Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Joined : 2016-01-20
Posts : 5065
Age : 24

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Fate's Cruel Hand [Kaito, Kurai] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Fate's Cruel Hand [Kaito, Kurai] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Fate's Cruel Hand [Kaito, Kurai] Empty Fate's Cruel Hand [Kaito, Kurai]

Thu Oct 17, 2024 1:39 am
Fate's Cruel Hand [Kaito, Kurai] PCcm6R4


Kaito's eyes slowly fluttered open, feeling the sensation of wounds closing and energy humming behind him. He was being healed again. But, the healing did little to take away the phantom sting of the whip or the sound of its crack that still rung in his ears. It hadn't stopped him from remembering the feeling and sound of his body being burned, or of cold steel tearing into and being dragged across his skin.

He didn't know how long it had been since he passed out. He didn't even know how long he'd been there. The days had melded together, and he had spent who knew how much time in that infernal cellar. The moment the word "obey" came from his mouth, she had moved him.

While he did, by and large, obey, that hardly stopped him from resisting when he could, when it was a line that he wasn't willing to cross.

It didn't stop her from reminding him of what awaited him if he did, either.

Yet, despite it all, he still tried to fight through it. He kept living, one day at a time. Living for his own sake. For the mere idea, the tiniest glimmer that he would find a way out of this. He knew that nobody from Soul Society would come to save him. He doubted they even realized he was gone, or that he would even be considered to be rescued. It had already been this long, why would they start now?

Kaito didn't move a muscle as the person healing him finished their work. Not a word was said between them as he went to get ready for his own work. He had been sacked with cleaning blood off the floors since he started, something he tried to do as well as he could, to the point where calluses formed on his hands.

Just one more day. That was what he kept telling himself. All he had to do was make it one more day.

The Gotei 13 Advocate
Joined : 2012-05-29
Posts : 4373
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Fate's Cruel Hand [Kaito, Kurai] Left_bar_bleue1570/100Fate's Cruel Hand [Kaito, Kurai] Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

Fate's Cruel Hand [Kaito, Kurai] Empty Re: Fate's Cruel Hand [Kaito, Kurai]

Thu Oct 17, 2024 2:53 am

Click, click, click… Kurai’s four inch stiletto heels clicked across the cold stone as she made her way to the end of one long hall. With two servants walking behind her, she hummed a little tune and knocked on the door, as if she couldn’t just step in. The healer opened the door and Kurai skipped in with a cheerful smile, sitting on the side of the stone table that Kaito had been left on. “Gooood morning, my dear Kaito!” she said, putting on the act of an overly cheerful school girl.

"And how are you, my stubborn little man... Don't answer that! Look," Kurai pressed her hands against his chest and pushed herself up, jumping into a straddling position over him. "We're going to try something new today. I'm bored... and you're not obeying like you promised, so punishment is necessary, okay? I'm sure you understand..."

Kurai clapped her hands and the servants immediately began shackling Kaito's ankles and wrists. "So, how's your combat skills? Haven't asked that one yet." Kurai crossed her arms, smiling every so sweetly at him.

Joined : 2016-01-20
Posts : 5065
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Fate's Cruel Hand [Kaito, Kurai] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Fate's Cruel Hand [Kaito, Kurai] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Fate's Cruel Hand [Kaito, Kurai] Empty Re: Fate's Cruel Hand [Kaito, Kurai]

Fri Oct 18, 2024 5:32 pm
Fate's Cruel Hand [Kaito, Kurai] PCcm6R4


Kaito felt his skin crawl at what he heard coming down the hall. Every step, every click of her heels made him flinch. The moment he heard the door sliding open, Kaito froze in place, not daring to move, even if the cheerful act made him want to vomit. The word "punishment" made his eyes widen in fear, and his heart fill with dread. Given what she had already done to him, right now, something felt even more wrong than it normally did.

A sharp, scared gasp of surprise came from him as the servants around him started to shackle him, his eyes darted between them, before finally coming back to Kurai as she spoke to him. His...combat skills? What could she possibly want from that? She had beaten him without even trying before taking him, why would she care about that?

"...Mediocre at best."

It wasn't a lie, but he also didn't want to make her think that he was any stronger than he was. He never had been strong in the first place. If he was, he wouldn't have lost. If he was, he would have been able to protect himself, stop himself from being kidnapped, escape sooner, save his family, his home. He didn't know what she wanted, and while he didn't want to find out, he didn't have a choice.

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Fate's Cruel Hand [Kaito, Kurai] Left_bar_bleue1570/100Fate's Cruel Hand [Kaito, Kurai] Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

Fate's Cruel Hand [Kaito, Kurai] Empty Re: Fate's Cruel Hand [Kaito, Kurai]

Fri Oct 18, 2024 6:57 pm

“Uh’oh… Well, broken promises and all…” Kurai shrugged and hopped off the table. She snapped her fingers twice, “Bring him,” and walked out of the room. While Kurai was off dealing with other things, her servants did exactly as they were told. Of course, these two were part of Kaito’s team: Hanzo and Layla. The other two, Amari and Esmeralda, weren't present. Even though they looked worried, they chose not to speak and would take him by chain down multiple corridors until they came to a large staircase. Up the stairs, they continued to a large stone door, one that was dragged open by chain, using two large humanoid hollow.

Beyond the door lay a large but unusual room, with an equally massive door on the far side. Inside, a ring of sand was encircled by a fifteen-foot-tall stone wall, making it seem like Kaito was looking down into a stone bowl filled with sand. Above, the ceiling consisted of steel bars, letting in bright sunlight—the first sunlight Kaito had seen since his arrival. Surrounding the sandy ring was a walkway, and as Kaito was led along it, he passed several barred rooms across from the sand bowl. Each room housed individuals whose lustful smirks, greedy grins, and wrathful eyes fixated on him. They stopped in front of the largest room, where Kurai sat like a queen on a throne, sipping a glass of red wine.

"Good luck..." Layla whispered before bowing to Kurai and rapidly exiting the way they came with Hanzo following her. Here, Amari, a dark skinned young man and Esmeralda, a rather attractive woman, sat on either of Kurai's sides, on large cushions with glasses of their own. Though they were servants, they had risen enough in Kurai's favor to be treated with more leniency. "The reward for winning is your life."

As if on cue, a large humanoid hollow hopped into the bowl of sand with a sword on his back. He was about 6'8" and built like a linebacker. It's mask covered most of its face, though there was a strange crack on the top, like an injury that had not been healed. He roared and a crowd of people began cheering, revealing that above these rooms, dozens, if not a little more than one hundred people sat, waiting to watch Kaito battle.

Joined : 2016-01-20
Posts : 5065
Age : 24

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Fate's Cruel Hand [Kaito, Kurai] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Fate's Cruel Hand [Kaito, Kurai] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Fate's Cruel Hand [Kaito, Kurai] Empty Re: Fate's Cruel Hand [Kaito, Kurai]

Fri Oct 18, 2024 9:32 pm
Fate's Cruel Hand [Kaito, Kurai] PCcm6R4


While he was confused, he didn't dare try and resist. As two of his team took him by the chain down a series of corridors, ones that he wasn't familiar with, Kaito felt an oncoming sense of dread fill his heart. The closer he got to the door, the more he wanted to try and run. He knew he could, in all likelihood, overpower Hanzo and Layla. But...he didn't. He didn't want to hurt them and potentially cause them to undergo some horrid punishment because of him.

As the door opened, Kaito flinched and turned his head away from the sudden offending sunlight, squeezing his eyes shut as he tried to adjust. It was the first sunlight he'd seen in however long it had been. Eventually, he was able to open his eyes, squinting as he looked around to examine the room. The sun was coming in from above through a set of steel bars. From the look of it, the time seemed to be midday. It didn't help much, but, it was something, at least.

He was guided forward along the walkway, slowly turning his head and looking at the barred rooms around him, recoiling at seeing all those sinful stares and grins seeming to bore into his soul. As he stopped in front of the largest room, he took a half-step back at seeing Kurai sitting there, with the other two of his team sitting on either side. While his expression still remained notably fearful, there was still a fire in the deepest pools of his eyes that showed anger at what Kurai told him.

As the Hollow crashed down into the bowl, Kaito stumbled backward, trying to use whatever time he had to analyze his opponent. Cracked mask, an obvious weak point and potentially a red herring, and a sword on his back. He tried to think of his options at the moment.

Fight was the most obvious one, but with his arms and legs shackled, movement would be difficult, and he figured that these were the same type that resisted his Kido before. Plus, he didn't know how strong the Hollow was, and with the sword on its back, it had extra reach. He could possibly try and use it to break the chains, but, that was a massive risk that could have lethal consequences. Nevertheless, Kaito faced the creature. It might not be his, but, he needed to get his hands on that sword.

"Come and get it, ugly."

The Gotei 13 Advocate
Joined : 2012-05-29
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Fate's Cruel Hand [Kaito, Kurai] Left_bar_bleue1570/100Fate's Cruel Hand [Kaito, Kurai] Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

Fate's Cruel Hand [Kaito, Kurai] Empty Re: Fate's Cruel Hand [Kaito, Kurai]

Sat Oct 19, 2024 10:30 pm

The audience laughed, the people in the private rooms laughed, and even Kurai laughed as she stood up from her throne. “Brave, isn’t he?” she said, and her voice echoed throughout this strange arena. “Release him,” Kurai said and the two servants at her side rose from their cushions to undo Kaito’s bindings. The entire time, Kurai stared at Kaito, surprised by that stubborn, yet impressive, amount of reluctance he had.

"Silly, boy... They want to see a fight, not a butchering."

The moment his shackles were off, he could sense the spiritual pressure of a Class 9 creature. Even so, for a Shinigami with no weapons, Kaito would have a difficult time against the already trained hollow. “Be careful, now. I’m betting on you,” Kurai said, smirking and winking at Kaito before he was then pushed fully into the ring with the hollow, a small wooden gate closing behind him. Kurai sat back down as the battle began.

Joined : 2016-01-20
Posts : 5065
Age : 24

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Fate's Cruel Hand [Kaito, Kurai] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Fate's Cruel Hand [Kaito, Kurai] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Fate's Cruel Hand [Kaito, Kurai] Empty Re: Fate's Cruel Hand [Kaito, Kurai]

Today at 2:56 pm
Fate's Cruel Hand [Kaito, Kurai] PCcm6R4


Even as they laughed, even as Kurai's voice echoed through the strange arena, Kaito remained fixated on the creature in front of him. It wasn't moving yet. Then again, he wasn't fully in the ring. He perked up slightly at hearing her say to release him, and the two at her side undid his restraints. As if opening a door to let air in, he could sense the spiritual power of the being in front of him.

"I said mediocre, not useless," he whispered.

At least he wouldn't be fighting with that much of a handicap. His head turned to look at Kurai for a moment, wincing as she smiled, winked, and revealed her bet, before he was shoved into the ring with the Hollow. He heard the sound of something slamming down, and he knew that he would likely be stuck in here...until he saw the gate's material.

Taking in a deep breath to try and calm his nerves, Kaito faced the creature. This was his first real fight against a Hollow, and he already was at a disadvantage. But, there were still tools he could use, and if he could get his hands on the sword, he could turn the tables. As the battle began, Kaito slowly took a step back, before suddenly throwing himself into the air, making a shearing motion with his legs.

One moved in front of the other, and intended on striking the Hollow's upper torso and collarbone with enough force to break through a wall, as well as to send it flying away. Despite the intended ferocity of the attack, he still struggled to land afterward, unable to correct himself before falling.

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Fate's Cruel Hand [Kaito, Kurai] Empty Re: Fate's Cruel Hand [Kaito, Kurai]

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