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Sun Jan 16, 2011 6:28 pm
[Dark Kabuto]

//Damn, I missed!// Cursing inside of his mind, the red dagger crashed against the thrown dragon rod, creating a beautiful slowed down spectacle for him of a magnitude of sparks, red, blue and yellow, with some orange mixed inside - as the dagger reached the low point of the slash, the dragon rod, without Kuugas power to further support it, snapped in two on the ground and turned back into an iron pole. After that, Dark Kabuto sidestepped his own Cero now heading towards him - and suddenly, the world around him started to torn hazy, and a ringing sound in his ears nearly made him pass out. Stumbling forward, nearly falling down, he greedily sucked in air into his lunghs - great, jumping this distance and running while not having his full breath back probably was a bad idea.
//My... my breath?! Don't be ridicolous...! I'm a Hollow, I don't... need... air. This is... just an illusion... from being human before...!// Little did Dark Kabuto know that the spiritual nature of the Dragon Rod was indeed able to push the air out of a lungh that didn't need it. Well, at least he wasn't coughing up blood, the armor protected his ribs. But if he didn't settle down for a small moment, his ragged breath would make it harder to move with the usual elegance, in addition to one of his arms now slowly turning back alive, but now feeling extremely numb and pained. His nerves screamed out, as Heroism ignored his bodies warning signals and dashed forward again, blindly, fixating onto his target as he was going.
//This small moment, and he already has a new one of those rods... I can't... wait! Clock Up... isn't enough, if he speeds up more...! I have to finish... This... NOW!// As he was running towards Kuuga with an ungodly speed, he tapped the legs of his Zecter, one after the other. Letting out one large energy attack after the other was draining, but he had to overpower Kuuga soon - he felt large powers still untapped in the legendary spiritual warrior. If he wanted to prove him what it really was to be a hero... he had to beat him into a bloody mass of meat and bones...!
He would show him...
Just how much...
His Quincy Pride was worth...!
Jumping forward, heading directly for the front of the blue Kuuga, Heroism hit two switches at the same time - deactivating Clock Up, and flipping the scissors of the beetle on his belt back and forth to let the charged energy travel into his right leg.
Rider Kick!
He was now slowed down considerably, falling out of the speeded up time, but also, had the protective factor of his armor - this was an attack meant to deal damage to both parties in the result. In the air, Dark Kabuto changed into a flying side-kick, his right foot aiming directly for Kuugas chest - upon hit with ANYTHING, he would instantly release a green explosion of pure energy that was unable to hurt the black warrior himself. The strain on his body that still screamed for a chance to recollect was enormous - but the Espada wanted to win. No matter what.
Clock Over!
"Rider... KICK!"

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Mon Jan 24, 2011 12:51 am

Magical Plants - Page 3 220px-Decade-Yuusuke

Magical Plants - Page 3 Kuuga4

Yuusuke, felt the aura, and the intent to kill, from Dark kabuto. It seems, that he wasn't going to give him, any time to rest. that was fine, this quick moment, was all he needed to catch himself. "Alright...i think i can get him now, i'm just gonna wait, till he comes at me, ready to use his attack. i should have a few moments, before my rising stage, kicks in. "I won't lose to you!" he screamed out, as he felt the burning and roaring, emotions inside of him. he felt Dark kabuto, even though it was a flash, in speed. coming towards him. He wasn't quite ready but, he wasn't going to lose his composure. That would be his down fall, if he even let this guy, regain his composure. he had his chance, he just had to prepare for this next attack, he couldn't hesitate or even make any steps, he had to keep himself planted as he held his dragon rod, and span it around. "Ha....Ahh...Haa" taking deep breaths, he held onto the rod tightly. as he looked at the warrior, making his way towards him. With that, he gripped the dragon rod, tightly. his muscles, tensing up, before releasing the tensing, motion. to give him a quick time to access everything. within his mind. using, the timing, he would ultimately, find a way to counter this arrancar's strength. "Here he comes!" he couldn't sense it, but he used his thought process, as the warrior appeared with god like speed, and then hit the button, on his zecter, to appear towards the warrior now.

Taking this time, Yuusuke began to spin his dragon rod around. as Dark kabuto came towards him in the air. Using his inferior speed, he lunged the rod forward, against his foot. sending a quick but, slightly huge output of reaitsu, into the rod, from his own spiritual energy, causing a explosion to happen between the two, the resulting explosion happened to knock him back however, as he began to fly backwards. feeling damage in his arms, from the strength he had to use to block it, and from the resulting damage and consequence of blocking it. he landed off of his feet, and landed back down. feeling the effects of the battle. he held his arms, on both his hands. they weren't broken, but they felt extremely soar, as to punish him, for doing something forbidden. he only did it for a split second, but he definitely felt the jolts, and resulting pain. He had to be ready though, it was only a few moments, before hitting rising stage. he couldn't get affected by anything within that time. the Arcle, was already healing up, his arm wound, as it wasn't too deep or deep enough, for the arm to fall off. and the Arcle would most likely tend to his arms. He kept his footing with the warrior. as he looked to see what had happened, to dark kabuto, after the explosion. he had to be careful, to not get hit by any sneak attacks.

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Mon Jan 24, 2011 3:50 am
[Dark Kabuto]

Dark Kabuto felt the eruption that drove the two warriors apart shake his entire being. The attack from Dragon Kuuga was more than enough to shove him back through the air, and somehow, the black warrior managed to catch himself in the air and land on his feet, his right leg now screaming in pain. Behind the mask, the face of the warrior was white and grimaced in pain - and not just his body was in pain. This whole fight was hurting his pride - how could a mere human be so strong? It was just ridicolous.
"Ha...hah....ahaha... ahahahahahahahaha..." Breaking out in a slight, extremely creepy laughter as his numb right arm slowly regained feeling - a feeling of intense pain soaring through the flesh and bones as his damaged nerves started to heal slowly. Dark Kabutos mind seemed to break down even more with each passing second.
"Ridicolous... just... impossible..." After the laughter died down, the dust from the explosion settled. Still catching his ragged breath, the jet-black warrior couldn't use this time for an attack - he was not even able to move at the moment. His Reishi was partially depleted now, but he wouldn't run away. No, he would take Kuuga down SOMEHOW!
"Why do you defy me, human...? WHY?!" Raising his left hand after putting his dagger back into the sheath faster than the human eye could see, black and red energy circled around his entire body, focusing into the open palm of the Primera Espada, growing brighter and at the same time darker, into a true light of doom.
"I am... Heroism, the strongest of them all...!" Screaming out in his crazed voice, the danger and murderous intent emitted from the damaged and hurt Primera Espada was incredible. Of course, he lacked a strong regeneration like Kuuga - he was not fit for a lengthy battle. So it would have to end now.
"Cero... Oscuras!" With a shout from behind the mask, Dark Kabuto released his strongest and most destructive energy attack - the jet-black beam of Energy, this was not a simple Cero, but more like a giant cannon of energy - the beam was far wider and thicker than the normal energy blast used by Arrancar, and expotentially more destructive. Should Kuuga decide to dodge - the damage done to the city would be immense, and even the mad Espada knew that all too well, and it was his plan - either Kuuga would take the attack and the massive damage from the explosion, or he would dodge - and leave the city and civilians to die. Nothing else would show him the error of his way of protection as good as this!

[Clock Up Count: Currently at 2]

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Thu Feb 03, 2011 7:32 am


Magical Plants - Page 3 Kuuga-ar-ultimateform

Magical Plants - Page 3 Kamen-rider-kuuga-12

"When the well drys up, new warriors will appear like thunder. the sun will be forever buried in darkness"


This man, was absolutely rotten to the core, and a horrible core, that he wretched from, was he like this at birth?; Yuusuke didn't understand him, at all. the fact that they were fighting, was pointless, if you wanted to look at it, in hindsight. However, it wasn't as pointless as one would presume. This fight was to recover the pride, of either warrior on the side. Therefore, this had more meaning, then life or death. Even if one of them were spared, having your pride crushed, was more painful, then almost any death. Yuusuke had to prove to this man, that his way of being a hero, was wrong. That's what he stated at the beginning of the battle, and what he felt now. This was easier said then done, as each passing second, the dark armored warrior was pushing the Red hero, to his absolute limit.

Yuusuke, had to take these attacks with a light grain of salt, as each move was a kill or be killed attack. Meant to complete take the life, of the opponent. However, it was safe to say that Yuusuke was doing the same, on the offensive side, against the other warrior. Yuusuke wasn't a fan of killing many people, but after the crimes this man accumulated within today. It was hard not to feel like he wanted to break his bones, or smash his face to the point, that it was soaked in both the guts and blood, mixed in with teeth. He absolutely hated thinking like this, but no one was perfectly normal, when they were sent to the edge, like that man was sending Yuusuke.

After, they got some time and space, apart. Yuusuke quickly used his agile senses, to read Dark kabuto's next move. Was he going to go in for another fast and nearly immeasurable attack?; Or maybe a projectile?, There wasn't enough time to expect the next move, as it happened now. his legs stayed planted, as they looked at him closely. He seemed angry; Definitely Angry. There was no need to ask Yuusuke, why he defied him. This was Yuusuke's way of life, and something he found honor in. His memories, his tears, all of that was what he loved being a hero for. He enjoyed the thanks, but as long as he could see the smiling faces of so many children, mothers, fathers, and other people. He was content. It was literally a light and dark battle, speaking in the terms of metaphoric action. The cero oscuras was fired, without much time to give Yuusuke to rest. Yuusuke, was expecting it to go towards him, and he would probably enhance his defense through the titan form, though that would leave him susceptible to Dark kabuto's devastating speed. However, before he could react. He heard the noises of a child, from the city, from a few feet away. his senses, though not on the level of pegasus, allowed him to hear some people still in the city.

That Bastard!; Yuusuke didn't even realize it, but there were still civilians and people around the city, who hadn't quite gotten out yet, due to the major commotion, which had not too long ago, transpired. Yuusuke had had enough of this man. If he didn't feel that way at the very beginning of when this started, then he most likely did now. the fuse on his fire had been put out, and his anger began to burn with a even more destructive aura. He put his hand up, as the cero came towards him, usually this motion would make him seem like a mad man asking for death, but he didn't put it up for him, just because of that. No, he was going to go into his final form, and erase him. While the blast made it's near way, towards him. you could see the ripples and lines of dark energy and lightening convulsing and moving around him, as the blast connected, a wave of smoke, fire and explosion's were created, but what had happened exactly? One would have to wait until the smoke, died over. After it died over...something scary, and out of this world could be felt, from the spot that had fired.

as the smoke cleared, the warrior who was now in blue, had now revealed his most strongest and demonic form, the ultimate form. The Reaitsu that was being felt from the release, was unreal. The Warrior walked out of the smoke, as the area around him felt unusually hot. Either from the slightly night-marish reaitsu, or from the cero?; Either way, Yuusuke came out of the smoke, in his red eyed ultimate form. Just barely, right now if he wasn't supressing all of his anger, he'd be scarcely if not one hundred percent, black eyes. He had used some of the flames, in his hand. at the last second, of entering the form, to lower the damage of the cero oscuras. Had he taken it in dragon form, it most likely would've spelled the end of him. Looking back at the warrior, he began to walk towards him slowly. clenching, and tightening his fist, with enough of a squeeze to knock out even the most ferocious or feral tiger. Taking no time, he used the new found speed of this form. Closing the distance as he got under him in a matter of seconds. Once he reached him, he swung his fist into the Arrancar's chest, with enough force behind it to level a few of those city blocks behind him, but that wasn't even the scary part. Each hit from this monstrous warrior ultimately caused his opponents to bleed, despite having any sort of armor. Should it have connected, the warrior on the other side of the spectrum, would find it hard to recover from the effects, of this berserker strength.

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Magical Plants - Page 3 Empty Re: Magical Plants

Fri Feb 04, 2011 1:35 pm
[Dark Kabuto]

Behind the mask, the warrior had a large grin on his face. There was just no way this blue thing could've survived a point blank hit from a Cero Oscuras, and even seemed to accept his fate before the energy blast hit! This should've done it. Finally, this boy learned his lesson in being a hero, even though it came at the cost of his life. Maybe he should collect this heros soul and make him a Hollow?

However, something was off. The Reiatsu wasn't diminishing. Instead, it was increasing. Unconciously, the masked warrior took a step backwards. What was going on here? Did he absorb the energy blast? No, it clearly detonated. The Cero Oscuras should've ripped him apart, but instead, the now black-armored warrior was visible once the smoke cleared. But this black armor looked different than the one before, way more dangerous.
"Tch... Clock Up!" Hitting the switch on his belt, Dark Kabuto switched into the speeding time again. His own Reishi was diminishing, and even though standing still while charging the Cero did give him most of his breath back, he was slowly getting drained from fighting.
Jumping backwards, he noticed with shock that the black armored warrior was actually FASTER than his blue form before - and it was too late to return into the normal time now to trust his armor. Of course, he didn't know that armor against Dark Kabuto was like paper against a stormgale.
"Shit...!" Raising both of his arms infront of his chest, he knew that this punch was going to hurt. Still, he had no idea of the power behind it, or he might've tried to deflect it with his dagger and his full last strength, instead of trying to take even one attack of this way faster and stronger version of Kuuga - this ultimate form that combined everything. However, thus rational thought was not easy to make when the opponent just survived one of your strongest moves without more than a few scratches on the armor.

Then, the strike hit. No, it was not just a punch of strike. This was more like a nuclear bomb detonating with it's full force right onto his body, and for a short moment, it seemed as if, thanks to the extreme traction and heat, Dark Kabuto was sticking to the fist, and out of the armor on his back, a gushing mass of blood emerged, before he was sent flying through the air, falling out of clock up while still in the air, crashing against the next best wall with his back, making a not-so-nice grinding sound of metal, skin and more metal meeting.
Like a lump piece of flesh, slowly, Dark Kabuto slided down the side of the building, his armor slowly disappearing and returning into the shape of the straight longsword in his right hand now.
//This... is... not possible... This strength... Why can't I... breathe...? Oh right... one of my lunghs... is crushed completely... every single... heartbeat hurts. I think... yeah, pretty damn sure. My heart is nearly destroyed... that it even still beats is incredible.// Sliding down to the ground and 'sitting' on said ground, a thick line of blood was now on the wall, from the point where he hit it - together with his body-figure stomped into it, running down to where he was now.
//The bleeding... won't stop. This mistake... was stupidity on my part... DAMN IT! I won't end like this, not like some dog in the streets! I'm a warrior, the best of them all. One mistake won't kill me...!// Slowly, the bright green eyes of the Primera Espada opened again, his beautiful face completely pale, coughing out blood which was running down on his chin. His white clothing on the chest and back was stained with his own, red blood, and one of the angelwing-like maskfragments on his head was broken in half, revealing the ear hidden under it a bit, or at least, the fleshy core of this fusion of bone and organic material.
Like in a slowed time himself now, the Primera pushed himself up against the wall, gripping his black blade with all the strength that he still had. As he took a step forward, a flow of blood gushed out of his chest and back, staining the ground. A dry chuckle escaped his mouth.
"You're... good, boy. Quite good, indeed..." The smirk on the face of the Primera Espada, now revealed in his true form, was unwavering. Stretching the left hand towards the enemy, he turned the blade in his right to face backwards, up his arm now, holding it behind his back. His heart was screaming out in pain from every single movement - if he just didn't move anymore, and the enemy didn't decide to finish him off, he might've survived this devastating blow that ignored any last bit of defence he still had. But his pride was stronger than the will to survive.
"Now... shall we finish... This dance of blades... boy? A warrior like me... won't kick the bucket... this easily..." Taking another step forward, he seemingly crouched down a bit. The green eyes couldn't focus on his enemy directly anymore. It was annoying for him, someone who even had his famous eye for the Quincy and his hawk-eye precision as a Hollow, not to be able to actually see his black-armored opposer correctly. The pain was now gone, replaced by a numb feeling in his entire body. He knew what this meant - his heart had stopped. Only a few seconds of life remained for him now.
"Show me..." With those words, Heroism stormed forward, not even bleeding anymore. There was no blood pulsating through him to be lost. Only his rapidly escaping Reiatsu kept him alive and moving. "How bright your ideal..." Shouting out with the last air in his one remaining lungh, in this one moment, for the first time of the battle - the man hidden behind the mask seemed to be alive.
"TRUELY IS!" With the last words, Heroism passed by Kuuga, slashing his sword sideways, twisting it in his hand into the normal position again, and sheathing it all in one motion, so fluent and beautiful, that one could not even think about the fact that the Primera was nearly blind now. The slash was done in the waist-area of his opponent, and now, the Arrancar slowly turned around. His smirk on the face still didn't waver one bit.
"As I thought... too bright..." Closing his eyes and slowly lowering his head, the Primera was still standing long after the last bit of Reiatsu was gone from his body. An empty shell of an empty Hollow, Still having that memorable smirk on his face that nobody could erase.

Even in death, even stained with his own blood, even after bathing in the blood of innocents before - now, in the white with red stains, opposed to the black armored Kuuga, Heroism looked like a saint. A being not from this world. A formerly truely 'empty' Hollow.

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Magical Plants - Page 3 Empty Re: Magical Plants

Fri Feb 04, 2011 2:19 pm


This battle, was definitely over. Yuusuke sighed as his heart waved heavy. He had some regret, but as he knew, this was neccesary in becoming his ideal hero. He didn't think that i would get this far, yet he felt at ease. He had never felt so much anger, boiling up inside of him like that. There were times, where the anger could be nulled in a few moments, and replaced with a smile. But, with him. With him, it was a completely different story. This man, had drove Yuusuke to a edge that he didn't think he would reach, in quite a few years. It was a surprise, that Yuusuke was even able to sustain the red eyes, of his ultimate form. He was able to bypass the defense, in that split second and land the supposed killing blow. Expecting that he had won, he began to immerse himself in his mind for a moment, to think of what to do next. However, just as he began to get ready to make his descent back home. He sensed, and quickly seen that there was still life, within him. Albeit barely. Such resillence, was admireable. In fact, he couldn't believe one man, except his main mentor, Johnathan walker, would come out from a punch like that, and come towards him with a smile.
But,Why? his actions seemed pathetic, and he may have looked like a idiotic fool to be still standign up, knowing he could be slashed down or punched again. So why, why did Yuusuke find this action admireable? was it his pride, or was it just a great intent to kill? he was breathless, and speechless.

He wanted him to stay back, if he was still alive. Yet, he continued to walk towards him. He continued to stare at the man, as he continued to walk towards him, as he still had a bit of distance to close. It seemed like an impossible goal, but the pride was the only thing he had to hold onto. Yuusuke admired and cursed him, for it. Yet he could not deny that the man still stood, despite all of this. With a quick motion, the man performed what seemed to be his last strike. It hit, the waist of the black armored warrior. normall, he quickly would've reacted. Yet, those actions minutes ago, were admireable. With the last strike, Yuusuke felt a crack in the arcle, it wasn't a huge crack, but the damage that was inflicted, and his exhaustion, coupled with the fact of holding off the ultimate darkness, caused him to lose it's power, for today. He would most likely let the arcle, heal it's self. Yet, he couldn't find anymroe reason to stand up, right now at least. With that, he sighed and chuckled a bit, while standing up. His armor, slowly dissipating to reveal his human form again, as some blood reached his lungs and spilled from his closed lips. With that smile he always wore, he spoke; "You are a good warrior....i didn't expect someone like you to recover from that, so it seems...hehehehe...Guh...that..yo..ur...pride...helped you in some" he stood up, speaking as his black locks of hair flowed through the air. He began falling over standing in the same position, he had done all he could, So he felt it was time, to rest.
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Fri Feb 04, 2011 2:54 pm
[Johnathan Walker]

This battle was over. Slowly, the last bits of dust settled. The one fighting for his own darkness had been stopped by a man following an ideal unreachable, yet beautiful. A dark hero against a hero. Even for Karakura, it would take time to heal the wounds of this battle and extinguish the memories of the clashing forces here, as the free Reishi in the area lowered to a normal level again.
One dead, one other exhausted. As Yuusuke was falling forward, towards the ground, something moved through the air at an incredibly high speed, faster than most hovercars would go around here, and a strong arm stopped the host of the legendary spirit Kuuga from simply collapsing. Long, black hair in a ponytail was flowing in the wind, now lowering down after the tall man. Gray, bright and friendly eyes were laid onto the one he respected and treated like a younger brother.
The man stopping Yuusuke from falling face-first into the dirt was noone other than Johnathan Walker, the host of the cat spirit Shironeko, and one of the strongest living Quincy. The mentor and possibly best friend of Yuusuke, someone following his ideals of being a hero just as strongly.
"You've fought well. Now rest for a bit, Aibou." A hovercar was stopping as the Quincy said those words, and a tall, no, gigantic man with multiple scars opened the doors of it from the inside. This man was Kagetora, a now long-time member of their secret organization, and maybe the manliest man alive. Getting Yuusuke into the car wasn't that hard for the tall Quincy with the german roots, and nodding towards Kagetora, he himself also entered into it.
"What about that guy?" The manly Ziamichi pointed at the dead body that once was the second strongest of the Espada, the Primera. Still standing, the slight wind inside of the modern city ruffled both the hair and the rigged clothing, but he wasn't falling, like a memento of a war long since ended.
"Leave him. He's a Hollow, his body will sooner or later dissipate. We have to get Yuusuke to a bed, so that he can sleep himself out." Inside of his mind, Shironeko was a bit worried about the state of the spirit inside of the arcle. They watched the entire battle, but didn't interfere - it would've destroyed Yuusukes own pride and honor as a hero and warrior. There were fights to protect life, and fights to protect honor. Even though those two spirits were bickering most of the time, she was still incredibly caring to anyone.
//I'll send my avatar into his spirit once we're back. I want to make sure that old pervert recovers. Yuusuke would be in danger without his armored ass.// She said to her other half, Johnathan, in his mind, and he nodded spiritually towards her, as the hovercar was departing. Slowly, the awesomeness-loving Quincy smiled.
"He has to hurry up with recovering. After all... he'll be the third head shortly."

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Wed Feb 09, 2011 2:41 am

[Saeko Busujima] ||||| [????]

"Hmmm, that boy is definitely a strong one..." a woman said, as she came out, along with a cloaked and short figured person. the woman was had a lovely and beautiful appearance. She stood over the body of the man, known as Dark Kabuto, or with his true face, heroism. She had long purple hair, beautifully flowing locks, her skin was delicate and pale, yet it wasn't the sick pale color, but had a wonderful milky tone, shaded through it. her clothing was considerably, yet unusually basic. a tank top shirt, in black color, accented with a darker black skirt. She pulled out her blade, as she stood over the male. While speaking to the cloaked figure. "So you only need the spirit eh?" the short figure, in a orange coat, nodded. "you know you should just come back, and stop this nonsense, but yeah yeah, if i have the spirit i'll keep this a secret and fix this guy up" he said, his voice seemed like that of a fatherly fellow, a man wise with knowledge of this world. He sighed, as he looked over at the body, or what was left of it, of the primera espada. "Man...that guy must have really gave him a knockout blow...i've seen some major wounds on a body, but this is almost enough to make me vomit..." he said, his tone had a slight level of disdain. "But eh, it's not too bad, after all i've had to do surgeries and actually pull out organs so this isn't too unsightly...."

the woman nodded as she looked at the shorter figure and gave him a questioning look. "So are you going to fix him?" she said, as she asked him curiously. he chuckled a bit and walked over to the body. "Yeah yeah, if you can kee0p his spirit in a psuedo body, i can maybe get some of my better staff to fix him up, and bring him back to his former level he you got here at the right time...' he said with a nod, his face still wasn't hidden in facgt, his size was unusually short. She nodded, and grabbed the bloody man. she pulled out her blade and cut the pallbearers, in order to keep his soul, in this world. With that, she still held him in her arms. "I'm giving you a second chance at life, my fast warrior...for now...sleep..." she said as she put her hand over his eyes and closed them. With that, the two descended into a portal, in order to revive him, and go on a plan that would hopefully bring the warrior back to shape, but for now he would settle for what these two people had in store for him.

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Thu Feb 10, 2011 3:41 am

Was it darkness that surrounded him, or light? The warrior was not able to tell the difference anymore. He felt like he was floating in an endless sea of colorless nothingness. Even if he tried to concentrate, his brain felt like it was grown over by algae, numb. His arms and legs... did he even still have those? Heroism was unable to tell. Was this death? Or a nightmare? Maybe the last thing before a glorious afterlife? Whatever it was, it was boring as hell for him. He just wanted reality to go on with it and erase his existance as such a pathetic thing, floating around without a body and destination. Had Kuuga been a Quincy, all of this would've been over long ago for sure.
Little did the warrior know that his spirit was steadily headed for Deaths body, which began to draw his strong spirit into it's being. Once there, he would for sure lose the last bit of his own self. But even if he did know, it wouldn't have meant anything for him at the moment. His senses and thoughts were numb, beginning to forget who or what he was. Was this the future he once wanted? Would this be his final end, without salvation? ...can't be...

Heroism tried to scream, but he couldn't do it. No, this was wrong. It shouldn't happen. It wasn't happening. Nothing would pull him away.
//Nothingnothingnothing WHYLETGOOFME!//
Struggling, Heroisms spirit fought against the numbness in his head. And against the numb feeling that emitted from Deaths body so near to absorbing him. In the face of death, a fierce fire once more lit up in his eyes - and he literally spat right into the face of death.

However, all this struggling wouldn't have helped, if not, all of the sudden, it ended. No flashing light that gripped him, no slow floating back, the state between dying and disappearing into Death just ended. And now, instead of feeling numb, flaring pain shot through Heroism, as he was back into his beaten and broken body.
How? His body clearly died, and still wasn't able to live - but he was alive, and his spirit did not escape again. Even though his Reiatsu was so low that a human child could've had more, his beaten, broken heart started beating painfully. Slowly, the emerald green eyes opened, seeing the slightly blurred figure of his savior, a beautifull and clearly strong woman, for the first time in his life. A scene that should burn itself into his memory forever.
"You... saved me." It wasn't a question, merely him stating a fact. Nobody had ever cared enough to save him, not as a Quincy or Hollow, ever before. The voice was still weak, as his body was only alive because she killed deaths grip on it, and he would clearly need a place to retreat his soul-body into soon. Good thing that the small cloaked figure had just that planned. Alone, even with the power to defy death, it would've been nearly impossible to restore enough Reishi to a once dead Hollow to make him able to heal his injuries.
The pain flared up once more in his spirit. With a disgusted groan, Heroism closed his eyes. He was disgusted about himself. Losing against this hero of light... one day, he would come back. And he would defeat Kuuga to reclaim his title as the strongest of all! Drifting away into a dreamless, deep sleep of regeneration, the one with the black heart was taken away through the portal.

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