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[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] Empty [Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating]

Sun Jul 25, 2010 11:47 pm

[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] JCRrxmK


[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] Image7413_zps81ae0041

Let's Get Started Shall We

• Gender: Female
• Human Race Color: Half Asian/Half Caucasian
• Actual Race: Demon
• Eye Color: Dark Green
• Height: Five Foot Seven
• Weight: 130 Pounds
• Skin Color: Can Vary from pale white to her normal skin
• Shoe Size: Size 9
• Bra Size: C cup

Θ Full Description: Mana is a five foot seven tall human female who is appears to be around her late teens to early twenties. She has shoulder length black hair with two black horns sticking up out of the top of her head. Mana also has a set of emerald green eyes that stick out. From time to time, though, it can change to a red color which signals that Touketsu has taken some type of control. If her left eye is green and the other red, that means both of them are in sync with each other and have equal control.

Mana's skin appears to also fluctuate. Some day's she can be seen with pale white skin, other day's her skin returns to it's original birth given color. This may or may not be a side effect of taking so much of Touketsu's energy within her being. Another note to add is that most of the time a pair of black, bat type wings are seen on her back.

Θ Clothing: Most of the time Mana is seen wearing mostly all black outfits nine times out of ten. Usually she wears a black long sleeved shirt together with a black mini dress and black leg warmers coupled with two black high hell pumps. If it's cold enough she'll also wear a pair of black gloves.

Θ Other Accessories: It should also be known that more often then not she will be carrying around a black with a silver blade that has a faint green glow to it from time to time. Mana will also sometimes have a white bow attached to the right side of her waist and usually has her nails painted black.

Further Origins

Θ Age: "Mana" was born March 11th, 1992 over four hundred years ago inside of a hospital located somewhere within New York, New York. Thus, based upon her somewhat short life-time when compared to other type of Royal or Elder Demon's in edition to technically only being a demon for a shorter period then her birth-given age, it's quite the feat for someone like her to ascend to such a level of mastery as Mana has. Despite only being four centuries old, Mana has accomplished what others have tried thousands of years to achieve. It's almost bizarre, even with Touketsu's assistance, for someone like this to rapidly work her way through the inner workings of the Demon World, slaughter her opponents with the utmost joy and snatch the crown, and alongside, the title of "Queen" from the Demonness before her. Therefore, judging Mana by her age alone will lead to the utmost demise for those stubborn old fools who believe the strongest of strong must be rotten and decrepit as themselves.

Θ Birth Given Name: Haniel Lailah Iahhel is the name bestowed upon the Almighty Queen of Demon's by her birth mother. It's actually quite the Angelic trio when most begin to divulge the meanings and reasoning's of giving Haneil this name. What reasons did she choose to give her daughter such a name? Well, for starters, Haniel is the Angel of Harmonious Love. In legend, it is said that Haniel's grace will attempt to assists all of humanity in creating loving relationships for one to have. This was out of Haniel's mother unwavering love and affection that she had for her daughter; a great desire tor her loving daughter to have a fruitful life filled with many people who are close to her heart, many good friends and lasting family to make her happy.

Thus, to ensure that this promise was kept, Haniel's mother then proceeded to make her middle name "Lailah"; the Angel of Conception. Lailah is an angel of the night who, watches over spirits at from conception to birth. As fate would have it, this explanation of Laihal would come very true in the actual physical embodiment of an Angel who was assigned to watch over Haniel's progression by her mother. Lastly, their family name "Iahhel" is from Angel of Meditation. Iahel watches over those who retreat from doing and practice being. As for how that meaning will play out? Only time will tell.

Θ Self-Given Name: Just where did the name "Mana" come from after having such a long, well thought and loving name given to her? Well, you can trace this name down to the burning desires of the Demonic Mana you all see, know and hate today. Ever since the early days of her conception inside the confines of the Humane Harinel's thoughts, she had been plotting to make her steady corruption upon Harinel, take possession of her body and throw the original "Mana" into the pits of the abyss within her own soul for all of eternity so that she may have a chance to live.

Thus, throughout the years of Harinel's childhood, there was always a voice in the back of her head that began whispering sweet nothings into her ear. Constantly, over and over, the pharse "Ma...Ma....Ma...Ma...." echoed throughout Harinel's head until eventually it progressed into "" as The Demonic Harniel began to grow alongside her; this mass of evil eventually decided to call itself "Mana" and forced her presense down upon Harinel until she finally became content with the idea of being called "Amanda", "Manda", "Manda Panda" and soon enough, just "Mana" throughout the course of her pre-teen years. Which is also when Mana herself finally had the thought power needed to go forth with her plans. Thus, "Mana" was born.

[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] Image7414_zps8ffd5d2e

Θ Energetic: Mana appears to have a vast amount of excessive enthusiasm and excitement to spare for some many of the situations, places, people or activities that she partakes in. This part The Demon Queen's personality leads to her being quite the spontaneous and very social person to be around with at times.She has been shown to be very active with her peers or even her enemies because she loves making conversation with everyone she meets for the sheer purpose of just being off the wall. For instance, if she meets any random ol' person from Shadow Fall Mana possesses the social skills needed to strike up a dialogue between the two of them ranging from anything about her/his sex's life, the status of Demon World, how many human's they've killed, what they had for dinner and many varying subjects. Hell, she even takes some of that out on Touketsu by talking to him inside of her head for hours on end about various topics, his plans and demon world.

This energetic trait in Mana has even been seen on a physical level as well for other Shadow Fall members have witnessed The Queen doing many rather odd exercises at times. Case and point, at times, Mana would use varying bulky, intimidating and fiercesome Demon males for a substitution of dumbbell's, lifting machines or other exercise equipment human's usually utilize at a gym for her workout materials. This results in her making use of these males by doing chin ups on their horns, using their abs as punching bag's until she gets tired, doing push ups or sit-up's on their back as a first choice or their stomach as a secondary and even making these demon's tag along with her for varying runs throughout Demon World; sometimes even sneaking into the realm of the living to have more adrenaline pumping.

And, that is not the only instance of her energetic personality sweeping into the physical. Judging from Asheli, Kagari, Shadow Fall and other people close to Mana; they have all noted that she can up at all hours of the night or even, in rare cases, going a straight month without sleeping. Of course, most Demon's can go extended periods without sleeping; but it's usually not wise as it can help make a demon or demonness feel alive. But, it doesn't appear to phase The Queen much since her body is just one enormous source of "FUCK YOU" magic. So, in any case, in almost all types of endeavors The Queen Finds herself in, she often requires this sort of liveliness to make her the person she is.

Θ Persuasive: Whenever Mana herself or Touketsu wants something or somebody, she instantly works up her womanly charms and suckers people into joining her side with Touketsu, getting material objects, money, personal favors or whatever. She'll even offer up her own body to please whoever she wants in order to get what she or Touketsu desires. She's not a shy girl by any means. The only logic that she plays by in this section of her personality is that she plays to win, makes sure to cover her own ass and make sure the person is fully wrapped under her finger to obtain the desires she wishes to obtain. It may be from turning into a full blown demon, but after a few decades of shifting around in this body, it's almost become second nature to her. The only one who she seems not to act out this persuasive, yet manipulative trait on is Asheli Clixx. What she displays for her, oddly, is rather genuine and even Mana herself does not know why she had such strong feelings attached for The Queen of Hollow's after meeting her those two years ago.

Cool-Headed: Nothing can ever really seem to phase Mana's though persona. Despite what most people may think of her relaxed demeanor, this is actually a rather well based coping mechanism in order to seemly remain unphased by most types of taunts, verbal assaults, insults and things of that nature. Most people can note that it is rather hard to make Mana display any types of anger, feelings of distress or otherwise get under her skin whenever trying to provoke the demoness into something. This aspect of Mana's personality is so strong that it can even be applied torture methods, periods of incarceration, physical pain inflcited upon her body during combat and whenever her plans go sour. Really, it takes something rather heavy impacting to really get a rouse or flare out of Mana. So, in truth, if someone were to look past her other corky personality traits; most would see that Mana is actually the perfect type of person to go into the lines of combat and a rather fitting attribute for someone who is the Queen of Demon's. When you are of someone of Mana's caliber, you really cannot let much get to you or it will cost you your life sometime down the road.

Though, that is not to say she is this way solely based upon the rank which was bestowed upon her by the Demon God. No, no. This goes deeper then that as Mana believes that most of life is simply a game to be had by the better player. All things that occur along the way are simply things that just happen in her mind and that we as the players should just go with the flow when it comes to most things in life. In a sense, there is no use in crying over split milk if a person still has the strength to keep moving until they reach the end game. And that's just how she treats most things that occur throughout her life. It's a philosophy that keeps Mana's world in check, her psyche in tact and allows for all types of fun to be had until Mana reaches her own end point in the game of life. So until that moment arrives, she'll keep a cool head throughout whatever life has to throw into her life's path to the very finale.

Θ Casual: Compared to most Demon's or even similarly higher ranked officials within the depth's of Shadow Fall or their allied forces such as The Kokuryuteshi & The Monsuta, Mana's behavior is very relaxed, care free and often times downright too casual for most people's tastes. Certain demon's with the echelons of the Demon World have often commented on just how too at ease The Queen can be at times. In some cases they often say that she is too calm for her own good, others mention that she could use a little more grace in order to fit the role of Queen and some say that her attitude will bring about the downfall of Shadow Fall because of how too friendly she can be to those within their rankings, their allies and even some of her enemies as she is often seen having interesting conversations with her opponents, trying to figure out who they are or even tempt those who are against her or with her just for the sport of it.

The main reason most people cannot really stop this aspect of her personality, however is due to the effectiveness of Mana's tactics, power and the fact she is the messenger of the Demon God. People and Demon's alike have sometimes believed that was the sole cause of this trait within Mana's disposition, but they'd be wrong in her eyes as she was this way long before she fully received his consciousness in her body. It's even silly to think such a notion in her mind based on the fact that even without Touketsu's influence consuming her body, she would still be as powerful as Ender in his Final Form at full power. No sir, Mana is this way because she's just a very chilled demon in most regards. She can't stand acting very serious for extended duration of time because it just feels...icky to her. As stated time and time again, Mana is the type of person who just wants to go with the flow of things rather then sticking to some super hidden agenda and keeping a "fake mask" when in the eyes of the public. People like are just plain dumb in Mana's eyes if they force themselves to change just because of whatever power they have or rank they may be given. In her heart, she is just being true to herself.

Θ Affectionate or Stalker: This is yet another dominant trait within Mana's personality. As displayed by how attached she is to people like Ashlei Clixx, Clarie Clixx, Kagari and Strength; if Mana truly cares for someone or if someone should peek her interest, she tends to become very attached to them to the point where it seems almost stalkerish or bizarre on why she is doing the things she does. An example of this is how easily within the span of a year or so Mana had became attached to Asheli Clixx after meeting her in a revolutionary meeting that brought the armed forces of the former Nuevo Espada, Sin Fall and Kokuryuteshi together. For some reason or another, after meeting with the Queen of Hollow's, Mana latched herself heavily to this woman as she was often seen getting very intimate with the Arrancar, expressing lustful thoughts towards her in private settings and having lots of close contact with the Hollow Queen. It's even gotten to the point where Mana herself sometimes thinks about how fast things have progressed in terms of how close she believes she is with Ashlei; but she tends to turn a blind eye to that as she treats The Arrancar Queen just like her own sister. Though, if one were to observe Mana's nature and were to figure out a way to see inside of Mana's mind, some might interpret this as a romance rather then an extremely close bond. (Or friend's with benefits.)

Another instance of this trait appearing in her character is that how insanely fond mana had became of Clarie Clixx at the same time she had met Asheli. It really didn't make sense for them to have the type of bond that they do now after meeting each her for brief instances of time. Even if they had very syncing personalities, it eventually spawned a sisterly circle between those two and Asheli to the point where Mana would throw her on life on the line in order to protect her sisters of Chaos and Destruction. That is how far this trait in Mana's personality will go for those whom she has this type of crazy caring over. And, with the type of power together with the resources The Queen of Demon's has at hand, she can be quite the lethal force when she wants to be if she is trying to shield her lovely darlings from any type of threat that would otherwise impose a serious threat to the sanity, physical well being or possessions that her loved ones may have. Really, it isn't a wise thing to get in the way of Mana and the person's that she desires as it can easily be the last set of actions you can perform when dealing with The Demon Queen and her stalker-like antics as she won't display any type of body language or words to show she is going to cut your head off with that trusty scythe of hers.

Θ Deep Knowledge: If it's one of the things that Mana is known for, it's her in depth gift for the art of the supernatural, dark arts and overall intelligence when it comes to matters of magic, battle and all things otherworldly. Vested within her mind is countless millennia of Demon Heritage from information about their physiological, common tactics of her kind, the prowess of Za Koa leading exact methods to harness the most of Demon Magic and the very origins of Demon World itself. It's why her knowledge of these racial traits are almost second to none from what most Demon's say of the Queen. Mana even seemed to possess enough knowledge to come up with a highly experimental procedure to perform on Ashlei Clixx; the likes of which merged the DNA of an Arrancar together with the likes of a Demon to bring about a sub-race of the two known as Visera Demonio. Proving that she has the capacity to tread deeply into the depths of the unknown when it comes to the nature of these races in question.

Not only that, but The Demoness has quite the well-versed knowledge of the realms outside of Demon World as well. Mana retains awareness of the current state of affairs occurring throughout most different sections of the Living Realm, understands the situation taking place in the Soul Society with it's crumbling state and has shared immense familiarity with how Hueco Mundo operates; expanding further after the resources between the former Nuevo Espada and Sin Fall resulted in their wealth of knowledge being shared with one another. What's more, being that she has millions upon millions of souls invested into her being, The Queen seems to have appeared to retract their memories and use the insight these spirits acquired throughout her life to enlighten her even further, at the price of increasingly destabilizing her psyche.

Expanding her horizons of intelligence beyond that, through her blessing from Deveta, she seems to have acquired a good deal of cognition from him. This was shown when she was able to figure out the nature of Truth's attacks in order to temporarily encrypt the area from his influence and regain mastery of her power; following the fallout which resulted when he attempted to use his holy prowess to rip control of Madness City from Mana's clutches. And being that Truth's own deciphering abilities are above that of Shadin Yuudeshi, it's safe to assume that The Queen's grasp of the world is on par with the likes of many of the universe's greatest geniuses. With all of this said, it's resulted in a form of insane tactician ability displayed by the Queen on many occasions.

While not seen on the surface by most of her opponents when they get a strong glimpse of her other maddening characteristics, Mana HAS shown time and again that she is able to be flexible in almost any circumstance that you throw at her. She has the capacity of adjusting effortlessly to most given combat situation which comes her way; if not planning out methods in advance; such as during her battle in Malaysia. For in that war, she had most of the other section of the city fall first. This would awaken her Chaos Affinity and augment her power greatly. From there, with the large sum of death in the area, that would serve to awaken her DE Force's augmentation prowess and enhance her power further. With these energies becoming very volatile, and with demon's naturally becoming more lethal in the shade of night, Mana placed this attack under the light of a moon so that her mental state would become further deranged and release her madness throughout the city to fight on a level far beyond that of her battle in London.

This means that she understands both her own and the enemies strengths, weaknesses and usual tactics in combat from her many length wars waged throughout Mana's centuries of living. If she decides to get serious, with all of this knowledge invested within her being, she can create insane strategies to achieve victory in both the physical and metaphysical realms of combat.

Θ Disoriented Self: Throughout the duration of battles proceeding the later half of 2412, Mana has started to notice changes in her personality. Strange anomalies piling up one after another; until eventually, one day, Mana had arisen to find that she no longer had a clear sense of who she was. The unrevealing of this trait had started to be seen during her larger then life battle against the likes of Truth and those whom decided to partake his side in the battle for Madness City. During this fight, something had changed within the Queen. Following the consumption of "The Stone of Madness" contained within the core of the metropolis, there was a cataclysmic shift of sorts within The Demon. The first of many mental trauma's to befall her was that of the awakening of Haniel Iahhel's soul within her. Believing that she had long sense rid herself of this curse, there was a sense of distress within the Queen. The battle they had waged so long ago was but a memory at this point, and for such an ancient relic of the past to arise in such an ugly situation had fatigued the female.

For, with the awakening of Haniel Iahhal, Mana knew quite well that the battle for herself had not been won. It was at this tipping point the psyche of The Demon Queen had turned for the worse. The voices in her head grew louder, the inner turmoil from the dawning of her Danavahood crippled her body and the rebellion of Haniel had actually pushed Mana into a very cynical place. There were shifts of hopelessness, phases of pure arrogance; a trait which was rarely seen in Mana until this point, and, in varying instances, a strange sense of fear radiating from her persona. These were the signs and symptoms that something was terribly wrong with her mind's psyche. From a combination of these events, the instabilities within her had only worsen when the physical strain she had placed on her body caused adverse reactions to The Army Of The Damned; the vast lot of untold millions of reaped spirits which were contained within her soul.

Mana had noted that as her power grew, the madness within her flourished and the sense of whom she was decayed even further. It was a struggle to maintain her characteristic on a daily bases following this point. As The Queen has been plagued by constant nightmares of the many men she has slaughtered, hallucination of lives she has not lived, visions of false memories and errors in her personality. It's unknown if there is a way to fix these imbalances for the time being, so the mental anguish has gone mostly unchecked. The only thing Mana can think of to satisfy this distorted sense of self is to continue travelling down this path of chaos; sinking further into her origins and tapping deeper into the subconscious mind of her being. Maybe then, maybe when all of these desires are fulfilled from this never ending voice have been quenched; maybe on that day will she once again have a mental clarity. Until then, she can only continue down this self-destructive path until it either brings about her demise or birth into something more.

Θ Manic Periods: There are periods where Mana can seem to be high, almost a bit too high for her own good. One of the examples of this is that she is known to go forth into long intricate speeches with her opponent to dissect them, get in their head and torment them with all sorts of horrid imagery and vocal hallucinations via telepathy. This exemplifies her chaotic and maddening elements quite nicely in some circumstances, and even serves to empower her when this frenzied state reaches peaking points; such as it did in the likes of her battles and wars that took place in the likes of London, Madness City, Malaysia, Demon World and so many of her other conflicts up until this point in time. Another illustration of this chaotic attribute of her persona is that she is also been known to show and express many random burst of psychotic to lunatic-type laughter when she has her fill in battle. It's apart of the reason she has been known to be called "The Manic Queen" in some circles because of this jovial laughter that she is renown for by a good sum of her enemies.

Furthermore, a more supported reason as to why this characteristic in her personality tends to serve as a double-edged sword is that it may very well help to enhance her power when she slips into these chaotic states; resonating strongly with her affinity for that of discord and insanity, but it's also been known to cloud her judgement when it gets unchecked. One such illustration is when she allows her to be attacked by opponents to showcase her amusement and joy over being a semi-immortal being. In fights with beings such as Colin Washi, Eric Zarathos and Hanako Yadomaru; during these heightened states of manic sensations that caused her to fall under the delusion she was unstoppable, a general establishment of her mind state that had been deduced seemed to correlate to her simply tanking attacks for the hell of it. While this may seem bold in her eyes, it leaves a very critical and dangerous window to be opened by opponents.

It's an insane risk taking behavior that can have devastating consequences if one were to manipulate it and lead her into a trap of sorts. Many of her councilmen have advised her to keep this trait within herself in control, but she doesn't appear to pay them much mind when it comes to that regard of her personality. As, the way The Queen sees it, she'll settle it however best her mind believes that problem should be handled. Though, even that is but a flimsy mindset. For as she dwells deeper into it all, a channel of thought can easily switch from one thing to the next. One moment during these states of mania she can be the loveable and playful, the next she can be trying to rip your skull out of your eyes with that cynical laugh and following that she may even try to love you and understand a person so much more than they can ever know. These states of impaired judgement, immense delusions of grandeur, excessive mood swings and utter recklessness are being worked on by The Queen; but they still require more fine tuning, or else they'll be the end of the Demon Queen as we know it.

Θ Remorse: Although most of those whom she has slain and have ranked The Demon Queen among their mortal enemy would be surprised to find, The Demoness seems to have a shaped a semblance of penance deep inside of herself. Following the aftermath of her battle with Malaysia, as her stability began to loosen further, Mana soon found herself within the deepest pits of Demon World. It is there, in that very secluded place, where she was able to analyze her action, recall of the events which lead to her creation and all of the lives that have been changed by her very capable of hands. After going over all of these memories of utter destruction from the very way in which many civilizations lived, all of the blood shed and the accounts of those butchered by her prowess forever stained on The Queen's soul; a ring of consciousness let out and she began to question why she was doing all of this in the first place.

It's when something within her knew. that on a very suppressed level, Mana seemed to have a formed a shade of remorse for the actions in which she has caused throughout her centuries long lifetime. In this time of retrospection, the saw the walls which she once stood so proudly upon begin to crumble in the light of this nihilism. It all seemed pointless, everything served no purpose, the depths of she truly was nothing but a blur and her sense of self was heavily questioned. In all of her time, really, what was she doing? For what purpose did all of these souls lose their way to her clutches? All of these great nations that crumbled below her feet, for what reasons did they fall? In the name of Chaos? Perhaps Madness? The Queen's Empire? It was hard to say at that point, and only served to send her further down this dark downward spiral of self-oblivion. With no solution or question in sight of her, the idea of her life ceasing soon became a more comforting thought. For if she could muster up a reason...perhaps she DID deserve to least before the likes of Ashlei Clixx gave her something which no one soul or person can take away: a goal, a purpose and something to protect.

Θ Hardened Resolve: It's amazing, it's astounding, it's overwhelming! The sensation of having something to protect, the pulsations of anothers life breathing into you; it's all quite the experience for the Queen to behold. In the aftermath of her meeting with The Hollow Queen, a bond was vested between the two wicked creatures of the night. One which could not be so easily broken; this link, this tie, her connection to the essence of life which back her renewed sense of self, it all was entangled throughout the core of Ashlei Clixx's being. For in their meeting, she so boldly learned the art of preservation, companionship, trust and love in one big setting. Giving this creature the blood which gave Mana life was a surreal experience to endure. She had done this to others in the Asthavon family before, of course, but...never to one like this. One which she felt such a strong affinity one, one which she could see herself remaining strong, holding herself together and essentially being strong for.

For Mana, in that moment, it was a sheer testament of her willpower to endure and survive. Despite months of constantly being at the mercy of those spirits; those millions upon millions of spirits within her, all of them, entire nations, civilizations and those artifacts bidding for control over The Queen; all of them....had shut out of the head. It was amazing what occurred; throughout this constant strife, from the care and love of another, she was able to summon her mighty powers to tame that which threatened her very existence. Even what Mana refers to as an "it" was noted as being heavily repressed back into the depths of her soul. Henceforth, it's safe to say that The Demoness has attained a very strong sense of determination and preservation from this meeting; being a testament to her devotion to her beloved sister. For she had made a vow: no matter what happens between them, until they meet against, Mana would keep herself together and prevent herself from submitting to her inner or outer demons.

[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] Image7415_zps263c1b55

The History of Mana

Chapter One: Birth

One would not believe The Queen of All Demon's started off a mere mortal human being. In fact judging from her vicious, ruthless, psychotic and purely homicidal actions that fueled her immense thirst for blood deep within the inner workings of Mana's heart; desires, motives and wishes which were displayed for all of the world to pay witness to during the acts of London falling right before her knees; the thought of even entertaining that utterly bat shit insane concept would be a joke to most. However, that is where the Queen had her start in life. Thus, it all started in one of the most infamous cities in America, New York, New York. When Mana was birthed, she was born into a family of three. There was her Mother, Anna Iahhel; her father, Givo Iahhel and her older sister, Kagari Iahhel. Together, they all watched the bundle of sunshine that was Haniel Lailah Iahhel be birthed into our world on a sunny day inside of a state of the art hospital on March 12, 1992. There was no known complications with her birth, so Anna Iahhel gave birth to a very healthy baby girl that pleased both her, her husband and their eldest daughter of the time.

However, unknown to Givo or Kagari, her mother had passed down a family heirloom down to Haniel that would put a strain on the family's future. Throughout most of her life, from what she could recall, Anna had always had an angelic spirit watching her that had been passed down from many generations of her family. So, ever since she was a little girl, Anna had many conversations with this angelic being that were spanned out across Anna's lifetime. Eventually she was able to discover that this Angel's name was Remliel; The Angel of Awakening whose goal is to reunite us with our eternal selves. Thus, as she began to divulge further into the purpose of Remleil being sealed into varying members of Iahhel family members throughout the years, she was able to find out that somewhere down the line, over thousands of years ago, there was an ancient Iahhel whom was an Angel herself that wielded the ability to see into the future on some levels. No one, not even back then, was able to figure out to the extent this power was taken, but eventually this woman gave out a prophecy that the Iahhel family would need protection somewhere down the line to safeguard their children from being a great evil.

This Iahhel predicted that in the 20th century this child would be birthed. If she was failed to be tamed, swayed or turned to the side of holiness; it would go on to become one of the next Demonic God's or Goddesses; creating destruction throughout most of the known world, slaughtering countless people, having powers that would rival the Soul King himself at her disposal and leading a horrid army of similar satanic beings into Earth and even parts of the Soul Society. Therefore, that is where Remleil would come in. As stated, he wishes to reunite most human's and similar beings with their eternal self. As a precaution, the ancient Iahhel commanded that Remleil begin sealing himself inside the bodies of newborn infants of the Iahhel family starting in the 1900's. From there, he would need to awake their inner celestial nature in order to prevent them from swaying down the path of unholiness in addition to trying to guide said Iahhel's down the path The Soul King would wish for them to partake in.

Though, by the time Remleil had gotten down to Anna's generation, he had started to become attached to her. Why? Well, unknown to her, Remleil was very enticed and captivated by that Ancient Iahhal Angel. Remleil himself even started to believe it may have been a romantic interest, but all the same he could not stay away from her. They spent much time together throughout varying centuries in which the Iahhal Angel was still allowed in the Earthly Plane; until, at least, she was called back in the Soul King's realm and Remleil had began his mission. And he knew, once an Angel went into King's Realm, it may take countless years for them to come back based on the fact the King would have many duties for them to fulfill, the affinity most Angel's would have for that place as most Angel's, rather they are Iramasha or not, have a very strong gene in them that allows them to thrive in the heavens of that realm. And, in addition to all those facts, most say time would move much slower in that world; which gave doubts in Remleil's mind that his beloved might possibly forget about him or move on to someone else as time moved So, in the meantime, this decedent would have to do until he could be reunited with his divine Iahhal.

So, this connection was so strong with Anna to Remleil that he eventually ended up asexually producing a weakened version of himself to place inside of Kagari Iahhal for the time being until he was absolutely forced out of Anna. Remleil couldn't rationalize this train of thinking as he knew that Ancient Iahhal had given him a task to protect all of these children; but it wouldn't be the first time he had to divide himself and he didn't see the harm in it as he witnessed Kagari's growth and felt she wasn't wroth that much of his attention anyway as he grew into a decent lady from his observations. Thus, before she gave birth to Mana, Anna had pleaded with Remleil to watch over her second daughter as something in her body urged her to protect her daughter. In the back of both of their heads, they eventually knew what would happen to Anna if she were to proceed with this course of action during birth. There was a piece of history left out of the equation for each Iahhal that possessed Iahhal.

Going back to Remleil's purpose, he was meant to unlock the eternal self. In almost every Iahhal case, however, this would eventually result in Death; rather it was sudden or gradually, and it would be a Death that would transcend them into Angelhood, Iramashahood or turn them into instant Shinigami without having to worry about going through the soul process. This method's purpose was to clear out all evil in their souls, release their spirit from it's human containment and birth more holy beings to prevent the prophecy from coming true. However, Remleil did not wish Anna to leave her side yet. It was the closet thing he had to that Ancient Iahhal Angel. Not only that, but in Anna's case, even he himself knew that with this heavy similarity to said Angel, she would most likely ascend to that same divine nature during her purification and awakening process. Then, that would simply mean a repeat of what occurred all those years when Remleil lost Iahhal.

This was a VERY painful course of action for him to go through once more, but Anna assured him that all would be alright. The fate of the world, the fate of her family and Iahhal's will was more important to each of them then their own personal feelings. Even if Remleil could find a way for them to be together, Anna even outright told him that she could not leave her husband's sides as Givo was still the love of her life. And so, Remleil was forced to deal with this situation after making his final amends to Anna before Haniel's birth. As the child was born into the world, it seemed that there were going to be no complications in terms of the little girl's health as both the transferring of Remiel into Haniel's body and bearing of Haniel from Anna. The only difficulties that were to be had during the duration of this childbirth was that Anna herself knew very well that here health would begin to deteriorate at an immense rate of speed.

Therefore, baring these thoughts deep within the confines of her mind, Anna would try to make the most of this dire situation in order to cherish every moment that she would have over the few years with her family. There was no set date when the death of Anna would occur, but she would do her best in order to strive it off in order to pass needed information to her family, children and friends. In the light of all this pressure, however, when Anna held her new born daughter in her arms, had her husband and daughter standing closely by her side and knowing that all of them would have a future was more then enough to distract these wearing thoughts.

And so, from this new chapter, Haniel Iahhal would go on to grow into a warm family. At least, from an outsiders point of view. There were going to be many trials, tribulations and history to overcome throughout the growth of this little girl. No one, not even her own mother or the angel that predicted just what type of disaster this predicted Demon Goddess would grow into could see the path that Haniel Iahhal would have to walk down. This was the start of a life that would later go on to become a person whose name alone would instill fear within the hearts of human's and demon's alike. This is the beginning of the road for....Mana.

Deep within the confines of Haniel's heart, there was something that was growing since the moment she was birthed into this grand world of ours. It was given life by the hidden malice that Remiel had for this child; getting stronger, growing into a mature state and flourishing by all the hate that would be given to Haniel, all the pain that she would experience, the yearnings of her father wishing death upon her head in exchange for his loving wife, Haniel's deep seeded desire for a new life and the powers of an angel for this sinister force to slowly consume until one day it would grow into a horrid demonic beast that would cast Haniel's mind into the abyss of her own body and soul. This was not only the beginning of Haniel's life, the end of Anna's life and the dawn of a new day for the Iahhal family; but this is also where the Demoness Mana had gotten her start at life as well.

She was the hidden key to unlocking the long told prophecy that would bring untold destruction to the world in the coming years. But, for now, she would remain silent and steadily grow throughout the years until the moment to strike was just right.

End Birth.

Chapter Two: Growth

For the next few years proceeding Haniel's birth, things were rather touch and go in the Iahhel household based on the fact that Anna had to inform them of her coming demise based on the childbirth of her new found daughter. It was obvious that Givo was clearly distraught with how things had turned out as he could often be seen giving his own daughter the stink-eye whenever he was away from the public eye. In his mind, this little witch had taken away the love of his life, hope of ever having a normal family and being cursed to raise his own two daughters alone without any mother figure in their life. It honestly made him very upset in his own head and he would go on to despise his daughter once Anna had passed in the near future. After all, why should he even be giving his love to an abomination who was prophesied to bring about the end of the world as we knew it any way? If Givo was in charge of how this operation was going to be commenced, deep within his heart, he felt that he would have sincerely killed Mana on the day she was born to prevent such a tragedy from befalling the innocents of world for the satanic spawn that he had placed into the world. Thus, as the years go on, tensions between him and Mana would escalate until it reached a boiling point later on in her childhood.

Meanwhile, Despite receiving this terrible news about her mothers health, it appeared that Kagari had taken a liking to her new sister given the fact she appeared rather detached from her parents. Being an only child for most of her life up until this point, Kagari had always wanted little sister in order to love, protect and play with. So, the day Haniel's birth, Kagari was quite pleased with the results of her bearing into the world. It didn't matter that even her own mother was passing away to the next world very soon, so long as they had their father to give them shelter, Kagari would smoother her little sister with the immense love of a caring older sister. Though, as time would go on, this would turn into a near obsession with the sister. One that transcend even the boundaries of the human world as she would follow her dear little sister into the fires of hell and alongside her wicked reign during her dark path towards becoming one of the few demon goddesses in the known realms.

All the while, Anna's mother only had unwavering faith that her family would be able to sustain itself after her passing. Even a person as soft-hearted as she was could see that there was serious tension brewing between her family with the ever looming threat that Haniel potentially posed. They all knew just what her daughter could be capable and she would believe that if she stirred in the right path, things could turn out so much differently. After all, she had a strong ethic when it came to her children: If you nurture a child, they will bloom into a beautiful flower that will spread wealth and bounty throughout the world. If you deprive a child, then you are only spreading the seeds of destruction to around the world. She could only hope as her health declined that Givo would get this message before it was too late for Haniel's path to be changed. If a child such as Haneil were given the improper means to grow, then the long foreseen prophecy would come to pass in her daughter. And, as a any mother would react in this situation, she tried to do everything she could to provide a safe future for Haniel no matter what.

Therefore, to ensure that her children are given a stable place to live with caring people in their environment, Anna had made plans for her family to be moved into a ranch that was far in the country area's within the state of New York. It was a massive facility where a large gathering of Anna's family had decided to call home in order to perform their holy works away from the public eye, practice the art of magic and even fight against the threat of hollow's. They were a trying powerful force that weren't to be trifled with, but they were also know for their reasoning, compassion and understanding. So, with those prime traits in mind, Anna thought it should be suited in the best interest of anyone that they be placed to that ranch for an extended period of time after her demise. At least then she knew that her family would be in good hands.

While beneath the surface hidden from the depths of everyone, the true threat was gradually growing deep within Haniel. Hidden away from Ramiel, a shadow was constantly watching Haniel's growth. Waiting, lurking and watching; this dark force would begin to thrive off the hate which was being born from Haniel's birth. She knew her time would come soon enough as this child's body would mature, so would the darkness within her heart. It was simply a matter of time before this force could claim Haniel as her own. In the mean time, it simply began crafting unfavorable situation, after situation, after situation in order to speed up the process for her take over. It conjured up all types of curses such as her father being prone to random prides of extreme anger towards his family, priceless family heirlooms getting destroyed within the wake of Haniel's presence, accidents always befalling anyone around Haniel and eventually even the death of a former caretaker of Haniel and Kagari that died by sudden cardiac arrest by simply touching the forsaken child. It was all so that this negative energy buzzing around Haniel would flourish within her to bring out her true nature....Mana.

Chapter Three: Theresold

Tears were shed, sobs were had and the bonds of a family were shattered upon the separation of Haniel and Kagari. Their mother was getting sicker, the life fading quicker and the will to live growing dimmer. These were grim times, they were horrible times; but they would have to endure them for the sake of her well wishes. She wanted them to survive, she wanted them to thrive and they had no choice in the manner. While their father may have not been too happy with these sorts of arrangements, these were the sorts of circumstances you simply could not argue against. Ergo, with the department put off long enough, the dying mother had said goodbye to her two perish daughters, wished them the best and handed them off into the cares of her more then capable family to have a shot at making it somewhere in this damned life of ours. Though, upon Haniel's arrival into the Iahhel compound, it was made painfully obvious that she was going to be given quite the hard time during their stay.

One of the initial signs that Haniel had noted was the fact they were banished to the furthest regions of the compound; squatting grounds that made the likes of the Rukongai look like a pleasant place to live. Living essentially within a shack, the Haniels had explained to them that there was an overcrowding issue at the facility and that they would have to reside there for the time being until matters were settled in the higher echelons of the Haniel Family. Things would only progress further towards a downward spiral, as the family was met by scorn by most individuals within the Haniel Manor. Greeted by cold stares, menacing talks of their wicked ways and often downright ignored or hated; most within the Haniel Family seemed to loathe them greatly. How could this be? Weren't they one in the same? Weren't Mana and Kagari worthy of their love, affection and attention? To Haniel, as It turns out, not everything is as golden as one would seem about this manor as they dwelled deeper into it's pits.

Further into the depths of the Haniel Family, a growing hatred for the sisters began to form. Seeing how their mother was a holy figure to most within the clan, bringing utmost prosperity, wealth, good health and many fortunes of luck to their family; they grew a form of greedy contempt after adjusting to their cushy lifestyle provided by the likes of Anna Haniel. So to have this taken away by a couple of Demonic brats? That did not sit well with most within the Haniel Family, despite being supposed followers of Angelic beings. Therefore, they shunned them like cast-away rejects; out of their sight and out of their mind until they needed to be addressed or spoken to. Yet, as time progressed onward during their cold stay at the Iahhel Manor, this...callousness...would soon turn more volatile and spin the gears needed to bring about the incarnation of Mana faster. As beyond the curtains of this scene, she feasted upon their hatred like a leech and branched her tendrils deep within the consciences of all those around Haniel; accelerating the hate further and further to bring about her awakening.

During one dark eve, however, these tides would open the door for more beings to enter into Haniel's life. In an incident which showcased how hostile the youth within the Iahhel family were becoming, both Haniel and Kagari were attacked by a group of juveniles. While Kagari was more than outraged at the time, defending her sister tooth and nail from these adolescents, Haniel had just shut down. She didn't understand why they were despised so much, she wondered why things were turning out the way they were in her life, she wanted her mother and father back and for this nightmare to go away from inside of her. It was in these trying moments, a strange pulsations within the girl had started to emerge. Something sinister, something wicked and something chaotic. Yet, before it could be unleashed on the world, an explosion of light in the form of Rock Iahhel and Nami Asthavon otherwise postponed emergence.

Surprising the pair of sisters with their entrance into the scene, there appeared to be other outsiders within the Iahhel family who did not seem to be affected by this strange wave of negativity which was spreading throughout the compound like a virus. Stating that they were on the sisters side, each of them swiftly went to work assisting Kagari in keeping the hoodlums at bay; while Haniel watched on in awe at what was occurring. In Between sobs, she was astounded that, at long last, someone in this accursed clan actually had their well-being at heart apart from her sister. Watching the trio of future sisters maul their way through these threats, all of their powers combined appeared to be enough to force the group to heed a hasty retreat. For with them all together, each of them had enough strength at this point to give Vice Captains and Captains trouble alike within the ranks of the Gotei 13; which ultimately led to their victory in this brawl within the Iahhel family.

When the whole ordeal had calmed down, the four of them had sought refuge back on the other far-end of the Iahhel facility where the likes of Nami, Rock and other similar outcast of the family had been displaced. After Haniel finished thanking all three of them greatly, the two girls began to inform both Haniel and Kagari of the strange activity they had noticed within the clan. Progressively, the duo noticed a strange shift in the consciousnesses of those whom lived on this strange land. They weren't able to directly pinpoint where this negativity was coming from, but that it had started shortly after Haniel's arrival to the Iahhel family. As, prior to their entrance into the family, they were noted as being as a peace-loving, compassionate and calm village of clansmen. Being the descendants of angel's, most within the family had some knack or the other for holy energy, divinity and extended lifetimes; far before the advancements that were shown in later years.

For it was at this time Nami Iahhel herself was estimated to be around two hundred years old. Which, for most humans around that era, was completely unheard of. As they dwelled further into the origins of their family legacy, most within the walls of this family chose to remain a hidden occult across the depths of America. Living mostly in secrecy, they did not desire any sort of unwanted attention focused towards their people; as most knew they were different from the mainstream human population for many centuries. If too much interest given into them, not only would they receive a bombardment of trouble from humans, but they'd be under the radar of the Gotei 13 and Shinigami that patrol all throughout the world. This would prove to jeopardize their paradise, hamper their goals and subject them to possible unwarranted threats; while the parasite whom they were suppose to exterminate would sneak away throughout the chaos of it all. Thusly, it was easier for them to live within the shadows.

The world much didn't understand them, and they were content with that. As following the years that Haniel mother was apart of the Iahhel Family, she was seen as a holy figure of sorts within the clan based on the great fortune she had brought to this sacred occult. It's what allowed them to afford the lavish compound in New York, to house all these hundreds of Iahhel family, to prosper further into the depths of their power and bring such harmony to the tribe with a strange and holy radiance that could only be associated with that of an angel. Which makes it all the more bizarre when these long-instilled values of thinking, centuries old customs and the people whom comprised the Iahhel Family had turned their backs on their teachings by the time Haniel Iahhel and Kagari Iahhel had arrived at the facility. Meaning, that to them, there was obviously something wicked in the air plotting against them; but it was difficult to pinpoint such a diabolical force. Yet, in due time, it would unveil itself for all of the world to see very soon.

Chapter Four: Dissension

The days seem to drag on like endless cycles of infinite agony. Despite having found a place within the Iahhel family, the likes of the scorn they suffered at the ends of this once sacred clan steadily became worsened. Following the incident on that fateful night between the Trio of Sisters, most within the compound started to swiftly further their hate against these black sheeps of the Iahhel family. An overall sense of great tension brewed throughout the athsomere; as hostile stares, cold words and aloofness loomed over the sisters. Very soon, due to constant harassment, assaults and other incidents of sheer lunacy on part of the different members which comprised this faction, the girls eventually started to focus their movements within the enclosed location of the outcast in which brought their salvation. For, in other words, Mana and Kagami sought protection, guidance and compassion from the likes of Rock Iahhel and Nami Iahhel; who didn't seem to be affected much by whatever air of ominous nature that encased the girls wherever they went.

Very soon, altogether, no one came to see them, no one came to talk to them. For in the time they had remained inside of this excuse for a family, they were soon fabled to be nothing more than a plagued curse. The people of the Iahhel were genuinely coming to the insane conclusion that they knew dark secrets which could reach into the hearts and minds of those who interacted with them; bringing them great dismay, much misery, misfortune and ultimately death. No matter how kindly they tried to treat others, no matter how much they tried to bear with the pain; it was impossible to live with others whose conscious, hearts and minds were shut off from the world in such a bizarre matter. One day, the youngest sister of them all, sweet Haniel Iahhel, came to her beloved sibling in such a sobbing mess.

Due to all of the traumatic events that had occurred during their stay in such a horrid place, she broke down in tears and asked: "Sister, how can you stand such a life? To go on living like monsters, to have everyone accuse us of being nothing but a sickened plague. It's incomprehensible that we must live in such a way." To which she replied in a calm tone: "If you hold it all inside, everything will be alright in the end.For as long as ye' are open only to yourself, and you will live to be strong. No matter what happens between the two of us, my heart will never waver. For I love you, I will do everything to protect you and I will stand by you much in the same way you would until our final moment within this existence. I am your elder sister, and I am your true guardian angel" Upon hearing those enriching words, the sister was put at ease; much to the comfort of Nami and Rock Asthavon who had happened to be within the area around the same time as the siblings. Together as a band, DS and Rock could see the strong unity and bond between the two sisters. For they themselves were blood-siblings; born many moons ago, they had walked this Earth as a mixture of subspecies between Angel and Human.

The chances of their ascension were slim to none, nearly. For not many humans possessed the compatible DNA required to achieve what they had been at this time. Be that this family WAS comprised of many supernatural humans, there was still a much greater fear of those whom accumulated NOT ONLY those traits BUT the limited attributes of an Angel as well. Divine cleansing, blessing, fortunate, power; all of these words could sum up the miracles which occurred in their presence. Some possessed only one element of it, while rare individuals claimed them all. In the case of Rock and Nami, they were bestowed the gift of power. Which is why, in an odd twist of fate, they were imprisoned to this family by the likes of it's leading figure of the time and, funnily enough, Haniel's great, great grandmother. Forcing their wealth of strength into the section of land in this deserted part of no-man's land, they had been here for many centuries against their own will. After all, who else would stay of their own accord in such a horrid place?

Through the clan's expert knowledge of the occult arts, they were able to restrict the limit in which they could freely roam the Earth to this condensed location. Henceforth, this why Rock, Nami and a mysterious girl with no name that seemed to be watching them all from the shadow's were all contained with the other undesirables of the family. Despite having a duty to protect the Earth, throughout the generations of Iahhel over the centuries, the councilmen of the clan soon began to devise a plan to bring forth a new revolution of Iahhel's to abuse this sacred power. Forsaking the prophecy as nothing but a tale of nonsense, they would use this cover-up their misdeeds by kidnapping one of these gifted hybrid beings every few generations. From there, this energy they produced was used to prolong elder leaders within the clan, bring great wealth to their small town and make them among the tales of legendary saints to those whom knew of their existence and were willing to pay for their holy services.

It was a horrible tale of corruption, but one common place in the human world as Kagari began to understand. Haniel, on the other hand, couldn't grasp this; and it shown visibly as she apologized profusely and seemed quite distraught by this tale. In spite of that, the likes of Rock and Nami still remained...eerily calm. They were silent....too comprised for a circumstance. Which is when Rock decided to divulge a very important piece information; one which caused Kagari to have her deduction come to light. As slowly, be surely, the plight in which they were now in became all too clear to her after that story. It lead to the reason they were all here in the first place: the same story that took place between to the two holy sisters before them...was now happening to the Haniel and Kagari because of their great potential. They were now entrapped within the same chunk of Earth as Rock and Nami.

Last edited by [THEFROST] on Thu Jan 22, 2015 7:12 am; edited 103 times in total
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[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] Empty dsfsdfs

Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:55 pm

[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] JCRrxmK


[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] Image7423_zpsee384541

Chapter Four: Dissension Part II

Stunned, Haniel was utterly taken aback by this turn of events; while Kagari remained composed, but latently angry in the sign of a gruff sigh. Years before their mother had ever given birth to them, she was approached by veteran leaders of the clan. Proclaiming that a piece of the prophecy foresaw great divinity in their future daughters, divinity which would lead to the creation of a great miracle for the clan. With this in mind, and their Mother being a major figure of hope within the family itself, it was only natural to assume that her offspring would go on to accomplish greater things. So with a hopeful heart, Haniel signed away the lives of her benefit the clan...all knowingly. It is why Rock and Nami first showed up; to otherwise protect them from the harsh life they were about to lead and give them a guiding hand as a favor from their mother.

To test this theory, a panicked Haniel tried to make her way through the mazes, corridors and eventually the doors that should lead to freedom...only to find nothingness. The world they once knew....was no longer there. Trapped within a void, they were transported into the darkest pits of the Iahhel Manor; with their intent to allow the girls only be summoned when ready as they worked tirelessly to seal this new wickedness in and hope that their beloved angels would purify the tainted souls in their care. Which is why Rock said it was okay for them to hate them, it was alright for them to shout and that it was fine no matter what action they took. Kagari showed no visible signs of needing such care, however. Staying true to her promise never to waver for the sake of her sister, she'd not so easily display her true colors in such a place. For Haniel, however, Rock needed to assist her in any way she could; leaving the likes of Nami and Kagari to have a conversation which could alter the very course of history itself.

The circumstances in which they were now placed in proved to be too overwhelming for even the likes of Rock or Nami to break out of. Ergo, the only solution that Nami saw...was to awaken an unforeseen force that lay dormant within Haniel. For through her sheer deduction and detection, Nami was able to sense...something deeper within the girl. Prior to the incident in which they intervene, moments before arriving, Nami noted a strong fluctuation of power occurring within Kagari's beloved sister. It was overflowing, becoming overwhelming and eventually getting ready to burst altogether...if it weren't for them arriving on the scene, that is. So with this little bit of information in mind, Nami came up with a plan which would involve breaking down Haniel's psyche. So long as she stayed stabilized like she was, the girl would always be the weakest runt of the lot; ensuring that they stay entrapped here for many untold centuries. While if they were to take a rest, freedom could be ensured with this forbidden power.

As the energy in which Nami felt within Haniel's presence...was enough to even surpass her own and easily shatter the seals and barriers containing them for so long. Provided the likes of Kagari play along, they'd all simply disown the little girl, push her to the edge and bring about that power as a result of a great turmoil and inner stress. And if the only person in the world whom seemed to care about simply rejected her, this strength could be brought out to free them and they'd go on to ease the girl afterward. Though, like with everything in life, there was more to it than just that. Seeing how the likes of Nami held the utmost contempt for nearly all other Iahhel, she wished to see their eradication take place in the utmost brutal manner. If Haniel were to snap, as she theorizes, it would lead to a swift and quick defeat of these people with Kagari, Rock and herself fighting alongside the chaotic Haniel in the middle of all of this taking place.

Nevertheless, this action would not go into effect unless Kagari gave them the word. Being that the likes of the elder sister usually superseded the needs of the younger sibling in her time, Nami would not make a single move unless the permission from the oldest sibling was given. Baring this in mind, and without hesitation....Kagari agreed. Not because it was an easy thing to do, but because it was in fact hard. Nothing in this life came of ease, Kagari understood this, so to have the freedom that they so desired....sacrifices would have to be made and risk taken. More than just that, the promise in which she kept to her sister still remained very true: no matter what transpired between the two, her heart would never waver and she would do WHATEVER it took to ensure her safety and their love was intact....and this was just the time to prove that. As harsh it may be, there simply was n o other way out of this mess then take such drastic action. Ergo....with a unanimous decision....the path of Haniel would now be placed onto a roadway straight to hell.

The operation now in full swing, Nami was free to telepathically connect with Rock in order to inform her of the decision made. Striking while the iron was hot, be that it may disheartened Rock's soul greatly, if her own sister so desired it...then she would will it into materialization. Bringing her up to date with the meeting which just took place, they both received consent from the likes of Kagari in order to what they may to bring about Haniel's power out and set them all free of this curse...leaving out the part about the brutal ambition for carnage that is. After a few minutes had passed, the trio of sisters banded together around the likes of Haniel; all with hardened gazes, cold stares and the utmost of contempt for the girl. Confused, startled, scared and disoriented; the female at the center of it all had no idea what was going on, but seemed to be relieved, yet on guard about the sudden arrival of them.

Hollering questions about why they couldn't get out of here, what they were going to do and why they were staring at it her with those vicious eyes; Kagari simply put an end to all of her chatter with a simple, but effective slap to the face. Never had there been such a hushed silence for the younger sibling, but it gave the elder one room to explain. Informing her that it was all Haniel's fault that her life went to ruin. From the moment she was born, until the very last second which resulted in their indefinite person within this tomb; she blamed all of their pain, all of their misery, all of the circumstances in their life and even the death of their own mother and everyone around them on her sister. If it weren't for her, if it weren't for that horrid power, if SHE WASN'T BORN AT ALL...none of this would have it. And as it stood to her, she didn't even seem fit to day. Instead, from all of the horrid karma she's collected, Kagari saw fit to simply let her stew in her own muk.

Telling her younger sibling that she can spend the rest of eternity with her thoughts; while her, Rock and Nami sought to never see her face again. Even going as far as to say they'd kill her if she the likes of Haniel's face within the next twenty years alone. Now...with those harsh words spoken....the younger sisters world simply shattered into pieces. As they vanished into the vastness of their confinement, Haniel...was trapped in her prison of decay. While the voices around her faded out, the ones within her grew louder. There was a shift; everything was contorting, twisting and jerking around violently deep inside the confines of her psyche. It was tearing her apart at the seams, causing the poor girl to let out uncontrollable sobs; letting out her sorrow to the world. Cursing everything, wishing death to all those around her and ultimately asking: WHY. No matter how many times she sobbed, no matter how many times she begged, no matter how many times she questioned this; nothing came to her but more and more maddening thoughts; as something vicious within her heart grew with each ounce of agony that escaped her essence.

With one final whimper, asked out to the world: "No one....will help me?". And within her, only one voice replied, a voice that had been waiting for moment for so long and planning for it since the day she was born. Every action, every reaction, every effect; this force within Haniel...had plotted...for this very moment in time to occur. Ergo, it at last made a successful forms of communication and possession. Although, even it would be surprised by what took place next, the infantile Mana spoke: "...give into me, and I'll avenge for you. Ye's heart is filled with agony, I'll make them all pay. For to suffer as you've suffered, with no form of retribution, is truly a great form of injustice. Give in to the maddening howls of chaos, and I'll make ye's wish come truth." Once finished, everything simply went silent within the area; as a strong hush overcame the vicinity all around them.

A surge was brewing inward of The Girl's soul. Siphoning energy from the likes of Ramiel, Mana...and even latent energies of Haniel herself; they were all responding to this call. Bringing forth her despair, her hopeless, her pain and agony for the world to see in a soon-to be bloody display. The Human Blood, The Angel Blood and The Demon Blood within her; they all screamed at once in response to this strife and, in a burst of power, Haniel's descent into Madness itself began. Everything was intermixing into one state of pure anguish, torture, lunacy and utter insanity. She screamed, she screamed every last bit of misery, passion, love, hate and anger she had until the powers that lay vested within took over; even shutting out the voice which presented her power, sealing down the likes of the holy angel within her and bringing forth a subconscious desire...for destruction, chaos and death. One filled with the utmost malice and disregard for all life which surrounded her. For if this life cared not for her, why should she care for it? They discarded her, threw her away like a dog and even her own mother sold her off like nothing but a doll. It was time for revenge, it was time to make things right...IT WAS TIME FOR BLOOD TO BE SHED.

Having a direct target in mind, the intent to kill and the power to back these notions all up; The Ravenous Haniel wasted no time in breaking the shackles of her bondage to bring about her vengeance throughout this cold and hardened world. In a wondrous moment of sheer strength, all of the Iahhel sisters sensed their freedom at hand in the might of potential which now exploded from out of every fiber of Haniel's being. Taking all of this vast depth of suffering, all of this madden and forging it into a tangible raw energy from the blood which coursed through her veins of these sacred races; within a matter of moments, this explosion of power was all that was needed in order to get past the layer of defense in which the Iahhel family had put in place for the barrier entrapping all of them here. Which meant...all of those whom were enclosed within this portion of the families compound....were set free in one swift motion by the likes of the enraged girl rampage across the facility.

So in an explosion of revolution and freedom, the likes of the occult-esque group had been brought to life by the waves and magnitude of energy coming from this place. Under the watchful eye of the moon's full gazed, it was like nothing they had ever felt before. This power was so dense, so overwhelming and utterly otherworldly; that most of their elite forces were called as quickly as they could to figure out just what occurred there. However...they would only be sending those men to their graves. On the scene, they saw many of the spirits which were once chained to the Iahhel Shrine being set forth and freed; so many that it was utterly impossible to keep a containment any further. Being forced to focus only on the source of power causing this incident, they soon set their eyes towards the likes of Haniel....and the their ultimate cause of demise.

What they found....was shocking. Sitting on only her knees, the likes of the once soft and gentle Haniel had changed drastically. Her skin turned black as night, the whites in her eyes enveloped within the same shade of darkness. Be that her emerald hued eyes pierced through this darkness, strange chunks of armor extended downwards from her lower arms and appeared to possess a gem-green color to them. What was even more startling than that had been the fact these arms were two times the size a girl of her stature would possessed. As two horns starting formulating out of the base of her head, they could only come to the conclusion that blackened soul inside of her had awaken...and they were faced with the demoness of the apocalypse. Sounding off the alarms as fast as they could, these men could not be quick enough escape their eventual doom. For with the growth of two wings that spanned the shape of hands, five fingers each swiftly extended outwards; piercing them in their skulls, hearts, groins, abandonment and whatever else the deranged woman could get her claws on.

Screaming nonsense about no hearts or souls being in those she devoid of life, the ones still remaining alive yelled and pleaded with her to stop. this state...she was too far gone, too much pain and far too much strength to be reasoned with by the likes of them. With moving these winged claws upwards, she spilt them half, tore them apart and slaughtered them all without the single ounce of remorse; causing them to release prettified shrieks as the last of their life was brutally and violently pulled apart. Drowning in a mist of blood, sweet reprisal and an indelible power; the likes of the aurous moon soon shifted from it's golden glow to that of a crimson and blood covered illumination that eclipsed the likes of the Iahhel compound; signaling the end of their days and the beginning of Haniel's retribution for this utterly skewed excuse for a holy-people's clan.

All the while as the organic matter of her first ten victims poured down upon her, the bystanders that paid witness to this heinous act screamed bloody murdering. Shouting obscenities about the accusations of the tainted girl being a monster true; others utterly broke down and told many in the area to clear the scene and some simply choose to hold their ground in order to fight off this beast. Without regard to any of these actions, nevertheless, the likes of the maddened woman soon began to smile. This beam of amusement stretched from ear to ear; basking in the glow of her wrath, as more slain victims were added across her mantle, the more the deranged creatures excitement grew. Payback would be given in the form of more deaths above; roaring about the great need for justice in this family, this utterly unhinged Haniel bawled out and hollered that she'd be the clensing, the purging and excintionmantion the Iahhel Family so deseperately needed.

Responding like a swift form of justice, a horde of the Iahhel's most elite forces cornered godforsaken the girl. Making accusations of her being an abomination of God himself, they claimed she was nothing but a reject from not only the Angel's of above, but that of the Demon God and that of the natural Soul Cycle. For with the blood of an Angel, Demon and Human coursing through her veins at the same time; she was a monster of biblical portions and must be stopped before her madness could spread. For not even the likes of Ramiel would be enough to save her; fearing that even their protective figurehead was far too corrupt to be saved at this point. Laughing, screaming and crying at the same time; this was all nothing but a blur. It couldn't be reality, that these impudent scum have the right to judge her....her a being who tried so hard, fought so long and endured so much pain...for the sake of these putrid scum...THEY NEEDED TO BE ANNIHILATED.

Rage brewing like no other, power overflowing like a mighty river and cause so just; the sights were aimed on these mortal fools. They would not be spared, they would not escape her wrath and vengeance will be brought about them like an unending sea of utter retribution. So while the martyrs of this night were armed with their weapons, the likes of Haniel, for all that she was, went on the attack. In droves, in waves and in large screams of pain; they were swiftly, systematically and ruthlessly torn to nothing. Thousands of tendrils divulged from the likes of the distraught beast; ripping apart children like toys, piercing through flesh like nothing more than butter, crushing bones as if they were clay and drowning in the blood of her forsaken enemy. These pulsations, the surges and the utter insanity of it all caused the girl to scream, scream AND SCREAM into the heavens themselves; unleashing burst of raw power that accumulated eons of will in one explosion of overbearing might.

NO ONE COULD TOUCH HER! Not a single soul, not a single force and certainly not the deranged sense of holiness these people had. Haniel would tear all of these demented souls which served to bring to her spirit down with her own two hands. The way they devoured at her soul, the way they picked at her psyche, the way they drained her of life, the way they encased her within this horrid prison; ALL OF IT WOULD BE ABOLISHED ON THIS NIGHT! Explosions, flashing lights, cyclone's of blood and gust of sheer agony; these would be the sounds that would forever be stained into this sight of the Earth as this massacre proceeded. Shattering the walls that served to deter her for so long, through the blood of the warriors who took it upon themselves to protect these useless spawns of meat, Haniel would serve to obliterate their hopes, dreams and ambitions for her hate of this world. Yet, even in spite of all of this; more, and more and more; THE PAIN JUST WOULDN'T STOP! It had to be erased; this accursed place needed to be sent into the fires of hell; for that's where this unholy land should be plunged to to never again be seen by the eyes of god's sacred light ever again.

So bursting from the edges of town, Haniel remained unopposed and still fueled by utter fury. Screaming, crying and laughing; she stormed down the pathways of the town. Butchering babies, children, women, men, the elderly, the sick, the young and everyone else in between until there was nothing left of them but the scent of death. Rather their skulls were crushed like jelly under the weight of her palms, bodies minced into indefinable pieces that spread like a mist of organic remains, or crushed under the debris like a living pancake; no waking soul who was apart of the Iahhel family and not sealed in that forsaken place would be spared by Haniel's as she ruthlessly slaughtered these monsters. And albeit that she had no full grasp of her power yet, the might of this woman had materialized into a brewing force within her that reached a boiling point of not even allowing the likes of those slain to pass on to the Soul Society; acclimating them like a hive of souls within the depths of this woman's essence.

Chapter Five: Residuum

Chapter Six: Present



In this thread, Mana made her debut among the active organization leaders of the Nuevo Espada, The Kokuryuteshi and herself representing the then Sin Fall. The overall objective of this thread? To form an alliance among all of their organizations and races in order to form an immense force to combat their enemies in the Soul Society and on Earth. It was quite the entry for such a small time villain. It was also at this time that she first met the future sisters of Chaos; Ashlei Mischevang and Claire Clixx. And right from the start, there was a very pulsation growing Mana towards The Hollow Ruler. Little would they know how deep this affection would go over the years.

Destruction Of Saburo City

In this thread, Mana had a brief fight against the likes of John Walker and it's where the two got their introduction. During this assault, she was able to bring a good deal of the city to a grounding halt as reinforcements from Sin Fall and herself brought a fair amount of destruction to the city that would be left for years. In this search, she originally was searching for Oni Chiita; whom was sealed inside of Shadin Yuudeshi, but gave up and decided just to have a little bit of fun causing chaos. However, it was cut short when she realized that Shadin had ultimately left the city and her fill for destruction was met.


The Invasion Of Europe

This was quite an historic day for The Demon Queen. In this thread? She was responsible for the invasion of London and subsequently Europe following that thread. This entire region was attacked heavily by the efforts of the newly found alliance between Sin Fall, Nuevo Espada, The Monsuta and The Kokuryuteshi with mounds of endless Arrancar, Hollow and Demon's to boot. Many attempted to stop her, but the efforts were all in vain once she reached deeper into her power to outmatch those attempting to rebel against the reign of the Queen and Sisters of Chaos. At the end of it, she'd claim the city as hers after a long battle and go on to assist in the battle with Ashlei VS Claire.

The Conflict Of Sisters

Mana played a brief role in this thread. After successfully sealing off their fight from the entire city of London, Mana was shown entering the thread rather quickly to provide a brief amount of assistance before mending into the shadow's and watching the fight take place until the two of them eventually tired out. Truth be told, she hadn't the heart to harm her sisters at that point in time. Thusly, since the match did not come to killing blows, all played out well in the end after Ceon retrieved the unconscious Ashlei and Mana went on to finish claiming the city. From there, Mana would focus primarily on Europe for awhile and seemly go into a period of handling affairs in Demon World, Hueco Mundo and Europe following this war.

The Creation of Shadow Fall

In this thread, Mana and Ashlei were seen nursing each others wounds in Kokuryu City. After a bit of conversing with one another, the formation of Shadow Fall started to become a reality after Mana proposed the idea of their two dying organizations merging together as one united force to crush those who opposed them. Hollow and Demon kind living together as one. Going along with this, The Hollow Queen agreed to the conditions of their arrangement and the two would leave this city to make their world changing announcement.

The Finalization Of Shadow Fall

In this thread, Ashlei and Mana made it official that their two organizations were banded together as one under the name "Shadow Fall". The Former Demon King, Abbadon, was dubbed as one of the three thrones of Shadow Fall alongside Mana and Ashlei. All of them going on to rule the masses of their kind to begin the footwork towards making Shadow Fall the monster organization it is today. Many Hollow's, Arrancar's and Demon's from far and wide came to pay tribute to this massive showing. It was the beginning of a new era for these forces, and a time of darkness for all those whom opposed either of The Queen's rule when it came to their enemies. They would truly be a force to be reckoned with after this point.


Demon Ball Party

Deciding to have a bit of relaxing time after the past few months of extreme work establishing Shadow Fall, working together to make herself stronger in secret and dealing with so many looming threats over her head; Mana decided to call members of Shadow Fall and their allies for a get-together at her palace. In this thread The Queen got pretty intoxicated, made amusing use of her powers in such a casual setting and they painted the town red on that night.

Madness City

This is quite possibly one of Mana's biggest battles to ever be waged. In the metropolis of Madness City, she decided to seek out a stone of Madness to bring her on the first stepping stones of subconsciously unlocking her Danavahood. Therefore, she attacked it relentlessly and endured a series of harsh battles against Colin Washi, Kanda Yuu, Toki Iramasha, Elizabeth and her two powerful familiars; all of this eventually leading up to a battle with the likes of Truth himself and Mana being forced into using roughly 75-80% of her power to fight against these threats.

In this colossal class of forces, they even managed to scar the very Earth of this city; leaving a one hundred mile wide area covered in a red stain. And with the force of two demi-gods clashing, these effects could be felt coursing all throughout Earth. The conclusion of this battle resulted in a draw ultimately; but not without the deaths of Elizabeth and Kanda Yuu along with the destruction of Madness City and Mana attaining her goal of unlocking the true source of Madness within herself.

Pain And Sorrow WIth Ashlei

After spending a month in recovery from the injuries and psychological damage she sustained form Madness City, Mana began hearing word that Ashlei was on the verge of death. Disregarding her own health, Mana decided to pay a troubled visit to Hueco Mundo to seek the room in which she had been imprisoned in. Throwing caution to the wind, both she and Diablo had managed to find the location of The Hollow QUeen through pin-pointing of her shadow through Mana's prowess of the darkness.

By extracting the agony of Ashlei's mind and heart into a black gem, she consumed those instabilities for her own to free The Hollow QUeen of this strain, bring her back from the clutches of death and reunite the two after she was able to successfully regain her consciousness. Although this would cause problems for Mana herself during this transference over the course of the year.

Operation Blood Arc

Having recovered enough from her injuries sustained in Madness City and the further decaying of her psyche from the encounter she had with Ashlei, Mana decided to make a game out of invading the country of Malaysia by starting with it's capital. However, The Queen was in store for much more than she bargained for. After Shadow Fall infuriated the city's four sections, a heavy gridlock battle ensued. In it? Mana fought against Laden, Hanako Yadomaru and Zero with thousands of reinforcements from The Yayjuu.

Meanwhile Stefan, the former Monsuta leader, took on Austin underneath the city. In all of this Madness, it seemed that the Queen gained the upper hand at first, but the instabilities of her conquest since 2411 would begin to take it's toll on her. Her personality became unhinged, powers unstable and the fighting reached a level that left the entire city in ruins.

During the duration of this fight, Hanako Yadomaru managed to inflict some critical damage, but not before Mana went into a berserk state and the two of them clashed in a final burst of light. It concluded in a draw as some presumed Hanako to be dead afterward, while the mind of Mana became further damaged and was left to question many things after her energy dissipated and all the combatants had exited the vicinity thanks to Hanako's last ditch efforts. In the end, after Mana was picked up by Shadow Fall Reinforcements, the country of Malaysia was there; but not without a price on Mana's body and soul.


The Rebirth Of Mana

What occurred during the first of 2413 was that Mana's mind started to slip into a hard depression. Psyche being devoured by the millions of souls fighting for control within her soul, body subcomming to the immense strain of the harsh battles she has endured over the past few months leading up to this point and losing sight of what she was even fighting for or even who she was; Mana was descending further into the abyss of sorrow. However, that was until the likes of Feraki had arrived. Unsure of she discovered this location that was within the deepest pits of Demon World, Mana welcomed this girl until her body began to act up and the likes of Eris, the Former Danava of Madness and Discord, started to contort her body as The Queen was enduring a harsh transition from a traditional demon into her Danava Roots.

At least, this was the case up until the point where Ferkai attempted to ease the pain of the Queen by trying to restore the order within The Demon's Body through Requiem Of Balance in the form of a once and a lifetime kiss. However, this would not be without cost. Throughout the duration of this process, The Ziamichi Sugiura felt her other half silence and she screamed out for it. Much to her dismay, and to Mana's rejoice, The Demoness's body appeared to have acted on it's own. By utilizing her External Shape Shifting, which was the ability for Mana's body to modify the particles in the environment around her through extension of her energy, she consumed the DNA from Ferkai and managed to give birth to The Grievous Cycle in order to better manage her powers and keep The Queen from going berserk.

Although, she was disturbed at the rate her powers was growing and the fact her body was subconsciously acting on it's own. Coming to the realization that she was able to effect the psyche's of those around her if they allow her force into their being, Mana attempted to ease the frightened girl and emerge from the rubble a new woman as a result of this encounter.

Enter Mike

This thread takes place a few weeks after the blowout in Malaysia and the encounter between Mana and Ferkai. Being that she had time to rest during this period and stabilize herself to the point of being functional, The QUeen started to keep her instabilities to herself to prevent word from getting out to other demon's about this sickness. Though, she wouldn't have time to dwell much on that. One of her underlings, Michael Asthavon, would contact her to set-up an appointment between the two.

Being that Mana took Micheal up on his offer to meet her in the depths of The Royal Asthavon palace in the Central Demon Capital, the two had a dialogue with one another to work the arrangements of him becoming a full fledged Asthavon. Once these actions had transpired, The Queen eventually ended up injecting The Seal of The Asthavon into his body in order to get him to endure the trials of baring their families symbol. It may have very well taken his life if he were unable to take the brunt of its force, but he managed to endure and Mana went on to train him further within the depths of The Chaya Nation.

Mike's Training

Following the bestowal of The Asthavon Seal on Michael's being, Mana decided to take him to the outlands of the Chaya Nation in order to begin training him up for the upcoming year. Although it was short lived, Michael started to receive a great deal of change in his perspective of the world, the limitations he had set for himself and ultimately started to gain a better understanding of the depth of Mana's own strength in doing this training. At the end of the day, however, it was cut short due to the fact that The Queen didn't believe he was ready to indulge in a heavy-scaled combat with that weakened clone of hers due to the strain the seal was placing on his body and instead wanted him to build himself over time, get some rest and recover over the coming weeks.

After this point, Mana would lay low under the radar because she'd go into a state of overdrive when it came to the way she managed Demon World and the portions of Earth Shadow Fall controlled. With Ashlei constantly being sick and Abbadon a no-show, the next few months would be hinged on Mana's shoulders to keep course of this organization.

The Battle Of Demonlords

This was most likely one of Mana's most intense fights of 2413. After Eric Zarathos had called out The Queen of Demon's following him launching an attack on a Shadow Fall compound in Demon World, The Royal Asthavon decided to indulge in his request after being stuck in her kingdom for so long under the crushing amount of work that was recently going through the roof over the past few months as Shadow Fall expanded their terrority. Therefore, after pin-pointing his location, The Queen took The Mad One on herself in a purely one-on-one fight.

Being that he had the strength equivalent to a Demon Overlord or Demon King, it was certainly one of Demon World's historic battles as they tore through the landscape for miles on end as if it were nothing more than sand on the beach. Turning the earth ti mush, the skies devoured by fire, explosions for as far as the eye can see and gut busting punches galore were a few headlines to describe this fight.

Through all of this, the amusement of The Queen through Eric's strife had more than gave her a sense of entertainment during the duration of their battle. Therefore, in the midst of battle, she was said to have granted him the ability to harness DE Force, or Death Energy. It brought about a profound awakening within The Demon and caused his powers to reach a new plateau; although it was still not enough to overcome The Demon Queen. She admitted that The Mad One more than surprised him in Brute Strength; going on to even state she could never dream to have that level of physical strength. However, as Eric soon found out, the differences in their areas of strength would rear it's ugly head.

Even though he attempted to obliterate every last ash of The Queen with a colossal attack the size of a miniature moon, Mana was still able to regenerate herself by having a pool of her blood still being able to sustain herself and sufficient energy to rematerialize her body. Having never encountered anything like this, Eric felt he was greatly outmatched; despite the fact The Queen took a noticeable drop in her overall energy levels. With this, he understood his defeat and fled from the thread; leaving Mana to tend to affairs in the living realm after having her fill in Demon World all of this time.

Mana And Ashlei's Reunion

The ultimate bonding between Hollow and Demon kind was had in this thread. Coming to the palace-steps of Mana's lair, The Hollow Queen was half-dead by the time she had found The Demoness's estate. Going into a deep depression from the strain, isolation and stress of the year so forth; there was a sense of great relief for The Demon Queen to see the likes of her beloved Ashlei coming to pay a visit. Even if it were under such dire circumstances, Mana welcomed her sister with such open arms despite the grim circumstances she herself was under.

Thus, after the two expressed such sweet sentiments for one anothers love, the burning passion that flared within Mana's own heart started to come to a boil when the life of Ashlei Clixx was left under her hands. Deciding to take fate into her clutches, Mana would begin the experiment of the lifetime: infusing Demon Blood with Hollow Blood to create a new found hybrid creature. The chances of her survival weren't that great, but at the rate she was going, Ashlei was going to die anyway and it was better to have tried and failed...then to have never tried at all. So vesting her wicked powers into her beloved, Mana would breathe in new life as the two's own essence would become one and she'd be converted into what is now known as a Visera Demonio.

Once the transfusion was deemed successful, the two of them would share their newfound love with one another in the form of a kiss and Mana would admit these feelings of lust to her boldly after holding it in all of those years leading up to this point. It lead the two of them eventually becoming a couple from all of this. Although, they wouldn't have long to savor it. In the depths of Hueco Mundo, there was a war being waged from a rouge Quincy and it was up to Ashlei to settle affairs for her kingdom. Not wanting her to go, but understanding the need for this action, Mana gave her the best of wishes and found a new resolve to stay strong her cherished lover. It even resulted in Mana's Danavahood being morphed by this change in her persona and going on to advance that progression further.

So as Ashlei faded into that gartana, despite the fact that things seemed to be going up, the two of them had no idea what kind of grueling months would await them once she stepped foot into that abysmal plane.

President Mana

Although there was a bit of concern for Mana with Ashlei's absence, the mania occurring within The Demon Queen all but blinded her to that fact as she became so enveloped within Ashlei's blood and her essence pulsating through her body. Thusly, after one of her partners, Haseo Haseo Karkata, was presumed to be dead....Mana took it upon herself to assume full control of America from his clutches. Being that he was the former ruler of this country, there wasn't much opposition to get in the way of her control throughout the month of August. As the likes of Shadow Fall, Demon and Arrancar kind flooded their government; it all but crumbled to a sense of Anarchy intermixed with traces of dictatorship.

So, of course most of the people of this country would have an issue with it...and that was okay with her! They were going to learn that they could take what they wanted in this new free world, but they had better not take it from her! Therefore, she made a display of internationally broadcasted killings where she assassinated the former President, wiped out his entire chain of staff plotting against the Queen and made an illustration of what happens when a person dares to plot against The Queen of Demon's.

After making such a gorey statement, Mana then proclaimed to be the 150th President of The United States and from there she'd go on into depths of the America to further her rule by exploiting their resources, expanding coverage of Shadow Fall and letting the American people know Demon and Hollow kind were on the rise in this country; but they weren't here to blow the place down to the ground. Instead? They'd see a heightened growth in their economy, a reinforced sense of security and very soon Mana had plans to put this country back on the map.

Ceasefire Talks

On this day a gathering of a strange group comprised from Dr.Hebi, to Coyote Starrk, Schrodinger Yuudeshi and many others assembled at The Demon Queen's Palace in London. There was no sign of an attack, so Mana saw fit to deal with this group herself to see what they had yearned for in seeking out The Demon Queen. Thusly, she greeted them all with a rather jovial introduction to mask the pain she was under at the time. After a bit of conversing with one another, Mana eventually came to the decision that within her hands holds the potential to morph the planet as they knew it or bring new life to it.

Therefore, after taking into consideration everything they had given her, and with the variables taking place in her own dire circumstances within The Queen's ordeals in managing Shadow Fall, dealing with her personal issues and her regime overall; Mana decided it was better to simply go into a lull with her organization and ease off the radar for a bit when it came to their attacks. Her mind was growing ill, family growing distant and she needed time to recover from all of the events taking place in her life at this point to prepare her for the hardships of war that lay ahead in the new year.

Henceforth, after this thread, Mana decided to take a backseat on the world stage in order to pursue the likes of Ashlei Clixx; whom up until that time had been MIA. Many were considering her dead, others believe she abandoned Shadow Fall and her family; but The Queen of Demon's wouldn't let those rumors, doubts or stories get to her. She'd embark on one hell of a journey after this thread.

War For Australia Arc 1 - Returning From The Abyss

The health of Mana Asthavon started to truly unravel throughout the course of her endless journey to seek out Ashlei Clixx. After her previous thread, she had spent a large deal of time travelling throughout a multitude of different dimensions attempting to find Ashlei. These varied from pocket realms, different parts of Hueco Mundo, varying sections of Earth, the depths of Demon World and eventually expanding into unknown verses outside of these places in search of her beloved. In fact, at one point, she had even ventured off into an unknown terrority within a different plane of existence that made weeks go by like years.

So, during this time, Mana had actually discovered one fatal flaw within herself: there was a withdrawal period. Subcoming to the seemly endless amounts of despair, the agony from straining her body to the limits constantly, the unveiling of her psyche from hosting both Ashlei's sorrow and the millions of spirits within herself gave birth to a new drawback to her powers.

Being that she was becoming more in nature like a Danava than a traditional demon, she was becoming the embodiment of Madness and Chaos that is in association with the symbolization of The Greek Goddess Eris; the former Danava of Discord and Lunacy. Therefore, her body was beginning to physically crave and seek out destruction, madness, mayhem, chaos and overall disorder. Without etching either of these elements into the world, and taming herself for so long in the vow of love for Ashlei, Mana had nearly killed herself in the process of this quest.

And, in this near death state, Mana managed to learn of Eris to begin with and the role she played in with her powers as she started to become more aware of the nature of her conceptual roots. Learning that the depths of this woman's reach on her mind was like a parasite, The Queen understood that from this point onward her Eternal Partner was going to be engaged within a lengthy battle for dominance in her body. Though, before she further dwell down that path, an unknown, but familiar voice called out to Mana. Awakening her to the fact she was this worlds yang and her disorder stabilized the world, it was ultimately up to The Demoness what she would do from here. Having six to twelve months to sort herself out, this force would give her a grave warning about her health if she failed to find some sort of resolve or resolution to her declining state of being.

From there, she'd arrive in the edges of Demon World a bloodied mess; but still clinging to life. After spending a few days travelling by foot throughout the planes of the Vicara Realm contemplating everything she had been through the previous years up until this point. From her family, her lover, the regime she built, will and everything else inbetween. It seemed so futile, but the call of war was more urgent when she was able to find a Shadow Fall Base. From there, she'd receive word of the critical circumstance Claire was in and decided to take action by shifting her conscious into her beloved sisters mind and materializing a new body from the shadow's to assist in the Australian Conflict; putting her feelings aside for now in sight of this bigger goal: saving her family.

The War For Australia Arc 2

Not seeking a heavy battle this time around, her thirst for actual war was rather low upon entry into the heated battle of Melbourne Australia. Instead? Her only concern was for that of Claire and everyone else fighting the fellow Sister of Chaos. Therefore, she leapt into the battlezone in order to take her sister away from this war torn city to get a grip on herself and bring about the Blood Queen once more through The Demoness's Maddening influence. So without wasting much time in between her establishment of a secured base to host her fatigued body

Therefore, she stood in between the brunt of the battle to order a ceasefire among all sides there to prevent further damage from being done to the city and county; along with ordering all Shadow Fall operatives nearby to seize the city once a ceasefire was declared. From there, she'd attempt to reason with The Memory Rosary of Despair, while the last of the battle fizzled out with the combatants trying to slay Claire before more level-heads prevailed in holding them back in the case of Zin Yuudeshi calling back his daughter, Nozomi restraining Dr.Hebi's maddened frenzy and Zefonse coming to a standstill with his attacks.

From there, she'd pay witness to Claire's colossal attack on space itself and go on to take her home as it was more than enough damage for one day. It had been a draining period for the Queen, but the pulsation of her brother's aura did gain her attention in that far off battlefield in Bendigo.....


The Other Half Makes Her Return

After tending to the affairs within Shadow Fall following the events of the Australian War, it was clear to Mana that was the world was swiftly turning to war. It enveloped those around her, consumed her family and even threatened to come to her doorstep at some point. People were moving, operations were being meant nothing to Mana. Without her beloved by her side, it was merely a minor annoyance compared to the pain aching in her heart for the yearning affection she had for the sisters of chaos that were in great peril.

However, fate would be quite the amusing mistress on this day. Within the depths of Hueco Mundo, the great event of Ashlei's return was transpiring. Caring nothing about her highly secured surroundings, Mana leapt once more into the face of the unknown to finally put an end to some of the unease in her heart from The Hollow Queen's absence. When she arrived there, The Demoness was at first very perplexed that Ashlei had somehow returned from the dead, but understood she had a knack for this sort of thing and feasted off of her.

Yet, much to the chagrin of The Primera Espada, there was much more to Ashlei's return to that. It seemed that the thirst to seek out The Memory Rosary of Despair ignited within The Hollow Queen's heart; making Mana believe their hearts were truly connected with one another if she desired that. Although, she did take note of the emotional outpour from the Mischevang Sister, it was all but a fruitless ordeal to prevent. They were all on the path of destruction and Mana understood she was going to embrace this end with a gleeful grin across her face the whole time.

Thus, as Ashlei left the vicinity, Mana all but unveiled the connection in blood that the two shared from The Demon Queen turning The Hollow into a mutated mixture of their kinds to begin with. It was eternal, their hearts were one and Mana would be with her beloved soon enough. It awakened the manic nature within The Danava of Madness and Discord; as Miss Clixx was the reason her conceptual nature was pushed further in the awakening of her Atma Vatou. So something inside of Mana was being triggered to the brink of insanity once more, and a very hostile sense of love was surging within The Queen's heart as she began to...embrace the Madness.

New York Arc

In this thread, Mana made a debut in her hometown once she noticed reports of two rather powerful entities clashing about within it. Sensing a great deal of lunacy within these individuals, she decided to drop on end to put an end to their fighting, test the depth of their resolve and devour them within the clutches of Madness to see how they would respond and grow from this. Although the fight, if you could even call it that from Mana's point of view, did not necessarily push her much; it was clear to herself and Eris that she was indulging further into her origin. The lunacy, the destruction and chaos of it all was all but apparent in the way she entered the scene.

Therefore, it appears that in this recent series of events Mana's resolution is becoming closer to being fulfilled. If nothing else is done in the next 3 to 6 months, there is a great chance of this potentially even becoming permanent as her soul becomes further entangled...

Last edited by [THEFROST] on Sat Sep 27, 2014 9:40 pm; edited 21 times in total

[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] WVMWLOu
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[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] Empty Re: [Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating]

Fri May 18, 2012 12:36 pm

[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] JCRrxmK


[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] Image7423_zpsee384541

Access To The Former Demono's Stock: After Demono went under, Mana took it upon herself to seize every item in the store in order to add to her additional collection of weapons. In the links below, you will find all of the equipment that is now under Mana's control.

•The Beastiary's Stock
•Key to the Spire of Æons
•Sphere of Æons
•Scythe Of The Wrechted
•Ring of Ruin
•Banshee's Blade[
•Panoptic Mirror
•Dainslief Replica (Ommit EVERYTHING after The Dystopic Shroud.)

Access To Shadow Fall & Allies Inventory: Based on being on the three leaders of Shadow Fall, Mana has access to most of their equipment as Shadow Fall, the inventory from Sin Fall and even some items that were apart of the Nuevo Espada before they had merged together with the demon's. Even more so, through her unions of Nuevo Espada, Sin Fall and The Kokuryuteshi back in 2410, she has even been granted access to some items from that group. As a result, Mana has obtained a variety of items from each of these organizations and they are listed below.

•Demonio Negacion (X2)
•Shadow Fall Equipment: The Miasma Of Hell
•The Bio-Demon Hazard Tank
•The Kuro Sōsu
•Caja Negación (X1)
•Mass Hollow Armies
•Mass Demon Armies
•Large Arrancar Armies
•Ure Sphere (X1)
•Shadow Fall Knightslaves

• Excellent Scythe Wielder: Ever since Mana was a little girl, she had became interested in sights. One day, seemly out of the blue, a scythe had appeared from out of her back. It was forged from Touketsu, Mana and The Fallen Angel's energy. Previously before Mana simply stole scythes from people and shops and used them quite well in battle. Now, she had a scythe of her very own. But, this one was quite special. It can summon up vast amounts of power from it's blade when activated, use some of Touketsu's death abilities, The Angel's life abilities and a few other tricks I will go over.

• Black Skull Smasher: Skull Smasher is a multi-use move. It starts by her summoning two large grey skulls with green light coming out of the mouth, nose and eyes. From there, she can either turn it into an exploding type attack where a skull chomps down on a person or object and then it explodes in a bright burst of green fire. Then, the green fire goes back into the person and attempts to explode again from the inside to finish them off. You can fight the first half off firing some type of blast to lessen the damage it does and for the second half you can fight it off by forcing the flames out of your body with your reitsu. Since, the internal explosion won't happen until two or three post.

Another way this can be used is by Mana summoning a one way portal into The Flames of Hell or a lake of poison located in Demon World inside the skull's mouth. Once the Skull chomps down on you, a portal will try to suck you into one of these realms. Again ,you can fight it off by destroying the skull or firing a large enough blast into the portal that will count as your being. (I.E. A clone or something)

Black Claw Shredder Weapon

• Black Claw Shredder: What is Black Claw Shredder? Well, it's a pair of two gloves that Mana typically wears at all times that serve as a gauntlet of sorts. They are meant to increase her striking power, have certain special traits about them and ultimately serve to enhance Mana's offensive capabilities when in the spoils of combat or war. Below, you will see the way that Mana is able to utilize Black Claw Shredder to her choosing.

Θ Brute Strength: While Mana herself may not be that strong physically, Black Claw Shredder more then makes up for that. Whenever she happens to strike a blow from these gauntlets, it can sometimes allow for the hand to hand combat features of it to give her more openings to fight on equal terms with larger and/or stronger opponents who are skilled in the art of hand-to-hand, or those holding far larger weapons. Meaning, that these gauntlets are capable of possibly even taking on direct blows from Kenpachi and dishing them back out. An example of how Mana would use this gauntlet is that she would rush an opponent, appear above them and then smash her fist into their body; savagely pummeling them to a bloody pulp and hopefully inflicting some serious damage externally and internally. Or, Mana tends to use this function of Black Claw Shredder to simply shred through attacks, opponents or anything else in her way like a sword. If someone were to throw a steel based rock at Mana? She could possibly slice it in half with these claws. The only real drawback to this is that Mana isn't necessarily a hand-to-hand based combative and is only limited to her knowledge on how to utilize it.

Θ Metaphysical Strength: Mana is really a fan of using these blades on the supernatural level as well. By activating a special mode of Black Claw Shredder mentally, Mana is able to use these claw's brute strength on a eternal level in order to inflict further damage upon her opponents. An example of how it's used on this functioning style is that Mana can sometimes overpower certain attacks simply by piercing through it as if she were Zaraki Kenpachi or Radioactive. This means that if one were to shoot a Kidō based attack at her, it would be very possible for Mana to slash through that, it's effects and hack it all into pieces as if it were physical. This could prove to be very dangerous if she were able to constantly rip to pieces all sorts of reishi within an area to weaken external powers, surprise someone from behind by digging into their skin and tampering with their powers with the gauntlets or just plain blitzing her way through certain things in her path. Luckily, however, this is limited by the fact it takes certain kinds of energy to fuel it like a car. It doesn't matter what kind of energy Mana gives it, just as long as it's enough to provide adequate function of this ability in Black Claw Shredder. If no fuel is had, then the metaphysical strength of BCS will no longer be available to Mana and will leave her with only the natural strength.

Unchained Madness

• Unchained Madness: Unchained Madness is one Mana's primary weapons that she uses often in combat. Now, what exactly is UM? UM is an unholy piece of metal forged from Mana's Demon Magic that she sealed deep within her heart. With that sealing put in place, it allowed her to make this piece of metal one with her Demon Magic and thus gave birth to Unchained Madness. From that union, Mana was able to then learn the unique ability to summon an immense quantity of hellish chains to a single battlefield. In the follow bellow, you will take note of how Mana uses Unchained Madness.

Chain Bender: This is actually one natural ability of Mana's Unchained Madness that does not require any sort of Demon Magic. The only thing that is needed for this is Mana's consciousness to will it. Now, with Chain Bender Mana can control how much of Unchained Madness is summoned within a given vicinity. For example, with her will alone, she can possibly conjure up a seemly endless sea of chains that can cover a city the size of New York, New York as an extreme testament to how strong Chain Bender can get. In addition to that, with Chain Bender, Mana can control the size, momentum, velocity, direction, temperature, kinetic energy, density, sound, visibility, shape, color and anything else physically possible to the chains that one can imagine. An example of how Mana would use this is to create a large batch of chains that have an immense amount of kinetic energy by accelerating them towards an opponent at a fast speed; after that point has been made, she would then control the kinetic energy in order to make the chains vibrate at two times the speed as a Seele Schneider in order to cut through steel, attacks, and with demon magic, even some barriers as a very simple performance as to what she can do with Chain Bender's ability.

Moreover, though, since Unchained Madness is connected to Mana's body in a sense, Chain Bender also gives her an additional ability to sync most visual and spiritual senses into these chains. What does this translate to? Well, this gives Mana the ability to have a large-scale scope of the battlefield through seeing through what these chains are able to witness. Take this situation as an example: Mana can used the Chained Bender function of Unchained Madness in order to disburse a wave of chains over and throughout a contained area in order to scan spiritual beings, bodies generating vast amounts of energy, seeing things that COULD be hidden if the chains should find them, having a visual look of the area the chains are covering so it is similar to having THOUSANDS of eyes upon a given battlefield and even being able to witness vantage point throughout dual, triple or quad dimension's if she were to use her Demon Magic skills to create small wormholes for her chains to view things in the Soul Society, Earth, Hueco Mundo and Demon World.

Therefore, this natural skill of Unchained Madness is not something to scoff at. However, as with every great power, there comes a great drawback. If Mana were to try and take on the city the size of New York, it would drain her a bit physically as this is a natural power that comes from her own inner strength. Therefore, it doesn't necessarily drain her of spiritual energy if she JUST makes the chains, but it can leave her panting a bit, sweating, make her muscles weak and usually requires some willpower to perform. Thus, she tries to avoid using it on such a scale like that or attempts to use Demon Spells to remedy this problem. In addition to that, the moment she begins to control most aspects of these chains such as size, weight, shape and so on and so forth, it begins to require some amount of attention in order to make sure the commands are done right. For example, if Mana were to create a field of missile-like chains with an insane speed, she may need to keep a faithful eye on them to ensure they do not miss, go off target or somehow run into each other due to her poor control of them if she were distracted by an opponent. Lastly, when trying to witness large scaled battle fields, it can sometimes get overwhelming to view all of these objects, experiences, sensations, spiritual presences, visual vantage points and everything else that goes along with so she sometimes either has to create a spell to relax her brain or simply turn off unimportant visual points of Chain Bender.

In any case, there are still more attributes to Unchained Madness in the following sections below.

Θ Drainage Skill: With Drainage Skill, Unchained Madness has the ability to zap or otherwise drain a person, weapon, tool, equipment or whatever else have you of it's energy, resources, attributes or natural traits steadily. Depending on what mode it is set to, it can do this very quickly or very slowly. For instance, if Mana were to set this chains to "energy drain" mode, this would probably be a more hefty task and she'd probably even infuse her own power into the chains to speed up the process. As, zapping someone of their power is a rather daunting task and one not easily done. Most likely, on first contact, Mana could at least drain five to ten percent of their energy if the chains were able to hold on long enough to the person. Which, is what an opponent should take notice in battle. These chains mostly rely on physical contact in order for this technique, in terms of affecting an actual person, for it to work. Meaning, Mana cannot have this special trait occur anyway; such as it spreading through the air or something like that.

However, she often doesn't set it to full energy zap mode most of the time. Instead, she tends to have these chains spread for a large enough distance until she gradually or swiftly starts exhausting the resources within her environment. Based on the fact things like trees, Earth, fire, water, reishi and other external factors are those are not presently living; it's more or less free game for Mana to drain them of their power and fuel Unchained Madness. She may also take roughly half of whatever energy that Unchained Madness is able to harness, while keeping the other half inside of the chains to keep them at peak performance. The reason for this is that there is a certain limit of power that the chains can consume before it begins to become too much to bare. Eventually, if pushed to that edge, the chains will simply began to act intricately and become very difficult to use. Therefore, she only zaps enough energy to suit her needs; often putting it inside of attacks, her weapons or other tools the minute she gets them, then keeping the power for herself. (I.E. Mana zaps the energy, stores it in the chains, transfers it to herself and then dispatches it to her attacks, other weapons and so on to enhance them)

It's also worth noting, on the alternative modes note, that Mana can set the chains to effect different attributes on a person. So, instead of trying to exhaust someone energy, she may try to set the chains to a state where they are meant to lower their defenses, drain their speed or decrease their offensive strength. However, she is only limited to doing this about two times a turn per target. Meaning, she can attack however many people she wants with this function of Unchained Madness, but she is mostly limited to two things to drain from them when the chains make contact with them. If she is really in a rush, it's possible to go to three or four, but this is a bit more taxing on the chains and isn't recommended.

Dead Master

• Dead Master: Dead Master is the name of Mana's very special scythe that she appears to use in almost every battle. It was forged from the collected energies of Touketsu which in turn also gave it the additional properties of both Za Koa and Death alike; in addition to her own power which is equal to Ender; rivaling his full power at maximum potential. Thus, with those facts on the table, it goes without saying that this scythe is a weapon of unbelievable lethal proportions. Below, we will go into details about what makes this scythe no ordinary weapon or tool and why it deserves it's special attention. After all, it was apart of what brought the once mighty city of London to it's knees and to it's untimely demise.

Θ Control: Despite it's highly destructive abilities, it is very useless without Mana commanding it as it usually does not act on it's own unless given orders by Mana herself. Therefore, without Mana, there is no Dead Master. The only other person capable of wielding this weapon is Touketsu, Abaddon or Death itself. All others are rejected on sight.

Θ Energy Burst: One of the most basic abilities of Mana's scythe is that it can shoot off ray's of green demonic energy at her opponents. She can choose to fire rapid shots or wait and let it charge up over one post to equal the power of two Gran Rey Cero's. The Scythe can quickly gather up power, but once it reaches it's peak maximum shooting ability (which is charging up for a blast that is equal to six gran rey cero's) she won't be able to use the scythe this way for about six post and requires another five post before she can do it again with the strength of six gran rey cero's.

Θ Unlimited Magic Use: Just as Mana does, this scythe has access to the vast quantities of Demon Magic that is Za Koa. However, unlike Mana, it's magic does not get weaker from physical exhaustion, damage or external sources being cut off. In addition to that, the scythe does not suffer damage from various high class Demon Spells that would take a tole on Mana's body, it does not suffer through a majority of the physical or energy based drawbacks of most Demon Spells, Magic, or Sacrificial Rituals; the energy inside of it is VERY difficult to exhaust unlike Mana's as it does not require the force needed to live along with it's additional access to the realm of Death along with Za Koa; and it is capable of vast multi-tasking spells, conjuring up new magic attacks, seals, barriers, weapons and other things related to magic on the spot and Mana can even direct any type of magic move to the scythe in order to save her own energy in combat. In short, this scythe is actually what keeps Mana from seriously draining her own energy or resources when entering battle.

Θ Magical Direction: Dead Master is able supply magical energy and direct it into anything Mana desires. This applies to People, weapons, jewelry, clothes, attacks, barriers and anything else you can possibly think of. For example, Mana could hold a swore in one hand and with the other hand she would create water magic energy (it would appears as a sphere of blue light in this instance) and then direct it into the blade. Now anyone who wields it can use water magic until the energy runs ultimately runs out. Thus, Dead Master or Mana can use any type of magic under the sun, it can give magical powers, weapons, clothing, attacks, people or anything she desires and there is no limit to how much energy she can make with this. On the negative, however, there is a limit to how much energy an object can contain. For instance, going back to the water blade, it would only be able to hold a certain amount of water magic inside of it until it eventually burst into a million pieces as it could not withhold the force of the ocean without some kind of modification. The same applies to some people, even. In addition to that, she cannot directly give herself energy that will last forever as everything that this scythe does with Magical Direction will eventually run out of energy and become usable. Therefore, it also impossible for her to suck the energy out of something as she MUST use all of it in order for it to fade.

Θ Vast Energy Supplies and Consumption: As Mana does, this scythe has access to an unfathomable amount of power. It consumes energy from the realm of Za Koa, Touketsu and even Death itself. Though, this is just the beginning of the staff's energy supply. As most in all of the known realms know; there are a lot of different types of magic out there such as Kidō, Chaos Energy, Surigara Magic and so on and so forth . And, as everyone knows, each and every form of magic requires energy to work them. With this knowledge in mind, Dead Master has formed a consumption based ability where it can undo powerful enchantments, vicious magic based attacks or even seals with a simple touch of it's blade and then it can proceed to absorb most, if not, all the energy of the magic into the scythe, further fueling it's magical eating rampage. This makes Dead Master, in theory, immune to most forms of magic, any spell aimed at them is absorbed upon contact. And, in turn, Mana can even apply a small barrier to herself via the vast amounts of energy this scythe has to perform that task.

And, in addition to that, there is also a rule in the scythe that even applies to acts that are seemly impossible to do. For instance, someone with a reality based power who creates feats that would otherwise be impossible would fall under this scythe's rule. In fact, it even applies to things that full under the jurisdiction of not existing such as Memory Rosaries. So, in short, anything that is impossible to perform, unnatural or otherwise deemed illogical to the average human will fall under this scythe's law; and, as a result, Mana's influence. Unfortunately, this does not apply to non-magic based attacks, energy attacks, physical based attacks and other similar effects. Those who are well versed in physical combat, science, technology, can create energy attacks or anything remotely familiar will have a better chance of fairing against this scythe. Thus, if you deal in the realm of possibility and logic, you'll fare a better chance against Mana and this scythe.

Θ Durability Drain & Immense Durability: This ability of the scythe allows it to decrease the durability of most things that it makes direct contact with at varying rates depending on how strong the opponent and the counter measures they put in place is thanks to a highly powerful they are and even build up varying amounts of durability that Mana herself is able to use along with Dead Master thanks to magic spell performed on the scythe. With this power, usually within the first one or two post of getting hit, most things Dead Master slashes will make most things and people more easily breakable, broken down and weakened in a defensive aspect and durable view point the more they take damage from it. Mana can also increases or decrease of the rate endurance but cannot turn this power off. The durability of anything can be drained and if the durability is low enough, it will shatter due to external (or internal) force. Effects will go away after five post, however, is they are not under constant contact. If there is a direct hit such as an organ getting hit, it would take one or two threads their full durability to return, however. Along with that, this ability can even be turned on Mana herself is she was hit by her own scythe. In addition, it would still be possible to feel pain despite having this type of durability. And, if she isn't careful, it may even be used against her attacks if the scythe isn't deceased enough or an opponent finds an opening to do so.

[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] Image7427_zps919e96a8

Θ Za Koa Connection: As a perk from being connected to the Demon God himself, Mana has an immense pathway into making the most of her Za Koa Skill. Being that she can control extremely large proportions of Za Koa's power even without Touketsu's influence based on the fact her own power is equal to that of the Demon Lord formerly known as Ender, this has led to her accelerating all of her natural based demon based capabilities to near maximum outputs at any given moment. Her Magic, Akuma Kyōdo and Jigoku Sokudo are all extremely high in their strengths based on the fact that her Za Koa Skill is probably only rivaled by demons such as Ender, Abbadon, Zarot, The Hindi Gods and other such similar creatures. So it goes without saying that this trait in Mana's natural Demon powers is one that gives her the leg up on most opponents as it can be used to augment almost every skill that Mana has in her arsenal. It gives her super strength that is considered above ordinary even within the hierarchy of demon's, free form magic control, deadly speed to maneuver throughout the shadow's and enough durability to take a large variety of assaults as explained in all of her demon abilities below.

Demon Magic: It is said that Mana is quite possibly one of the strongest users of the demon arts currently living. Through feats of destroying London, fighting against multiple warriors far above Captain Class and keeping a strong iron grip over her control of Europe; Mana has displayed time and again that her mastery of the mystical trades is not something to be easily trifled with. In fact, her skill in this area has gotten to the point where she no longer even needs to repeat incantations to some of her demon spell's. From her connection to the Demon God and Za Koa itself, there is no longer such a need for trivial prayers such as that. Of course, like Kidō, it makes them all the more stronger whenever she does bother to say them, however. What's more, though, is that Mana's magic has seemly reached a plateau of skill to where she has many different magical arts and styles under her belt to where she can summon, create, and sometimes, simply think of all sorts of supernatural elements to utilize during combat.

What does this actually mean? Well, for a better understanding, Mana has achieved a vast amount of knowledge, training and has achieved the needed energy reserves required for her to simply use whatever kind of magic she desires. For a prime example of what this means, if Mana was in the middle of a combat situation and someone had decided to take her on in a hand-to-hand fight; she could easily use her control over the magical elements in order to bend or command reality to her liking. When, in this example, this occurs; she can easily begin to alter the planetary forces around her in order to generate a solid force, invisible force around her body in order to shield herself, transfer the both the momentum and impact of the punch to the opponent to then fuse itself with the redirection or reflection magic in order to send her opponent hurtling away with her with triple the amount of damage done to their body. Another example would be that if someone had decided to fight her with Mana, Mana could almost easily tamper with it by tapping into Energy Magic in order to have the attack possibly split into two the moment it came into contact with herself or any of her weapons that has her magic applied to them.

With that said, you can begin to piece together a picture of why Mana's magic is so feared even by those simple terms. There is almost no limit to what her magic can do, at least in her mind. After all, there are many different forms, styles and weapons for a demon to use. Being a Grand Master in this trade, having the needed information about hundreds; if not, thousands of demonic arts of magic, Mana's magic is mostly limited to what she herself is able to put out with her energy, the knowledge of the mystical arts inside of her head and just how far she is willing to go in order to terminate an opponent with this skill. So, never forget about just how lethal this mystical trait is in Mana's arsenal when doing battle with her. It might just be your last if you choose to do so.

Θ Shadow Movement: When it comes to speed, based on her petite figure alongside her mastery of Shadow Movement; Mana is a very swift opponent when it comes to her speed. In some instances, Mana states that she can move so fast that she eventually blends into the environment around her in some instances. From what she understands, she can control just how much of her can be sensed into the area around her during combat situations. This means her image can come sooner or later, depending on what she desires; her sound can be easily mistaken for something to confuse the opponent, it can "feel" as if she is coming behind, when she is actually emerging from another direction and even her smell can be felt in different area's then where she actually is. This speed also translates into reaction time, how fast she can spawn her attacks, controlling the momentum of overs on the battlefield through her demonic magic and so on. Therefore, it is not wise to doubt Mana's speed; even though it's not one of her main dominant traits.

What's more, thanks to Mana's shapeshifting, this can be taken to an even higher extreme. During periods of intense burst of speed, Mana can easily boost her speed ten times simply by temporarily breaking herself down into a Shadow Form and then becoming so weightless that she is no longer bounded by her physical body. During this period, she can easily cover distances equal to travelling from Downtown Manhattan, to Brooklyn, to the Bronx and back again in roughly thirty to forty seconds if she is pressed for time. It has actually plateaued to a point where she can even travel through air particles in order to make herself even faster then that. Once again, if she were to break her body down into a purely oxygen based form for a short period of time, Mana could travel through the air and cover great distances in an even shorter amount of time. The same could be said for water, fire, electric currents and so on. It's just wise to watch herself as each shape shift gradually takes it's toll on her energy supply.

Θ Akuma Kyodo: Mana's Akuma Kyodo is really something right out of this world and into the next. For starters, Mana's level of defense is geared more towards Supernatural based attacks and other phenom that deal with magic, reality bending, special powers and things of this nature. This was done to make up for her rather lacking physical defense. Therefore, if one were to attack her with a magic based power, then there is a high chance she can null it's effects quite heavily. Meaning, if one were to try to make Mana combust from the inside out, she could reduce that effect to only making it feels as if her insides were on fire; rather then actually exploding. Or, for another example, if one were to shoot off a cero blast at her; Mana could use this Akuma Kyodo in order to reduce the effectiveness of it's energy in order to leave only minor burns or scrapes to her body on average when something of this caliber of attack is used against her. In fact, even if one were to shoot a Cero Osucas at her, it still might not have a lasting effect because energy is rather easy for her to null and it's rare someone can even summon enough power to equal her in power for it to phase through these defenses.

However, this isn't the thing that stands out with her Akuma Kyodo. Mana's Akuma Kyodo is very peculiar because she has dabbled into the arts of regeneration. Her level of regeneration is extremely high and makes it very difficult to actually kill her. So long as a sufficient amount of energy is gathered, a large enough piece of her extract remains and provided her soul isn't tampered with; Mana is able to often bring herself from the brink of death many times in battle. For instance, if one were to blow Mana's body to shreds? She could easily still exist in coat of black blood that blends into the shadow's and then summon her energy to begin reforming herself to become whole once again in battle.

You see, she has become one with her energy and will usually be able to regenerate herself provided she isn't completely drained, sealed off, has too little resources with whatever is left of her to reform and so on. It has reached a point to where she has become a being who can sustain herself in a form of pure energy in critical situations where it is no longer wise to use her physical boy. The main drawbacks that Mana seems to be appear of is that it suffers a energy-limit, of course. If there is not enough power in her to reform herself, then certain parts of regeneration will fail. This means if she is exhausted, beaten and worn down to a point, there is a better chance of her dying to more mortal wounds as she would be forced to weigh herself to a physical body. It's also worth noting that each time she generate it, of course, gradually wears her down depending on how much power she has to work with. So this isn't a case of her being some sort of immortal being, it's more a matter of actually destroying her enough times to where she'll eventually be worn down. If one can even do that with her fearsome powerset.

Θ Immense Demon Summoning: Due to her strong connection to Touketsu, Mana has been given the ability to summon nearly any demon she desires into combat that is a demon whom was born naturally and thus contains varying levels of The Demon God's DNA. This means that must native demon who wasn't forged by alternative means can be released on to the field at The Demon Queen's choosing. However, this is mostly limited to her never being able to call upon demon spirits who are stronger then her and is more difficult to perform whenever a person is equal or near her own power level. In order to perform feats such as this, she must rely on alternative methods such as her magic or Soul Manipulation in order to do those kinds of feats. In addition to that, it's often wise that she contact the demon (in this case, actual characters) before conjuring them up into the battlefield. Failing to do so can result in improper results such as being able to craft the subject in question to her side at half strength, injuring Mana herself or failing to summon the demon at all.

However, due to her being connected to The Demon God and essentially his messenger, must do not dear go against her will as it can result in unfavorable results by those within the echelons of Shadow Fall. Therefore, Mana has been known for conjuring up dozens, hundreds, thousands and even hundreds of thousands of demon's at any single time. And, with her being connected to Za Koa, in most cases it does not easily tire out as she is doing is transporting powerful demonic forces into the field. Moreover, she can combine this power with his Death & Soul Manipulation in order to even bring back former demonic spirits; though this is much more taxing as it usually involves making use of her necromancy powers. It should also be noted that Mana wields the authority to summon all of Touketsu's Hindi Gods based on being given permission from him. So, despite them being equal or stronger then herself in some cases, from Touketsu's assistance, she is able to summon them without any conflict.

  • The Gates of Hell: This a fairly new technique she has learned. This goes hand and hand with her summoning, but essentially Mana has been granted access to conjure up portal's into hell in order to transport people back and forth at nay given time she pleases. Moreover, The Gates of Hell are used in order to conjure up all types of creatures from the pits of this realm in order to do Mana's bidding. In fact, some these creatures aren't even demon as there have been mass hordes of hollow's, human's, Iramasha, Shinigami and other races in the mix based on Satan's reign over hell technically be related to Touketsu's control. So, in a sense, through their relationship and Mana's connection to the Demon God; she to has learned this trait from him in order to make use of this gate during the course of combat and in non-combat situations. However, this has the same drawback as her immense summoning and should be used with great caution depending on the type of person she attempts to bring back. Moreover, most creatures of hell can't sustain themselves for too long within any given realm Mana is in before they are forcibly sent back to hell.

Θ Shape-shifting: This is one of the core features about Mana's design: she can be nearly anything she wants within reason. She has stated that her physical form means nothing to her and aims to prove that on the battlefield. It's very easy for her to change thing such as her height, mass, facial appearance, gender and basic things like that without having to think twice about it. It's also worth noting that she even has an entirely different familiar that is a male version of herself dubbed "Male Mana". In any case, on the higher levels of shifting that she uses in combat it very possible for her to change into blobs comprised of shadow, split herself into multiple parts to evade attacks, a multitude of bats, blend in with the environment around her like a chameleon and so on. It's even gotten to the point where some have a hard time believing Mana is still a mortal with all that she can do, being unbounded by her physical body and having different transformation. But, this isn't a perfect system like most people think.

The maindrawbacks of this Shapeshifting is that each single transformation that she undergoes steadily takes it's toll on her energy supply. Eventually, when in the hell of combat, Mana can begin to have extremely difficulties maintaining this if she is drained of her energy resources, exhausted in combat and can no longer perform these functions as skillfully as she could when in better condition. She'll be able to do the basic's shapeshifting when critically damaged, but she will eventually be bounded by her body if pushed hard enough by her opponent. This form of shapeshifting is highly reliant on where the overall health of Mana is, how much she can endure from all these changes and just how much energy she has to sacrifice in order to perform these task.

x Cataclysmic Energy & Reaitsu: To say that Mana has a large energy statement is perhaps one of the greatest understatements of the millenium. Throughout some of her more critical and serious fights, she has displayed an absurd amount of both energy and spiritual pressure. In her all our wars against multiple opponents whom themselves could be considered supernatural beings who had the capacity to change the tides of a battlefield against many a powerful army, Mana has showcased that her levels can have far reaching effects. For example, during her battle in Madness City, quite possibly the peaking of this force, Mana was able to push herself to the greatest extents of her power yet. This sense of energy and reiatsu manifested itself in reshaping the likes of Antarctica when clashing against the Titanic-Forces of Truth's life force; a being on par with The Soul King and Touketsu himself, Colin Washi's Bankai and Mask, the devoured Kanda Yuu's reserves and all of the other major players who were taking place in that larger-than life battle in that city.

It's reach, depth and force was even able to be felt throughout different corners of the globe when reaching that point. As she showcased the capacity to even sustain four to five different clones whom on par with organization leaders of different factions; albeit that it had long-lasting effects in causing her great instability, critical strain to her body and decaying of her psyche. This sense of Calamitous Force also showed enough reach to cover a large portion of Antracita; going onward to even have it's grasp reach into the outer atmosphere of Earth and produce a series of four wings and four crosses that could be observed from The Moon and multiple other countries. Therefore, with just some of these examples, Mana has shown to have otherworldly energy reserves bestowed upon her.

As it's even possible for her to maintain her composure after unleashing massive burst of energy that was capable of annihilating ten miles of Demon World; albeit there was a steady drop from Mana's overall reiatsu and her immense pain suppression was in effect, which certainly plays into a fact of increasing her stamina with these absurd levels of reiatsu and energy. Though, in light of that, it can also be her biggest down fall. This is because when her mind goes overboard, Mana has been noted to produce a variety of overwhelming attacks or abilities that can eventually tire her out after constant use. It's a similar effect to someone who cannot pain. One may be able to ignore this bodily function, but when a critical function in your body is in great harm, one may not be able to sense it. In the case of The Demonesses mindset, this same concept can be applied.

To give an example, in Malaysia, Mana seemed to produce enough spiritual pressure and energy to cover the entity of the Capital City of that nation. However, due to her unstable state of being, she went FAR overboard and could not tell when she was doing too much. This eventually left to the malfunctions of her powers; for at point during that war, she could not regenerate based on the fact her energy was too unstable to summon this prowess and the fact that The Queen critically strained her body to the point where it was rejecting any further attempts to push it's capacities to the limit. More than that, it resulted in major damage to her psyche for a long duration of time; nearly lasting a year from her encounter within Madness City in September of 2412, to Ashlei's love and comfort causing a critical shift in her psyche within August 2413.

With that said, it's reasonable to believe that most of Mana's powers or abilities can also be affected by mindstate, strain and abuse. As she realized, that after some of these battles she had endured, there had to be a breaking point to herself and The Demon knew she was steadily reaching the tipping scale. Ergo, she had produced a system to otherwise keep this balance in check.

Enter The Grievous Cycle

After taking in properties of Feraki's spiritual energy in the form of a kiss, her body seemed to use a form of external shifting in order to conjure up a self-checking procedure. To prevent the kind of insanity which took place through 2412, The Queen constructed a seal within herself called "The Cycle of Grievous." It's based in phases of five through zero; descending in order from five in terms of weakest to stronger. As the 5th Phase of The Cycle of Grievous is known as her base state, while Phase 1 Of The Grievous Circle is comparable to the prowess she possessed within Madness City. Though, still, it's possible to reach a Negative Phase of The Grievous Cycle if she were to unleash something akin to her KQM State.

Which only serves to drive home the point of this seal altogether: Mana's power has became so great that her body is beginning have complications controlling it and containing it. Ergo, with the Grievous Cycle, a series of internal shifts were developed to limit her actual strength and potential. While other beings often choose to have alterations or augmentations that serve to increase their power, Mana uses these fluctuations within herself to control and contain her power. The Queen has stated that upon transcending past the fourth phase on the Grievous Cycle is where she begins to have harder time controlling herself and her power due to the immensity of it's current strength. Therefore, it's necessary to understand where her strength lays in each Phase of this cycle.

• Phase Five: This can be considered her base state. It's very easy for her to control the amount of energy in this state and leads to little complications usually. The Queen has referred to this cycle of being comparable to how she was prior to 2410. Although was immensely strong even then, it was comparable to most other 0-2's at the time; which results to her being able to harness her abilities with great ease, despite being at a lower level. Even her base form shouldn't be understated; as it's what allowed her to keep control over Demon World after consuming the previous Demon Queen. Making her still among the top 1% of fighters in the Earthly realm.

• Phase Four: Phase Four Of The Cycle of Grievous is where she begins to get a little more serious. Nearly doubling herself in energy from Phase Five, this state seems to be comparable to how she was when taking part in the Battle for London; in which she was able to fight against dual faction leaders and the likes of Clarie-Clixx on an impressive level, while still having energy leftover to take over the Capital City and assume possession of Europe. Often times, she doesn't need to ascend past Phase Four. It gives the optimal amount of boost in power, without the absurd strain of her lower cycles. In order to activate this cycle, Mana must simply say vocally or mentally: "Grievous Cycle Of Ideal: Unlock."

• Phase Three: No one has truly seen this level of power from Mana before. As it's in an inbetween state of being inferior to the critical amassment of strength that she showcased in Malaysia, while still being superior to the volume of energy which she produced during her battle of London. Ergo, The Demon Queen has spent less time in this stage of The Grievous Cycle than any of her higher or lower states. Which further adds to the fact, in Mana's mind, that leads her to believe even only in her Fourth Phase, she is more than enough energy and power to have a high chance of trampling over most fighters that she could possibly come across. Therefore, the extents to which this Phase is capable of is not known, but she assumes it to have the effects of strain on her body begin to come into effect; but at a far more tolerable level than her first or second phase. To release it, Mana must simply say: "Grievous Cycle Of Unknown: Awaken"

• Phase Two [EVENT ONLY OR PERMISSION ONLY]: It's at this point where things tend to become quite volatile in any battle Mana fights where she unleashes Phase Two of the Grievous Cycle. On par with the potency, strength and volume of energy she produced during her war for Malaysia; this is arguably a very peak form for The Demon Queen to ascend to and one that can end a large number of battles she encounters if she feels she has to go this far. All injuries taken in other cycles are healed, however, because this state is where meltdowns tend to occur and her body adjust itself to be in prime health when beginning. Based upon what Mana said, she feels this power can truffle over any sort of army that comes her way; even one comprised of supernatural beings. As, according to her, the only ones who have ever given Mana pain in this form are Hanako Yadomoru's Final Release and "it". For even with Cero's Tesla's birth in this fight, the newly ascended power which Mana released easily dwarfed it.

Though, with that said, this state of being also has a large sum of instabilities, complications and drawbacks to it. One of the first being that Mana often BURNS through absurd amounts of energy. This is to say, that her power IS great, but so is the consumption it takes to sustain being that it's such an ungodly place. Therefore, there are many injuries which can occur to herself in light of this. One of the first is that if she doesn't pay attention to how much force she is using, Mana's abilities can fail in this state. For when she passed herself too far in the battle for Malaysia, during a period of time in that war, The Queen noticed that she could not regenerate some of her appendages or limbs for a duration of time; eventually losing them. Additionally, this caused severe amounts of pain throughout her body; enough for her to cry out in pain because of how much she abused it. However, if enough willpower is summoned, she will attempt to phase through; at the expense of lowering her overall health; which brings her closer to defeat in most cases more than anything. For the less health and energy she has, the more limited her body shifting becomes and when she comes easier to kill.

To activate this state, Mana most simply say this: "Grievous Cycle of Extension, Release!"

Phase One [EVENT ONLY]: This is, arguably, one of Mana's most recognizable states. The difference between all of her previous progressions and this one is quite dramatic. To give a demonstration of just how much, it was in this release of power that Mana's reiatsu and energy could be felt as far away as the moon at peak moments during her critical war against Truth and his allies. Going on to have her energy collapse the boundaries of stability within the core of Madness City and spread throughout the entirety of that country; going on to leaving long-lasting scars against the Earth where this city once stood. She has even stated herself that this Phase is comparable to Ender's Full Power during his final battle. Ergo, this state of strength is enough to put her in the leagues of 0-1- for a duration of time; alternating upwards of 0-1 during more heated moments in the battle to conserve energy. So much like the transformation before it, t. all injuries taken in her previous state are healed, for the side effects of this ascension to power are immense.

At Phase One, this is nearly the peak of Mana's potential and the maximum amount of power her body can output on it's own. Which means that great complexities can occur within her body. One of the first things to note during this battle is that The Demon Queen had started going to this level of prowess was akin to nearly losing her sanity. It was this battle that alerted her course in life; for her psyche was heavily damaged for a year following it. Thus, we can conclude that some form of psychological injury can occur as a consequence of going this far.

Though, Mana has also theorized if she were to ascend to that level of power again, that effect may be lowered from her new-found resolve from her gathering with Ashlei Clixx; but it may very still cause great enough strife in her psyche to not stay in this form for long. Furthermore, the energy taxation becomes so great; sometimes she needs to release large sums of energy to prevent herself from combusting. As the reason she produced multiple clones on par with many different 0-2's is because if she didn't, it was going to cause immense damage to herself. As it was a double edge sword: these capacities were great, but it drained away so much energy and caused devastating strain to her body.

So with that, she isn't able to sustain the 0-1 state for too long before the injuries set-in, her body begins to breakdown and eventually the output of energy lowers until she is forced to regress back to a earlier cycle. As the instabilities from her previous form also double in strength and serve to inflict pain throughout her being until she gives out.

In order to release this state, Mana must simply say this: "Grievous Cycle of Peak, Rise!"

Last edited by [THEFROST] on Sat Sep 27, 2014 9:38 pm; edited 23 times in total

[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] WVMWLOu
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[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] Empty Re: [Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating]

Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:24 am

[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] JCRrxmK


[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] Image7424_zps6a623939

Θ Synced Union: Whenever she is around someone who is connected to Touketsu, the person or person(s) can connect with one another to share intel, provide each other with visuals in blind spots and even send each other power. This means that if she is around a Demon or other race that has ties to Touketsu? They can sometimes even unite in order to even the odds in a battle situation. That is, if they choose to accept this Synced Union. It cannot be forced, but if both parties are willing to work with one another? This can become heavily dangerous and can lead to a plethora of variables occurring for whoever they are fighting against. For instance, Mana could temporarily learn how to use the power of fire in order to take it to further heights then the user where this asset had generated from; often using her own energy reserves, skills, techniques and traits to add a multitude of effects to the ability. And, with enough demon's on the field? She can have a visual aspect of nearly everything that is occurring on the battlefield if they are put in the correct places.

When it comes powers, though, it is worth noting that if they begin to exchange all of this information that it will still have whatever limits, drawbacks, cooldowns and everything else that came with the power. So, if a technique had a drawback of injuring it's user? Mana would have that drawback to. If the technique had a cool down post of three post? Mana may be able to reduce it to two post, but the cooldown would still be there. What's more, there are some techniques that aren't applicable are. Things such as racial techniques, abilities that require some sort of special requirement or powers that otherwise need it's user to train Mana. So, she is not gaining every single power under the sun and some come harder to her then others.

Θ Infecting: This one of the more basic abilities that Mana has in her inventory. Essentially, Mana can turn most races into Demon's by infecting them. This can be done in a multitude of ways. This first way would be to inject her blood into them by biting them on various places on her body. They'll have a chance to reject her will with their energy, fight back by punching her away or simply moving the hell out of the way. If they fail to do those? Then if they do not seek treatment within the next 1-3 post, they'll often be turned into a new born demon. The second method to turn others into her kind? Rituals! By using her immense skill of the Magical Demon Arts, knowledge of the internal structure of most races through Touketsu and energy reserves; Mana can perform a demon spell in order to convert people into demon's much like the Iramasha usually do. However, this is typically just for people who are willing to become demon's. In order to force it on someone? She'll generally have to overpower them, weaken them or catch them while their fainted.

Θ Horns: Mana's horns are not just for show, they can prove to play a rather useful role in combat. You see, both of these attachments emit highly concreted amounts of magic and demon energy that they can be used as very lethal weapons that can pierce through physical and spiritual alike. For instance, if Mana wanted to, she could charge head forward into the likes of Kenpachi himself in order to gorge him in the chest with her horns if her plan went as planned and he did not figure out a way to counter or match her blow. Though, even that, is just a basic ability of her horns. A passive power that these horns passive is that they are able to gradually gather reishi from the area around Mana in order to distribute them throughout her body or be used to further power the horns. Thus, this creates a massively intense layer of heat, power and magic around them that can be used for extra benefits.

For instance, these horns can be used to fire off very powerful Demon Spells or magic. If dealing with someone on a physical level, clearly they have the edge on Mana's frail little feminine body. However, these horns can be amplified in strength to match the likes of Radioactive in his Bankai if Mana wishes. They can also have the likes of Dai's defense to go along with it to ensure that they are not easily destroyed either. And, on top of all that, if Mana were able to pierce the heart of someone, a special magic ability would open up to where she could read into that person's memories in order to learn many things about them or possibly even new techniques depending on rather or not they were dependant upon variables Mana could not perform. (I.E. A Ziamichi based power that required the energy of an Angel to perform.)

That, however, is not the end of the effects these horns have. Thanks in part to the high amounts of magic they possess, these horns are even capable of breaking through many barriers, seals or other means of defense by using their magical properties in order to form a corrupting type of influence around them to SEEMLY decay whatever is holding them back from their target. For instance, if Mana were to appear above Karakura Central, she could theoretically try to use her horns in order to create some breaking point in order for herself and followers to get in. Or, in a more individual scenario, she could possibly even begin to tear through a person's unnatural or natural defense if one fails to stop her.

Additionally, Mana can even forge up to about three dozen horns outside or around her body in order to use as weapons in combat or in a defensive means. For example, Mana could create two dozen of these spikes in order to form a sphere that would make extremely difficult for some attacks to break through due to their high level of endurance. These horns are probably even more durable then Mana herself as they can withstand constant or direct blast to them from even the likes of Radioactive, Kenpachi and other similar characters. The main way to weaken them, however, is to weaken Mana as well. Therefore, doing combat should be sufficient enough means to do damage to the horns.

Shadow Powers

Θ Shadow Control: This is one of Mana's main powers when you get to the root of her demonic nature. She appears to have an immense control, knowledge and skill in the arts of the dark elements. She can easily summon all sorts of creatures form the shadow's, craft shadow versions of her techniques (I.E. creating Shadow Lightning, Shadow Fire, Shadow Boru Shi and so on) that are enfused with her Shadow Energy to make them stronger with more effects, create her own supernatural shadow's with her demon energy and overall manipulate and generate the shadow's. It's made all the more potent when she uses it alongside her Death Energy, Immense Magic Skill and other traits in her powers. Therefore, as shown below, you will see some of the way's that Mana is able to use her control of the Shadow's in order to overwhelm opponents on the battlefield.

Θ Shadow Energy: This is one of the first perks of Mana knowing the Shadow Arts. Based on her high amount of skill, experience and mastery of dark related elements; Mana is able to easily draw power from them in order to strengthen herself. Rather they be aritifcally made, influenced by her powers or come with the dark of night; Mana is able to utilize the Shadow's much like Quincy do spiritual energy in order to make herself endure harsh, long and grueling battles much longer then she normally would without. She is able to ingest this energy into her internal body structure to make her temporarily stronger for the duration the thread, it can be used to influence her attacks to make them dramatically augmented or she can simply use it as a reserve of energy if everything else fails for her. The only known drawbacks that it has, however, is that it can be weakened by other holy, light or otherwise pure sources. But, with the amount of Darkness, Demon Energy and hell Mana brings? It is rather difficult to completely null this Shadow Energy as she will always fight back against it's effect in a typical war against Good VS Evil.

Θ Darkness Merge: Mana has the capacity to infuse her consciousness, physical body or even her own weapons with the shadow's around her in order to better operate within darkened or nighttime conditions. This will result in a major increase to her body's metaphysical and physical senses; as she has clearly displayed tendencies to view all sorts of occurrences within the darkness, such as being aware of when Toki Iramasha was getting ready to strike her despite being a few miles away. In fact, it's even capable for her to begin to understand the intricacy's, structure and make-up of varying objects that happen to enter her shadows over a period of time. This is thanks in part to mostly physical contact with the subject in question; rather it be a piece of word, reishi or whatever else have you. It's even possible for this to analyze attack's, certain abilities and even people if they stay long enough.

The only drawbacks that Mana is aware with this is that this ability can become more difficult to utilize when light users begin to temper with it by altering her surroundings. This is simply based on the fact of the age old struggle between Darkness and Light. Additionally, if an object isn't within her realm of darkness long enough, it may be possible for her to forget the knowledge she had altogether if she did not have adequate time to adapt to it.

Θ Shadow Teleporation: Mana has demonstrated that she is clearly capable of using the Shadow's or Darkness around her as portals. Some of these feats were displayed during her fight in Madness City where she was seen capturing different types of energy based attacks within her self-made 'wormholes' throughout the battlefield and redirecting them into other places. However, this isn't just limited to objects or attacks. By having a strong understanding of the connection all shadows have together in each realm or dimension she happens to travel in, she has conducted a very easy way for her to have an extremely fast mode of transportation: Shadow Warp. Wherever there is a darkness Mana can perceive, it is very possible for her to either travel there with great speed or sometimes simply teleport there. Therefore, this makes her an extremely tricky opponent to catch as she can often slither around in the darkness to evade attacks.

However, this can be limited in a few ways. The first is by how much energy it takes from her to get there. Depending how much energy she has, she may not be able to jump great distances such as dimensions, entire cities and so on. When in weakened states, she may be confined to an area roughly the size of a small forest and be forced to run on foot. In addition to that, it may not be possible for her to enter into certain places that have restrictions, barriers or shields in place to prevent people from entering. In these circumstances, it would be up to Mana to figure out a way to bypass with her other abilities or just give up on trying to enter. Lastly, if she gets her coordinates mixed up, it is possible for her to be way off target if there is alterations to the shadow's within a given area or the location she was trying to warp to with her Shadow Powers.

Note: It is also possible for Mana to store other objects into Shadow's as well. These are known as Shadow Dimensions, as it's Mana simply creating her own pocket realms through the darkness. She is able to store entire platoons of soldiers, mountains of Equipment or weapons and even use it to trap opponents or engulf attacks for later use. Though, the drawback with this is that heavier objects tend to drain a bit more energy from Mana then lighter objects. Meaning, to summon an entire army, that would show visible signs of exhaustion similar to when a person does a fast run. Whereas simply summoning her weapons wouldn't take much from her.

Soul Powers

The Hive Of The Lost: This is one of the stronger traits of Mana's Soul Powers. From her hundreds of years of killing in the Demon World, to the mass destruction she has caused on Earth during her control of Sin Fall; she has racked up countless souls in her body. These range from entire demons clans & tribes being destroyed by her hands alone during Mana's rise to power in the Demon World, countless Innocent civilians whom she has killed without mercy throughout the human world; including the millions upon millions she reaped in her takeover of London, entire armies who dared to stand in the way of the Queen's Order and even entire Royal Demon Families; including the former of Queen of Demon World. The list is so dangerously high that Mana believes she has consumed entire civilizations and full blown countries the scale of London or America into the core of her being. Therefore, with all of this said, it is HIGHLY unwise to even underestimate a drop of the hive that Mana has collected.

Note: The Hive Of The Lost does not include non-NPC characters unless I have gotten their permission to do so or otherwise fully killed them in combat. That is to say, most of the absorption and consumption of souls will more then likely not occur with characters Mana happens to be fighting. So, there is no worry that Mana will randomly suck you up into the core of her being to make herself stronger or gain your powers or anything like that.

Θ The Army Of The Damned: This is a rather elaborate title Mana has given her familiars. You see, as stated earlier, Mana has consumed many lives, many souls and many types of beings into her core. However, it didn't just stop there. Far from it. The Army Of The Damned does not only contain souls, but it even withholds entire villages, cities and some nations that Mana has destroyed in her wrath across the Demon Realm, The Living World and Soul Society. Thus, this unholy summoning does not just stop with spirits, but she can even call upon all of the towns she destroyed, the buildings within them, trees, forests, elements and everything else that her hands have put to rest. As a result, she is able to summon an unforetold amount of familiars to her side during combat that are both living and non-living. Therefore, this ultimately gives a whole new meaning to the phrase: "One Man Army".

It's very possible for Mana to summon entire armies to fight alongside her when she is outnumbered on the field. However, like with all things, there is a limit to how much can be done. While it may be possible for her to summon millions of souls, this doesn't come without a cost. One of the first drawbacks is that it always takes energy to summon something. So, by that logic, the more familiars she happens to summon? Well, that's more energy that is required to be taken out of Mana and energy that will eventually deplete her. Once she has become weaken enough or her energy resources have been exhausted, summoning entire armies may become nothing more then a chore and she'll ultimately be forced to scale back on her plans majorly. Even more then that, if one is able to damage Mana while in this time, it's possible for some of her familiars to feel this pain as well and eventually disappear. This is because it takes quite a bit of effort on Mana's part to sustain this and it's not in her best interest to take too much damage in order to support their existence back into the realm of the living.

Finally, if too many souls are summoned, then Mana, if not in KQM, will possibly even revert back to a more physical body that can be damaged more easily until the summoning is over. That means if she reaches within the tens of millions of souls on the battlefield, then it may ultimately make her weaker because her body is using up a large amount of resources to sustain this massive feat. However, this doesn't mean she loses her regenerative proprieties either. She'll still be able to regrow her limbs, mend in the darkness and all of that; but it may be possible to do lethal damage to her vital organs unlike in her more powered states. Though, in KQM, this is delayed a bit by three post before these effects begin to really effect Mana. So, for the most part, Mana only bothers with summoning what she needs then reaching into a vast amount of resources she really doesn't need. Yet, the option is always there to summon her entire collection of souls if the situation calls for it.

Lastly, it's also worth knowing that those who are summoned by Mana have very variable levels of power. There are some groups who nothing more then five, four and three tiers; while there are others within her ranks that are far more powerful in strength. Therefore, some NPC's may be created in order to better establish some of the more stronger beings within Mana's core. Additionally, they can also be killed like any other person. So, once they are killed while outside of Mana, they are gone for good most of the time and lowers Mana's soul count. Thus, that's another factor Mana takes into consideration when bringing about this mass familiar summon and why she prefers to simply summon only so many at a time unless she has a certain battle tactic planned for whatever war she is fighting in. Furthermore, the more powerful souls that are summoned or if there is a large bulk of souls summoned on the field, there is often a time limit to how long Mana can sustain it. There is no definite set period, but it can range from three post to fifteen post. She may or may not stop it before then, but there will always be an amount of time to how long she can keep up the stronger souls within her or when she summons a large amount of souls at a given time. And, proceeding that, she'll often need a period of rest before even daring to attempt. Anywhere from 3-6 post to even get half-decent familiars.

[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] Image7423_zpsee384541

DE Traits

DE Traits: Mana possess all the DE Traits listed in this thread at her full disposal.

DE Class: Mana is a Class One DE User. This means that she is among the top one percent of other people who happen to use the DE Field. That means her and the handful of other Class One DE Users are second only to the Demon God himself. Thus, by obtaining this, she has hit a level of power where her first class DE skills have given her an immense mastery over the arts of Death. This has translated into her creating a variety of fierce some techniques, abilities and powers that are connected to the core of Death itself. She has even conjured up a DE Field has the potential consume most other lower users and has become extremely resistant to the Death and the DE Fields effects without facing some more critical effects as the lower classes do. Therefore, do NOT underestimate anything Mana throws at you from this trait in her powers.

Breakdown Tricks

Black Shower: If there is a large land mass of water or rain in the area, Mana can have black ink that's almost like acid, form on her scythe or nails and send it straight up into the water source. Then for a few post, depending on how large the water is, the ink will start to spread until it is ready to be used. Once ready, Mana can either gradually burn the person's skin, bones, reitsu and organs off by rain or do it in one foul swoop if there is a large mass of water.

Depending on your strength, though, you can slow down the effects and find help in time. If you are a five, four, three or two tier you can try to protect yourself by forming a barrier before it is usually overwhelmed within one or two post or simply running away from the battle all together. If you are a 1 tier, you may do the same but the chances of it holding up are better. The same go for 0 tier. It's also possible to stop this move all together by summoning enough fire to evaporate the water and burn death's reitsu. You can also seal it away or freee it.

Ashes To Ashes: Ashes to Ashes is a special death-type move Mana can use. It starts by a weird black ash cloud forming around her scythe for the length of one or two post. During this time period it is extremely susceptible to being easily destroy by simply it touching something or having an energy blast shot at it. Mana, however, will do all in her power to make sure this doesn't happen. After the attack is ready, she will swing her scythe towards her opponent and have a moderate sized plum of dust shower them with it.

During the course of three of post the opponent will begin to realize they withering away. Death's reitsu itself will begin to eat away at the person by instantly cutting off half of their reitsu, blackening their blood and lowing all their abilities. Then, when the 2nd post comes along the effects worsen their skin will start to turn jet black and fall right off and it will begin to get tougher to breathe as their lungs slowly die off. By the 3rd post, bones, organs and blood will begin to simply fall out and off of the opponent. By the 4th or 5th post if they haven't sought out help they will most likely die.

The way to counter this, however, is to either summon up most of your power by simply having your reitsu fight off the infection. If you are on a 5, 4, 3 or 2 tier it is impossible to fight this off with your reitsu unless you have some type of healing agent within your body. In this screanio, you should seek out the closet person who has healing ablities IMMEDIATELY and withdraw from the fight. If you are a 1 tier, you have a better chance of fighting it off, but your best bet would still be to heal yourself somehow. If you are on the 0 tier your chances go up greatly and if you are on Mana's level it is VERY possible for you to fight it off by simply powering up.

Another way to counter this, like I said before, is to find someone, something or someway to heal yourself and get rid of this reitsu from inside your body. So it is HIGHLY recommended you take someone who has healing abilities with you if you end up fighting Mana. Also, it is possible for fire users to boil or burn the reitsu out of their body as well or for ice users to freeze it in place until they can find help.

Reaper Traits

Reaping Of Souls: It is possible for Mana to reap the targets of which she kills either directly with her bare hands or indirectly with her energy. This is apart of the reason why she has such a long collective of hives within her being. The more things that she kills or destroys? The higher her count of familiars, souls and other trapped entities with her being rises. Think of her as a grim reaper of sorts. After obtaining her DE Field, she had obtained a miniature Personification of The Grim Reaper that allowed her to have access to trait. So much so that this isn't even a power or ability; it's more or less a natural trait her body can do regardless of the state of being Mana happens to be in. And, those that she kills are, by proxy, apart of Mana's natural self. Though, they hold their own separate energies for the most part. Meaning, most of the time, they can usually use whatever amount of power they had if they were alive. So, if they were 4 tier? Then they could generate power equal to a 4 tier; which is the bulk of it. But, if they were 0-2+? Then they could generate the power of a 0-2+.

However, based on how much power Mana's body can actually take, she isn't actually able to harness all of this power for herself. She has attempted to do so in the past, and did get a noticeable energy an extent. After pushing that limit, which is roughly energy equal to herself, it is not possible for Mana to become any stronger. If she were to do so, then there would be instabilities in her being that would otherwise make it very lethal, dangerous and unwise to use it. Thus, she does not hold the capacities to utilize the energy of every single being, person or thing she has destroyed. So, you must look to "The Army of The Damned" for how she using them instead and why this explains how they are entirely separate beings from Mana at this point, while ultimately being a natural part of Mana. Until Mana is slayed, they ARE Mana's soul and aren't at the same time.

The Reapers Eyes: Related to Mana's reaper capacities, Mana has obtained The Reapers Eyes. One of the first traits from the Reaper's Eyes that she has obtained is that these allow Mana to possibly sense an unfavorable outcome that could leader to her demise, passive or indirect threats to Mana's well being and ultimately any sort of Death Flag. An example of this, if someone were within the reign of vision where the Reaper's Eyes, while activated, had an intent to do harm to Mana with something that could do noticeable damage, it could be possible for Mana to get a sense of danger intuition and see a flash of a possible outcome for herself. During this flash, she would then see how, why, where and who would be doing the possible killing blow or actions that lead to her end. Thus, in this period, it would be up to Mana to conjure up a way in order to prevent that from occurring. Though, it's worth noting there may be some sort of delay, slow down or other type of force blocking Mana's reaction time with this.

Meaning, there is a possibility of Mana not getting the vision until it's simply too late. Such as if Mana is in a disoriented state of mind, she isn't paying much attention to her mind or if she is heavily distracted by something else. Therefore, during the time the Reaper's Eyes are activated, there does require a bit of focus if she wants the faster reaction time she can attain. In addition to that, there may not always be a way to stop something, or, as stated, it may have been too late to stop something. So, instead, The Reaper's eyes in this situation usually give Mana alternatives, solutions or possible outcomes to reach that are within her power. Such as if she had been pierced in the heart, it would give Mana certain spells needed in order to get the opponent off of her and then repair the wound with magic. On higher levels, this does hold the potential of learning certain variables and mechanics of attacks if they directly make contact with her body, rather it be tangible or intangible, and begin to cause her impending death.

Such as if someone had hit her a Kidō attack that binded her soul. In this instance? There may be a chance for her body to analyze the attack, learn SOME of it's mechanics and figure out a vague notion of how to stop it, negate it or otherwise try to avoid taking any further damage to it with the knowledge Mana has of it and her capacities. It's also worth noting that she can see indirect Death Lines to those whom she has relationships with. Meaning, she is able to see the possible Death Outcomes for those who are her friends, family or other relationships. Say for instance Asheli was in the line of fire of a sniper and Mana's Reaper Eye saw that. If she were willing to? She could possibly help save her sister avoid taking the bullet by simply using her speed to grab her and fly away from the range of death that she was previously in. Additionally, this also allows Mana to see other types of indirect deaths related to herself if the Reaper's Eyes catch a glimpse of it. Such as, if she were still a mortal human, a speeding car zipping down the street and giving her the precognition in order to simply dodge it to avoid getting caught up in the path of said car.

Lastly, as a minor trait, it's also possible for Mana to see the True Names of people that The Reaper Eye's catches. This allows her to at least know the true name of her target and can be useful if she wishes to deal with them later, research information about them and things such as that. Now, with all of that said, the drawbacks Of The Reaper's eyes mostly involve that it is not a constant ability. Meaning, Mana has to actually activate it. And, upon activation, there is usually some sort of green, exhaust flame seen being emitted from Mana's left eye that signals it's release. Leaving it to be concluded, by Mana, that this Reaper's Eye usually requires a low, but still noticeable amount of energy being sucked from Mana. Which ultimately results in her not being able to utilize it when her power or health dips below twenty five to fifteen percent during combat with another person.

And, one of the major limitations of this power, as stated earlier, is the reaper's eyes only applies to those within the direct line of Mana's path. Meaning, it's not possible for Mana to apply the Repaer's Eyes to anything that is indirect. But, it is possible for her to apply it to clones, but they must be infused with a sufficient amount of energy as The Reaper's Eyes requires a certain amount of power to wield it. So, if she were to apply them to her clones, this would generally deplete her energy resources and would not be wise to do in more critical situations. These clones would also be subjected to the same limitations of The Reaper's Eyes Mana do, but they'd have slightly more blocks put in place. For instance, if the Reaper's Eyes are placed in clones, then they typically have a one to five post limit of how long they can have the eyes activated depending on the amount of energy Mana infused, how much health Mana has and the overall amount of power Mana has in general. Therefore, it's not always in her best interest to have these clones with The Reaper's Eyes. Especially since they cause strain on Mana by having to maintain too many at once.

Note: Her familiars can also have The Repaer's Eyes, but with the same restrictions of the clones.

Necromancy Benefits

Snacking From The Dead: Whenever there is a massive slaughtering of people (Example: if there is an event thread and there is lots of death around or something along those lines) Mana is able to become stronger by the strong scent of death surrounding the area. In some cases, she is even able to suck out what remaining energy the corpses have and use it for her own. Even going as far to learn their abilities, memories and fighting style. However, all of this is only temporary. After the thread is over, she will no longer be able to use whatever power she claimed for she will have drained their energy. Only Touketsu has been known to keep that type of power in his own separate body.

Revival Gates: What is the Revival Gates? This was a technique that was originally apart of the Devata Body which is owned by The Demon God, Touketsu, in order to bring back varying souls from the dead to walk amongst the living as complete beings once again. However, after being in such close connection with this entity ever since the day she was transformed into a demon, Mana was able to adapt herself in order to learn a less powerful version of it. Infact, she has even went as far as to give it a new name so that she could claim it as her own as it took a one hundred years in order for her to master it to the point of being able to use it without needing Touketsu's assistance. That in it's self was a massive feat for a seemly newborn demon child such as Mana as this proved her skill and worth in perfecting a technique that was once apart of the Demon God's arsenal in the span of a few hundred years. Whereas even some of the most mightiest and eldest demon's that are currently residing in Demon World would have taken more centuries or thousands of years to catch up to where Mana's level currently is with this technique.

In any case, The Revival Gates is utilized through Mana's more then proficient mastery of the Demon Magic Arts, Soul Manipulation and Death Energy use. However, that isn't the only thing that is required in order to activate the Revival Gates. In order to begin this process Mana must have one of the following: a full body where the former spirit once occupied, any body part from a piece of hair, finger nail, limb or even saliva from the spirit's original body; any type of spiritual energy that the soul radiated while within their previous body or a general vicinity in which the person she wants to be revived would be at in any given realm. Through all of those means, Mana is able to generate a series of gates that are only seen by those who have a class one skill level in their DE Class in order to locate the exact position of where a recently deceased person's soul would be located at in whatever realm they would be inhabiting.

Although, once that stage begins, this is where it's effects begin to get rather tricky for even someone of Mana's caliber. You see, Mana may be able to bring the dead back to life, but even this has it's limits. For instance, Mana can only bring back those with little to no complications if they are a death that has occurred in the past one to three months. This means that if a character died rather recently, she stands a much better chance at bringing them back with their complete power in tact with little issues in using them. The longer she waits, however, the more side effects may eventually affect the person she is attempting to bring back. This is way it's very important she gets them within the first month of dying or else it gets more difficult for her to make use of this power, causes strain on the revived body and eventually makes it impossible for her to bring it back without something going wrong after the third month has passed.

Moreover, if she wishes to revive those who have long passed for a much longer period then that, she has a few choices she can do in order to bring their souls back to the plane of the living. The first option will be to bring their soul back, but place them in an entirely different body where their previous powers would be useless for them and they would have to build them back up over a duration of time. The second option would be to bring that person back with their powers in tact, but they would have a limited amount of time to where they could sustain their short-lived second life. In some instances this can last up to a few hours, to a few days, to a few weeks and in rare cases a year or so. In any case, it will come to an end and even this method still has complications for powers depending on the users skill set and how much effort Mana put into bringing their souls back to life. Lastly, a third method would be to bring that person back, but with half of their power, but there would still be many instances of instability within a person that could end up killing them again if they weren't strong enough to deal with it. There are many other similar deals Mana could make to bring a soul back, but those are the main three that she prefers to do and there must always be some sort of limitation, drawback or instability about those who long gone from the realm of the living.

Also, it is worth noting that when she performs this technique, it's not always instant. Varying from power to power, Mana can sometimes bring people back within 1-2 post; while others can take up to five post in some circumstances. This depends on how much energy Mana has to give to this technique, where her bodies overall health is, how strong the spirit she is trying to bring back is and anything occurring in her environment if she were in a major fight or something. So, to conclude, the Revival Gates is an ability that has many variables, but can be quite useful if applied in the correct way.

Note: It is also possible for Mana to enslave the revived by making use of her magic. This isn't like necromancywhere she is simply reanimating the body for a brief period and taking control of the bodies energy, this is actually restoring someone back to life. So, Depending on each set of spells that she has in order to make this possible, the effects of this can sometimes put a strain on her body depending on how long she does it, how many souls are enslaved and how strong each soul is.

The Final Power: Expiry Void

Expiry Void: Referred to by "The End" from even the eldest of Demon Overlords, this quite possible one of the most dangerous techniques that Mana has within her possession. It goes above her Demon Magic, beyond her shadow's, further then her own energy and near the point of effecting the gods themselves as this is quite possibly even stronger then her KQM State. It's an ability that even the Demon God himself noted to be rather cautious of and one not easily mastered by even the likes of itself or the being known as "Truth". Now, what is all the focus about Expiry Void about? It's rather simple, really. Essentially, with this power in Mana's arsenal, she has the capacity to completely erase physical objects, spiritual beings, metaphysical concepts and even almighty beings such as Demi-Gods similar to Kin or Iori and creatures near the grasp of Godhood such as Touketsu/Truth. If allowed to take full effect, the target can quite possibly be erased on every measurable level that is plausible. Every single bit of matter, every creation tied to them, every shred of energy and their entire conscious has the potential become completely eradicated entirely if this ability is allowed to take hold entirely.

Now, for the details of this ability? Expiry Voids works by taking the very essence of "Absolute Nothingness" and brings that out into the world around Mana in the form of "The Void". It was an unusual ability that started to flourish by the time she had received her DE prowess from Touketsu. In fact, from what she is able to understand herself along with the Demon God, this peculiar ability is quite possibly even connected to the physical embodiment of death itself and may be unconfirmed power set from his list of abilities. Thus, it would explain how she was able to impose this type of will throughout the universe around her. In any case, below, you will begin to get a clear idea of how Expiry Void is used. As, despite it's hefty ability, there is more to it then meets the eye. For, as much as Mana desires it to me a one touch and destroy system, it's not as easy as simply touching something and allowing it to fade away into a pure form of nothingness.

Expiry Void Drawbacks: Now, before getting too deep into the potential of Expiry Void, it is wise to go over it's drawbacks to know the nature of the beast you are dealing with. One of the first limiters that is placed on anything related to Expiry Void is the obvious toll it will eventually begin to take on Mana's energy supplies. As you well know by the wording of Expiry Void, this is a rather heavy ability and something not so easily trifled with. Therefore, due to the very nature of this power, summoning it in the world Mana can even have her own vast supply of energy begin to become depleted if she does not take precautions to properly manage this watch, observe her usage of the power and ultimately learn to make use of Expiry Void in a controlled matter. As, a misuse, abuse or otherwise overload of Expiry Void can lead to Mana being unable to use this ability, having issues with summoning her energy reserves and cause internal or external damage to Mana's body to make it easy for the opponent to cause damage to her until she is able to repair these injuries.

Additionally, if the power is mishandled or goes pass Mana's physical limitations, it can even begin to effect Mana herself. That is to say, once she begins losing control of this, it's possible in some instances that the void will begin to back fire and apply it's concepts to her body. Meaning, that she can be subjected to the void if she happens to be overtaken by it after having serious damage impacted into her body, falling under bodily fatigue from battle and otherwise not being in a clear state of body and mind. This will lead to inflicting further damage to her body, inducing possible blackouts to prevent Mana from further harming herself and quite possibly even destroying Mana if she isn't too careful or loses complete control of herself when pushing Expiry Void to or above the limits of her control. What's more, Touketsu himself has even noted that it's possible for Mana to die in a non-traditional way by accidentally eradicating parts of her psyche, emotions, memories, or even physical pieces OF HERSELF; to the point where she will have all but erased every thing that made Mana, Mana.

Moreover, although the concept is based off of "Absolute Nonexistence", it is not actually absolute in nature at all. Some of the weaknesses that this power has is that it can be combated against, on even ground, by life energy. That is to say, pure, untainted energy from the physical embodiment of life itself or someone who is able to manipulate/control life energy. This is because this is the pure antitheses to Mana's power and has a better chance of reducing it's effects, fighting back against Mana's will and possibly even stopping it altogether if the cards are played properly by the opposing party. It's also possible for "Life Force", the source of energy that keeps most living beings going, to be used in order to counteract it's effects. However, the opponent may need to push themselves to their limits as a large amount of it would have to be summoned to be effective against Expiry Void; meaning they could be teetering near the edge of death if they use too much of it.

It's also worth noting that holy energy may also be able to have some effects on it. This is because the summoning of Expiry Void is also tied to Mana, who seemly appears as the Satan incarnate to most people . However, it's not as potent as throwing life energy or life force at it. In terms of strength, throwing Holy/Angelic energy would have a little under half of the effects Life Energy/Life Force would have. Yet, it's still better then use then anything else. It would also be wise to summon extreme amounts of Holy Energy like with Life Force. Why? This is because that despite this weakness, you have to understand the amounts of impurity that runs within Mana's veins can often overpower, outmatch and otherwise destroy most types of opponents based off the power generated from her tier alone. So, with that said, summon as much holy energy as you can when fighting against Expiry Void.

Even more then that, since it is not entirely absolute, that means it can sometimes be fought against with traditional measures. It is possible for it to be fought back against with all sorts of energy, abilities, concepts and things of that sort. However, they'll all vary in terms of actual usefulness against Expiry Void. To give a clearer understanding of what I mean? Say for instance a fire user went on to do battle against Mana's Expiry Void and shot an immense way of fire equal to a Grand Ray Cero at her. If Mana shot a Void Wave right back at him with the strength of a Cero Oscuas, nine times out of ten that attack would probably be consumed and Mana's assault would proceed to blaze right through it to harm the opponent. Another example would be if someone tried combating this with some sort of magic/negation. Say if they shot something to otherwise negate, halt or stop her powers. If they didn't actually possess enough actual energy (See: tier) to cause any effect to Expiry Void, then it would most likely ignore/bypass the negation power and go on to hit the opponent regardless or what type of ability stopping power they had.

So, with all of that said, these are some of the conditions that are applied to Expiry Void. Now it is time to get into how it's actual use and how Mana has conjured up all sorts of ways to use this "Void" power.

Expiry Shield: Expiry Shield was intended to be a resource in order to increase Mana's overall defense. As it's unwise for her to constantly regenerate or take damage, in some situations she will call upon his void defense in order to deal with certain attacks that may cause a fair amount of damage to The Queen's body. It taps into the "void" at the cost of Mana's energy; so this shield isn't comprised of any sort of force, but it still cost's Mana energy in order to use for each turn that it is activated. As for what it is capable of doing? By utilizing the concept of "nothingness", Expiry Shield has the potential in order neutralize a wide variety of attacks that happen to hit this shield based on the difference in power between Mana, how much energy she is willing to put into it and the overall strength of the attack. Say, for instance, someone attempted to otherwise negate this ability by shattering it with a move that is able to cancel out things that the user touches? With Expiry Shield, based on the concept of the void, it would ultimately null the effects for the duration the shield is up and protect Mana.

Another instance would be if an entire military had began fire off all sorts missiles, bullets, plasma burst and other projectiles towards Mana location. By tapping into the void's power, Mana would be able to summon the barrier in order to have most of these attacks only end up causing damage to the barrier, but otherwise leaving her body unharmed if it was not powerful enough to be phased through. Then, when utilizing her energy or power, she is sometimes able to influence the objects which touched the Expiry Field and send them hurdling away or redirected altogether. Going on to have the void's effect, if touched, begin to seep into the object or person over a period of time to eventually decay them from the inside out. For most types of equipment or weapons? This can sometimes happen in the same post this occurs depending on the tool in question. For living beings? This may happen in the same post for six and five tier, one to two post for four and three tier, two to three post for those on two tier, three to four for those on one tier and up to five post for those who happen to be zero tier. However, with Mana's effort, magic and powers? It may be possible to accelerate this time.

Lastly, Mana is also to control how the Expiry Shield is formed. This means she can control the mass, shape, appearance, volume and pretty much transform the shield into anything she desires in order to prolong the usage of Expiry Shield. An example of what I mean is that Mana can transform Expiry Shield into a mass amount of liquid in order to splash it against a fire attack, increase the amount of time it's destroyed based on being a water-type element and then have the liquid shoot straight forward at the opponent in order to do damage. Or, for another instance, Mana can also control how wide, far or dense the barrier becomes. So, to conserve energy reserves, she typically has the barrier cover an area that is either constrained to her body or up to a one hundred meter area. Though, for certain burst, she can extend this area upwards of five mile radius at times; albeit it a high energy cost. Therefore, this makes Expiry Shield's potential go up even higher based on the versatile styles that it's capable of being used as for Mana.

Drawbacks to Expiry Shield: It is worth noting that Expiry Shield isn't some automatic form of protection for Mana that will always ensure her safety. So, one of the first drawbacks to technique is that it usually takes up a decent amount of power each time it's summoned or for however long it's summoned. Thus, while Mana's energy reserves may be quite massive, it is usually not recommended to always use for extended or repeated periods in combat unless there is some external energy resource that can handle this workload. Yet, even if Mana is able to somehow obtain that outermost power, it wouldn't mean anything if her body could not endure it. Even with all of her magic, Expiry Void still takes it's gradually toll on Mana's body while using it's powers. If Mana's body started to feel fatigued, despite having the energy to keep it up, the effects of the shield may end up weakening in addition to some of Mana's other powers.

What's more, it is possible to damage the Expiry Shield through repeated attacks that are high in varying holy, positive or otherwise Angelic energies. In most first time instances, Mana is able to block out most attacks like that, but continued assaults by these types of attacks will be able to sink through the barrier and hit Mana with their overall damage rate lowered. This can apply for energies non-related to them, but it would take a longer period to do so. Lastly, based on the energy drawbacks, Mana tends to mostly summon this shield for quick periods in order to deal with a certain attack, condense in extremely small area's or tries to otherwise monitor her use for it so abuse can be avoided.

Last edited by [THEFROST] on Sat Sep 27, 2014 9:33 pm; edited 10 times in total
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[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] Empty Re: [Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating]

Thu Oct 18, 2012 3:44 am

[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] JCRrxmK


[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] Image7449_zpsefd06729

Information About The King And Queen Merge: This is the one and only ascended state Mana has achieved. Compared to most demon's having two or three different states they can unlock, it seems she was stuck with an odd handicap from most people's prospective. However, what they do not know is that within this state Mana unites her soul with Touketsu's consciousness and attains a much more powerful state in the process. So, from that information, this transformation causes a very profound jump in overall strength that caused her to eventually remove her previous ascended state altogether as it was simply too much for her to handle. Mana had tried time and time again to try and master the previous state above The King And Queen Merge, but failed miserably and nearly ended up getting herself killed quite a few times due to the insane after effects it had from descending from that state of being, the immense amount of stress that was put on her body, the rapid amount of energy that left her body during the duration of this form and that Touketsu himself wasn't even whole; meaning that this ascended state was impossible for a mere mortal such as Mana to attain all by herself.

The Release: As for how Mana unlocks it? The King And Queen Merge begins by Mana summoning her trusty scythe directly in in front of herself in order to establish a hidden link between the two of them. This weapon will be a vital point in Mana attaining this ascended form due to the fact that it is actually an extremely high class demon ritual that requires something forged by the Demon's body themselves. Well, what would be the natural thing to select for this immense demon ceremony? The scythe that Mana wields by her side, of course. That scythe was created directly by Queen Mana's own life energy and is one of the things that she holds close to her heart due to all the journey's they've been through together. So, with that being the case, it would be naturally inclined that this would be the first key in attaining The King and Queen Merge. The other part of this ritual that is needed is a very high sacrifice. Usually, to make this requirement, Mana often takes the lives of many innocents that happen to be around her. Thus, large amounts of blood are scarified to the Demon God along with her own at times.

When this process is complete, a large circle of dull, grey fire will surround Mana for around fifteen or to twenty meters in every direction. This signifies that Mana is ready to complete phase two of this intense demon ritual. Part two of this ceremony will require that Mana dissembles her scythe down on a microscopic level in order for it to be used to tear a hole inside of the seal placed in Ketsu's body in order for Touketsu to let his consciousness free for a time being. If this section of the demon spell is complete, the flames will instantly rise one hundred feet in the air and expand for one hundred meters as they become a dark red color. Eventually, the flames will begin to close in on Mana and take a sphere shape. This is Touketsu's influence taking a greater hold on her body; causing it to go through changes on the inside.

That is when the third part to this ritual will begin as the changes are occurring. In order to bring about such an amazing feet, more sacrifices are needed. While fighting off the hellish flames, Touketsu's direct influence over her and fighting to stay alive; this ceremony will require that nearly half (around 49%) of Mana's energy be cut away from her body for the time being. This will make it to where she cannot use her full power for one thread. If she is able to withstand all of that, make all the needed sacrifices and prove herself worthy, then the flames will disband across the battlefield. However, they won't be going in any ol' random direction. No. These flames will spread for nearly ten miles and darken the skies to better suite Mana's dark nature and make it easier for her to use her demon powers in her already enhanced state. All of this should happen within one minute or so; signaling that Mana's transformation in her KQM state has reached near completion.

Now, with the skies set ablaze, Mana should be seen standing above all in a new form with terrifying power. The transformation and release of her KQM state of being being finished. This will bring a whole new realm of fighting for both Mana and whoever she is fighting. For now, she wields the might of King Touketsu himself with her blade.

Appearance: When Mana is done ascending to her King Queen Merge, she will take on a radically different appearance then what she was previously. For starters, her hair becomes drastically longer. Instead of hanging around her shoulder tips, it extends downwards to her lower back. While in KQM, her hair has also been noted to change from a deep shade of black to gradually becoming red at the bottom or top as she increases in power. In other words, her hair is actually a good source of information to seeing how fair along the transformation and efficiency her KQM State has become. Moreover, Red is a very strong theme in KQM Mana because it represents the dominance that The Demon God's original body has over Mana. Therefore, it changers her eyes, reitsu color, claws and even parts of her clothing into varying shades of red throughout the duration she is in this combined state with the Demon God. Therefore, a good way to tell that his influence is steadily leaving her is if these red area's begin gradually lessen in color and eventually dim back to black; which signifies the end of KQM.

Moving onward, Mana's horn also seem to take on a slightly different appearance. Unlike before where each of the horns resembled a vertebrae that had each tip crafted out of three tips joined at the end, the horns in which she grows while in KQM are more curved in shape and predominantly black in color, but turns to red as it reaches the tip of the horns. And, much like the rest of her, the gauntlets that Mana once wore have changed quite a bit. Instead of being mere weapons, they've actually been infused into Mana's being while in KQM and are considered a physical part of her. Those, they maintain the powers of Black Claw Shredder while taking on a more skeletal appearance in the form of claws. In addition to that, there also appear to be changes to her attire when transforming into the King Queen Merge.

One of the first changes to her attire that is noticeable is that she appears to be that most of her former Gothic attire has disappeared. In it's place, she is commonly seen wearing a pair of thigh-length shorts in black that goes along together with a bikini top and a jacket that extends into a worn-out cape which is dyed red at the end. Thus, as with most of the other traits Mana has while in KQM, the stronger she becomes? The more bright and radiating the cape becomes until it eventually has flame exhaust in more stronger states of being while King Queen Merge is in effect. She also appears to have some sort of armor on her legs that can be mistaken for boots. And, like everything else, it to seems to fluctuate in power in accordance with how far Mana has gone into the King Queen State. Appearing to be mostly black in color at the beginning of the transformation, while later going on to be a gradient between red and black and ultimately becoming full blown red when Mana has fully tapped into the potential of the King Queen Merge.

And, as one of the final noticeable changes to Mana when she transforms, her aura seems to be much more intense and vibrant as it transitions from her traditional green to a bright red a majority of the time she is released. Then, once this last alteration is complete, a red flame will begin to shoot out from her left or right eye and signify the end of the overall transformation process. By this time, she'll also have a large sword, roughly half the size of her, with golden blade and a black saw-edge on its reverse side. It appears to have a long handle with a skull-like object on top and a hilt shaped like a crescent. Mana appears to have given it the name Dead Saw since it has apparently become the New Dead Master while in KQM.

KQM Powers

Weapon Infusion: When Mana ascends into her King Queen Merge, nearly all of Mana's weapons are infused into her body. For those that aren't? If she has wielded it before, Then she can retain the ability while in her release. Now, following up with the weapon merger, she has a large sum total of artillery to use. These range from her personal weapons, those she has obtained from Shadow Fall or those she has squired through alternative means such as buying or crafting them herself. And, from all this stock, as mentioned before, can perform every technique, power, ability, function or trick that her equipment or weaponry can do. In addition to that, it's also possible to generate more copies of them while in KQM to use on the battlefield. However, these are often limited to ten copies per weapon as they are tripled in strength, more durable then previously and may have extended powers from the release of Mana into her King Queen Merge. It also appears they take a bit of energy to create as well.

Deveta's Gift: When KQM is activated? One of it's first benefits is that Mana wields some of the same powers that Touketsu is capable of performing. As a result? This allows for most of her racial skills to be temporarily augmented to Grand Mastery level. With The Demon God himself having a perfect mastery over a race he created, it's only natural, that while in this state, Mana would wield the same type of aptitude as he does. Even more then that, this little boost will even apply to most of Mana's other skills. From General Skills, to DE Control and Will Skills. However, unlike with her racial traits, only her weakest areas will be boosted by two. So, in her general section, that would boost her strength up to master, mental deduction to Grand Master and Semi-Immortal to Grand Master. Everything else will be risen by one level to bring the overall threat-level to Mana, while only in King Queen Merge, to an extraordinarily high level. Yet, there is more to this power then a simple boost in functioning.

The Gift of Deveta also allows for Mana to take most of her previous powersets to levels not yet seen before. Meaning, that while in KQM, she is able to shorten cooldowns on her attacks, decrease the limitations of her powers and increase the capacities of all of her abilities. Ranging from her demon powers, all weapons associated with Mana, any unique abilities she may have and all of her DE Field's functions. Ultimately making everything she could do before...that much better while in this merged state with Touketsu. Turning her into twice the threat she was previously. In fact, on the note of things associated with Mana? It even wields the capacity to temporarily augment most other equipment that The Demon Queen may or may not be using. Tools related to Shadow Fall, any weapon that isn't already infused with her and even being able to increase the efficiency of up to two to four people of her choosing to levels near her own. Making Mana, while in KQM, an opponent quite difficult to deal with if she is with others.

Yet, this is still not the primary focus of Deveta's Gift. The main function of this attribute is that it allows Mana to tap into the prowess of the Demon God himself. In other words, she can wield most of the same types of powers or abilities that Touketsu himself uses while she is in KQM. Although they may not be at the same level of strength as he wields them, Mana believes she has enough control and force behind them, when in conjunction with her own powers, to more then make up for it. So, she estimates that she has OVER half of the same potency as Touketsu's, but it isn't at the same level as he does. Therefore, that makes using some of his non-passive attributes more difficult or straining for Mana to use. It takes quite a bit of resistance to not be consumed by this sort of power, yet alone wielding it as if it were her own. Turning it into quite the drawback when it comes to this sort of ability associated with her KQM form.

While Mana may be allotted some of the Demon God's power while in this fused state, this does not mean she doesn't suffer huge energy drawbacks. Mana can only keep this form up for so long before she begins to feel rather ill, the bodily side effects begin to surface, her energy begins to rapidly deplete and before long she begins to even have malfunctions when using Deveta or her own powers. Therefore, she needs to constantly keep track of what she is doing while in this state in order to avoid taking any unnecessary waste or risks. Otherwise, any misuse of this will end up only serving to have her expend energy and then drag her back down to her base form. Ultimately leaving her exhausted, fatigued and finally being pushed to her limits if she had went too far while in the King Queen Merge. Translating into the fact that Mana needs to be cautious, ruthless and precise in her attacks when this transformation is called upon to make the most of this powerset and her augmented powers.

Deveta's Eyes: This is one of the first perks of transcending into her King Queen Merge. While this form is activated, Mana is able to have her Reaper's Eyes constantly activated unlike in her previous state. In addition to that, the limitations, drawbacks and cool downs are lessened a bit while in this transformation. Unlike before where The Reaper's Eyes were constrained to only being able to see possible death flags in Mana's direction version, it is very possible for it to now be used indirectly and with different types of objects or energies that are associated with Mana. An example of this would be if there was someone intending to do bodily harm to Mana from behind? There is a high chance she would be able to see it coming by having a brief flash of the most likely outcome if they did succeed; thus having time to prepare herself or counter. Or, if someone even a whole continent away was planning something? If they were within the Shadow's or near a Shadow, The Reaper's Eyes while in KQM could possibly see it coming and give Mana the knowledge needed in order to deal with it by tapping into Mana's ability to control the shadow's. Thus, any extension of Mana's self can be used while in this extremely accelerated state of being.

However, this isn't without it's own unique limits. One of the first is she has to activate this function of The Reaper's Eyes which will drain a bit more of her energy as it covers her entire reach of this ability. And, unlike before, Mana is only limited to using it in that wide of a range two times per post before she needs a two to three post cool down. During this time, she'll mostly be restricted to indirect methods within a two thousand meter radius. There is also a four to five time usage per thread for this trait of The Reaper's Eyes because of the massive range. In addition to that, there is still a blind spot KQM Mana seems to be unaware of. If one were to attack her from a 90 degree wedge angle, The Reaper's Eyes may not be able to anticipate it. Even more then that, even indirectly, it still relies on Mana's extensions or energy-sense being able to perceive the threat. Therefore, those who are cloaked, hidden or otherwise stay out of the line of fire can have the upper-hand by planning a covert attack on KQM Mana.

Now, moving onward to the other functions, while in her released state, the strain of holding multiple Reaper's Eyes are lessened. This stress is still there, but Mana has more resources at her disposal while in this state in order to deal with it. That translates into her familiars and clones alike being able to fewer restrictions, less cool downs and more usage of The Reaper's Eyes. Instead of being restricted to eight to ten post, most of Mana's clones while in this state will often be able to use it for upwards of fifteen to twenty post. While those who are her familiars will also be placed within that range; though it may be lower or higher depending on the overall strength each individual familiar possesses. It also seems to result in them having stronger reaction times; which makes their Reaper's Eyes more superior then before as they are able to see more threats coming and their all synced upwards with Mana and the other familiars or clones on the battlefield.

With that said, the true benefits of Deveta's Eyes begin to shine now that the adjustments to The Reaper's Eyes are completed. One of the first traits of Deveta's Eyes is that Mana is able to see most types of otherworldly or natural types of energies with her naked eyes. This vision can pierce through most dimensional planes that are within an area, the inside of someone's soul, layered levels of existence within the area and even some parts of time and space. This ultimately means that Mana can perceive all sorts of energies that even some of the most clever of abilities or tricks attempt to hide for her. This allows her ways to otherwise tamper with it if she can perceive it. Such as using Black Dead Saw to cut a stream of spiritual energy off in one area in order to cancel out attacks, or destroy a five hundred meter radius of external Chaos Energy or Chi Energy.

In addition to that, The Eyes of Deveta also allow her to adapt very quickly to most types of attacks that may come here way due to the very nature of being able to keep track of these powers. So, for instance, if someone shot a cero at Mana? Deveta's Eyes would be able to breakdown the power remotely, unlike with having it actually have to hit Mana like with the Reaper's Eyes. This could lead to her possibly knowing the makeup, mechanic's and functions of an attack that happens to come within a one hundred meter radius of her and she has time to process this through her mind. Then, by doing so, she is able to make the alterations needed in her body in order to better become resistant to the attack made on her or block it out altogether depending on what she decides to do or how much time she has to react. Faster attacks often make this power much more difficult to harness unless she is able to adjust her perception of time.

Cataclysmic Force: It is unclear just what type of energy KQM DOES have. After reaching this near-god like power, she has essentially reached a level of power that is completely unreadable, immeasurable and incomprehensible to even conceive to even the most powerful creatures in the known universe. Only similar deities such as the Soul King or Truth can make sense of this type of force. What's more, KQM Mana believes that this energy most likely has nearly every tangible force possible. There are some that this form doesn't have, such as Heaven and Angelic energies. Really, anything with a similarly positive divine quantity is off-limits for him. However, what is known is that she has access to Spiritual Energy, Chaos Energy, Demon Energy, Death's Energy, Dark Chi Energy, Hell's Energy, Secular Energy, Astral Energy and different types of Magical Energies. There is the possibility for more types of natural energy; so KQM Mana considers herself to essentially be a master of nearly every type of force possible.

Therefore, even at five percent of this total power, it would be possible for KQM Mana to easily fight on par with ninety percent of the Earth's population without much effort. That is how much of a dramatically insane level of strength her energy has the potential to create. If she were to jump to twenty percent of his power, then even the ninety percent of those who possess some of the world's strongest fighters would still be easy enough for The Demon Goddess to do battle with. And like Deveta, KQM has even reached a point where she often tries to keep herself at a base of 0.1% to 25% of his power as it's possible to easily cause all types of natural disasters, destruction, annihilation of elements, removal of ozone layers, decaying of barrier's and other types of similar constructs can all be decimated when he begins to raise in his Cataclysmic Force against a notable opponent who deems worth the time and effort to awaken this kind of power inside of himself.

At full power, KQM Mana surmises, if she should ever come to that point it may be possible to even destroy existence itself with his raw force. This is a scary thing for her and Deveta as this could be the end of everything that gives Deveta amusement and it would be a pain for him to reconstruct it; even with his large access of different energy sources. Therefore, it is almost impossible for Touketsu or KQM to ever reach this point as it would be the end of everything if no type of warrior, deity, force, creature or soul is able to generate enough power to balance them out. Therefore, it is only assumed he would use this true strength against the likes of the Soul King or Truth if it should ever reach that point in a cosmic battle that will be one of the most frightening confrontations for the universe to see.

  • Sanlagna Saktiyāṁ: (Enclosed Powers; संलग्नशक्तियां) This is essentially what keeps the balance inside of Touketsu's body, and thus much of the same can be said for KQM Mana. Seeing she he cannot fully realize Deveta's power the way as he once was during the period in which his power had sky-rocketed to godhood levels, he and KQM Mana have had to make due with this seal. Commonly seen on his forehead in most of his humanoid forms, this circular seal keeps KQM Mana's form from only being able to use a maximum of 25% of his true power. What does this mean? Well, it ultimately spells out that she cannot ever utilize his complete force under any circumstance. Even if an external force attempted to shatter this sealing, after having this compressed in his body and all others associated with it, Deveta himself and KQM Mana would not immediately lose control of himself due to his power being so heavily enclosed. Now, you may be wondering where that other 75% of this power is going? Instead of trying to harness all that energy inside of himself, Touketsu finds it rather easy to spread this out evenly amongst his race.

    It has led to him, and by proxy, KQM Mana, being able to communicate telepathy with others of the Demon Race, transferring their influence inside of others in the case of Mana's transformation to begin with and Abaddon's King Queen Merger and King God Merger, transferring this line of energy into multiple different bodies that are connected to him and essentially it's all be used without taxing his body. As, if this was all placed back inside of Deveta or KQM Mana, each would begin to become too unstable to use this power. Eventually killing the user even if they could not figure out a way to get back in control of himself as their mental instability would steadily begin to creep up on them. Luckily, each of them has encrypted this seal enough in order bypass varying effects that could possible tamper with it. An example of this would be if someone who had a negation power attempted to disrupt seal, KQM Mana or Deveta could simply attempt to summon a mirror of that power and have the two cancel each other out before the effects could reach the seal in time for it to have much use against them.

Omi-Will: It has been displayed that Touketsu has variable levels of what appears to be Omnificent Attributes; which is essentially the process of creating something from nothing. The Demon God itself believes this ability was bestowed to him as apart of being birthed relatively around the same period as THIS universe. After analyzing his body for many countless years, he has considered that there is a strong possibility that he has even become part Danava. Based on the fact their a sub-species of demon which materialize their powers based on different concepts, ideals, origins and other contracts of the known universe, it isn't too far fetched for Touketsu to believe this Deveta body was born from that race. Argo, he accredits the fact that his origins possibly lay in creation, formation, beginnings or birth in his reasoning for obtaining this power to bring something from nothing. That logical conclusion is what Deveta has come to believing in order to begin forging the constructs which birthed the Demon World, alongside the universe it inhabits and bringing forth the Demon Race itself by asexually producing the first generation of them from his own body.

However, there are obvious drawbacks to this. Following the lost of his true godhood, Touketsu found itself mostly limited to creating abstracts that already exist in a spiritual or universal form. For instance, Deveta could not simply create some sort of force in the universe that could automatically destroy all life as we know it. Instead, in order for that occur, it would attempt to use something which is already made possible in this known universe; rather it be physical or metaphysical. Thus, in this scenario, it could be possibly that DE Force would be a viable solution to that problem. Conjure up a destructive plague on a spiritual and physical level, spread it throughout the globe and observe rather or not it's effective in dipping down the population. Should that not suffice? Then produce enough energy to possibly melt away the ozone layer and have people subjected to the effects of raw solar radiation.

Another drawback in which this body seems to have in regards to creation is that it tends to take a toll on Deveta. By this, the being begins to notice that it's energy resources begin to dry up, the body begins to stress out and it is up to Touketsu to figure out a way to relieve this issue. If left unchecked, he's noted that these abilities tend to stop when he reaches his limit; which was essentially crafting the universe in which the Demon Race inhabits. However, since that was in non-combat, Deveta believes that while in the hells of war, he probably could produce global scale use of this attack; but that it wouldn't be wise or in his favor to do so. Meaning, there must be some obvious limitation or he would no hesitate to use the full extent of his power at the drop of a hat.

Lastly, and most notability, just because Deveta is able of conjuring up most known contracts, doesn't mean they always react to his will or are even safe for himself. The most obvious race is The Demon Race itself. Despite the fact that he may have started to the mainstream Demon Race, does not mean that he can control all of his children, that all demonic beings will listen to his call or that they won't even rise up against him. This also includes other forces such as holy energy, which most likely would backfire upon Deveta attempting to use it based on his satanic nature.

x Surpassing Law: Since Touketsu was one of the original forces in the universe based on the fact that he was born at the same instance ours was, it should not be a surprise that he holds the ability to not manipulate, but control almost everything within the known universe. What does this translate to? Well, since Touketsu is existence itself in some aspects, he holds the ability to simply adjust everything to his liking so long as he has the energy to do so. For instance, if someone were to shoot some type of binding to try and seal Touketsu, he could simply use Surpassing Law in order to take away a majority of the energy that is required to keep the seal up in order to ultimately render it useless or destroy it altogether. A more brutal example would be that Touketsu could even kill out mass populations of people without even batting an eyelash by simply taking away the required forces, power or even life energy that it takes to keep a spirit, a living body or even beings that do not exist from living. In this instance, to make things, if Touketsu had the energy to sacrifice from himself, he could essentially rip the life force out of most beings if they could not find a means to counter his overwhelming power, control and mastery of all things within both the known AND unknown universes.

More examples of this power on a grand scheme of thing is that Touketsu is even able to surpass his own and other people's limit's. In Mana's case, Touketsu was able to greatly awaken her hidden powers that she possessed from her former Ziamichi Spirit and thus help her surpass her human limits. On a more extreme level, if Touketsu wished, he could remove all limits across the planet Earth. What would occur if he were to do such a feat? Well, the citizens whom inhabit Earth, in said example, would see increasing rates of beings becoming semi-immortal's, many would not be effected by Death; while others would simply go on to a stage well beyond Death's control, their powers would reach extreme new high's and the impossible would not become possible or impossible; instead, those notions could be removed altogether by Touketsu in order to create a new force that is limited by how far a person's imagination could take their new found existence. Though, in this instance, this state would not last forever if Touketsu HIMSELF, not the beings who are now unbound, could not find something to sustain this existence.

Surpassing Law Limitations: As stated previously, one of the main limitations in regards to Surpassing Law is that is only limited to how much energy Touketsu has to sustain it. Meaning, Touketsu cannot rely on outside sources. Thusly, the Devata body must ensure it has enough internal power in order to supply this taxing ability. In addition to that, when applied to certain living beings, not everything always goes as planned. A display of this would be Touketsu, or rather Devata, fighting against a 0-2+ type character. Devata's first move would most likely be to try and zap that person of their life energy. If the person is strong enough, it is possible for Touketsu to only do 1/4 of the damage if they are able to figure out a way to counter it through the use of barriers, spells or other types of abilities or techniques. So, it is very possible to fight against the tide of Surpassing Law on some level's if you are a living being or know some sort of way to protect yourself. The main thing that makes this a challenge is the amount of power, energy and other hidden forces that Touketsu has in this ability in addition to his overall strength that makes it so decimating to get around.

Additionally, another limitation that Surpassing Law has is that it is harder to use for Touketsu in realms outside of Earth and Demon World. Yes, he can still used them in other types of realms and he seems to fair pretty well on the outside, but it is certainly harder to try and use these powers in something he was not apart of creating or was there to birth. So, for instance, if Touketsu was fighting in the Soul Society, Surpassing Law would require more energy in order to control the existence of things inside of it. And thus, this would eventually become taxing to Touketsu if he were using Surpassing Law on top of his other powers, additional bodies and while fighting an army of people. Thus, when fighting in outside realms, Touketsu usually tries to watch himself when using Surpassing Law to make sure he doesn't over-do it.

KQM Mana Skill Sheet

(This is due to Deveta being the creator of Demon's and thus the master of those techniques. This is only applicable during KQM State)

Racial Skills
  • Za Koa Skill: Grand Master
  • Demon Magic: Grand Master
  • Shadow Movement: Grand Master
  • Akuma Kyōdo: Grand Master

Last edited by [THEFROST] on Sat Sep 27, 2014 9:37 pm; edited 10 times in total

[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] WVMWLOu
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[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] Empty Re: [Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating]

Tue Jul 09, 2013 5:11 am

[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] JCRrxmK


[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] Image7453_zpsceab3c30

The Sword of Rapture

» Atma Vatou Name: The Sword Of Rapture

» Atma Vatou Appearance: The Sword Rapture is quite a peculiar looking weapon. For starters, the outer edge of the blade is engulfed in what appears to be a emerald gem flame. While, within the inner edge of the sword, a purely charcoal shaded flare can be seen; with a hint of white sealed into the center of it from time to time. Extending down to the cross-guard, this section of the sword is also engulfed by a blackened fire. Turning attention towards the pommel, one would then notice a similar gem-green flare as the outer-edge. Being that this is summoned by Mana's own essence, it also does not require a seathe to hold; as it is stored somewhere within the contents of The Demonesses being.

With all of that said, it's worth noting that Mana is capable of extending the blade itself to an impressive length. By focusing her energy into a precise location of it, it's possible to extend The Sword of Rapture to a staggering one mile length in a single direction. Making for devastating slashes if she so decides to push herself to that level of destruction and warfare during a battle. For the origins of this Atma Vatou, Mana believes it was comprised out of a desire for destruction, but within a moderated dose. As to ensure the eradication of all life was not possible, but a flourishment of contained chaos could be produced

» Atma Vatou Abilities:

Chaos Core: Infused within this blade is a small energy core which has enough power invested in it to allow the effects of this sword to take place without wearing down on Mana much. Of course, Mana could add her own force into the Sword of Rapture to make it's effects that much more potent and effective, but it isn't necessarily required. For as long as this embodiment of chaotic energy is embed into the blade, there will generally be a source of fuel for this blade to devour. All it will take for The Demoness to carry out it's abilities if some form of mental communication with the blade and envisioning the attacks in mind. Though, like anything else, The Sword of Rapture will eventually run out of juice if too much of it's energy is used in one go. It will eventually restore itself back to normal, but it isn't practical much in battle unless Mana finds an external fuel source to feed into the sword.

Lethal Cutting Ability: As a failsafe in case someone were able to disrupt her other attributes, this blade has an absurd amount of striking power vested within it's contents. For, Even if this weapon was striped down to it's bare natural state, it would still retain it's immense cutting power. The blade itself, even without any sort of power or Mana's own special enhancements, is capable of slashing through reinforced steel as if it were nothing more than butter as a testament of how powerful the average blow can be on something physical. It's potential can even go as far going toe to toe with some of the masters of hand-to-hand combat should their blows come into contact with this weapon. Making it quite the durable piece of equipment to have when nothing else is left to spare on the battlefield.

More than that, though when Mana focuses in onto the sword with her strength, she is capable of easily dicing through a barrage of cero's and bala's being thrown by her influence upon the Sword of Rapture. This is due in part to the fact that it was crafted by highly potent forces in it's conception. By investing the powers which Chaos reigns upon, this gathering of calamitic energy resulted in an immensely precise and very thorough blade being produced. One able to slash against the likes of spiritual or physical based attacks that happen to come into it's way. Therefore, when combating Mana while she is armed with this blade, heh, you better be on your toes. One false move and she'll easily ensure that your entire platoon of men and you yourself are wiped out in a single strike.

Catosphere Based Summoning: This is where the true power of The Sword Of Rapture comes into play. Taking strong elements from Mana's Chaos Affinity, this blade is capable of unleashing it's effects onto the world around her in many sorts of strange ways. However, to understand this fundamental aspect of this Atma Vatou, you must first be able to comprehend the concept of Discordia and the Cataclysms it brings. When there is a great surge of Chaos in the world, there is always great disaster and destruction in it's wake. The Sword of Rapture, for all intents and purposes, contains these transpiring events into one simple blade. Ranging from the rage of an Earthquake in the wake of a chaotic natural disaster, the overwhelming nature which is the lethal Tsunami wave, the venom of Pestilence following a great plague that leaves a nation crippled or even the likes of devastating cyclone; there are many sorts of different elements which can be associated with The Sword of Rapture. Henceforth, so long as Mana can piece them together, it's quite possible to harness the strength of this blade to summon them to the field in a variety of ways.

For instance, if she were to take the element of a massive seismic release from an Earthquake, Mana could attempt call upon this force in the universe for Discordia's name. In doing so, The Demoness will attempt to redirect this force it into the opponents blade when they clash and attempt to shatter their by unleashing it's immense vibrations from that element upon the opponents blade. Or, in another illustration, if she summoned the attributes from the force produced from something like pestilence, she could use these elements in order to generate a series of sword strikes meant to invoke infestation of the different object it touches. What this means, in other words, is that if she were to channel this plague-based effect into something like a nature user who uses wood, then she could essentially rot out that plant-type creature with the effects of her blight formulated from the sword.

So as you can see from those two primary examples, this sword can craft a wide variety of effects as it is. To add more fuel to the fire, it has some alterations on the environment as well. Say if Mana were to pierce this blade into the ground beneath her feet. From it's chaotic effects, it could be very probable that she could summon an immense eruption of lava from out of the Earth; one which could begin melting everything in it's path along with scattering flames and rubble across a large area roughly the size of a few city blocks if she so desired. Or, in another instance, she could strike her Blade into the waters of a murky ocean in order to corrupt it with her chaos element. From there, the waters would be under her control in order to create a massive burst of waves which will produce a Tsunami to swallow most targets in the line of fire with acidic effects within the liquid itself for further damage.

With all of that said, something this massive isn't without it's drawbacks and limitations. One of the first limitations of The Sword of Rapture is that it is generally limited to two to four chaotic effects per post. This means she cannot continually spam something like a meteor produced by the blade; for it will eventually drain the energy inside of the blade out or the energy from Mana if she decides to channel her force into it. Furthermore, if sufficient enough damage to Mana is generated, then the potency of this blade's attack will eventually lower and become more a bit more bearable to endure as the battle continues on if she does not figure out a way to heal the damage done to herself. Making it essentially something connected towards Mana's own being, more or less.

The Essence Of Turmoil

» Atma Vatou Name: The Essence of Turmoil

» Atma Vatou Appearance: This Atma Vatou is a rather different one. Being that it is infused within Mana's Blood, it definitely has no shape. And while other abilities may craft Mana the capacity to forge different weaponry from her body, The Essence of Turmoil is a rather different one. Being that it has no one form, this is a weapon which most come forth out of The Queen's own mental command and environment of the power; so that it is no mistaken for anything else. From there, she may generally craft the shape of The Essence of Turmoil as she sees fit. Generally, however, it takes the form of a emerald-green, amorphous mass of shadow's that appear to have razor sharp edges to them. Most of them also seem to generate from the back or sides of The QUeen's body.

They are as durable as other parts of The Demonesses body as well; meaning that they also seem to possess her immense regeneration and shapeshifting capacities. Making it quite the lethal weapon to encounter on the battlefield. She can often use them for extra appengeda when needed in order to overwhelm the opponent by producing large quantities of them and infusing the effects of Tainting Claw into them. Adding more to the dangerous capacity this weapon possess within it's depths.

More than that, from what she has also gathered by the construction of this particular Atma Vatou, Mana has also deduced that the reason it obtained it's very peculiar shape is based upon he meeting both she and Ashlei had. In their union, the transfusion of each others blood took place within the core of The Hollow Queen. Being that this meeting induced such great feelings within The Demonness, the resulting form of her Atma Vatou was crafted. Henceforth, it took some of Ashlei's bloody elements, the passion The Demon Queen felt for her and merged it into one unholy weapon for Mana to use.

» Atma Vatou Abilities:

Tainting Claw: Tainting Claw's origins lay deep within the notion that Madness spreads like a virus. Tapping further into her Danava instincts, this ability is awakened by the need to further increase the amounts of lunacy in the world around her. So, as you can tell by that and the name alone, it obviously has a tainting nature to it. Henceforth, it's quite a fearsome ability to have, The Essence Of Turmoil gives Mana quite the edge when it deals with a range of opponents varying from pure-based targets, holy beings and those with weak determination or willpower. Being that she inhabits the concept of Madness, it has morphed itself into a Corruption based form where it is able to taint traits ranging from the physical, metaphysical and even mental realms.

To give an example of how this transpires on the field of combat, imagine, if you will, there was a massive burst of energy which had a strong core of holy energy infused into it. Should Mana activate Tainting Claw, then she'd be able to otherwise corrupt it with her form of Madness. Depending on if she is stronger than the blast in question, she'd very well be able to assume control of it and either reflect it at the opponent or break down the energies within for an attack; such as if she stored away the energy from that illustrated attack into one of her many weapons to augment it's effects. Meaning, she can't possess any long-term force of power into herself an enemy attack with this ability.

However, from that example, if the blast was equal or near her level power, then she would not be able to perform those two acts. Instead, in order to have a form of counter, there is a high chance the two forces would simply cancel each other out in order to result in a proper form of negation. Being that two equal powers of Holy and Satanic nature are colliding, that's the most logical conclusion to occur in most instances. They'd simply create a neutralization point and destroy each other in a glorious haze.

Moving on to the mental side of combat, Tainting Claws also allows her to infect others like a virus whom seem to have weak willpower against her. Ranging from beginner to adept, most of these people will generally have heavy effects from this surge of lunacy raining down upon them. One of these effects can be a lost of drive to combat against the likes of Mana. This is because the amount of Madness being produced within their psyche can have heavy effects on their physiological state if they are unable to fight against it and eventually lead to them submitting to the Queen if they aren't carefully and easier for her to attack.

In some severe cases, they may even lead to a total collapse of their mental state and revert to a purely psychotic state where they become utterly mad by Mana's influence. This tends to happen to NPC's quite a lot if a powerful force isn't there to protect them. When this occurs, there is a chance Mana can give suggestive commands to have a slight form of control over them, but it has to be in order with Madness. For instance, she cannot simply say: "GO ATTACK HIM FOR MY CAUSE!". It has to be within a reasonable extent of the order, or rather, disorder of Madness. So, if she were to inject voices which suggested maiming the target in question to devour their blood and strengthen the madness in the air, then there is a higher chance this action could go through.

Meanwhile, those with Advanced willpower will generally be able to weather this storm with moderate difficulty. They may notice it's rather hard to withstand the force of Mana's Madness, but they'll still be able to fight. However, their reactions may be delayed if they are unable to keep the fight against her lunacy. For instance, depending on the personality of the person, they may have a flip grip of internal strife producing some sort of fear or hallucination which will give Mana the opening she'd need to perform some sort of attack. On top of that, if they loose some of their morale while fighting her, it may become easier for her to corrupt their mind further and attempt to induce this insanity on them to break their willpower and leave them in a comatose state for the duration of the thread.

Which means it's of the utmost importance to keep your drive to fight her strong in combatant or she will use it against you. Finally, when it comes to the likes of those with Master and Grand Master will powers, they may notice little to no effect on their psyche or the effects of her Madness. This is because these are the type of people with heavy resistance of mental based attacks and have a strong enough resolve to fight her impulses based on the constructs of the will system. Those with mental disorders, mental illnesses and other psychotic complications will most certainly face some difficulties with this fearsome ability and they should use critical caution when doing battle against Mana when this move is activated.

Lastly, in special beings, she is able to bestow the ability to manipulate Madness if she so desires. Being that she is a representation of Discordia herself, this would be rather simple for The Queen to do if she desired. Depending on how strong they are and where their strengths mentally are, they will either be consumed by this Madness or learn to wield it properly. Either way, the chance of success is a game of luck varying from person to person. The Demoness never quite knows the effects this transference of power will have a person, so it's best to simply take it as it comes: case by case.

With all of that said, the limitations of Tainting Claw start to become apparent. Being that these effects are generated from the mind, Mana can tax out her focus and mental fortitude by abusing this or overdoing the ability. For instance, if she were to spread a cloud of Madness over a city, she may be able to perform that feat, but it would begin to drain her mentally and physically. For, when each move is produced from this ability, a bit of her energy is taken away as well. And as her head begins to ache with a pain she cannot easily quell, this serves to rattle her nerves immensely and detours her from constantly using it. Furthermore, this can sometimes act like a double-edged sword; as it may be able to influence Mana to an extent and cause her to act irrationally in combat from time to time. This can be from taking more damage then she should, attacking when she should be dodging and the like.

[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] Image7455_zps96cd5bc6

x Origin Name: Chaos Embodiment

x Origin Power: This is quite the special bond she has with the alignment of Chaos. Being that she was an embodiment of Eris, The Greek Goddess of Chaos, in Danava form; she has essentially been granted control over varying elements forged from the concept of discord. This means that she can otherwise mend the likes of chaos itself to her will. As, the abilities listed below allow her to control the chaotic forces that may be in order to empower her, grant her the power to alter the likes of probability with her entropy, shield her from external forces attempting to change the very essence of her bodies Physiology and even disrupt the flow of systems as we know it. It's even possible for this element to allow her the capacity to break her entire body down into a purely energized state, similar to what Nature Iramasha do with their elements, and then engulfing herself in the chaos to truly become a living embodiment of Discord. Thus, making a number of these attributes that she had gained when awakening her Danava nature quite the force to be trifled with in combat.

Origin Abilities:

x Instability Resistance: Being greatly in tune with the part of her own alignment that deals with instability, Mana is actually highly resistant to OUTSIDE changes in her body that would otherwise cause issues with her bodies balance. For instance, if someone were to try and rip apart the bond she has with the many familiars and souls she has amassed? Mana's own being could possibly reject these effects in part with it causing issues instability issues within herself. Essentially, almost any change to Mana's own physiology could be heavily protected. This doesn't make her totally immune to things such as negation, sealing, removal, alterations and things of the like; but it's similar to getting a vaccine. You inject yourself with the vaccination in hopes of being protected against things that may or may not otherwise harm. The same logic applies her in the Instability Resistance Mana has appeared to have received once her Danava Powers had reawakened inside of her.

x Chaos Empowerment: This is one of the first major benefits of being the embodiment of chaos for Mana. In regards to that element, Mana can be empowered when she is placed into situations or surroundings that are otherwise chaotic in nature. For instance, if she was placed into a war zone during combat? She could see boosts in her physical attributes which cover her strength, agility, reaction time, thought process, durability and even more swift regeneration times in regards to her Akuma Kyodo. These can be amplified upwards of making her three times more enhanced then she normally would be. Alongside that, it increases in her energy output by receiving expanded power from the force of chaos. As, with this being her Danava Element, Mana can feed off the very nature of chaos and last longer in combat. However, if she feeds off too much energy, Mana has noted that her body begins to become too unstable and she will either take damage OR be forced to expel the energy before she can even make much use of it. Outside of that, these effects will generally only last as long as there is chaos within the area. So, once things have become less chaotic, these augmentations will only last an additional five to ten post before they wear off. If the chaos in her surrounding areas is NOT resolved, though, it can last the duration of the thread.

x Chaos Mimicry: What this attribute of Mana's Chaos Force allows her to do the Physiology of Mana's body is that it grants her the capacity to break down her very entity into a energized being. In other words, Mana becomes so in-tune with the discordance state around her, she essentially becomes a living embodiment of pure chaos force and transforms herself into a body comprised mostly of this energy; hence the Origin Name "Chaos Embodiment". Thus, with this move under her mantle, Mana can breakdown her organs, bones, blood and other parts of her body into an anatomically corrected version of Mana in energy form; completely making every last fiber part of herself that was once physical no more important then the other. This gives her a high resistance against most attacks that rely mostly on hand-to-hand, unless they were able to amplify it to effect the metaphysical.

Thus, in other words, in order to deal more damage to Mana in this state? You will most likely have to fight her energy with energy. As, when she activates this ability, Mana can mend, bend, twist, manipulate and alter her body even more freely then she normally can. For instance, Mana can disburse herself into thousands of miniature particles in order to gain a greater aerial view of the battlefield around her, use each of this molecules of herself as if they were a functioning part of her physical body and utilize them to launch attacks at any moment, possess various objects within the environmental, such as rocks or trees and, on more focused levels, even matter or other particles; and project them at opponents; control the ways of energy in her body in order to tear herself apart to evade taking something like a sword slash right down the middle of her body in a vertical fashion and other similar feats without breaking much of a sweat. At least, until she attempts to start using this in more precise levels, such as with attempting to manipulate atoms, particles or the state of matter; which would still drain her if pushed too far.

However, with something this powerful, there is an obvious drawback. Being that she is comprised of energy, it goes without saying she could not sustain this state unless she had fuel to waste. Thus, if she dips below or around fifty to sixty percent of her energy reserves, she will not be able to fully utilize this attribute. In some instances she can simply alter varying pieces of her body, but it will not be the full body break-down she receives when in higher states of health and when she has amassed more supplies of energy. In addition to that, this does not make her immune from all attacks, it simply means that you will have to fight her with magic, Kidō, metaphysical methods, sealing techniques, energy blast and other similar fighting styles. Lastly, this is not a passive and Mana has to mentally activate this state. And, with that being the case, if she isn't focused enough or is suffering mental damage, Chaos Mimicry can be shattered; as she needs to be in full control of herself in order to properly harness this state.

x Chaos Probability: In association with her chaos element, Mana appears to have discovered that this trait has given her the ability to effect the possibility of something occurring...if it's related to her Danava Element and has a likely chance of occurring. A primary example of this power being put into use is if there was a speeding object heading towards her. If she were doing combat with someone in a populated area such as a city, it could be possible for her to use Chaos Probability in order to scan a one thousand meter radius, via her own energy, to possibly set a chain of chaotic events to occur. For instance, it's very likely that she could cause a sudden gas explosion in buildings nearby in order to have them crumble and fall; blocking said object from even touching her and taking it out in said gas explosion.

Another exemplification of this power being put to use is that she can possibility cause shifts within attacks that happen to make contact with her. What this means is that if something like, say, a Kidō spell meant seal Mana's powers had came within a ten meter radius of her. Should she be able to perceive, she could activate Chaos probability in order to make an attempt at causing an event that would null the sealing; such as the energy within the seal suddenly malfunctioning or sudden portal consuming the object in question.

On a more lethal level, if Mana is actually able to touch her subject, she could possibilty even induce sudden shifts in their health. While they may not be auto kill, it can lead to things that can result in a swift death. Such as if she were to cut open a scratch or wound in their chance, activate Chaos Probability and attempt to use it in a matter that would cause a disease of the heart to attempt to damage or weaken the opponent. Or, on a spiritual level, cause sudden probability shifts in the way their powers are used in order to cause many unstable fluctuations in their flow of energy to the point of making it very dangerous for them to use their powers by conjuring up some sort of freak disease which effects spiritual beings.

Additionally, it's also very possible for Mana to induce all sorts of curses with her probability. An example of this would be if she were to attempt to temper with a person's fortune. If this move is successful, then all sorts of things that would fall under the realm of "Bad Luck" could occur with the opponent. A shoe lace could be untied, a random piece of debris could suddenly blind the opponent, freak accidents may appear on the field and so on. Luckily, most of these effects are not forever. More often then not, these will not last more then ten to five post before they wear out and get weaker with each post. This also leads into the drawbacks of this power.

While it may be possible for Mana to perform all these tricks with Chaos Probability, she is limited in how many times it can be used. More often then not, she is only limited to, at a maxi um, six occurrences happening per post. That means she is usually capped at around two to four probabilities happening with each given post. If she happens to go above that, then her powers will backfire and the misfortune will occur on Mana instead. Furthermore, when using six occurrences, she will generally have to wait three to six posts before she can use this ability again. And, on top of that, other users of probability control may have an easier time fighting back against this sort of thing. However, the same could be said for Mana herself as, like the event of two major energy forces colliding, she could essentially cause the two opposing probability factors to simply negate each other.

What's more, it's also possible to counter this by simply moving out of range. As, if you are within the contained radius, Mana will generally accelerate the effects of her Chaos Probability. Meaning, that nine times out of ten, if you are able to leave that field of attack, you can escape the effects of Chaos Probability if she has not attempt'd to attach it's attributes to your body. Lastly, certain types of barrier could shield a person from it's effect. Though, what type, you'll probably have to figure that out on your own.

Note: It's worth mentioning that she can be drained a bit of energy when performing this ability.

Note 2: It's also worth noting that those with higher durability can withstand the effects of the Chaos Probability in which attempt to effect their body. For instance, someone with a Mastery in their durability or Hierro would have a lower chance of something being altered in their body. Furthermore, it's possible to withstand the effects of Chaos Probability by summoning some sort of force field, barrier or protection system that is strong enough to endure this. Lastly, if you are able to escape the radius of Chaos Probability, then you will truly be home free from it's reach until Mana retracts it and waits to summon it again.

x Disruption Control: After reawakening her Danavahood, Mana had came to discover that her Origin of Chaos granted her the ability to control, produce or otherwise control the flow of stabilization within or around her. This can be utilized through touch in some instances, infuses this element into her energy for a more broad control or releasing in sudden waves to effect the vicinity around her. So, essentially, this means that Mana can cause instabilities of creatures, beings and objects on a variety of levels. For instance, if she were able to grab on to a cero based attack? It's very possible for her to cause such disruptances to the flow of energy pulsing inside of this blast in order to either have it fall apart, attempt to lower it's effects on her by destabilizing it's core or potentially have this ability spread throughout a ten meter radius in order to have it break down before it even touches her.

On a more complex level, Mana even has the potential to effect biological systems if she were to spread her influence inside of the opponent. This could be done if she were to somehow inject this influence inside of them through her powers, or figure out a way to make an open wound or cut in the opponent. From there? She could attempt to destabilize the very nature/being of that creature if it allowed to fully take control. For instance, she could make a person's own power be used against them and backfire each time they use it or, on a more dangerous level, make their power so unstable it risks harming their well being due to the very chaotic state of their energy, powers or body.

Even more then that, this ability can even effect the very laws of physics with Mana's fine-control over this attribute. An instance of this occurring would be Mana destabilizing the field of gravity around her to make things either heavier or lighter then they normally would be, perhaps even effect the level of momentum within a given area and slowing or accelerating objects within this field; or, on a more intricate level, even lead into limited levels of Quantum Control by effecting the state of energy levels in electrons, matter, atoms, and molecules in a physical and metaphysical state. An instance of this being used would be if someone were to produce an energy based attack against Mana. By influencing the matter inside of this blast, she could possibly attempt to tear this attack apart before it reaches her.

However, with every great power lays a great drawback. While she may be able to do all of these amazing effects, the more powerful the alteration is? The more intense the toll can be taken on her body. For instance, if Mana were to try this on a city-wide scale, she could do that easily enough. However, she would feel physical exhaustion from her body being pushed that hard, mental fatigue from conjuring up all the many different applications this ability has and, of course, dips in her overall energy supply because of the amount of resources this power can sometimes have. Let's not forget that this isn't an absolute power and these attributes can be countered if the opponent has enough knowledge of what is occurring with them or the environmental.

Furthermore, if she isn't careful or pays attention to how she uses this ability, it can drain her pretty quickly at that. Therefore, she prefers to stay focused or be in a mental state to observe the different calculations, patterns or adjustments she may need to do or see in this power. Lastly, she is only limited to changing, at a maximum, five to six changes at a time; while on average, she only changes two or three elements, beings or systems at a given time. This is to prevent any overuse of this ability from getting too out of control for Mana and keep her own balance. For, if she passes that limit without releasing or entering an augmented state, she can risk having these powers backfire on her if it's used more then that. Thus, she prefers to keep it within the range of modifications at a single given time if she has not enhanced herself.

x Origin Name: Madness Core

x Origin Power: The Madness attributes within Mana's being had been reawakened after consuming a stone of Madness located within the township of Madenise (Mah de Niece) City, Antartica. Once she had devoured this object whole, she detected that something had pulsated inside of her very core and, in line with the name, created a crux of Madness within herself. This ultimately allowed her body to be synced up with the force of insanity that brews greatly in the world around her. It grants her many abilities that can result in overwhelming pain suppression against a large variety of attacks made against her, allows her to be further fueled and enhanced by the augmentation that comes by feeding off the source of Madness Energy and can even lead into powers that grant her some forms of tangible actualization into the physical realm by creating a mental channel to her unstable mind and crafting a power which allowed her to effect the material realm in limited ways. Thus, below, you'll see the abilities which are related in this Origin Power.

x Origin Abilities:

x Immense Pain Suppression: While it may not be total pain negation, when in heightened states of her own Madness, Mana has shown immense tolerance to pain. For instance, she had her own head chopped off, but still found time to laugh and even make puns about her circumstance. This was during acute periods of insanity beginning to consume Mana as she had invaded Madness City. Therefore, this is not something that is constantly active, but becomes passive whenever she reaches those states of utter delirium. It gradually builds up in intensity as she becomes more and more unstable; to the point where she is able to shrug off losing appendages, limbs and other similar things from her body when she reaches her peak pain suppression in total Madness States. Therefore, this is a trait in Mana's Madness Arsenal that is not to be underestimate. She can possibly be reduced to a bloody pulp, but still find the valor to go on thanks to the immense amount of compression on pain her Madness attributes grant her. However, there is an obvious drawback to this. The more stable she becomes? The less this pain suppression appears to lower in effectiveness. Making it an attribute that is only really useful when she is in her heightened states of madness.

x Madness Augmentation: Based on Mana's affinity for Madness itself, Mana can essentially keep herself going, energy wise, when it comes to actually feeding off of the insanity or madness of herself, alongside those around her. This has been made painfully obvious during her fights in Madness City and the Invasion of Kuala Lumpur, Mayalsia. In each of these major events that she was apart of, she displayed a constant calling to the Madness brewing all around her; which resulted in her stats being boosted dramatically. Everything from her physical strength being heightened to frighteningly new high levels, to her speed being amp'd to the point of keeping up with the likes of Colin Washi, to her regeneration dramatically picking up in speed time and even the perception of events occurring around her. All of her physical attributes had essentially been a amplified far above her regular base levels. This made dealing with Mana even more fearsome then her invasion of London; as it was obvious she had jumped in power since that time.

Though, even more then that, the amount of energy that Mana could use and store had skyrocketed from her previous levels. You see, after enough hysteria had been produced in each of these battles, she had been noted to receive a sudden increase in the amount of energy her body could produce and retain at a given time. And, since she is not just limited to spiritual energy alone, it had been recognized that she could even switch between raw energy and possibly even Madness Energy itself. Making dealing with her affinity for Madness Energy quite the daunting task; as it usually sent her into an overdrive state where she had absurd amounts of excess energy to burn through. Yet, there in lays an additional problem with this enhancement. If too much energy is consumed at a given time, or is allowed to build up, Mana has noticed that she has problem retaining TOO much power at once and has been seen as suffering physical damage, mental trauma and even some amounts of pain as a backfiring of this ability.

x Madness Materialization: This is one of the primary perks from her Madness Attribute. By creating a mental channel to her unstable mind, Mana is able to project varying thoughts into the material realm. However, it is only limited to tangible things or forces that already exist on a metaphysical (See: Spiritual) level. Good examples of this ability is often used is that Mana holds the capacity to produce a wide range of weapons from her Madness with this trait. They'll generally be infused with her Madness/Chaos force; meaning that their attributes can be increased from speed, strength and effects. These weapons can also be anything from knives, to daggers, to swords, to needles and, Mana's favorite, the traditional scythe. And, thanks to Mana's Instability Resistance, most of her weapons or attacks that are forged from this ability have a heavy resistance towards anything that would otherwise attempt to negate or cancel them out.

However, it isn't limited to simply crafting weapons. Mana's Madness Materialization can also be applied to a variety of forces. A illustration of this would be that she can easily conjure up forces that could otherwise be used as armor, bondage, force-fields, reflection, shielding and other similar feats. When dealing with armor or defense, Mana easily construct a few layers of of her Madness's tangible force in order to soften the blow or effects of attacks. It can even go as far as conjuring up a massive wall comprised of this Madness Force in order to halt offensive strikes form harming her before she even needs to move. In addition to that, it can be used for reflection as well based on the fact Mana can have a sudden surge of this Madness Force explode from her body and redirect the momentum or kinetic force an object/person has and redirect towards the opposite direction. And lastly, it can make a very daunting force-field to get pass if used in conjunction with her Chaos Elements. This is because Madness Materialization can conjure up a Force Field, while her Chaos Element can destabilize varying attacks which come into contact with it.

Furthermore, in regards to binding, this has even lead to some levels of Telekinesis. For instance, due to some of the psychic elements of this attribute, Mana has the capacity to constrain her opponent by having this "Madness Force" constrict around their body and attempt restrain them in place. This could lead to the crushing of their bones, damaging them on a metaphysical level to temporarily disable some usage of their spiritual powers and lead to death if Mana is allowed to crush them to death. And, on a more advanced level, Mana is even capable of creating a statis-like field where she can deaccelerate molecules to the point where they are nearly still; though this can strain her mentally. Though, even more then that, Mana has even theorized that she can possible even control subatomic particles, but that would be fairly costly to do and could exhaust her mentally and when it comes to her energy reserves. Making it something used with caution or if warranted.

Thus, with that said, we will get into the drawbacks of this. Since this obviously is produced from the mind, this will sometimes require Mana to focus on the thoughts or changes she is trying to impose. While she doesn't necessarily need to be mentally healthy or stable to use these attributes, it is required that she be in a state of being where she can actually zoom in and visualize just what she is trying to do. So it may be possible to lessen these effects in combats by keeping her mind preoccupied or distracted with other issues. In addition to that, this can lead to mental and physical exhaustion if she pushes herself too far. In regards to using these powers, it's similar to lifting weights. You can obviously try to push your body, train it and endure it to carry these immense weights on your shoulders; but eventually it will tire you out and you will need time to either rest or risk taking damage to your muscles. In Mana's case, this applies to her mind and if she tries to do too many things at once, or push herself too far with this attribute, she risk the potency of Madness Materialization going down or not being able to utilize this power for 2-3 threads if she reaches her breaking point with it. Therefore, while this may be a dangerous power, it isn't exactly a free ticket to use some of her more advanced applications of this power. It's even possible to tamper with it's effects if you are able to detect the Madness Force, though, at that point, it will be a fight amongst you and Mana for what occurs with her effects.

x Madness Telepathy: It's been established through her encounter with the likes Zero, Hanako, Law and other powerful spiritual beings that she had obtained the ability to project her voice within the minds of others. Not only that, but she had even displayed feats such as communicating directions to Sin to follow her orders. Ergo, she has gained a sort of telepathy where she can speak mentally with the likes of others. Going beyond that, she can even this attribute as a relay of sorts if she ever needed the likes of Shadow Fall to transfer messages to one another through a mental channel. Furthermore, it's even possible for her to project scenery of the environment around her to allies and opponents alike. As, in Zero's examples, she had even showcased visuals of the city around them being burned to ashes. This leaves Mana to also believe she can project imagery within the minds of those whom she is able to establish a link to. Though, it was showcased that with enough will power, it's possible to block out this pathway and render the link severed for a duration of time. Luckily, some opponents with lacking perception may not be able to notice such a gradual change as, when only being used for a telepathic link, barely uses up noticeable energies.

This link also cannot be used for any sort of mind enslavement, mind reading or anything that would otherwise force the person into an unfavorable situation against their own will from what Mana has gathered. However, after analyzing the components of this ability further, she realized that it could be possible to mask her presence in the viewpoints of others if a link is clearly established. How can this be? From what Mana has surmised, if there is a mental link conjoining the two individuals, it's very likely that she could comprise a spell through her energy to otherwise mask visuals related to Mana's body and attempt to trick the opponent's senses into thinking she did not exist. This would allow them to full into a false lull and give Mana time to surprise attack them. Likewise, she can apply this to person(s) whom she may be allied with on the battlefield. So if she had a proper sense of their energy, mental image and other senses; Mana could attempt to mask the presence of allies, equipment and attacks if needed. However, it should be noted that this can be countered by attempting to block out her connection or having a master or grand master in Mental Deduction. Furthermore, it's possible to be snapped out of this by those who can otherwise enter the mind of others or cancel out the energies from the target in question and free them.

Outside of that, additionally benefits that this ability has is that she can even transmit memories, experiences and even knowledge of how to perform various techniques when she is able to connect with those whom she has a bond with or is within a city wide radius. Furthermore, if she has a strong bond with someone, such as Ashlei Clix, Clarie Clixx or Kagari Asthavon, Mana is able to create a much boarder distance and can communicate with these sorts of people throughout varying dimensions if they accept this request from Mana. Even more then that, Mana can augment the range of this telepathy through adding more energy to it from herself or using Demonic Spells in order to enhance the vicinity range of it in order to communicate with Demon Kind, even when she is not within the Demon World. However, when trying to utilize this attribute with too many, the channels within Mana's mind can become tiring and she generally doesn't like to use this outside of simply just informing people of a message or showing them imagery.

Yet, one of the truly frightening parts of Mana's Madness Telepathy is the fact she does hold the potential to damage the nerves within a persons body and mind if a strong enough link is connected. Mind you, she will need to send additional energy from herself that may tax her depending on the opponent, but there is a chance that she can use this mental channel, if still in tact, to create injury to a person's brain or mental functions to shut down them down for a brief period of time. This can create severe brain injury, create critical damage to the target in question, induce damage to the targets nerves if they have a organic body, produce vast quantities of furious and nearly blindly headaches to the person whom she happens to be using this on and holds the capacity to even push someone into unconsciousness if this has full effect. Mind you, this is a fairly extreme usage of her power, but Mana's Madness Telepathy can be taken to this extent if she feels warrant'd to in battle. However, by the time she injects this force into a being, they will have enough reaction time to properly counter. This is because it usually takes a few moments to seconds to kick in. During this time it is possible to reject the energy, attempt to reverse the effects or at least lower the damage if it is inserted more swiftly into the opponent.

Lastly, it's very probable for Mana to use this as a last line of resort. If she is on the verge of death and sees she has no other way out, she may use this telepathic connection to project her consciousness into another being by either finding someone within vicinity that can be easy enough for her to overpower (NPC), or, temporarily sharing a body with those whom she has a strong connection to in order construct a new body to be made and transferred to. This, however, requires her to have some amounts of energy in order to be able to perform this transportation based technique.

Thus, with all of that said, these have the same limitations of Madness Materialization. This means that she will need to be in the proper state of mind in order to perform some of the functions of Madness Telepathy, have sufficient energy to perform stronger abilities of this power and risk it breaking for a duration of time equal to 2-3 threads if she reaches her breaking point with it. It's also possible for this ability to be rendered ineffective if she is too distracted or otherwise cannot give it the effective amount of attention this ability needs. And, to be repeated again, it is very possible for those with strong mental deductions or willpowers to occasionally be able to lessen or stop the effects of Mana's Madness Telepathy if a link is established with them. So this is not an automatic power, nor is it an absolute power in the regards that it cannot be countered against.

Last edited by [THEFROST] on Sat Sep 27, 2014 9:42 pm; edited 9 times in total

[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] WVMWLOu
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[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] Empty Re: [Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating]

Tue Jul 09, 2013 5:11 am

[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] JCRrxmK


[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] Image7423_zpsee384541

» Conceptual World: The vastness of Mana's Conceptual World seems to be all encompassing. It has been described as a place that is seemly infinite, ever expanding and contains some of the largest amounts of Chaotic and Madness based contracts within a single being. The Queen herself even felt it nearly killing her upon the first time entering this world. Therefore, based on this information available, the Inner World of this Danava seems to be that of a void. It host all that embodied Mana from her aspects of Death, Discord and Lunacy into one world meant to consume her.

She's even gone as far as to describe as it's own sentient universe within her. For further down within the reaches of this existence, she could feel so much more. Other land masses, different lifeforms and the tens of millions of souls which she consumed all lived within this internal world filled with sheer insanity and chaos. Therefore, the exact depth of this place still leaves much to be ventured, but it's certainly a steep step into the unknown for anyone.

Rilīja Attributes:

Haṛapanā Rihā'ī (Devouring Release): Mana doesn't necessarily utilize her Rilīja for many combative purposes. Instead, she uses it more towards the functionality of sealing objects within her. Due to how vast the space within her Conceptual World is, it made for the perfect sub-dimension to host her most treasured possessions. These can range from living beings, weapons, equipment and anything else she is able to transfer into her Inner World. In fact, prior to Mana understanding this trait of her Rilīja during her infancy, it was the stomping ground for her Army of The Dead ability to have the space within herself to thrive. So, from that, it can be implied she has this capacity since her early days as a demon before her Danava blood properly awakened.

Nevertheless, as she has grown older as a demon, Mana has recently been able to apply this effect in a new way: consumption. By creating openings across her body in conjunction with her extremely high level of body manipulation, Mana is able to connect gateways into her Inner World to consume and seal objects within herself if they happen to get caught. Generally, she'll achieve this by either devouring the item in question and creating a wormhole within her throat or other mutated appendages she uses to eat; or she may create numerous holes around her body that act as tornadoes wanting to suck in anything it can.

Regardless of how she does it, once an item or object is sealed within her, she'll generally be able to summon it at her will or attempt to keep it contained inside of her. This is her prefered method of keeping her weapons in a neat assorted order, for instance. Additionally, she can even visit this realm herself by projecting an astral image of herself to explore the world when inducing meditative states upon herself. Mana has been known to communicate with some of the more intelligent hives of her familiars sealed within her.

At any rate, there is a limit to how much she can amass in herself at a given time. Mana has noticed that it usually coincides with her appetite and she generally only attempts to consume a few high powered objects at a time before either coughing them out or expelling them. If an item isn't in use, then it is often kept in an inactive state and it generally takes a decent load of energy to bring forth more complex, powerful and large objects. So, in other words, there isn't such a thing as unlimited summoning for Mana; but there is a large room to work with given the amount of energy she has a Demon Overlord.

» Eternal Partner Name: Eris is the original name of The Danava of Chaos and Lunacy. It does take reference on the Greek Goddess of chaos, strife and discord. This is because Eris and Mana herself are incarnations of the folklore to an extent. However, she adopted the name Asthavon after witnessing the growth and expansion of this Royal Demon Family. And since Mana and Eris are one in the same, she had no qualms with adding that to her last name. She even considers herself the same Head of The Family as Mana due to their connection and bond. Even going as far as to claim herself as The Original Asthavon due to being older than Mana.

» Eternal Partner Appearance: Eris Asthavon has a rather petite and slim figure. She stands at five foot two and weighs no more than one hundred pounds. Most mistake her for a young girl more often than not. So from this small stature, The woman appears to have a very small bust-size; appearing almost entirely flat chested. Her skin complexion can also range from pale white to a fair skinned pigmentation at will. And with Mana's affinity for shapeshifter, it really isn't too difficult for Eris to alter her appearance as she sees fit, but when these shifter bodies fail her original form will arise back to the surface.

Digressing, Eris's black colored hair is stylized into a hime cut and extends down to her mid-back side. Due to the nature of control that is associated with her powers, most of it is very well maintained without much effort on Eris's end. And what is even more striking in her appearance is Eris's red eyes. Although, when she taps more into Mana's psyche, they have been noted to shift to The Demon Queen's emerald green eyes.

Furthermore, another outstanding feature in Eris's appearance can be her teeth. When she is excited or ready to feast, fangs have been noted to extend from her mouth. In fact, all the rows of teeth within her mouth can even become sharpened to the point where it makes it rather easy for her to chew through hardened materials such as steel or diamond even.

Eris also appears to have a rather distinct taste for suits. A good deal of her wardrobe seems to be fixated in black and white suits with various sets of colored ties to go alongside of them; mostly ranging in black, white and red. They also seem to have an array of long-coats to add on to the formal appearance at times. And, in addition to that, she seems to have a rather fond taste of fur hats; often wearing them whenever she is out no matter the weather.

Eris Image One
Eris Image Two
Eris Image Three
Eris Image Four
Eris Image Five
Eris Image Six
Eris Image Seven
Eris Image Eight
Eris Image Nine
Eris Image Ten

» Eternal Partner Personality: If there is one word to describe Eris: -- it would be brash. The way her words come across are very gruff and to the point. If she feels that you are an idiot? Hey, she'll outright tell you and think nothing of it. This because to her, as an agent of chaos, one must be ready to cause conflict at a given moment. So, by targeting peoples sweet and tender spots, the nonchalantly and insulting demeanor of her tongue are bond to rile a few heads or two. After all, this trait is something that Mana herself subconsciously picked up on while taunting her own opponents.

Secondly, Eris can be described as a bloodthirsty individual. Again, this ties into her element of chaos because the more blood that is spewed, the further her own element is enhanced. And, this is not referring to anything to do with powers. No. Eris loves the sensation of high's, excitement and elated that destruction, mayhem and death inject into her mind. It's almost like a drug that she cannot get enough of. Without it? She becomes irritated, agitated and overall bitchy. Eris has even compared this hunger to a vampire not getting the proper blood to make it function if she does not get her daily requirement of chaos.

It is for this reason that she can also be considered devious and methodical in her plans. Why? Well, to ensure her supply of her food in the next life, Eris had subtly guided Mana down the path of attaining more power in the end-game of having a bountiful supply of madness, chaos and death energy to feast off of in order to sustain this craving while strength returned to her body as The Demon Queen grew more in her own potential. So while she prefers to get things over with it a bang, she is willing to wait and bid her time if need be.

This then ties into her element of patience and endurance. Eris is not one to dwell much on anyone incident, situation or person when it comes to how much the woman can cope with it in terms of irritants and obstacles. Very little seems to stick with the woman unless her biological needs are not met. Which is why, as another motive, Eris tends to prefer to keep herself well fed to otherwise avoid losing her "composure" and "well-mannered" persona. Or at least, that's how she views herself, anyway.

» Eternal Partner Powers: (Does your Eternal Partner have their own set of powers, any unqiue powers or do they simply share the same powers as their Danava Master? Please state so here. If they share the same? You can simply leave a note or remove this section altogether.)

[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] Image7423_zpsee384541

Additional Information

Logging Spell
  • Name: Logging Spell
  • Who Can Use it: Anyone
  • Type: Defensive
  • Prayer: "Log 'em, Za Koa" (Can be done mentally)
  • Effects: The effects of this spell is rather simple. It will utilize the Demon's energy, spread it out over a fifty to three hundred meter area and look for any sort of object cover it's influence in. If a subtle object is found? Then it will swap places with the users, temporarily transform the item in question to appear like the opponent and allow them to evade an attack by "logging" the intended target to hit a dummy.

    Grand Master: Those who are Grand Masters in Demon Magic can take this technique to the next level and have the capacity to increase the vicinity that their energy covers to a two thousand meter reach. Additionally, they can also make use of up to ten to twenty other objects to use in order to fool the opponent. Moreover, these dummies can be spread out through the area and may disappear in one or two hits, but can allow the opponent to waste energy attacking his clones. However, they can only use once per post and will usually end up with a one to three post cooldown depending on how much energy they have to reserve.

    Masters: Individuals who happen to be Masters in Demon Magic are able to spread their influence to a one thousand area and have their energy find suitable replacements within this area. They'll also be able to add up to eight to ten other objects to use when they activate this spell to further confuse the opponent. These dummies will disappear in one hit, but can be hidden across the area and are meant to be used with someone who has a brain behind their shoulders. Though, they can only use this once per post and will have a two to three post cooldown.

    Advanced: Beings who happen to be Advanced in Demon Magic will have the capacity to cover their energy across a five hundred meter area and locate usable objects to swap places with inside of this area. And, unlike the rest below them, they'll be able to use up to three to five objects to switch with as well. Meaning, they can use one "logged" clone to take the damage and then spread the others out in the area to keep fooling the opponent until they run out. They'll generally be killed in one post, but can be useful in a tactical matter. They'll also only be able to use this once per post and will have a three to six post cooldown before they can use it again.

Dual Boosting Spell
  • Name: Dual Boosting Spell
  • Who Can Use it: Anyone
  • Type: Augmentation
  • Prayer: "Za Koa, breathe new life into me and take my abilities beyond the horizon!"
  • Effects: Dual Boosting Spell, often called DBS, is a very popular Demon Spell that is meant to double the strength of a Demon by two times. Usually, this connection is made through connecting into the spirit of Za Koa and then directing it's energy into them with their Demon Magic. Once this process has occured? The Demon will often experience a two times boost in their abilities, powers, skills, physical attributes and so on. They can apply this two more times if they are master, and up to three times further if they are a Grand Masters.

    All others can only apply this once to themselves and will often last, even on master level, for roughly four to five post with a four post cooldown until they can use this technique again. Additionally, for masters and GM's, the more they double the spell? The more prolonged their recovery time can be. So, if they choose to perform this spell three times in a row? Then they'd probably have to wait eight post until they were albe to utilizie this technique again. All in all, though, this can be a very useful maneuver if one is looking to get an increase in power in times of desperation. Just be sure to watch how much your body can sustain, the skill of your Za Koa Connection & Demon Magic and to make sure you get whatever you need to do done in a quick period of time.
  • Notes: N/A

  • Name: Vicāra Sakriyaṇa (Thought Activation)
  • Who Can Use it: Anyone
  • Type: Summoning
  • Prayer: "Awaken the shadow within me, mend them new flesh and unleash them upon the world, Za Koa!" (For this spell, prayer is not required. However, it makes the spell much stronger.)
  • Effects: This will most likely cost a fair bit of energy to create, but the effects generally justify the means. The first step to really activating this spell is to begin envisioning a body in your mind. Figure out what it will look like, what you can realistically summon and what is within your power to bring to life. Following this, you'll then need to set forth the energy required to bring whatever it is you are summoning to the field. Alongside that, you'll need to memorize the spell in order to create a connection to your mind and Za Koa. Proceeding this? You'll then have the needed networking required to go into Phase Two: summoning. Once the body has been constructed inside of your head and Za Koa is ready, you'll then need to begin bringing forth your creations to life.

    Thus, it's worth nothing that it is wise to say the prayer before releasing them into the world, but it's not needed. Moreover, for this spell to work properly, you'll also need to know the amount or strength of monsters, clones or replications you can make based on your Demon Magic Skill and Za Koa Skill. Why is this? Well, your Za Koa skill typically determines how long you can keep this monsters on the field, how many you can conjure up and how short your cooldowns can be. Meanwhile, your overall magic skill can determine how powerful you can make these creatures with Za Koa's assistance. So, below, you'll see what each level is capable of doing.

    Za Koa Skill
    • Beginner: These will only be able to summon one creature from their mind with no offensive capacities and can only last one or two turns. Beginners will also typically suffer a six post drawback.

    • Adept: These people will be able to summon up to five beings with this skill. They'll also be able to last upwards of four to six post's. They'll also only suffer a four post cooldown before they can respawn them.

    • Advanced This is where this spell becomes much more useful. Upon reaching advanced level, this spells strength is multiplied by three times. Therefore? Most will be able to summon up to fifteen creatures, have the ability to make them last upwards of ten to fifteen post and have a five to three post cooldown.

    • Master: Masters will probably see some of the greatest usage of this spell. Once again, by multiplying it by three times, they'll be able to summon upwards of 45 summoned beings to the field. On top of that, they'll also be able to make them last anywhere from ten to twenty post; sometimes a bit longer if they have the energy reserves for it. Alongside that, they'll also only suffer a five to three post cool down based on their usage.

    • Grand Master: Grand Masters of this spell will truly be a force to be trifled with when using this sort of magic. For the last time, it will be multiplied by three times. Thus, when a Grand Master uses Vicāra Sakriyaṇa, they'll have the capacity to summon, at a maximum, of 135 beings. They won't see a post increase or cool down increase. However, they'll see more exhaustion if they decide to really push their energy usage or numbers with this spell.

    Demon Magic Skill
    • Beginner: Demon's who have beginner magic skills will only be able to make them as strong a average human or so.

    • Adept: Those whom possess adept demon magic skill will be able to craft creatures that can be two to three tiers below the owners tier level. So, if you were 3-1? Then most of your spawn would be around 3-5 to 3-3.

    • Advanced: Advanced users will begin to even out the playing field a bit with this spell. The first ten will probably be of the same level as adept. Meanwhile, the last five of their monsters will only be one or two tiers weaker then them. So, if one was a 2-1? They'd probably have most of their stronger flock at 2-2 to 2-2++. In addition to that, there may be one who can be equal to their level in power.

    • Master: Master level users will see more usage out of this spell. More often then not, most Master levels, if their intending to use this spell in mass quantities, can make three groups the possess the same strength as the Advanced Level users. This means, in other words, they focus more on putting their crafted summon's into groups rather then separating them.

    • Grand Master: Lastly, you got the Grand Master Group. These Demon's will be able to create packs of Master Level based summons, but also have the ability to summon monsters that are stronger then themselves. There will typically be one to two of these beast per each group. Meaning, that each pack will at least have one summon that is stronger then the summoner by one tier level based on Za Koa being used as an external source at this point.

    With that said, you are only limited to your imagination when it comes to Vicara Sakyriyana. You can summon all copies of yourself, or summon mass flocks of demonic beast. It's possible to summon elements, or you can begin bringing forth your own subconscious. Simply put the thought in your mind, the energy needed to release it and bring all hell upon your enemy.

  • Notes: This spell is not recommended to be used more then 2-4 times per thread. The for this is because it'll eventually tire out the user, deplete their energy resources and overall make them rather exhausted and fatigued. Meaning, in other words, this isn't a move that is meant to be used back to back. Also, generally speaker, the higher in number you go? The more exhausted the user would be. So, for instance, a Master level user can summon 45 familiars. Yea, they can go up that high, but that doesn't always equate to strength. Generally speaking, this spell appears to weaken the more the user increases the volume. Hence why some of the strongest sources are allocated to core pack leaders by the time it gets to Grand Master. This can cause serious strain on the user and is recommended that they only use a quarter of whatever number they are able to summon.


  • Name: Blood Rain
  • Who Can Use it: Anyone
  • Type: Offensive and Supplementary
  • Prayer: " May the doors of hell open, and may the blood of the damned pour out of it."
  • Effects: The effects of this Demon Magic is extremely simple, but very effective if used in a large battle. This ability opens up a portal in the sky, the size of it depends on the mastery of the person, and then begins to rain the blood of the damned from the sky in a downpour of rain, this spell doesn't do much besides augment the power of the Demons in the area by giving them a slightly better connection with Hell itself though the blood of those that are damned there. This increase the strength and stamina of the demons that have been touched by this rain, but the boost will only last for a certain amount of time based on the mastery of the person who cast it.

    Grand Master: This increases all abilities of the Demons being hit by the rain by three times, and is nearly a 40 meters in radius circle with the center being around the person who cast the Demon magic in the first place. The buff given only lasts 3 posts after the portal is closed, which closes after five posts

    Masters: This increases all abilities of the Demons being hit by the rain by two times, and is nearly 35 meters in radius circle with the center being around the person who cast the Demon magic in the first place. The buff given only lasts 3 posts after the portal is closed, which closes after four posts

    Advanced: This increases all abilities of the Demons being hit by the rain by one and half times, and is 30 meters in radius circle with the center being around the person who cast the Demon magic in the first place. The buff given only lasts 3 posts after the portal is closed, which closes after three posts

    Adept: This is the bare minium to cast this spell, making only a 20 meter radius circle around the caster, and it does not increase the power of any demons near by. The buff given only lasts 3 posts after the portal is closed, which closes after two posts. This of course still has the essense of hell in it, so to anyone else but Demons can have bad effects on their health depending on their strength. To most, this will cause vomitting and other effects like this, but to the extremely weak it can become almost like an acid effect as it will cause burning.

Pulse Of Death

  • Name: Pulse of Death
  • Type: Offensive
  • Prayer: Touketsu's heart beats not of life, but of death.
  • Effects: Due to its powerful effects, this spell costs a good amount, with even more energy to increase the span or hasten the rate of the spell. Upon the completion of the prayer, the floor right in front of the user shall shift into a deep shade of crimson, shaped like a cylinder of light, the area shaded spanning a minimum 5 meters diameter, and towering up towards the sky. The loud beating of a heart can be heard in the center of the shaded area. The closer one is to the shaded area, the louder the heartbeat is. In between beats, the shaded area shifts itself equivalent to its diameter forward. The rate is 2 beats per second (2 beats ber half second being the max rate). If anyone so happens to be inside the shaded region, whether in the air of in the ground, they will suffer intense damage from the inside out, the worst case scenario being that their organs implode if weak enough. The victim shall end up spewing blood out of their mouth as their body undergoes gut-wrenching pain. Their vision will be fully obscured in an opaque, blood red. The red will slowly fade away in a matter of ten seconds. There is a minimum of ten beats per cast.

  • Notes:This spell has no effect on machinery whatsoever. The spell cannot be destroyed by physical means. It is best to avoid the spell, rather than attempt to destroy it. The light emitted from this spell, even if deflected through any means, would not affect anyone it comes in contact with. The light only serves to signify the spell's zone. The power of the spell is relative to the power of the caster, and thus, 0 tiers would most likely to cause significant amount of damage to other 0 tiers, with 1 tier severe damage, and 2 tier a high chance of death. The visual effects happens to all who get inside of the shaded area, including the user (although the user won't be affected by any other of the spell's effects.

  • Name: Fatale Flash
  • Type: Offensive
  • Prayer: I call to thee, oh King of Demons. Bestow to me your ineffable might, for thee, Touketsu brings about nefarious forms of unspeakable destruction in the blink of an eye
  • Effects: This powerful spell is reserved for the higher ups in demon world, due to its rediculously high cost, and devastating power. 0 tier is best fit for this. Once the prayer is said, the user points at the desired location. The very instant the finger is pointed, the Aftermath of the spell (but not its victims) will be displayed in a fraction of a second. The sight revealing a deep, blackened crater made from the attack, dense, black fog surrounding the vicinity, and a ring of smaller, blackened craters surrounding the center crater, each small crater with a pillar of black smog trailing upwards into the sky. All of this will dissapear as fast as it appeared, and nothing shall happen for ten seconds afterwards. After the ten seconds are up, a large explosion of black, smoggy energy will occur at the spot pointed at, the blast radius being 12 meters minimum. The smog is highly corrosive, to the point that even steel will melt. If one has been exposed to the smog for long enough, even the strongest armor of skin shall melt away from heavily prolonged contact with it. The smog will quickly travel out from the center as the exposion occurs. From this explosion, a large, black fireball composed of said energy will shoot up towards the sky, splitting into twelve, smaller fireballs just as it is about to fall back down. Each of the fireballs will move outwards from the center, landing onto the earth in unison, creating a ring of smaller explosions, causing a lesser amount of fog to scatter from the explosion, as well as a pillar of smoke to rise up from the crater. The distance between the center and the ring is half a mile minimum, the distance being proportionate to the size of the center's blast radius. The time it takes for the ring of explosions to occur from the initial one is one post. The fog will last for three posts, before disspipating. The highest sources of damage are from the explosions, with anyone who is caught in the first blast having a high likeliness of fully vaporising due to the attack

  • Notes:Anyone who is below 0 tier, and is somehow able to cast this spell, can be subject to injury from the spell, not to mention that the use of the spell would me more than enough to exhaust the user beyond any ability to fight. The size of the initial explosion, the amount of fog emitted, or the longevity of the fog increases with the use of (much) more energy. The flash in the beginning is completely benign, even if one is right in the center of teh initial blast during the primary flash. Due to timing, the fog from the ring expires one turn later than the fog from the center.

  • Name: Sowspear
  • Type: Offensive
  • Prayer:Zao Koa says: "GET OVER HERE"
  • Effects: This spell costs only a small amount of energy to use. Upon saying the prayer, the user fires a green, striangular shaped spearhead of energy, with a thin, green, luminous tail 3 feet long. The projectile moves as hast as an arrow. If the spear so happens to hit someone, not only will that person be impaled by the spear, he will also be thrusted towards the user at the very instant of contact, as if sucked in by a strong vortex. The energy emitted by the spear can induce paralysis to those who are at the same tier, or lower than the user. Higher tiers are not effected by paralysis. If the spear hits any object or attack, it will simply dissipate. The max distance the victim travels upon being impaled is 24 meters.

  • Notes:If the spear hits beyond the range of 24 meters, the user will still be thrusted towards the user, albeit that person will not end up right next to the user. There is not limit to how many Sowspears can be fired.

  • Name: Shattered Existance
  • Type: Offensive
  • Prayer: Life, time, existence. Nothing is safe from the chaotic wrath of Touketsu. This is but a hint of his power.
  • Effects: This spell is very costly in energy, and is reserved for the strongest of the Demon World to use. only tier 0-3 and up will be capeable of using it without any risk of it backfiring. Upon completing the prayer, little jagged, luminous white lines shall elrge out of the palm of the user, moving in a jagged patern, creating angles and elbows for every foot, in similar fashion to how glass cracks. The sound of glass cracking can be heard from up to 50 meters away. The cracks are surrounded in dense darkness, fully obscuring anything that comes close enough to the cracks. This makes the spell t appear to be a black line, laden with smaler, jagged, bright white lines. The cracks can only span up to 30 feet in length, 2 meters in width. Any longer than that then the cracks will fade away from the back of the line to maintain the proper length. The cracks expand/travel for 2 meters per second, which is significantly slow.

    The cracks are sensitive. Anything that makes contact with a single crack will, proportionately, result in all of the cracks exploding in a burst of intense, white light, the blast spanning double the proportions of the initial foray of cracks. Little shards, white on one side and black on the other, will be flung out of the explosion from all directions, although these shards are benign. The sound is similar to a large quantity of glass shatering. The sound is so loud that it can be heard from many miles away. The entire vicinity where the thread is occuring shall, in an instant, flash into an inverted color, in which black is white and white is black. This lasts for only a second before everything fades back to normal color. Anyone who so happens to be nearby, or directly made contact with the cracks would be fully obliterated by the sheer power of the attack. This excludes anyone who is of equivalent or higher tier than the caster, which would still suffer extreme damage from this attack, and be launched away from the blast like a puny little pebble. All attacks that were nearby, or made contact with the cracks would be destroyed by the blast, unless high amounts of energy were used to make it by an opponent of equal tier or higher compared to the user.

  • Notes:This attack can effect the user, so it is dangerous to be near it. This makes it especially dangerous to stick around when the spell has just been casted. Anyone below 0-3 will put themselves at risk of causing the cracks to backfire, by making contact with the user immediately, which can bring about a near fatal outcome for the user. The chances of the spell working being 1/4. Anyone below 1-1+ will have a 100% chance of the spell backfiring. The proportions of the cracks can be re arranged, meaning that instead of being thirty feet long, the line can be condensed to become wider in span, the wider the arrangement of cracks are, however, the slower the cracks shall move, and vice versa. (An arrangement of a single crack would move as fast as a rocket, a wide, yet thin wall of cracks would move half a foot per second.)

  • Name: Wall of brittle reality
  • Type: Defensive
  • Prayer: Let the reality shattering power of Touketsu be my defense.
  • Effects: This is styles similar to Shattered Existance. Once the prayer is finishes, a wall composed of cracks, is quickly made, in a slanted angle, in front of the user. The properties of the cracks, and the resulting blast is the same as in Shattered Existance (meaning only a powerful attack by an equal or higher tier opponent can survive the resulting blast). When they explode, however, the explosion is focused away from the user, peventing the blast from hitting the user as well (If the contact was made from the front of the wall, rather than the back). These cracks must remain stagnant, and lasts 2 posts before fading away. The user must stay put for one post after the spell is casted before he can move away, otherwise, the wall will fade away.

  • Notes:This spell is highly costly in energy, and its proportions are a minimum 12x12 feet. With the use of (much) more energy, the proportions of this wall can increase. If anyone so happens to hit the wall from behind, then the wall will burst towards the user, rather than away. Like the previous spell, only 0-3 and above can safely use it, with anyone below having the risk of it backfiring.

Demon Spell

  • Name: Aura of Burden
  • Type: Other (Enchantment-Aura)
  • Prayer: No one knows burden more than Touketsu
  • Effects: Upon finishing the prayer, the user fires out a thick, black ring of darkness towads the enemy, the ring being a foot in diameter. The ring moves as fast as a rocket.This is a hex projectile, which, upon making contact with the enemy, afflicts the victim with a hex. All basic and intermediate techniques and abilities that require reiatsu, cost double the amount of energy as usual. The most powerful abilities/techniques cost the 1 and 1/2 the normal amount of energy to use. This hex lasts for the remainder of the thread. This spell can afflict the user as well. The victim can only be hexed once, and no more. Hitting the same person with the same hex will not increase its effects.

  • Name: Spark of Sacrifice
  • Type: Other (Enchantment-Aura)
  • Prayer: Zoa Koa dictates that all power comes at a cost.
  • Effects: Upon completing the prayer, the user fires out a black, triangular spearhead of smog out of his palm (or weapon) towards the enemy, a cone trail of smog forming behind it. This projectile moves as fast as a rocket. The projectile itself is benign, but its effects, upon making contact with the enemy, are quite negative. This projectile is really a hex, and afflicts the target with the hex upon contact. The curse activates whenever the opponent enters a form of higher power, which costs a tenth of that person's total health. Health lost this way takes the form of a feeling of illness from the inside. Health lost this way cannot be regained through regeneration, but could be healed with any sort of healing magic, although the healing spell used, regardless of how powerful it is, can only heal up half of the victim's health at max. The hex lasts for the remainder of the thread. If another projectile so happens to hit the same victim, the effects are increased by another 10 percent. This spell can afflict the user as well. The enemy does not lose any health for already being in a stronger form.

Last edited by [THEFROST] on Thu Apr 23, 2015 7:43 pm; edited 18 times in total

[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] WVMWLOu
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[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] Empty Re: [Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating]

Tue Jul 09, 2013 5:13 am

[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] JCRrxmK


[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] Image7423_zpsee384541

The Amulet of Downfall

Used For: The Amulet of Downfall contains the essential essence of The Former Danava of Blood. The Blood of life allowed the former Danava of Life to tap into the abilities that are hidden within nearly every spiritual creature, which is to increase the power of one self by using the life force of others. While this ability seems simple, it is anything but as there are hundreds of different life forces, and all of them matter in their own way or another. Michael soon figured out that Blood is the Most important, as humans can live without Spiritual Energy but they can't live without blood and neither can any other beast. The only way that these abilities work is if the blood is outside the body, which means that the user will be unable to do anything with the blood inside a person's body -- unless the user is able to successfully inject their influence into a person.

Excess Energy: The Amulet of Downfall contains enough energy within it to be on par with hardened Captain of the Gotei 13. Therefore, even if the user is powerless, they will still have an ample abundance of energy to feast on by activating this gem. Furthermore, there is a large collection of Death Energy stored within to increase the attributes of the user and the gem's powers further. Therefore, this can be used as a backup or secondary source of energy for the user. This is done in a way that they can perform some of the feats of this gem without tiring themselves off. Although, if the user is stronger, they can cause an enhancement to the abilities stored within the gem.

Enhanced Defenses: The Former Danava of Blood seemed to have had a metaphysical defense that attempted to surpassed Mana's own. Shortly before his death, he is was able to nullify or weaken things that attack him on an emotional or instinctual level. Such as if someone was trying to make Michael feel fear though and ability, Michael's defense would have weaken that ability depending on how well he could figure out how it works. This also increases the users defense against spiritual based attacks massively. As the former Danava of Blood was able to take a Cero Osucas with ease, leaving only scratches on his body, provided the Cero was not at full power when it hit.

Blood Puppetry: The former Danava of blood had perfected his powers to the point that he has total control over the blood in his body. By proxy, when active, the user of this gem will be able to perform similar feats. By using this technique, the user can control their body as one would a puppet, allowing them to move freely despite paralysis, broken limbs, or any other force that would impede normal movement. This will allow them to keep fighting, even if their arm is broken or other factors try to stop them from doing so, as long as the user's blood is not being tampered with a stronger poison then him. It is also worth noting that Mana is able to spread this influence to others, but they must accept her blood and it's far more taxing on her body to perform energywise.

Bloodhounds Scent: The previous Danava of Blood's obsession with the blood of the living and the dead allows for the users of this gem to increase their senses to supernatural levels. It reaches to the point that if they smell blood that has been shed, they can follow and track that person. Every race has it's own unique smell, and along with every person has his own unique smell within their race, allowing the user to track people. If The User gets a hold of a person's blood, and licks it they may be able to remember that scent for the rest of their life. And if they ever encounter it again? They may very well be able to gradually recall that person's abilities and looks and all else they saw from them in their last encounter.

Death's Aura: This is one of the most dangerous abilities that Michael Asthavon had, for one reason only, it attacks the very core of a person. This ability creates a semi aura of death around The User, causing anyone within the area to feel a great feeling of dread and as if death is coming down on them, which for the weak can be enough to cause the fight or flight reason to kick in and cause them to make mistakes. This is not very dangerous to most fighters due to the simple fact that they are use to Death being near them, so this might be a new experience for them but it is unlikely that it will cause them to flee, or fight and make mistakes out of the fear.

The real power happens when someone either makes eye contact or touches the user. If The Owner of the Amulet makes eye contact or touches with you, depending on how long the eye contact or contact is is, visions of the different ways that the owner of the gem can kill that person will flash through their minds(not their eyesight), and the longer the eye contact or touch is made. This can cause some of the weaker willed fighters to be paralyzed in fear of their doom and their death, but what makes this even more dangerous is if the user manages to hold eye contact and contact for a long period of time. While the effects vary from person to person, most of the time the person does their very best to flee or they simply stand like a deer in headlights.

Blood Generation: This is a special ability that allows the user of the gem to generate additional blood for themselves by converting it's inner energies into more fluid for themselves. The power is quite useful for when he loses vast amounts of blood when in combat. Say an opponent had beaten him greatly and caused an extreme amount of blood to be spewed out of the user's body. In this circumstance, if they had a sufficient mass of energy generating within him or the amulet, they could essentially use that to begin mending that wounds and eventually restoring the quantities of blood in their body.

This will result in limited healing of open wounds, scratches or burns and bring him back to health to an extent. It's possible for them to restore up to thirty percent of his overall help at a given time with this power. However, it is also fair because it will steadily deplete him of energy if the owner of this gem uses it too often in a fight and eventually they will be brought down once their reserves have been burned through. Furthermore, it only restores of the users health, but doesn't do anything in regards to allotting them more energy to spam this technique.

Blood Affinity: Based on the fact that Michael's Origin was based around blood, it is reasonable to assume that the user of this amulet will gain some sort of augmentative boost when vast quantities of it are accumulated. So, with that said, when the owner of this gem is able to obtain a sufficient amount of blood, blood that is equal to roughly fifty percent of an average persons body weight, they will then obtain a "Blood State". This is similar to when a Vizard dawns their mask, but much more potent for what he does. Throughout the duration of a ten post period, he will receive a variety of boost. One of the first? Enhanced Strength.

When they enter into this "Accelerated Blood State", most of their offensive strikes will become much more potent in destructive force. For example, if they were going in to punch an opponent? It would have enough striking power behind the blow in order to level two to three entire city blocks if they had pushed himself hard enough. Another instance of this strength being put to the test would be if the user were to go for a dropkick, but the power behind it would be enough to obliterate an entire cliff side with ease. Further demonstrations of this strength would be the ability to pick up tanker trucks, vehicles and other similar objects.

The next boost owner of this gem would receive? Increased Speed. While this enhanced state is in effect, The User's Speed will increase dramatically. One of the first signs of this would be the rate in which the user can move around on the field. Generally speaking, it has the potential to make it more difficult for the opponent to keep track of the user depending in their level of their speed and it allows the user to obtain a two times increase at the rate in which they move. In addition to that, this will result in a great perception of things in their environment; such as having an easier time with perceiving swift assaults from quicker opponents or very fast energy attacks or punches.

Lastly, the final increase they will obtain from this Blood Boost State will be that the user obtains a major boost in their Demon Spell usage. While within this boosted mode, most demon spells or magic that they use will see their effects amplified by three times. So, if they were to fire off a magic spell that produced a burst of fire that was capable of engulfing two entire city blocks? Then when in his Blood Affinity State, that will most likely be able to cover six city blocks instead of two. Another great example would be if there was some sort of spell that produced a barrier capable of blocking a bala. While in this Augmented State, the user will be able to increase it's effects in order to shield themselves from fully powered cero's and holds the potential to at least weaken the effects of a Cero oscuras if one was shot at the user; when it comes to this example of using defensive based magic.

However, with all great things, it cannot last forever. Whenever the user decides to power down, or if they reach the ten post limit, they'll be unable to enter this state for at least five post and will need to gather more blood in order to obtain this boost again. In addition to that, there is the possibility for causing strain on the persons body for this new found strength. An exemplification of this would be with the subject's boosted momentum. While moving at those rates of speed, there does hold the possibility for them to injure something like their bone or muscles based on this unnatural amount of velocity that is generating from his body. So it is not a perfect transformation, but it generally gets the job done.

Enhancements As Tier Changes
One Tier: The user will be able to withhold this state for fifteen post.
Zero Tier: The User will be able to withhold this transformation for up to twenty five post.

Notes: This does not increase his energy levels, nor does it restore it's heath. It is simply an augmentative boost to make the user stronger for temporary periods of time.

Spiraling Blood Nightmare: Spiraling Blood Nightmare, otherwise known as SBN, is a very lethal technique that the former Danava of Blood used when he decided to go on the offensive. By opening many pores in the users skin, the owner of this gem will be highly capable of using their blood to shape up all sorts of phenomena, projectiles, weapons, shields and other means of offense or defense. This works by the immense amount of control they has over their blood. Based on that fact, and combined with the ability to produce vast amounts of blood through is Blood Producement, Spiraling Blood Nightmare can be quite the difficult technique to tangle with. Instances of how it can be used vary greatly.

An example of this would be that it is highly possible for the user to produce three dozen, spiked tentacles from their back. These could be solidified through his spiritual energy and can be used as highly destructive projectiles or weapons. For, if they were to mix it up with his demon magic, things could get quite nasty; Such as using some sort of spell to produce an extreme amount of heat from these tentacles and then hurling them at an opponent to burst through their defenses while in his Accelerated Blood State.

Yet another illustration of this power at work would be the ability to produce destructive blood spikes from every orifice of the persons body. Again, by solidifying the blood, they could use them as highly destructive projectiles by releasing them at great rates of speed at the opponent. It can be proven to be even more dangerous if the user were to mix and match demonic attributes to them; such as adding a spell to a row of spike which further damaged the opponent by having varying curses embedded into the attack.

Even more then that? The defensive capacities that this attack have are pretty overwhelming as well. These can be displayed by having mounds of blood spiral out of the users body, form into an entire three sixty degree dome and serve as a difficult barrier to phase through. This is because the blood shield can be augmented through the owner or the gem's energy and make it harder for attacks to phase through.

Or, for an alternative, they can even use this for Blood Armor. If the user were to produce enough blood that could cover every square inch of their body, it could be used as an additional layer of defense. Meaning, that if an opponent were to attack the blood layer first? The damage would probably effect the shield on a physical and metaphysical level, but until it was destroyed? The user themselves would possibly only feel twenty to ten percent of the damages; while the Blood Armor takes the other eighty to ninety percent of the damage.

This type of armor can even be applied to other attacks or infused into objects. An instance of this occurring would be if the user of the gem were to grab a sword, engulf it in his blood and then increase the offensive/defensive properties of this blade through Spiraling Nightmare Blood. It would even have the capacity to produce a technique, in this example, where if he were to swing the sword? It would be possible to release a destructive wave of blood capable of having destructive potential equal to a cero.

Lastly, one of the more devastating things that the gem can do with Spiraling Blood Nightmare? It holds the capacity to even turn non-living objects into blood. They are only capable of doing this in a area of one hundred meters, and is only limited to doing this two times per post before needing a two post cooldown, but they can turn something like a boulder into a puddle of blood for him to use for Spiraling Blood Nightmare. Or, the user can have his energy influence the entire area within a one hundred meter radius and break down things into usable blood for Spiraling Blood Nightmare.

However, as with every great power, there is a limit to just how much can be done with it. The maximum vicinity range of control is was within a five hundred to one thousand meter radius for the former Danava; although more powerful users can increase it's effects. Therefore, by itself, anything that the user does with Spiraling Blood Nightmare? It can only go, and when the gem is really pushing itself, upwards of one thousand meters. However, this does not include things like projectiles, which rely on speed on to keep it's range going. So the gem can form long range attacks with it, but it cannot do something like turn the entire area within a two mile radius into blood for them to use.

In addition to that, if he loses too much blood from SBN? Then he will need to use more of his spiritual energy to produce it. And if that occurs? Then he will eventually tire out. Meaning, that it's limited mostly by how much blood Micheal has to work with. Making him have to think twice in some instances before trying to rely too heavily on this power or attempting to spam it.

Even more than that? If they loses too much blood, the user will eventually begin to become dazed, confused and begin suffering physical side effects. These can include extreme muscle cramps, blurred vision, mind numbing headaches and damage to their organs. If this keeps up, and they fail to back down when they are aware that they at their limit, then this can lead to the user blacking out or even dying. So, it takes great responsibility care and wield something like SBN for the user.

Extra Information About Amulet of Downfall

Obtained From: This item was forged during the death of Michael Asthavon. By accident, Mana retracted the powers associated with the Asthavon Seal she bestowed upon him and transferred his supernatural powers into The Seal of Downfall.


Note: Mana is now considered the primary controller of this system with Deveta and Khala. They are able to grant special permissions to others in Shadow Fall and make adjustments or additions as they see fit to this network.

In order to take some of the burden off of her mind, Neoveta has compromised a network of sorts. Due to the fact that she is able to sync her particles into different people, objects, and, to an extent, the space around her; Neoveta has began tethering these things together into a complex system. By infusing her own energy particles into Shadow Fall's infrastructure, she is considered an external branch of their network that can sustain itself even if all of their equipment were to be destroyed. So while it is operational, their machinery can help assist Neoveta as much as she can assist them.

An illustration of Demi Network at work could more or less be the assistance of cracking codes at near instant speed. Combined with Neoveta's high level of analytical skills, and the bolstering power of the hive network of minds and equipment associated with Shadow Fall and the Asthavon, this is not out of the realm of possibility when each of these tools work together with one another. Day in and out Neoveta, even at rest, is able to defer all sorts of intruders, hackers or those who try to peer into Shadow Fall's intelligence with relative ease. This is because both herself and their equipment become more enhanced the further they sync; making for peak levels of security and defense against the type of fearsome enemies they've made for themselves throughout the known realms.

Nevertheless, through the Demi Network, she has even made it possible for those within Shadow Fall and the Asthavon Family to communicate with each other through secured telepathic channels. This was made possible through infusing her energy particles into other equipment within Shadow Fall, or allowing members themselves to accept her presence, and then build a series of connections to each other to form a cluster mind. All that is required of them is to focus on this Telepathic Link and then they will be synchronized to it. After that point, they can add excess information to Shadow Fall, contact others within their faction or allies (Like The Monsuta or K-World) or have private conversations with one another through the network. They can disconnect from this network at any given time upon their will.

More impressively, she has made entire cities such as London, The Demon God's Capital, portions of Hell and other Shadow Fall Territories apart of her Network as well; and, by proxy, Shadow Fall's. This means that she can more appropriately scan the areas and accommodate people, resources and objects in them as she or Shadow Fall sees fit. So say that London was under attack by something that could wipe out an entire city. In this circumstance, it would be possible for her to put forth emergency coordinates to teleport large clumps of the metropolis into varying areas of Demon World, Hell and other Shadow Fall bases before putting it back together once the threat had passed. Or, in another example, she would be able to transport threats themselves out of the city and then attempt to encrypt the area to block their spiritual signature from reentering.


The Demon God's Blessing: One of the founding pieces of Mana's control over Demon World, once she was able to enlist his support on her side, Mana has found the gem she needed in order to make most of Demon World follow along with her orders. All that was needed in order to acquire this was defeating the former Queen of Demon World, whom had somehow managed to woo the Demon God to her side for the time that she did reign in order to tame most demon's. Thus, after an extended period of combat, Mana had emerged on top with the head of the Queen slain by her very hands. And so, with her officially as Queen through that actions, The Demon God had paid visit to her. While meeting beforehand when he was interested in that Angel her former self had possessed, this time around he was here to say that he was amused by her efforts to see him once again and all the resources it took in order to achieve her power. So, with her taking his former students places, Touketsu decided to play along for a bit and see where this new Queen would take things with her radical attitude.

Demon World: After securing herself as heir to the Demon Throne, Mana has control over nearly all of Demon World's population. While the other King/Queens have control over their fair share of the three out of four corner of Demon World, thanks to Mana's connection with the Demon God, most have a tendency to most likely listen to her if there was an order given for a major war. As, with the way the Demon God is, he is often considered as some sort of mythical god in Demon Culture. As a result, with his good blessing, most seem to not want to get in the way of Mana's will across the land. However, she doesn't actively force her will outside of her own kingdom. All she is that Demon's let go of their restraints, have as much fun as they can, burn down old traditions if they get in the way and ultimately be there if their assistance is ever needed in terminating the threats that desire to bring down Shadow Fall or Demon World.

Shadow Fall: Shadow Fall is an organization that was forged between the former Sin Fall and Nuevo Esapda coming together in order to bring Arrancar, Demon and Hollow forces into one Super Organization. As a result, when the negotiations was settled, she had became one of the main leaders of Shadow Fall and is often seen as a figurehead for Shadow Fall overall. So, while she may officially share this leadership with Ashlei Clixx and Abaddon, Mana appears to be much more actively pursued in maintaining her public appearance, putting forth a large majority of the aggressive movements Shadow Fall has produced over the past year and ultimately a dominant force within this faction. And, during her time as leader of Sin Fall and Shadow Fall, she has been given access to a massively destructive supernatural army of Demon's, Arrancar and Hollow alike, many types of resources for possible world domination and many types of weapons that are capable of mass destruction if Mana wishes to go to the extreme of wiping entire nations off the map with Shadow Fall's weaponry.

America: Before fully taking over this country, Mana had actually arranged a deal with it's former leader; Haseo. Based on the fact that there were many nations planning to go to war with America in order to free it from Haseo's grip on the nation, Mana put an offer on the table that she would willingly protect the country from these rebel prices at the cost of being allowed to take over various states and sections of America. Faced with a great task on his shoulders, Haseo eventually gave into Mana's offer and allowed Shadow Fall & Demon World forces into America's gates in order to better their defenses for the time that war would come. However, Haseo wouldn't live to see this day yet. As, for unknown circumstances, it seems he has went all but missing in action. With not a single way to locate, trace or discover his whereabouts; some assumed he may have gotten assassinated or simply decided to run away. In any case, seeing an opportunity at hand, Mana decided to step up and officially take control of this fine nation. So, through all of that, The Queen had became the "President" of America and is currently remodeling to Shadow Fall & Demon World's needs.

London: London was acquired in a mass take over with Mana mainly leading the assaulting invasion. It was really one of her crowning moments of power and major entrance into the World of The Living. This major assault IS what placed the fear of Demon's in the minds and hearts of Earth's inhabitants. In roughly the span of five to fifteen minutes? Mana, with some assistance here and there, nearly single-handily seized control of London in a massive display of destruction, power and chaos. This battle was rough, ruthless and overall hell on Earth. Ultimately, being unable to stop such a power at the time, most of the opposing forces were eventually forced to fall back after a Kuro Sosu was embedded into the city and laid the final coffin needed for Mana to begin her swift invasion of not only London, but quickly most of Europe following that attack. So now, since 2411, Mana has been in control of Europe as it's new acting Queen and has allotted various Shadow Fall member control of it's nations.

The Shadow World: Unrelated to Matthew Hinote's Shadow Realm, Mana has stated she has acquired her own individual world comprised of the Shadow's. It's steadily been put together through many types of magical spells, Mana's natural & supernatural Shadow's and sealed together with her energy. Over the past year or so it's been steadily growing to the point to where she believes she'll always have a definite advantage wherever there is darkness. This is especially true if you consider the fact she is able to call upon various objects, store weaponry within them and summon all sorts of ghouls from the depths of the darkness. In fact, it may even be possible to create an entirely separate physical world from the amounts of Shadow's Mana has collected to craft a "Shadow World" under either her Demon Kingdom or London. Though, with her mastery of the dark arts, it wouldn't be a diffcult task to swift this under varying planes if she truly desired this to be so.

The Asthavon Family: Similar to the Soul King's actual Royal Family, not 0 Division, Mana has assembled a very well known Royal Demon Family whom is on par with the Soul King's Family in terms of power, resources and numbers. They are one of the most infamous families in Demon World history and are starting to become more preveilant with Mana's influence over Demon World, support of the Demon God and control of Shadow Fall. It has allowed her to increase their bases, enlist more Royal Family members and crave a page deep into the grains of Demon World's history as one of the most ruthless Royal Families in recent history when it comes to the radical changes to the Demon Realm and Living Realm.



Strength: Strength is most likely the near the top of end of Mana's relationship bar. Through thick and thin; over the many centuries Mana has existed even as Haniel, Strength was always there by her side. Constantly taking a firm stance, being one of the rocks that kept Mana stable and never wavering in her commitment to The Queen. Even when most of the Iahhel family had treated Haniel as if she were some utter monster, Strength was usually one of the few people who saw passed and tried to befriend Mana and Haniel. Thus, you could say this was her first friend outside of Kagari that Mana/Haniel had ever made. Making this relationship something that Mana deeply cherishes; feeling a strong sense of bond towards this sister and willing to do anything it takes in order to protect her. Nobody, no being or no force is going to cause any sort of hell for Strength if Mana can help it.

Ashlei Clixx: Dear Ashlei Clixx. This woman, this woman here is most likely one of Mana's top favorite relationships. The duo met in the same meeting that she had been introduced to Sergei, the former Espada Leader of his time. When observing her methods, getting a feel for her spiritual energy and eventually seizing up her physically; There was such a strong attraction to The Queen of Hollow's that Mana just couldn't help herself. Therefore, since that faithful day the two of them had fought along the same side in this on going war, Mana has felt a strong bond for her. Even she herself isn't sure why she latched on so strongly to the Espada leader, but damned if she doesn't think this relationship is aesthetically pleasing. After having her fill of Ashlei, she has even vowed to protect Ashlei no matter the consequences. Even go as far as to step in between her fight with Clarie in order to console the two sisters of Chaos. So, to say this relationship would be to say that sky isn't blue.

Clarie Clixx: Taking the place as one of the strongest bonds she has for her collection of sisters, Clarie often seems like an older sister of sorts to Mana. From the trials and tribulations they have faced together with Ashlei Clixx as The Sisters of Chaos, from having to break them apart during the battle of London when they each went all out against her and this strange sense of magnetism Clarie seems to vibrate from every core of her body; all of out has really screamed out to Mana in the sensation of deeply desiring Clarie for her own. So much so, that she has even stated that she would be willing to risk her life if it meant protecting Clarie; a feat rather rare for someone as wicked as Mana. As such, this the depth of gratitude and love that Mana shares for all sisters whom are alike in Clarie or Ashlei's image.

Katana: Being one of the few people who truly going out of their way to protect Mana, Katana appears to be someone Mana holds dear to her wicked heart. So, based upon many instances of Katana seeming to have positive intentions towards her, such as a nonstop shortage of lectures she had embedded into Mana's mind, Mana has really started to see Katana as a fusion between a Mother and Sister. There is something about the way this woman carries herself that makes Mana believe she is worthy of this place in her life. So much so that she is also desiring that Katana become upon of her Royal Family, The Asthavon Family, in order to become a Royal Demon and a Demon Lord. Thus making the relation between these two rather special to her and one of the few people in Mana's life that she would try to protect any harm.

Cupcake: This is yet another person that Mana has begun to take a strong liking to through her time being served to protect Mana via The Banshee Force. After having time to oversee this woman, Mana has started to also consider her something akin to a little sister. Cupcake, to Mana, seems to be a really good go-getter who has the right attitude to fight alongside her. All the instances of her bubbly personality, attitude towards combat, interaction with Mana and just being around her cheery energy has made Mana very amused in her. So much so that she is also longing for her to join The Royal Asthavon Family with Katana to be official family and rise her to the ranks of a Royal Demon and a Demon Lord. And, with that said, this slot in Mana's relationship will obviously blossom into a very beautiful flower as more time happens to go on in Mana's mind.

Abaddon: Her relationship with him seems rather platonic at the moment. After seeing his rise into First Circle, she figured that she would be the best man for the job to replace the former Demon king and serve as a good replacement for Touketsu. So, a handful of years ago, she really insisted that he become King to the Demon God based upon her own premonitions of this man. Thus, after a bit of discussion between him, she had Abaddon risen to King Status and is waiting to see their relationship bloom over time. However, based upon putting a good word for him into the Demon God, it's safe to say that she doesn't view him in a negative light at all and seems to after him pretty well when they are seen together in various Shadow Fall and Demon World meetings that they have from time to time.

Touketsu: After securing her position as Queen of Demon World, Mana began to have a much closer relationship with the Demon God known as Touketsu. From what she was able to understand, he had always had a strange fascination with her after discovering that Haniel had possessed an Angel within her body. By killing that Angel to remove any further resistance of Mana's takeover of Haniel, he had provided her with the first taste of power by claiming the Angel's power for her own and morphing the entire body they once shared into a the Mana everyone knows today over all the time she has consumed a vast list of souls. So, from that moment on, she believed that Touketsu had opened the doors for her to become the fighting force she is today by granting her the key into Demon World along his side. Therefore, she has always had a fondness of him and likes how much she has begun to influence him as they have gotten to know each other over her rule of Demon World. She believes that within enough time, maybe she'll even have an effect on his entire being and recreate the Demon God in her own image. Though, these may be delusions of gander in her mind. In any case, she really loves having fun with Touketsu whenever he has time to summon himself and is among one of her top relationships based on everything that he had given her.

Sergei: Mana had met this strange man during a massive meeting amongst Sin Fall, Kokuryuteshi and Espada elites. This was done in the hopes of merging them all into what would be the Super Force of organizations they are today; having The Kokuryuteshi pave the way for the Monsuta and for SIn Fall to merge together with the Nuevo Espada in order to form Shadow Fall. But, sometime during the duration of this gathering, she had witnessed Sergei's rebirth into the Modern Age and was quite taken back at the appearance he had then. She often made notes about his bulking structure, how wet she became in his presence and really seemed to have a bit of lust going on for him at the time. Therefore, it's safe to assume The Queen still holds these feelings admiration for him since, later on in the pipeline, she allowed him to join Shadow Fall and ultimately take over Rome when Mana had taken control of almost all of Europe.

Johnathan Walker: This man has been a thorn in her side for quite something, but one she appears to not mind. They have waged battle against other a few times on various battlefields from Saburo City to the fall of London. So, from these encounters, she has gotten a good taste of what John is really like and considers him to be a refreshing change of pace whenever he appears on the battlefield. In a way, she considers him a rival, but ultimately doesn't believe he has the real strength in order to slay her. At least, not at the moment. Instead, she considers a source of endless entertainment whenever they have their disputes over whatever warzone they happen to find each other in and has great pleasures in giving him angst, getting a rise out of him by taunting him and just stomping around all his values, goals and desires to protect, save or otherwise stop Mana's twisted ambitions. So, in short, John is nothing more to a play toy to Mana and she likes him alot in this regard.

Genpaku Arishima: After meeting with him during the battle for London, Mana considers Genpaku to be another amusing toy for her entertainment. It really brought great pleasure seeing the man in agony as he failed to save the city that fell to Mana's feet. So much so, that she is eagerly awaiting his not attempt to thwart her plans on her Earth; perhaps even fueling a bit of her desire to attack some places she normally wouldn't. Thus, her relationship with him is mostly getting a rise out of him much like with John, but with much less rivalry, lowered feelings towards him and a sense that he really is just there for her to toy around with. Though, she considers if he is pushed to the breaking point, maybe something might snap and he'll become a much more formidable opponent from all the anguish, agony and pain she has given him from her actions that occurred in The Battle for London. After all, pain does strange things to a man's body, mind and soul.

Colin Washi: This is a rather new acquittance she has made, but an amusing one none the less. This relationship still has time to grow into something more matured, but currently Mana is doing battle with him on the fields of Madness City and considers him to be yet another puppet for her to play until her hearts content. There is a strong possibility that he will turn into the next source of amusement for her like John and Genpaku had turned into. Especially given the fact Colin had given her such a thrill by allowing him cutting her head off; only to reform herself and make a second Mana appear on the field; invalidating his attempt at killing her and giving her more passion to fight with this man.

Inami Asthavon:

Kiriel Asthavon:

Liu Asthavon:

Neoveta Asthavon:

Dr.Hebi: This is a rather amusing relationship from the prospective of The Demon Queen. The reason being is that she views him as a source of enriched madness for the most part. Therefore, her favoritism for that element has led her to otherwise greatly appreciate his presence and, thus, accept him for whom he is. So, one could say that she has a rather kinship with the male through the common bond of chaos and lunacy, but this relationship may be one-sided as there has been no indication that the male has similar feelings. In fact, he even outright attempted to kill her during the Australian Arc, but she was too delusional and blinded by her element to otherwise pay much heed to it. From her prospective, that was just the nature of doing business with the nature of madness. People have a tendency to lose their grip, and Mana considered Dr.Hebi no expectation. Henceforth, depending on how things go in the future, there is a great chance for this relationship to otherwise bloom varying on the amount of effort placed into it.

Rose Mischevang: From what Mana understands of Rose Mischevang at this point? Heh, she considers her nothing more than a spoiled brat. The reason for this is because she was none too pleased with her actions when confronting Ashlei about her trust in The Blood Queen. Even more then that, after hearing stories of her locking herself away in the virtual realm, it was hard to believe one could run away from reality like that and claim to be so strong. The Demon Queen has no qualms with someone who wishes to indulge in fantasy, as she provides those outlets for her own people, and is the ultimate end game of Khalaism, but the way she carries herself as The Primera Espada kind of makes it a joke almost. However, she does recognize her eye for ingenuity, and from the relationship with Ashlei, Mana more or less accepts her and hopes she can work on her major personality flaws. Seriously, that girl can act like such a major and enraged figure all of the time. One would almost think she needs to find herself a lover to otherwise quell those flames.

Eris Asthavon:

Michael Asthavon:

Sou Yuuki: Mana's relationship with this fellow ranged anywhere from being a toy to play with, to an outright pest she needed to destroy. This is because the male often made it his job to stick a thorn in her side whenever possible. It started out with his first all-out brawl with a rather high powered Arrancar in New York Center. There was an outright ignorance and unwillingness to comply to her rule when she requested that he cease fighting her home. Thus, whenever this human would show his face, she'd often use force to get her way in order to otherwise render his pursuits nulled. When he tried pulling the same stunt twice, she was noted as attacking him with the utmost hostility until he fell prey to his injuries and crooked over. Upon hearing this news? The Demon Queen popped up a fine bottle of wine, drunk it and celebrated that such an unbearable bastard had finally pushed up daises

Hulderic Hylham: The relationship with this Quicny is on relatively good terms. Each seem to have an affinity for the other and don't mind the others company. Therefore, one could consider this a friendship of sorts. The two have been noted to have a drink, shoot the shit with their organizations and generally worked to maintain the relationship between Demon's and the faction of Quincy that Hulderic controlled. Furthermore, the alliance between them was to such a high point that he even assisted in helping thwart a rebellion which was occurring in one of the nations within Demon World. So, to conclude, Mana often thinks of him as a trustworthy and reliable ally. However, as of late, she assumes that something must've went astray with his leadership due to the fact that most have referred to him as being a deadman after the conflict between The Vanderich and K-World. She wishes him, at this point, nothing but the best.

Kor-tatha: This Arrancar is considered a slave of sorts to The Demon Queen. The reason for this is because the subject has a rather foul attitude, ready to kill anything that moves and otherwise can be considered one massive bitch in her mind. However, once again, thanks to Ashlei's grace, Mana otherwise spared her a worse fate of death and made her work under Shadow Fall's banter. At least, not before draining her dry from a prime source of madness sealed within the child. Due to the fact that the creature attempted to otherwise destroy her home, insult her kingdom and cause strife in her life; The Demoness saw fit to take the inner-insanity of the hundreds of thousands of voices that plagued the Arrancar and zap a strong amount of power from the child. From there, in her weaken state, she then subdued the poor little thing and had her working for the organization ever since.

Kin Iramashsa: The interaction between The Demon Queen and this infamous Iramasha remains rather neutral. They've met with each other one time or another in order to otherwise discuss the alliances that Shadow Fall and Th Kokuryuteshi have. Otherwise? He is just another face in the crowd. Albeit, a rather powerful face. She has noted that his strength could probably be on par with hers and she respects him somewhat for that. More then anything else, she just hopes that his interest does not wane from the treaty that their organizations forged.

Truth: This is an entity that Mana is somewhat fearful of. The reason for this is that he was one of the few beings in recent times that was able to outmatch her power. Their clash nearly killed The Demon Queen and it took her quite some time to recover from the physical, spiritual and mental injuries she sustained from that day. Therefore, it otherwise served to raddle her nerves and give her a great terror of "pure" angels. Those who have been blessed , or cursed, with Truth's blood usually have some form of uneasiness from the Queen. This is because The Demoness has memorized Truth's energy patterns like the back of her hand from the brawl they had for Madness City. Therefore, she could never forget his scent, aura and overall presence. Even if this very force lives on in others.

Kakine Yuudeshi: When it comes to Kakine Yuudeshi? Boy, this woman finds a bit of fear to be had in this one. Following their clash in the rebellion of the Chaya Nation, The Demon Queen felt a great bit of terror from this angel because he shared Truth's blood. Therefore, from knowing this fact, she flipped out and did what she could to otherwise render this male to a bloody pulp. So, it can be safe to assume that The Demoness holds a great dislike for the male and does not have much of a desire to otherwise see him again after the fallout from that operation.

Dayaluu: Well, this relationship started off as one that The Demon Queen found to be rather meddlesome. The reason for this is because Dayaluu served as her own personal antagonist during her conquest of Malaysia in Operation Blood. The Demon attempted to fend off Shadow Fall's conquest of the nation, but was otherwise defeated once Mana gained the upper hand in their fight. Now, years later, the male seems to have arisen to Demon King and Mana noticed his new fond power. From that respect, she has grown to have a begrudging fondness; if only to otherwise maintain the unity between all of the Royal Families in Demon World. Therefore, as of now, she only has a tolerance for him due to his regale blood and strength at this point.

Iriko Crow:

Tsubasa Unabara: The Demon Queen otherwise believes that this fellow needs to relax, loosen up and change his perception of life. The reason for this is because she has seen him going down the path of bloodshed and becoming depressed from it due to her point of view of him. There is a sense of loathing, hatred and confusion filled within the male's heart and The Demoness believes that he should let go of that and just treat life as a game; much like her own self. Excluding that, she otherwise has her eye on the male based on the fact that he seems to be in such an unsteady position and because he has fought many of her other sisters. However, she doesn't hold much of a grudge against him for that. So long as they weren't killed, The Demoness otherwise doesn't care because fighting is just a thing of life for those who are dared to be brought up in Demon World. Thus, that is another potential factor in her otherwise seeming relatively fine with his presence.

Nozomi Sumashuu:

Fighting Record

Iahhel Arc

Unstable Haniel/Mana VS Iahhel Family [Killed/Won]
Unstable Haniel/Mana VS Rock Asthavon [Killed]

Demon Queen Arc

Mana VS Former Demon Queen (Killed)
Mana, Strength, Kagari and Nami Asthavon VS Khala [Inconclusive]

Saburo City Arc

Mana VS Jonathan Walker (Won)
Mana VS Saburo City Military Forces [Won]

Battle For London Arc

Mana VS Jonathan Walker & Genpaku (Won)
Mana VS Vanguard & United Kingdom Military (Won)
Ashlei & Mana VS Claire (Inconclusive)
Mana VS European Forces (Won)

Madness Arc

Mana VS Toki, Kanda and Colin Washi Round One (Won)
Mana VS Kanda Final Round (Won; Killed)
Mana VS Colin Bankai/Mask, Toki Released, Elizabeth Round One, Colin Persona, Toki Persona (Tie)
Mana VS Elizabeth Final Round (Killed)
Mana VS Colin Res + Bankai, Truth, Toki 3rd Release, Powered Colin Persona, Powered Toki Persona (Inconclusive)

Operation Blood Arc

Mana VS Landen, Zero, Hanako & Malaysian Military Round One (Won)
Mana VS Shikai Landen, 3rd Release Cero, Hanako Released, Dayalu & Malaysian Military (Won)
Mana VS Zero Final Release (Won/Killed)
Mana VS Hanako Final Release, Damien Crow Shikai, Dayalu (Tie)

Micheal Training Arc

Weakened Mana Clone VS Michael Asthavon (Weakened Due To Seal) [Inconclusive]

Demon Queen VS Mad One Arc
Mana VS Eric Zarathos (won)
Mana VS Engra (Won)

State Of The Union Address

Mana VS White House Forces (Won)

New York City Arc

Mana VS Sou & Bikuta (Won)

Rebel Ravan Arc

Mana VS Rebel Ravan Forces (Won)
Mana VS Kakine Yuudeshi (Won)

Hell Arc

Mana VS Michael (Killed)

New York City Invasion Sou

Mana VS Sou Full Powered (Won)

Character Awards

• October 2011 Platinum Hearts Thread Of The Month:
Vampires & Witches [3RD PLACE]

• September 2012 Platinum Hearts Fight Thread Of The Month:
The Watchman Fallen Angel [2ND PLACE]

• October 2012 Platinum Hearts Casual Thread Of The Month:
A Waltz Between Martyr's Of The Night[3RD PLACE]

• November 2012 Platinum Hearts Fight Thread Of The Month:
The Watchman Fallen Angel [1ST PLACE]

• January 2013 Platinum Hearts Fight Thread Of The Month:
[GREEN TEAM] Shadow Fall Mission - Operation: B.L.O.O.D. [1ST PLACE]

• July 2013 Platinum Hearts Fight Thread Of The Month:
Madness VS Superior Power [1ST PLACE]

• August 2013 Platinum Hearts Character Of The Month:
Mana Asthavon [1ST PLACE]

• August 2013 Platinum Hearts Casual Thread Of The Month:
Return, Reclaim, Rebuild [1ST PLACE]

• June 2014 Platinum Hearts Character Of The Month:
Mana Asthavon [1ST PLACE]

• June 2014 Platinum Hearts Casual Thread Of The Month:
My Journey To Hell[1ST PLACE]

• June 2014 Platinum Hearts Fight Thread Of The Month:
Burning Clash Against Darkness [1ST PLACE]

Skill Sheet Section

Racial Skills
  • Za Koa Skill: Grand Master
  • Demon Magic: Grand Master
  • Shadow Movement: Master
  • Akuma Kyōdo: Master

General Skills
  • Durability: Advanced
  • General Speed: Advanced
  • Strength: Adept
  • Weapon Skill: Master

DE Control
  • Semi-Immortal Capacity: Advanced
  • Breakdown Skill: Master
  • Necromancy Strength: Grand Master
  • DE Barrier: Master

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Master
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced
  • Pain Endurance: Master
  • Focus: Advanced

Last edited by [THEFROST] on Fri Apr 24, 2015 8:14 am; edited 16 times in total

[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] WVMWLOu
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Joined : 2010-06-03
Posts : 19440
Age : 31
Location : Purgatory

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[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] Empty Re: [Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating]

Tue Aug 27, 2013 4:53 am


[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] JCRrxmK

Artist: The Birthday Massacre - Song: Looking Glass - Word Count: 1852
esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

Testing the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

[b][center][color=#1b8a02][PLAY THE POSTING MUSIC][/b][/center][/color]<Center><br><div style="color:#FDEEF4; border-radius: 4.5em; width: 480px; background-image:url(''); border: white solid 4px; box-shadow: #277d02  0px 0px 25px;"><div style="border-top-right-radius: 4.2em; border-top-left-radius: 4.2em; width: 480px;  height: 640px; background-image:url(''); opacity: 1.0"></div>[url=][img][/img][/url]

<Center><div style="width: 429px;  border-width: 4px; border-style: solid; border-color: white;  border-radius:3em; -moz-border-radius:3em; background-color: #277d02; font-family: calibri; font-size: 14px; line-height: 15px; opacity: 0.9; text-align: justify;  text-shadow: lightgrey 0px 0px 1px; text-shadow: black 1px 1px 1px; padding: 9px; color: white; box-shadow: #0b8a1e  0px 0px 20px;">[center][b]Artist: The Birthday Massacre - Song: Looking Glass  - Word Count: 1852[/b][/center]
esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

Testing the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.



[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] JCRrxmK

Artist: The Birthday Massacre - Song: Looking Glass - Word Count: 1852
esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

Testing the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

[b][center][color=#1b8a02][PLAY THE POSTING MUSIC][/b][/center][/color]<Center><br><div style="color:#FDEEF4; border-radius: 4.5em; width: 480px; background-image:url(''); border: white solid 4px; box-shadow: #277d02  0px 0px 25px;"><div style="border-top-right-radius: 4.2em; border-top-left-radius: 4.2em; width: 480px;  height: 640px; background-image:url(''); opacity: 1.0"></div>[url=][img][/img][/url]

<Center><div style="width: 429px;  border-width: 4px; border-style: solid; border-color: white;  border-radius:3em; -moz-border-radius:3em; background-color: #277d02; font-family: calibri; font-size: 14px; line-height: 15px; opacity: 0.9; text-align: justify;  text-shadow: lightgrey 0px 0px 1px; text-shadow: black 1px 1px 1px; padding: 9px; color: white; box-shadow: #0b8a1e  0px 0px 20px;">[center][b]Artist: The Birthday Massacre - Song: Looking Glass  - Word Count: 1852[/b][/center]
esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

Testing the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.



[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] JCRrxmK

Artist: The Birthday Massacre - Song: Looking Glass - Word Count: 1852
esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

Testing the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

[b][center][color=#1b8a02][PLAY THE POSTING MUSIC][/b][/center][/color]<Center><br><div style="color:#FDEEF4; border-radius: 4.5em; width: 480px; background-image:url(''); border: white solid 4px; box-shadow: #277d02  0px 0px 25px;"><div style="border-top-right-radius: 4.2em; border-top-left-radius: 4.2em; width: 480px;  height: 640px; background-image:url(''); opacity: 1.0"></div>[url=][img][/img][/url]

<Center><div style="width: 429px;  border-width: 4px; border-style: solid; border-color: white;  border-radius:3em; -moz-border-radius:3em; background-color: #277d02; font-family: calibri; font-size: 14px; line-height: 15px; opacity: 0.9; text-align: justify;  text-shadow: lightgrey 0px 0px 1px; text-shadow: black 1px 1px 1px; padding: 9px; color: white; box-shadow: #0b8a1e  0px 0px 20px;">[center][b]Artist: The Birthday Massacre - Song: Looking Glass  - Word Count: 1852[/b][/center]
esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

Testing the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.



[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] JCRrxmK

Artist: The Birthday Massacre - Song: Looking Glass - Word Count: 1852
esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

Testing the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

[b][center][color=#1b8a02][PLAY THE POSTING MUSIC][/b][/center][/color]<Center><br><div style="color:#FDEEF4; border-radius: 4.5em; width: 480px; background-image:url(''); border: white solid 4px; box-shadow: #277d02  0px 0px 25px;"><div style="border-top-right-radius: 4.2em; border-top-left-radius: 4.2em; width: 480px;  height: 640px; background-image:url(''); opacity: 1.0"></div>[url=][img][/img][/url]

<Center><div style="width: 429px;  border-width: 4px; border-style: solid; border-color: white;  border-radius:3em; -moz-border-radius:3em; background-color: #277d02; font-family: calibri; font-size: 14px; line-height: 15px; opacity: 0.9; text-align: justify;  text-shadow: lightgrey 0px 0px 1px; text-shadow: black 1px 1px 1px; padding: 9px; color: white; box-shadow: #0b8a1e  0px 0px 20px;">[center][b]Artist: The Birthday Massacre - Song: Looking Glass  - Word Count: 1852[/b][/center]
esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

Testing the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.



[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] JCRrxmK

Artist: The Birthday Massacre - Song: Looking Glass - Word Count: 1852
esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

Testing the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

[b][center][color=#1b8a02][PLAY THE POSTING MUSIC][/b][/center][/color]<Center><br><div style="color:#FDEEF4; border-radius: 4.5em; width: 480px; background-image:url(''); border: white solid 4px; box-shadow: #277d02  0px 0px 25px;"><div style="border-top-right-radius: 4.2em; border-top-left-radius: 4.2em; width: 480px;  height: 640px; background-image:url(''); opacity: 1.0"></div>[url=][img][/img][/url]

<Center><div style="width: 429px;  border-width: 4px; border-style: solid; border-color: white;  border-radius:3em; -moz-border-radius:3em; background-color: #277d02; font-family: calibri; font-size: 14px; line-height: 15px; opacity: 0.9; text-align: justify;  text-shadow: lightgrey 0px 0px 1px; text-shadow: black 1px 1px 1px; padding: 9px; color: white; box-shadow: #0b8a1e  0px 0px 20px;">[center][b]Artist: The Birthday Massacre - Song: Looking Glass  - Word Count: 1852[/b][/center]
esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

Testing the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.


[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] JCRrxmK

Artist: TheJonnyDeath - Song: KQM Mana's Theme - Word Count: N/A

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

Testing the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

<Center><br><div style="color:#a30202; border-radius: 4.5em; width: 480px; background-image:url(''); border: white solid 4px; box-shadow: #ad0e18 0px 0px 25px;"><div style="border-top-right-radius: 4.5em; border-top-left-radius: 4.5em; width: 480px;  height: 640px; background-image:url(''); opacity: 1.0"></div>[url=][img][/img][/url]

<Center><div style="width: 429px;  border-width: 4px; border-style: solid; border-color: white;  border-radius:3em; -moz-border-radius:3em; background-color: #ad0e18; font-family: calibri; font-size: 14px; line-height: 15px; opacity: 0.9; text-align: justify;  text-shadow: lightgrey 0px 0px 1px; padding: 9px; color: white; box-shadow: #ad0e18 0px 0px 20px; text-shadow: black 1px 1px 1px">[center][b]Artist: TheJonnyDeath - Song: KQM Mana's Theme  - Word Count: N/A[/b][/center]

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

Testing the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.


Last edited by [THEFROST] on Thu Apr 23, 2015 8:10 pm; edited 2 times in total

[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] WVMWLOu
Joined : 2011-02-25
Posts : 2112
Age : 28
Location : Nowhere

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[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] Left_bar_bleue0/0[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] Empty Re: [Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating]

Mon Sep 22, 2014 2:35 pm
Mana's tier is now being bumped up to 0-1 full time.

[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] Ap8OoJO

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[Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating] Empty Re: [Legendary Senior Event Class Character] Mana Asthavon: The Demon Queen [APPROVED, 0-1 | 0-1+ In KQM] [Version 6] [Updating]

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