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Rebuilding Empty Rebuilding

Tue Jul 06, 2010 1:41 pm
After the battle with the darkness demon the greenhouse was in shambles. Most of the plants were dead and many of the glass panes were broken and he needed to replace them. He had ordered all the things he needed but he couldnt do it all himself. He had put up fliers in the streets to see if anyone would help him rebuild for free because the Greenhouse was his but people never payed to visit it. He deeply hoped that a shinigami would drop in and help him get the panes of glass up.
While he waited and hoped for someone to appear he began replasing the dead plants that were there. He started with the ones people liked the most being his prized White and blue roses. They were very special because they could be used as weapons just like Hoshi uses in his Confining reaths. Hoshi took out the dead rose bushes and put in new seeds as he put his hands over them and started emiting reiatsu to them as the plant started to grow and stoped when it had begun to produce flower buds. This took alot of energy from him so he climed the stairs to the second layer of the greenhouse and sat there.
That floor still had all of its windows and the plants were still alive because no fighting happened there. This layer was the tropical layer of the greenhouse so there were palm trees and a few fruit and food bearing trees that he used for the food at the cafe. He said in a chair and thought about what he would do if he didnt fix this soon. He also thought about who would want to train him so he would be stronger and facing other oponents.
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Rebuilding Empty Re: Rebuilding

Tue Jul 06, 2010 2:13 pm
Today was a typical day, just another patrol for Balmung Striver member of the second division he was jumping from roof to roof making his way through the city he was entering the housing district. Looking down he noticed what looked to be a pile of rubble below, dashing down Balmung landed in front of the ruble looking at it rather curiously taking a few cautious steps towards it of course. He never knew just what could've made this, standing there his light hazel eyes examined the ruble, it did look like it was a result of a battle but was it a hollow? If so he would have to keep this area under constant watch, and have a few shinigami check the barrier because this meant that there was a weakness in the barrier and hollows where somehow leaking in. He started to walk around the ruble the sun's warm rays enveloping him it was a comforting feeling, his muscular body having certain areas of it shadowed showing the well defined muscles that where wrapped in the cloth of his uniform. Kneeling down Balmung would inestigate the rubble picking it up with his hand inspecting it, then suddenly he sensed a spiritual pressure near him it wasn't very strong and wasn't a hollow.

Tossing the piece of rubble to the ground he would merely stand at his full height of six feet and six inches his broad shoulders visible to whoever was behind him, "It would be best if you just came out of hiding, I hate having to look for people".His deep and collected voice would thunder with a hint of annoyance in it, he would turn over his shoulder to look at whomever was behind him his light hazel eyes rolling to the corner of his sockets as he stared a single strand of silver hair hanging over his gaze. Balmung stood there hands down at his side, his powerful looking arms hanging their in a rathe relaxed fashion, for such a muscular guy he seemed to be so relax. That is because Balmung knew that if he remained relax he would be able to react faster to a situation, nonetheless he didn't feel that whoever or whatever was hiding itself was a threat to him, that is of course if they where supressing their reiatsu. That would just make things all the move interesting, a low gust of wind blew by pushing Balmung's baggy uniform in the direction with the wind was blowing making it rustle and his long white sash that is around his waist dance in the wind.
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Rebuilding Empty Re: Rebuilding

Tue Jul 06, 2010 2:28 pm
Hoshi heard someone bellow ask for him and he yelled out "Coming!" He got out of his chair and walked downtairs to the ruined part of the greenhouse. He looked over at the shinigami there and he was amazed at how hot he looked. "O hello there are you here to help with the rebuilding?" Hoshi asked at the shinigami.

"Your probably wondering what did this but not to worry it wasnt a hollow it was just your run of the mill darkness demon that came here and started attacking nothing to worry about." Hoshi walked over to the shinigami. "My name is Hoshi im the owner of this greenhouse and Botanical Cafe you've probably heard of it many shinigami came here to eat when their on patrol. I also sell some plants grown with reiatsu that make great gifts and last for a long time after their cut. As you see this is pretty much destroyed and i cant open any of my buisneses until this one is fixed." Hoshi looked at the shinigami before he grabbed some red tulips and started planting them in a circular formation next to the Blue and White roses that had a big reiatsu precense unlike any other plant around there.
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Rebuilding Empty Re: Rebuilding

Tue Jul 06, 2010 2:51 pm
Balmung turned away as he continued to wait for the hidden figure to show up and come out of hiding, he could hear footsteps as the being got ever so closer when the boy was close enough he would hear his voice. A male, Balmung turned over his shoulder to look at the young man with his piercing gaze the boy asked him if he was here to help him rebuild. Was he serious? He was asking him to just help him rebuild this place, Balmung turned away a bit insulted bit by it all a low chuckle escaped his lips as he went silent to let the boy continue speaking. He explained that a hollow was not responsible for this, and how he owned a so called cafe where shinigami frequented during their patrols when the boy finally went silent Balmung couldn't help but think of the captain, the beautiful red head he had met perhaps she would like a flower from here? He slightly blushed as he cleared his throat looking away so that the boy would not see his blush,"Wel...I...I believe I can help you with this rebuilding" he would say agreeing to the boys request, if he helped him perhaps the boy would allow him to take a flower for free so he could give it to the captain as a gift. But then he would hear the boy speak of a demon, he looked back at the boy the blush on his face now long gone hopefully the boy had not noticed it. "So, what is this about a demon?" he would ask in a slightly curious tone of voice though he understood the boys situation and he had agreed to help him, Balmung still wasn't letting his guard down for example he had not given the boy his name he wanted to see how much of his words where truth, for all he knew this boy could be the demon in disguise.
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Rebuilding Empty Re: Rebuilding

Tue Jul 06, 2010 3:11 pm
Hoshi didnt have to notice a blush to know that this guy was totally in love with someone. "Yeah a demon was here it was from a girl but the demon was weak and retreated when i used to much light on it. It caused all this damage to my prized garden and I put up flyers so people would come helps but they like seeing flowers and eating more then trying to help me give that to them. They can be just so selfish that they dont care what happenes when everything is destroyed."

Hoshis eyes glowed a shade of pink as he looked at the shinigami to see if he could see the mans heart flower. He didnt know the man enought to see but he did see this man was in love. "So i see your in love. Must be nice to have someone to care about." Then Hoshi got an idea. "Hey what about this if you help me around here and train me a little i can help you snag that girl of your dreams with some of my items and a flowers and food all you want for free."
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Rebuilding Empty Re: Rebuilding

Tue Jul 06, 2010 3:38 pm
Balmung was a pretty collected and cool guy he knew how to stay cool under pressure but recently he had been feeling, things that he had never felt before just thinking of the captain made butterflies flutter in his stomach it almost made him nervous to the point of nausea he cleared his throat once more. About to speak when all of a sudden the boy caught him off guard with his comment about him being in love, he stood back almost falling over in shock his hands up at his side. How was he able to figure out that Balmung was in love? Well that he had a crush on someone, "Wha...what are you talking about? I never said I was in love, I just agree to help you rebuild!" he would say in a shaky voice as he gulped scratching the back of his head nervously. Waving his free hand in front of him he looked at the boy, "Look, don't get the wrong idea I was just passing by and well decided to lend you a hand is all now...enough of this talk about love and what not. Let's get to work what do we need to do?" he would ask desperately trying to change the subject. He would look around at the rubble pretending to be looking for something, walking away from the boy he would avoid eye contact for now "By the name is Balmung Vice Captain of the second division" he would say introducing himself as he looked through the rubble still avoiding eye contact.
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Rebuilding Empty Re: Rebuilding

Tue Jul 06, 2010 4:41 pm
Hoshi looked at Balmung and laughed saying "Youll know how I know later when your training me." He got up and motioned all around himelf. "Nice to meet you Balmung well as you can see all the panes of glass in this floor aew broken and need to be replaced the new windows are out bakc so if you could put them up it would be a great help" Hoshi went over to a corner that had boxes full of seeds and went over to the dirt and started planting them in a grid like patter like a chess board. He then cast Water and Aero over the seeds creating a mist that rained over the ground.

A few seconds passed as then Pure white Hydrangeas sprouted out of the ground in a square pattern soon followed by Orange Lilies then Hoshi responded. "I call this section the garden of the wrong Balmung. These flowers hardor feelings that people should not try to harbor inside themselves. Hydrengeas mean that the person is proud and the Orange Lily represents heatred. People are attracted to the flowers they harbor inside their hearts so if you find what flower a person likes you can find out who that person really is. This is not easy to do these days because much of the world is covered in cement and grey tones and people seem to forget the beauty that nature brings to the world. Shure there are plenty of green areas but people dont go there anymore."

Hoshi continued to platn other seeds but did not water them at the moment hed have to wait till the glass was up because these seeds needed the temperature controled climate of the greenhouse to grow as fast as the others did.

Hoshi then sat down next to the roses and closed his eyes meditating about how to get his friend the girl he wanted.
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Rebuilding Empty Re: Rebuilding

Tue Jul 06, 2010 4:48 pm
Balmung cleared his throat ignoring the boys comment about love once more, he merely nodded "I'll take care of the windows" he said as he undid his sash opening the top part of his uniform letting it fall back. When he did so Balmung's upper body was fully exposed, it was hot today and he didn't want to sweat in his clothes he hadn't been to the laundry mat in a while now. Balmung's upper body was now fully exposed his bulked muscles fully visible, complimented by his light tan skin colour, he would give Hoshi a two finger salute as he started to make his way to the back of the home to get the windows. Moments later Balmung would emerge holding the windows over his shoulde ras he walked, having his elbows bent flexed his biceps making them look slightly bigger as he slowly walked around and to the front to place the new windows. He listened quietly as he worked to what Hoshi was saying and how he explained to him about the flowers Balmung would suddenly stop without looking back at Hoshi he would drop his hands down to his side and ask. "What do you mean? They allow people to show their true emotions?" he asked curiously as he stood there waiting for an answer looking back over his shoulder with his light hazel eyes staring at Hoshi, the strands of silver hair hanging loosely over his gaze in the direction he was facing the sun cast a light shadow over his eyes. He then turned deciding that it would be best to multi task so that he could get things done much quicker he continued to set the windows into place, everytime a pop was heard it was one more window in place.
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Rebuilding Empty Re: Rebuilding

Tue Jul 06, 2010 6:22 pm
Hoshi sat there ignoring the fact that there was an insanely hot man there working for him and he heard Balmung ask that question. "Well you see people have certain characteristics that define them. Flowers have their own language called Hanakotoba. People will generally be attracted to the flowers that their characteristics coincide with. For example when i look at you i can see that you have a predominationg flower being a white rose one of its meanings is devotion. You are devoted to your work and helping others are you not? I also see a red rose. That indicates to me that you are in love with someone at the moment that is true isnt it."

Hoshi got up and walked next door to his cafe. He came out about 10 minutes later with a table in his hand and it had tea cups and a tea pot on it. It also had a plate with 2 pieces of fruit shortcake. He set it down inside the greenhouse and went upstairs to get some chairs. He came back down with two chairs and set them down next to the table. Hoshi sat down and began talking. "I made some fresh strawberry tea and got some fruit shortcake that was left over from yesterday. Everthing i make at the cafe is grown here so please do enjoy my hard work." Hoshi smiled as he began to pour himself some of the hot tea.
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Rebuilding Empty Re: Rebuilding

Wed Jul 07, 2010 2:45 am
Balmung continued to work setting up the last of the windows popping it into place, he shook it around a bit to see if it was firmly in place all the while he was listening to what Hoshi was saying. It seemed this Hoshi man had a natural talent for reading people, and he just happened to compare his readings to that of flowers and their characteristics, he stopped finally letting his arms drop at his side once more. His broad and powerful back in Hoshi's direction, he listened to the last words he said looking down at ground "A red rose..." he would whisper to himself in a low tone, loud enough for only him to hear. The man had hit it right on the button Balmung was a devoted shinigami, he believed in what Soul Society stood for and what they fought for, but at the same time he was in love. He closed his eyes in doing so he pictured her face, Captain Redwood letting out a low sigh Balmung would suddenly realize that Hoshi had brought snacks and drinks for a break perhaps. He looked at the much smaller man, with his right arm stretched out, his hand resting on the glass gently, and his bicep concealing the bottom part of his head he stared at Hoshi from over his bicep. Silver strands of hair hanging loosely over his stare, he took his hand off the glass slowly making his way towards one of the chairs.

Balmung sat down letting his muscled and heavy body hit with a thud his arms hung down at his side, after Hoshi was done speaking he would nod towards him "Thank you" he would say in response as he poured himself some of the hot tea. Half full, he would set the pot down gently gripping the tea cup with his right hand he sat there looking at it, "I must say, I am impressed with you. You have a sharp eye and can easily read a persons true emotions....truly a rare skill in these days..." he would pause to sip from his tea. The warm liquid heating up the inside of his mouth, yet at the same time refreshing as it ran down his throat he would let himself fall back on the chair resting there. Looking up at the sky Balmung would let out a rather depressed sigh, "Maybe if I could read people as accurately as you, I would know if she feels the same way about me as I do about her. Sometimes I do believe that I am just wasting my time....maybe it isn't mean to be" he would say the last part of his sentence in a low yet depressed tone. His eyes would show a glimmer of sadness in them, as Balmung stared up at the sky his silver hair hanging downwards, the strands of hair cleared from his face fully showing the once sharp gaze, was now one of a man full of doubt.
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