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Within the Fear [Joli, Henry] Left_bar_bleue0/0Within the Fear [Joli, Henry] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Within the Fear [Joli, Henry] Empty Within the Fear [Joli, Henry]

Yesterday at 9:58 pm
Within the Fear [Joli, Henry] 345xcoo9d97

IT wasn't quite what she'd expected, but she supposed this was what the work was all about. She knew that it would be dangerous, but well.. she hadn't expected things to go this badly. She'd been working with a medical unit in one of the settlements that were outside the immediate danger of the hole itself. Truth be told, she'd never even seen the hole, but she had heard plenty about it to know she didn't want to be near it. She'd been in a small camp, a spot where refugees had collected for a while, a temporary home. She'd been working to help the injured.

But something had gone wrong. Most camps had some shinigami and Vandenreich that were assigned to it. And the day before... something had happened. Some strange arrancar had shown up on the camp, and some of them had simply left. The Vandenreich had been in a stir ever since, there was only two of them, and they had been relying on the shinigami there to keep people safe, She did her best just to focus on her job. Comforting the patients, helping patch them up even as they too watched the conflict with growing anxiety. . And in the midst of all that tension, the hollows had found them.

IN the hot evening sun, Joli panted as she skidded to a hald just behind the wreck of a junked car, tumbling a little as she frantically put the car between her and what was behind her, eyes wide, panting a little, and casting a frantic look over her shoulder as she furrowed her brows, still catching her breath.

She didn't see it, but she knew it was back there. It had been following her for almost twenty minutes. A couple people had been running with her, but it had been picking them off one by one. Her heart pounded in her chest as she felt sweat beading at her brow. "Fuck..." She whispered to herself as she shakily reached into the bloody bag, rummaging through it. Trying to ignore the pieces of viscera that clung to it, its previous owner. Surely there was something, ANYTHING she could defend herself with!

"Helooooooooooo darrrrrrling."

Within the Fear [Joli, Henry] 84jdcdd62g4

A low, drolling voice cooed as the creature stepped out from a dark paw, its head poking out as it smiled behind its beaklike mask.
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Within the Fear [Joli, Henry] Empty Re: Within the Fear [Joli, Henry]

Yesterday at 10:37 pm
Within the Fear [Joli, Henry] F9K5qZt

A distant engine revving would soon signal the cavalry, a plume of dust spun up by tires visible from behind the nearby buildings, the torrent getting closer and closer until nearly drifting around the street corner, a rickety old jalopy skidded into view. Manning this vehicle was a smiling face, leaning out of the window and waving a hand, honking the horn. Once again, it seemed fate had Henry in the right place at the right time.

He had been delivering supplies from one camp to another, borrowing one of the dilapidated vehicles they had available to try and disperse the scarce supplies out amongst the area where needed. It seemed he couldn't have come at a better, or worse, time. Africa so far had been a whirlwind of chaotic happenstance, but even now it never seemed to break that smile from his face.

"Howdy stranger, need a ride?" He called out to the woman in view, barreling toward her and the monstrosity looming behind her. Dropping himself back firmly into the drivers seat, he spun the wheel sharply as he approached, swinging the bed of the truck outward in a daring burn out, all of the crates and contents stored back there shifting and creaking against the tailgate. As the truck skidded to a halt, Henry looked over his shoulder through the back window and honked again. "Hop in, we gotta get out of here!" He hooked a thumb behind them at the obvious monster approaching, as well as the open bed just waiting to be jumped in.

Within the Fear [Joli, Henry] ZNRu8Q1


Within the Fear [Joli, Henry] KuiGFI2
Within the Fear [Joli, Henry] VX18M0l
Within the Fear [Joli, Henry] NglOVkP

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Within the Fear [Joli, Henry] Left_bar_bleue0/0Within the Fear [Joli, Henry] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Within the Fear [Joli, Henry] Empty Re: Within the Fear [Joli, Henry]

Today at 5:26 pm
Within the Fear [Joli, Henry] 345xcoo9d97

Joli almost fucking pissed herself when that vehicle suddenly SWERVED towards her! And in that moment, she stumbled onto the ground as she backed away from the vehicle, an exasperated "FUCK!" Belting out from her lungs as she watched that thing creak, not TOO close to her, but still, seeing a car speeding towards her had still been very jarring. And in the very same moment that he declared his intent to rescue her, that creature LUNGED towards her!

She didn't have time to beat this man over the head for almost killing her with the damn car. She grabbed the steering wheel from the ground next to the wreckage she'd been using as cover and promptly SWUNG! A loud PING as that weapon popped off of that beaked mask and a crack slithered across the tip, a SHRIEK escaping the monster as even with her entirely mortal strength, she managed to dent the damn thing.!

The creature reared back, its mouth parting as energy coursed in its throat.

She jumped into the back.

"GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!" She shouted over the shit in the bed of the truck as that creature then lowered its head and screeched.A blinding flash of sunlight bursting from it's beak, slamming into the back of the truck and promptly burning dozens of holes through one of the crates like a shotgun blast of sunlight. Joli's eyes WIDENED and she slapped the side of the truck urgently. "right NOW please!" She barked out as she began fervently rummaging through the contents of the truck bed for something to use as a weapon!
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Posts : 64

Within the Fear [Joli, Henry] Empty Re: Within the Fear [Joli, Henry]

Today at 5:44 pm
Within the Fear [Joli, Henry] F9K5qZt

"Seatbelt young lady!" He called back through the window with a jest, only to see Big Bird shoot out some sort of energy blast that nearly blew the bed off of the truck, Henry's brow raising and attention immediately turning back to the road in front of him, slamming on the gas. "Alright, here we go, hang on to something!" The truck skidded in the dust for a few moments as it fought to get traction on the dirt road, before eventually speeding off forward, barreling back the way he had just came. Looking in the rearview mirror, Henry glanced between the monster and the woman he had just picked up, calling out to her. "Your buddy seems alittle angry, huh?" Looking over her, he saw the blood spattered across her, a grisly sight. His tone fell into a slightly more serious one, "That sure is alot of blood, ma'am, you hanging in there...?"

As he tried to establish some sort of context for the situation, needing to figure out the level of damage control he was soon to be involved in, he swerved between rubble and refuse on the road, trying his best to split his attention on the road before him and the raging monster behind them. Now not only did he need to get these supplies out of here safely, he had a potentially wounded passenger to boot. No room for mistakes, this was going to be a bit of a tight race.

Within the Fear [Joli, Henry] ZNRu8Q1


Within the Fear [Joli, Henry] KuiGFI2
Within the Fear [Joli, Henry] VX18M0l
Within the Fear [Joli, Henry] NglOVkP

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Within the Fear [Joli, Henry] Empty Re: Within the Fear [Joli, Henry]

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