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Bay Watch (Arturo, Fuurinji) Empty Bay Watch (Arturo, Fuurinji)

Fri Oct 04, 2024 8:00 am
Bay Watch (Arturo, Fuurinji) ULCTEPM

The sun was shining, the salty breeze was blowing, and laughter and glee filled the air. What better day to head to the beach and have a blast? Families and friends laid out their towels and umbrellas, volleyball nets billowed in the breeze, sandcastles fit for a sand king being built by the happy little hands of children with buckets, trowels and a bit of imagination. The pinnacle of summer joy, a day to look forward to, a day you'd remember.

Definitely a day to remember.

From the stilted lifeguard tower came an ear piercing whistle that rang out over the coastline, a man in sunglasses stepping out onto the balcony and clutching at the banister. "Dear god..." Bringing his binoculars up to his eyes, he confirmed his suspicions. Something was stirring in those waters... a monster. Even from here, a dorsal fin rose up from the surface, revealing the beast below. Raising up his megaphone, the man belted out to all the patrons of his sands, "Everyone, out of the water, NOW! Shark! Quickly and safely get back to the shore!" Sweat beaded down his forehead, rather it was from the heat of the sun or the stress of everyone's lives in his hands, things were suddenly dire.

Children screaming around him, women screaming around him, men screaming around him, all fleeing the unsafe waters with splashing feet and frantic doggy paddles, desperately attempting to make their way back up onto the shore far away from the monster that lurked beneath that salty waves.

After a moment, the lifeguard scanned the area with his binoculars, taking careful note of any signs of innocent life out there. As far as he could check, everyone was now safely ashore. With a sigh of relief, he hunched over the banister and clutched his heart. This job was going to kill him, bearing the weight of these people on his shoulders, he was the tightrope that all these hopeful young faces walked on. A hero, a simple hero. With a smile, he returned his sunglasses back to his face, and shook his head. Not today ocean... not to- wait... okay what in the fuck?

Snapping his binoculars back up to his face, his brow furrowed as he saw the shark's iconic fin charging straight toward the beach. Was this thing feral? Could sharks even get rabies?! As it got closer, its size was revealed more and more as it surfaced the shallow waters, it was no local beast, he had never seen a shark this big. If he wasn't crazy, he would call this thing a Great White. And this Great White was causing quite a great fright. But something was even more odd than this monster beaching itself on the land. Squinting his eyes in the binoculars, his fingers raked their nails against the wooden railing he supported himself on, nearly falling over the edge as he leaned as far forward as he could.

There... was a man on the back of this shark...? There was a man.. RIDING this shark. Dropping the binoculars with a shakey hand, they plummeted down into the sand with a cloud of dust and a thump. Raising up his megaphone once again, he belted out his final commands to the beach goers. "RUN FOR YOUR LIVES, GRAB YOUR KIDS AND FLEE, FLY YOU FOOLS!" Stumbling backward and tossing aside the megaphone, he scrambled inside the hut, frantically clawing at the radio inside, "We need... somebody! The navy! The president! The fire marshal, send somebody, PLEASE!" And then, he prayed. Rocking with his knees pressed to his chest, he prayed.

Meanwhile, out on the beach, the skinny man that had rode up on the shark was bellowing laughter, yelling at the little humans who fleed in terror. One hand held tightly onto a set of seaweed laden chains, secured into the sharks mouth as some sort of madman makeshift reigns, the other clutched a nearly empty bottle of some sort of alcohol. Atleast it was nearly empty before he started this campaign, now it was full of sea water, but he took a swig all the same. "That's right, run! Bwahahah, high tail it you bilgerats."

Now that the shark was up to its gills in sand, it wasn't doing alot of moving other than flailing around, gasping for breath. The skinny man grimaced down at it, the fun was already over with riding this damn thing it seemed, shame. Clearing his throat and casting a loogey down into the sand, he grumbled to himself and leapt off of the monsterous thing, taking another swig of his seawater cocktail. Looking around, he squinted his eyes and scratching at his head.

Where the fuck was he?

Bay Watch (Arturo, Fuurinji) BoB4nJU


Bay Watch (Arturo, Fuurinji) KuiGFI2
Bay Watch (Arturo, Fuurinji) VX18M0l
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Kanji Man
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Bay Watch (Arturo, Fuurinji) Empty Re: Bay Watch (Arturo, Fuurinji)

Wed Oct 09, 2024 9:44 pm

Bay Watch

Fuurinji had been wandering for quite a long time, though nowhere near as long as her first time wandering. This time however was the same reason as before, no true destination having been set she wandered the world in search of that hidden destination. She knew it resided out there somewhere, but she knew not where it was or how to find it.

Of course, wandering sure did end up leading one to all sorts of places, from deserts to wastelands to mountains and even beaches! In the World of the Living, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups; the Humans who investigated mundane activities and the Shinigami who prosecuted spiritual offenders. This is one of those stories.

As Fuurinji wandered the beach, it wasn't difficult to notice the rapidly approaching spiritual signature of a hollow. The only thing that took a moment, was for him and her to arrive at the same point, though as he jumped off his would-be-mount, Fuurinji came dashing in with a strong, swift kick to the shark to send it flying back into the ocean "It's rude to let an animal suffer like that." Her body twisted towards the hollow with a strong rising uppercut, intent on sending the hollow straight up into the sky.

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Last edited by Kanji Man on Thu Oct 10, 2024 7:53 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Bay Watch (Arturo, Fuurinji) Empty Re: Bay Watch (Arturo, Fuurinji)

Thu Oct 10, 2024 7:45 pm
Bay Watch (Arturo, Fuurinji) ULCTEPM

What in the salty sea...? Did this lass just launch the shark he spent all day wrangling back into the god damn drink? Not only that, but she came in fists flying. Even in his drunken state, Arturo stumbled backward away from that sucker punch, tugging the toothy bone blade from his hip and slicing it in front of him as he did. It could be that he was feeling particularly affected by his sea salt cocktail, but he went tumbling backward from this momentum, landing flat on his back. Atleast, he should have landed flat on his back, but he instead was swallowed up by the sand with a ripple like he had landed in a pool. His form disappeared and it seemed so did his reiatsu signature, melting away into the ether before her very eyes. That was, if she had been able to see.

After a moment, a ways up the beach behind his assailant, he would launch up out of the sandy shore, hurling a glowing blue bala that tore through the air toward her at a blinding speed. "Do you have a god damn clue how long it took me to wrestle that toothy bastard?!" His gravelly voice slurred out to her, "That's it, I'm using you for shark bait.."

Bay Watch (Arturo, Fuurinji) BoB4nJU


Bay Watch (Arturo, Fuurinji) KuiGFI2
Bay Watch (Arturo, Fuurinji) VX18M0l
Bay Watch (Arturo, Fuurinji) NglOVkP

Kanji Man
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Bay Watch (Arturo, Fuurinji) Empty Re: Bay Watch (Arturo, Fuurinji)

Thu Oct 10, 2024 8:13 pm

Bay Watch

His stumbling backwards alone didn't save him from Fuurinji, for there was no time between him beginning to stumble backwards than her charging forward again. Him sinking into the sand however did, as her fist slammed into the ground causing the sand to erupt upwards and leaving a small divot where the sand once lay. After his disappearance however, her body didn't move as one would expect, her head did not swivel around as if trying to find someone, her body didn't move to be defensive. No instead she... simply stood there with her fist planted firmly into the ground.

Of course, sight was something only those who weren't blind relied upon and the cloth around her face, at the very least, suggested she was not reliant on sight. Instead her body remained motionless until he made his reappearance, at which point her body flickered away just before the bala slammed into the ground. Fuurinji moving upwards to meet him on the same level within the sky though several feet away from him.

"Worry not, Arrancarr, I shall end this quickly for your sake." Her right hand became coated with a black aura before her form once more flickered, aiming to reappear in front of him "Tesshō" A single word was said before bringing that same right hand into the Arrancarr's stomach. Of course... On its own the Minor Yin could be dangerous, but the combination of Tesshō made it ever moreso, a technique aimed at putting the full force of ones strength into an attack.

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Bay Watch (Arturo, Fuurinji) Empty Re: Bay Watch (Arturo, Fuurinji)

Thu Oct 10, 2024 9:09 pm
Bay Watch (Arturo, Fuurinji) ULCTEPM

Arturo's eye twitched as this random party crasher spouted her haughty swill, he had his suspicions she was a Shinigami, but now he was sure of it. It was nearly enough to make him spit, but you know what they say about spitting in the wind. As she readied herself, her fist was coated in blackness, to which Arturo raised an eyebrow, wondering just what she had in store for him. As she blitzed him, reappearing with a devastingly powerful punch hurling for him, he hopped the punch if only just barely, feeling it sail beneath him with enough power to give him goosebumps across his weathered skin. The corners of his mouth curled into a grin, feeling his cold dead blood pumping now, raising his jagged blade up with both hands, the point aimed downward at this woman ready to plunge it right into her chest with a mighty heave. He planned for some follow through on this particular attack, best case scenario he cut this bitch in half, worst case scenario he launched himself back down into the safety of the sand below. She was proving to not be just some normal World of the Living hollow fodder, and he was realizing he might have to take this a little more seriously.

He had wandered out here to blow off some steam, those bastards in Hueco Mundo planning a raid on THE Soul Society... The one and only, home to all those pompous little pricks that he so desperately wanted to cut down. And yet, no invite, no call, no messenger, no NOTHING. Leave the crazy old bastard out in the desert to rot, yeah... that didn't sit right with him. So fuck it, why not go cut down a few humans and rampage through town for a bit, who gave a fuck. Since he was so damn forgettable, why not make alittle noise to get some attention.

And now.... who do we have to come uninvited to this little shindig but one of those little runts that they supposedly went out of their way to go slaughter. Obviously they didn't do too good of a job, the roaches were still crawling here and there. If you're going to do a full scale invasion... you had better of made it count.

Bay Watch (Arturo, Fuurinji) BoB4nJU


Bay Watch (Arturo, Fuurinji) KuiGFI2
Bay Watch (Arturo, Fuurinji) VX18M0l
Bay Watch (Arturo, Fuurinji) NglOVkP

Kanji Man
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Bay Watch (Arturo, Fuurinji) Empty Re: Bay Watch (Arturo, Fuurinji)

Thu Oct 10, 2024 9:37 pm

Bay Watch

The force of the strike she'd tried to hit the Arrancarr with sent out a small shockwave through the air where he had been, likely confirming his theory about the dangers of such a strike. However as his expectation for a follow-up would be met with disappointment as none came, however as he raised his blade to bring it down towards her the black energy vanished from her right hand as her left hand came up. Her left hand was now coated in a white energy and came to clash against the side of the blade, the energy itself seeming to almost act like a small barrier of some kind.

However she didn't simply stop moving, instead her fist continued to push forward as her lower body moved to slam her foot into the side of the Arrancarr. She assumed he would either dodge the attack, or at the very least be sent flying away from her. Either case meant she had the time for her next move, where her right hand reached down to grab the hilt of her Zanpakuto and pull it forth. If by some chance he was still nearby, the swinging blade would hopefully make him rethink staying so close as she rose it above her head yet facing downwards. Words exchanged were meaningless at this point, so when she opened her mouth to speak... it wasn't words directed towards Arturo that came out.

"Whirl and Howl, Muraki Kitakaze"

Her words seemed to be almost carried across the wind itself right to Arturo's ear, sounding almost as if she were directly next to him despite likely being quite the distance away. Additionally, the wind around her whipped up into what seemed like a miniature tornado that wrapped around her to obfuscate her form, a tornado that was dispersed only a few moments later to reveal the lack of a Zanpakuto and instead a twinned pair of three-taloned gauntlets.

"Drawing your blade on a Shinigami, will be your final mistake."

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Bay Watch (Arturo, Fuurinji) Empty Re: Bay Watch (Arturo, Fuurinji)

Sun Oct 13, 2024 12:04 am
Bay Watch (Arturo, Fuurinji) ULCTEPM

After she blocked his incoming strike, Arturo bared down into his blade with more malice, wanting desperately to shatter through whatever monochromatic defense she seemed to brandish. But before he could manage to make any progress, a swift kick to his side sent him flying through the air like a drunken ragdoll before he clawed himself back upright. His side stung, and even through his toughened hierro, he felt an ache in his ribs. This bitch was determined to sober him up, it seemed.

Standing now in the air high above the sands, he cracked his neck from one side to the other. She seemed to be cutting to the chase, releasing her weapon and taking things up a notch. By now, most everyone in the area had fled to whatever hidey holes they could find, leaving the beach almost entirely vacant aside from the brawling duo. Curling his lip in a grimace at her squabbling, he gripped his bone blade tighter in his fist.

"You shut yer gaddamn yap, Shinigami..." He finally called out, ready to spear this squealing pig once and for all. Blistering blue light once again welled up in his hand as he hurled forward another bala, then immediately diving downward into the sand below, melting away into the surface as he rushed through the earth in her direction, springing up from below with sword aimed upward like a jack-in-the-box aiming to harpoon her before she knew what hit her.

Bay Watch (Arturo, Fuurinji) BoB4nJU


Bay Watch (Arturo, Fuurinji) KuiGFI2
Bay Watch (Arturo, Fuurinji) VX18M0l
Bay Watch (Arturo, Fuurinji) NglOVkP

Kanji Man
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Bay Watch (Arturo, Fuurinji) Empty Re: Bay Watch (Arturo, Fuurinji)

Sun Oct 13, 2024 9:25 pm

Bay Watch

She had a distinct advantage this high above the ground, the wind itself was her ally and granted her a extraordinary level of sight beyond what most saw. At the same time, it limited her ability to denote some things that others might more easily pick up on at the same time. Such as the bala that was used rather than a Cero, something she'd expected the Arrancarr to use after his first Bala had failed.

This however meant she was struck by the Bala, sending her backwards though she managed to catch herself and straighten herself as the man vanished beneath the sand once more. Once again she did not move, simply awaiting the man to reappear before she'd make her move. The fact he hadn't released yet had given her enough information to inform her next choice, waiting for him to ascend back into the air before her form flickered out of view right before he would've connected.

This time however she did not move far, only a few feet behind him. She did not move to strike however, instead the loud clanging of metal against metal sounded out behind him followed by two quick words "Kaze Rōgoku" Wind erupted from around her, swiftly swirling and wrapping around the immediate area, causing their surroundings to begin shifting in what could only be considered irrational directions. The beach that once resided beneath them, the sea, the city in the backdrop, everything moved and shifted now.

Her opponent would find their capacity to discern direction and awareness of their surroundings disrupted and distorted by these 'Astral Winds'. "You've revealed your hand too soon, and now you shall find yourself forever trapped within my winds." Even Fuurinji's exact whereabouts were distorted, her voice coming from all directions and no directions all at once. Her hand raised towards him as a red ball of flame formed.

"Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south! Hadō no Sanjyuichi Shakkahō"

A blast of red energy erupted from the red ball, though with ordinary senses the exact direction would be near impossible to discern.

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Bay Watch (Arturo, Fuurinji) Empty Re: Bay Watch (Arturo, Fuurinji)

Today at 1:25 pm
Bay Watch (Arturo, Fuurinji) ULCTEPM

Once again he was left without the feeling of purchase on his blade, this slippery bitch vanishing just before he had a chance to knife her. Pretty quick for a blind chick. Gritting his teeth, Arturo scanned the area, his eventual cue being the clanging of metal behind him. Whipping around, he hurled his blade toward his opponent once again, aiming to finally harpoon her right through the chest. But as his blade seemingly sunk into the ether, the image of this woman bled away into the torrent of winds that surrounded him now, leaving him adrift amongst its chaotic currents.

He let out a chuckle as she taunted him, gripping his blade with white knuckled malice, her voice fluctuating and fluttering around him amix the storm. He looked here and there as he tried to gather his bearings, realizing quickly that that wouldn't exactly be easy. But he's weathered worse storms than this, and its not like he could drown twice anyway. Bring it on, bitch.

Suddenly from the torrent of whipping winds, a blast of searing hot red energy pelted him against the back of the head, causing him to wince as his hardened flesh crackled and seared like fried fish. Whipping around to try and target where he had been struck, he bared his teeth and roared out a blistering blue Cero, tearing into the storm with rippling energy in an attempted counter-attack. Clutching his blade tightly in his fist, his scalp stung as it sizzled and reformed, his regenerar already beginning to patch up her kido strike as he tried to find her in the torrent, his pesquisa reaching out its feelers into the winds to hunt down his prey.

Bay Watch (Arturo, Fuurinji) BoB4nJU


Bay Watch (Arturo, Fuurinji) KuiGFI2
Bay Watch (Arturo, Fuurinji) VX18M0l
Bay Watch (Arturo, Fuurinji) NglOVkP

Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Bay Watch (Arturo, Fuurinji) Empty Re: Bay Watch (Arturo, Fuurinji)

Today at 1:56 pm

Bay Watch

Her Hadō had landed and proven he was trapped within the astral winds, and just as expected of a seasoned warrior his reaction told him to attack where he'd felt the attack come from. However Fuurinji hadn't remained stationary after the strike and her form had flickered from view once more as he went to launch his Cero where the Shakkaho had come from, ending with little more than the distorted image around him to shift in unnatural ways as if every bit of their actual surrounding had been struck by the one cero all at once.

"Since you're clearly a sailor, let me put this into words you will understand. My Kaze Rōgoku will feel much like a ship lost at sea trapped within a turbulent storm. Your fangs, no matter how sharp, will fail you every time." He was smart to begin relying on his pesquisa instead of his physical senses, but would he be able to overcome the physical reflex that most seasoned fighters had when it came to being struck? As her words fluttered chaotically through the storm around them her form would reappear, in almost every direction, charging towards him, her right hand swinging forward coated in its black aura.


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Bay Watch (Arturo, Fuurinji) Empty Re: Bay Watch (Arturo, Fuurinji)

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