Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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I don't care if I'm a bit unstable... - Page 2 Empty Re: I don't care if I'm a bit unstable...

Wed Sep 26, 2012 3:55 pm

Justin Washi
The Sparrow of Jashin



Justin's eyes widened slightly at the male as he seeemed to completely vanish from his attack. However, there was still that extreme smile on his face as he held the spear aloft, his tongue lolling out as he spoke. "Conditions met. Beginning Death Possession Blood!" He said simply as his tongue slid over the telescopic spear, meeting the single drop of blood that was there. After all, this was the special ability of the Toothpick of Jashin; by making contact with an opponent, it created a single drop of blood for Justin to drink.

The blood slid easily down his throat, as the entire left side of his body exploded , or at least his clothes did, from the massive amount of energy he let off. His hair began to shorten and become thinner, laying back across his head as he heard the male speak. "THE LORD JASHIN DOES NOT CARE FOR THE FUTURE OR PAST! HE ONLY CARES THAT DESTRUCTION, DEATH, PAIN, SUFFERING! ALL ARE COMPLETED IN HIS NAME!" Justin said as he held his spear aloft… and then promptly plunged it into his chest, a look of relief coming across his face, a look of bliss, before he easily slid the spear from his chest, smiling as the blood dripped from the wound that was already being repaired by Jashin.

The spear went down, as Justin carved a circle of his blood into the ground. Then, he gave his spear of darkness three more quick flicks, all diagonal, creating a triangle within the circle, his eyes not even trying to find Kaveh, but focusing on the task at hand. However, he did take note of his words. "Jashin does not show himself to the unfaithful… Only to those who have always believed in his name, or come to believe in it. So how about instead of landing a single blow…" Justin said, smiling as he stared forwards intently.

"You kill me."

As he said this, his amulet around his chest gained a dark aura. The aura projected itself from his chest, in the form of a… well, the best way to describe him would be extremely goth. His hair was lon and black, going down to his shoulders; his face and body were a ghastly white, and he wore a long black robe to cloak himself. Around his neck were many beads, but he was still only a projection. The projection then floated upards, acending into a nearby tree as he looked down below.

He was the Lord Jashin, and this lad had piqued his interest.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha

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Sun Sep 30, 2012 10:02 am
    Moving in spaces that didn't matter : the strange ritual did not deter the black garbed male. There was no way he was going to hold back. In fact, he was going to up a level, as he felt his blood stir. There it was : the challenge. The desire that had left him to wallow, that had stemmed his need to kill. The male knew that some how, that thing touched him : he had been sure it had not even grazed him. How annoying : but he would deal with such a matter easy. Because if he had understood that right, he felt himself, as in his blood, in the man. His instincts were verified, as he noticed a light wound. How unfortunate : that seemingly was what he wanted. So the fact he had clearly dodged the spear didn't matter? It was almost infuriating, but out of sheer curiosity, he let the other complete the spell. If he died, would it matter? No, Kaveh understood that he would die, unless mercy was shown. And that was the bottom line, as the katana didn't even show in the light : neither did he.

    He was a ghost.

    Or was he?

    Without a single word of warning, the male was right before Justin : his misdirection was almost expert. Dust, rock, silent movements, an unnoticeable presence. The blade moved, with the intent in the few seconds that he was finishing the ritual, to sink into his heart. It would coincide with the instant that it was finished. What if it killed Kaveh? He wouldn't care. That manic grin on his face, the fury of battle in those crimson eyes : it was intense. He was immensely out powered : but he would try his hardest, as he still had a resort, in order to repel a single attack. His hopes were all centered on that strike. Would he make it? Kaveh wasn't even sure, but that sheer excitement : in the moment he seemingly re-appeared, and became existent again, a large amount of blood lust leaked out. ''This is so much fun..'' he muttered, the only words. Could anyone understand his feelings? Superior all his life, died only on his will : never finding someone stronger out of his own will. And yet here he was : fighting someone out of his own will and desire. Someone stronger : he could even die. He had never faced a death like this before.

    And it was exciting him to a level that no one could understand, except perhaps the one before him.
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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I don't care if I'm a bit unstable... - Page 2 Empty Re: I don't care if I'm a bit unstable...

Sun Sep 30, 2012 10:18 am

Justin Washi
The Sparrow of Jashin



The Sparrow of Jashin merely blinked as he detected the man behind him. His pesquia was highly advanced; as an Arrancar it was his highest leveled trait. However, he knew it would be sacrilige for someone to stop the ritual, as he knew the man's blade began to approach his back. He narrowed his eyes, swallowing once as he created the last slash, as Kaveh's blade came forwards, as a deer in the forest turned its head to stare at the two...

”I agree.”

Justin said simply, as the blade passed through his heart. Up in the trees, the strange ghost''s eyes narrowed, as it shot forwards, slamming into Kaveh as the man's heart ceased to beat once again, feeling as if a sword had just impaled him. Which of course it had. The man he had assaulted gripped the katana edge sticking out of his chest, cursing repeatedly as he dragged it out of himself.

Meanwhile, there was something happening behind him. The ghostly apparition that was his Lord had entered into Kaveh's now dead body, still standing upright. It was then that the man's heart began to beat once more, something forcing the blood through as Justin heard an audible gasp from behind himself, his face absolutely ECSTATIC from the stabbing he had just been given.

As the man returned to life, a single voice was heard in his mind. ”For now and forever... you are a servant of the Lord Jashin.” It said, followed by the chilled laugh of one who is certain, the fate of what is spoken sure to pass...

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha

I don't care if I'm a bit unstable... - Page 2 Empty Re: I don't care if I'm a bit unstable...

Sun Sep 30, 2012 2:55 pm
    It had been difficult, to say the least. The timing had been almost too exact : and in a confusing moment, he slipped the blade in.. and not only then, he felt his own blade slip into his heart. The confusion on his face was only momentary, as his precious blade was taken out and cast aside. ''Ah..'' he let out, a sudden smile on his face. He had been bested and was dying for it. What a fool he had been, charging straight to his own destruction : but yet it had been fulfilling in a way that nothing else had. He hadn't even faced the other, but that smile was almost blessed. Yes, he had been bested : found lacking, even as his body was about to fall backwards : and in a rush, he saw darkness, floating towards him. Even in death, the spirits still wanted to flock to him. They wanted to keep him : but his darling was too far away to touch now, held by the Arrancar. Kaveh's crimson eyes could still be seen.

    Death had covered it's shroud but for a moment, as his heart beat. Suddenly lurching, Kaveh dropped to his knees, breathing out as the blood had flowed from his lips to the ground, almost monstrous. His body was shaking a bit, as he felt his lips curve into a smile. Slowly, a laugh fell from him, shaking like a stream : but it fit. It had a beautiful, ecstatic tone of sheer joy. It was.. ''good.'' he said, as if to answer the voice that had been in his mind. The male stood up, casually moving the blood off his lips. Unafraid, he simply took his blade from the other, the one that held their.. Lord in his flesh. Kaveh's smile was then almost strange, affectionate, as he turned away. He wasn't sure what to say to this, or about this.

    But he had the manic urge to do something.. oh yes, he had to learn, as he turned on his heel, his gaze piercingly thoughtful. ''Senpai.'' he spoke softly, towards Justin, his black hair fluttering into his eyes briefly. ''Will you teach me the basic ways of our Lord?'' he asked. There was an almost innocence to that question, and it was odd : but Kaveh didn't seem to care, and was only concerned in being able to honour Jashin righteously. After all, if he was a failure of a servant, he wouldn't have done what he wanted very well, right? So even if he had to ask for help.. did it matter? He was a cub that need to be taught how to use their claws. And that's what's he was asking the other to do.
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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I don't care if I'm a bit unstable... - Page 2 Empty Re: I don't care if I'm a bit unstable...

Thu Oct 04, 2012 5:28 am

Justin Washi
The Sparrow of Jashin



Justin merely yawned as Kaveh turned around from him. His pleasure from the beautiful stab wound had long since faded; now he was back to relative normal. He was slightly surprised the man was still alive; but he supposed that such enjoyment of the act would most likely keep the man loyal to their Lord, even if he ended up slaughtering too many for his own good.

However, as the man said "Senpai", Justin turned his head. After all, he was the disciple of Jashin, whereas this man was a mere zealot. "Basic ways… well. There's the tenets of Jashin. Firstly, whenever you pray to Jashin, you MUST kill; if you fail to you shall be hunted down. I killed you, technically, and fulfilled the contract of Jashin that surrendered your soul to him. Second, after each time you have prayed to Jashin and finish the ravaging of an area, you must rest in a circle and triangle like I have made beneath me of either your own or your sacrifice's blood. Third, you must never kill for personal gain. Even if Lord Jashin doesn't do anything…" He spoke softly, his eyes flashing as he turned his head to look at Kaveh. "I will personally slaughter you for that sin." He spoke simply, remembering his beginnings as a follower of Jashin.

"Fourth. No killing on Sundays; it is a holy day for the Lord Jashin. Fifth, followers of Jashin are chaste and may not participate in sexual intercourse. Do you understand?" He asked, his eyes looking down at Kaveh as his body changed again, his hair going back to normal, but the left side of his cloak still gone. "As for killing… do it plentifully, and give all the credit to Lord Jashin. The Lord may allow you to use some of his own tools for killing; I haven't a f#cking clue how close of a bond you two will have. Just know that the Lord is my best friend, and I could have done much, much worse to you then allowing you to stab yourself in the heart…"

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha

I don't care if I'm a bit unstable... - Page 2 Empty Re: I don't care if I'm a bit unstable...

Wed Oct 10, 2012 4:14 pm
    A light movement, but nothing exciting. The high was wearing off, but not really : Kaveh's calm nature returned, to a great extent, allowing him to easily retain himself from going crazy. But his mind as all stirred up. It was a strange feeling, as his gaze landed on his current Senpai. And only for the basics, because Kaveh was not one to stay under someone's thumb. The male seemed intent to keep threatening him. Normally the black garbed male would easily lash out and crush the other : but he was stronger, so that didn't matter. With a light nod, he had the sheer amount of understanding : the basic tenets, and it was perfect. The male let out a breath he had been unconsciously holding, his body fully relaxing, a pure, serene smile on his face. He didn't need to comment : as part of the 2nd squad, he would have to kill, but out of duty, not gain. It was easy to parse things : killing was of his own hand, accessory was not. A devious mind, Kaveh had : so to accomplish his duties, he would stop at nothing.

    And he figured that the Lord Jashin would've known that, considering how he had went to stab himself in the heart in order to just speak to him. Murdered but not dead : alive but not living. It was a beautiful way of being, as his Zanpakto spirit moved a bit restlessly. But he soothed her with a gentle mental pat : it was perfect to be fairly honest. He was.. content. He half-wondered if he should leave now, a crimson eye looking at the male beside him. Should he? Kaveh decided sure, why not? He had lived, died and then just found a new source of power. This was.. an interesting day, as the male started to walk away.

    ''Guess I'll see you later, Onii-senpai.'' he said, making a weird hyphen out of that. But it was amusing to him at least.. and maybe he'd find a way to tease the little psycho. That was definitely good plan.

Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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I don't care if I'm a bit unstable... - Page 2 Empty Re: I don't care if I'm a bit unstable...

Thu Oct 11, 2012 5:47 pm
The Akatsuki member remained unmoving as he stared straight ahead. He didn't even recognize the man's leaving, his breathing still coming down from a sudden rush he had experienced. He held one hand to his face, blinking as he perspired, as if he had just finished a long run. Then he stoppped the heavy breathing, before looking down at the pendant on his chest, a smile on his face. Thank you Lord Jashin... I do rather hate those visions... even if they are of my brother nearing death... He thought, as he walked forwards simply.

He was interested by this encounter. He knew he would always be in touch with that man from now on; they were linked by Lord Jashin. In addition, the man was an immortal kind of servant, until he died. Much like Justin himself, just nowhere near as... versatile. It greatly interested the Sparrow of Jashin. Could it be possible his cult, his religion was going to come back to life? However, he greatly doubted this as his footsteps began carrying him deeper into the forest, as he began wandering the walks of life once more... looking for his next sacrifice.


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Sun Oct 04, 2015 5:14 pm

✖| Clean Up Time!! |✚
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It's been 2014 or even before that!
There for I will be locking this thread, feel free to revisit this and keep on reading!

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