Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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The Gotei 13 Advocate
Joined : 2012-05-29
Posts : 4400
Age : 32
Location : Moved

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On a Train to Tokyo [Akira/Ryoko] Left_bar_bleue1570/100On a Train to Tokyo [Akira/Ryoko] Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

On a Train to Tokyo [Akira/Ryoko] Empty On a Train to Tokyo [Akira/Ryoko]

Today at 12:42 am
The trains of 2123 were wonderfully smooth rides, so it was easy to fall asleep. That’s why most people surrounding Ryoko were already out for the rest of the ride. It was later in the night, and blue neon lights lined the floor for people to see. Ryoko, however, had her spotlight on and was taking the time to read a novel she picked up from a book store in the previous town she was in. Occasionally, she glanced up from her book, usually when something caught her attention, like a conductor checking tickets or someone getting up to go to the bathroom.

Since it was night, the three seats around her were empty, which unfortunately caught the attention of some wandering passengers. Without being invited, a man sat down next to her and two across from her, surrounding her from all sides. Instantly, she felt uncomfortable and on edge... Looking up at them, she sighed, and closed her book.

"Hey, beautiful," the one next to her said, leaning in way too close. Ryoko instinctively leaned back, lifting the book to cover her nose from his bad breath. The second one chuckled, "She don't like you, man. Bet she'll like me." Ryoko rolled her eyes, moving to stand up, but was stopped when when a boot from the man across from her was pressed against her stomach. Ryoko sat down, gripping the train arm, trying to keep control.
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