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Dark Angel
Dark Angel
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Joined : 2011-08-19
Posts : 53

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Sorekencho Machida - Arrancar [APPROVED, 1-2] Left_bar_bleue0/0Sorekencho Machida - Arrancar [APPROVED, 1-2] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Sorekencho Machida - Arrancar [APPROVED, 1-2] Empty Sorekencho Machida - Arrancar [APPROVED, 1-2]

Fri Aug 19, 2011 5:08 am


Character Name:
Sorekencho Machida

Character True Age:

Character Appearance Age:

Character Gender:

Cero Espada

Favorite Color | Sorekencho's favorite color is black. Black is the color of darkness, the color of despair, the color of death. It is all around us, the darkness that envelopes the world. The darkness within the hearts of all. Despair, it is what occurs when all hope is lost. When only one will come out the winner, the other is enclosed by the darkness of death.

Likes |

    One § Games - Sorekencho loves to play games, whether it be a game during a fight, or just that of a casual game. His favorite game is called Marco, Polo. The reason why he loves this game so much, is because it relies on the senses to play. It puts one person at a disadvantage when having to find the other.

    Two § Religions - Sorekencho is interested in the different types of religions and which god a person serves. He usually likes to learn as much as he can about that person's religion and about why it is their religion. The different types of gods and rules under religions interest him quite a lot. He often loves to tease people through their religion.

    Three § Teasing - Sorekencho loves to tease, no matter the kind. He loves to find people's buttons and push them. Teasing them by their virtues, beliefs, likes, and dislikes. He finds it very amusing at how people act when being teased. To him it's almost like a little game.

    Four § Leadership - Sorekencho loves to be the leader of others. Having others following his orders, being at the top, being like that of royalty. Sorekencho loves to be able to use others, having them do whatever he says whenever he says. It just pleases him so much.

Dislikes |

    One § Following Others - Sorekencho loathes not being the leader. When he has to obey someone else, it just makes his skin crawl. He does not like working under another, he only wants others to work under him. His goal is to reach Cero, that way no one can tell him what to do.

    Two § Boredom - Sorekencho does not like to become bored. He has to do something fun, or else he gets angry. If he plays a game and become bored with it, he will most likely come up with something new to it to make it much funner. Also, if someone gives him a boring fight, he will end up leaving the fight, telling the person to come back when they can actually have fun.

    Three § Drama - Sorekencho completely dislikes drama. It is not fun at all. Hearing two people bicker, or seeing someone depressed. It makes him extremely mad. He will do a few things to get rid of it. Either he will try and fix it, or he will end it. Usually when he ends it, it is with a fight. However, using fighting because of drama is boring, so he prefers to fix it since fixing drama is more of a challenge. Challenges are fun.

    Four § Quiet - Quiet goes hand in hand with boredom. When things are quiet, Sorekencho gets bored. Sorekencho can't stand silence one bit. Things must be actively happening for him to be entertained. If things are quiet, he will always make things fun. Whether its fighting, partying, games, or music. He does not care, as long as the silence is gone.

Flaws |

    One § Fighting - Under certain circumstances Sorekencho will fight someone, it doesn't matter who, as long as he has fun. This is a flaw with Sorekencho because he may end up starting a fight that he can't finish. An example would be starting a fight with someone much stronger than him, someone immune to his poison.

    Two § Annoying - Sorekencho always likes to have fun, however, sometimes his continuation of fun can annoy others. Sorekencho doesn't really care about annoying people, as long as he is having fun. Annoying the wrong people, as we all know, can be dangerous. So, if he annoys someone who wants to fight him to shut him up, and they are stronger, can ultimately be his downfall. Even though he will enjoy the fight.

Habits |

    One § Games - Sorekencho's main habit is playing games. Games can be either normal games, enhanced games, or fighting games. His main habit is toying with people, manipulating them, torturing them. He enjoys it so much. This habit also leads to tapping. For whenever Sorekencho is bored he will begin tapping objects, especially if things are quiet. This produces sound which at least livens things up a bit.

    Two § Fighting - Another one of his flaws is fighting. Fighting is one of his main flaws, yet also one of his main habits, for he will fight when bored just to have fun. This can lead to him getting in a fight with someone stronger than him. Sorekencho is always wanting to have fun, and so he is almost always looking to fight. He is known for fighting, but not killing. He doesn't really kill those that he fights, he helps them out and leaves them so they can all have fun again later on.

Fears | Solitude - Sorekencho never wants to be alone. If he is alone, then things are boring. When he is alone there is no one to manipulate, to tease, to lead. Being alone is his worst fear. He will do whatever it takes to stay away from solitude. However, his flaws may one day be what causes his fear to come true.
Goals | Cero Espada - Sorekencho's one and only goal is to become the Cero Espada. If he can make it to Cero then he would be the leader of the arrancar. Being leader is one thing that he loves. Being leader is his one and only goal. He will be able to use people as he wishes, to command them, to bend them to his will.
Overall Personality | Sorekencho isn't very hard to figure out. He can be a very nice person, as long as he is entertained. He is the type who loves to be active and have fun. He has different types of things that allow him to have fun. It can be from playing games, to having parties, to fighting. As long as Sorekencho is actively doing something, he can have fun. However, if he ever gets bored he will do whatever it takes to make things fun.

He wants to become Cero Espada. With gaining this rank he will basically be the leader of the Arrancar. He can't stand being told what to do. He must have leadership at all costs so he can be the one on top. Being the leader of the Arrancar will also save him from solitude, for no one can single him out and leave him stranded. He will run things through having fun or through fear. It all depends on what happens.

The major notable thing about Sorekencho is his love for teasing people. He loves to toy with his opponents in battle, watching them go insane as they slowly experience insanity. It is so delightful to him, seeing someone being tortured. He will normally find out as much as he can about someone, using their beliefs, virtues, and others against them. He will drive a person to the brink of madness, just for his own fun.


Sorekencho has white medium length hair. It seems to have a weightless, feathered appearance and is shorter around the bangs than the rest. The bangs come down encasing his dark brown eyes in shadows, obscuring them from view. He stands at 5'8" tall and weighs approximate 237 pounds due to muscle mass. On the sides of Sorekencho's arms are tattoos, that can be seen in the below picture, and travel from his wrist up to his shoulders.

Instead of wearing the normal Arrancar uniform, Sorekencho tends to go shirtless and wears a hooded cloak that is formed through his reiatsu, giving it the look of moving shadows, yet is still a solid substance. He still wears the normal Arrancar pants and shoes, but has changed the color of them to black in order to fit his appearance. His number can be found on his gut, just above his crotch.

Sorekencho Machida - Arrancar [APPROVED, 1-2] Emon-1

Bone Appearance:
The remnants of his hollow mask are the two, six inch horns sprouting from the top of his head that curve backwards slightly. A black streak, also a small remnant of his mask, reaches from below one eye, crossing over the bridge of his nose, to the other.

Hollow Hole:
His hollow's hole is in the center of his chest.

Reitsu Colour:


Sealed Zanpakutô:
His sword takes the form of an Urumi, segmented blade. Its extension reaches up to twenty feet. The Urumi's blade looks like a basic double edged sword, yet on one side of the blade it curves down into a guard like form. Urumi are swords with the properties of a whip, like Renji Abarai's Shikai. The range this blade is capable of reaching is fifteen feet.
Sorekencho Machida - Arrancar [APPROVED, 1-2] Ae_TJTG088_02_03

Racial Abilities:
Sorekencho's Zanpakutō is capable of releasing a powder into the air. This powder contains minor effects such as canceling out illusions to releasing pheromones to ensnaring the mind in a minor illusion as well. All this can be done through the use of techniques. This powder spreads out for 10 posts at 3 meters per post.

Sealed Techniques
Illusion Negation - Any illusion that has been used and comes within range of this powder will deteriorate over the course of 3 posts. This powder will mix with the spiritual energy used in illusions and slowly cause it to cease to function. In the first post, minor flickering occurs, in the second post, the illusion will become partial and mix reality with the illusion, and on the third post the illusion will be completely canceled.

Attraction - This technique is a technique that only works on those attracted to the male gender. It releases a pheromone into the air that gets in through the nostrils, working itself into the brain and causing an attraction toward Sorekencho. This powder can flood the mind and cause one to think of Sorekencho as an ally rather than an enemy. However, if he does a action that only an enemy would do, then the attraction technique will fade. It will also release the person from its effect if an injury occurs, like being stabbed.


Resereccion Name:

Resereccion Release Phrase:
Sting, Escorpion!

Release Actions:
Sorekencho holds the blade behind his back and then speaks his release phrase to activate the release. Upon activation, Sorekencho's shadow cloak surrounds his body completely, enveloping him in a sphere of darkness. Then the sphere seems to explode, sending a blast of reiatsu out around him. (The explosion is not an attack and is only meant for a quick transformation. It is just a release of his spiritual energy from the transformation. It in no way harms anyone.)

Resereccion Appearance:
Sorekencho's skin goes completely white, his hair turning his favorite color, black. His hair carries the same aspects as his shadow tendrils, along with their length. His mask horns from his normal appearance, instead of curving backwards, goes straight up for six inches then curve forward into points, another six inches. The black mark on the bridge of his nose spreads out to his ears and a red stripe goes down to his chin on both cheeks. His clothing changes into an armor of sorts, with claws for his hands. His shoes turn into something resembling ice skating blades. More on the appearance of his Resurrección form can be seen in the picture above.

His sword turns into a five foot long staff and sprouts a wicked blood red curved blade which can be seen in the above picture. The staff meets the blade with red and white stripes along the staff. Where the first white stripe starts, the blade can be detached, connected to a chain, and used in the same way as his original sword. But instead of a fifteen foot reach, he is capable of reaching up to thirty feet in length.
Sorekencho Machida - Arrancar [APPROVED, 1-2] Aiden_resurreccion_by_arrancarfighter-d3jdimv

Resereccion Abilities:
Sorekencho's Resurrección Ability is very similar to his Dues Ex Ability in which it allows him to create a poison unique to a person through ingesting their blood. For him to be able to create a poison, Sorekencho must somehow obtain blood from his opponent, no matter the amount, and ingest it. His body then goes through a process to turn this blood into a poison that secretes from his blade. The poison he creates is dependent on the technique he uses.

Because the poison is made from a person's blood, this poison is able to fuse with their body itself. This poison is limited to only effecting the five senses: Sight, Hearing, Touch, Taste, and Smell. The way this works is normally through increasing or decreasing the senses.

Most poisons have an antidote, and this one has an antidote that is quite simple. The antidote to this blood poison is by ingesting the blood ofanother. Whether it be Sorekencho's blood or an allies. By ingesting blood it will automatically begin returning the person's body back to its normal state. Also, if he uses the blood of one person to create the poison, then the poison cannot effect another person with that certain techniques poison. An example would be, if he ingested the blood of person A and attempted to poison person B with the poison made from person A's blood, it would not work.

Another way of having the poison removed from the body is by Sorekencho biting the opponent, or using an open wound, to draw the poison out of the person's body. By doing this, his wounds are able to regenerate. However, this only accounts for cuts and bruises. It can in now way regrow limbs or organs.

Finally, because this is a poison, the poison's effect will continue till blood has been ingested by the person effected or sucked out by Sorekencho. A downside to this continuous effect is that Sorekencho can only produce a poison every three rounds after the first poison was used. The final downside to his poison is that each time he needs to produce a poison through a technique, he must ingest more blood. He has to ingest blood each time to use a technique basically. Example: Ingest blood, use tech, strike, wait three posts, ingest blood, use tech, strike, wait three posts, ingest blood, use tech, strike, etc.

Resurrección Techniques

Pain Influence Part 1 - This technique creates a poison that is meant to target the body's nervous system. It begins decreasing the body's sense of touch over a period of 5 posts. It starts at the point of the body that was struck, and spreads out, taking a total of 5 posts to spread throughout the entire body. This technique basically causes one's sense of touch to become magnified, making even small cuts feel like they were sliced with a blade. It basically causes the body to be less tolerant to pain. If someone is struck, the pain they feel is normal on the first post, x2 on the second, x3 on the third, and so on till pain has been increased to x5 on the fifth post and stays that way.

Pain Influence Part 2 - This technique creates a poison that is meant to target the body's nervous system. Unlike part 2, it begins increasing the body's sense of touch over a period of 5 posts. It starts shutting down the nervous system's pain receptors, spreading out from the point the body was struck by the poison and out toward the rest of the body over the next five posts. Basically, the person will not be able to feel any pain.

Sight Influence Part 1 - This technique creates a poison that is meant to target the body's eyes. It virtually increases one's eye sight over a period of five posts, magnifying their eye sight in the same way the Pain Influence Part 1 effects the pain receptors. This can make the eyes harder to focus, makes things seem closer, and things such as that which are effected by an increase in visual site.

Sight Influence Part 2 - This technique is the same as Part 1, except instead of increasing visual sight it decreases it. In 5 posts it will cause one's sight to slowly decrease, first becoming blurry, slowly taking away the site, till on the third post everything seems like shadows, and finally on the fifth post a person becomes virtually blind.

Sound Influence Part 1 - This technique effects the body's sense of hearing. Over the course of 5 posts it has the same effect as the increase in Pain Influence Part 1, but effect the sense of hearing. It will increase the sense of hearing, causing the person to hear nearly every sound around. This can cause equilibrium to be lost as the body is not used to the increase, and so if loud sounds are made, then the person will hear that sound at a greater magnitude.

Sound Influence Part 2 - This technique is the same as Part 1, but instead of increasing, it decreases the sense of hearing. Over the course of 5 posts the person's hearing will continue to lower, making it hard to hear, till they go completely deaf.

Smell Influence Part 1 - This technique effects a person's sense of smell. It virtually magnifies one's sense of smell the same way pain is increased in Pain Influence Part 1. Over the course of 5 posts a person's smell receptors will increase causing them to be able to smell nearly everything, even making them capable of depicting differences in scents.

Smell Influence Part 2 - This technique is the same as Smell Influence Part 1, except it decreases the sense of smell. Over the course of 5 posts a person's smell receptors will decrease till they are unable to smell a thing.


Dues Ex Name:
Escorpion de Sangre

Dues Ex Release Phrase:
Fill their senses, Escorpion de Sangre!

Dues Ex Release Actions:
Sorekencho holds his staff against his body. It then sinks into his body and his body becomes outlined in his dark reiatsu. It then begins to grow in size, forming into the shape of his Segunda.

Dues Ex Appearance:
In Sorekencho's Resurrección, his Scythe fuses into his body. This causes his body to glow completely black and then wraps him in a sphere of black Reiatsu. The sphere of black Reiatsu then explodes out with spiritual pressure and reveals his Resurrección form.

The first notable change to his appearance is a black and blue exoskeleton like armor over his arms, legs, shoulders, back, and upper chest. The armor covering his hands turn them into pointed claws and his feet come out into three towed talons. Two spikes protrude from his chest under the armor, his hollow hole in between them. His stomach becomes pink with his number right above his crotch. The two horns on his head that are his mask remnants grow to a foot in length and then six inch horns grow out right behind them, giving him a total of four horns. And finally, three ten foot long tails sprout from his spinal cord, looking almost like segmented blades similar to an Urumi, but completely black and capable of extending out to fifty feet like an Urumi blade.

His weapon's form also has change. Instead of having a Scythe, his weapon shrinks and then splits, becoming twin sickles. They look almost like any normal sickles except for the spikes protruding from the back side of the blades.
Sorekencho Machida - Arrancar [APPROVED, 1-2] AvantheBeastwithin-2

Dues Ex Abilities:
Sorekencho's Segunda Ability is just like his Resurrección Ability in which it allows him to create a poison unique to a person through ingesting their blood. For him to be able to create a poison, Sorekencho must somehow obtain blood from his opponent, no matter the amount, and ingest it. His body then goes through a process to turn this blood into a poison that secretes from his tails. The poison he creates is dependent on the technique he uses.

Because the poison is made from a person's blood, this poison is able to fuse with their body itself. The poison effects the body by a disruption of its bodily functions such increasing and decreasing the senses, causing bodily functions to work outside of when they are supposed to, induce effects on the brain to cause hallucinations, or even to trick the brain into sending signals to different parts of the body instead of the where they are supposed to (such as the brain telling the legs to kick, the hands would instead close. What happens to the body will be explained in a tech that involves this kind of effect).

Most poisons have an antidote, and this one has an antidote that is quite simple. The antidote to this blood poison is by ingesting the blood of another. Whether it be Sorekencho's blood or an allies. By ingesting blood it will automatically begin returning the person's body back to its normal state. Also, if he uses the blood of one person to create the poison, then the poison cannot effect another person with that certain techniques poison. An example would be, if he ingested the blood of person A and attempted to poison person B with the poison made from person A's blood, it would not work.

Another way of having the poison removed from the body is by Sorekencho biting the opponent, or using an open wound, to draw the poison out of the person's body. By doing this, his wounds are able to regenerate. However, this only accounts for cuts and bruises. It can in now way regrow limbs or organs.

Finally, because this is a poison, the poison's effect will continue till blood has been ingested by the person effected or sucked out by Sorekencho. A downside to this continuous effect is that Sorekencho can only produce a poison every three rounds after the first poison was used. The final downside to his poison is that each time he needs to produce a poison through a technique, he must ingest more blood. He has to ingest blood each time to use a technique basically. Example: Ingest blood, use tech, strike, wait three posts, ingest blood, use tech, strike, wait three posts, ingest blood, use tech, strike, etc.


Note: All techniques within Resurrección are capable of being used in Dues Ex.

Pleasure Force - When this poison enters the body, it targets the body's pleasure receptors and causes a person to feel pleasure. Over time the pleasure will continue to increase. This virtually makes a person grow hornier and hornier. Now, you may be thinking, how would this technique effect battle? Well, when one has an increase of pleasure, it makes things harder to focus and causes distractions. This can basically throw off a person's fighting capabilities through pleasuring them. This is also a perfect torture technique.

Signal Switch - This poison is directed toward the brain. It disrupts the brain by causing the signals it sends toward the bodies telling them what to do to switch around. With this poison, moving the right arm will turn your head, moving the left arm bends your knees, moving the left leg moves your left wrist, moving the right leg causes you to bend over, moving your right wrist makes you twist your body, while each finger controls the opposite, so if you want to close your left hand, it opens up your right hand, and everything is vice versa. Unlike most of his poisons, this one shuts on and off every three posts. Meaning the first three posts your body is thrown off, then the next three posts your body is normal, and it continues like this till the poison is removed.

Septima Cero - Septima Cero isn't really a technique, it just means he is capable of firing a Cero blast from seven different places on his body. The seven places are the following: The tips of his three tails, between the two spikes on his chest, between his horns, and from both hands. He can not fire the seven Cero at the same time, except if he uses Cero Ragnarok. (Cero Ragnarok)


General Skills

  • Durability: Advanced
  • General Speed: Adept
  • Strength: Advanced
  • Weapon Skill: Adept

Racial Skills

  • Pesquisa: Adept
  • Sonido: Adept
  • Cero/Bala: Advanced
  • Hierro: Advanced

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Pain Endurance: Advanced
  • Focus: Adept


Sorekencho never had a normal life as a human. His parents and home town were normal. However, he wasn't one bit. He was spiritually aware at a young, impressionable age. Seeing and hearing ghosts, he would often talk to them a lot. His parents merely thought he was playing with himself, for he didn't have any friends or siblings. But things got worse as he got older. He would get picked on because he would 'talk to himself' at school. Eventually, he began to think he was insane because he could see and hear something others couldn't. This effected him so much, he even began to speak to himself as if he was talking to another when a spirit wasn't even around.

As Sorekencho grew older, his family became worried of how worse he was getting at talking to himself. How he would talk about spirits and monsters. Eventually they put him in rehab, hoping things would get better. But they didn't. Things continued to get worse till Sorekencho himself couldn't tell between whether he was actually talking to a spirit or himself anymore. He thinks he sees them even when he doesn't. This developed into a split personality for Sorekencho. A few years in rehab without any improvement landed him in the psychiatric ward. And that's where things start coming to an end.

He began hearing the same voice talking to him every day. This wasn't one of the normal voices he heard. He would talk back to it while in his room. Eventually, he learned of Hollows and their freedom from a Hollow itself. It would help him, if he helped it in return. The hollow opened smashed down the wall to Sorekencho's room and took him to the top of the building. Sorekencho relished in the thought of finally being free to himself, where no one would judge him. And so, he jumped to his death.

Sorekencho awoke as a spirit, the Hollow close to him. It told him more of what he needed to do to become like it. And so he did, he pried at his soul chain continuously for three days straight till he was able to finally get free of it. He became a Hollow and did as the other Hollow told him. He feasted on souls, avoiding soul reapers, and continued to do this for three centuries. Eventually, normal souls weren't enough to fill his hunger. He began craving more like any other Hollow.

Till one day his 'ally' began feasting on other Hollows. Sorekencho followed suite, eating Hollows as well. They attacked as a pair till eventually they fused into one body, a Gillian. The overall purpose of the Hollow he had joined with was to gather a group of Hollows since the Hollow count had lowered because of the Shinigami. It had wanted to gather them all and then eat them so it could become the dominant being as the Gillian. However, its plans went all wrong. Sorekencho's madness and lust for more power overflowed the Gillian's many beings.

Sorekencho eventually became the dominant being over the minds of the other spirits within the Gillian body and began feasting on its fellow Gillian. He ate and ate them until he took the next step in the evolution chain and became an Adjuchas. Sorekencho relished in the power and freedom he had. Though, he began gaining better control over his own mind. He began to feel the knowledge of the other beings inside his body. Knew things popped into his head, his personality changed slightly.

He found more Adjuchas and decided to adopt the same strategy the Hollow had attempted on him. He formed a special group with six other Adjuchas. They began feeding on whatever they could find, Sorekencho allowing them to feed more than he, though he still fed. He would sit back and watch as they did as he told them. He loved the fact that he was in control. That they did as he told them to. His plan was slowly forming and would occur soon. Something that would allow him even greater power.

When it seemed they couldn't get any stronger, that their power had stopped growing, Sorekencho turned on them and devoured them in their sleep. Yet his power itself barely rose. This confused him greatly. He tried eating, and eating, and eating. Wondering why his power had stopped. Eventually he gave up and couldn't stand it anymore. He was all alone and began talking to himself again. Till one day he convinced himself to do what he did that one night, suicide.

Hollow's spirits were connected to their masks. So he did what the only thing he thought he could do. He grabbed a hold of his mask and attempted to pull it from his being. It took all his will power, all his strength. But the mask was finally able to come off. To his surprise, he didn't die. Instead, he took on a new form and became an Arrancar. Though, this new power gave him new hope, he was still alone in the world. Or so he thought.

Upon is days searching Hueco Mundo for something, anything, he came upon Las Noches. He became a member of Las Noches after a few days of planning and learning about it from Hollows. He found it as his new goal. To rule Las Noches and truly become the ultimate free being. From what he heard, everything within Hueco Mundo was under the control of the Cero Espada so the Cero Espada has become his main target. He would get strong enough and take the position as his own, ruling over Las Noches. That was what he promised himself before joining Las Noches.

Upon joining Las Noches, Sorekencho made it a point not to stand out too much. He started as a lowly innumerous and learned how things worked to another extent. The Espada had Arrancar working under them called Fraccion. They would use these Fraccion in different ways, which seemed quite fun to be able to have your own slave. So he did what he had to do in able to move up. To gain the attention of some of the Espada, and to do that he had to show he was the strongest. Attempting to keep his sealed ability secret, Sorekencho worked his way into the numerous and soon showed his ability to command.

This caught the attention of Baraggan Louisenbairn. Sorekencho's capability to perceive and command in battle made Baraggan think of him as a perfect Fraccion to work for him. And so Sorekencho became Baraggan's Fraccion. Of course, Sorekencho was irritated by Baraggon's arrogance. Sorekencho bit his tongue and waited, serving as Baraggon's Zanpakutō holder for quite some time. Sorekencho began to despise working under Baraggan, but this would only be a stepping stone. No one knew of Sorekecho's abilities, no one know he could use poisons to disrupt his opponent's body, not even his Espada commander. Sorekencho chose to keep this a secret for quite some time.

Till one day one of Baraggan's Fraccion decided enough was enough and attempted to turn the other Fraccion against Baraggan. Sorekencho was the first to be approached by this Fraccion. Upon denial, the Fraccion thought Sorekencho would be a problem with him knowing the information and decided to kill him. However, Sorekencho fought long and hard, pushing the Fraccion into his Resurrección. Sorekencho began having trouble and was forced to go into Resurrección since his Sealed abilities were not effective enough. That was the first time he ever revealed his Resurrección. He used his poison to torture the Fraccion and relished in his power over his opponent. He relished at the fear he invoked through his poison's ability to disrupt the body's senses. This drove Sorekencho to use it more and more, leaving his opponents alive in order to torture them more.

RP Sample:
Sorekencho slouched over the edge of his bed. His sheets were black, having colored them himself. Everything in his room was black. The only thing that was white was his hair. For some reason, no matter how many times he attempted to color it, it would always go back to its normal coloring. He hated that so much, even attempted to shave his head bald. But again, that never worked. So today was like any other. Trying to find a way to get rid of the white on his body.

"What do you suggest? I don't know, leave me alone. Come on, you should have some kind of idea on what to do. I said shut up! I'm tired of you always asking me this and that. You're so fucking annoying! Well so are you!" Sorekencho spoke to himself as if he was having an argument with someone. This wasn't much of a rare occurrence. The Arrancar at Las Noches knew about it, yet they knew there was more to him than that was well.

He decided enough was enough. He needed some fresh air and so he stood up and in two steps was at his door. He looked at the door curiously as if it had writing on it. "Hi there," he said to the door, smiling for a moment before kicking it open. "Was that really necessary?" he asked himself as he stepped out of his room. "Of course it was! It wouldn't tell me hi! Rude ass door..." he muttered, kicking the door down the hall and walking down the opposite end of the hallways. He really needed to get some fresh air and find someone to talk to.

Sorekencho made it to the stairs and looked up and down them, wondering which way he should go. "I say up! And I say down! Up! Down! Shut up! I said we are going up so up we are going!" he sighed and then turned around, heading back toward his room. "I think its time for a nap... Me too... Nobody asked you! I don't care!" Sorekencho grumbled and walked into his room. He plopped down on his bed and stared at the black ceiling. That's when he noticed a small white spot on his ceiling. "Mother fucker!" he yelled as he glared at the white spot.

Drawing his Zanpakutō, he swung the Urumi blade from his side and straight up in an arc. The blade extended as he swung his sword and slammed into his wall, cutting up through it and then through the roof till he came across the white spot. He smirked as the blade stopped right there and returned to him. He felt accomplished, the white spot was annihilated. "You idiot! Who are you calling an idiot! You! Look at what you did to my room! You think I did this?! It was you who did it so shut up!" Sorekencho sat up angrily as he looked at his room. It was nearly cleaved in two. "Damn it all..." he muttered as he stood and headed back out of his room to look for an innumerous to clean up the mess he made.

Last edited by Dark Angel on Sat Mar 31, 2012 10:35 pm; edited 11 times in total
Dark Angel
Dark Angel
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Sat Aug 20, 2011 3:06 am
Move back to WIP please. Just found out that this site does not have a technique template. So I need to list techniques within the application. >.>

Sorekencho Machida 1-2 Arrancar:

Eon Shikimori 3-2 Shinigami:

Yahiko 1-3 Iramasha:

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Sat Aug 20, 2011 1:32 pm
Moving to WIP then until you make another post stating when it's ready to be judged by a staff member. Be sure to let us know, or else we are incline to forget.

Sorekencho Machida - Arrancar [APPROVED, 1-2] WVMWLOu
Dark Angel
Dark Angel
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Sun Aug 21, 2011 2:35 am
Finished and ready for Review.

Sorekencho Machida 1-2 Arrancar:

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Yahiko 1-3 Iramasha:

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Sun Aug 21, 2011 12:53 pm
Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

Comments/Notes: N/A
Tier: 1-2

Sorekencho Machida - Arrancar [APPROVED, 1-2] WVMWLOu
Dark Angel
Dark Angel
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Tue Aug 23, 2011 5:02 am
Dues Ex Purchased, Dues Ex awaiting approval. .-.

Sorekencho Machida 1-2 Arrancar:

Eon Shikimori 3-2 Shinigami:

Yahiko 1-3 Iramasha:

Dark Angel
Dark Angel
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Thu Aug 25, 2011 8:10 am
Dark Angel
Dark Angel
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Wed Aug 31, 2011 12:05 pm
Bumping once again...

Sorekencho Machida 1-2 Arrancar:

Eon Shikimori 3-2 Shinigami:

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Tue Sep 13, 2011 5:48 am
sorry for the wait bro. Normally if you're not there to get someone to check it, at least put it in the title or something next time ^^

Anyway, approved with same tier.

Sorekencho Machida - Arrancar [APPROVED, 1-2] Ap8OoJO

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Sat Dec 03, 2011 9:08 pm

I envy because of the heart.
I glutton because of the heart.
I covet because of the heart.
I am prideful because of the heart.
I sloth because of the heart.
I rage because of the heart.
Because of the heart...
I lust for everything about you.

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