Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
Joined : 2011-03-03
Posts : 5174
Age : 27
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Platinum Points:
Brian Washi [APPROVED, 1-2+] Left_bar_bleue20650/20000Brian Washi [APPROVED, 1-2+] Empty_bar_bleue  (20650/20000)

Brian Washi [APPROVED, 1-2+] Empty Brian Washi [APPROVED, 1-2+]

Thu Mar 08, 2012 5:05 pm



Name: Brian “Crow” Washi
Gender: Male
Age: 632
The Host Race: Human




Personality: \

Plane Obsession
All his life, he has been obssesed with planes. He knows the names of every single model in existence, as well as loving to tell people about them. Hell, for most of them, he knows their significant crashes, famous pilots, how many are still in service, how long they were in production... he knows all of it. And needless to say, he is an absolutely amazing pilot, part of the reason he gained the nickname "Crow" was due to his crazy antics while in fighter jets, but never managing to be shot down, even breaking Red Baron's record. Of course, that is to say, he did it with only one eye.

He is quite a cautious person. He hasn't shut himself out like Alex, but he isn't as friendly as Colin, either. He lies somewhere in the middle, having been the only one among his brothers to have really lived on in his life. As such, he is analytical about situations, including with his comrades. To him, a successful mission is where everyone gets out alive.

If you don't follow his orders when he gives them, he FORCES you to, usually by a punch to the stomach., dragging out your still form. He is intolerable only because he knows what happens when orders or instructions aren't followed, and doesn't want to see that on anyone else he loves or cares about again.

He is extremely hyperactive, always with a smile on his face, other than when giving orders. This extends to boldly cracking his neck and challenging anyone he feels like to a fight, as well as caring immensely about anyone he has deemed his comrades. He tries to keep morale up, as a leader, but isn't afraid to get serious when he has to.

However, once he is in the game, he is one of the calmest commanders around. He can quickly scan the objective, and give orders to his troops without any hesitation or fooling around. His gaze is intense while like this, and quite fierce at that. On missions, depending on the cause, he will either be zealous or extremely calm. If he is out for revenge for a comrade, he will most certainly be calm and ready to kill. If he's out gathering intel or roughing up a few guards, he'll smile and introduce himself before attacking.

Military Mindset
Above all but his overzealous nature, he is a military man. It was always his dream to be in the military, and got quite far in it when he joined up with it. As a grunt, his drive and determination to live and help his comrades made him shine as a soldier, getting him promoted to a commanding officer. As a commanding officer, his decisions still shown through, showing his ability and prowess with strategy and decision making, as well as his ability to make quick observations.




Brian grew up in a house with 3 brothers. Justin, the oldest, went missing before he, the youngest, was born. He never met Justin, who vanished a month after he was born. The family had seen him safely out, but were unable to find him afterwards when the chaos had died down. They searched everywhere, but were unable to find the oldest Washi child. All through the night, Brian had cried, and he never even so much as knew who his older brother was...

Brian had an alright school life. He got alright grades, but his obsession with planes and things of military nature earned him few friends. However, while he was still just in high school, his brother, Colin, fell off of a cliff-face, dieing. The family mourned him greatly and Brian also had nightmares about his second-youngest brother for months afterwards.

However, three years later, it happened. Alex was driving
Nathan and Brian to meet his fiancé when suddenly, the car stopped. Alex
frowned, getting out to see what had happened, telling his brothers to stay
in the car. He looked around, seeing nothing. Suddenly, he felt something
moving the air of his back. He spun around and their, in the moonlight,
looking like a demon out of Hell, stood a bright flame. It was a bird, a
hawk, that had somehow been set on fire and manipulated to live and move. His
eyes widened, and his body felt paralyzed.

He struggled with his fear, managing to look back at the car. The hawk was considering him, perched on the car’s engine. He ran at the car, screaming for his brothers to get out, a terrible feeling overtaking him. Nathan heard him and got out, as he was in the backseat. Brian was struggling with his seatbelt in shotgun and Alex threw himself down, into the driver seat. He pushed his pocket knife he always carried with him on the belt, removing it from Brian and nicking his upper arm a little bit. He pushed Brian out the opened door, and yelled at Nathan to get him away.

Nathan nodded, picking up the youngest Washi, and running him away. Alex tightened the key in the lock, unable to start. He cursed, kicking the floor. He hit it so hard he hit right through to the gas line. The bird had turned its evil head in the direction of his brothers and was opening it’s mouth, flames beginning to leap from it and a britght light forming around the edge of its beak. He acted quickly, getting out his lighter. He wondered as he struck it if it was a good thing or not that him and his brothers were all weapon nuts. He sighed as he cut a piece of cloth off and lit it. He dropped it onto the busted and still leaking pipe. He threw the door open, jumping out. The flaming hawk had just reared back to fire when suddenly the vehicle exploded, the gas tank being nearly full.

Brian and Nathan didn't see their brother again after his fiance came to pick them up. All the way to her house, they were all crying and sobbing. However, he was able to get himself back on his feet with Nathan's help, always cursing his luck for what happened to is brothers.

Ten years later, and he done it. He was with the military, in the airforce, the place of his dreams. He completed every mission flawlessly, always keeping his brothers in his thoughts, having decided to live for them. And so he went on, being noted for his ability, even becoming a commanding officer himself. He gained the nickname "Crow" For his ability, mostly with SR-71s, or Black Birds. However... during one mission, he realized it was too late. He had been shot, wounded in the shoulder, his plane going down... and down... towards the fields below.

He had breathed in and out slowly, barely able to keep conscious and gather enough strength to reach for the parachute deploy. He kept thinking to himself, kept thinking about what had happened to Alex, knowing he didn't want to go like that. He widened his eyes, pulling down the trigger as the glass flew open above him, and he felt himself thrown out, into the air, his vision going black as the lone, gravely wounded soldier spun to the ground below, unconscious in his chair as he landed on the ground, continuing to spew out blood...

He felt a voice in his mind, docile and yet strange. It asked him if he wanted to live, and he replied he most certainly did. The voice told him to look deep inside then, for something that could help him... as he would try as well... As he did so, on the outside of his body, Brian began to create a great red field of chi energy, the energy zooming in on his shoulder as another strange event occuring, the blood stopping its flow as it stuck up, creating a single, shiny blade on his shoulder.

However... as he began to wake up, he blinked, realizing there was something wrong. He opened and closed both eyes again, before he realized what was wrong. His left eye... was completely gone. There was nothing left of it. His body had sacrificed it, giving it to both the docile demon who he could feel flowing around in his blood as well as the strange chi energy that had helped save his life...

Over time, he began to learn about both of these things, living as a lone wolf by himself. His hair turned dark, his gaze became wild, and he learned that self-mutilation was basically his only way to activate his abilities. Which, he quickly learned about, having Ket help him when he found groups of hollows, dispersing them, looking for the same demon that he knew now had done what it had to his brother.

It took him twenty years, but he finally found it. That bird, roosting. He attacked it, it reacted violently, setting him on fire. Through the pain he struck down the bird, standing over it, the eyepatch on his face burning as he grabbed it, ripping it off his face as he began to realize the fire was still going, his chi energy running wild. His blood surrounded him like a shell, as he tried to call out to Ket, only being sealed within his own power...

Some time later, he reemerged, different than ever before, Awakened. He realized he had site in both of his eyes, and even Ket was there. He realized that, as he returned to normal, he was back in his prime, having gone through the effects of an Awakened Human, at full power. He had chuckled, before realizing that he had the entire world before him now...

Six hundred years later, he had grown to be quite an intimidating force. He had even gotten to be known by his old nickname of Crow, but this time, as a point of infamy. He had spent his time challenging all comers, never shying away from a fight, making him look both brave and terrifying to those who knew him. It was from such a thing that he was contacted...

By his brother, Alex Washi. He had run to the place as soon as he had recieved the message, to this "Rinyauru", finding his brother within and embracing him. The one eyed man had cried, honest tears going down for the first time down his face as his brother, thanking him for what he had done on that day, telling him about his life, about defeating the bird. In return, he learned that Colin was still alive as well, and his joy was immense.

When he had calmed down, Alex asked him if he would do him a favor. He said there was a kid, one in the Ash Division of the Rinyauru, that Alex was training. He told Brian how he greatly reminded him of his brothers, and Brian immediately accepted the position to be the commander of Ash, to help this kid out who was still quite inexperienced. And that leaves him in the in the present day, so happy to be with his brothers again, and helping out someone who was almost like another brother...



Ziamichi Spirit Name: Ketsueki• bīsuto

Ziamichi Spirit Appearance:

His Ziamichi Spirit is quite an odd one. He wears his blond hair back in a pony-tail, his face benevolent in appearance. However, the cloak that he wears… is forged of his own blood. He wears white gloves so he does not dirty his hands, as well as a mask over his face to protect it from the blood of his falling enemies.

Ziamichi Personality: He is quite a docile person. He speaks with a calm voice, right alongside with Crow. He gives him the best advice he can, and gives him his power and his wisdom however he can. That is, most of the time. If Crow ever fully runs out of energy and surpasses Ketsueki’s limits, he returns to his instinctual state, shutting down Brian’s entire body and constantly giving off cries of rage and bloodlust, unable to take control, but able to greatly hinder Crow.

Ziamichi History: Ketsueki was a demon of the night, one of blood. He would cut himself, allowing his wounds to flow freely, devouring his enemies to replenish himself of what he had lost, meaning that either he would win and live, or lose and surely die from bloodloss or the other demon killing him. He managed to survive, finding new things to do with his blood, just... surviving.

However, one day, he began to realize he was beginning to get bored of this lifestyle. He left the demon world, turning into a humanoid shape as he searched the Earth, having decided to only take the blood of animals, deciding that he wanted a partner, not to be alone any more. And that's how he came across Brian...

Ziamichi Powers: See Blade of Blood below. In addition, he also has taken it upon himself to be Crow's lost eye, considering how he lost it, as he remains a small pool of blood beneath the eyepatch, able to look through it and instantly give Brian the information of what he sees and his advice.



Unique Traits: Blade of the Blood Beast:

Crow can use Ketsueki’s power to do two basic actions. The first is to solidify his own blood. The Second… is the ability to draw his own blood from his body. Typically, this is what he must do to form his ability, the Blade Blood.

First, he must slice open the skin of which he desires for the Blade Blood to form, most of the time by sliding his sharp finger nails along it. Then, he charges his hand with Ketsueki’s power in an instant, placing the hand over the open wound (Usually just below his wrists). Then he slides the hand back and away from the wound. If he was trailing light behind his hand, it would be revealed that he is moving it in the shape of a curve. Following right along with his hand, solidified, latched onto the power in his hand, is his blood. When he reaches the length he desires, he removes the power, leaving a curved blade of blood of his arm, extremely sharp on the outward side, and supportive on the back a good amount. His most common way to begin battle is to turn his hands, pointing out his thumbs as he scrapes them across his bare skin, creating cuts. Then he places the hands on the cuts, pulling away from them one by one to make his Blade Bloods.

From here, they can be used as if he had curved blades attached to his arms. He can use them very quickly, as they are literally a part of him, able to parry bullets with them as well as slash outwards at very high speeds to damage his opponents. They are also extremely difficult to break, as he has been training and living with them almost his entire life. However.. every time he summons them, he activates their downside. Their downside is that everytime he makes one, he loses a good amount of blood. After creating 3 of the blades in a single post, he begins to feel the effects of Blade Loss. However, they also have some special properties of their own.

Stretching: By swinging them, he is able to mentally reduce the bonds of the thick sides of the blades. This causes them to stretch out like a net, resulting in them getting much longer but only using the same initial amount of blood. This, combined with his speed, means that he could appear to make two slashes, but turn a tree into several small square logs fairly easily. Their maximum length reaches out ofr 200 feet, and the Blade Blood’s maximum natural swing speed is just over 400 mph, normally.

Sound Breaker: He grabs the palm of one hand with the other hand, gripping tight to the flesh and forcing his blood to slice through his own skin. Then he stretches it, pulling for and against it, creating a huge amount of tension. Then, he brings the hands outwards in a slashing motion. As he does so, the blade shoots out so fast that it leaves a loud BOOM, breaking Mach 4 as it flies through the air with its extreme speed, stretching as it flies out for whatever length he needs up to 50 feet from himself. The blood either stays sticking out of his hand in a blade shape, or returns to normal blood and falls back into the wound. However, because of the strain of this on his body, he can only manage about one of them per post before he reaches his limit. If he really pushes it, he can do two, but it will cause a great strain on his body from trying to hold the blood together.

Blood Weapons: He can also place his hand on any open wound that has a radius of the top of his thumb. This means he can use a wound made by his opponent, or one by stabbing his thumb into his body. Then, he places his skin over the wound, pulling a small rod of blood out before gripping it. Then, he pulls onto the weapon with a hand, drawing out a weapon of some manner. It could be a sword, a spear, a battle axe, a warhammer, a dagger.., however, for whatever he draws out, he loses an equal amount of his blood in its creation. In total, if he makes more than 3 quarts worth of weapons, he begins to feel the effects of Blade Loss.

Blade Loss: Whenever the Blade Loss effect is activated, Brian experiences something comparable to a very small amount of amenia. The thing with Blade Loss is the fact that the blood can also return to him, so if he can send the blood back into his body, he will stop feeling the effects of Blade Loss. Amenia Is where a person begins to feel very faint, his senses become disorted, he can barely move his muscles, and his heart is beating extremely fast to move what little blood is left in a body around.

Blood Traits: Because of his Ziamichi’s nature, he has a few things that are special about his blood from normal humans.

Blood Regeneration: His blood regenerates very quickly in addition to his heart rate always being 200. These make it so that he can heal himself fairly quickly, or at least flesh wounds, as well as maintain a very high reaction time and general speed, due to his heart beating at adrenaline levels all the time. His heart is also extremely strong, and in total can begin beating up to 600 beats per minute to support his body.

Increased Platelet Speed: His skin regeneration is also quite fast, thanks to how fast his heart beats. In addition, his blood carries many platelets in it at all times, which also increases his healing speed. He can heal most minor wounds he desires in a post, and serious bodily injuries in two to three posts. However, lost limbs are different. As the eyepatch on his face shows, if there is not enough blood between the part and where it goes, his body cannot regenerate or replace the limb. In the case of his eye, he could most likely have replaced it with another person’s eye, if he had desired to…

Very Thin Blood: Because of the way his energy is, his blood has been left very thin, allowing him to contain two entire gallons of it within his body, although he doesn't look it. As such, a mere cut across his back could result in the entire area behind where he is standing being covered, as it only takes about a pint to make a place look like a massacre scene. (2 pints=1 quart, four quarts=1 gallon)

Forms: Brian doesn’t have any forms with his, other than being able to draw the Blade Blood from his body.

Drawbacks: If Brian loses control, every vein in his blood stream shoots out Blade Blood, completely draining him off blood. This makes him unable to move, and for 3 posts, he is unable to so much as blink. If the Blade Bloods are all broken in this time (They are very brittle in this state), he will die. If there are only a few left, he will either go unconscious when they return to his body or barely be able to move.

Control: 10


Soul State Evolutionary Powers : Truly, his Soul States are very much like Gates. After each gate is unlocked, he gains more strength, speed, stamina, resistance and overall power. He also gains one new type of way to gain his energy in each one. These are in the ways of 3 paths: Speed, Power, and Defense. He gain 3 unlocks for his forms from the gates. So, he could go all the way in one path, making himself gain 3 speed-related abilities, or he could get the first level of all of them, or he could get the first level of one and two levels of another. That is, when he has obtained the access of all three gates. He is rapidly approaching that point, but for now he can only reach up to the 2nd gate of unlocking.


First Level: Step Blood: In this state, he gains a much faster ability of speed, being able to suppress and then release the blood in his legs, enabling him to go as fast as a shinigami’s flash step. The difference is that he has the ability to do it with each step he takes. This allows him to create afterimages, as he can instantly suppress and release the blood to increase his speed and vanish from the spot. He can use these up to 10 times per post, as well as a maximum of 5 in succession before he enters Blade Loss.

Second Level: Travel Blood: In this state, whenever he touches a pool of blood, he can activate this effect. His body becomes the energy that he uses with his Ziamichi spirit, allowing him to travel from basically point A to point B simultaneously, as long as there is at least a pool big enough for a human body to pass through and there is at least a trail of blood leading to those points. Prefferable settings would be a stream of blood through pipes, as he could step in the puddle on his end, vanish, go through the pipes, and reappear wherever they let out.

Third Level: Wing Blood: In this selection, he rips open the skin over his shoulder blades, letting the blood flow freely as they form up a construct on his back. The result is a pair of wings, 3 feet in length. This is the reason he is called "The Bleeding Crow", or Crow for short, because of the appearance of these wings of blood. What their true effect is, however, is similar to that of Brian's Brothers: They enhance his raw speed. His Blade Bloods max speed increases up to 5 times, as well as his normal speed tripling. However, right after their creation, he immediately feels the effects of Blade Loss for the post during or after they are created, depending on whether he forms them.


First Level: Tough Blood: When he selects this ability, his blood becomes much tougher than it was before, able to easily slash through much tougher materials before. In this state, he can even reverse the order of the blades, making them like curved hammers and slamming them into things.

Second Level: Shield Blood: When he gets this, he can fire out shields of blood from wounds on his body. Each is as large as he chooses it to be, and comes out in the shape of a square panel, as tough as the Blade Bloods. However, he can only use one at a time, and they cannot reach further than 5 feet. Using more than 3 in a post will lead to Blade Loss, and if they are shattered, he cannot get the blood back.

Third Level: Armor Blood: In this state, his body becomes enveloped in a field of blood, covering him from head to foot. It is as strong as his blades, making a very potent armor. It is also extremely light, making it difficult for opponents to penetrate and damage, as he is still moving around. However, it has a major downside: He IMMEDIATELY feels the effects of Blade Loss after activation, making it so that he is protected, but unable to move and very dizzy for a post after entering it.


First Level: Gun Blood: In this state, he can use his own energy (Which has been at least somewhat infected from Ketsueki) To manipulate his blood in a different way. He can gather a small amount of blood, the size of a quarter, in his hand, pointing it where he wants it to go. It shoots out, like a very tough and piercing bullet, the only weakness of which is fast vibration, which would cause it to dissipate. It can also be fired at either a fast or slow pace, depending on how much energy Crow puts into it. He can only fire about 15 per post before he runs into Blade Loss, however.

Second Level: Spike Blood: With this, Crow can gather a sphere of blood in front of his hand, much like how Gun Blood works. However, this is in a spheres shape, and its effects are revealed when it nears an opponent. It uses Crow's energy, expanding outwards for a foot of blood, firing out large spikes all around it for another 5. Then, it reduces itself again, falling to the ground with a SPLAT. If Crow uses more than 3 of these in a post, he begins to feel the effects of Blade Loss. Also, he can only use 1 in the first post he chooses to unlock this effect.

Third Level: Laser Blood: In this selection, Crow's blood becomes lined with his energy whenever he grabs it, a very dense amount of it. So, whenever he gathers the energy into his hand now, he can fire a shot like normal. However, instead of a bullet, like a Gun Blood, it fires out a laser of pure energy, 4 feet in diameter in front of the shot spot. However, the first time he uses this after selecting it, he begins feeling the effects of Blade Loss. Past there, he can fire off two of them per post safely.

Soul State Evolution Stage 1 Appearance: In Soul State Evolution Stage one, his body remains exactly the same other than the fact that he gains a light red aura that covers around his body.

Soul State Evolution Stage 1 Abilities: 25% Power Reached, one Gate/Ability Unlock.

Soul State Evolution Stage 2 Appearance: In this state, the aura turns darker, as his eyes turn to blood red.

Soul State Evolution Stage 2 Abilities: 70% Power Reached, one Gate/Ability Unlock.

Soul State Evolution Stage 3 Appearance: In this state, his body’s aura turns a deep blood red. His hair turns the same way, as well as his hands and feet past the wrists and ankles.

Soul State Evolution Stage 3 Abilities: 100% Power Reached, one Gate/Ability Unlock.


Chi Abilities


Chi Powers: He is actually quite adept with Chi, considering how Chi literally means "Blood."

Yin Surge: As to be expected, a Yin Surge is the exact opposite of a Yang Surge. When this attack is used a powerful blast of black light that is released from your body's life energy. It to can take the shape of whatever you wish and cause massive damage, but in it's effective area of 2000 meters it can cause a mass silence within the area, deep darkness to be visibility seen and an overall slowed feeling. When this happens, the users abilities will be boosted just like the Yang Surge.

Geppo: Being that there powers somewhat evolve around the Yin and Yang, moon step would be their form of flash step, high speed movement where in the case of tier you will be able to keep up with the Shinigami's flash step. Yuèqiú bù thought does have one thing that is different from the Shinigami's flash step because it makes no noise.

Vindeca "Heal": Using Chi in order to get their bodies to the best shape as possible, using the chi flowing in there own bodies they are able to regenerate faster then the normal human beings this doesn't mean their bodies heal instantly, it's almost like the Shinigami, there bodies can heal faster then normal humans can, this doesn't pertain to any injuries like a cut off limb, they cannnot regenerate a arm or a thumb or anything, these are flesh wounds to the body.

Tekkai "Iron Mass": Training themselves as much as possible along with the Chi in their own bodies they have formed a almost 'perfect' body where their muscles are so close together that they have higher endurance then the normal human, also with using this they are able to form Chi on their own skin, this is constantly active, and is a lot like the Arrancar's own Hierro.

Awakened Appearance: In this state, Crow’s body becomes about 40% more pale than it was before. His canines grow out just a small amount, as well as his tongue now being able to extend out to 4 inches outside of his mouth. His eyes turn into slits, and they remain wide open and staring, blinking slowly whenever he has the need to. It should also be noted that his heart rate is constantly at 400 beats per minute. His body is also completely covered in blood for a few moments, completely changing other aspects as it does so. However, despite his appearance and how he looks in this state, he keeps his overall zealous personality. He looks like this in awakened:

Awakened Powers: In his awakened state, he gains a small boost to most of the areas of his body. The reason his body gets so pale, despite how much blood he has, is because it is now focused much better in the areas of effect where it is required. In other words… the first trait is that his bodies blood control..

The second thing is called Consumption. This is where he can take in any blood that gets within a foots area of his tongue, as it shoots up to him and down his throat from on his tongue. If it is Shinigami, Human, Demon, Vizard, Demon or Hybrid Iramasha blood (Or a Ziamichi of any of the mix) then he can take in their blood. He does not absorb anything from the blood at all: in fact, what he does is “Convert” it.

He turns it into his own blood type, overpowering it, as anything other than 0-tier most likely doesn’t have a high enough concentration in their blood to force him to spit it out. Once he has converted the blood into his own, he adds it to his own blood, using it and not its energy as the fuel for his attacks as he does with his own blood. If he detects that the blood has not gone down properly, or there is a part that he cannot fully convert into his blood, he will spit it out IMMEDIATELY, fearing for his own life due to his cautious nature.

Fully Awakened Appearance: Working Towards.
Fully Awakened Powers: Working Towards.

Information: If you need any help understanding Chi, please click this thread and read all the information. It is fully optional rather or not you want your character to use Chi. So if you choose not to have it, simply cross it out or remove it. Fully Awakened Humans have to be approved by [THEFROST] as they are extremely rare.[/size]


NOTE: Ziamichi's will have three to four skill sheets possibly. One for general skills, one for racial skills, one for the host's skill and possibly one for the spirit's skills if they are a different race.

Click here for skill sheet

Ziamichi Class: (Ranging from E to the weakest and A to the strongest; With S being a special class of demons. Don't do anything to this, the staff will decide how strong your demon will be from how good your application is and how good your role playing skills are.)

0 Tier is allowed 1 Master, 2 Advanced for each section
1 Tier is allowed 2 Advanced for each section
2 Tier is allowed 1 Advanced, 2 Adept for each section
3 Tier is allowed 1 Adept for each section
4 Tier and below only get beginner.

General Skills
  • Durability: Advanced
  • General Speed: Adept
  • Strength: Adept
  • Weapon Skill: Advanced

Ziamichi Skills
  • Skill Of Ziamichi Powers: Advanced
  • Control Over Spirit: Advanced
  • Seal Strength: Beginner

Racial Skills
[list][*]Za Koa Skill: Advanced
[*]Demon Magic: Beginner
[*]Shadow Movement: Beginner
[*]Akuma Kyōdo: Advanced



Roleplay Sample:

Last edited by JJ on Thu Apr 11, 2013 7:34 pm; edited 5 times in total

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
Joined : 2011-03-03
Posts : 5174
Age : 27
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Member Info
Platinum Points:
Brian Washi [APPROVED, 1-2+] Left_bar_bleue20650/20000Brian Washi [APPROVED, 1-2+] Empty_bar_bleue  (20650/20000)

Brian Washi [APPROVED, 1-2+] Empty Re: Brian Washi [APPROVED, 1-2+]

Fri Mar 09, 2012 7:32 am
Here's the RP Sample!

Brian ducked down, spinning as he watched a knife shoot out over his head, his brother’s wild face right before him. He slit his wrist as he brought his hands together in the duck, throwing it back as a Blade Blood shot into the ground, propelling him upwards as his foot soared up to connect with Alex’s chin. He kept spinning, landing back on his feet, sliding out the Blade Blood as he did so. He brought the blade around, spinning his body as he slammed the blade into Alex. He gave a tsk as he saw Alex was blocking it with a strange knife, the same as before, and it was cutting his Blade Blood. He widened his eyes, snapping back his arm as the blood dissipated from the Blade form, falling back into the wound as his platelets began closing it up. He then ducked down, sweeping out his feet as he did so, watching Alex jump up into the air. He smiled, slashing his hands on both wrists extremely fast, vanishing with Geppo.

He reemerged behind Alex, his blades curved across one another in front of his brothers neck. He smiled as he brought them back, but widened his eyes as he watched two knifes appear in front of his Blade Bloods. He gave yet another tsk, pulling his hands back as the knifes tried making contact with them. He fell back onto the ground, spinning around as they landed on the ground once more, wincing as he began exchanging blows with the spun-right Alex. He winced as he felt the blood fall off the blades, each time they made contact losing its demon energy. He reappeared behind Alex again with geppo, forming his tekkai in one hand as he punched the fist forwards, slamming it into Alex, throwing him back from the fist, into the wall of the empty training room. He vanished with another geppo, reappearing right in front of his brother, trying to slam his fist into his brother’s chest.

He blinked as he watched Alex vanish, his fist slamming into the wall, feeling a slice appear on his shoulder. He didn’t even wince as he felt the skin split and watched as his blood spurted upwards, placing his hand over the wound. He stretched the hand, making a rod like thing appear from the damage. He smiled at Alex as he grabbed the rod, pulling out a shortsword from the shoulder. He ran out at Alex, chopping down with the blade. He began moving faster, filling his legs with chi as he spun around, slashing at Alex’s legs. He watched as Alex threw his legs back, bringing his knifes down. Crow affirmed his teeth, gnashing them tight as he swung up the shortsword still in his hand, making contact with the knifes, causing him to wince as he knocked them out of his older brother’s hands, feeling the blood fall off of his hands as the holiness sapped the demon energy from it.

He smiled, falling onto one knee before his brother. He looked up at Alex, with a smile on his face. “Release Gate One. Level One, Speed: Step Blood.” His voice ringing out as he stood up on the leg, vanishing from the released blood from the crouched leg. He reappeared behind Alex, gripping the hilt of his katana, the one given to him for this exact battle by Colin. He matched the knife, watching as it was not ripped apart or burned, glad the material was strong enough. He stepped back onto the ground, vanishing again as he reappeared in front of Alex, who’s back was turned, smiling as he cut upwards, hitting his brother’s chest with the knife. He watched as he saw Alex’s blood spurt out, a slightly surprised look on his face as he watched it flying at him. He gritted his teeth, leaping back as the blood hit the floor. He vanished with one more Step Blood as he hit the ground, throwing his blood down and then back in an instant. He reappeared in front of Alex, slashing his chest again with the shortsword once more, making a horizontal slash on his chest.

He leaped back, watching as Alex’s entire body began glowing. His eyes widened as he watched a halo spurt out of his brother’s head. “Bro, I knew you were dead, but isn’t that a bit much?” He joked, smiling as he watched Alex take out his own sword, watching as it formed into a glass-like thing. He could feel Alex’s energy beginning to push down on him, and sighed, slicing his thumb on his chest, as well as a vertical slash, making a cross-shape over his chest. “Alex… Welcome to the BlOoD BaTh.” He said briefly, the blood from the wounds completely surrounding his body in a cocoon. He reemerged, the changes apparent. In his mouth, his canines had lengthed a good bit, in addition to his tongue hanging out, licking up a drop of blood from the wound on his chest, without moving his head. On his head was short colorful green hair, and both eyes were back on his face, along with a wide smile. His black jacket had vanished, replaced by a white tunic with long sleeves and revealing his stomach, the collar unbuttoned enough for the top of the wound to show as it closed up.

He smiled, lowering his head and sticking out his tongue, taking the blood he had lost back into his body, vanishing as he did so. He reappeared all around Alex, slamming the shortsword into him however he could, watching as his brother coldly blocked each one. “C’mon, Alex… gotta try harder than that.” He spoke, reappearing behind Alex’s back, crouching on his legs as he looked at his own hand, a hole in the skin that led to a pickaxe-like shape sticking out of his hand, having just used it to slash open Alex’s shoulder. He didn’t even bother taking in Alex’s blood, simply spinning around and trying to slam the pickaxe into his brother’s side as he was blocked by Alex’s Fure. He smiled, slipping under the parrying blade as he swung his legs out, slamming into Alex’s and causing him to fall to the ground.

He grabbed onto his right hand, pulling tightly with the left. He smiled as he moved the hands forwards before himself, watching Alex’s shocked expression as he began trying to block. The attack still slammed against his chest, throwing him back into the wall behind himself. Crow reappeared in front of him, his hand covered in a hand-sized spear of blood covering it. His left hand was slammed onto the wall next to Alex, bringing the blood forwards in an attempt to stab his older brother. That is to say, right in front of his older brother, smiling as he held his bro at blade point, looking up at him as his green hair shook from side to side as he looked at his brother with both eyes. “Looks like I w-“ He was cut off, seeing Alex vanish. His eyes narrowed as his hand hit the wall, piercing it, too late as Alex reappeared behind him. “Ya cheater…” He said, spinning around as his hand was still in the wall, swinging his sword before him with his left to block. Crap…. He thought to himself, as Alex fired a large blast of holy fire at him on the wall.

He smiled as he looked at his older brother through the flames, feeling it damage his flesh and severely damaging his blood, neutralizing the demon in it. “Release Gate Two: Level One, Gun Blood.” He said, a large amount of blood gather in front of his body. It fired off a small spray of bullets, knocking away Alexander, freeing Brian from the flames as he fell to the ground. As he landed on the ground, his feet pushed down, making the blood travel as he vanished one more time, reappearing behind Alex, a shot of blood in front of each hand as he shot them at Alex. Alex spun around, a brush in his hand as he slapped the blood away from himself with two strokes, Brian taking note of how the color had left them. He narrowed his eyes and vanished as he realized that Alex had drawn two red bullets of his own and fired them at Crow, ducking down to dodge the bullets as Alex appeared in front of him, hands with energy throwing downwards.

Crow smiled, holding up his hand as a Blade Blood shot up from it, the tip poking into his brother’s skin as the target jumped back, preparing himself. Crow got up slowly, knowing that he didn’t have much fight left in him. “Yin SURGE!” He cried out, firing the black light from his hand, running right alongside it as it flew out at Alex, feeling his own power growing. He spun around himself, watching as Alex reappeared, grabbing his hand once more and slashing it diagonally across where his brother was in the air. The Blade Blood shot out, Alex putting up his Pallet to block the blade, fast enough to see it now. Crow tsked, spinning around on one foot as he prepared himself, realizing he was beginning to feel woozy. Oh no…! Not now…! Darn… Blade Loss! I’ll finish it with this! He decided, looking as if he was hugging himself as he slashed down both forearms, causing blood to spurt out and would have bled profusely if Crow wasn’t focusing himself. He closed his eyes, opening them again as he vanished, right in front of his brother.

He began a combo of slashes, relentless and desperate, slashing and slashing over and over again. His feet remained firmly planted on the ground, his red eyes wild and staring at Alex as he slashed, and slashed, and slashed, relentlessly, over and over, just CHANG CHANG CHANG CHANG ringing out as Alex blocked each and every one of them. Crow was panting, hard by this point, one eye closed as he felt Alex reappear in front of him, a single knife held up against his younger brother’s throat. He winced, looking at the ground as he heard the older Ziamichi speak. “Not bad, Brian. But… you still got ways to go.” His brother spoke, watching as Crow’s power went back, turning into his black haired eyepatched self as he fell to his knees on the ground.

“Th-thanks, Bro.” He said shortly, shaking his head from side to side, surprised that his brother had had the control to stop exactly there, not damaging him at all, despite the blade being that close. “I really do have to do more training… but, first, didn’t you say that you just got a pair of wings? We really need to go flying, you know.” He told his brother, his smile wide on his face and his eye bright as he thought of what they could do now, considering all the Washis could fly in some way…..

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Brian Washi [APPROVED, 1-2+] Empty Re: Brian Washi [APPROVED, 1-2+]

Sat Mar 10, 2012 5:59 pm

Application Checklist
[LIST][*]Name [x]
[*]Appropriate Age [x]
[*]Gender [x]
[*]Appearance Present [x]
[*]Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [x]
[*]Appearance is Not Claimed [x]
[*]10 sentences for personality [x]
[*]History is of appropriate length [x]
[*]Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [x]

Comments: Everything honestly looks legit, i'm approving this with 1-2+.
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Brian Washi [APPROVED, 1-2+] Empty Re: Brian Washi [APPROVED, 1-2+]

Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:12 am
General Skills
Durability: Advanced
General Speed: Adept
Strength: Adept
Weapon Skill: Advanced

Ziamichi Skills
Skill Of Ziamichi Powers: Advanced
Control Over Spirit: Advanced
Seal Strength: Beginner

Racial Skills

Spirituality: Adept
Valor: Adept
Perception: Advanced
Motivation: Advanced

Racial Skills

Za Koa Skill: Advanced
Demon Magic: Beginner
Shadow Movement: Beginner
Akuma Kyōdo: Advanced

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Head Admin

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Brian Washi [APPROVED, 1-2+] Empty Re: Brian Washi [APPROVED, 1-2+]

Fri Jun 28, 2013 1:05 am


« Application Checklist »

• Let's Get Down To Business •

  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [O]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

« The Willsheet Checklist »

• And Comments/Fixes •

  • Willpower/Determination: N/A
  • Mental Deduction: N/A
  • Pain Endurance: N/A
  • Focus: N/A

«The Ziamichi Spirit's Willsheet Checklist»

  • Willpower/Determination: N/A
  • Mental Deduction: N/A
  • Pain Endurance: N/A
  • Focus: N/A
  • Comments/Notes: This is apart of my massive check to give the correct Tiers/Classes to Ziamichi and their spirit's following their update a few months ago. If you have any issues with it, feel free to leave a post after this judgement is made.

    As for the judgement of this app? You need to expand the Ziamichi Spirit's personality to ten sentences. I only counted around four. In addition to that, you should also probably add in the Ziamichi Sync-Rate into their skill sheet.

    "Sync-Rate: This refers to how stabilized and strong the connection between the two spirit's energy wavelengths, mental states and the overall union is. While the seal focuses on fusing the souls together, the Sync-Rate plays a much different role. Depending on how high their Sync-Rate is, they may see similar effects as the Vizard's Augmentation attributes when using their Ziamichi powers. That is, the better your Sync-Rate Skill is, the more enhancements your character may generally have when they unify with their spirit. While, if you had a lower skill in this section, you may not see many benefits in the stat boosters related to using these dual or triple powersets. To given an example, someone with an Advanced Sync-Rate will generally be able to better handle the fluctuation in power that come with wielding both theirs and the Ziamichi Spirit's energy; being that their two separate tiers. Ergo, they can see augmentation boost in their mental states, will skills, special abilities and so on. The higher you go in this skill, the more Synchronization is possible. A master or Grandmaster in this may even find a way to even temporarily boost their tier level by using the Spirit(s) and their own energy at the same time ."

  • Host Tier: 1-2+
  • Host Class: B+
  • Spirit Tier: 3-1
  • Spirit Class: E

Brian Washi [APPROVED, 1-2+] WVMWLOu

Brian Washi [APPROVED, 1-2+] Empty Re: Brian Washi [APPROVED, 1-2+]

Thu Aug 15, 2013 2:12 am
Brian Washi [APPROVED, 1-2+] Tumblr_mptzeoeIs71qhe7aio1_500
Aivee Clean-Up Time!
This has been in pending for too long! But due to the re-check, this character has TEMPORARY RP APPROVAL, but still needs to be fixed! Once done, simply post Here to get it checked!
The Living Microwave
The Living Microwave
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Brian Washi [APPROVED, 1-2+] Empty Re: Brian Washi [APPROVED, 1-2+]

Tue Sep 10, 2013 1:05 pm
Moving this app to Old WIP since it has been 2 weeks. if finished please refer to This thread or ask staff to move it.
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Brian Washi [APPROVED, 1-2+] Empty Re: Brian Washi [APPROVED, 1-2+]

Wed Feb 18, 2015 9:41 am
Brian Washi [APPROVED, 1-2+] Tumblr_niy64mOPBJ1tga1sco1_500

Archiving this as apart of my clean up of Old Wip

If you wish for this to be moved back to old wip please feel free to post within this thread

Staff Help Thread

Brian Washi [APPROVED, 1-2+] M9rTQZk

Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Brian Washi [APPROVED, 1-2+] Empty Re: Brian Washi [APPROVED, 1-2+]

Wed Feb 18, 2015 9:36 pm


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Brian Washi [APPROVED, 1-2+] Empty Re: Brian Washi [APPROVED, 1-2+]

Wed Feb 18, 2015 10:27 pm
moved back to wip for ya since ya asked xD

Brian Washi [APPROVED, 1-2+] M9rTQZk

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