazuma are the same person. You likely created him to fill some sort of void within yourself... I'm sure you're welcome in the village now. I'll return another time." With that, she looked down to him, stared for a moment, and then vanished from his sight using Shunpo, now heading back to the Seireitei. She had said she was going to stay there for a while to watch over him, but she knew he would be fine. He only needed to rest a bit. She really just didn't want to listen to anything else at the moment...

"...if you have nothing to protect."

Posting Template By: [THEFROST]
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The Missing Piece - Closed - Page 2 Empty Re: The Missing Piece - Closed

Sun Oct 04, 2015 5:21 pm

✖| Clean Up Time!! |✚
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It's been 2014 or even before that!
There for I will be locking this thread, feel free to revisit this and keep on reading!

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