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Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Tue Oct 08, 2024 8:47 pm

From the Depths,
Awakened to a Broken World

From the Depths, Awakened to a Broken World [Open] RNDqpg8

What... the fuck happened?

That was the only thought that played through Suigan's head as he made his way through the Rukongai towards the Seireitei, seeing naught but destruction around him. Bodies littered the ground around him, both Shinigami and Civilian. Suigan had seen first hand the destruction, and killed several hollows himself during the initial brunt of the invasion. Though all of his kills came locally within the Ryugon district itself.

When was the last time he had to unsheathe his Zanpakuto? He'd kept himself in hiding for so long that he had almost forgotten how it felt to kill, but he couldn't deny how exceptionally wonderful it'd felt. But the closer to the Seireitei he got, the more death and destruction he saw. Rising pillars of smoke that climbed well into the sky, entire sections completely destroyed... And the Seireitei? It hardly looked like anything he could ever remember from his time within the Gotei.

Just what had happened since Yamamoto's death? How strong had the hollows become to cause this level of destruction? Or had the Shinigami fallen that far instead? Admittedly... picturing the Shinigami having become this weak to allow such a thing was a thought he considered extremely preposterous. The Shinigami from before were a force of nature, and even Yamamoto's death was an unnaturally strange one though he faulted not the man himself but the strength of their enemies.

He had admittedly left quite abruptly when Yamamoto died, yet he still never thought Hollows capable of getting into Soul Society itself. But the destruction he saw did nothing but prove such a thing was possible... And it boiled his cold blood.

As he neared the walls that once stood surrounding the Seireitei his Spirital Pressure erupted forth, the anger boiling over from within and beginning to tremble the very air and ground around him, alien and foreign to most more than likely though perhaps there were a few that would recognize it. Suigan made no efforts to hide his presence any longer, and it was more akin to a calling card for those that would recognize it as well as those who were in command of this broken and destroyed world.

As he made his way forward he would call out and see who answered "Shinigami of the Gotei 13, What has happened to the Seireitei and why were hollows capable of breeching Soul Society!?"

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Wed Oct 09, 2024 12:56 am
The moment J felt a new reiatsu, his focus snapped away from a hollow he just slain, zeroing in on the edges of the Seireitei. In a heartbeat, he vanished, reappearing within fifty feet of the white haired man that had drawn his attention. With his zanpakuto already drawn, J's gaze bore into the unknown man, a predatory intensity radiating from him as he assessed the possible threat before him. There were certain reports that made this man suspect, so J would not let his guard down.

"Who the hell are you?" J asked, his instincts on high alert. "Show some respect for the fallen and lower your voice in this graveyard." Yes, that is exactly what J thought of this area. It was a graveyard, and due to the continued infestation of hollows, not all areas were being handled, yet.
Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Wed Oct 09, 2024 8:39 am

From the Depths,
Awakened to a Broken World

From the Depths, Awakened to a Broken World [Open] RNDqpg8

When another appeared in front of him his Spiritual Pressure receded back to the depths of his being, and when he saw the Shinigami with a drawn Zanpakuto Suigan's hands both raised up with palms pointing towards him in a manner as if to say 'I'm not here to fight'. That being said, he also wouldn't try to ask the Shinigami to not be on guard for such a thing was impossible given the circumstances.

"My name is Suigan Sato, as for your demands I will consider them once you've sheathed your Zanpakuto. I understand why you are on alert given the appearance of those hollows within Soul Society, however I am not here to slaughter Shinigami. I am here to meet with whomever replaced Yamamoto as the Captain-Commander so I may find out the one responsible for this invasion and slaughter them." Suigan's hands never dropped from their raised position, wanting to show that he truly was not here to fight this Shinigami nor that he was a threat to him.

The Cat
The Cat
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Wed Oct 09, 2024 10:29 am
From the Depths, Awakened to a Broken World [Open] 7z6pTiN

Lyza | Elsewhere Up There

"You're a terrible bargainer."

The voice was curt, formal, and concise. Its owner would come into view as she touched down from the skies, getting here after J because of her own atrophied muscles. Centuries of desk work would do that to a person. Lyza's shihakusho would also bear the mark of first division as a formality, if only so she could use it to express a form of authority, not as an officer, but as someone who was a little more in the know. But in addition to this, she did not have a zanpakutou at her side. If she had to answer as to why, Lyza would not be happy.

"If it will disarm the situation, I will expound any details you may want. Non-classified details, I should say." Lyza started, eyes flicking to J to examine him out of habit before focusing her gaze back on Suigan to assess any potential threat. "The only souls that I'm aware of that may talk to our Captain-Commander without going through legal channels are the other Captains and the Lieutenant of First Division. As boring of an answer as that is, it is something even I'm obligated towards as an officer of 1st Division. Even still, your request will unfortunately be left pending indefinitely. Our Captain-Commander is currently out on business after the attack. I don't know any more than that. It's above my pay grade."

It was, in fact, a partial truth. Murasaki was not around, but Lyza didn't want to give the impression that their Captain-Commander was just ignoring the situation. Even if she said that Murasaki had just up and vanished for whatever reason, she didn't know if this stranger was capable of understanding that. After all, there were fools in the Gotei who wouldn't be able to understand such simple things. Who was to say this utter stranger would?

"As for the perpetrators: they are Arrancar. Several of them breached the Seireitei all at once, theoretically with inside help, but as far as I'm aware those are just rumors. Don't take my word as law."

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Wed Oct 09, 2024 8:20 pm
Noting the name of this newcomer, J was ready to speak when another unfamiliar reiatsu made an appearance, landing near them. Seeing her Division displayed and letting her explain the situation left nothing to respond to here. This man was not breaking the law, a hollow, an arrancar, or anyone that J recognized, so Lyza could deal with him.

"If I sense you flare your reiatsu again, I will consider your motives hostile and deal with you accordingly. Do not test my leniency," J said and turned from the two. A glance over his shoulder to Lyza, the nobleman chose to speak to her with much less vitriol. "I will remain in the area; if I sense yours, I will come immediately." Unless stopped, he shunpo'd away.
Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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From the Depths, Awakened to a Broken World [Open] Empty Re: From the Depths, Awakened to a Broken World [Open]

Wed Oct 09, 2024 8:31 pm

From the Depths,
Awakened to a Broken World

From the Depths, Awakened to a Broken World [Open] RNDqpg8

Suigan's head snapped to the side as he heard another voice, this time one hand swiftly moving to the hilt of his Zanpakuto, though the rest of his body remained perfectly still. When they began to speak his hand began to move away from the Zanpakuto, and as he noted the symbol upon her Shihakasho both hands dropped to his sides. He gave her a nod as she spoke of what she would reveal to him, though it wasn't a surprise that only non-classified details would be revealed.

As she spoke of the Captain-Commander and who was, and wasn't, allowed to speak to them, she also identified herself as not just a member of the First, but a seated officer as well. The next set of words however caused his eyes to narrow, indefinitely? What exactly had happened since his departure? Well her next answer gave him a better idea of what was happening. Out on business? That was... peculiar to say the least, to leave on business after such an attack as this? Exactly who was this Captain-Commander? Questions that would have to be saved for another day and time.

With the other Shinigami making his statement, Suigan nodded in acquiescence to his request to restrain his Reiatsu. His next question was soon answered however as to who the perpetrators were. Rumors of insider help? So were Shinigami working with Arrancarr!? Suigan's jaw visible clenched with anger, though as requested he restrained his fury and anger... for now. He took in a deep breathe before he would speak himself "I.... see. More traitors within the Gotei 13, and here I thought they'd learn from past treasons... guess that was too much to ask for."

He scoffed and spat at the ground "I presume these traitors have been at least rounded up? Even without Yamamoto I assume the Gotei 13 haven't fallen so far as to simply allow them to continue roaming freely within the confines of Soul Society, rumors or not."

The Cat
The Cat
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Thu Oct 10, 2024 4:22 am
From the Depths, Awakened to a Broken World [Open] 7z6pTiN

Lyza | Elsewhere Up There

"Appreciated, but I can hold my own. Take care of yourself first." Was all Lyza got to say to J before he was gone. She hadn't really intended to take over the situation but this was fine, still. She just wasn't immediately armed. For now.

Turning her attention back to Suigan, Lyza eyed him over to assess whether or not he was a threat. He had, after all, shown up only just now. Right after a Hollow attack, nonetheless. The witch had every right to be suspicious.

"Too much to ask for is an understatement." The woman huffed, her professional demeanor slipping for a moment. "Whatever traitors we can find are being rounded up still, yes. We have them, but more importantly the Hollows that threaten the safety of the everyone in the realm still."

But then her eyes narrowed ever so slightly and her head leaned gently into her own shoulder as her eyes caught on the man's Zanpakutou. "And what's that on your hip? You're still calling it the Gotei 13 as if we still have 13 squads. Are you that out of the loop?" Lyza wondered casually, eyes meeting Suigan's so she could gauge his reactions. While she wasn't trying to immediately accuse him of being a renegade or a deserter, she also didn't recognize him, and given the spiritual pressure he had let out earlier he wasn't just some pushover. Probably. "What's your name?"

Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Thu Oct 10, 2024 9:12 am

From the Depths,
Awakened to a Broken World

From the Depths, Awakened to a Broken World [Open] RNDqpg8

So she too agreed with Suigan about the traitor's, well... at least they weren't a complete lost cause if they were rounding up the traitors. As for the hollows; Suigan didn't care much about them truth be told. The ones that had arrived within the Ryugon District hadn't even required him to use much energy to dispatch, though that was likely due to the bulk of their forces being here in the Seireitei if the vista around them was anything to go off of.

That all said, his eyebrow raised rather quickly when she asked about what was on his hip before questioning why he was calling the Gotei 13... The Gotei 13. Surely they still used Zanpakuto..... right? Was that not what the other one was holding? However he decided it was best to answer her questions in order. "As for what is on my hip; it is a Zanpakuto. I can't imagine the Shinigami of this generation have stopped using them, correct?" While he didn't mean to sound condescending, he couldn't help but wonder if she just didn't know or if she wanted too confirm what it was.

"As for whether I am in or out of the loop, are there not 13 Court Guard Squads?" Perhaps a previous invasion had thinned their numbers such that 13 Squads could no longer be adequately filled... But if that was true then earnestly; Suigan would see them as so weak as to be unworthy of the name Shinigami. "As for my name, It's Suigan Sato of Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto's Gotei 13."

The Cat
The Cat
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From the Depths, Awakened to a Broken World [Open] Empty Re: From the Depths, Awakened to a Broken World [Open]

Fri Oct 11, 2024 1:09 pm
From the Depths, Awakened to a Broken World [Open] 7z6pTiN

Lyza | Elsewhere Up There

"So it is..." The witch muttered under her breath as she finally got confirmation. So it was a zanpakutou. And this man claimed to be part of the Gotei 13. It seems the both of them were probably older than they looked. "There are Hollows around the Rukongai and traitors around to be rounded up and prosecuted or culled. As such, I'll keep this brief." Lyza started, not really sure exactly how much she should explain, but at the very least she felt an obligation to explain to this man the reality they lived in now. Why she even had to do so in the first place was still a mystery. Perhaps this man was even more of a shut in than she was.

"There are only 8 squads now. Some squads' functions were considered redundant, so they were merged into the other squads. The intention was to keep it straightforward, if I recall correctly. In regards to the use of zanpakutou, yes we still use them. That much is the same as you remember. As for you and yours... If you really still see yourself as part of Yamamoto-sama's Gotei, then surely you understand he'd scold us both for standing here and chatting like nothing's going on, right? I suggest getting to work so I can do the same."

Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Fri Oct 11, 2024 1:26 pm

From the Depths,
Awakened to a Broken World

From the Depths, Awakened to a Broken World [Open] RNDqpg8

Truth be told if he still was around... Suigan suspected such events as these would've never come to pass. Alas such speculations were meaningless at this stage. "Truth be told if he were still here, I imagine the scolding would be for far more serious things than us just standing here. However I thank you for explaining the situation to me."

So the Thirteen Court Guard Squads were reduced to Eight Court Guard Squads... interesting. He wondered how many from the 13 Captain's still remained, if any remained at all. However what she said had merit to it and standing here talking did little to fix this situation. If traitors still resided within the Gotei then they would be his first priority, although admittedly he suspected if he went around killing the traitors he might not be seen as an ally, not that such a reaction would surprise him after so long.

"One last question before I take my leave to deal with traitors and hollows alike, who is in charge of rounding up these traitors? I should like to introduce myself to them such that I may assist their efforts and not be seen as another enemy of Soul Society."

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