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Wed Jul 14, 2010 12:49 pm
Sorry Tsubine, 0-2+ April Approved

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The Memory Rosary of Despair, Claire Clixx [APPROVED, Historic Class, 0-2++] EmerSiggy-2

Emer McLoughlin's Theme

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The Memory Rosary of Despair, Claire Clixx [APPROVED, Historic Class, 0-2++] Characters
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The Memory Rosary of Despair, Claire Clixx [APPROVED, Historic Class, 0-2++] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999The Memory Rosary of Despair, Claire Clixx [APPROVED, Historic Class, 0-2++] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

The Memory Rosary of Despair, Claire Clixx [APPROVED, Historic Class, 0-2++] Empty Re: The Memory Rosary of Despair, Claire Clixx [APPROVED, Historic Class, 0-2++]

Sun Mar 20, 2011 5:16 pm
We have all had a really heart-felt meeting in Staff xat and have decided that Clarie will stay active for story related purposes as she will lose her powers after this event.

Therefore, I will be re approving her.

The Memory Rosary of Despair, Claire Clixx [APPROVED, Historic Class, 0-2++] WVMWLOu
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The Memory Rosary of Despair, Claire Clixx [APPROVED, Historic Class, 0-2++] Left_bar_bleue0/0The Memory Rosary of Despair, Claire Clixx [APPROVED, Historic Class, 0-2++] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

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Tue Sep 18, 2012 10:27 pm
you die. you burn and you die. finally, go back to archives where you belong. ARCHIVED

The Memory Rosary of Despair, Claire Clixx [APPROVED, Historic Class, 0-2++] 28cnex2
Ravana Ichiro~Ex-Captain Vizard/Vizard Corps Co-leader~0-3+
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The Memory Rosary of Despair, Claire Clixx [APPROVED, Historic Class, 0-2++] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999The Memory Rosary of Despair, Claire Clixx [APPROVED, Historic Class, 0-2++] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

The Memory Rosary of Despair, Claire Clixx [APPROVED, Historic Class, 0-2++] Empty Re: The Memory Rosary of Despair, Claire Clixx [APPROVED, Historic Class, 0-2++]

Fri Jan 18, 2013 2:35 am

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Memory Release: Claire has the same ability as her brother, the power of the Memory Rosary Release, where she will release her malfunctioned existence and become as powerful as a god.

I'd probably reword that as "reach the strength of a near god."

" She can teleport to any point and place in time, "

We don't allow that in combat and cannot be used to alter the site's timeline. As, when you go back in time on this site, it automatically splits your divergence from our timeline and creates a separate one where you are free to experience the past without it effecting the present or this site's past.

Mangum of Existence: Claire controls the power of the MAGNUM OF EXISTENCE. When Claire activates this ability, she will sacrifice Ceon and Senna thus becoming the host of Memories. She will then eradicate the very host (Herself), and will cause a flux between dimensions. When activated, she cannot be stopped and thus, when complete, all existence will be eradicated and the mission of the Memory Rosaries will be complete.

Already said for him to readjust the wording so people are clear: the sacrifice cannot be stopped, but Clarie herself can be.

"Existance Control: She can literally control any being within her range of 1 Kilometer and do as she wishes with them. This is a power to be feared amongst all as no matter the power, Claire can control you and anything you do, giving her the nickname the "Puppeteer". She can control endless amounts of subjects and targets."

I'd probably remove the LITERALLY ANYTHING part, but say it is open to a large variety of her control. You should also adjust to where she can control most things that come into contact with her, but not everything a person does. In addition to that, she can control endless amounts of subjects and targets? Care to go into more detail about that?

"Whim of the Maker is the ability to "Remove/Erase from Existence". With this, Claire's Pitchfork will glow and with this, Claire will be able to remove anything she sees or desires from Existence. When removed, all history of that person/place/thing will evaporate and cease to be known. For example, if Claire used this ability on HITLER, then the complete Nazi Era would never exist and World War 2 would have never happened. When Claire uses this ability, she can either "Erase" it, or "Store" it. If Claire stores the very person/place/thing, then it will be removed, but stored into her pitchfork for later use. This ability is famous for Cero's for example. If a Cero flies at Claire, she'll just use this ability as the Cero will never have existed, and be stored for her to use in a future time"

It's fine to obliterate someone to where nothing is left, but the memory thing cannot happen. That falls in line with our timeline thing and would cause disruptances if it allowed to occur. Everything else may be allowed, but allowed to be countered if someone is strong enough to think of a way.

Tier: 0-2++

The Memory Rosary of Despair, Claire Clixx [APPROVED, Historic Class, 0-2++] WVMWLOu
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The Memory Rosary of Despair, Claire Clixx [APPROVED, Historic Class, 0-2++] Left_bar_bleue15/100The Memory Rosary of Despair, Claire Clixx [APPROVED, Historic Class, 0-2++] Empty_bar_bleue  (15/100)

The Memory Rosary of Despair, Claire Clixx [APPROVED, Historic Class, 0-2++] Empty Re: The Memory Rosary of Despair, Claire Clixx [APPROVED, Historic Class, 0-2++]

Wed Jul 23, 2014 1:59 am

Archiving For Inactivity

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The Memory Rosary of Despair, Claire Clixx [APPROVED, Historic Class, 0-2++] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999The Memory Rosary of Despair, Claire Clixx [APPROVED, Historic Class, 0-2++] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

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Tue Jan 06, 2015 1:12 am
The Memory Rosary of Despair, Claire Clixx [APPROVED, Historic Class, 0-2++] GIMMEAMINUTE-1
Considering Moose has said numerous times these characters are dead, I am gonna step in here.
I am going to move Claire to the deceased character section instead of archived characters.

The Memory Rosary of Despair, Claire Clixx [APPROVED, Historic Class, 0-2++] WVMWLOu
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