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Sun Oct 03, 2010 5:23 pm

"You are so naive, my boy." Letting out another of his mocking laughs, the stranger took on a fighting position. Stretching out his left arm, he pulled the fingers of the hand half in, pointing the palm of the hand at the red warrior, while his right foot slided back over the ground, letting you hear the sound of metal scratching over dust and stone, also turning it a bit, so that the foot was standing slightly sideways, while pulling back his right hand and turning the upper body also, having the weapon in that hand, holding it upside-down, the blade along his lower arm, with his knees slightly bend. This was the fighting pose of this Hollow warrior, and most of the time the last thing his enemies could see. Increasing his Reiatsu-output, the Arrancar under the mask removed his personal limiter - he would give this kid a good spanking.
"I will teach you the hard way, then. How sacrificing yourself for others will only lead to your death... I should know. I died once. Though... death is easy, really. It doesn't even hurt that much. And after you embrace the sweet death... you too, shall be reborn as a true hero. A hero of those who deserve it..." Some of the dirt under the armor boots gave off a small sound as he lowered his stance a bit more. "Remember my name, young boy, so that you will never forget. I am Dark Kabuto the Primera Espada, true holder of the Dark Zecter, and last of my clan." What clan he meant should not be revealed this day, as Dark Kabuto mumbled two other words in order to heighten this fight onto new levels... and to show this red warrior how easily his justice and helping everyone could lead to his doom. Once, he himself, the man behind the mask, wasn't any different from his enemy - a hero who helped everyone. But in the end, he saw what really gave a hero power - only darkness of the heart, or lack of one. As an Arrancar, he didn't have any heart to feel remorse with.
"Clock Up."
From one second to the next, Dark Kabuto was gone. Judging from how fast simple walking was in this heightened time level, one could only imagine what kinds of speed he reached when running. But he didn't speed towards Kuuga, no. He was aiming at the owner of this stupid greenhouse he pretty much trashed with entering through the back - and through the glass - and shooting a Cero that burned nearly the entire glass roof into nothingness. The powers of this Arrancar were not something you could joke about. Hitting three switches on his Zecter while running towards Hoshi, it gave off sounds that should be hard to register for those not as fast as Dark Kabuto, since they too had a heightened time to them. Three-Two-One - Rider Slash!
Turning the dagger in his hand, now holding it like an actual sword, Dark Kabuto very literally jumped at Hoshi from the front. "Rider Slash!" A perfect, downwards cut was the result, exactly where Hoshi had been standing. If something blocked it, or if he did get away, was now concealed by the explosion rising from the literal cut in the air and kinetic energy it left free. This dagger was vibrating at double the speed of a Seele Schneider at the moment, since Dark Kabuto was using his form of Clock Up - still, he couldn't use it permanently, like the other Zecter users. Normally blocking this dagger, though, was impossible - it would go through solid matter like a warm knife through butter.

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Magical Plants - Page 2 Empty Re: Magical Plants

Sun Oct 31, 2010 3:49 am

Magical Plants - Page 2 220px-Decade-Yuusuke


Yuusuke, was still eager to show this man what it truly meant to be a hero, it wasn't about getting praise, it was about seeing the smiles on their faces, and knowing that you did your job well in protecting them. Not, looking down on them, like some sort of king. Yuusuke couldn't condone someone calling them selves a hero in that manner, even Iori, someone who considered her self a anti-heroine, did not stoop to those levels, it was obvious that this masked warrior, was upsetting our warm hearted hero, a bit more then Yuusuke would usually be. But, Yuusuke wasn't just going to stand by and let things go as they were, he couldn't let this warrior enjoy his thrill, in Yuusuke's word's "pretending" to be a hero. heroes, had to care for the people they saved, even so much as sacrificing their own well being. Yuusuke had created these ideals all on his own, though some of them slightly came from his mother, Shizuka onodera. who loved to see other's smile, just as much if not more then Yuusuke did himself, she was truly one of those one in a life time sweet hearted women. Yuusuke, however would not see the next move coming, or how much of a evil one it was, for this next action, would send this young man at the edge. Something not too many people could accomplish. but, this warrior had reached those waters.

"even if it may lead to my death, that is the only way to protect, and i shall die that way! if it's to protect everyone i'd even be willing to be swallowed up by darkness" however, as he finished talking. the warrior, used his speed, that seemed to far exceed flash step, since even Yuusuke right now in this mighty form, a warrior easily capable of catching up with flash step opponents couldn't even register the speed. He had to be careful, he arched his arm up into a battle position. looking around with the other arm held back a bit. " he...." he thought, for the split second he could sense it. however, it was something he was not too sure he was ready to see. Kabuto, slicing down his blade the garden boy, who gave them the flowers. he couldn't register anything.

He went quiet, for the first time, under the mask of Yuusuke's it wasn't a smile, but a frown. Something that held anger, and sorrow. With a mighty yell, he roared out to him. Anger clearly being evident in his tone. "Y-You Bastard! How could you!" Yuusuke may have justified earlier death with this man, but hurting the boy, who treated him nicely, and gave him free flowers, this act was unforgivable. it was something, that made Yuusuke's already rising anger, plummet exponentially. needless to say, he wasn't in a good state to begin with, but now it was just nothing, but a "war' now.

"H-How could you! you! he has, nothing to do with our fight!" he ran over to the body, hopefully he was safe from the blow . Yuusuke, felt that, he couldn't be harmed. so he lay hoshi down somewhere safe, then looked back at Dark kabuto. " .... " the warrior's armor begin to now change, as what seemed to look like a mystical electricity begin to appear around his his body, as it circulated and generated around, now, his red mighty armor was being given the golden power, from the Arcle. the power, had now formed golden trimmings around his armor. and two symbols on both of his hand's. the belt's red color changed to that of gold. this changed, signaled the rising form of the mighty stage, the places on his armor, with golden trimmings and the change over the Arcle, from a red color with gold Linto language, located on some spots of the belt. However, this wasn't the end. the golden power was still generating around him. but didn't he already ascend once? it, was happening once more, the golden power was about to raise him to his most formidable form. Amazing Mighty.

Magical Plants - Page 2 Kamen_Rider_Kuuga___Ultimate__by_Alpha_Vector

Magical Plants - Page 2 Mighty3

This, ascension was, nothing expected by Kuuga. right now, he was at a lost as to how Yuusuke made it to this form, most likely he thought from the anger, that ultimate would surely start surfacing. Or, maybe was it that Yuusuke had learned of a different way to channel his anger? He, had many questions to ask. But, right now Yuusuke's Reaitsu was reaching high levels and causing the rocks under him to crush. he had now ascended to amazing mighty form. instead of the symbols shown, not too long ago. the symbols on his hands, were now for ultimate. but this form wasn't ultimate, it was a parallel, just as growing form, was a enhancement into his other forms, this form could only be unleashed, by the wish to protect. Yuusuke, looked back at Dark Kabuto. he spoke...getting into a fighting position. putting his left arm up in a high flex, while the other arm was arched a bit forward. "I Surely won't die...." he said with a emotion in his voice. "Once, you take one life you can never go back!" He ran towards Dark Kabuto, as his speed had took a considerate raise, to at least keep up, with him to a certain point. "I'll make you Feel the flames of hell, prepare yourself!" with that, The warrior, jumped towards Dark kabuto, going in for a drop kick to the chest, but quickly used his flexible body to flip over atop his head and land a bone crushing, blow to the back of his head, if this were to hit, he would then plan out another means of attack, this would also cause a burning small explosion, from being hit if it happened to connect with any part of his body. Who, would win in this now heated show down?

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Magical Plants - Page 2 Empty Re: Magical Plants

Sun Oct 31, 2010 11:08 am
Hoshi Got up from the floor as he looked at the two Kamen ridders talking about what a hero was and started thinking about his mom and how acording to what Yuusuke said she was a hero too. Sure she did things that put people in danger when she joined Aizen so long ago but she made things so that Hoshi would be safe.

(Music paragraph 2 onwards )

Suddenly this was interupted as he saw a dark flash and Dark Kabuto infront of him. He imediately set up his shield and stepped back and to the right a bit to try and avoid a killing blow. The sword still cut his chest in a diagonal line instead of a vertical line and it had an angle that missed his heart. The wound was bleeding profusely but Hoshi put his hands on it and cast cure on it not healing it completely and just stopping the blood from coming out of it.
He looked at Dark Kabuto and said "You are a hero in your on way. I dont agree with the methods you might use but thats no reason for me to fight you. You might have a dark heart but i see no reason for hurting me in it but if a fight is what you want i wont give it to you I am far to weak compared to you but i value my life and i have to do something to protect myself and the ones i care about in this world."
With that he faded away as he cast Vanish on himself and silently walked infront of Yuusuke and cast Vamish on him to and Promptly ran out of the partially destroyed greenhouse so that less damage could be done to it.

When he got outside he saw how much of it was actually gone and said to himself "Well i guess its better to build a new one then to fix all of this broken mess"

With that vanish wore of when he said "Tremor!" The ground started shaking violently underneath the greenhouse as what remained on the glass structure started to come crashing down.
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Magical Plants - Page 2 Empty Re: Magical Plants

Mon Nov 08, 2010 3:33 pm
[Dark Kabuto]

If there was one thing Dark Kabuto wanted to accomplish by attacking the little vegetable grower, it surely wasn't to get a decent fight. He knew that he could pulverize someone as weak as Hoshi any day - after all, HE was the strongest Arrancar! Only Lady Saya could even compete with him! Yes, his arrogance and confidence didn't know any bounds and limits. Still, he was a bit disappointed over not cutting the boy in two, since that would've been an amusing and bloody sight. Taking a picute of that would've pleased a very certain female for sure.
But now, he finally managed to do one thing - piss Kuuga off. Majorly. As the masked Warrior ascended into a new form, out of instinct, Dark Kabuto took one step back, still in Clock Up. This heavy Reiatsu... this was far greater than he initially thought! Still, there was no way he, Heroism, the Hero Without a Name, the masked Quincy warrior, could lose! After all, his enemy was just a mere human. A weakling!
"Once you throw away your own life for others, you just prove that you are a fool." Kabuto said in a mocking tone, waving his hand to provoke Amazing Mighty Kuuga to attack, which he promptly did. Dodging to the side, the first kick of Kuuga hit the ground where he had been standing, and as the ground began to shake and the greenhouse started to collapse. Together with the glass shards starting to fall, a small explosion began to errupt from the point the good spirited warrior hit - turning around at blinding speed, Dark Kabuto jumped backwards to dodge the second attack. For now, Kuuga had to find a way to slow Dark Kabuto down, since he still had more than half of his Clock Up time left - keeping up with him in this state in Amazing Mighty was nearly impossible. But if he found a way around it, the weak defense of the Espada wouldn't end well.
Charging up energy in both of his hands, Dark Kabuto stretched them out towards Kuuga. "Gran Rey Cero!" Shouting out his words, a huge, blue lightning-like arc was released from the arms of the Primera Espada. The destructive force of this arc would detonate once it made contact with anything, resulting in enough power to level small sized building instantly. Nothing compared to one of Kuugas kicks, but enough to hurt. After releasing his attack, the Espada hit the switch on his belt again.
Clock Over!
Returning his time back into normal, he used Sonido - a skill unuseable in Clock Up - to disappear and reappear above Kuuga, before even his first released attack hit, with the glass shards slowly - at least for the fighters - coming closer from above him. "Chrono Cero!" Releasing two regular Cero Blasts at once, this was basicially a weaker version of Cero Up, but didn't take quite as much power out of the Primera. How would the close-range fighter Kuuga react to these ranged attacks? Would he find a way to fight against the insane speed of Clock Up?

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Magical Plants - Page 2 Empty Re: Magical Plants

Sun Dec 05, 2010 4:06 am


Magical Plants - Page 2 220px-Decade-Yuusuke

Magical Plants - Page 2 Kuuga-ar-amazingmighty

Yuusuke, wasn't going to be edged on by this guy's word's anymore, Yuusuke's views were not going to be changed by him, he would surely show Dark Kabuto, that to be a hero, you had to be willing to make sacrifices. Yuusuke wasn't a hero because he wanted to praise, and he was cleary mature enough to know that he could not save everyone, but he could save many people, and that would be enough for him. The masked warrior, was prepared to absolutely annihilate this guy, however he had to be careful, that speed of his, was on a level that Yuusuke hadn't seen before, so this was the power of the clock up system, from the gears that the hajiamatsujiyuu received and found buried in ruins. Surely, if he was to underestimate the ability, even once, he would be dead in minutes. this form, was a strong form indeed, it's power even rivaling that of his strongest form, the ultimate form, it was also a "Perfect" Mighty form. in comparison to his other forms. however, it's not like it granted him all of the powers of the other form, it was exactly that a perfected form of the tenacious and powerful Mighty form, that Kuuga used to bury his opponents with powerful bone crushing kicks, grapples and punching power, however there was a certain way he had to go about this, or else Dark kabuto, would make due of him with that speed, of his in a matter of seconds, and Yuusuke wasn't going to let that happen, he couldn't die here, his eyes were set through the mask, as he prepared to dodge, and jump through the powerful attacks sent into his direction.

The first, was a destructive and powerful gran rey cero, he would use agility to dodge this, he pivoted off of his feet, and jumped over the attack quickly, with the way things were being fired, he was sure to take at least one ounce of damage, after that, he made his way around, the attack only to see two more attacks coming his way, this speed was unreal. He, knew he was fast at first. But, this wasn't going to be easy. However, Yuusuke had no intention of giving up. He, did have two things going for him in this particular form, a powerful endurance and Strength. If need be, he would change into his other forms and switch around, but first he had to find a way to slow him down. if he ended up slowing him down, he would put this dark warrior on the other side, of the spectrum and give him a taste of his own medicine, by going into dragon form. there were quite some objects available to him in this area, especially thanks to the rubble. So, it was just a matter of slowing him down now, so he could overpower him, later. That plan was certain for sure. he wasn't going to be able to dodge those two ceros, coming towards him, however he would be able to brave the damage. His endurance would at least allow that, if nothing else.

With, a powerful swing of his arm and fist, he added strength into the muscles of his arm, with that flames began to gather around his fist, swinging that arm forward, he braved some of the damage but was able to stop the Blast, using the flames, it caused a mini explosion, in which he quickly retreated from, so he wouldn't get blown back. he then used his feet in the same manner, to use flames, or burning kinetic energy from his feet, to parry the damage of the other Cero, he had to be somewhat Quick, at least in dodging his attacks. this created another mini-explosion. The smoke, covered the area. With this, Yuusuke landed down and quickly moved around, in order to see his opponent. he would, catch him off guard, some way. After a few steps of running, he jumped and lunged forward through the smoke and quickly in front of Dark kabuto, since he wasn't in the clock up time right now, Yuusuke could at least get one good hit, he looked as if he was going in for a punch, but just as he was doing that half way his left leg, was swinging at one of Dark Kabuto's leg's in order to make him lose balance, Yuusuke would also use powerful grappling in order to fully conceal him, if he got the chance. the only thing he would be risking would be getting sucker punched, and he didn't need that giving the warrior no time to rest, he punched forward with the arm after the kick, aiming towards his abdomen area, if this was to hit, the other masked warrior would find a hard time, recovering from the bone crushing blows of his adversary. It would be quite the interesting battle, to see who would come out on top. Speed vs Strength, which of the two would prevail?

Last edited by Misaiko on Thu Jan 13, 2011 3:52 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Magical Plants - Page 2 Empty Re: Magical Plants

Fri Dec 24, 2010 7:40 pm
Hoshi Used his speedy love to get away from the battle scene and leave these 2 men to fight for themselves. He would come back once all of this was over since this fight was no longer his. He flashed away to see what his old friend Zen was up to and incase someone where to follow him Zen would protect him. So he went to Rukongai Music and stepped inside and started talking to Zen.
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Magical Plants - Page 2 Empty Re: Magical Plants

Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:57 am
[Dark Kabuto]

The dark masked warrior quickly got his hands onto the dagger on his hip again as soon as he landed after his airbone attack at the 'hero' who was his enemy now. Behind the mask, the Hollow smirked - he always loved it to make those self-proclaimed humans, that actually believed to be strong, mad. And he clearly managed to do that. However, would he go easy on Kuuga now, then the other black armored man would crush the Primera Espada in a heartbeat. Being overconfident and being a moron was not the same.
As the legendary warrior bursted out of the soke, Dark Kabuto quickly got into position by sliding one of his legs back and crouching down a bit, reading himself to deflect the incoming punch. After all, getting such a bone-crushing attack delivered right at his chest could prove fatal. However, Kuuga actually succeeded in confusing his enemy, as he was not quickly enough to notice the faked movement and the kick executed at his leg. Cursing, Dark Kabuto stumbled sideways, seeing a punch incoming for him next. Slashing upwards with his blade, he managed to glance the blow to the side, making it scratch his shoulder only. Still, had he been in Clock Up where his armor loses protective abilities, this would've hurt like a bitch. And it still damaged the black suit of Reishi Armor, telling how much strength there was behind it.
The next move, however, was anticipated - the hero wanted to use his great body strength to overpower the Espada and corner him - if he managed to grab the ex-Quincy, this fight would end way too soon. So he had to either counter now, or get more distance going.

"Don't take me lightly, boy." The black warrior sneered - nobody recovered from a punch thrown right away, so now was the time to strike. In the left palm of the Hollow, energy was gathering - this was one of his few moves that were not made to hurt directly.
"Clock Down!" As his left arm shot forward, it was aimed directly at Kuugas chest. If he managed to get a clean hit at any body part of his enemy, the time Reiatsu of the Zecter user would enter into the own Reiatsu of Kuuga, and disrupt his time - for someone of Kuugas level, it would only last a few moments, but in those moments, the whole world would look like it clocked up, at least for him. After executing the punch, Dark Kabuto spinned sideways, rotating the dagger around and aiming it at the left shoulder of Kuuga - he was aiming to get behind the other warrior with his speed and the Clock Down shot only seconds earlier, and wear down the endurance slowly. Still, he refrained from clocking up his own time - if he got hit right now, his armor would make survival possible, since it was not busy deflecting the negative effects of the enhanced time.

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Magical Plants - Page 2 Empty Re: Magical Plants

Thu Jan 13, 2011 5:40 pm


Magical Plants - Page 2 220px-Decade-Yuusuke

Magical Plants - Page 2 Kuuga-ar-amazingmighty

It worked!; But just barely. Yuusuke's use of hand to hand combat, and his skilled use of agility managed to catch Dark Kabuto off guard. However, in the face of that speed, it was becoming more of a mundane task to actually land a clean blow, on the superiorly faster warrior. It wasn't going to be a battle head on, it was more of less. A battle of cat and mouse, the mouse had to attack the cat, or become it's prey. Yuusuke, had to make sure his hits count, or it would have all been for nothing. Still, it was clear, that the strategy, had to be put in place. To find a weak spot, using the battle experience. Reading the opponent's movements, despite not being able to keep up. Yuusuke could surely catch the upper hand, he had much more strength, while the other warrior was using what he excelled at the most, his speed. That's what this battle was about, and it would determine the winner. Yuusuke could think about this more closely, and use his knowledge to switch and transform around into other forms, but there were only two forms that came to mind, three at the very least. Dragon, sacrificing strength for speed, hat would hopefully rival the near-god like speed of the espada. Titan Form, Defense and strength, at the sacrifice of any speed, or agility. It would prove vital, only if he knew where the warrior was attacking him from, while he had a powerful armor, on the top of his body, the other parts of his body were still susceptible to damage. In a life or death battle, there was no need for such trivial matters such as being "fair" or "Honest" if they found an opening, they would take it, that's what it meant to put your life on the line. It wasn't a child's game. A false move would spell the end of either one of these warriors. Then Again, Yuusuke was a mind who spared his opponents, If he lost on the other hand, it was safe to say he wouldn't show him such mercy. That's why he had to be careful, he couldn't lose this battle, he had to carefully think of a plan to counter his speed. He was inferior, in speed. However, Kabuto was unskilled in Defense, it was evident. if a strong hand to hand combatant wanted to fight, they wouldn't need to resort to speed. it was like reversed roles, in this battle. After Yuusuke's first wave of attacks, he had to be quick on his feet, just as he came on and bombarded him, with a myriad of attacks, it was definitely obvious, the arrancar would come back with an equal amount of counter attacks, in order to show Yuusuke, he wans't a push over.

Yuusuke, instinctively prepared for the next attack. He couldn't completely dodge it, However he would parry it; "----!! Hyaa!" He put up his arm in defiance, to the left arm jab of the espada, burning energy behind the right arm. He parried the attack, feeling slight damage, from the resulting speed and the clashing. He barely brought his arm back up to recover. So even if he had time to defend, this would have still caused him pain. However, there was no time to rest, he was quickly coming to attack again. Not only that, he could tell from the way they were being sent at him, that they were surely meant to take his life. Yuusuke could not over look anything, because he could not risk the chance to be sliced down. He cursed himself, he couldn't dodge the attack as it slashed down into his shoulder, luckily the armor and the use of the Arcle would heal, the wound that opening up, at the armor area on his shoulder. He had to think of a plan, he couldn't keep on the defensive like this. the speed was overwhelming, This was the speed of the clock up system? Yuusuke had never even been informed of the system, nor could he be sure that the man had a Zecter. Everything was happening so quickly, he could barely register anything. The pain still hurt, but he had to be strong. if he was going to even let something like this get to him. He would be disgraced as a warrior. "Keh...Nuaghh...Na..Gah!" he roared out, casting aside the pain. Now, what was the plan?; He couldn't let the man, get going. That was dangerous. If this fight were to be dragged on. Maybe Yuusuke would have a chance, but he wasn't risking that chance, on a small light. He had to use his advantage, and hopefully pull through. There was one plan, and that was the option of surprise. Yuusuke knew he couldn't catch up with him in speed, at least not in this form, so his plan now, would be to match the primera's speed, with speed. then counter with strength. He had forms, he couldn't just count on the power of this form, and he was surely not thinking about risking going into the ultimate form. with one quick motion of the wrist he pushed his feet down on the ground quickly and jumped back, it was time to switch forms, and fast. He didn't have time to relish in the power of his amazing mighty form, in fact, if he could catch the warrior off guard, maybe his mighty form would benefit him.

Magical Plants - Page 2 Kamen_Rider_Kuuga___Dragon_by_Alpha_Vector

Magical Plants - Page 2 Kuuga4

the phrase didn't take long, and it was enough to switch the warrior into a more suitable form, to combat with the Primera Espada. The gold and black armor, de-materialized into blue. Now it was time for Yuusuke to show Dark kabuto, something that would probably surprise him. a taste of his own medicine. He jumped down and flipped through the air. he did a quick roll over the ground to catch a pole in his hands, from the rubble and quickly recovered off of the ground, continuing his pursuit again the warrior. at the normal glance, this probably seemed like he was resorting to petty weapons that wouldn't do damage, However! The metal pole, turned into a blue rod, with ancient symbols and writing adorned, across the entire weapon's structure. He still felt a lingering sting, from the cut into his shoulder, but he wasn't going to let that deter him. He jumped forward quickly, using the new agility, he pushed forward in a matter of seconds, to reach the Espada warrior once again. he closed the distance, within a good range. He quickly used his skill with the dragon rod, thrusting the weapon forward, he quickly began with an onslaught of attacks, that unless Dark kabuto knew him, off the bat, he wouldn't be able to dodge these without being surprised by his use of changing forms. he thrust the rod at the vital spots, the neck, the head, and the abdomen. He was like a Lancer, with his speed now, and his agility. He just had to keep dark kabuto, from noticing anything with his form changing, but for now, he was absolutely sure, that this man would be surprised by his burst in speed, and what he did. He was always use to this type of surprise, as he had showed so many comrades and enemies of his, this significantly keen skill. Now, would the surprise work on the espada? Yuusuke was sure hoping, that would be the case

Last edited by Misaiko on Sat Jan 15, 2011 8:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Magical Plants - Page 2 Empty Re: Magical Plants

Sat Jan 15, 2011 10:50 am
[Dark Kabuto]

Got him! Well, at least a bit. Sadly, the Clock Down move didn't hit with enough force to affect the black armored opponent of the Espada, but the wound from the black dagger was a nice start. Now, he had to further abuse his speed, maybe Clock Up his own speed again, and slice Kuuga to bits - at least in theory. Sadly, the dark warrior made a quick jump backwards, most likely planning something - the Zecter user was not stupid enough to rush blindly behind him, since for the strength of the legendary hero, slapping him to the side like a fly would be easy.
However, he clearly did not expect what happened next. The black armor changed to blue, and before he could really comprehend what was happening, the first jab of the staff was aimed at Dark Kabutos right shoulder. Dodging it without difficulty, he was nearly fatally hit on the head with the next one.
"Wha..." Backing away, Dark Kabuto was suddenly in a large pit of trouble. His opponent was weaker now, it seemed - but this speed was inhuman! Still, the analytical mind of the Primera calmy thought through the situation. His enemy changed part of the surroundings into a deadly weapon.
Spinning sideways, the Hollow deflected a jab at his right shoulder with his dagger, only to be forced to jump over a swipe at his legs.
Also, his speed had increased, and the more Kuuga now attacked, the faster it seemed to be. Stumbling backwards, first one, then three more of the jabs broke the defense of the Espada, one hitting him on the right shoulder, the other in the stomach, and the final one on the chest, pushing the air out of his lunghs and flinging him backwards like a dolll.
"Kuh...!" Sliding over the ground, the Warrior now had trouble catching his breath. This staff was not as deadly as the fists from before, but the speed was dangerous. And it didn't seem as if the blue enemy was going to stop chasing him, as the staff used like a spear aimed for his head. "Don't underestimate me...! Clock Up!" With his slightly numbed left hand, the warrior hit the switch on his belt again, speeding up his own flow of time. Still trying to catch his breath, Kuuga slowed down - at least for him.
Storming forward instead of defending now, the masked warrior switched over his dagger into the left hand - his entire right arm was not just a bit numb, it more felt like a lump of flesh and armor hanging from his side. The attack at his joint damaged some nerves, and until they recovered from the shock, he could only move this arm with willpower - that wouldn't allow for enough speed and strength. Ducking under one spear move, Dark Kabuto rolled to the right, in order to get to the side of Kuuga, before raising the half-dead right hand with that willpower - he could still lead Reishi through it.
"Cero!" Firing off an energy blast, this energy blast was not speeded up like the movements of the black warrior, but it was only meant as a distraction in the first place. A large amount of Reishi was now flowing through his left arm - for someone who had enough time to calmly watch this, it would seem sickening, unnatural, as his armor was containing most of the strength in this arm now. Jumping forward, using his faster time and leg strength, the masked warror aimed to land on what would be Kuugas left side, turning around in the air, and slashing downwards.
Dark Kabutos speed was so intense, that his Cero did not even cross half of the distance to the rather close target when the dagger aimed for the head of the enemy.
"Slash Up!" In a burst, the jet-black dagger turned into a dark, bloody red - it wasn't containing that explosive and vibrating energy from before, though, but a twisted and un-natural time manipulation. Instead of just slashing one time, those were actually five slashes, executed at the same time, at the same place, twisting time and space to it's liking.

[Clock Up Count: Back to 1]

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Sat Jan 15, 2011 8:52 pm

Magical Plants - Page 2 220px-Decade-Yuusuke

Magical Plants - Page 2 Kuuga4

Yuusuke, grinned at the use of his, change in battle forms. He couldn't believe, it actually worked for a minute. However, he could not get confident now, even the slightest mistake, could still spell the end for the legendary warrior. It wasn't going to be a matter of speed, however. That's quite obvious, there's no way, even in this form, without a rising boost, that Yuusuke could keep up with that speed. Someone could deeply compliment, that if the hajiamatsujiyuu could get their hands on such relics, from the Sugiura. It's scary to know, what else they could possibly acquire. Getting back to the battle at hand, Yuusuke had to prepare, for the warrior in dark armor. This, was going to be a hard battle. There was also one more thing to account for, Yuusuke was heavily susceptible to damage, in this form. Dragon form, was a formidably speedy form, but in the face of that speed, it made Yuusuke seem like he was only on the level of a flash-step, user's speed, trying to play catch up. it was also unnerving to know, that if he happened to even make one wrong move, or miss a step. He'd be sliced down, and his whole ideal would be crushed, along with his death, that's why he had to be careful, in what strategy he chose. For example, he knew that getting hit in dragon form, was painful, not as painful as growing form, his weakest form, but still it cost him some damage, depending on his opponent's strength's. Yuusuke just needed to catch him off guard. as long, as he could get through that defense, he could find a way to win this battle. However, that was easier said, then done.

For one, this guy recovered quickly, but it was enough time to notice, that his defense was a weak point. He had to think of a way around, that technique. Maybe, just maybe, there was a limit. Yuusuke noticed, in the time, that Dark kabuto wasn't clocked up, that he wasn't as fast, and didn't react, as he did, to his earlier attacks, he had to access, a certain point, in this battle. Something, that he may have been missing. There had to be a clear limit, in his capabilities. Something, that made him so fast. Yuusuke had to keep his eye on that, but he knows, he cannot keep his eye away from the battle, it's self. It's simple, a false move, or breach in defense. Spells the end. Each move, whether it be, from fist or cut, could end up being fatal. That was a simple, yet defining factor, that could not be over looked. It was just, that Yuusuke needed to think of that strategy, and use it against the espada warrior. if he could catch him, in between a limit. He could win, however how could one notice a limit, on such blinding speed. This guy, was insane. Yuusuke wasn't inferior, in any way. It was just, the disadvantage, in comparison. His speed, even in his fastest form, couldn't reach him. It was like running a race, against a sprinter, who you know you could never dream of catching. Yuusuke seemed like the last place runner, while Dark kabuto seemed like a speeding light, at this point. it wasn't even that, it was even harder, because Yuusuke didn't even have time to think about, what was a good plan, or not. he had to think up, on the spot.

There, he was, coming again. Boosting his speed, to over power Yuusuke. However, Yuusuke seen him charge his cero, through the hand that he had damaged, with his barrage of attacks and thrust's. However because of the Hindrance Yuusuke caused, he probably couldn't fire them off, with the speed, he showed with his earlier ceros, but still it was enough to slightly distract Yuusuke. Then, there he was, like a flash of blinding light, not even the attack had reached Yuusuke Yet, before this warrior, was up at him, as if nothing were separating them, at all. "Haaa-Haaaa!" he quickly had to think of a plan, a form change, would seem helpful. Then, there was the idea, of enduring these attacks. Titan Form, was good for defense, but as far as catching up to him in speed, that was highly unlikely. Yuusuke quickly decided, to take some slight damage, from that cero. He couldn't let that blade cut him, so with his inferior speed he quickly at a last minute notice, threw up the rod, to allow it to be sliced. While the cero was probably closing the distance now. he used his powerful jumping speed to barely jump over it, as some of the attack grazed his left leg, burning it slightly. Landing over somewhere, a bit far away from the Arrancar warrior, he had to think of a plan quickly. he quickly grabbed another pole object, turning it into another dragon rod, by simply changing it's atomic structure, he couldn't think of a plan, however one thing in mind, was to notice a fault. Yuusuke would have to react quickly however. he couldn't stay on the defensive, or run for him from long, at least not in the face of that daunting speed.

Last edited by Misaiko on Mon Jan 24, 2011 12:26 am; edited 1 time in total
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