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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Jacques "Sunny" Sangsue, the Maître Lien.[APPROVED || 1-1] Left_bar_bleue20650/20000Jacques "Sunny" Sangsue, the Maître Lien.[APPROVED || 1-1] Empty_bar_bleue  (20650/20000)

Jacques "Sunny" Sangsue, the Maître Lien.[APPROVED || 1-1] Empty Jacques "Sunny" Sangsue, the Maître Lien.[APPROVED || 1-1]

Fri Apr 06, 2012 4:28 pm
.:: || SANGSUE || ::.

Generic Statistics

Name: Jacques "Sunny" Sangsue
Age: 512
Gender: Male

Genetic Being


Jacques "Sunny" Sangsue, the Maître Lien.[APPROVED || 1-1] 62_1c82f6e555dfc176b0a3daf3af592480

From the top of the head, it's apparent that this Sangsue's got some quite spiky, blank white hair, that ends in points all over his skull. On his face, this hair reaches just down past his eyes, however, due to their spiky nature, he can still see just fine. On the back of his head the hair extends down past his chin. His eyes are quite small and horizontal, rarely opened past halfway on his face, they are about mediumly close together. He has a normal nose, and a long mouth, perfect for shouting out Lien names.

He has a relatively fit body, that is at ease more than not unless he's being wild. He stands at 5'11'', often with his spine curved over a bit. As such, his arms are also quie lengthy, and he has well-taken care of hands, although that's only because the fingernails of his gigai that became his body do not grow. For his garments, he wears a zipped up jacket on top, with a high collar that has two buttons holding it around his neck. Under the collar and stretching down to his belted waist, he has a zipper; under this jacket is his bare body. However, he does not have shoulder pads. He does have a small mark on his left chest plate; this is a memento to all the mod souls that were originally slaughtered by the Soul Society.

His sleeves are long and too large for him; they have a tightening zipper on them past his wrist that he never bothers to zip up, letting the teeth show. Around his waist he has a small belt with a very simple clip, and his pants are made of the same light white fabric as his top, extending down to his ankles. For footwear he wears a simple pair of shoes, also indiscriminately white.

On his right hand, he has a ring; when he decides it is time, this ring becomes the time Time Slipper. On his left cheek he has a mark, a blue line just below the eye with thee smaller lines breaking off from it, making what looks like an a m with the top of it keeping going. This is the mark of the Maître Lien, and only he wears it.


Wise: Despite all his other traits, he really is extremely intelligent. He make act wild most of the time, and he normally does; however, when called to duty he will use his extremely high logic and analytic skills to solve whatever the problem is. He is similar to a Sage, truly, although he doesn't like to act it. After all, he is the one who created the first generation of Lien as the Maître Lien.

Wild: Never being one to stand in a single spot, Jacques is quite wild, moving to whatever draws him and making it difficult for others to get in touch with him in case he needs to communicate. This also means that should he be captured, he will fight against his bonds with a ferocity, like a wild dog. He doesn’t let up in battle until he is quite sure his opponent is down, and could care less for power levels.

TO THE EXTREME: He is… as stated before, very wild. He believes that if you’re not living life to the fullest, you’re doing it wrong. He always does his best in anything he does, pushing his body to the limit in the process and constantly growing as a result. However, this can also make some awkward results, as he constantly shouts “TO THE EXTREME!” just in his daily life. Whether it be protecting his friends, training, stealing lipstick, or just eating an ice cream cone, he does everything to the extreme.

Independence: He is a fairly independent creature, rarely moving around with a group or with more than one person. He will make decisions based on himself due to this nature, although he will take others into consideration if they force him to think about them in his plans. He won’t go out of his way to make sure the people he’s with get hurt in his plans, as he isn’t particularly cruel, but he just will kind of… forget about them.

Nyctohylophobia: He has a considerably bad case of Nyctohylophobia, or the fear of dark wooded areas.

Further Inside

When Sunny first awoke, the world was completely dark around him. There was no light. There was not even a CONCEPT of light to him, only a pill in his way. However, one day, he saw it. Along with all his brothers and sisters, he saw it. The light. The beautiful, beautiful light. It was bright beyond comparison, so beautiful that it made him overjoyed to see. And then, he felt it: he was being picked up. He could hardly contain himself as he felt his pill-form be slowly placed into something… strange. Suddenly, his entire being was just alive with life, with senses, leaving him hitting there stunned. All he could do was stare straight ahead, feeling, smelling, seeing, tasting, and hearing, all at once. It was something so very, very beautiful to him. Something the likes of which he had never seen before.

However, it went bad. So very, very bad. Routine testing: that’s what they called it. However, it was really a slaughter pit. They threw all the modsouls with their dead bodies made to fight again into a gigantic floor of spikes. It was brutal, fast, and without mercy; the entire occupants of the testing area hit the spikes, the blood of their dead bodies going everywhere and bleeding like mad. Sunny would never, never forget that day. No matter what. His body was slammed into, landing on the dead corpses of his fallen comrades as other bodies rolled of off him, hitting the spikes as well, alal of them, but he, going into a very painful and destructive death. There was nothing that he could do, but stare up, wondering why they had did this. He wasn’t a dumb modsoul, I fact, quite the opposite. However, there was still nothing about this situation that made sense to him.

For days, for weeks, for what felt like years, he remained laying there, nothing happening, the stink of his comrades blood constantly in his nostrils, never moving for fear of dying. However, one day, he heard it. A strange noise, like a CLICK, as something opened. Out popped a strange head, with wild eyes, looking like a girls, staring out at the pit of spikes below herself. On the side of the wall, she was, as she looked down at the mess below her. She turned her head, shaking it, Sunny immediately becoming very, very scared. He called out, just once, using a word that he had heard the laboratory men say whenever they had failed at something. It was the only real word he knew, consisting of a single vowel. However, it instantly got the girl’s attention, as she looked back into the pit. Sunny slowly raised an arm, showing he was still alive.

The girl leapt down, nimbly dodging the spikes by dancing on his brothers and sisters as she reached him. She held up an arm, slamming him in the stomach. As she did so, the world turned dark once more, as she grabbed the pill. She ran out just as nimbly as she had arrived, going into the duct again as she made her way out, Sunny in her hand…

He awoke some time later, he wasn’t sure how long it had been. However, above him was that same girl again, with another crazy look on her face. He realized he was back in a body, looking down at himself, sighing in relief as he looked around him. In the room there was only this girl, and himself, and… something weird. He felt weird. Very weird. As if there was something in him that shouldn’t be. He gave a cry as another voice spoke within his mind, telling him to be calm. This of course, caused him to flip out, accidently using Sun Punch on the wall behind his sleeping form, smashing it utterly into pieces as a strange light enveloped his palm, as a piece of bread appeared in it. The one before him looked at it in curiosity as Sunny just stared at it in interest, wondering just what exactly it was.

However, before he could wonder further about what was going on, she explained in a rush. She said what she was, how she came to be, what the Sangsue were, and what she had done to him. She reminded him of how she had found him, and he instantly quieted. He remembered what they had done to him, and decided on his wild choice. He told her that he would join her, as she at least didn’t look like she even had the capacity to do that to the newly-made Sangsue in this gigai. However, he knew he felt different than her.

And so time passed. Aivee watched him with interest as he grew, and see what he could do. For a good time, there was nothing, and he merely got used to what she was able to show him and train him in. This often included him learning how to run from bar tabs while carrying an unconscious girl and fighting to get her to stay still so she wouldn’t hurt herself while sleeping, both of which were excellent training for him. Over time, however, he began to understand what had made that bread. Every day he worked on it, trying to figure out what it was. Over, and over, and over, and over, he tried it, eventually getting to the point where he could activate it on his own.

After this, he eventually figured something else out: his Sangsue was different than Aivee. It seemed… sulkier, almost wiser. After he was able to make the bread himself, he spoke with it, and it told him of the ancient art known as Lien. Apparently, all knowledge of it had been lost, but for the very thing required to wield it, leaving it in Sunny’s hands to figure out. And so he agreed on the challenge from his Sangsue, deciding to find out exactly what he could do.

He continued to train, playing around with his energy and abilities until he eventually understood what he had to do to create a small pocket watch. He also explored what this watch could do, finding himself feeling odd. He cautiously began to work with it, finding out what it could do. He began to use it in his training, learning more and more about what he could do, making hundreds and hundreds of loaves of bread until finally.. something else happened. This time, instead of bread, he spawned an intricately designed cloak, black in color with flowing silver lines in an almost vine-like pattern going down the creation.

He put it on, and instantly stopped breathing. As he did so, a pair of wings broke through the shirt on his back, stretching out and flapping. As he did so, his energy, rainbow in color, swirled around his face, creating a very simple mask that kept changing colors. As he did this, his eyes lolled back in his own mind, as he began speaking strange things, like nothing no one had ever heard before. Aivee walked in while he was doing this, and thought something terrible had happened. She nearly hit him, before he looked down again, the entire structure on his face breaking away as his wings vanished by their feathers, leaving him standing there, shaking, as he held up a hand. As he did so, a single line of rainbow colored energy emerged from his hand, staying up in the sky for them both to see.

This led to a great amount of exploration for Sunny. He would write down how he did what he did, the theorem behind them. He often tried to show Aivee, but she was normally too drunk to care, a strange thing that he seemed to be resistant to: although, he was normally pretty wild anyway. So, he gradually became stronger and stronger in this Lien, mastering everything he came up with in a good amount of time. It got to the point that Aivee started calling him Maître Lien, a master at what he did. And indeed, he was, as he learned how to create even things he called “S Number” Spells.

And this is how he has reached the current day, mastering the current list of Lien, and continually coming up with more, a regular Sangsue, the current master of the Lien.

RP Sample: Trololololol.

Inheritant Skills

Natural Abilities:

SUN PUNCH: Jacques’ special ability as a modsoul was simple, and yet potent: he was able to utilize the gigai/body’s cells to 100% of their efficiency. This means that with a simple punch, he could cause a wall to shatter and break into pieces before him, covering the floor around his feet. Whenever he maximizes a limb to 100%, it glows brightly, like the sun, which is the reason for the name.

Drunk Resistant: It is 100% impossible for him to become drunk, or feel the effects of drunkenness, his body having adapted forcibly after having to drag Aivee home from bars so very many times in his lifespan.

The Parasite Symbiosis

Sangsue Abilities:

Maître Lien: He is the strongest wielder of Sangsue Lien, a complete master in its utilization. It takes him little to no effort to craft most spells up to B class. He also has a few that are exclusive to him, S Class spells that are only able to be passed on to the one who will succeed him as the Master of the Sangsue Lien. He can perform up to class B without the cloak on, and perform his S class spells with some effort, although they almost all come naturally. Because of this, he is also able to use the conversion of his Sangsue to absorb in high-level energy attacks, and convert them to his own, making him a tough person to fight with energy. Also because of this trait, he has advanced healing factor, making him quite tough to wound or kill as well.

S Soleil Un - Génération Guimauve [S Sunny 1 - Marshmallow Generation]
--This is Sunny's unique Lien; not even by passing on his Sangsue will grant its power. With this, he is able to make marshmallows spawn from his hands. This has many uses; first off, he can devour them for sustenance, stack them for entertainment, or give them to others to eat. They are legit marshmallows, just as sweet and sticky, with the perfect amount of sugar to make each a culinary delight. They take nearly no energy for him to make, and he can make streams of them appear from his hands with ease.

However, this is not their only use; they can also come out as melted. They come out as a stringy, sticky substance, like stronger versions of spider webs. With these, he can do such things as cling onto buildings, or others like making a net for someone to fall on, or even a sling. It has many uses, although only he is immune to its stickiness.

S Soleil Deux - Construire le Masque [S Sunny Two - Construct the Mask]
-- By reaching his hand up to his face, and grabbing onto his hairline, he can infuse it with his energy, before pulling down. This creates a mask with his energy, a constantly flashing and changing in rainbow colored plate in front of his face, with slanted eyeholes, a mouth that moves with his own, and no impression for his nose. From the mask he is constantly pouring out his energy in a controlled stream, and can redirect it into doing such things as enhancing his defense, his offensive power, creating energy attacks like cero and bala, and making his Lein faster in creation.

Sangsue True Name: Magique

Stage 1 :: Sommeil

He activates Sommeil by pulling down his Mask Draw, and then drawing a line on his forehead with a finger. This changes the area where his finger was to a black color, the rest of the mask still flashing and changing sporadically. This gives him a general boost to the amount of energy he can pour out and the speed he can use his Lien.

S Soleil Trois - Création D'Imagination [S Sunny Three - Imagination Creation]
-- With this ability, in Sunny’s hand will randomly appear a weapon, or an object. When he performs this technique, he must choose one of three weapons within his mind. After he has done this, one of them will randomly fire out of his hand, crafted from his energy. He can do this up to twice per post. These are basic weapons, although they have one special trait: They can channel most types of Lien and fire them out, as well as Sunny’s energy.

S Soleil Quatre - Création Symbolique [S Sunny Four - Symbol Creation]
-- With this, his energy becomes a kind of ink-like substance, traveling through his fingers onto surfaces. However, these are infused with the power of a Lien, and when he determines it, or another Sangsue who puts their energy into it, it will activate, triggering its effect for anything that is within the symbol or out from it. This means for example he could put a barrier Lien within an allies palm, and when he saw them about to be attacked, release it, having it protect them. Or, he could place Black Flames within one, firing out the explosion when an opponent walked over it.

Stage 2 :: Réveil

To activate this, Sunny raises an arm, slowly closing his hand as a simple pocketwatch appears, made of his energy. Through this Pocket Watch is how he does everything in this form. The name of the pocket watch is Time Slipper. The name of his translation is BETOVERING

S Soleil Cinq - Temps Glissant [S Sunny Five - Time Slip]
-- This is a passive spell, triggered from the time he first activates Reveil. Through his eyes and conducted through the Time Slipper, he can choose to fast forward what will happen in the next five seconds or the last twenty years. That is to say, he can SEE what happened there, witnessing it with all five senses as if his body were actually there. However, that also means that if something were to damage or kill him, his mind would die, leaving his body a corpse. The farther that he goes back to witness, the more energy and the more time it takes to reach that place and the more it takes to get back. This is caused by his very conscious joining with the flow of time and exploring it. Most of the time, he uses this ability to see just a few moments into the future at what his opponent will do. However, due to the amount of time it will take him to do so, he generally barely has any time to react to what he has seen. His body is also extremely vulnerable while this happens, as his mind has literally left it.

S Soleil Six - Temps Marchant [S Sunny Six - Time Walk]
-- He can make time seem to slow down around him, in a space for roughly 5 meters. Everything outside that space from the view of the inside will look as if it has stopped moving, while from the outside in it looks as if it has sped up dramatically. The field moves with the Time Slipper, as that is its epicenter. Everything within this space moves roughly 5 times slower than normal, making as if Sunny is moving extremely fast, using this ability to dodge and create Lien when he can. However, he can only do it for a burst of 10 seconds at a time. Anymore and the Time Slipper will start to crack and break, and force him out of this form.

Stage 3 :: Présent

When he speaks it, a pair of pure white wings appear on his back, able to throw him up into the air and allow him to maintain flight. He still has the Time Slipper, and all its abilities, as well as his Lein. In this stage, he has almost 100% control of every Lien, able to make even several at a time, combining them, even with his final Lien.

Soleil Final : Création de Liens [Final Sunny : Creation of Lien]
-- His greatest ability, this is the ability to come up with Lien at an extreme pace. It enhances his mind to its absolute limits, allowing him to understand the flow of Sangsue energy, come up with a theory, understand how its components will work and then produce the Lien, adding it to the official Lien list after he has proven it to work. However, due to the very nature of this, he only has roughly a 40% chance of success. It is this form that has come up with every Lien to date, training with it as he recorded each and every one.

Stage 4 :: Avenir

In this state, a third eye opens up on Sunny’s forehead, as his mask breaks away into nothingness before him. Time Slipper shatters, releasing all of its energy into Sunny. When in this chaotic state, all kinds of warped and disturbed Lien go flying out of his body, chaotically mixing and fusing and exploding them from failure all around himself, making the very fabric of reality begin to slightly dampen around him from the impossible magicks that he is spawning all around himself. This form ends when Sunny’s very body begins to collapse, growing denser and denser as it forms a black hole of sorts, sucking in all of his Lien power. When it has done so, it releases its suction, creating a simple string. This string is to be given to the next Lien Master, and bestows upon them all of Sunny’s unique Lien.

Racial Skills

Lien: Grandmaster
Connexion: Advanced
Santé: Adept
Galope: Adept

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced
  • Pain Endurance: Adept
  • Focus: ADvanced

Last edited by JJ on Sat Apr 07, 2012 8:41 am; edited 3 times in total

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha

Jacques "Sunny" Sangsue, the Maître Lien.[APPROVED || 1-1] Empty Re: Jacques "Sunny" Sangsue, the Maître Lien.[APPROVED || 1-1]

Sat Apr 07, 2012 8:16 am
Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [-]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

Comments/Notes: Okay, a few things. First off, your Réveil is missing the important link : the Sangsue's name in another language. Since Magique means Magic, you need the variation of the word magic in order to activate this. Also, any lien will always be associated with that sangsue : so even your marshmallow one, since it uses lien, would be transferred because lien is used via the Sangsue. That's all there is. And please use the format for Lien x.x saved you the work this time but D<


S Soleil Un - Génération Guimauve [S Sunny 1 - Marshmallow Generation]
-- By reaching his hand up to his face, and grabbing onto his hairline, he can infuse it with his energy, before pulling down. This creates a mask with his energy, a constantly flashing and changing in rainbow colored plate in front of his face, with slanted eyeholes, a mouth that moves with his own, and no impression for his nose. From the mask he is constantly pouring out his energy in a controlled stream, and can redirect it into doing such things as enhancing his defense, his offensive power, creating energy attacks like cero and bala, and making his Lein faster in creation.

S Soleil Deux - Construire le Masque [S Sunny Two - Construct the Mask]
-- By reaching his hand up to his face, and grabbing onto his hairline, he can infuse it with his energy, before pulling down. This creates a mask with his energy, a constantly flashing and changing in rainbow colored plate in front of his face, with slanted eyeholes, a mouth that moves with his own, and no impression for his nose. From the mask he is constantly pouring out his energy in a controlled stream, and can redirect it into doing such things as enhancing his defense, his offensive power, creating energy attacks like cero and bala, and making his Lein faster in creation.

S Soleil Trois - Création D'Imagination [S Sunny Three - Imagination Creation]
-- With this ability, in Sunny’s hand will randomly appear a weapon, or an object. When he performs this technique, he must choose one of three weapons within his mind. After he has done this, one of them will randomly fire out of his hand, crafted from his energy. He can do this up to twice per post. These are basic weapons, although they have one special trait: They can channel most types of Lien and fire them out, as well as Sunny’s energy.

S Soleil Quatre - Création Symbolique [S Sunny Four - Symbol Creation]
-- With this, his energy becomes a kind of ink-like substance, traveling through his fingers onto surfaces. However, these are infused with the power of a Lien, and when he determines it, or another Sangsue who puts their energy into it, it will activate, triggering its effect for anything that is within the symbol or out from it. This means for example he could put a barrier Lien within an allies palm, and when he saw them about to be attacked, release it, having it protect them. Or, he could place Black Flames within one, firing out the explosion when an opponent walked over it.

S Soleil Cinq - Temps Glissant [S Sunny Five - Time Slip]
-- This is a passive spell, triggered from the time he first activates Reveil. Through his eyes and conducted through the Time Slipper, he can choose to fast forward what will happen in the next five seconds or the last twenty years. That is to say, he can SEE what happened there, witnessing it with all five senses as if his body were actually there. However, that also means that if something were to damage or kill him, his mind would die, leaving his body a corpse. The farther that he goes back to witness, the more energy and the more time it takes to reach that place and the more it takes to get back. This is caused by his very conscious joining with the flow of time and exploring it. Most of the time, he uses this ability to see just a few moments into the future at what his opponent will do. However, due to the amount of time it will take him to do so, he generally barely has any time to react to what he has seen. His body is also extremely vulnerable while this happens, as his mind has literally left it.

S Soleil Six - Temps Marchant [S Sunny Six - Time Walk]
-- He can make time seem to slow down around him, in a space for roughly 5 meters. Everything outside that space from the view of the inside will look as if it has stopped moving, while from the outside in it looks as if it has sped up dramatically. The field moves with the Time Slipper, as that is its epicenter. Everything within this space moves roughly 5 times slower than normal, making as if Sunny is moving extremely fast, using this ability to dodge and create Lien when he can. However, he can only do it for a burst of 10 seconds at a time. Anymore and the Time Slipper will start to crack and break, and force him out of this form.

Soleil Final : Création de Liens [Final Sunny : Creation of Lien]
-- His greatest ability, this is the ability to come up with Lien at an extreme pace. It enhances his mind to its absolute limits, allowing him to understand the flow of Sangsue energy, come up with a theory, understand how its components will work and then produce the Lien, adding it to the official Lien list after he has proven it to work. However, due to the very nature of this, he only has roughly a 40% chance of success. It is this form that has come up with every Lien to date, training with it as he recorded each and every one.
Tier: ~

Jacques "Sunny" Sangsue, the Maître Lien.[APPROVED || 1-1] Empty Re: Jacques "Sunny" Sangsue, the Maître Lien.[APPROVED || 1-1]

Sat Apr 07, 2012 8:37 am
Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

Comments/Notes: OKAY WE GOTS SOME PROGRESS. APPROVED DAMMIT. The tier isn't as super high since you def. have room to grow. x3
Tier: 1-1

[b][center][u]Will Skills[/u][/b][/center]
[list][*][b]Willpower/Determination:[/b] Adept
[*][b]Mental Deduction:[/b] Advanced
[*][b]Pain Endurance:[/b] Adept
[*][b]Focus:[/b] ADvanced
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
Joined : 2011-03-03
Posts : 5174
Age : 27
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Jacques "Sunny" Sangsue, the Maître Lien.[APPROVED || 1-1] Left_bar_bleue20650/20000Jacques "Sunny" Sangsue, the Maître Lien.[APPROVED || 1-1] Empty_bar_bleue  (20650/20000)

Jacques "Sunny" Sangsue, the Maître Lien.[APPROVED || 1-1] Empty Re: Jacques "Sunny" Sangsue, the Maître Lien.[APPROVED || 1-1]

Tue Apr 07, 2015 8:48 pm

This is being moved to archives.

Thank you very much for your service over the years.

If you are ever needed again, you shall be re-summoned once more and moved back to Approved Applications.

Until then, sleep well, my dear friend. Thank you for the good times and for having put up with me for so very, very long.

The one and only Sangsue... so much... so much time has passed... so much... so much was written... so much... so much was hoped. It lead to naught; a black door was all that ever met your whimsical sunshine. I hope that the man who bears that name will remind me of your spirit in his brightest moments... and may your 100% punch never be forgotten... sleep well, Maitre Lein.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Jacques "Sunny" Sangsue, the Maître Lien.[APPROVED || 1-1] Empty Re: Jacques "Sunny" Sangsue, the Maître Lien.[APPROVED || 1-1]

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