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Queen Of The Sands
Joined : 2010-06-03
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Xeno Hollow Empty Xeno Hollow

Fri May 20, 2011 3:17 am

[ . T H E . S T O R Y . ]

Many things revolve around the mind of the Cero Espada: Ashlei Clixx, and because of this, she is constantly thinking of new ways to get her army up to scratch and to compete with the other races out there. Ashlei took this fact into mind and tested her Hollows against each of the races average soldier or what she called 'Cero Fodder' which really showed her just how bad the gap between her and the other races were.

A simple shinigami was capable of removing her Hollows as the mask was easily broken. The Demon tore out their throats and stood a very strong fight against a wave of Hollows. Ashlei sat in her throne, tapping the arm of the chair violently enough to cause cracks whilst watching the tests unfold. This just raised questions though: Why are my Hollows so weak compared to the rest of the world we are up against?

Ashlei took this question and went into her chambers where she looked at a recent creation she had made: Lucy heart. She was a human Ashlei had stolen and rebuilt into an android for combat and recon. if she could do it to a human, why not a Hollow? Thus, Ashlei took Hollows and threw them into containment chambers with a wrench and lots of tools in hand. Soon, the girl had created something worth running from: Project CHAOS

Xeno Hollow Megatron-450x370

This Hollow had lost it's Mask to have its entire body replaced with a metal shell that could rival a Hierro and the capability to fire Cero from its arms, eye and sockets on its legs and shoulders and more importantly: All at once. Ashlei managed to build this monster by using her research on the Dues Ex engine to create what she now calls: Xeno Hollows. These would then become the backbone of her army and will not need to feed, but destroy. To upgrade them, Yen just needs to be spent to get the upgrades and boost their tiers or even perfectly refurbish the thing

[ . T H E . R A N K S . ]

The Xeno Hollows are set out in ranks depending on the tier they are given. The better the tier, the stronger and more armed the Hollows will become. the following is like a guideline as to what expect from the hollows:

Tier 5


How cute! It's a metal lizard thing at tier 5 with the capability of shooting a bala from its mouth, but only once every half an hour or it will blow itself up. These Xeno will literally be critters and small Hollows you find scurrying in the sand.

Tier 4


Well the 4th Tier will look more powerful and will be capable of more fire-power but as still weak and can be taken down with enough force.

Tier 3


Tier 3 will start to look like proper Hollows more as they stand as a Humanoid and tend to have legs and arms. These things are capable of ruining the life of a good few Shinigami without Shikai before falling down and exploding.

Tier 2


Start Giving the Xeno equipment that Lucy would hold and name them the 'Adjuchas Class' Then you start to wonder what they are capable of. Well, these Hollows are capable of fighting a Shikai on Par and have the potential to win, but won't be able to stand up to too many of them.

Tier 1


here, Ashlei got a bit out of hand and thought it would be awesome if the Hollows were rather tall and were armed with even more fire-power. It's somewhat hard to believe these things were Hollows, but every 1 Tier Xeno is capable of rapid fire Cero and Bala, plus their armor is coated in Hierro making them very formidable, even to a captain.

Tier 0


The Ultimate Xeno Hollow has been created, but they are so Rare that Even Ashlei has no bloody clue where they are any more. Reason for this would probably be that she gave every single on a personality, the need to slaughter, the fire-power to raze a city and the skin to defend against even a captain. These Xeno Hollows stand at a massive height and tend to be indestructible unless facing multiple 1 tiers or another 0 tier. Oh, these things can fire Gran rey Cero and rather rapidly while Bala just looks like a glowing wall now.

Joined : 2011-02-25
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Xeno Hollow Empty Re: Xeno Hollow

Thu Dec 11, 2014 3:28 am
I will be merging this info into a single Hollow thread, information will not be edited - but rather relocated.

Xeno Hollow Ap8OoJO

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