Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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I don't care if I'm a bit unstable... Left_bar_bleue20650/20000I don't care if I'm a bit unstable... Empty_bar_bleue  (20650/20000)

I don't care if I'm a bit unstable... Empty I don't care if I'm a bit unstable...

Sun Jul 01, 2012 11:16 pm
The Arrancar laughed, his laugh echoing as he lifted his scythe up high, a smile upon his face as he gave out a large laugh. "A SACRIFICE... FOR LORD JASHIN!!!" He announced as he hefted his scythe high above his head, his smile wide and his eyes flashing as he prepared to bring it down on the Shinigami that he had found. They had been... interesting. Weird shadow powers and a gun; however, they weren't enough. After all, this Arrancar was nothing like most; he was a Ziamichi. His smile was absolutely terrifying as he prepared to attack, the shinigami's eyes widening as he performed a shunpo from his spot under the tree, trying to get away from Justin as fast as he could as he reappeared over a lake.

However, the shinigami's eyes widened as suddenly, the man was standing in front of him once more, lifting his scythe high above his head. "You cannot run... This is your ending!" He said as his left hand slammed forwards, releasing a massive cero as suddenly the man vanished once more. It was obvious he was extremely skilled with shunpo; however, there was no escaping Justin as his pesquia activated, his smile widening as his eyes moved to the left side of his head, his eyeballs widening as his cero exploded, slamming into several trees as it completely blew them away.

Spinning his scythe in one hand, he smiled as he shot forwards, appearing in front of his opponent with his own sonido. "TRASH!" He said with a smile as he brought his scythe around, having brought it back completely as it shot forwards... and the man shunpo'd away again.


He announced loudly, one eye twitching as he obtained the sight of his opponent once again, vanishing completely as his right leg came up. It slammed into his opponent, resulting in a hit, his luck running out as he was sent high into teh air. The Shinigami pointed his gun at Justin as more shadow like energy formed at the revolver-looking barrels tip, before it fired out.

Justin merely smiled as he whipped his scythe forwards as hard as he could, feeling Jashin's power flowing through him as he hit the attack with the scythe. IT was as large as a cero; and appeared to be a last ditch effort by the man before him. Justin smiled, feeling the star and circle on his chest burning as he widened his eyes, the power flowing around the scythe as Justin completely parried it. Then, he swung the scythe far to the left, as the power shot away from himself, leaving him looking at the man in front of him.

He smiled at the man as he stood above the lake, the man completely exhausted from his last attack. Justin vanished as he reappeared in front of him, his right hand shooting out as he gripped the man's face, his scythe spinning in his left hand as he laughed, pressing the man down towards the ground, laughing to himself more and more as they descended. Then, with a SPLASH, they slammed into the water, as it rose up all around the two, bursting away from where they had been standing.

Justin continued pushing him down, his grip on the man's face quite tough as he felt the scythe in his hand vibrating with raw power. Justin released the man; he hadn't had his fill quite yet with his toy as he felt the power growing in his right hand, snapping back his scythe. He already had a sample of his poor victims blood; all he had to do now was activate it. Justin felt the Toothpick of Jashin forming in his right hand as he boruhg tit back towards himself, stabbing it deep into his neck as he winced, then sighed, the euphoria of the stab wound going through him as he burst his artery, his special blood coming out as it refused to mix with the water, Jashin's power keeping it solid as Justin manuevered his right hand to press onto the small seal he had just made, a circle with a triangle inside of it, barely bigger than his own hand. "DEATH POSSESSION BLOOD." Justin said simply with a wide smile as his hand activated the seal, as the entire left side of his body glowed with energy... and was blown away by the energy, completely oblitereating all the clothes he wore there as his hair grew shorter and thinner, laying back neatly on his head.

Justin smiled, releasing his right hand from the seal as he formed the Toothpick back in it, while releasing his scythe for just a moment and placing his left hand on it instead, kicking his feet softly so that he remained propelled. He felt something tugging on him, smiling as his eyes shifted from their place to look at the shinigami gripping his scythe. "Trash shouldn't touch other people's things..." He said laughing as his right hand whipped around, the point of his spear pointing right at his chest... more specifically, right at his heart, as he smiled at the man before him, plunging the weapon into himself as the man gave a glorious scream, gripping and tearing at his chest.

Justin for his part winced at first, then allowed a look of comppete relief tocome over his face as he smiled, knowing his work was complete as he let his hand off the seal, pulling the scythe back to himself. "Know that you were a sacrifice... For Lord Jashin." Justin said simply as he kicked out of the water, flipping out of the lake as he stood on a plate of reiatsu... and felt something more. What could that be...? He wondered, knowing that his pesquia could detect even the smallest of signatures. In this case, he could feel it was... something. He looked out, his eyes catching on something as his smile continued to widen... and he took a step towards it.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha

I don't care if I'm a bit unstable... Empty Re: I don't care if I'm a bit unstable...

Tue Jul 17, 2012 5:56 pm
    The male had sensed the battle, but could do nothing of it. The male's steps were confident, as he walked towards the presence, as they stepped out to him. Red clashed, as Kaveh's black hair moved with the sweep of the wind. In fact, his very presence was almost dangerous : the leather and crosses, and the katana at his side. He moved like a man that knew how to use it. His body stopped, as his gaze stopped on the naked man before him, considering a burst of power had left him clothingless. ''Well.'' Kaveh's voice drooled, almost like a sweet scent in the air, drifting and twisting about. He actually enjoyed that sort of effect, but he understood that he would not beat this opponent. But still he was there. ''I won't beat you, but I assume that your.. sacrifice as you loudly exclaimed would be good enough? I'd rather not lose my life right now, but I am interested in fighting you.'' said the shinigami, knowing vastly their differences in power. If it came down to it, Kaveh would simply erase his very prescence, and misdirect the male for an escape. Or supress his existance to make himself seem dead : to Kaveh it didn't matter if he won or lost. The fight itself is what was important.

    If the other was reasonable or not, was a different matter. In his arrogance, or rather confidence that many took as arrogance, Kaveh was absolute. He would not die : that was his own promise, as he waited for the other to answer him. He knew that in seconds an attack could be launched : and he was poised to counter, his hand seemingly non-chalant on his blade, but ready. His body was tense, and ready to move at a reaction's notice. He understood his need to win, but also understood that victory in a classical sense was not allowed in this case : survival was the victory he needed, and thus it is what it would be. And that.. was simplistic enough.
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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I don't care if I'm a bit unstable... Left_bar_bleue20650/20000I don't care if I'm a bit unstable... Empty_bar_bleue  (20650/20000)

I don't care if I'm a bit unstable... Empty Re: I don't care if I'm a bit unstable...

Thu Jul 19, 2012 10:27 am

Justin Washi
The Sparrow of Jashin



Justin merely listened as his senses began to process another voice. Hmm...? Another sacrifice? He wondered, smiling widely before his smile went down just a bit. That's right, though... I've already finished the sacrifice for now, hmm. He thought as he clapped his hands before himself, letting out a breath as his body began to change. His hair lengthened to its normal size as it changed to Red, becoming wispy. The bones of his face shrunk in, making his face look almost... fox-like as he stood there in the air. Then it flickered for a moment; just a moment, before he suddenly went back to his normal state once more, looking down towards the ground as he leaped towards it.

His feet planted down as he created yet another Ring and Triangle of Jashin. He threw his legs back as his bottom fell down, and he laid out, looking up to the stars. "I have to wait a half an hour before I can do anything, trash." He said simply, closing his eyes and knowing that he would be able to keep his entire body right here for that half an hour, and nothing in the world would be able to move, in his mind, his now sealed state until he was done.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha

I don't care if I'm a bit unstable... Empty Re: I don't care if I'm a bit unstable...

Tue Jul 24, 2012 6:37 am
    Kaveh blinked, caught a bit off guard. But it didn't matter, as the shinigami's steps followed the male's. He was sort of surprised at that spartan attitude, the man not even caring that he was buck naked. That was some sort of confidence : the black garbed male could understand that confidence more then anyone else. Watching with amusement, as the other laid down, the leather robed male simply strode to him, and without much of hesitance, sat on the other's chest. ''At least, I assume you can talk?'' spoke the black haired male, his crimson eyes like vivid pools of blood. There was a sort of energy that often took the breath out of people, should he present himself. It was.. unique to say the least, but it fit very well with the male. That presence, should he allow it to flow, was confidence in one's self so pure that it was perfect. The male simply watched the other, as if sitting on the chest of a naked man didn't bother him one single bit.

    Actually, no it didn't. His gaze was strong and steady, as his fingers slowly drew out the katana he had, the blade beautiful in the moonlight. Softly adjusting his hands to it, the black haired male spoke again. ''But supposed you're unable to speak.. then I might as well, unless you grow weary or annoyed.'' said the male. In fact, he had a curiosity : what was this.. sacrifice he spoke of? Kaveh's instinct claimed it was something similar to what he had been searching for : yet, he didn't necessarily want to aggress this one. If it came from push to shove, he would take the beat down. But.. something like a kindred soul drew him closer, drove him to speak, as the blade was beautiful in the light, it's edges dangerous and yet loving. If anything, it fit the male all the more so.

    But he waited for the reactions of the male he was sitting on primarily, before continuing down any further paths.
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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I don't care if I'm a bit unstable... Left_bar_bleue20650/20000I don't care if I'm a bit unstable... Empty_bar_bleue  (20650/20000)

I don't care if I'm a bit unstable... Empty Re: I don't care if I'm a bit unstable...

Tue Jul 24, 2012 9:29 am

Justin Washi
The Sparrow of Jashin



...The hell is this guy doing? Justin wanted to shout at the top of his lungs as the man sat on top of his bare chest. This was, odd to say the least. Completely f#$@ed up to say the most. However, as usual, the Arrancar-Ziamichi merely disregarded it, as he still could not move due to the fact that the ritual still had twenty nine minutes remaining. ”Trash, get off of me.” He said, irritated at the man who had abused his ritual of Jashin.

As Justin saw him draw a Katana, his eyes would have narrowed. However, other than speech, he was unable to move his body; as such he could only talk. ”Disturb the ritual of Jashin and you shall not just be a sacrifice, scum...” He said, his eyes narrowing at the man who now held a katana before him. He didn't really care for his company and was already annoyed by him breaking into the circle of Jashin, as this was a holy place. However, he couldn't do anything to stop it and grudgingly accepted it.

”What do you WANT?” He demanded, trying to find a way to get this kid off of his chest, so he could continue the next twenty eight minutes of his ritual in peace...

(Lol. A spartan man. I guess you saw his template barracks entry XD)

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha

I don't care if I'm a bit unstable... Empty Re: I don't care if I'm a bit unstable...

Wed Jul 25, 2012 8:20 am

    Somehow it amused Kaveh to cause the man some discomfort, as an eased smirk fluttered on his lips. In fact, he didn't respond to anything the male had said, as he softly moved the katana in the air : disturbing not the ritual circle. ''Jashin hm?'' he said, that first thing he spoke in a good few minutes. The black haired male's gaze was blood, almost raging inferno. If one had deigned to put him and Jashin side by side, it would be like looking at twins. Not that Kaveh knew that : the katana was slid back into his sheath, as the male simply leaned forward, his face a mere foot from the white haired male. ''I have no intentions on disrupting your ritual.'' spoke he clearly. Leather against skin, as the male over : it stuck and yet unstuck, due to sweat, and the feeling was odd. But the male didn't seem to care.

    ''I am just here for a fight : not death, but I want to gauge my powers.'' he said clearly, knowing that the male would just view it as a sacrifice killing. ''If I lose, I will pledge myself to your.. Lord.'' he said, letting the end of his phrase draw out, as he was trying to find the right word for it. But the black haired male didn't hold an ounce of regret, an ounce of fear in him : that wild flare of bravery was dangerous to say the least, as it felt oppressive all at once. Someone that was so confident in their own abilities that it was used as a knife like intent : that was a skill that few would ever come across, very less master. But yet, here he was : unworried, simply sitting on some naked guy's chest, enjoying the chance of a fight that might mean lots of pain.

    Offering eternal servitude if he failed, which he knew he might. It was an easy bargain, at least to him.

    He wondered if the male he was sitting on thought so too.
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
Joined : 2011-03-03
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I don't care if I'm a bit unstable... Left_bar_bleue20650/20000I don't care if I'm a bit unstable... Empty_bar_bleue  (20650/20000)

I don't care if I'm a bit unstable... Empty Re: I don't care if I'm a bit unstable...

Thu Jul 26, 2012 12:59 am

Justin Washi
The Sparrow of Jashin



Justin's right eye nearly twitched as he saw the man smirking at him. He wasn't discomforted by his actions; but his lord Jashin was. After all, he had already broken into holy ground, but Justin didn't know what he could do. ”Yes, the Lord Jashin, master of Destruction and Death.” Justin said, thinking of his lord to himself as he sighed with relief, seeing this strange man sheathe his blade...

And then lean themselves very close to the arrancar-ziamichi's face. He said he had no intentions of stopping his ritual; but Justin couldn't really find himself believing what Kaveh said. This piece of trash better not do anything... He thought to himself, before blinking. Then he laughed out loud. ”You say you'll pledge yourself to my... Lord? THAT'S A LAUGH! There was once a small coven of people like myself, who lived off of destruction... but they became lazy. Lax. They wallowed in their wealth and material things.” He said, as a faraway look came into the white haired male's eyes.

”And then I single handedly as a human killed all of them... with the blessing of Jashin.” He said, before taking a deep yawn, knowing he still had twenty minutes of waiting. He found the kid's recommendation interesting, but he didn't believe it. Not to mention, Justin in himself was a pretty hard nut to crack... because he was all nut, through and through.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha

I don't care if I'm a bit unstable... Empty Re: I don't care if I'm a bit unstable...

Fri Aug 03, 2012 1:50 pm
    Kaveh listened to the male, as he tilted his head. He was no stranger to that their distance was more uncomfortable then most would allow. ''Oh? And you think I would slack off?'' he said, those red eyes almost amused. ''Nothing to flatter myself, but I doubt any of those fellow followers would've had the balls to sit on you during the after battle prayer, as I assume it is.'' he said, knowing he was probably right. The male didn't draw his katana, but he might as well have, with the suddenly murderous aura that flowed off him : it was sharper then the katana he had. ''And material things are nothing compared to the glory of battle : should they have forgotten that, then they are fools.'' he hissed softly, understanding the spirit of combat. He loved it of course : but was not above playing dirty.

    But he had said he would not attack the male, and thus, contentedly stat himself quietly until five minutes before time was up. Then, the male moved, almost like an acrobat. Without even touching the ground, or ruining the circle, the male rolled and ended up on his feet a bit away, that gaze of his shut to the world. Stepping a bit further back, he simply drew his katana, and swung it in the air a few times. Letting the burn slip into his body, he let out a soft sound, and stood ready for the other, his gaze still closed. Like he said : he would wait until it was over, and thus, he kept to his word, waiting for the other male to rise. Needless to say, it was clear with that confident aura that not so often, the male would be respectful of a promise : but this Jashin intrigued him. It wouldn't be bad to lose, if his life wasn't forfeit : not that he had any intention to lose anyways.

    Because that would just do.
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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I don't care if I'm a bit unstable... Left_bar_bleue20650/20000I don't care if I'm a bit unstable... Empty_bar_bleue  (20650/20000)

I don't care if I'm a bit unstable... Empty Re: I don't care if I'm a bit unstable...

Thu Aug 09, 2012 2:02 am

Justin Washi
The Sparrow of Jashin



”No. I think you would end up making me kill you.” Justin said, dearly wishing he could smile at the thought. However, he knew that he could not, or else risk disturbing the ritual. Kill Three two thousand twenty four... Justin thought to himself, the memories of all his previous sacrifices almost making a wide smile on his face; but he held fast.

”Just one of them would have. But that was the same guy who hired guys with guns to fight me... Huehehaha... He was funny.” Justin reflected, once again wishign he could smile. The murderous aura the man gave off would only achieve one thing; allowing poor Kaveh to see Justin's own murderous aura. An aura that stunned if not killed most things that dared sense it; six hundred years of bloodlust... from the natural soul part of the aura alone, without even counting in Jashin's.

”You are an amusing jester...” Justin chuckled to himself, knowing that the men who used to run the coven felt the same way... Until I killed them~ Justin remembered fondly. He watched as the man got off of him; if he had tried to disturb the circle, Justin would have murdered him right there and then, da#$ his promises. Justin merely rose slowly, as he smiled at Kaveh, his ritual finally complete, even as he licked his lips.

”Also, trash, for making me laugh, you get a word of warning... if I touch you once... you die! Hueahahaha!” Justin laughed morbidly to himself as the toothpick of Jashin appeared in his left hand, bringing its tip to his tongue as he slathered all over it, before returning his gaze to Kaveh. Suddenly, his position changed; without so much as a warning, he shifted straight from vertical and licking his spear to his waist bent and his bare chest facing downwards as he smiled, his feet pushing him forwards as he ran directly at the man.


He shouted, making an inhuman noise as he felt his right shoulder swiveling back, his right foot nailing itself in place as he made his left side horizontal with Kaveh's position, lining it up with his right side as he thrust the spear forwards, aiming it right at Kaveh's heart. Justin was only going Arancar running speed; nowhere near sonido level, but still inhumanly fast.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha

I don't care if I'm a bit unstable... Empty Re: I don't care if I'm a bit unstable...

Mon Sep 24, 2012 11:59 am
    It would've certainly caught Kaveh off guard, had he not been expecting it. It was easy to be pre-emptive : with a movement that was already started, his body moved away, the spear barely grazing : not enough to harm. In fact, it would be almost freaky : as if Kaveh had blipped from existence. The dust risen from his movement blinded the true motive, as with a delicate shunpo, he was out of range. The black haired male knew he was no match : and there was no glory in fighting the weak. ''Are you truly such a beast that you would knowingly dirty your faith by slaying those that are weak, rather then letting them become a challenge?'' he said, his voice echoing. Using the area, he knew how to bounce around his voice. And Justin's little tip was worthwhile : as long as he wasn't touched. Kaveh knew he had to get out immediately, or find some way to restrain him : and there was a thirst to know more of his lord.

    ''Do you think I could talk to your Lord? If you refuse, how about if I land a single strike on you?'' he said, that voice bouncing so many different ways. It was a dancing voice, not mocking, but still holding an absolute confidence. No, Kaveh was sure he would die if he wasn't careful : but there was that sense of knowing death was at your door. He loved it, knowing he was not stronger : and it made him aspire to be more. Much more. It was addictive : he didn't want to die, but he wanted to go straight in to kill. To fight. With a single breath, he muted himself : no noise, no breath. No spiritual presence. He had becoming truly unoticeable. Chucking a rock, making it roll opposite him : moving in the space that the attention had left vacuous. That was his skill. It was all he had, and the answer of the other would make him wonder. He hoped that question was debated. He wanted it to be.

    It was his offer, and he wanted the other to accept it, and drown in it. A heartfelt desire met by bloodlust to bloodlust.
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I don't care if I'm a bit unstable... Empty Re: I don't care if I'm a bit unstable...

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