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[Iramasha] The Alternate Alice Empty [Iramasha] The Alternate Alice

Sun Mar 25, 2012 3:19 am

[I R A M A S H A]

[Iramasha] The Alternate Alice Clan_Symbols

[Iramasha] The Alternate Alice PIFAlice

Name: Alice Yadomaru Iramasha
Age: 300 years [looks from 12-18]
Gender: Female


Appearance: Alice is a very gentle looking person. She has long strands of almost ice blue hair, the shade varying a bit with the light. Those strands are very long : sometimes, they seem to drag onto the floor. Needless to say, this hair is impossibly long : she seems to also take very good care of it, as it's silky soft to the touch. Her skin is also soft to the touch, slightly pale in compairision to most people, and yet hairless it seems : if there is anything, it's thin and soft. Her face is a soft gentle one, her entire being almost thing and loving : it's definitely a girl that seems to be cute no matter what she does. Her clothing tends to vary : more often then not, she ops for baggy clothes that may hide some of her more feminine curves, making her look so much more younger then she actually looks. In fact, it seems Alice and her sky blue eyes delight in doing this, as she seems to hold her parent's looks to a point. Very oodly, but yet she seems to remind people of Koichi and Hanako more then they would care to admit.

Personality: Alice seems to be a well meaning person : with a shifting demeanor, she seems to be often unsteady of opinion and taste. Actually, she seems to have a hard time making a defining statement : most of the time anyways. Alice herself is very shaky towards her own self : she's ever changing and shifting. But one thing is more then obvious, no matter what she does. Almost like a sheer lucky charm, Alice is pure. That said, the purity is of being, and person : no matter what Alice does, it seems she does it with a gentle sense of self. A peaceful self : something that shouldn't be considering her more then tragic past. It seems odd, but most seem to find Alice soothing.

In general, Alice is very yeilding and soft, being shy a bit, and not very much used to people. She seems to be a bit awkward, but has a large, dynamic energy. She has a bit of a trickster's gift, liking to make traps and well, getting people to fall for her tricks. Some might consider this manipulative : as enraging as it can be, Alice never means to harm. She's a bit loud and enthusiastic, but in general, her personality is a bit whacked. The girl herself has a hard time telling what's her or not : so it makes sense that it transfers into her actions. Eventually, she figures, she'll settle into a way of being : for now, she keeps her mind open for anything to happen.

Although, anyone that spends more then a day with her realize just how straight forward, and dedicated she can be when in love. And she loves the color pink for some odd reason.

[Iramasha] The Alternate Alice IDKFAlice

Background: Living gives everyone a meaning : Alice was supposed to be the last born of the quintuplets. However, she ended up being forth, protecting her sibbling even though harm could have come to her : it was selfless and that was Alice's first act by herself, before even being brought forth to the world. Her selfless action started a chain of fate that no one could stop : after all, no one had seen the strings in the sky move, and fate itself become terse. Alice was a new thing into the world, along with her sibblings : and life began with a difficult turn. Hanako succumbed to the demonic influences in her blood, and was consumed a mere year after the children's birth : taking none of the children, she disapeared off the face of the earth, to the fact that even Koichi could not find her. The children were perturbed, but Alice being the youngest female, understood immidiately that she would have to keep smiling. And thus she kept smiling : the pain of losing her mother buried to soothe her sibblings and her family. During this time, the children often were split up according to who was on watch duty.

It was during this time that Alice met her uncle, Azure Iramasha. In fact, the little girl spent as much time with him as possible : always laughing and playing, drowning in the endless love her offered her. Of course, her sibblings were loved to : but to Alice, it was special. Considering she always retired herself from the love of others, putting others before herself, the fact that she even allowed the pink haired male's love to wash over her was a surprise to herelf. Demure and well contained, Alice was a girl of elegance and gentleness : that spurred a lot of protecting factors amongst her sibblings, particularly to Inuyasha. Life seemed to go just fine : the children were growing at a rapid pace, influenced by their spiritual Iramasha side, and stemmed by their human side. It became quite obvious that Alice was powerful : her eyes of the sky seemed to speak of something extraordinary, unusual and more so special.

However, there was a problem : with these eyes, Alice could see it. The progression of the virus : infection, and then dormancy. But to her, these things didn't exist : this corruption didn't exist, as she let herself laugh and dance, playing with her family. She let herself play : until the infection started to wake. Seeing it wake, she ignored it : people got sick and died, and she didn't care, stubbornly refusing to see the symptoms and the cause. The world slowly descended into the pandemic : and then life got hard. All spiritual beings hid in their own dimensions : nobody wandered to earth, not even hollows, on the fear of death. However, it was too late : it took longer, but it became apperant that it had made it's way into the dimensions as well. By then, Alice knew : she knew it was her fault. She had seen it as it started : she had the chance to stop it.

The girl was around 20 at this time, and looked barely six. But without a single warning, packing her things, she disapeared into the night. She knew she was immune to what this was : but at the same time, she feared for her family, and yet foolishly clung to the pride that her family was also immune. This was a darker period : on Earth, there was rumors of the Night Demon, a figure that looked like the day sky that would come and end the life of those that sought unworthy. It was said that figure aimed for power : no matter the race. The fear of the virus still strong, this added fear was sending people into a frenzy : right into traps and destruction. In fact, Alice in this period of time, began to understand fighting in a way that was uniquely hers : she understood the darkness and looking for someone to end her pitiful existance. She didn't dare trust her family any longer.

The guilt of her actions was swallowing her, and more and more, she found herself getting closer to the pounding demon in her veins : she could feel herself lose to the beast inside of her. It was starting to win over her : Alice didn't care. If she lost to the beast, she would die right? There was this sinking feeling, as she began to wander the world : if she was alone, she didn't have to feel that guilt, that pain. And yet, it still bothered her : even in the loneliness. She could feel the beast snap more and more : the girl spent a good 30 years like this, hiding her Reiatsu and letting no one find her.

In fact, Alice was binding and caging herself with her own emotions, letting the fetters snap around her own being, her own thoughts. She was alone : until one day, she saw him again. Her eldest brother : the eldest of the quintuplets, somehow chanced a meeting with her. Initially, Alice attacked : she almost got the upper hand, but then the demon almost broke through, causing a lag in her very actions. And he took that chance, hugging her, he whispered how it was alright : even if she had said something about the infection, there wasn't much to do. That it was alright to feel sad and angry : he understood her just as much. It startled her, Alice's entire being relaxing for the first time. Similing at her brother, she considered his question of going back. And the very thought of her family, of being forgiven, was enlightening : her mouth opened to say yes.

However, she only found a metallic taste in her mouth, accidently swallowing it. Coughing, she caught her brother, feeling how heavy : and could only reflect on the scarlet color. That blood color, as her eyes narrowed and slitted : the demon broke free of the fetters for a few moments, as she snapped, intense. When she woke, she was bathed in blood, her brother's body in the middle, almost angelic. Without a second thought, she ran away, hiding her pressure : she sensed her father in the vicinity, and quickly took herself out of the area. She managed to keep herself hidden for a few years again, restraining the beast once more.

But that loneliness continued, filling her heart up with such a darkness. That's when her youngest sibbling found her : once day, accidently, as Alice was fighting against demons. The younger sibblign ran up to Alice : only to see too late the smirk and the glint in her eyes. Without warning, life was extinguished : and as the child lay dying, the Iramasha's senses returned, and with horror, watched that death, the sheer weight of what she had let herself become settling. The fear, the lack of strength to move forward : this whole time she had been running away from her fear, from her very own guilt! And although she wished for a better time, she couldn't move. That realization broke the girl, as she fled again : that was two out of her four sibblings lost. Her long strands flying into the nights and days, she fled for weeks, never staying in one place for more then two days : she was everywhere and nowhere.

Arriving in a town she was fond of as a child, the girl smiled, and strode happily. However, happiness wasn't on her side : the place was smouldering the deeper she went, screams and echoes of fighting. Fear paralyzed her : if she tried to defend, she would only become that demon. Shivering, she saw a small child, hiding behind a box, crying for their mother, her corpse on the other side. Alice's steps had stopped, and she was watching this child, even as they cried, powerless to stop the demon that slowly crushed it's head and devoured it. Her sky blue eyes recorded it : her mind understood it. The demon rejoiced : and Alice snapped, a wave of power pulsing over the area, all demons and hollows now looking towards a very pissed off Iramasha. The girl felt her own strength pouring in : the very scene she had seen was wrong. She should have stopped it.

Why then, if she didn't rise, would have her sibblings died for! Their deaths was scarring, yes, but she had to exist, she had to fight. She had to be Alice, not the demon in her blood, in her family! The girl's power wafted over the land once more, as she no longer cared to be hidden. There was a strength in the girl, in the tears that fell down her face : there was sorrow, but she had made the decision. She would stand on her own two feet, and go foward, and destroy this invasion, as the power blasted through her veins. She knew it wouldn't be long : and so with actions, decisive and swift, she ended the destruction of the place, the pulsing of her power almost like a beacon to her family. One by one they appeared : first Inu and then Azure. But the Alice they saw was not one they had seen last years ago.

There was a strength boiling, there had been a demon, and when her eyes touched on their face, that tired smile explained a life far beyond what they could know. At least, that's what it felt like to her : soon after, she collapsed, having used too much energy, falling into Inu and Azure's arm. ''Home.'' was all she could croak, before the darkness took her. And for the first time, she felt welcome to the darkness, no longer afraid. For she had conquered her demon, her impulses. However, she had seen something she wished she could have never : how far the progression of the infection was within Azure. That wrecked her heart in a way that no one could understand.

When she woke, she smiled happily, her fingers stroking through Azure's hair. He had been worried for her all night. Her smile stayed on, but became fixed as a strange woman came into the room. Alice knew immidiately from that gaze, that she and her uncle were together. Alice's movements had stopped, and she had closed her eyes, hopefully before the other could notice. Their discussion was simple : the woman roused him, and quietly pulled him to their bed, where definitely, things were happening. Alice felt the demon's blood rage in her, as she bit her lip hard. Her eyes turned to a darker color for a moment, as the rage and jealousy pounded in her veins. Slowly rising, she simply slid on a night gown, white in color. Her steps softly walked on the dark floor, the cold almost welcoming, as her strands of blue floated in the evening. Everyone was tired, she knew that much : she herself had not really needed sleep for a long time.

Steps echoed behind her, quite a few hours later. ''Alice?'' called the voice, as she turned, her blue eyes noticing the male. Her long blue strands fluttered, as she gave him a smirk, a glow in her eyes. ''Yes, uncle?'' she said, softly, leaning against the edge, her look slightly cocky, which seemed to throw off the male just a little bit. The male seemed to hestitate, and then approched her, touching the girl's forhead, as if to check for a temperature. ''You alright?'' he said, as the girl's eyes snapped open, that glow almost too powerful. Azure was strong, yes, but a surprise attack would catch anyone off guard, as the girl pulled him down to her, and kissed him full on the lips. It was several seconds, before she let him go, smiling that strange smile once more. Her uncle's face was cutely horrifed, as he backed up a few steps, before running off, as if to clear his thoughts. The girl simply laughed, the moon shining down on her. Twisting her head to look at it whilst facing inside, her eyes seemed to be luminous. The demon was still awake, just for now : just for now.

The next day was unevenful : so where the following weeks. But somehow, it seemed Alice had progressed the infection within Azure : he was getting weaker slowly and surely. When his partner had to leave for other matters, Alice promised to take care of it : it was evident that neither of the two spoke of that night, and still treated each other normally. But that was over : alone in the same room, that demonic face came once again, as Azure's fear seemed to return. It must have been strange, to see one's sweet, gentle niece become.. this sort of creature, as she advanced, giving him no chance. ''You know uncle, I've always loved you. And I was sure you loved me.'' she said, in between breaths and actions. ''But.. I think your kind of love towards me was never the dedication I wanted to give to you.'' she said, that dangerous smirk of hers slipping on once again. Her fingers were moving deftly, and he seemed stunned, paralyzed. ''Kind of sad for you to be defeated by your own neice.. or is it that you feel this way about me and don't indulge?'' she said, her laugh soft and dark, as she licked the side of his neck, leaving no marks.

''I won't get caught, and you won't give me up. You'll die soon anyways : the infection is too subtle for anyone to catch it before it kills you, Uncle.'' the girl said, her demonic blood stired, as she kept going, knowing he was under her grasp. ''So this is really good bye uncle. Don't worry, no one can save you from your own delusions.. like no one saved me from mine.'' she said, laughing darkly, even as bonds were forged : however, she remained a virgin. Why? Because there was no way the demon would give such a thing to a dying man. It was a source of power : the girl knew that much, as she cleaned all evidence, the man's laboured breath before her. As she stroked his head, the demon bled away, the horrors buried in the back of her mind, as he could only whisper the words goodbye and I love you. It was a peaceful passing : the tears that poured down Alice's eyes were a torrent.

That's when things began to seem worse : Alice withdrew into herself, into a dream world. She seemed to deny Azure's death, the word bringing no emotions other then love in her : the mere mention of his death was retorted with angry words, and arguements. Soon enough, it became evident that Alice would not subscribe to reality. In fact, she seemed to ignore as the infection seemed to spread to people that were immune before : as if it had mutated. Invasions, rebellions : chaos smacked the worlds like nothing before, and Alice unaware of it in her lost world, wandered out into the midst of a battle. She seemed to be miraculously untouched : but soon enough, all forces became focused on the girl that seemed to deny this very world. In fact, their hate was drawn by something : her very file of Reiatsu was almost exactly the same to the infection.

Without warning, people turned on her, and tried to attack her. His instincts wild, Inuyasha burst in, fighting. Protecting the sister that seemed to deny reality, each shout of pain, and blood splatter of the male seemed to bring more and more light into Alice's eyes : and soon, he was felled, falling at her feet. The remaining of the armies looked at the girl, as she seemed to stare at the corpse for the first time, her fingers touching the brown hair, caked in blood. ''Live.. Alice... I .. love you.'' words that burned into her mind. Words that caused a scream, and another burst of power. The girl destroyed everything within a certain radius : it seemed the key to her powers were emotions, as she began begging, to every force out there : good, evil or neutral. She promised them the world, in exchange for her loved ones back : her screams seemed to make the world shake, the very words disconcerning to some, as it finally took Koichi out of his stupor to come see what was going on. Watching his youngest daughter with his last son dead in her arms, reality seemed to hit hard.

Her fingers curled tightly around the body, and it took Koichi a week to pry her off : took him a month to get her to speak again. By then, her sister was with her, holding her hand, as they stared at their last brother, their father, grandfather and last uncle beside her. Kabuto was there as well, as Alice could feel the guilt crush her again. It was stiffling, she thought : it was something beyond that she wanted to feel. But the infection : something was causing it, was bringing things to a dastardly life, as her fingers curled. With a movement, she cut off the remaining ties between the hesitance, and her fury. The demon blood no longer controlled her : with a firm fist, she controlled it, as her eyes flashed. ''I won't let it do this anymore.'' she said, her determination strong. The fact that only Azure had been infected amongst their family was amazing : then again, Azure's woman, whom had come back, had been a carrier, and his high exposure to fluid transfers.. well. The most surprising part it seemed that Alice herself carried the strain : not as a carrier, but rather, as the creator. This reminded her of when she was seven or so, the male that had tried to attack her, and that she had dispatched with explosions. He had gotten her with something because she had fended him off.

That memory in mind, the girl began wearing Azure's clothes : she even cut her hair to match his style. She didn't need to dye it, as within a week, she had his smile, his accent : down to the last detail, it seemed like she had reincarnated Azure. It was more then startling : it was scary as it seemed she could even understand how he fought. Her body was limber : her form was perfect. She was basically Azure, as she laid down the plans to find the organization that attacked her. It was almost like the girl had split herself : during the day she was Azure, leader of a revolution against those that poisoned the world, and at night, she was Alice, the weapon of destruction that was sent only if it was dire. It was strange to think of herself that way, but Alice understood more then anyone.

Intially, the trail led them to Hueco Mundo : the heavily handicaped forces of both sides were fighting slowly, turning on one another, and themselves. The revolution, comprised of mainly Azure and Koichi, easily burst through. The Bloody Wars had begun, as they began to take anything they could : finding the traces, connecting the dots. As time went, they lost people : Alucard was taken whilst fighting about a good 1800 of them : all Azure and Alice could think was ''Took them long enough.'' to figure it out. Azure's woman, perturbed by Alice and yet not, was killed as they advanced deep into Ashlei's treaterous areas. No matter their losses, they kept going. It didn't matter who was in their way : by the 200th year, it was surprising how much wasteland the entire series of worlds were. In fact, only Earth remained, all other dimensions rotted to the point that anyone going there was suicide : except of course, for Alice. They found Hanako's corpse : Koichi grieved for days, when they found her. But the time for crying was no longer available.

The long road of resistance was almost over, as they entered their last fight. That was truly a battle : long and hard, the Resistance fought. But the tide seemed to go towards their opponents : and slowly, they were failing. Azure/Alice fought hard, so did Koichi : over, the eldest girl sibbling got caught, and slashed to pieces. Alice witnessed this, and that's when the dam broke, so to speak. Alice let go of any emotion, and became truly something fearful : single handed, she broke down the opposing faction, and slaughtered them all. But by then it was too late : entirely much to late, as she swore to her sibbling that she would join them soon. But she still had something to finish : that's when she and her father, the last two of a family remaining, went towards the one that started all of it.

Alice's memory is fuzzy. She can barely remember the details of that fight : yet in her dreams, they are so vivid it hurts. The fight was simple : it lasted only three minutes, the so called boss quickly ended. But it was a burst of short victory : it was then, that they realized their worlds had been lost to all : that nothing could be no longer gained, no matter how hard they tried. In their quest to return everything, it all got destroyed, annihilated by their own hands. Alice had realized this long ago : facing Koichi's despair and wrath, she could only do what was right. In terms, she was the Goddess of the New World. Looking to those that survived, she calmly asked those that did not wish to live to line up to her right. Those that wished to continue, to her left. At first, no one moved : but her father was the first to move to her right. Surprise lit up in Alice's eyes, as Koichi shook his head. Whatever had been left was broken : and slowly, to her utter surprise, all chose to go right : no one wanted to live. Feeling betrayed, Alice simply closed her eyes as she gathered the energy. And hearing her father's voice, looked up, those three words given to her, as the blast overwhelmed them.

She was left alone.

Her steps wandered to the exact center of the world : her gaze looked up at the sky, the moon, and the rotting earth. She could feel it rumbling, compacting : it had been two years since she was the last soul remaining. Litterally. Everyone else had left : there was no way to rebirth. There was nothing : and the earth was slowly eating itself up, as her fingers reached up to the sky. Her fingers were high to the sky, as she felt her body trembling, landing on her knees. She could almost feel as if she was disapearing, her tears vanishing : if she died, everyone would have died. Their memories, their smiles : their pain, the hate. Everything would fade away. There was a sort of feeling, a strange one, as her power flared, surging. If she was to die, she would die in the most beautiful glory.

''I.. I want to live! For their memories... their smiles. Their happiness, the saddness, the pain. The crushed hopes and dreams, the forgotten promises : the very fact of life itself! I want to live : I want to keep going! I need to perserve these, until my end : I will fight fate itself. So if anything, anyone, can hear me, please, let me live longer!''

Her voice seemed to break the heavens, as she screamed with the last of her breath. The world continued to rumble, and she could feel it fading. Everything seemed to be breaking, destroying, shattering, breaking : she felt her entire self began to decay. The world was falling, falling, deeper, and deeper, futher. For this time, she was linked to everything in their worlds : all of the worlds crumbling, causing distortion and breaking this world : the earth's cry as all it's children are gone, and she herself is attacked : Alice's very will, and need of existence, as she struggled with it. She was almost completely reseigned : her worlds were but a last plea, and seeing nothing granted, her hands retreated.

''Thank you.. world. For letting me live.. for letting us live.. and goodbye.''

Her eyes closed, as the end of the world was mere moments away. The girl felt.. happy perhaps, that she would leave with the world.

'Are you going to leave it at that?'

There was no choice, Alice was sure of that. No matter what the voice would say.

''Are you really happy with that end? Are you truly content with this?'

No matter the disatisfaction, it was over. The world was dying, there was no other powers but hers : and nothing would exist ever more.

'So you're giving up? Turning tail and running away? What happened to living, to keeping their memories alive?'

It can't be helped, if there's no world to exist on.

'As if. You can do better then that.'

You're wrong.

'You're stronger then this. Get up. Fight. To the end.'

And slowly, Alice rose.

With a will, defying the gods, her powers flew. She gave it her all : even if it didn't work and she died : even if it worked and she ended up powerless. There was no way that Alice would let this continue : Azure's face flashing in her mind, the first time she saw him at seven months old, flashed through her mind. And then, without warning, without a single message, the world was black. And the flickering light at the end of the tunnel was beckoning. The blue haired girl didn't even hesitate : running, she went towards it, breathless, free and wanting. The light was everything she could want : and with her speed, she reached it pretty fast. Air, light, breath : the sound of life and people surprised her.

''Watch out!''

And without warning, Alice dodged out of the way of a hover car, finding herself in Karakura city.


Roleplay Sample: (If this is your first application on the site, please be sure to show us a post from another site or make a new one to show us how you RP. If you have already made a character, you may remove this!)

[Iramasha] The Alternate Alice AFAlice

Seishin Buki Name: Sign

Seishin Buki Appearance: Sign is a strange Seishin Buki : rather then being a sort of item, or anything of the sort, it's actually invisible tattos across Alice's body : each tattoo is definitive to what the mark does or provides. For example, the Flame Mark is a classic fire shape, located on the back of her left hand. Such marks will be elaborated where : in general the marks remain invisible unless she uses them. However, in some cases, should someone know about the marks, they will see them.

Seishin Buki Abilities:

Marker This is the first, initial ability of Alice's unique Seishin Buki. First, Alice finds a person, attribuete or something of extreme importance to her : the relationship between her and the mark must be something deep. It will definitely be important enough on her soul. This ability can create a mark on herself only, or in rare cases, make a twin mark on someone else, depending if the mark is as meaningful to them as to she. In that case, it becomes possible for the marks to transfer,and give this person additional powers, similar to the ones that the marks would offer Alice.

Mark of Phoenix [To Obtain] This is the mark that Alice has recently gained : it symbolizes death and rebirth. This is related to her own timeline, in which her world died as she transfered herself to this timeline : as such, her world died, but she herself lived, and would keep it save. In a sense, it also describes her relationship with her true self : her sense of self had died when the demon side in her blood took over : and yet she rebirthed when she had to lead the resistance. As such, this mark means a lot to Alice : it looks like a wing covered in flames, and is located at the bottom of her neck. This allows her to a strange thing : increased healing. Her entire body has an advanced healing method : ironically, much like her uncle Alucard. Some might even say this mark represents him in a fashion. Alice is able to, once a thread, release the seal and heal all physical damage done to her body : this does not include mental or emotional damage. [such as insanity abilities or breaking her heart]. After use, this seal cannot be used for the two threads following that one in the timeline. Naturally, the seal has a passive ability that allows her to heal twice as fast as someone of her level.

Mark of Virtue This mark represents Alice's virtue. This ties of how much faithful to her sexual nature, which is to be conservative, is. Without marriage, she will never give up her virginity. Should she give it up, in the right context, this mark would change. This mark looks like a lock, located on her left thigh. Alice actually gains little powers from this mark : it simply makes her resistant to any sort of sexual spells, due to her promise and iron will.

Mark of Flame Alice often played with fire, particularly after the death of her first sibbling. As such, she has grown an affinity to fire : as she often set fire to the body of her dead soliders, to offer them a funeral pyre to where they wished to be in their afterlife. It is also what she used to burn down their home, after the death of all remaining survivors by her hand. Fire is filled with hope and sorrow for the girl. The mark is a classic flame drawn shape, located at the back of her left hand. This mark is almost self explanining : it allows Alice a light flame control, producing or controlling no more then 1 cubic meter of fire at all times, no matter the size or amount of fire. As long as if cubed, it would fit those dimensions, it is alright.


Unique Powers:

Part 1 -- Characteristics

Bitch of the Family Alice's bloodline is linked to that of dogs by her father's side. This makes her attuned to canines : although seemingly lacking most canine attributes, this by no means downplay's Alice's connection. She can speak and communicate with any type of canine, and even holds a superior physical shape because of it. She is a graceful, and strong person, almost like a wolf in battle. She also does have slightly typical dog-person like reactions to things. She does have a beyond average sense of smell, hearing and taste.

Body's Own Being Hanako's daughter, Alice has a predisposition to Martial Arts. In a strange way, Alice is very kinetic. This is simple : she able to see body movements, and match them, copying them if necessary. This also gives her a great control over her own body's movement, making none of her movements a waste.

Reiatsu Resistance A gift from her mother, Alice seems to resist spiritual pressure that most would have crumbled to : perhaps this is what allowed her to connect to the remaining energy in her dying world. However, it is a double edged ability : whilst allowing her to withstand pressure that most would be weak from, she cannot sense as well as most would assume she could. She mostly guesses where people are: spiritual pressures are such that anyone under 3-1 is neigh invisible to Alice.

Split Side Also Ziamichi like but not quite, this is actually Alice's Reiatsu on her Iramasha side, clashing with her natural human side. Where she is merciful, she is also cruel : in fact, it seems that once she has been in battle long enough [total of 10 posts in the fight] it seems she starts losing that moral compass. In fact, her entirety of her Reiatsu also seems to change : light turns to black. Although mostly a psychological shift, it can also be seen in the color of her energy : normally a very light, almost ice blue, it turns into a dark marine blue when she has shifted.

Observer Alice is quite an observer : with a memory that almost never fails, trained to an almost Eidetic level, and her habit of watching things, well, it makes life interesting. She can see people do certain things, and thanks to her kinetic abilities, often is able to reproduce such things easily. Some may call her a copy cat, but Alice doesn't do it on purpose : this is the same with Reiatsu signatures. Alice, once she can sense them, can memorize their feel and then imitate her own with it : however, she must hold an important bond with the person. The only signature she learned from her old world was Azure's.

Sense Shutoff A weird talent : but Alice seems to have managed to make her reiatsu able to shut off a sense, and she has compensated herself accordingly for it. Meaning that if she was suddenly blinded, she could compensate for it because she has trained for it. This also means she can shut off her sense willingly, for example, forcing herself to become deaf. It is a strange characteristic, but one that is certainly more then interesting. This also allows her to be adept at sudden sensory changes : like dimming lights or sudden increases in sounds.

Adaptable Prescence Alice seems to have a naturally soothing prescence, which is amplified in her human skills. This makes a lot of people at ease with her, even when normally they wouldn't. Even should they not wish to be soothed, this prescence simply makes her favourable to people, due to the nature of her prescence melding to what they lack and look for in people. This helps cool off several arguements that used to occur around her.

Part 2 -- Abilities

Energy Touch Alice is strange in nature : due to her natural immunity and high reiatsu, along with such attuned touches to Chaos Energy, it seems she has learned to physically materialize such. It often takes the color of her reiatsu, and turn it into an electric shape, when used. In fact, Alice has the ability to transfer her Reiatsu into someone else, thus increasing their stores, or an object, creating gems or maybe just Reiatsu/Chaos energy bombs. She uses it most often in a unique combat style, here her hands and feet are imbued with this physical Reiatsu, and infiltrate the opponent's system, overloading their Reiatsu components. It starts with light numbness, to full on paralysis, if she's using it very subtly, which would leaving a nasty sting when hit. She can also turn it to immense levels, and shock a person. In some cases, she was seen forming a ball of such, and attacking with it. As pure energy, Reiatsu/Chaos Energy when materialized, ressembles lightning the best, due to it's static energy. This is applicable to both Reiatsu and Chaos Energy : as long as Alice can use that energy, it will work.

Basic Iramasha Powers:

Chaos Moves: (What type of Regular or Custom Chaos Moves does your Iramasha know?)


Soul State Evolutionary Powers
-- Alice, as part human, has access to most of her powers no matter which form : physical or spiritual. However, as a spiritual being, her Iramasha powers are more prominient then her human powers, and vice versa. Alice seems to have developped her human powers much later then anticipated in most cases : her mind frame seemed to also influence their discovering at the time, and changed them from the reality's path. In all, Alice's human powers seem to be the opposite of her demonic Iramasha nature, thus making her quite unique. They cannot be used in Conjuction with an Iramasha form, and vice versa.

State 1 : The White Lady
Soul State Evolution Stage 1 Appearance: Alice pretty much keeps the same apperance physically : however, she seems to glow with a white light, and seems to have a hagoromo of a white color. A hagoromo is a garment, much like a boa in nature.

Soul State Evolution Stage 1 Abilities:

Truth Bound Alice's first Soul State ability as the White Lady is simple : lies seem to disperse around her. This may seem odd, but when Alice is in this state, it seems she has transcendent sight : she can see the truth no matter how hard it is hidden, as long as she spends enough time. This is done via analyzing and the feeling of her energies around her : it allows her to splice lies from truth by the shape and colors of words. She cannot read thoughts, or break illusions : this simply gives her the ability to not be fooled. In simplification, Alice becomes able to tell fake from real, in a sense.

Avatar of Peace Alice's very presence is more then calming in this form. In fact, it seems anyone without a 20 foot radius of Alice is overwhelmed with peace and tranquility. However, no matter the peace and tranquility, the users can still conciously make their choices how they wish. Those of will power greater or equal to Alice can easily overrule these feelings : those two lower then her will have slight difficulty. Anyone lower will be harshly affected, but can still continue on their course of action. This aura simply makes Alice a very soothing prescence, allowing those that accept it to wash their worries, stress and what not away, and speak to her. It also makes her very likeable, since it also gives her ungodly amounts of patience and gentleness.

Frost Touch Alice seems to have an affinity for ice whilst in this form. It allows her to manipulate ice in general. Such as : creating ice with water in the air, breathing out a cold wind, summon a snow storm, etc. She also seems to bear a higher cold immunity, allowing her in this form to basically walk naked in Antartica's worse and be hot.

Hagoromo Manipulation Alice's Hagoromo, or Garnmnet, is about 8 feet long in it's natural form. Wrapped around her body and light floating, it is manipulatable with a few of her thoughts. It can extend up to twice it's length, and change shapes, even grab things if necessary. This gives her an extra hand : as long as she can focus on what it needs to do, it will follow her commands. It also seems her Hagoromo is possessed : sometimes it will preform actions on it's own. It has a trickster personality, and loves to tease Alice, by putting her into awkward situations.

State 2 : The Cosmic Fey
Soul State Evolution Stage 2 Appearance: Again, Alice doesn't seem to change entirely too much. However, her Hagoromo remain, if her previous state was active before this, meaning that she can activate this state without needing the first. If she does activate this state after the first, she keeps all abilities elaborated above. Alice's apperance changes again, in subtle ways : her skin becomes much lighter, almost translucent in pure light, and she seems a lot more charming and elegant. Her eyes also seem to become deeper then space itself : with a strange, almost supernatural light to them, as if her eyes and soul were endless. Her ears also become a bit longer and slightly pointed.

Soul State Evolution Stage 2 Abilities: As state, if this state is activated after the first, all previous abilities remain. This state can be activated independantly from the first.

Depth Alice's eyes are almost hypnotic : actually, they are. When her eyes meet with someone, she can slowly start to implant an idea in their head : however, this idea is by no means specific, or overuling the user's own personality. It simply implants a possibility, a suggestion. This is done via light rippling of Alice's pupil, sending gentle reiatsu pulses directly from her into the other person's head via their eyes and their nerves. This is how a suggestion would work : Alice vaguely implements the notion of hunger in a person. From there, the person, according to their own personality, can interpet that as they wish. This is a vague suggestion : anyone can resist it and discard, no matter their will power. This is mostly a plot device, but it can be used in battle as well, but to the same effect.

The Mist Alice, in this form, seems to become so much more supernatural : this actually gives her the ability to transfer to a place called ''The In-Between''. A non-combat ability, this allows Alice to litterally, enter at one place, and come out just about anywhere : as long as she has a clear mental image of the place. Alice cannot do this to times without a specific condition : that she gives up half of her life energy total for the period of time she jumps back in time. The only exception to this rule is transfers between her own alternate timeline, and the current timeline. This is because of the fact that her alternate timeline is destroyed, and that she should have died : however, using the remaining Reiatsu of that timeline, she has placed herself into the current one. This transfer can never be done again.

Fairy Magic Alice, now taking on several new characteristics, seems to become almost attuned with the world in a way that few can. She can speak to trees and animals, and understand things the world wishes to speak. She also has a natural touch with elements in general : this means she can nullify her body functions that are considered necessary if needed, such as breathing, or heating and cooling. This also grants her next to no impairment in any sort of terrain, due to connecting with the element and speaking with them. This means she can move silently on just about any surface, as long as it's related to nature in some way, and not changed much beyond it's original composition. For example, a stone floor would qualify, whilst a cement floor would not.

State 3 : The World Goddess [EVENT]
Soul State Evolution Stage 3 Appearance: Alice can engage this form as willed, but will retain the changes that both states before have done, should she have activated them. Alice seems to change almost completely : she has a visible aura around her, like a glow. She also forms wings of translucent crystal shade. Her head gets a pair of dog ears, the same color as the wings, as well as a long, dog like tail of the same color. She never walks, and always seems to float : along her entire body, there seems to be strange symbols of shifting colors, seemingly pulsing. Also, any sort of clothing seems to fade away, leaving her in either a white dress [if White Lady was active] or a simple bra and panty, of a color that melds into her skin.

Soul State Evolution Stage 3 Abilities: If forms were activated before hand, she retains powers from them.

Voice of the Universe Alice's words are immensely powerful. Their very shape and being can do wonderous things. However, these words are divided into a list of good and bad words : each word has a different effect. For example, Eifl would breathe life into an object, person, something of Alice's choice : whilst Etdh would bring death. Each word with a requirement will have it noted beside them.

Odog Words:

Adb Words:

United Force In this form, Alice is much like a goddess, as proven by the words. She can become possessed by the spirits of the worlds, such as elements or aspects. These spirits, once entering her, grant Alice use of their abilities. For example, if the spirit of earth entered her, she would be able to use the earth as a weapon. If the spirit of lust entered her, she would be able to use sexual wiles. Each spirit's name is self-descriptive : however, one spirit is unique, as it is non-combatant. The Spirit of the World, as it's called, is simply what most refer to as Mother Earth. This spirit only speaks : however, her only ability is to nullify any attack towards her, due to the sheer mass of herself. This spirit is uniquely linked to Alice, as the former of her own timeline gave a shard of itself, making her compatible with any further World Spirits. Not all spirits are benign or friendly : each spirit will act on itself, depending on it's world, and it's inhabitants, and Alice's opponent. An example is if she hypothetically managed to enter the demon world, the World Spirit there would be by no means benign : it would seek to take control and do whatever a demon would want to do.


Hybrid Stage 1: In all techniquality, Alice has two stages within this form : the first is the light transfer, and the second is the full transfer. The initial look is simple : her hair turns almost all purple, with crystal like flickers of blue remaining, almost elegant as she is still human. Some other attributes will crawl up, depending on powers used, or discovered. In the second stage [NSFW], she ressembles a beast : growing fur and even paws, she seems almost elegant in form, like a dangerous canine, which truly belies her relationship to her family.

Angel Form/Hybrid Stage 1/Demon Form Abilities: Alice hasn't seem to have quite explored this stage, but can shift into the apperance on a whim.

Golden Angel Form/Hell Angel Demon Form Appearance:

Golden Angel Form/Hell Angel Demon Form Abilities:

Custom Form Appearance

Custom Form Abilities:


Class Title: -

Class Traits: -


Branch/Position: -

Race: Hybrid


General Skills
  • Durability: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • General Speed: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Strength: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Weapon Skill: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Mental Deduction: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Pain Endurance: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Focus: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

Racial Skills
  • Chaos Energy Skill: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Chaos Warp: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Seishin Buki Level: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Race Control: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

[Iramasha] The Alternate Alice TAFAlice
N/a atm

Last edited by Aivee on Mon Mar 26, 2012 12:16 am; edited 2 times in total
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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[Iramasha] The Alternate Alice Left_bar_bleue20650/20000[Iramasha] The Alternate Alice Empty_bar_bleue  (20650/20000)

[Iramasha] The Alternate Alice Empty Re: [Iramasha] The Alternate Alice

Sun Mar 25, 2012 11:21 pm

Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
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  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [O]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [O]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

Comments/Notes:Just one thing. The Words. They need more explanation. A. For the good words, for the first, what do you mean by breathes life? For the second one... how can it be in a radius and touching at the same time, or how large is the radius?

For the bad things, the first one, do you mean that it takes the equivalent of how much energy she recovers from an opponent? And for the second one, does that mean it can break down ANY matter? Even things extremely difficult to destroy?

Overall, just read over these "Words" yourself and I think you'll see what I mean.

Tier:1-2+ when fixed.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
Joined : 2011-03-03
Posts : 5174
Age : 27
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[Iramasha] The Alternate Alice Left_bar_bleue20650/20000[Iramasha] The Alternate Alice Empty_bar_bleue  (20650/20000)

[Iramasha] The Alternate Alice Empty Re: [Iramasha] The Alternate Alice

Mon Mar 26, 2012 12:20 am
Alrighty, approved, 1-2+

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Pain Endurance: Adept
  • Focus: Advanced

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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[Iramasha] The Alternate Alice Left_bar_bleue99999/99999[Iramasha] The Alternate Alice Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

[Iramasha] The Alternate Alice Empty Re: [Iramasha] The Alternate Alice

Mon Mar 26, 2012 10:00 am

Negro move yo' shit when approving these things to the correct boards@ JJ

Moving this character to Approved Iramasha.

[Iramasha] The Alternate Alice WVMWLOu

[Iramasha] The Alternate Alice Empty Re: [Iramasha] The Alternate Alice

Thu Jun 14, 2012 11:43 pm
Archiving this 'cuz I'm updating yo!
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[Iramasha] The Alternate Alice Empty Re: [Iramasha] The Alternate Alice

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