Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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The Missing Piece - Closed Empty The Missing Piece - Closed

Fri Jul 20, 2012 9:47 pm
Kazuma had been out here for a while, but things hadn't happened like this before. Back at the village the children were crying, the people seemed upset. Someone was there from Kazuma's clan a fight had broken out and gone into the woods, some destruction had befallen the town who had now seen why Kazuma fled. One of the goons, rather Kazuma's family seemed to be very vocal about what he wanted, things like this had dawned on the people. Kazuma attempted to hold back, but just wasn't able to because he was a child. Understanding his great strength was something the boy just didn't realize, sometimes it did escape him.

"Where is he, where is the dog speak brat..We've come to reclaim our property and we'll kill anyone who gets in our way..Kazuma as you call him is ours, we own his life and Makoto the Devil of the Black District is our tool and weapon for what we desire, nothing more or talk little brat." Said Zie, a man who was built with blades in his body. Though not strong as a Zanpakutō, he was able to produce blades from his arms and legs. He'd no strength over his other body parts, this was simply the way things were.

"Ziie, go on ahead we'll exterminate them after they talk and find that brat..I know he was fighting with Constantine and Zerix, he's pry dead..but Makoto could kill them both with little effort..Kazuma's just a toy..for us..let's get him and take our dog home..little bastard is just mothers play thing anyways. We'll torture Makoto back to the surface and make him return."

Snow had spoken, it seemed that they were ready for a war with the older boy. Kazuma was injured a while ago fighting with them, two bodies could be seen however fire lit his cave. He had no home anymore, Kazuma didn't seem to be anywhere. Though if someone strong enough looked up they'd find him, he was bleeding. Kazuma had suffered a couple injuries, those who came in would find the two men. They were both crushed to a point they'd not be noticed. Bringing his hand up he reached towards the town, breathing heavily. He save them, Makoto had come out and helped but they were just too weak, Kazuma had ended up fighting one alone. They needed to become one to go any further.

Last edited by Forsaken Crow on Wed Jul 25, 2012 12:51 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Missing Piece - Closed Empty Re: The Missing Piece - Closed

Fri Jul 20, 2012 11:25 pm

"There is no point in having power..."

Kaminari had returned to the village that she met Kazuma in. She didn't know whether he would be there or not, but she was hoping to see him again. She did promise they she would come back for both him and Makoto in hopes of helping them both. It was strange. The two were one person, but so different at the same time. At least that was how she saw it. She couldn't believe that he was forced to live in a cave, although it was understandable. It seemed to Kaminari that his power was currently being controlled by his emotions, and she couldn't even imagine what would happen if he had a nightmare or something like that and crushed the entire town on accident. He'd wake up in horror. In a way, this Jiraiya Zanpakutō was probably very smart in keeping him away. Kaminari still wanted to help him though, so today she was going to try. She had no idea of the carnage that she was about to be met with.

She had entered the town. This part of it seemed deserted for some reason. She was walking through the streets until she finally saw a large group of people at the end of the street. They were actually near where she had first met Makoto after he transformed. "What's... going on?" she asked herself, but that question was quickly answered. She over heard a man yelling about trying to find their dog named Kazuma. Kaminari immediately knew they weren't actually speaking about a dog. "... Oh no..." she suddenly got really worried. She could sense that something big was going on in this distance, but couldn't tell what. Either some people were dying or dead, or Kazuma's energy was going out of control. For some reason she thought it might be both. She put herself in a decent hiding place behind a building and peeked her head around to watch what these men intended to do. She wanted to gather more information before daring to interfere. They were a part of some clan, that much she knew because she heard it. If they made any stupid moves, she would be here to kick their asses.

"...if you have nothing to protect."

Posting Template By: [THEFROST]


The Missing Piece - Closed Empty Re: The Missing Piece - Closed

Fri Jul 20, 2012 11:36 pm
Kazuma could feel Kaminari near by, he just couldn't reach it Snow would notice by now that the other two were dead. He went to get up, simply falling back down and hitting the rocks, the damn power of the insects that made up that assholes body were taking a tool on him. Makoto had emerged again, trying his best to come out and combine his mind with Kazuma, but both were too weak at this point. Jiraiya stood before him as he spoke, Kazuma what do you want..What do you desire, Makoto slammed a hand on the boat and seemed angry in general.

Snow grinned drawing his sword and grabbing a child be her hair pulling her up, he smirked as he began to swing the girl back and forth as though a swing. "You have till your hair rips, than everyone dies...No mercy, I can tell Kazuma killed them..but he's in no shape to fight us..hell if he doesn't get help soon he'll be just as dead as you little girl..So tell me what I want to know, where is he hiding at..Don't wanna see him die do ya." Snow's ruthless figure seemed to hide under a depth of coldness that no one would ever be able to fathom.

The other had already punched a child and sent him into the ground, the child may of been wounded severally. The people stood back, some of the mothers weeping openly. Kazuma's rage grew, he could see it all rather clearly. Slamming his skull upon the stone a couple times he breathed heavily as he lay there, tears fall from his eyes slowly.
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The Missing Piece - Closed Empty Re: The Missing Piece - Closed

Sat Jul 21, 2012 12:37 am

"There is no point in having power..."

Kaminari was about to snap. She didn't even waste her time using her energy to shunpo towards these assholes. She was fast enough anyway. The one who was picking up the girl and swinging her. That was her first target. In a fit of rage, Kaminari ran forward fast enough to not even be seen by these idiots. She slammed her head to the side of Snow's head and forced his body straight into the ground. She wasn't exactly the strongest Shinigami around, but at the speed she moved, the mere momentum would easily allow this to happen, especially since she knew she had caught this male off guard. Kaminari wasn't even in the mood for speaking. Why? Because she wasn't in the right of mind to control a certain ability of hers. She would gladly use it on these two, but the others were way too close. They would be effected by her little ability. Though, these were the same people who she had to use it on last time she met Kazuma, she didn't want that to happen again.

As Snow was forced to the ground, her gaze shifted up to the other one, Zie. This one had blades all over his body and getting cut was also not something on her to do list, so she avoided close combat with him. "Invade the Air, Shiroka." She said in a whisper in order to not hurt the others with her vocal ability. She reached back and unsheathed the first of her two Zanpakutō swords. Within an instant her sword turned into two hundred orchids and shot forward at the same speed that she had when she first attacked Snow. The orchids slammed into his body and she raised the hilt of her sword. The orchids followed the command and pushed this Zie man into the air. Once he was at a good distance, she had them surround his entire body, all of this happening within a mere two seconds. She shifted her wrist and had every single one of her orchids explode on him. Each explosion had the ability to shatter bones and were three feet in diameter. Now, she only waited for both of their reactions.

"...if you have nothing to protect."

Posting Template By: [THEFROST]

The Missing Piece - Closed Empty Re: The Missing Piece - Closed

Sat Jul 21, 2012 12:42 am
Both men fell rather quickly to the deaths that had been granted, Ziie taken by surprise of the flowers that had claimed his life. Snow wasn't expecting to be hit, a couple of cheers erupted from the crowd. Kazuma had gained what appeared to be a huge wound on his chest, it was rather unsightly. The injury did bleed, but he was living thanks to Jiraiya who was healing him slowly trying to stop the bleeding at the very least. The Zanpakutō was trying its hardest to protect him, Kazuma's eyes saw the explosion, he stood up slowly a driving factor. They may hate him, but he needed to protect the children. He started to choke from it, coughing up a red fluid as he laid upon the ground wincing. Reaching a hand out, one of the children ran to Kaminari pointing towards Kazuma's current location. Just yelling for her to go, that Kazuma was badly injured by one of the others and he needed help. The child was crying, Kazuma's own eyes had shown signs of tears. He laid with his head side ways on the ground, breathing as a small pool had formed near his eyes, looking like rain.
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The Missing Piece - Closed Empty Re: The Missing Piece - Closed

Sat Jul 21, 2012 1:35 am

"There is no point in having power..."

Kaminari didn't care for any of the cheers of the crowd. She was pissed off and new she needed to calm down. Suddenly she heard a childs voice and turned to see one coming towards her. "Go go go! Kazu-kun needs you help! He needs help now! He's hurt! He's hurt really bad!" The child was pointing upwards towards something. Kaminari didn't hesitate to run into that direction. She could see him slightly in the distance. Her orchids from her Shikai were following her along as she ran through to him. Finally, she made it to Kazuma. Dropping to her knees, she slid the rest of the way towards him and stopped by his side. Making sure he was on his back, she looked to the injury in his chest and began to panic, "Oh my god... Kazu... honey, are you okay? Remember me? It's Kaminari. I'm going to help you, okay? W-we're gonna get you some help, okay?" she said to him in a reassuring tone. She was having trouble holding back the tears she really wanted to cry. A black butterfly appeared next to her suddenly, having moved through it's own dimension to get to her. "Deliver this message to the Lieutenant of Squad Four... Kanna, I need you now. Please get to me as fast as you can." Giving the coordinates to her position, Kaminari sat there in a panic, but kept a calm face. Her heart was beating extremely fast, in fear of losing him.

"...if you have nothing to protect."

Posting Template By: [THEFROST]

The Missing Piece - Closed Empty Re: The Missing Piece - Closed

Sat Jul 21, 2012 1:44 am
Kazuma's bleeding had been held back by his Zapkauto who appeared, he seemed to be holding his hands over Kazuma's chest, he couldn't heal the injury but he could stop the bleeding from the major one, he'd faded again. The sword was doing it's best, Kazuma reached up crying as though a child. He wasn't frightened or crying over the pain, he was so sorry that they'd done this. He just didn't want to go back to it, he couldn't stand it anymore. Makoto was deep inside him, he was weeping just as much as Kazuma on the outside. Which was why those amazing eyes of Makoto's slowly drifted to the surface.

"I am so sorry...I never...I never wanted this to happen...They beat us..and treated us less than human, we weren't even a being just a weapon..a tool...I never..wanted them to hurt those people..I..did my best...Snow..and.." His breathing had gotten a bit heavier, he was crying. Kazuma had a deep amount of mental damage in this area, Jiraiya came out and put a hand on his mouth and quieted him shaking his head and asking him to save his strength as he was sure this sight was harming Kaminari just as much as it did him. He continued his work, but he'd reached his end and not all the bleeding could be stopped.
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The Missing Piece - Closed Empty Re: The Missing Piece - Closed

Sat Jul 21, 2012 2:14 am

"There is no point in having power..."

Kaminari's heart sank as she heard Kazuma's words. She could tell why he was crying. She understood what he was going through. It was all accidental. He never wanted to hurt anyone. Something amazing happened as well. As Kaminari watched him, his eyes shifted to those that she saw on Makoto. Although it confused her on which one of them were actually the one speaking to her, she still wasn't going to blame him. "No, no... It's okay. Help will be here soon. It wasn't your fault, okay?" It seemed she was able to control her voice. Before, when she was enraged, she felt the restraint drop and knew she wouldn't be able to speak, but it was back. "Come here..." she knew it was probably not the best idea, but at the moment it was all she could do to comfort him. She picked him up from his position and laid his back against her. "You're going to be okay..." She was forcing back her tears about now. She didn't want him to hear or see her cry.

Suddenly she felt something. It was coming closer. "Oh thank god..." she thought to herself as her hug tightened around Kazuma. Kanna was on her way and she was almost here. It would probably only take a couple more minutes for her to arrive. "Kanna hurry.. Please." Kaminari glanced over to the people down the hill. They were all staring up at her as if they were waiting for some sort of confirmation. Their opinions about him seemed to have changed since the last time she was here. Whatever it was, he must have done something good for them to be worried about him. At least that she was thankful for. "Everyone is worried about you Kazuma. I think they all want you to get better. You can see them right." The way she had him positioned, he was sitting up slightly and facing them, so hopefully he would be able to see.

"...if you have nothing to protect."

Posting Template By: [THEFROST]


Kanna was currently sitting at her computer when a hell butterfly made it's way into her room through the wall. She allowed it to land on her finger and listened to the message. It was Kaminari. "Hm?" she raised an eyebrow as she heard it. Kaminari sounded desperate, scared, and extremely worried about something. This was enough to get Kanna off her ass to move. She didn't even hesitate to get up and run out of there. As she did, she passed by a few of her subordinates. "Out of my way!" she demanded and they dropped everything that they were doing to follow her. She didn't know what she would be doing, but she didn't want anyone to come along. Last time she had people follow her, they all got killed. "NO STAY HERE!" She demanded even more seriously and shunpo'd out of there. Lately, Kanna refused to allow anyone to move along with her on missions. They knew why, but it was still dangerous for her to do.

Kanna had easily made it to the outside and into the Rukongai. Using Shunpo to the best of her ability, she moved quickly from roof to roof and avoided the people within the streets. She was getting closer. Now she wasn't too far off and could even slightly sense Kaminari. Her shikai was still released, but she wasn't in combat anymore. What could have her on guard like that? A couple more seconds and she was already in the area in which she was supposed to be. She could see two dead bodies from her area and a group of people looking up at something. It was Kaminari and some boy. "So that's it..." she realized what was going on. She could tell from where she was that the boy was hurt. "Raise your sheild..." she said as she shunpo'd closer to the group and unsheathed her sword. "Nobuye!" she swung her sword horizontally and a blue shield shot forward and surrounded both the boy Kaminari was with and herself. Immediately, the boy would realize that his wounds were healing rather quickly, quicker than any healing Kidō would have been able to heal.

The Missing Piece - Closed Empty Re: The Missing Piece - Closed

Sat Jul 21, 2012 10:25 pm
Kazuma's eyes had been closing, he opened them slowly. He reached up, a small bit of Kazuma's personality had merged with Makoto's his voice had changed slightly fromt he excited nature and stupid form it had once been. Forming a new and something of Melancholy voice, trying to find emotion in it was rather hard. Makoto hadn't come out, he was looking towards the town reaching towards there. They were cheering and with good reason, Kazuma had taken a hit that shouldn't of hit. He could of avoided it, but had used his body's rubber make to pull himself into an attack. He still hadn't gotten the information to control the Zanpakutō or his powers. But his intellect had increased, Kazuma appeared to lost some innocence. But he was still a child, the wound on his chest though healing would leave quite a scar. Something that would define Kazuma more and more began to wonder why he was here, what was the purpose that he'd come to call life. His mind raced back to that scene, the child being attacked by the bug user..Turned out to be a bomb, Makoto took the hit and almost died. Kazuma remembered how frantic he was to find Makoto in his mind, but the man's personality had taken an injury.
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The Missing Piece - Closed Empty Re: The Missing Piece - Closed

Sat Jul 21, 2012 10:41 pm

"There is no point in having power..."

Kaminari had never felt so relieved until now. Kanna had shown up on time and Kazuma was currently being healed. Kaminari knew one thing about Kanna's powers from a previous battle she had been in, if she stayed inside the barrier too, it wouldn't work as fast. Seeing that Kazuma's injuries were great, slowing down the healing process was not something that she wanted. She laid Kazuma back down on his back and stood up, walking out of the barrier. She looked up to Kanna and waved her arms for the girl to come towards them. "KANNA!" Kaminari yelled as Kanna landed close to them. Kaminari, still fighting the tears, ran towards the woman and hugged her tightly, "Thank you so much for coming... If you didn't I know he wouldn't have survived. Thank you so much." Kaminari's voice was slightly shaky. She was trying to calm her nerves, and trying to let go of the fear she had felt when she thought she was going to lose Kazuma. Dropping down to her knees, she looked over to the boy inside the barrier and just waited until he would be healed.

"...if you have nothing to protect."

Posting Template By: [THEFROST]


Kanna had just barely landed when Kaminari hugged her. A very small smile formed on the woman's lips as she set her hand on the back of Kaminari's head and then returned a short embrace. "I could tell how worried you were. I wasn't about to leave you out here on your own." Kanna let go of her and then walked over to Kazuma to examine his wounds. She could tell immediately that he was moments from death. If she had not shown up when she did, the boy definitely would have died. Kanna didn't know what relationship Kaminari and this boy had, but it seemed pretty important to Kaminari that he live. Now that Kaminari was out of the barrier, his healing was moving along even faster. Within a few minutes, maybe five, he would have all minor wounds completely healed, while his major wound would be seventy five percent healed. The bleeding was already close to stopping, which was definitely a good sign.

Kanna did notice something though. There was something very strange about this boys spiritual pressure and it almost felt like there were two of him trying to merge into one. Definitely something she was going to have to ask about, but she wasn't really in the mood to bother Kaminari. She looked up and down to the two dead bodies near the villagers, then turned her attention to the villagers. A lot of them seemed worried, but happy at the same time. Kanna wondered what the hell could have happened here to cause all of this. One body of the two that were dead, it was obvious that Kaminari had blown him to bits. It was unrecognizable at this point. "Someone made her mad... Not smart." Kanna thought to herself as she smirked, a small chuckle emitting from her throat.
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